Townsend or Townshend may refer to:
Devin Garret Townsend (born May 5, 1972) is a Canadian musician and record producer. He was the founder, songwriter, vocalist, and guitarist in extreme metal band Strapping Young Lad from 1994 to 2007 and has had an extensive career as a solo artist.
After performing in a number of metal bands in high school, Townsend was discovered by a record label in 1993 and was asked to perform lead vocals on Steve Vai's album Sex & Religion. After recording and touring with Vai, Townsend was discouraged by what he found in the music industry, and vented his anger on a solo album released under the pseudonym Strapping Young Lad. He soon assembled a band under the name, and released the critically acclaimed City in 1997. Since then, he has released three more studio albums with Strapping Young Lad, along with solo material released under his own independent record label, HevyDevy Records. Townsend's solo albums, a diverse mix of hard rock and progressive metal, have featured a varying lineup of supporting musicians. In 2002 he formed The Devin Townsend Band, a dedicated lineup which recorded and toured for two of his solo releases.
Devin Townsend Project - Sky Blue [Z² Disc 1] (Full Album)
Devin Townsend performs 'Kingdom' for EMGtv
The Retinal Circus HD - Devin Townsend
DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT - Rejoice (Lyric Video)
Knuckle Puck - "Townsend"
Best Ski Line of 2014 - Cody Townsend's Epic Chute
Devin Townsend - Casualties of Cool (Full Album) *HQ* ft. Ché Aimee
Pete Townsend acoustic Won't Get Fooled Again
DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT - March Of The Poozers (Lyric Video)
Devin Townsend Project @ Metro Chicago 11/26/2014 Full show
Devin Townsend Project - Deconstruction (Full Album 2011 HQ)
Devin Townsend Project - Wacken 2014 (official full live) [HD]
Devin Townsend Project - Wacken 2014 (stream full live)
The lazaret ship Brittanic is used by England to transport weapons to Egypt. The German secret service wants to show that abuse of the red cross by overtaking the ship and steering it to a neutral port for inspection. The British secret service hear rumors of an operation and places its own agent, Vera Campell, a board, using the false identity of the nanny of the wife of the British Ambassador in Greece. The German plot to overtake the ship fails, so does a torpedo attack by a submarine. Will the ship be captured?
Keywords: 1910s, based-on-true-story, betrayal, bible, bravery, button, candle, captain's-dinner, cgi, chaplain
They Never Thought It Would Happen Again
Vera Campbell: I hate you for what you've done, but I cant let you die!
Sara Lewis: If that's his limb, where is the rest of him?::William Lewis: Under your bed, all rotten and smelly!
When Singapore surrendered to the Japanese in 1942 the Allied POWs, mostly British but including a few Americans, were incarcerated in Changi prison. This was a POW detention center like no other. There were no walls or barbed-wire fences for the simple reason that there was no place for the prisoners to escape to. Included among the prisoners is the American Cpl. King, a wheeler dealer who has managed to established a pretty good life for himself in the camp. While most of the prisoners are near starvation and have uniforms that are in tatters, King eats well and and has crisp clean clothes to wear every day. His nemesis is Lt. Robin Grey, the camp Provost who attempts to keep good order and discipline. He knows that King is breaking camp rules by bartering with the Japanese but can't quite get the evidence he needs to stop him. King soon forms a friendship with Lt. Peter Marlowe an upper class British officer who is fascinated with King's élan and no rules approach to life. As the story develops, it reveals the hypocrisy of the British class system and for King, the fact that his position in Changi's "society" is tenuous as best.
Keywords: all-male-cast, based-on-novel, deep-focus, dog, hypodermic, independent-film, japan, prisoner-of-war, rat, singapore
He entered WWII a soldier... and left a King.
They made the toughest among them... King!
Lt. Robin Grey: Why do you think it is, Corporal, that you have so much and the rest of us so little? One day, Corporal, you're going to make a slip. All this wealth you've got isn't going to check against my list. And when you do; when that happens... I'll be ready. And you'll be in there... [points to the bamboo cage] in my cage. I'm not playing at being provost marshall, you know. And I've never yet heard of a run of luck that didn't run out. And yours will - depend on it - because you're like all criminals: you're greedy.::Cpl. King: Lieutenant, I'd like to point out to you that I don't have to put up with this crap from you. I'm not in your two-bit army, I'm in our two-bit army. If you're looking for something to live for, when we get out of this you come looking for me and I'll hand you your head.
Cpl. King: How's that chair feel?::Peter Marlowe: Fine.::Cpl. King: Cost me eighty bucks.::Peter Marlowe: Did it? Yes, well I'd never have guessed.::Cpl. King: You'da said more, huh?::Peter Marlowe: No, I don't think so. I don't think I'd have said anything really. I've never been a great 'chair price guesser'.
[King asks Marlowe to say something in Malay]::Peter Marlowe: What sort of thing?::Cpl. King: I don't care. Anything, I just wanna hear you.::[Marlowe says a sentence in Malay]::Cpl. King: Hey, that's pretty good. You hear that, Max? [to Marlowe] What's that mean?::Peter Marlowe: Well, it doesn't really have a literal translation. But, uh, roughly speaking, it means, "When do I have to kiss the - - on the ass?"::[all the other prisoners in the barracks turn and look]::Cpl. King: After the egg. Never before meals.
[Lt. Grey has come into King's hut while Marlowe is there]::Lt. Robin Grey: You're slumming aren't you, Marlowe?::Peter Marlowe: Don't be a snob, old man. Never make a good policeman if you're a snob. Everyone looks the same with their knickers down.
[Dr. Kennedy and Stevens are bandaging Marlowe's wound]::Stevens: What's the matter with you, Stevens?::Stevens: Oh, nothing.::Dr. Kennedy: You're a liar, Stevens. You shave your legs and you're a liar. But you care. You care; that's what saves you.::Stevens: Saves me from what, sir?::Dr. Kennedy: Yourself, Stevens, yourself.::Stevens: I thought you were gonna say from a fate worse than death, sir.::Dr. Kennedy: There's no such thing.
Cpl. King: [to Marlowe] You know, before this, everybody had it made but me. The closest I ever got was to read it out of magazines. I used to watch those real fancy dolls getting out of the big cars going to eat the big dinner. And they're always with pigs. You know, real pigs. Fat old guys; but they had it made.
[last lines]::Peter Marlowe: [speaking about King] It wouldn't have occurred to you would it, Grey, that you're only alive because of what he gave you?::Lt. Robin Grey: What are you talking about? I never took anything from him. He never gave me anything.::Peter Marlowe: Only hate, Grey. Only hate.
Cpl. King: [while preparing meal] If you don't want to eat it, you can sit and watch, it's a free prison!
Col. George Smedley-Taylor: The Senior Officers: I'll probably die of apoplexy... Trying to enforce insane laws imposed by incompetent administrators.::Yoshima: The Japanese: I shall report your impertinence to to General Oshima::Col. George Smedley-Taylor: The Senior Officers: Yes, please do... And ask him who gave the order that each man in the camp was to catch 20 flies a day, and that they should be collected and counted and delivered daily to your office personally by me.
In the Arizona desert, Professor Gerald Deemer is experimenting with growth hormones in the hopes of finding a way to increase the world's food supply. His partner in the project was recently found dead in the desert, suffering from a disease that normally takes years to advance but in his case seems to have afflicted him in only a few days. The local doctor, Matt Hastings, is puzzled by the strange case and with Deemer's recently arrived - and very pretty - assistant Stephanie Clayton tries to figure out what is going on. When cattle remains are found in the countryside, the evidence points to a giant tarantula as the culprit.
Keywords: 1950s, acromegaly, arizona, babe-scientist, cattle, cattle-ranch, cattle-rancher, convertible, day, day-for-night
More terrifying than any horror known to man comes a creeping crawling monster whose towering fury no one can escape!
Science-fiction's most terrifying thrill!
Even Science was stunned!
Science's Deadliest Accident
Bullets Can't Stop It! Dynamite Can't Kill It!
Giant spider strikes! Crawling terror 100 feet high!
Monster Spider...crawling terror 100 feet high!
Researchers seeking clue! Can anything escape it?
Prof. Gerald Deemer: The disease of hunger, like most diseases, well, it spreads. There are 2 billion people in the world today. In 1975 there'll be 3 billion. In the year 2000, there'll be 3,625,000,000. The world may not be able to produce enough food to feed all these people. Now perhaps you'll understand what an inexpensive nutrient will mean.::Dr. Matt Hastings: Well, not many of us look that far in the future, sir.::Prof. Gerald Deemer: Our business is the future. No man can do it on his own, of course. You don't pull it out of your hat like a magician's rabbit. You - well, you build on what hundreds of others have learned before you.
Andy Andersen: [viewing what's left of his dead cattle] I never saw anything like it! No footprints! No blood! No sign of a struggle! The bones just stripped clean like peeling a banana!
Dr. Matt Hastings: But what if circumstances magnified one of them in size and strength, took it out of its primitive world, and turned it loose in ours?::Prof. Townsend: Then expect something that's fiercer, more cruel and deadly than anything that ever walked on earth!
Dr. Matt Hastings: The desert, it gives people wonderful ideas!
Prof. Gerald Deemer: The history of medicine is the history of the unusual;
Stephanie 'Steve' Clayton: What does it look like?::Dr. Matt Hastings: Oh, like something from another life scienc... quiet, yet strangely evil as if it were hiding its secrets from man.::Stephanie 'Steve' Clayton: You make it sound so creepy.::Dr. Matt Hastings: The unknown always is.
Sheriff Jack Andrews: What have you git, Matt?::Dr. Matt Hastings: I don't know, but we've got to keep our mouths shut until we know.
Dr. Matt Hastings: I may be just a country doctor, but I know what I know.
Stephanie 'Steve' Clayton: Science or no science, a girl's got to get her hair done.
Joe Burch: I nearly wet the bed when I heard about Jacobs.
Sadistic Stephen Danel owns a penal island, and when he is not humiliating and mistreating his wife, he is torturing his convict prisoners and using them for slave labor. Government agent Mark Sheldon is sent to infiltrate the island and bring Danel to justice.
Keywords: airplane, arms-tied-overhead, bare-chested-male, bare-chested-male-bondage, chains, cigarette-smoking, courtroom, diamond, double-breasted-suit, dysfunctional-marriage
Beauty and the Beast!
There's no escape... from his FIEND'S PARADISE of torture!
Paroled prisoners ENSLAVED... in a tropical PARADISE of torture!
A beautiful woman... THE VICTIM... of this connoisseur of CRUELTY!
Men die under the lash... of his TORTURING WHIP...! Women SHUDDER at the touch!
Women shuddering at his cruel caress! Men dying under his torturing lash!
Stephen Danel: [to Capt. Cort who's about to flog Mark Sheldon, a.k.a. Mr. Smith] Don't overdo it, Captain. There's a lot Mr. Smith ought to tell me and he may want to tell me before you finish. Oh, and be sure that he's able to work tomorrow.
Jackson: Did you ever hear of a man named Steven Danel?::Mark Sheldon: I don't think so.::Jackson: Well, Danel is our man. Lincoln freed the slaves. Mr. Danel is back in the trade and doing very well at it.
Stephen Danel: You ought to do something about your nervous condition, Mr. Brand. You must never talk too much. Nervous men sometimes talk too much, and they make mistakes, and you musn't make mistakes, Mr. Brand.
Stephen Danel: Keep that monkey away from me!
Doctor Rosener: What do you plan to do about him?::Stephen Danel: What do I plan to do about him? I have many plans for Mr. Smith.
Stephen Danel: Crying, Lorraine? Many men are whipped on this island. You've never cried before.
Stephen Danel: [speaking of Mark Sheldon] He's tall and dark and quite attractive, I suppose.
Stephen Danel: Didn't I tell you about that monkey? I'll teach you to - [Danel shoots the monkey]::Lorraine Danel: Don't!::Stephen Danel: Throw that thing out! DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME! [Siggy goes to get his monkey's remains]::Lorraine Danel: You're so brave. Against things that can't fight back.::Stephen Danel: Don't... don't make me do anything else, Lorraine. Please don't.
Stephen Danel: [Unlocking the gate] One moment, gentlemen. We have no police on the island, so one has to take certain precautions. [Mark reaches up to touch wire fencing] Oh, I wouldn't touch those wires if I were you, Mr. Smith. There's a slight electrical current passing through them, to keep out the animals and snakes. You see the jungle comes awfully close to us here.
Mitchell: [to Danel] You dirty slave-trading rat!
Naive and idealistic Jefferson Smith, leader of the Boy Rangers, is appointed on a lark by the spineless governor of his state. He is reunited with the state's senior senator--presidential hopeful and childhood hero, Senator Joseph Paine. In Washington, however, Smith discovers many of the shortcomings of the political process as his earnest goal of a national boys' camp leads to a conflict with the state political boss, Jim Taylor. Taylor first tries to corrupt Smith and then later attempts to destroy Smith through a scandal.
Keywords: aide, american, american-politics, appointment, band, banquet, bill, briefcase, camp, car-accident
Capra at his greatest!
Stirring - In the seeing! Precious - In the remembering!
Capra's Greatest Hit --- The Screen At Its Most Inspired!
Entertainment As Powerful As the Strength of the People! As Great As the Genius of Capra!
Romance, drama, laughter and heartbreak ... created out of the very heart and soil of America ... by a great director and cast!
Jefferson Smith: You see, boys forget what their country means by just reading The Land of the Free in history books. Then they get to be men they forget even more. Liberty's too precious a thing to be buried in books, Miss Saunders. Men should hold it up in front of them every single day of their lives and say: I'm free to think and to speak. My ancestors couldn't, I can, and my children will. Boys ought to grow up remembering that.
Jefferson Smith: Either I'm dead right, or I'm crazy!
[the filibuster begins]::President of Senate: The Chair recognizes... Senator Smith!::Jefferson Smith: Thank you, sir.::Clarissa Saunders: Diz, here we go.::Jefferson Smith: Well, I guess the gentlemen are in a pretty tall hurry to get me out of here. The way the evidence has piled up against me, I can't say I blame them much. And I'm quite willing to go, sir, when they vote it that way - but before that happens I've got a few things I want to say to this body. I tried to say them once before, and I got stopped colder than a mackerel. Well, I'd like to get them said this time, sir. And as a matter of fact, I'm not going to leave this body until I do get them said.::Senator Joseph Paine: Mr. President, will the Senator yield?::President of Senate: Will the Senator yield?::Jefferson Smith: No, sir, I'm afraid not, no sir. I yielded the floor once before, if you can remember, and I was practically never heard of again. No sir. And we might as well all get together on this yielding business right off the bat, now. [laughter from the gallery] Now, I had some pretty good coaching last night, and I find that if I yield only for a question or a point of order or a personal privilege, that I can hold this floor almost until doomsday. In other words, I've got a piece to speak, and blow hot or cold, I'm going to speak it.::Senator Joseph Paine: Will the Senator yield?::President of Senate: Will Senator Smith yield?::Jefferson Smith: Yield how, sir?::Senator Joseph Paine: Will he yield for a question?::Jefferson Smith: For a question, all right.
Senator Joseph Paine: I wish to ask my distinguished colleague, has he one scrap of evidence to add now to the defense he did not give and could not give at that same hearing?::Jefferson Smith: I have no defense against forged papers!::Senator Joseph Paine: The Committee ruled otherwise! The gentleman stands guilty, as charged. And I believe I speak for every member when I say that no one cares to hear what a man of his condemned character has to say about any section of any legislation before this House.::President of Senate: Order, order, gentlemen.::Jefferson Smith: Mr. President, I stand guilty as FRAMED! Because section 40 is graft! And I was ready to say so, I was ready to tell you that a certain man in my state, a Mr. James Taylor, wanted to put through this dam for his own profit. A man who controls a political machine! And controls everything else worth controlling in my state. Yes, and a man even powerful enough to control Congressmen - and I saw three of them in his room the day I went up to see him!::Senator Joseph Paine: Will the Senator yield?::Jefferson Smith: No, sir, I will not yield! And this same man, Mr. James Taylor, came down here and offered me a seat in this Senate for the next 20 years if I voted for a dam that he knew, and I knew, was a fraud. But if I dared to open my mouth against that dam, he promised to break me in two.
[after all the other Senators walk out]::Jefferson Smith: Oh, Mr. President, we seem to be alone. I, I'm not complaining for a social reason; it's just, I think it'd be a pity if these gentlemen missed any of this, and...::[Clarissa starts waving from the visitors gallery, and making hand signals]::Jefferson Smith: And, uh...::[he grabs the rule book]::Jefferson Smith: I, I call the chair's attention to... to, uh... Rule 5 of the Standing Rules of the Senate, Section... Section 3. "If it shall be found that a quorum is not present, a majority of the Senators present" - and that looks like me - uh, uh, "may direct the Sergeant-at-Arms to request, and if necessary compel, the attendance of the absent Senators." Well, Mr. President, I so direct.
Diz Moore: [dictating into phone] In protest, the whole Senate body rose and walked out.::Clarissa Saunders: No! No, not that straight stuff. Now listen, kick it up, get on his side, fight for him! Understand?::Diz Moore: You love this monkey - don't you?::Clarissa Saunders: What do you think? Now listen, go to work. Do as I tell you.::Diz Moore: [into phone] Throw out that last, take this. This is the most titanic battle of modern times. A David without even a slingshot rises to do battle against the mighty Goliath, the Taylor machine, allegedly crooked inside and out. Yeah, and for my money, you can cut out the "allegedly."
Senator Joseph Paine: He can raise public opinion against us - if any part of this sticks...::James Taylor: Aah, he'll never get started. I'll make public opinion out there within five hours! I've done it all my life. I'll blacken this punk so that he'll - You leave public opinion to me. Now, Joe, I think you'd better go back into the Senate and keep those Senators lined up.
Jefferson Smith: [His voice very hoarse] Just get up off the ground, that's all I ask. Get up there with that lady that's up on top of this Capitol dome, that lady that stands for liberty. Take a look at this country through her eyes if you really want to see something. And you won't just see scenery; you'll see the whole parade of what Man's carved out for himself, after centuries of fighting. Fighting for something better than just jungle law, fighting so's he can stand on his own two feet, free and decent, like he was created, no matter what his race, color, or creed. That's what you'd see. There's no place out there for graft, or greed, or lies, or compromise with human liberties. And, uh, if that's what the grownups have done with this world that was given to them, then we'd better get those boys' camps started fast and see what the kids can do. And it's not too late, because this country is bigger than the Taylors, or you, or me, or anything else. Great principles don't get lost once they come to light. They're right here; you just have to see them again!
[when Smith is announced as the newly appointed Senator]::James Taylor: I want you to let the ballyhoo boys loose, plan a celebration, and declare a holiday.
Jefferson Smith: I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too.
The Peppers - Mrs. Pepper and her five children Polly, Ben, Joey, Davie and Phronsie - are a poor family (the six of them sleep in a total of four beds in two rooms), but they love each other and as a result are happy. Mrs. Pepper's husband, John Pepper, a mining engineer, died when the copper mine in which he had half ownership collapsed atop him. Mid-teen Polly was deeded his part of the mine, which her mother has told her her father wanted her to keep at least until she became of age, despite he never having found copper in it. Polly often acts as the family guardian to her siblings while Mrs. Pepper is at work. By chance, Polly and Joey meet well-off but lonely mid-teen Jasper King, who ends up befriending all the Pepper children. Jasper lives with his wealthy businessman grandfather, J.H. King, who pays his grandson no attention as he is all consumed with making money to the exclusion of all else. J.H. has no interest in Jasper befriending this poor family until he learns who they are as J.H. has purchased the other 50% control of the mine and wants Polly's half for a song if possible to start developing it. Without telling them of his intention, J.H. starts spending time with the Peppers, wooing them with gifts. But J.H., out of circumstance, is forced to spend more time with the Peppers than he ever imagined. The Pepper children love their new friends J.H. and Jasper, but will that change if they learn J.H.'s initial friendship motive of wanting Polly's half of the mine?
Keywords: 1930s, aunt, based-on-novel, blindness, brother, butler, cake, cart, character-name-in-title, cook
YOU ASKED TO MEET ALL OF THEM AGAIN...So here they are (original poster)
Professor John Sylvestus Applegate has been dismissed from his college teaching position for objecting too loudly to the predominant part that football and other sports play in the curriculum, and soon finds himself dead broke when publishers show no interest in the dry material he brings to them. He meets a young boy, Laury and his mother, Sharon in the park and is quite taken with them. He gets a job-prospect letter, as a private tutor, and applies at once. His employer is Mr. Morley, a surly, sour, mean-tempered old man who informs John he is to act as a tutor for his grandson, who turns out to be Laury. Sharon, Morleys daughter had eloped against her father's wishes and was abandoned by her husband after Laury's birth.
Keywords: american-football, author, b-movie, blanket, bookstore, burlesque, college, college-professor, father-daughter-relationship, father-son-relationship
Devin Townsend Project - Sky Blue [Z² Disc 1] (Full Album)
Devin Townsend performs 'Kingdom' for EMGtv
The Retinal Circus HD - Devin Townsend
DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT - Rejoice (Lyric Video)
Knuckle Puck - "Townsend"
Best Ski Line of 2014 - Cody Townsend's Epic Chute
Devin Townsend - Casualties of Cool (Full Album) *HQ* ft. Ché Aimee
Pete Townsend acoustic Won't Get Fooled Again
DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT - March Of The Poozers (Lyric Video)
Devin Townsend Project @ Metro Chicago 11/26/2014 Full show
Devin Townsend Project - Deconstruction (Full Album 2011 HQ)
Devin Townsend Project - Wacken 2014 (official full live) [HD]
Devin Townsend Project - Wacken 2014 (stream full live)
Devin Townsend Project - Ghost [Full album]
Devin Townsend Project - Addicted 'By a Thread'
Devin Townsend Project - Live at Tuska Open Air Metal Festival
Devin Townsend Project - Dark Matters [Z² Disc 2] (Full Album)
Devin Townsend - Infinity [Full Album]
Devin Townsend Project - Ghost 'By a Thread'
The Devin Townsend Band - Synchestra [Full Album]
Exclusive Devin Townsend instrumental "Willy Wanka" EMG 57/66 on EMGtv
Cody Townsend — Days Of My Youth — POWDER TV