John Sidney McCain III (born August 29, 1936) is the senior United States Senator from Arizona. He was the Republican presidential nominee in the 2008 United States election.
McCain followed his father and grandfather, both four-star admirals, into the United States Navy, graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958. He became a naval aviator, flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers. During the Vietnam War, he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire. In October 1967, while on a bombing mission over Hanoi, he was shot down, seriously injured, and captured by the North Vietnamese. He was a prisoner of war until 1973. McCain experienced episodes of torture, and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer. His war wounds left him with lifelong physical limitations.
He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona, where he entered politics. Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982, he served two terms, and was then elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986, winning re-election easily four times, most recently in 2010. While generally adhering to conservative principles, McCain at times has had a media reputation as a "maverick" for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues. After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five, he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns, which eventually led to the passage of the McCain-Feingold Act in 2002. He is also known for his work towards restoring diplomatic relations with Vietnam in the 1990s, and for his belief that the war in Iraq should be fought to a successful conclusion. McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee, opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel, and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations.
Lindsey Olin Graham (born July 9, 1955) is the senior United States Senator from South Carolina and a member of the Republican Party. Previously he served as the United States Representative for South Carolina's 3rd congressional district.
Graham was born in Central, South Carolina, where his parents, Millie and Florence James Graham, ran a liquor store, the Sanitary Cafe. After graduating from D. W. Daniel High School, Graham became the first member of his family to attend college and joined the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. When he was 21 his mother died, and his father died 15 months later. Because his sister was left orphaned, the service allowed Graham to attend University of South Carolina in Columbia so he could be near home and care for his sister, whom he adopted. During his studies, he became a member of the fraternity Pi Kappa Phi.
Graham graduated from the University of South Carolina with a B.A. in Psychology in 1977 and from the University of South Carolina School of Law with a J.D. in 1981. Upon graduating, Graham was commissioned as an officer and judge advocate in the United States Air Force, placed on active duty and sent to Europe as a military prosecutor. He eventually entered private practice as a lawyer.
James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr. (born October 1, 1924) is an American politician who served as the 39th President of the United States (1977–1981) and was the recipient of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize, the only U.S. President to have received the Prize after leaving office. Before he became President, Carter served as a U.S. Naval officer, was a peanut farmer, served two terms as a Georgia State Senator and one as Governor of Georgia (1971–1975).
During Carter's term as President, two new cabinet-level departments were created: the Department of Energy and the Department of Education. He established a national energy policy that included conservation, price control, and new technology. In foreign affairs, Carter pursued the Camp David Accords, the Panama Canal Treaties, the second round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II), and returned the Panama Canal Zone to Panama. Throughout his career, Carter strongly emphasized human rights. He took office during a period of international stagflation, which persisted throughout his term. The end of his presidential tenure was marked by the 1979–1981 Iran hostage crisis, the 1979 energy crisis, the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (at the end of 1979), 1980 Summer Olympics boycott by the United States of the Moscow Olympics and the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.
John McCain comments on the Fall of Ramadi to ISIS
“Shut up or I’ll have you arrested….. low-life scum” – John McCain to anti-war activists
John McCain CIA Torture Report Senate Speech. Torture Was Ineffective, Stained Our National Honor
John McCain and Lindsey Graham on Fall of Ramadi
John McCain DESTROYED By True American Patriot
McCain to Paul: Learn the Senate Rules
Neocon John McCain Ripped on Syria at Town Hall
John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow's
Senator John McCain joins the panel to talk ISIS
John McCain Brings Down The House - Al Smith Dinner Part 1
John McCain Brings Down The House - Al Smith Dinner Part 2
Locked Up Abroad S07E01 Vietnam POWs McCain and Brace WS TVRip x264 UNPOPULAR 1
John McCain blasts 'low-life scum' protesters
Jimmy Carter Hands John McCain His Ass
Summer, 2008: John McCain secures the nomination, but polls behind Barack Obama. Strategist Steve Schmidt suggests a game changer: picking a conservative female with media savvy, unknown Alaska governor Sarah Palin, as vice president. She's an immediate hit and a quick study - the gap closes. Then, Tina Fey's impersonation, a raft of criticism, and missing her family send Palin into a near-catatonic state: she doesn't prepare for her Katie Couric interview and bombs. Schmidt searches for an answer: don't expect her to learn the issues, but give her a script. Palin does well in the debate with Biden; she finds her voice, goes off script, and goes rogue. A mistake?
Keywords: 2008-presidential-election, acceptance-speech, alaska, american-soldier, argument, arizona, breaking-telephone, bus, campaign, campaign-manager
Politics would never be the same.
Steve Schmidt: You seem totally unfazed by all this.::Sarah Palin: It's God's plan.
John McCain: You're one of the leaders of the party now Sarah. Don't get co-opted by Limbaugh and the other extremists. They'll destroy the party if you let them.
Steve Schmidt: Still think she's fit for office?::Rick Davis: Aw, who cares. In forty-eight hours no one will even remember who she is.
Anderson Cooper: If you had to do it over again, would you have her on the ticket?::Steve Schmidt: You don't get to go back in time, Anderson and have do-overs in life.
John McCain: And they said we were dead. Next stop the White House!
Rick Davis: Listen, I too wish that the American people would choose the future Abraham Lincoln or Thomas Jefferson, but unfortunately, that's not the way it works anymore. Now it takes movie-star charisma to get elected President, and Obama and Palin, that's what they are - they're stars.::Steve Schmidt: Primary difference being Sarah Palin can't name a Supreme Court decision, whereas Barack Obama was a constitutional law professor.::Rick Davis: Fuck you.
Woman: I can't trust Obama. I've read about him and he's not a... he's a... he's a arab. He's not an Americ...::John McCain: No, ma'am. No, ma'am. He's a decent family man citizen who I just happen to have some disagreements with on certain fundamental issues. And that's what this campaign is all about.
Sarah Palin: Why'd you make me do Katie Couric? Did you see the coverage? Did you? [silence] ARE YOU THERE? ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?::Nicolle Wallace: Yes, Governor, I'm here. Katie was a logical choice; she's been very fair to us this entire campaign.::Sarah Palin: You call that interview fair?::Nicolle Wallace: Yes, Governor, I do.::Sarah Palin: I certainly don't, she was out to get me from the get-go!::Nicolle Wallace: No, she wasn't! The interview sucked because you didn't try!::Sarah Palin: What, what do you mean I didn't try?::Nicolle Wallace: You didn't fight back, like you did in the Charlie Gibson interview - when you didn't know the answers, you clawed your way back and it went fine! You just gave up!::Sarah Palin: [through gritted teeth] Nicole, it wasn't my fault; I wasn't... properly... prepped!::Nicolle Wallace: [angrily] You weren't properly prepped because you wouldn't LISTEN to us! You never LISTEN to your advisers!::Sarah Palin: [heatedly] Because you're overwhelming me with TOO MUCH INFORMATION! You know, I-I don't, I don't wanna do these interviews! I want to do what I want to do!::Nicolle Wallace: [sighs] We're just trying to help you get through this, Governor. All we want is for you to succeed.::Sarah Palin: [scoffs] Yeah, you're NOT helping! You're just screwing me up! You're telling me what to say, what to wear, how to talk... I AM NOT YOUR PUPPET! NOW I understand what Hillary meant when she said she had to find her own voice!::Nicolle Wallace: [incredulously] Yeah... cause you're just like Hillary.::Sarah Palin: You have ruined me! You have ruined my reputation! I AM RUINED IN ALASKA! [throws phone against the wall]::Nicolle Wallace: [shakes head, calls Steve Schmidt] Steve, it's Nicole. I will gladly resign if you want to blame me for Couric, but if you want me to stay, I'm back on McCain's bus tomorrow, as I never want to deal with that woman ever again!
Jack Cafferty: [news clips analyzing Sarah Palin] If John McCain wins, this woman will be one 72 year-old's heartbeat away from being President of the United States... and if that doesn't scare the hell out of you, it should.::Campbell Brown: In fairness, probably most people can't name a Supreme Court case. But most people are not campaigning to be Vice-President.::Fareed Zakaria: It's not that she doesn't know the right answer, it's that she clearly does not understand the question. This is way beyond anything we have ever seen from a national candidate.
Steve Schmidt: Name one fucking paper!
Saturday Night Live celebrates the 2008 Presidential Election with a best of clip show featuring some of the best sketches about the election. Sketches include Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton talking about the presidential nomination Katie Couric interviewing Sarah Palin, Hillary Clintong talking about the nomination process, Bill Clinton giving a non-endorsement of Obama on Weekend Update, George W. Bush giving an endorsement to McCain and Palin, the 2008 vice presidential debate between Biden and Palin, the CNN Univision Democratic Debate 2008, the town hall debate between Obama and McCain, and a montage of best moments. The special also features political comedy from SNL's history including Carter giving drug advise, Ronal Reagan mastermind, Perot and Stockdale in a car, a Michael Dukakis advertisement with puppets, a debate between Bush and Dukakis, and a debate with Gerald Ford. John McCain and Sarah Palin also appear.
Keywords: sketch-comedy, u.s.-president
John McCain is a poor student, except at wrestling, but toughs it out in Annapolis at the US Naval Academy with the goal of becoming a career naval officer like his father and grandfather, who were both admirals. Love at first sight leads to a marriage and children with Carole. During the Vietnam War, he's shot down and captured by the Vietcong, who torture American POWs. He resists years of torture and misery, only breaking once due to his busted limbs, and eventually returning home after five and one half years in captivity.
Keywords: 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, abuse, annapolis-maryland, based-on-autobiography, based-on-memoir, based-on-true-story, dancing, embarrassment
John McCain's father gave him the courage to be a soldier. Five years as a POW gave him the courage to be a hero.
John McCain comments on the Fall of Ramadi to ISIS
“Shut up or I’ll have you arrested….. low-life scum” – John McCain to anti-war activists
John McCain CIA Torture Report Senate Speech. Torture Was Ineffective, Stained Our National Honor
John McCain and Lindsey Graham on Fall of Ramadi
John McCain DESTROYED By True American Patriot
McCain to Paul: Learn the Senate Rules
Neocon John McCain Ripped on Syria at Town Hall
John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow's
Senator John McCain joins the panel to talk ISIS
John McCain Brings Down The House - Al Smith Dinner Part 1
John McCain Brings Down The House - Al Smith Dinner Part 2
Locked Up Abroad S07E01 Vietnam POWs McCain and Brace WS TVRip x264 UNPOPULAR 1
John McCain blasts 'low-life scum' protesters
Jimmy Carter Hands John McCain His Ass
Kissinger Gets Code Pinked & Wait Till You See How McCain Reacts
John McCain GRILLS John Kerry On Arming Syrian Rebels. Isis Strategy Hearing
C-SPAN: First 2008 Presidential Debate (Full Video)
US Senator John McCain says China has placed artillery in South China Sea's disputed territory
John McCain’s Legacy of Bloodlust & Warmongering
John McCain and Barack Obama at the First Presidential Debate
Vietnam imprisoned John McCain as a war criminal and maybe made him insane
John McCain: "Ashamed of my country" over Ukraine response
John McCain Grills Jeh Johnson, Walks Out of Hearing
Senator John McCain on the Dan Patrick Show (Full Interview) 5/2/14
Ellen Degeneres Vs. John McCain: Gay Marriage
Senator John McCain Interview, Pt. 1 - Late Night with Seth Meyers
John McCain Compares ISIS To Vietnam | msnbc
121016_Sen. John McCain Full Interview
John McCain Vietnam interview
BBC's interview with John McCain's torturer from Vietnam
John McCain Interview on ABC's 'This Week' 2012
John McCain and Sarah Palin Interviewed by Katie Couric on Monday 9/29 September 29th
John McCain Movie - Interview with John McCain
McCain Answers Question on Spain, Zapatero
John McCain Arguing Ellen Degeneres
John McCain Viet Nam Interview
Conan O'Brien - Mock McCain Interview
G Gordon Liddy: John McCain interview
Very Unusual John McCain Interview - How's Your News?
John McCain and Sarah Palin Interview CNBC October 28, 2008
Senator John McCain: The YouTube Interview
Newly Found Video Shows McCain's P.O.W. Release
John McCain Bill O'Reilly Interview 3
Letterman mocks McCain for several minutes during show
John McCain's Spain gaffe
He soñado tantas veces como seria mi vida contigo
y es que yo me siento como iluminado, enamorado
tú me quieres, yo te quiero
entonces por qué no estar juntos
caminemos de la mano, conquistaremos el mundo
tu y yo, el mundo, el mundo, para los dos
dime como te sientes.
He bailado bajo la lluvia
he sentido la luz del sol
he tenido la sensación de que me quieres
si invertí eso me ha hecho grande
si dónde ahora se quien soy
yo le entrego mi corazón
si aun lo quiere.
Oh oh oh oh oh... te voy a esperar
Oh oh oh oh oh... te voy a esperar.
Si no estas se detiene el tiempo
si no estas por siempre
te voy a esperar
si no estas se detiene el tiempo
te voy a esperar.
Oh oh oh oh oh... te voy a esperar
Oh oh oh oh oh... te voy a esperar.
No he dejado de crecer
nunca me he olvidado de soñar
y en el momento que te vi
descubri la electricidad.
Be bailado bajo la lluvia
he sentido la luz del sol
he tenido la sensación de que me quieres
si invertí eso me ha hecho grande
si dónde ahora se quien soy
yo le entrego mi corazón
si aun lo quieres.
Oh oh oh oh oh... te voy a esperar
Oh oh oh oh oh... te voy a esperar.
Yo te esperaré
siempre aquí estaré
y a tu lado yo caminaré
lucharé, volaré
cumpliremos los sueños juntos
no no no no te vallas, ven regresa.
Te voy esperar
Oh oh oh oh oh... te voy a esperar
Oh oh oh oh oh... te voy a esperar
Oh oh oh oh oh... te voy a esperar
Apasionada por la noche iluminada,
De alcohol y de sustancias que es sintetizadas,
La ponen mal, le hacen sentir que el cielo está tan mal,
Que no la puedo ni rescatar, y se nos va,
Ella quiere volar, ella quiere volar, are you ready?
Ella se vuelve loca... ca... ca,
Le miro y se muerde en la boca... ca,
Se piensa que soy un idiota... ta,
Sabe que to el mundo la toca... ca,
Pero le gusta como se mueve y le pide tra, tra, tra,
Quiere un poquito de tu tra, tra, tra,
No se da cuenta cuando va, va, va,
La droga la puso a probar,
Pero le gusta como se siente,
Y a media noche la acorrala en lo oscuro,
No se mueve más, no puede más,
No tiene fuerzas pa llamar,
Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, ohhh,
Are you ready?
Ella se vuelve loca... ca... ca,
Le miro y se muerde en la boca... ca,
Se piensa que soy un idiota... ta,
Sabe que to el mundo la toca... ca,
Tra, tra, tra, quiero un poquito de
Tu tra, tra, tra,
No se da cuenta cuando va, va, va,
Baby, no puedo despegarme fuma mays
Me pongo crazy when y see Marihuan
Es tu estilo, tu sonrisa lo que hay
Te ves preciosa, que ya no me aguanto
Me tienes loco con tu movimiento
Donde sea ara miro y estas tu
Y espera un poco no te me vayas a ir
Porque esta noche no se acaba es sin fin
Yo contigo, tu conmigo eres tu
So lady , no puedo despegarme fuma Mays
Me pongo crazy when y see Marihuan
Es tu estilo tu sonrisa tu desire
So baby
Esta noche quiero hacer tu body mine
Me pongo crazy when y see Marihuan
Wanna pump it wanna pump it
Wanna ride
Esque si te vas, me muero
Tu fuistes mia, yo fui el primero
Si dices ven, yo vengo
Que apesar de todo tequiieroo.
Fuego ego ego
Llame los bomberos
El parque se prende
Ya no sonrÃÂe más,
se arregla toda
si va a la discoteca
siempre baila sola.
Ya todo le da igual
no sigue modas
se prende como fuego
chica rompeolas.
Ay ay ay y ay ay ay
quiero bailar contigo amarte a todas horas.
Ay ay ay y ay ay ay
Ven a bailar conmigo tu no bailes sola
Ay ay ay y ay ay ay
quiero bailar contigo amarte a todas horas.
Ay ay ay y ay ay ay
Ven a bailar conmigo tu no bailes sola
enfadada con todo en la vida
no valora que el tiempo decida
si la miran,se mira y pierde el sentido la salida
exhausta me vacilas
cansada de mentiras
no quiere bailar mas
princesa de mis sueños
se ve tan mona
dime quien te hizo daño
pa verte tan sola?
quien te hizo utilizar y robarte toda?
corazón inocente, retoma la hora
(El retro latino)
(Refrain) x3
ay ay ay y ay ay ay
quiero bailar contigo amarte a todas horas
ay ay ay y ay ay ay
(feat. El Cata, Pitbull)
J. Magan:
(Ayer la vi)
Juan magan, Madrid
J. Magan:
(Con sus amigas , en una calle de madrid)
El cata, la republica (RA-TA-TA)
Mr. Todo el mundo y esto es para todas las locas que viene por ahi.
J. Magan:
(Fueron los dias mas felices para mi)
(Pitbull Rap english)
Juan mete mano!
J. Magan:
Ayer la vi, bailando por ahi, con sus amigas en una calle de madrid, tan
linda, como el dia en que la conoci, fueron los dias mas felices para mi.
Yatusabes que la musica es un movimiento que lo conoce to' el mundo,
Millonarios no, Billonarios si, enhorabuena pero dame un segundo. De Madrid
a Miami al patio, Juan y el Cata de marcha, no te preocupes y que esto lo
Lo dicen en overbooking, read and very looking. Mami olvida y date de lao'
con todos esos malaguitas ohh. Mira que tu eres finita, tu sabes lo que
dicen de las finitas. Que las mas finitas son las mas putitas. ah si que
ayer te vi por ahi!
J. Magan:
Ayer la vi, bailando por ahi, con sus amigas en una calle de madrid, tan
linda, como el dia en que la conoci, fueron los dias mas felices para mi.
El cata:
Rin tin! Tire pa madrid vamos a liarla vamos a hacerlo ahi! Haciendo
campaña para celebrar, Mujeres pa ti, Mujeres pa mi! Cuando de repente,
te veo en la pista, bailando mi mambo tu linda sonrisa. Aprieta Dj sube la
bocina pa que ella lo baile conmigo en la pista. Bailando tu y yo , vamos a
recordar, momentos vacanos que nunca vamos a olvidar, momentos vacanos que
nunca vamos a olvidar.
J. Magan:
Ayer la vi, bailando por ahi, con sus amigas en una calle de madrid, tan
linda, como el dia en que la conoci, fueron los dias mas felices para mi.
Juan magan, Mr. Todo el mundo.
(Pitbull Rap english)
El cata:
El cata, Dj Bura