Welcome to zFacts!  Fair, Not Balanced.

If one side is fanatical or just plain wrong, balance is no virtue. ZFacts takes on both extremes — left and right, Code Pink and the Tea Party. You won’t find that anywhere else. We focus on facts that shed light on key issues, not just media factoids.

The Democrats' Tea Party

Jun 1, 2015. Like the tea-party stirrings among Republicans in 2009, Bernie Sanders is a sign that liberal activists are looking for a fight. Organized labor is threatening to challenge vulnerable moderate Democrats in primaries if they vote for the president's fast-track trade authority. The newly-aggressive grassroots are letting their ideology blind them to political realities. Since left extremists like Ralph Nader (even with Michael Moore's backing) never pull more than about 3% of the vote, and all they've accomplished is the election of George Bush II, it looks like Clinton and the Democrats may be doomed in 2016 as Gore was in 2000. [Read more...]

How To Help Nepal

May 18, 2015. With boots on the ground  even before the quake, the Nepal Youth Foundation has  responded rapidly to the massive need for help both in Kathmandu and far-flung villages.  The 25-year-old NYF has launched a major relief effort to provide immediate help for those most in need as well as long-term rebuilding.

For example, NYF has temporarily converted two of their nutritional clinics in Kathmandu and Pokhara into recovery centers caring for earthquake victims, including mothers and their newborns. NYF has used its school buses to take victims home from hospitals. They have delivered tarps, tents, food and clothing to victims in six affected districts. The organization has expanded emergency day care and learning center programs in and around Kathmandu to care for 600 children. [Read more...]

Mossad Chief Slams Netanyahu, Backs Obama


Apr 6, 2015. Efraim Halevy, the former head of Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency, says "US President Barack Obama was right in labeling the document a 'historic' one," and "Netanyahu .. is signaling that he doesn't want the agreement and has his eyes on an aggressive solution." The Republican's hate the deal because they want to discredit Obama and take the White House. Read Efraim's entire op-ed for yourself. It's quite informative. [Read more...]

Obama's Take on How to Defeat ISIS

Feb 11, 2015. As any general or football player knows, blurting out your strategy is, well ... just plain stupid. And so our strategist-in-chief won't do that. And I shouldn't either, but he needs help with those demanding that he blurt — call 'em the Blurters. In a nutshell, Obama doesn't want to go it alone against ISIS, he wants help from Muslims. This is best for America. By a lot. But if he caved in  to the Blurters, ...  [Read more...]

President Speaks the Truth; Right Wing Goes Nuts

Pope John Paul II

Feb 9, 2015. The Christian Right was infuriated when President Obama said something almost identical to what Pope John Paul II said in 2001, and accused Obama of throwing "Christians under the bus." The pope said “It is tragic the assailants [crusaders] ... turned against their brothers in the faith,” while Obama said that “during the Crusades and the Inquisition, [Read more...]

Code Pink vs the Republicans vs Obama

Code Pink, not Medea Benjamin
Code Pink. Not Medea.

Feb 6, 2015. The UN reports that ISIS is training boys of ten as child soldiers and girls as sex slaves, crucifying children and burying them alive. Obama calls ISIS "a brutal, vicious death cult that, in the name of religion, carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism". But don't worry; Code Pink's Medea Benjamin explained her plan on Fox News (quotes below): Stop bombing and call a conference of the allies! Extremist Republicans have their own plan: First call them "Islamic" (instead of "violent") extremists, then change the goal from Obama's "degrade and destroy" to "destroy and crush." Read on, it gets better. [Read more...]

Paul Ryan: The Republicans Got It Backwards

Feb 3, 2015. Paul RyanAccording to Paul Ryan in this Sunday's New York Times, "We’re six years into the Obama economic policies. ... The wealthy are doing really well. They’re practicing trickle-down economics now.” Trickle-down economics is, of course, the Republican view that giving tax cuts to the rich will let them hire more poor people and some of the wealth will trickle down to the poor. All along the Republicans have been accusing Obama of practicing class warfare against the rich, but actually he has secretly been [Read more...]

Background Stories

Saudi Muslims Non-Violently Torture Blogger

Raif has been freed

According to Awad "In fact, there is nothing in our faith that encourages Muslims to be violent." Really? Saudi Arabia, home to Mecca, and the world's leading Muslim country, is currently in the process of publicly torturing Raif Badawi who is officially charged with "adopting liberal thought," "founding a liberal website," and "insulting Islam" — because he is an atheist. But Awad tells us (video 10:35) "The Koran, in a major chapter, describes the believers that when they are addressed by the ignorant [that would be Raif], their response is peace. [that would be the Muslims?]" Raif has been freed due to international pressure, but who is Nihad Awad? This shocked me. [Read more...]

What Went Wrong for Democrats in 2014?


"He was the first black president. Okay, not a bad accomplishment, but that’s it, Mr. Obama." Who would say that to the President?  McConnell? Limbaugh? The truth will shock you. Republicans have been running on a simple anti-Obama platform for six years. It  worked.  [Photo: Alison Grimes — Who did I vote for?] [Read more...]

National Debt Graph by President

Republican National Debt When did the National Debt go crazy? Why? Who's to blame? Where is the debt headed? Compared to the US economy, the national debt is smaller than it was after World War II. But, take a look at what could have happened if three presidents had balanced their budgets. [Email the Fact Card] [Read more...]

How Obamacare Tricked the Republicans

To make sure Obamacare worked and could pass, Obama borrowed the conservatives' plan. So Republicans knew it would work if given a chance. Their only hope was to kill it with politics before it could take root. Too late now. In spite of politics and early computer screw-ups, a last-minute surge pushed it past its target of 7 million on April 1, 2014. But what about cost? [Read more...]

Why the Stock Market Favors Democrats

Reagan-Obama-stock-graph Republicans claim Democrats are bad for business, but the stock market disagrees. It rose more than twice as fast under Obama as under Reagan. In fact since Reagan (1981) stocks have gained 13% under Republicans and 450% under Democrats. That's 35 times more, and they had six years less time. [Email the Fact Card] [Read more...]

Unemployment Claims, Lowest in 47 Years!


The Republicans left Obama with unemployment claims running higher than at any time since Reagan in 1982. Democrats (with the Republicans obstructing) reduced that to its lowest level in 14 years according to the Press. But, compared to the number of jobs, it's at its lowest level since they started collecting data in 1967. [Email the Fact Card] [Read more...]

Who are the Job Creators?


  For at least the last 85 years, since 1929, every time the Democrats took over, jobs were created faster. And every time the Republicans took over, jobs were created slower. Ten times in a row is no accident.  And the difference is huge. Why is that? [EMail the Fact Card] [Read more...]