I haven’t run beta OS software in years, but I’m sorely tempted by the new iPad goodies in iOS 9.

Live with Phil →

I really like Marco’s summary of the event and I really enjoyed listening to the podcast. I liked it enough to go back and watch some of it again once the video was posted. Mr. Schiller was incredibly human and likeable throughout and he didn’t shy away from some tough questions.

Yo-Yo Ma

Seinfeld feels a bit dated now, but they just don’t make them like this anymore.

The Software Paradox →

One such pattern I noticed five years ago or so was that companies were having a harder time making money from software. Not a hard time, precisely – Microsoft and others were effectively still printing money through the up-front sale of bits – but harder. Traditional software companies were facing stiff competition from SaaS-players and open source.

I had the opportunity to read Steve’s latest book wihle he was putting the finishing touches on it. Like his previous book, The New Kingmakers, this is a thought-provoking must-read for those of us in the software industry.

Very Pleased with WebFaction + Hover

A little while back I buckled down and did some much needed restructuring of my domain registration and web hosting. I made the decision to let more than half of my domains expire, and moved all of the domains I was not letting lapse to Hover.1 I’m down to 17 domains from over 100. Of those 7 are of the “personal name” variety for me and other family members. Another 3 are for current or previous businesses. And the rest are for various projects.

I’ve been very pleased with Hover. I used their valet service to transfer a number of domains from GoDaddy and it was as seamless an experience as you could hope for. I’ve since registered a handful of domains with Hover for a new project I’m working on and I have absolutely loved the quick and easy checkout experience. It works great from a mobile browser as well. Inspiration often seems to strike when I’ve only got my phone with me. Recommended.

I also moved all of my websites to WebFaction2 and have been thrilled with the speed with which my sites now load. Their control panel is a little different than the standard CPanel and has a few little quirks, but I’ve come to like it. Instead of creating a website that becomes the container for the domain, files, database, etc. you create websites/web apps then pair them with domains, databases, etc. Their support has been quick to provide answers to the few questions I’ve had, and I’ve reached the point of confidence where I am pleased that things :scare: just work :/scare: and I don’t have to think about them.

This post was prompted by an email I received today from the WebFaction folks asking if I could tweet out some honest feedback about their service now that I’ve been a customer for a few months. I’m quite satisfied with it, and figured a more thorough endorsement of them (and Hover3) might be useful to others. As a tech community we are quick to complain when we are having trouble with a service; it’s nice to take a moment and celebrate services that are treating us well.

  1. That’s a referral link – I get a kick-back if you sign up using it. 
  2. Yup, another referral link to give me a kickback. 
  3. The two are conjoined for me since I made the switch to both of them as part of a single “get this stuff organized” process. 

Watching Star Wars IV with my 6 year old.

She is wearing her Princess Leia dress and telling me what is going to happen before it happens.

To: Family & Friends

Date: May 25, 2015

Subject: Treatment Update

Hi Everyone, I know it’s been a little while since I’ve sent an update, but happily that is because there hasn’t been much to report. I am still on the same clinical trial, and had a scan a month back that showed some tumor growth and some tumor shrinkage – this is what they refer…


iMessage feature request: show the recipient’s current time. I’d like to avoid buzzing a friend’s phone in the middle of the night when they are (unbeknownst to me) traveling in Europe.

Both East and West NBA Conference Finals are between the #1 (Golden State, Atlanta) and #2 (Houston, Cleveland) seeds. Chalk!

Disable Submit Button After a Form is Submitted

Once a user has submitted a form, you generally don’t want them to submit it a second time.1 A nice way to handle this is to disable the submit button once the form has been submitted, while replacing the text in the submit button with a message to let the user know that their desired…

Tom Brady talking “Deflategate” in front of a background touting #flexball – you can’t make this stuff up.
