Laguna (Italian and Spanish for lagoon) may refer to:
Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill (born 5 May 1983) is a British actor. He has appeared in the films The Count of Monte Cristo and Stardust, and played the role of Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, on the Showtime series The Tudors, from 2007 until 2010. He has been cast as Superman in the 2013 film Man of Steel.
Cavill was born on the island of Jersey in the Channel Islands, the fourth of five boys. His mother, Marianne, works as a secretary in a bank, and his father, Colin, is a stockbroker. He was educated at St. Michael's Preparatory School in Saint Saviour, Jersey before attending Stowe School, a boarding school in Buckinghamshire, England. He began acting in school plays during prep school, and has said that if he had not become an actor, he would have joined the army or gone to university to study ancient history, specifically Egyptology.
Cavill had his first film role in Kevin Reynolds' 2002 adaptation The Count of Monte Cristo. He went on to star in Laguna (2001), and afterwards appeared in BBC’s The Inspector Lynley Mysteries (2002), the TV film Goodbye Mr. Chips (2002), and the TV series Midsomer Murders (2003). In 2003 he had a supporting role in I Capture the Castle, followed by Red Riding Hood (2004), Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005), and Tristan & Isolde (2006). He had a minor role alongside Sienna Miller and Ben Barnes in Matthew Vaughn's adaptation of Stardust (2007).
Henry Cavill - Laguna 2001 Full Movie
Laguna - Sampaguita
Moto Laguna 2012 [HD]
Moto Laguna 2013 [HD]
[Trance] - Eminence - Laguna [Monstercat Release]
Laguna live la TEO
The Crew XB1 - Finding Mazda Laguna Seca /3 Lap Race! 3ManLC w/Wheel
KathNiel sings With A Smile & Grow Old With You
Laguna Pai - "Somos Pocos" | Atento
[PL] Renault Laguna Coupe GT dCi 180 KM, 2014 - test
Archivos del mas alla - El Duende de la Laguna
Renault Laguna 2014, Start UP, Exhaust and In Depth Tour
Laguna Pai - Libertad
The gangster Colorado kidnaps Marshal McKenna. He believes that McKenna has seen a map which leads to a rich vein of gold in the mountains and forces him to show him the way. But they're not the only ones who're after the gold; soon they meet a group of "honorable" citizens and the cavalry crosses their way too - and that is even before they enter Indian territory.
Keywords: apache, based-on-novel, blind-man, buzzard, canyon, catfight, cavalry, character-name-in-title, earthquake, female-nudity
The Preacher: It can work for the lord as well as the devil!::Colorado: Ai chihuahua.
Henry Cavill - Laguna 2001 Full Movie
Laguna - Sampaguita
Moto Laguna 2012 [HD]
Moto Laguna 2013 [HD]
[Trance] - Eminence - Laguna [Monstercat Release]
Laguna live la TEO
The Crew XB1 - Finding Mazda Laguna Seca /3 Lap Race! 3ManLC w/Wheel
KathNiel sings With A Smile & Grow Old With You
Laguna Pai - "Somos Pocos" | Atento
[PL] Renault Laguna Coupe GT dCi 180 KM, 2014 - test
Archivos del mas alla - El Duende de la Laguna
Renault Laguna 2014, Start UP, Exhaust and In Depth Tour
Laguna Pai - Libertad
Laguna Blanca
2014 Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca P/GTLM Race Broadcast
Laguna Biotch
4Track Combi - Laguna Pai - Politikanto
Laguna Pai - Mala Vibra (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
Laguna Pai - "Galan De Combi" | Atento
2014 Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca PC/GTD Race Broadcast
Laguna Pai - Somos Pocos (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
Laguna pai - Luna llena
Nu stiu daca cer prea mult
Ma intreb daca s-ar putea
Atunci cand te chem in gand
Sa apari in viata mea...
Sa-mi spui ca voi fi a ta
Si-n zori sa te pot avea
Doar pe tine...
Ce mult te-as tzine...
Langa mine...
Cat de mult as vrea
Doar pe tine...
Sa te pot avea...
Dar nici 1000 de cuvinte cred ca nu m-ar ajuta
Sa iti spun ce am in minte sau cat de mult as vrea
Iubirea ta intr-o zi s-o pot avea...
Nici 1000 de cuvinte cred ca nu m-ar ajuta.
Dorinta sa-mi-o implinesti
Nu cred ca e foarte greu
Sa vii si sa imi soptesti
Ca eu voi fi mereu
A ta si ma vei iubi
Mai mult in fiecare zi
Doar pe tine...
Pe tine te-as tzine...
Langa mine...
Cat de mult as vrea
Doar pe tine...
Sa te pot avea...
Langa mine...
Cat de mult as vrea
Doar pe tïne...
Sa te pot avea...
(Anca Florescu)
Am o locatie
De senzatie
Toata lumea stie
N-am nici o datorie
Sunt atenta,
Nu oricine
Se pune cu mine
Toata ziua
Buna ziua
Ma descurc,
Nu ma incurc
Vreau doar sa uit
Cu tine
Nu da bine,
Nu-mi convine
As vrea sa uit de tine.
Da, cand noaptea vine...
Imi place atunci cand ma atingi
Vorbele tale dulci imi dau fiori
Stiu ca nu ma pot satura
Mai vreau, mai da-mi, arata-mi dragostea.
Imi place atunci cand ma alinti
Cu toate vrbele tale dulci si-o fina mangaiere
Nu ma pot satura
Mai vreau, mai da-mi, arata-mi dragostea.
(Nicoleta Luciu)
Sunt isteata,
Ia si invata
Cand e dimineata
Am o noua fata
Sa ma crezi
Cand ma vezi
Ca iti spun te iubesc
Fara sa plutesc
Imi suna iarasi telefonul
Si-ai vrea sa stii
Dar nu era decat tonul
E mai bine
Pentru mine
Sa fiu asa
Asa cum imi convine.
Da, cand noaptea vine...
Da, cand noaptea vine...
E ultima data cand te strang in brate
Nu-mi vine sa cred...
Alerg, alerg, alerg, alerg...
Alerg, alerg, alerg...
Azi Pamantul e prea mic
Timpul parca s-a oprit
A mai trecut o zi din toamna
Si tunu ai venit.
Luna-mi bate la ferestra
Ai spus la lumea e a noastra
Port blugii rupti de la tine
Tu esti?
Mi-e frica, mi-e frica de sfarsit.
Alerg, sunt in urma ta
Eu sunt umbra ta.
Alerg, sunt in urma ta
Eu sunt umbra ta.
Alerg, alerg, alerg
Sunt ïn urma ta
Alerg, alerg, alerg
Eu sunt umbra ta
Alerg, alerg, alerg, alerg...
Desculta prin frunze noaptea dansez
Am o poza cu tine in mana
Lasa-ma sa visez.
Ma vezi in oglinda
Apar si dispar
Am licurici in par, iubite
Dansez in lumina dar tu nu ai habar.
Si plutesc peste ape
Vreau sa simt ca traiesc
Intr-o lume confuza
Toti imi spun ca sunt 'loser'
Si plutesc peste ape
Vreau sa simt ca traiesc
Intr-o lume confuza
Toti imi spun ca sunt 'loser'
Straina de lume cu tine in gand
Adorm intre soapte si umbre
Adorm plangand.
Ma vezi in oglinda
Apar si dispar
Am licurici in par, iubite
Dansez in lumina dar tu nu ai habar.
As vrea sa ma vezi cum straluesc
Sunt o floare intr-un buchet
O raza de floare ca-n povesti
Adorm printre flori de camp
Cai salbatici alearga spre cer
Unde ai atata mïster.
Na-na-na-na-na-na, sunetul vine
Tutu-nu-tutu-nu-tutu-nu, in ritm suntem doi
Na-na-na-na-na-na, prin cosmos cu tine
Pana la stele si inapoi.
Am un capriciu, il tin ascuns
Dar stiu ca il vei afla
Atmosfera se incinge in club
Asta e seara mea.
Refren... X2
Ploaia ma invata sa can't
Lumea se schimba mereu
La noapte ma rup de pamant
Vibrez pe corpul tau.
Din adancuri ies la la lumina
Am venit sa aprind secunda divïna.