Marine sandglass, is an ancient marine instrument employed to measure (or rather estimate) the time at sea when used as a 30 minute hourglass. It was also used together with the chip log, to measure the boat speed through the water in knots (in this case with a 3 minute glass or less).
Originally, it consisted of two glass bottles one above the other with both ends connected by a tube. Over time, the progress of glassblowing allowed it to be made in one single piece. The Marine glass was filled with sand or a suitable material such as finely ground lead or tin chips (used to avoid humidity). Placed in the upper half, the sand would flow slowly and steadily towards the lower half by the action of gravity, taking a certain time to empty (which could be calibrated). Once the upper "glass" was empty, the glass could be "turned" to measure another time period.
Although its use was vital to cross the oceans, the Marine glass was not such an accurate instrument to measure the passage of time. Many factors could affect the duration of sand's flow: the humidity inside the "glass", the uniformity in fineness of the sand, the inner diameter of the connecting tube with a possible wear caused by the flow of sand, the more or less horizontal position, the effect of acceleration or deceleration of the ship's movements, all could influence the flow of sand and hence the time measured.