Rachel (Hebrew: רחל, Modern Raḥel Tiberian Rāḫēl, Rāḥēl ISO 259-3 Raḥel ; meaning "ewe") as described in the Bible, is a prophet and the favorite wife of Jacob, one of the three Biblical Patriarchs, and mother of Joseph and Benjamin. She was the daughter of Laban and the younger sister of Leah, Jacob's first wife. Jacob was her first cousin, and she was the youngest niece of Rebecca.
Rachel is first mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 29 when Jacob happens upon her as she is watering her lamb. He had traveled a great distance to find his mother's brother, Laban. Rebekah had sent him there to be safe from his furious twin brother, Esau.
During Jacob's stay, he fell in love with Rachel and agreed to work seven years for Laban in return for her hand in marriage. On the night of the wedding, the bride was veiled and Jacob did not notice that Leah, Rachel's older sister, had been substituted for Rachel. Whereas "Rachel was lovely in form and beautiful," "Leah had tender eyes". Later Jacob confronted Laban, who excused his own deception by insisting that the older sister should marry first. He assured Jacob that after his wedding week was finished, he could take Rachel as a wife as well, and work another seven years as payment for her.
Rachel Anne Maddow (pronounced /ˈmædoʊ/; born April 1, 1973) is an American television host, political commentator, and author. Maddow hosts a nightly television show, The Rachel Maddow Show, on MSNBC. Her syndicated talk radio program of the same name aired on Air America Radio. Maddow is the first openly gay anchor of a prime-time news program in the United States.
Asked about her political views by the Valley Advocate, Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."
Maddow was born in Castro Valley, California. Her father, Robert B. "Bob" Maddow, is a former United States Air Force captain who resigned his commission the year before her birth and found civilian work as a lawyer for the East Bay Municipal Utility District. Her mother, Elaine Maddow (née Gosse), is a school program administrator from Newfoundland, Canada. She has one older brother, David. Her father is of Russian and Dutch descent and her mother is of English and Irish ancestry. Maddow's mother was raised a strict Roman Catholic, and Maddow herself grew up in a community that her mother has described as "very conservative." Maddow was a competitive athlete and played three sports in high school. Referencing John Hughes films, she describes herself in high school as "a cross between the jock and the antisocial girl."
Rachel Platten - Fight Song
Bean Boozled Challenge (with Rachel Ballinger)
Summer Party Tips + DIY | Rachel Talbott
Friends - HD - Rachel Tells Ross She Is Pregnant
Rachel Potter - Proves Her Point with "Somebody to Love" by Queen - THE X FACTOR USA 2013
Rachel Crow - If I Were A Boy (Beyoncé cover) - The X Factor USA - Boot Camp
Rachel Reed - Nu incerca (Lyric Video)
GRWM - Date Night! | Rachel Leary
Programa Eliana (24/05/15) - Eliana mostra a rotina de Rachel Sheherazade
Rachel Crow - Mean Girls
Rachel's Best Gymnastics
Everything comes with a price...
Margo and Vickie are both having a horrible night out. Seen only during their escapes to the restroom, the two strangers are forced to rely on each other when reaching out to their friends and lovers fails and it becomes too painful to look in the mirror.
Amanda tries to love her younger brother Simon, but he makes it very hard. Simon is idling his way through the summer between 'A' Levels and uni. He spends is time tinkering in the garage, perhaps furthering his studies, perhaps playing. But his playing has unintended consequences, and in an instant the innocence of an English summer is shattered forever, and Amanda faces the dilemma of a lifetime.
Some people deal with death by crying, or getting angry, or drinking themselves into a coma. Eli does none of these. In fact, Eli does nothing. At all. But his indifference towards the loss of a loved one leads to the sudden loss of his own life. And Rachel, his wife, can't have that. She's been there for him at all other points in his life. Now she must be there for him after her own.
Keywords: death, love, suicide, tragedy
What would you do without me?
Rachel Platten - Fight Song
Bean Boozled Challenge (with Rachel Ballinger)
Summer Party Tips + DIY | Rachel Talbott
Friends - HD - Rachel Tells Ross She Is Pregnant
Rachel Potter - Proves Her Point with "Somebody to Love" by Queen - THE X FACTOR USA 2013
Rachel Crow - If I Were A Boy (Beyoncé cover) - The X Factor USA - Boot Camp
Rachel Reed - Nu incerca (Lyric Video)
GRWM - Date Night! | Rachel Leary
Programa Eliana (24/05/15) - Eliana mostra a rotina de Rachel Sheherazade
Rachel Crow - Mean Girls
Rachel's Best Gymnastics
Sabah quake victim Rachel Ho's father talks about the ordeal
VOCÊ VIU? | Entrevista completa da Rachel Sheherazade no 'Pânico na Rádio'
Rachel Maddow - Bernie Sanders campaign quick to draw crowds and cash
Fight Song - Rachel Platten - ONE TAKE! Benjamin Kheng & KHS Cover
Rachel Platten - Congratulations (Audio)
Rachel Platten - Beating Me Up (Audio)
Rachel Maddow - Hillary Clinton heads to Texas to stress voting rights (and raise money)
Friends - Rachel's interview
friends rachel´s interview avi
Rachel's Interview - Promo
JULIA BOORSTIN -- Interview a Broadcaster! -- American English Pronunciation
Rachel Maddow Jon Stewart Interview
Rachel & Jun HUGE Everything Interview!!
Jon Stewart - the full unedited 2010 interview with Rachel Maddow
Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams Interview for THE VOW
About Time: Rachel McAdams and Domhnall Gleeson interview
Rachel McAdams And Domhnall Gleeson Interview -- About Time
Rachel Brice USA 1
Rachel Khoo Interview - Leading Ladies M&S; 2014
Floyd Mayweather on Domestic Violence
Rachel Bilson Interview 2013
Spring Breakers - Selena Gomez, Ashley Benson & Rachel Korine Interview
Rachel Sermanni Interview 2013 (Beyond The Watch)
Channing Tatum, Rachel McAdams 'The Vow' interview
Rachel Notley | Interview with Alberta's Premier-elect
'About Time' Rachel McAdams & Domhnall Gleeson interview
The Notebook [[Interview with GMA]]
Billy Eichner & Rachel Dratch Interview
Lost Girl Season 4 & 3 Interview - Ksenia Solo, Rachel Skarsten, Emmanuelle Vaugier & Jay Firestone
Rachel Zoe's Fashion Rules! | Cambio Interview
Rachel Dolezal Scandal
Rachel Dolezal Exclusive Extended Interview | msnbc
Donkey Of The Day - Rachel Dolezal (Claims That She Is Black)
Rachel Dolezal tells NBC she's been black since she was five
Rachel Dolezal Revisited (Transracial VS Transgender) & Dominican Republic To Deport Haitians
The Rachel Dolezal Scandal, #JanetUnbreakable Tour Dates, Tamar Shades K.Michelle Again & More
Trini Trent TV: Is Rachel Dolezal Transracial?
Rachel Dolezal sued Howard University for racial discrimination
Rachel Dolezal RANT
Friends - Ross and Rachel
So, About That NAACP President, Rachel Dolezal...
Podcast #45 - Talking About Rachel Dolezal
Rachel Dolezal, the Spokane NAACP President, and Cultural Vampirism
Danilo Gentili entrevista Rachel Sheherazade
DVD "Ao Rei" de Rachel Novaes (OFICIAL - Full HD)
"Skinny Love" by Birdy (Rachel Laderoute Cover)
Parallel Island Hardcore #5 - WHERE'S RACHEL?!
Rachel Notley emerges from the Alberta Legislature
carson rachel
The Red Eye Gang Zings Clueless Rachel Maddow!
chuck rachel bilson
Rachel Aguiar
Headstrong: 52 Women Who Changed Science-and the World by Rachel Swaby Epub Ebook Download
リョナ Dead or Alive 5 Last Round ryona Rachel losing pose All costumes
"Marry You" by Bruno Mars (Rachel Laderoute Cover)
DJ Rachel Alburn Hard Tripoli trax house
The Lost World - S02E18 Survivors - Rachel Blakely & Jennifer O'Dell
Rachel Weisz Wins Oscar 2003 / Morgan Freeman Presents
Rachel Getting Married FULL MOVIE
Animal Jam Music Video: Fight Song by Rachel Platten
Rachel Lipsky Loaded Gun
Rachel Platten Fight Song (04-03-2015)
My Cousin Rachel Full Movie
finn & rachel | night changes
All About - Rachel Zoe
Rachel Phifer piano live
Rachel Jiang's Students - "The Lonely Goatherd" (孤独的牧羊人) from The Sound of Music (音乐之声)
I Had A Dream About Rachel
The Fillie From The S Club stapel
She Has A Stud In Her Navel
And She Was Willing And Able
She Walked Right Out Of My TV Screen
Into My Life
Into My Dreams
Shes My Rachel
Shes My Angel
Shes My Rachel
So then I told her I loved her
Like There couldnt be Any Other
Took her home to met my mother
But Guess What .
She Fell In Love With My Brother
She Walked Right Out Of My TV Screen
Into My Life
Into My Dreams
Shes My Rachel
Shes My Angel
Shes My Rachel
She Walked Right Out Of My TV Screen
Into My Life
Into My Dreams
Shes My Rachel
Shes My Angel
when I found you I wish I had noticed
when I talked to you on my telephone
when I heard that you were down
everything in my life started spinning around
everyday that we're not together time passes like it
lasts forever
I can't stop dreaming about you
Rachel look where you got me
Hold on, and see what I see
My god, you've got me climbing trees
when I found you I wish I had noticed
when I talked to you on my telephone
when I heard that you were down
everything in my life started spinning around
Girl- look how much i love you
never again, would i, want to live without you
everyday that we're not together time passes like it
lasts forever
I can't stop dreaming about you
Rachel look where you got me
Hold on, and see what I see
My god, you've got me climbing trees
When I'm not standing beside you
Never worry bout things that i do
Rachel was a girl I used to love when I was young.
Shoulda heard the love songs that we sung.
Shoulda heard the way we laughed, walkin' 'long the stream,
barefoot through the meadow by the lazy San Joaquin.
Rachel was a melody that I first learned to sing,
and a sorceress just barely in her teens.
Skinny-dipping sight to see with freckles everywhere.
Queen in faded hand-me-downs, wildflowers in her hair.
She had a way of saying this was never gonna end,
saying good night like a lover and good morning like a friend.
Rachel was a watermelon, ripe and freshly stole.
First girl I ever loved, first lie that I told.
Rachel laughed and Rachel sang and Rachel held my hand.
Rachel watched me grow into a man.
Rachel sat and listened to me when I told a lie.
Rschel waved me out of sight when I said goodbye.
The San Joaquin still rolls along where me and Rachel strolled.
But the meadows turned to parking lots and me and Rachel's old
Rachel's just a memory that I still like to hold.
First girl I ever loved, first lie that I told.
RACHEL (Marie Claire D'Ubaldo)
Rachel, you never wear tights
Rachel, you're fighting for your rights
nobody can take you seriously,
they say you're still too young
and Rachel, you would have liked to be a guy
But it's your life, it's your own disguise
and it's your right, it's your own way to fight
Rachel is having little fun
Rachel hardly ever smiles
nobody can understand what she carries in her mind
and Rachel is surrounded by a lie
But it's your life, it's your own disguise
and it's your right, it's your own way to fight
and it's your choice, not their voice
cause their pride won't let them learn
And Rachel, do it any way you like
cause you won't dare
if they try to change your style
they screamed you were wrong
now you don't wanna be
that silent soul anymore
Rachel is feeling all the time
that people would rather turn their backs
but it's her life, it's her right
there's little for real, she finally understands
And Rachel has found a little time to smile
cause now she knows better what it's all about
You are my light in the dark
You are the beating in my heart
But that is not enough
Will I ever be by your side
rachs hair is dancing in the wind
her eyes are burning off my skin
And I'm so happy when I see her
That she is smiling back at me
rach is living burn marks on the ground
Thank you God for what I've found
I don't know how, I don't know why
That shes my angel in my dreams
You are my light in the dark
You are the beating in my heart
Let me hold you now
Just like days before we sat together in history
rach, plz be my light in the dark
coz You are the beating in my heart
But that is not enough
Will I ever be by your side
I try my best to satisfy
But all you do is laugh off ur head
I don't know what I'm gonna do
But I'm so CRAZY about you
Even if I don't know where to start
Even if my love is tearing me apart
I just know that you and me
We were ALWAYS meant to be!
Rach u are my light in the dark
u are the beating in my heart
plzz Let me hold you now
Just like days before you started to ;-(
rach u are my light in the dark
You are the beating in my heart
But that is not enough
Will I ever be by your side
Rach u r my angel in the night
Be my liberty, be my fact and fantasy
Make love while you can
Has there been a better plan?
Well, I could go on but I just don't know
I had to fall a little, crawl a little
Do it in the hall a little, Rachel
I kissed your lips, I lifted up my voice
I had to weep a little, creep a little
Do it in the street a little, Rachel
Fire down below
Tell me where do kisses go
Fire the glamor guns
The junky girls have junky sons
I'm a gangster priest but I fell in love
I had to fall a little, crawl a little
Do it in the hall a little, Rachel
I kissed your lips, I lifted up my voice
I had to weep a little, creep a little
Do it in the street a little, Rachel
Everything is great, I don't know what to do
Don't know what to wear or who to make love to
Have you seen those films where they look like us?
Without such grace perhaps and with too much fuss
Singing, "Where were you in ?82
When there were great new drugs to do?"
And where are those that voted for
The end of all that we fought for?
Be my liberty, be my fact and fantasy
Make love while you can
Has there been a better plan?
Well, I could go on but I just don't know
I had to fall a little, crawl a little
Do it in the hall a little, Rachel
And I kissed your lips, I lifted up my voice
I had to weep a little, creep a little
Do it in the street a little, Rachel
Rachel, Rachel, Rachel
Rachel, Rachel, Rachel
Rachel, Rachel, Rachel
Oh what a day to dance with you
Oh what a day to die
I held you once in the palm of my hand
And a fine old time it was
Rachel I fear your death will come
And leave me alone to die
Rachel I fear your death will come
And gone to the dogs and the dimes
The men would come to you and me
We’d freeze them like a light
The men would come to you and me
We’d freeze them like a light
Say farewell Maria dear
Your bones and teeth and skin
Say farewell Maria dear
My you’ve grown so thin
Oh what a day to dance with you
Oh what a day to die
I had you once in the palm of my hand
And a fine old time it was
The men would come to you and me
We’d freeze them like a light
The men would come to you and me
We’d freeze them like a light
Say farewell Maria dear
Your bones and teeth and skin
Say farewell Maria dear
Wish that I could wake again. Day's at end and I've lost
But, this is my favorite time of day.
Rachel comes to dry my tears away.
This is our only time to play.
This is my favorite time of day.