Migrant shipwrecks, land grabs and the commons

Apr 26, 2015 Comments Off on Migrant shipwrecks, land grabs and the commons by
Could we imagine a world where the packed migrant boats heading towards Europe from Africa were a thing of the past? Where the centuries-long wealth gap between Europe and Africa, which has so much injustice at its root, was finally addressed in an effective way? By Caroline Whyte
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Septic Tank Options and Alternatives: Review by Seán Conlan

Apr 17, 2015 Comments Off on Septic Tank Options and Alternatives: Review by Seán Conlan by
Seán Conlan writes "The overall objective of the book as an ‘unapproved’ pathway and guide is admirably achieved and offers unique insights for those who are struggling with sewage systems which are either poorly installed, or who are burdened with soils which are unsuitable for percolation."
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Shale Gas and Fracking: The science behind the controversy – review by Brian Davey

Apr 09, 2015 Comments Off on Shale Gas and Fracking: The science behind the controversy – review by Brian Davey by
Brian Davey writes "the central theme of this book - that 'science can be allowed to decide through peer reviewed debate' - is at best innocent in the naive sense, pious and misleading. It evokes a world where issues are decided on by politicians and the public guided by neutral scientists who deliver the facts. But this fairy tale for the children begs all the difficult questions."
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The Bank-State Bargain

Mar 31, 2015 2 Comments by
Banks create money out of nothing when they extend loans and then charge borrowers interest on this newly created capital. The result is an ongoing multi-billion pound/ dollar subsidy breaking the basic rules of capitalism. What is perhaps even more surprising is that there appears to be no explicit description of the 'bargain' underlying this important arrangement. By Graham Barnes.
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Reflections on the first Climate Conversation

Mar 24, 2015 Comments Off on Reflections on the first Climate Conversation by
Seán Conlan writes "The main theme of the evening was the challenge of engaging with the general public in the acceptance of climate change, and this provoked some interesting insights from both panelist and audience."
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From our archives: The supply of money in an energy-scarce world

Mar 22, 2015 Comments Off on From our archives: The supply of money in an energy-scarce world by
In 2011, Richard Douthwaite wrote in Fleeing Vesuvius that "Money once bought energy. Now energy, or at least an entitlement to it, will actually be money and energy firms may become the new banks." His suggestions for achieving this transition in the fairest way possible have a clear relevance now.
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Climate Conversations

Mar 11, 2015 Comments Off on Climate Conversations by
Feasta members Willi Kiefel and Seán Conlan have been involved in a unique collaboration between charities, unions and other organisations, with a goal of "promoting greater understanding of what a low carbon future might bring for Ireland "
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CapGlobalCarbon: a new global system for addressing climate change

Feb 25, 2015 Comments Off on CapGlobalCarbon: a new global system for addressing climate change
CapGlobalCarbon is a proposal for non-governmental actors to create a new global system as a back-up to the inter-governmental negotiations to make sure the necessary reductions in global carbon emissions are achieved. This idea has been developed by members of Feasta's climate group and we've just launched a website to promote it.
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Greece and the Eurozone Crisis

Feb 17, 2015 Comments Off on Greece and the Eurozone Crisis
How should the Greek government approach its mandate to end austerity? What pitfalls need to be avoided? Brian Davey has some suggestions.
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Reflections on the Rights of Nature conference

Feb 10, 2015 Comments Off on Reflections on the Rights of Nature conference
Brian Davey discusses some of the differences between indigenous and non-indigenous people and how this affects global ecological politics.
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The Mainstream Money Mess – three aspects… and what they mean for new money-forms

Feb 02, 2015 Comments Off on The Mainstream Money Mess – three aspects… and what they mean for new money-forms
This article by Graham Barnes looks at three of the most poisonous aspects of Mainstream Money from the perspective of a currency designer exploring new money-forms.
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The Fracking “Matrix”: Which “frame” gives the more relevant picture?

Jan 28, 2015 Comments Off on The Fracking “Matrix”: Which “frame” gives the more relevant picture?
In this presentation given to Derby City Council on January 13th, Brian Davey identifies some of the ways in which fracking has been framed in order to make it seem innocuous.
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Brian Davey responds to Giorgos Kallis on degrowth

Jan 14, 2015 1 Comment
"A process that starts off largely involuntarily can end up steered more directly" writes Brian Davey in a continuation of his discussion on degrowth with Giorgos Kallis, editor of the book "Degrowth: Vocabulary for a New Era".
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