Afri and Food Sovereignty Ireland (supported by Trócaire) are organising a Food Sovereignty Assembly in Westport on Friday 15th May to explore a new vision for food and agriculture
Choctaw Gary White Deer will launch Pete Mullineaux’s ‘Just A Second: Exploring Global Issues Through Drama and Theatre’ development education resource in Galway on 7th May
The annual Afri Famine Walk will be held in Louisburgh Co. Mayo on Saturday 16th May. Photo of the Famine Memorial at Delphi Lodge: Kerstin Hellman
Reflections from Afri’s 2015 Féile Bríde ‘Occupy the Imagination’. Photo: Pauhla McGrane
The 2014 Hedge School was held in IT Blanchardstown. Speakers included anti-apartheid strikers Cathryn O’Reilly (standing) and Vonnie Munroe (right).
Development education resource ‘JUST A SECOND! Exploring Global Issues Through Drama and Theatre’, by Pete Mullineaux is now available from Afri. Photo: Derek Speirs
Resisting Injustice: Gerry Conlon Memorial in support of Chelsea Manning. Photo: Dave Donnellan
As part of Afri’s work in promoting sustainable development we have adopted a policy of planting a native tree at each of Afri’s signature events, as well as supporting the development of a small, native woodland forest, near Laragh, in County Wicklow
The island of Ireland is one of the greenest places on the planet but global energy corporations want to put an end to this. Demand a fracking ban on the island of Ireland by signing and sharing Afri’s petition now.
In the storm of war currently being unleashed on Gaza human beings are being massacred. On this year’s Famine Walk, Afri carried the names of some of the victims, with an additional banner that states, ‘they all had names’. The same applies to war.
Willie Corduff speaking at Airing Erris 3 on Sunday 6th July with former UN Secretary General Denis Halliday (right). Photo: Brian Fitzpatrick
Gerry Conlon pictured with the family of Chelsea Manning and members of Afri at the public meeting in Trinity College in November 2013. Photo by Derek Speirs
Coni Ledesma (left) and Luis Jalandoni (right) from the Philippines unveil a Famine Memorial on the grounds of Delphi Lodge during the 2014 Famine Walk. Photo: Rob Fairmichael
At the Irish Launch of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots: (From left to right): Fiona Crowley (Amnesty Ireland), Tony D’Costa (Pax Christi), Iain Atack (ISE), Professor Noel Sharkey, Joe Murray, Lisa Patten (Afri). Photo: Dave Donnellan

Welcome to Afri

Afri’s vision is of a more just, peaceful, equal and sustainable world.  Afri seeks to inform debate and influence policy and practice in Ireland and internationally on human rights, peace, global justice, and sustainability issues.

Afri particularly responds to injustice caused by militarisation, and by environmental destruction and resource depletion.  We do this through analysis, education and action in solidarity with marginalised people in the ‘Global South’ and also in Ireland and elsewhere in the so-called ‘developed world’.

Food Sovereignty Assembly 2015: A New Vision for Food and Agriculture

Afri and Food Sovereignty Ireland (supported by Trócaire) are organising a Food Sovereignty Assembly in Westport on Friday 15th May to explore a new v[…]

‘Just A Second’ Book Launch in Galway

Choctaw Gary White Deer will launch Pete Mullineaux’s ‘Just A Second: Exploring Global Issues Through Drama and Theatre’ development education resourc[…]

Famine Walk 2015: Food Sovereignty, Global Warming and Resisting Militarism

The annual Afri Famine Walk will be held in Louisburgh Co. Mayo on Saturday 16th May[…]

See all recent posts..

Afri Partner, Abjata Khalif

Afri supports the work of the Kenya Pastoralist Journalist Network (KPJN).  The KPJN promotes sustainable development, and engages in conflict resolution and the protection of human rights.  Abjata Khalif is founder and director of KPJN.

You can read more about Abjata here.

Afri Patron Archbishop Desmond Tutu

A message of support from Afri’s international patron, Archbishop Desmond Tutu.


Annual Events

Famine Walk

Each year since 1988, Afri has hosted a Famine Walk, retracing ‘a journey of horror’ which local people made in 1849. Read More..

Féile Bríde

Feile Bride is an annual celebration and reflection in spirit of Brigid’s message of justice, peace and hope. Read More..

Hedge School

Afri’s annual Hedge School reflects on contemporary issues of injustice and oppression through conversation, debate and music. Read More..