"Grexit, Brexit – Die EU vor dem Zerfall?" - phoenix Runde vom 02.06.2015
"Grexit, Brexit – Die EU vor dem Zerfall?" - phoenix Runde vom 02.06.2015
"Grexit, Brexit – Die EU vor dem Zerfall?" - phoenix Runde vom 02.06.2015
Alexander Kähler diskutiert u.a. in der phoenix Runde mit:
- Prof. Irwin Collier (US-Ökonom FU Berlin)
- Tony Paterson (The Independent)
- Birgit Marschall (Rheinische Post)
- Prof. Theocharis Grigoriadis (Wirtschaftswissenschaftler FU Berlin)
[278] Grexit’s still possible and central banks aren’t doing real QE
[278] Grexit’s still possible and central banks aren’t doing real QE
[278] Grexit’s still possible and central banks aren’t doing real QE
On Sunday, Greek voters handed power to the anti-austerity Syriza party, whose main “objective” is overhauling the bitter economic reforms’ that Greece has had to suffer through since the recession. Since first seeking a bailout in 2010, Greece has initiated broad economic overhauls and cutbacks that have helped mend its public finance following six years of deep recession. But those cutback have come at a cost: some 25% of Greeks remain jobless while a quarter of all households live close to the poverty line. Erin weighs in.
Then, Erin sits down with Marshall Auerback, director of institutional partnerships at the Institute for New Economi
Grexit or default within the eurozone and Rick Rule on oil
Grexit or default within the eurozone and Rick Rule on oil
Grexit or default within the eurozone and Rick Rule on oil
[335] Grexit or default within the eurozone and Rick Rule on oil
[335] Grexit or default within the eurozone and Rick Rule on oil
[335] Grexit or default within the eurozone and Rick Rule on oil
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can’t reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout funds. Both the Greek government and its creditors have said they need to reach an outline agreement, at the very least, at their next meeting on April 24. But Greece has yet to produce a plan for reforms deemed acceptable. Boom Bust guest host Ameera David weighs in.
Then, Edward joins us after his attendance at a special Brookings Institution event where the finance ministers from Greece and Germany spoke, following the annual spring meetings for both The World Bank and International Mo
Macht ohne Kontrolle: Die Troika am Beispiel Griechenland GREXIT
Macht ohne Kontrolle: Die Troika am Beispiel Griechenland GREXIT
Macht ohne Kontrolle: Die Troika am Beispiel Griechenland GREXIT
Dokumentation: Macht ohne Kontrolle: Die Troika am Beispiel Griechenland GREXIT
Letzter Ausweg Grexit? Athen vor dem Kollaps - #phoenixrunde, 23.04.15
Letzter Ausweg Grexit? Athen vor dem Kollaps - #phoenixrunde, 23.04.15
Letzter Ausweg Grexit? Athen vor dem Kollaps - #phoenixrunde, 23.04.15
Letzter Ausweg Grexit? Athen vor dem Kollaps
Alexander Kähler diskutiert mit:
- Cerstin Gammelin, @CerstinGammelin (Korrespondentin der "Süddeutschen Zeitung")
- Alexis Passadakis, @attacd (Politikwissenschaftler und Attac-Mitglied)
- Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn, @HansWernerSinn (Präsident des ifo-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung)
- Prof. Michael Hüther, @iw_koeln (Direktor des Instituts der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln)
"Grexit - Sprengsatz für Europa?" - Unter den Linden vom 27.04.2015
"Grexit - Sprengsatz für Europa?" - Unter den Linden vom 27.04.2015
"Grexit - Sprengsatz für Europa?" - Unter den Linden vom 27.04.2015
"Grexit - Sprengsatz für Europa?"
Zu Gast bei Michael Hirz sind:
-Günter Verheugen (Ehemaliger EU-Kommissar)
-Roland Tichy (Vorstandsvorsitzender Ludwig-Erhard-Stiftung)
05.04.2015: Dr. Jim Willie Interview / Grexit concerns, US Economic Implosion...more
05.04.2015: Dr. Jim Willie Interview / Grexit concerns, US Economic Implosion...more
05.04.2015: Dr. Jim Willie Interview / Grexit concerns, US Economic Implosion...more
May 4, 2015
Dr. Jim Wille: www.GoldenJackass.com
1) What are the main pressure points in Greece these days ??
- Turkish Stream coming to the Greek border, significant revenue for nation
- Russia entering the picture with military bases
- finally Athens has leverage in debt negotiations
- Greece is model for debt resolution, since Italy & Spain have 10x population
2) Russia & China will establish greater trade, what are consequences ??
- their annual trade will increase to some $200 billion annually
- look for trade settlement in RMB, to add to its global legitimacy
- sharing CIPS bank transaction system, Union Pay credit card, debt ra
[292] Mosler: weak Greek position because of refusal to consider Grexit
[292] Mosler: weak Greek position because of refusal to consider Grexit
[292] Mosler: weak Greek position because of refusal to consider Grexit
Greek leaders are in Brussels today attempting to negotiate new terms that would allow them to stay in the eurozone without having to maintain austerity measures and there's no sign of a deal so far. There’s no question that the stakes are high: the country’s 240 billion-euro bailout program is set to expire in just a couple of weeks. A failure to reach a deal on an extension could mean a crisis for Greece’s public finances as well as the country’s already beleaguered banking system. Boom Bust guest host Ameera David weighs in.
Then, Edward sits down with Warren Mosler – president of Valance Co., Inc and chairman of Consulier Engineering. W
Feb. 9, 2015: Rob Kirby on Grexit, Euro breakup, US isolation, Gold and Silver....
Feb. 9, 2015: Rob Kirby on Grexit, Euro breakup, US isolation, Gold and Silver....
Feb. 9, 2015: Rob Kirby on Grexit, Euro breakup, US isolation, Gold and Silver....
Feb, 09, 2015 / Interview with Rob Kirby from Toronto, Canada on Greece exiting from the Euro and EU, breakup of EU, split between Western powers, between Europe led by Germany and the US, the future of Fiat money and of precious metals, gold and silver. Also the decline of the USD as world reserve currency, and another Lehman event up ahead as Greece leaves the Euro.
Rob Kirby website: Kirbyanalytics.com
Song opening credits: Wake up and Live by Jamall Badry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li4Ocyld6Qs
Song closing credits: Last Days by Charisma / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh1qHV1w5fo
Rob Kirby on Grexit, Euro breakup, US isolation, Gold and Silver Feb 9, 2015
Rob Kirby on Grexit, Euro breakup, US isolation, Gold and Silver Feb 9, 2015
Rob Kirby on Grexit, Euro breakup, US isolation, Gold and Silver Feb 9, 2015
Rob Kirby on Grexit, Euro breakup, US isolation, Gold and Silver Feb 9, 2015
Grexit kommt noch in diesem Jahr! Im Gespräch mit Finanzexperte und Autor Ramin Peymani
Grexit kommt noch in diesem Jahr! Im Gespräch mit Finanzexperte und Autor Ramin Peymani
Grexit kommt noch in diesem Jahr! Im Gespräch mit Finanzexperte und Autor Ramin Peymani
Heute im Gespräch mit Opposition 24 - Ramin Peymani - Finanzexperte, Publizist, Autor unter anderem in der Huffington Post und bekannt geworden durch die Klodeckel Chroniken - aktueller Titel derzeit: Endstation Klodeckel.
Spannende Antworten und Einsichten nicht nur zum Grexit, sondern auch zu "Schattenbanken" - ein Ausblick auf mögliche Szenarien, die in den nächsten Monaten auf die Eurozone zukommen könnten und über falsch adressierte Kapitalismuskritik an der EZB, die in der Tat das macht, was linke Politiker fordern - Umverteilen. Wer ist wirklich verantwortlich dafür, dass das Geld nicht bei denen, die es am Nötigsten bräuchten ankommt
04.20.2015 / Rob Kirby on Grexit, Evidence of Collapse, USD being shunned, more...
04.20.2015 / Rob Kirby on Grexit, Evidence of Collapse, USD being shunned, more...
04.20.2015 / Rob Kirby on Grexit, Evidence of Collapse, USD being shunned, more...
April 20, 2015 / ROB KIRBY INTERVIEW
· Greece Exit from EU?
· Evidence of ongoing collapse
· US dollar being dumped globally
· Dangerous times ahead as System cracks and breaks
Paper vs. Physical Gold and Silver markets
Oil Market another rigged game
Grexit: Kdy odejde Řecko z eurozóny?
Grexit: Kdy odejde Řecko z eurozóny?
Grexit: Kdy odejde Řecko z eurozóny?
Dne 9. 4. 2015 uspořádalo Centrum transatlantických vztahů vysoké školy CEVRO Institut veřejnou debatu na téma "Grexit: Kdy odejde Řecko z Eurozóny". Pozvání přijali Petr Robejšek (politolog a poradce pro strategické otázky), Zdeněk Tůma (partner společnosti KPMG a bývalý guvernér České národní banky) a Lenka Zlámalová (analytička ECHO24.cz). Konferenci zahájil rektor vysoké školy CEVRO Institut prof. Josef Šíma. Hlavním mediálním partnerem byl portál o ekonomice, financích a investicích Roklen24.
Jim Willie Interview Grexit concerns, US Economic Implosion more 05 04 2015
Jim Willie Interview Grexit concerns, US Economic Implosion more 05 04 2015
Jim Willie Interview Grexit concerns, US Economic Implosion more 05 04 2015
Jim Willie Interview Grexit concerns, US Economic Implosion more 05 04 2015
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Economic collapse and financial crisis is rising any moment. Getting informed about collapse and crisis may earn you, or prevent to lose money. Do you want to be informed with Max Keiser, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Ron Paul,Jim Willie, Steve Quayle, V Economist, and many specialists about FINANCIAL CRISIS / OIL PRICE / GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE / AGENDA 21 / DOLLAR COLLAPSE / GOLD / SILVER / BITCOIN / GLOBAL RESET / NEW WORLD ORDER / ECONOMİC
Presseclub | 14.06.2015 | Tsipras und die Geldgeber – Ist der Grexit unausweichlich?
Presseclub | 14.06.2015 | Tsipras und die Geldgeber – Ist der Grexit unausweichlich?
Presseclub | 14.06.2015 | Tsipras und die Geldgeber – Ist der Grexit unausweichlich?
Es war der x-te Griechenland-Gipfel in dieser Woche, doch Fortschritte wurden auch Donnerstagnacht wieder keine erzielt. Stundenlang sprach der griechische Ministerpräsident Alexis Tsipras mit Bundeskanzlerin Merkel und EU-Kommissionschef Jean-Claude Juncker. Ein Ergebnis? Fehlanzeige.
Jan. 26, 2015: Grexit soon? All Economic indicators flashing red
Jan. 26, 2015: Grexit soon? All Economic indicators flashing red
Jan. 26, 2015: Grexit soon? All Economic indicators flashing red
Despite Prez. Obama's claim that the shadow of crisis has passed (reminds me of Prez. Bush's claim of 'Mission Accomplished), the truth seems to indicate quite the opposite. Earnings are being missed, stock market volatility is extreme, the probability of Greece exiting the Euro is very high. Seems like there are black swans everywhere threatening to collapse the System. 2015 will be unlike any year since 2007, maybe even since 1929.
Intro song: Wake up and live by Jamall Badry
Closing Song: Change of Heart by Agape: http://www.discogs.com/Agape-Victims-Of-Tradition/release/3133389
Omnibus - Grexit più vicina (Puntata 19/04/2015)
Omnibus - Grexit più vicina (Puntata 19/04/2015)
Omnibus - Grexit più vicina (Puntata 19/04/2015)
Andrea Pancani ospita in studio Vittorio Parsi (Università Cattolica di Milano), Arturo Diaconale (l'Opinione), Piero Sansonetti (Il Garantista), Ettore Maria Colombo (giornalista), Angelo Polimeno (inviato TG1).
Rob Kirby on Grexit, Evidence of Collapse, USD being shunned, more April 2015
Rob Kirby on Grexit, Evidence of Collapse, USD being shunned, more April 2015
Rob Kirby on Grexit, Evidence of Collapse, USD being shunned, more April 2015
April 20, 2015 / ROB KIRBY INTERVIEW · Greece Exit from EU? · Evidence of ongoing collapse · US dollar being dumped globally · Dangerous times ahead as ...
Rob Kirby on Grexit, Evidence of Collapse, USD being shunned, more April 2015 Economic collapse and financial crisis is rising any moment. Getting informed ...
Rob Kirby on Grexit, Evidence of Collapse, USD being shunned, more April 2015
Rob Kirby on Grexit, Evidence of Collapse, USD being shunned, more April 2015