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Mònica Oltra explica la diferència entre un valencianisme progressista com el de Compromís, promotor dels interessos de les persones, i un valencianisme fals...
Les plus belles actions et tous les essais de la 3ème journée de Super League entre les Dragons Catalans et Warrington le 28 février 2015 au Stade Gilbert Brutus Plus d'infos :
Vous ne connaissez pas les catalans? cette vidéo vous donnera une petite idée! Rejoignez nous sur la page facebook:
T'HA AGRADAT? SI VOLS QUE EN CONTINUEM FENT AGRAIREM LA TEVA APORTACIÓ ECONÒMICA A TRAVÉS DE PAYPAL A SONBOJOS@GMAIL.COM Subtítols en català. Fryske ûndertitels (troch/by Geertrui Visser). Subtítulos en español. English subtitles. Deutsche Untertitel. Polskie napisy. contacte: (per qui vulgui el DVD, vulgui una projecció, un col·loqui, etc.) Facebook: escolta'ns a: CATALÀ El català és una llengua parlada per uns 10 milions de persones. Això la fa la novena llengua més parlada de la Unió Europea i dins de les 100 llengües més parlades que hi ha al món. És una llengua mitjana, equiparable en nombre de parlants a llengües com el txec, el suec, el búlgar, i té més parlants que el danès, l'estonià, etc. Tot i aquests fets objectius, què passa amb el català que no passa amb aquestes altres llengües? Per què el català no es troba en una situació similar a les altres llengües comparables en nombre de parlants en països democràtics? Per què el seu ús no està normalitzat? Per què es donen com a normals comportaments que no ho són? Per què sovint s'abandona la llengua? Com són els usos reals del català? Quines dificultats hi trobem? Un documentari de David Valls Realitzat per Zeba Produccions Amb el suport de Plataforma per la Llengua i Tallers per la Llengua Amb la col·laboració del Grup d'Estudi de Llengües Amenaçades (GELA) i el Centre Universitari de Sociolingüística i Comunicació de la Universitat de Barcelona (CUSC) Durada: 70 minuts Idioma: català Aquest documentari ha estat finançat través d'una campanya de micromecenatge. Més informació a: ¿¡Están locos estos catalanes!? (ESPAÑOL) El catalán es una lengua hablada por unos 10 millones de personas. Esto la hace la novena lengua más hablada de la Unión Europea y dentro de las 100 lenguas más habladas que hay en el mundo. Es una lengua media, comparable en número de hablantes en lenguas como el checo, el sueco, el búlgaro, y tiene más hablantes que el danés, estonio, etc. A pesar de estos hechos objetivos, ¿qué pasa con el catalán que no ocurre con esas otras lenguas? ¿Por qué el catalán no se encuentra en una situación similar a las otras lenguas comparables en número de hablantes en países democráticos? ¿Por qué su uso no está normalizado? ¿Por qué se dan como normales comportamientos que no lo son? ¿Por qué a menudo se abandona la lengua? Como son los usos reales del catalán? ¿Qué dificultades encontramos? Un documental de David Valls Realizado por Zeba Produccions Con el apoyo de Plataforma per la Llengua y Tallers per la Llengua Con la colaboración del Grup d'Estudi de Llengües Amenaçades (GELA) i el Centre Universitari de Sociolingüística i Comunicació de la Universitat de Barcelona (CUSC) Duración: 70 minutos Idioma: catalán Este documental ha sido financiado mediante una campaña de micromecenaje. Más información en: Are these Catalan crazy? (ENGLISH) The Catalan language is spoken by about 10 million people. This makes it the ninth most spoken language in the European Union and within the 100 most widely spoken languages in the world. It is a medium size language, comparable in number of speakers with languages such as Czech, Swedish, Bulgarian, and it has more speakers than Danish, Estonian, etc.. Despite these objective facts, what it happens to Catalan that it does not happen with these other languages? Why Catalan is not in a similar situation such as other languages with a similar amount of speakers? Why its use it is not normalized? Why we assume as normal linguistic behaviors which are not? Why Catalan speakers often code switch to Spanish? What are the actual uses of Catalan? What difficulties are there? A documentary by David Valls Made by Zeba Productions Supported by Plataforma per la Llengua and Tallers per la Llengua With the collaboration of the Grup d'Estudi de Llengües Amenaçades (GELA) and the Centre Universitari de Sociolingüística i Comunicació de la Universitat de Barcelona (CUSC) Duration: 70 minutes Language: Catalan This documentary has been funded through a crowdfunding campaign. More information:
Catalans Dragons vs. Warrington (Super League 2015) Catalan 1 Morgan Escaré 2 Vincent Duport 3 Ben Pomeroy 4 Willie Tonga 5 Michael Oldfield 6 Todd Carney 7 Scott Dureau 9 Ian Henderson 10 Rémi Casty 11 Zeb Taia 12 Louis Anderson 13 Greg Mounis 15 Jeff Lima 17 Elliott Whitehead 18 Benjamin Garcia 20 Cardace Damien 21 Julian Bousquet 23 Antoni Maria 24 Jason Baitieri Wolves Squad 15 Roy Asotasi 4 Ryan Atkins 3 Chris Bridge 9 Daryl Clark 17 Ben Currie 21 Ben Evans 13 Ben Harrison 14 Micky Higham 8 Chris Hill 18 James Laithwaite 5 Joel Monaghan 7 Richie Myler 20 Gareth O'Brien 24 Kevin Penny 26 Joe Philbin 1 Matthew Russell 10 Ashton Sims 12 Ben Westwood 23 Gary Wheeler
Les plus belles actions et tous les essais de la 2ème journée de Super League entre les Dragons Catalans et Castleford le 14 février 2015 au Stade Gilbert Brutus Plus d'infos :
St Helens vs. Catalans Dragons @ Langtree Park - Highlights (Super League 2015)
El cas dels catalans 1714
Les plus belles actions et tous les essais du match amical entre les Dragons Catalans et les Chevaliers Cathares le 24 janvier 2015 au Stade Albert Domec de Carcassonne. Plus d'infos :
Hundreds of thousands of Catalans have flooded the streets of Barcelona in the region’s national day to demand the right to vote on independence from Spain. The demonstrators have formed a big V in red and yellow, symbolizing “vote.” RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
With five minutes left in the first half, Eloi Pelissier was penalised for a shoulder charge on Scott Wheeldon. This incident turned into a 26-man brawl with every player of the field getting involved. At the end of it all, Pelissier, Oliver Elima and Jake Webster saw yellow for their involvements. Castleford Tigers vs. Catalans Dragons, Super League 2015
1er extrait du Nouvel EP de la Ming8 Halls Starf : "L'Embarquement" [Sortie 6 Mai 2013] Tourné au CAMP NOU à Barcelone Les Catalans du Mic: Hannibal x Morçon...
Les plus belles actions et tous les essais du match entre les Dragons Catalans U19 et St Helens U19 le 6 février 2015 au Langtree Park Stadium. Plus d'infos :
Les plus belles actions et tous les essais du match entre les Dragons Catalans U19 et Bradford U19 le 22 février 2015 au Provident Stadium. Plus d'infos :
Les plus belles actions et tous les essais de la 1ère journée de Play Off entre les Dragons Catalans et Leeds le 20 septembre 2014 au Headingley Carnegie Stadium Plus d'infos :
Revivez les meilleurs moments de la saison 2013 à travers les plus beaux essais, les plus gros plaquages et découvrez des images inédites de la vie du vestia...
Revivez les meilleurs moments de la saison 2014 à travers les plus beaux essais, les plus gros plaquages et découvrez des images inédites de la vie du vestiaire catalan. Rendez-vous à Brutus en 2015 ! Plus d'infos :
Catalunya és dels catalans.
Les plus belles actions et tous les essais du match amical entre les Dragons Catalans U19 et les Chevaliers Cathares U19 le 24 janvier 2015 au Stade Albert Domec de Carcassonne. Plus d'infos :
Vídeo en 16 llengües on Fernando de Castro presenta The Catalan Project, un espai participatiu amb voluntat d'esdevenir un gran banc d'idees per construir la...
Les plus belles actions et tous les essais du match amical entre les Dragons Catalans et Londres le 17 janvier 2015 au Stade Gilbert Brutus. Plus d'infos :
Les plus belles actions et tous les essais de la 2ème journée de Play Off entre les Dragons Catalans et Huddersfield le 26 septembre 2014 au John Smith's Stadium Plus d'infos :
Vídeo de presentació de la campanya "Catalans want to vote - Human towers for democracy". Ajuda'ns a fer pinya! +
Mrs Violant Cervera is general director of department for civil affairs, within the Ministry for social protection, in the Government of Catalunya. She is sp...
shakira hablando en 5 idiomas frances portuges español ingles italiano
Pep Guardiola, FC Barcelona coach, explains what he feels regarding his country, Catalonia, and its language. CATALONIA IS NOT SPAIN
Liz Castro is an american who lives between America and Barcelona. She speaks Catalan and is concerned about Catalan curture and language. She talks about th...
Scottish Foreign Affairs Minister: massive demonstration in Barcelona "was a real demonstration of the people's power". Fiona Hyslop, Minister for Foreign Af...
Le président catalan, Artur Mas, a estimé mercredi qu'il serait pratiquement impossible d'empêcher éternellement la Catalogne de voter sur son avenir, comme veut le faire le gouvernement espagnol. Durée: 01:28
Questions: -In Spain, where do people speak with el ceceo (gracias, lápiz, etc.) and where do they not? Pronounce the word: 200 -Can you understand Portugues...
RTVA did a great job combining images from my expeditions to Aconcagua, dives in Asia and video application for Australia's Northern Territory Outback Advent...
Interview on the possible split of Spain, with Catalonia seeking independence. Protests in Spain turned violent after police used brute physical force to dis...
This interview shows what do students in Catalonia think about the independence wish. Both teenagers live in Catalonia and they can see the situation in firs...
FULL INTERVIEW: Passió... In an interview with CNA, former United Kingdom's Secretary of State for Scotland Michael Moore explained he saw no reason w...
In an exclusive interview with the CNA about Catalonia, the Prime Minister of Lithuania, Algirdas Butkevicius, states that each country "has to find its own ...
My name is Ona and I'm from Mallorca. It's hard for me to explain where I'm from. And it's not because I had lived in a lot places. I've actually lived most ...
Interview: Martí Anglada, journalist.
Philippine culture is very rich when it comes to mythology and folklore. Majority of the population are superstitious even to this that we are already in the...
Don't forget to subscribe. COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: This video is property of FC Barcelona, Mediapro, RTVE, Sky Sports, AL Jazeera, GolTV, LaSexta, FIFA and UEFA...
STORY AND PHOTOS The ongoing economic crisis has sparked renewed separatism calls in Catalonia - over a million people took to the streets of Barcelona to call for independence from Spain. The annual rally attracted a record turnout in the most prosperous part of Spain, which blames central government for its economic woes. Authorities in Catalonia are demanding a 5 billion Euro bailout from Madrid, saying that's how much Barcelona has been forced to overpay. Sociologist Carlos Delclos says the government is imposing centralization on parts of the country striving for autonomy. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
Swami Abhishiktananda: An interview with Raimon Panikkar conducted by Dr. Christian Hackbarth-Johnson. Swami Abhishiktananda (1910--73), originally Fr. Henri...
Varias celebridades no hispanohablantes intentando hablar en español, pequeña recopilación. Entre ellos, Emma Watson, Britney Spears, Will Smith, Chloe Moretz, Kristen Stewart, Tyra Banks, Sophie Turner, Robert Pattinson, Paul McCartney, Austin Mahone, Chris Martin, R5, Victoria Justice, Ross Lynch, Beyonce, Chris Pine, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, etc... --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- bilingual celebrities (slightly longer version), bilingual celebrities 2012, actors speaking diferente languages, que dificil es hablar el español gente famosa hablando español, artistas hablando en español (recopilacion), famosos hablando español, will smith hablando español, famosos hablando en español, taylor swift hablando español, justin bieber hablando en español, victoria justice hablando en español, selena gomez hablando en español, top 5 famosos hablando mal ingles, one direction hablando español, famosos sin y con maquillaje, famosos antes y despues, famosos muertos 2013 - 2014, famosos muertos 2012, famosos fallecidos en el año 2013, famosos que han muerto jóvenes, cambios radicales de famosos 2009, con maquillaje...sin maquillaje. famosos, extranormal amenaza reptiliana, reptilianos famosos, lady gaga hablando español, el hombre con el cociente intelectual más alto de la historia, los 7 grupos hackers más poderosos de la historia, mujer imita forma de hablar de diferentes países y en varios idiomas, 24 jóvenes famosas sin maquillaje/photoshop - 24 young, los 20 chicos mas guapos, as 35 mais bonitas da nickelodeon, famosos de disney antes y despues, o passado das celebridades mais lindas, las 10 cantantes mas bellas del mundo, audición de miley cyrus para hannah montana, adolescentes mas ricos del mundo, protagonistas infantiles, los niños famosos de los años 90's el antes y el después. 17 mejores publicidades argentinas, los comerciales mas divertidos y de doble sentido, la llama que llama completo, diego maradona vs lionel messi argentine dna skills famosos se equivocan usando playback, selena gomez in spanish interview mujer imita forma de hablar de diferentes países y en varios idiomas, cosas que dicen los argentinos hecho por un yanqui Wendy Sulca - Me Pongo Hardcore DoritosMX artistas hablando en español (recopilacion), emma watson habla en español para caiga quien caiga, jackie chan hablando español y jaden smith rapeando, kristen stewart hablando en español, vin diesel en premios billboard, gringo aprendiendo a insultar en español, 西語媒體-Qué difícil es hablar el español , una historia real de la deep web, las 7 corporaciones "más malignas" del mundo, la estrella más mórbida de internet, la anomalía de catania (real), las 7 películas animadas más traumatizantes del mundo, el "fantasma" de su padre en un videojuego, mensajes en facebook de una muerta, mensajes ocultos de Disney. arsat 1 lanzamiento
English translation thanks to Inakitxu75. PEPA FERNÁNDEZ (P.F.): I have to say prison hasn't done very much damage to Iago, ¿huh? You look really handsome. M... Iker Casillas and Xavi Hernandez, icons of Real Madrid and Barcelona and also heroes of the Spanish national team, were jointly awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Sports in recognition for their glittering careers and humanistic values. Together, they took some time out of their busy schedule to talk to Euronews about their strong relationship. Euronews: You have taken a short break from your club and national duties to receive this award - an award that recognises not only your sporting careers but also your personality and your solid friendship to each other. Xavi Hernandez: I'm very happy because this award has an special meaning for me. Not only for the prestige of it, but also for being able to be awarded it with somebody who has been my friend for a long time, even before we became professional players. It is a very happy day to be able to enjoy this with Iker. Euronews: Iker, Is it complicated to maintain this friendship for all these years whilst in the middle of the media storm that surrounds the bitter rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona? Iker Casillas: ''I don't think so. As Xavi says, we have grown up together. We have reached a professional level with similar careers. Now all we have to do is to keep our clubs happy, Barcelona and Real Madrid, and of course the Spanish national team too.'' Euronews: How much of this award can be attributed to the success the National team, Barcelona and Real Madrid? Xavi: ''It comes from all of them. We came through the youth ranks in Barcelona and Real Madrid. Our parents and family and also the Spanish National Team all played a part in our success. We are both from a generation of Spanish football players who have been lucky in winning the European championships twice and one World Cup. Therefore, this prize belongs to more people than just ourselves.'' Iker Casillas: ''Winning so many things with the Spanish national team is of course a plus. Obviously, to get titles with Real Madrid and Barcelona too. All that coupled with the way people have enjoyed our success with the national team is the principle factor in why we jointly won this prestigious award, it's a proud moment for both of us.'' Euronews: Because of increased tensions between Catalonia and Spain, Xavi, do you think politics played any role at all in the award? Xavi: ''I don't think so. This is sport and it is an award which recognises many years of friendship despite the football rivalry. Our career is important too: we have won a lot of titles with the Spanish National Team and with our clubs. I don't see any political-related issues.'' Euronews: You both speak about the Spanish National Team. Everybody praises Spain. Do you think the country's football players - whose price tags are a lot higher than previous years - have benefited from the golden age of Spanish football? Iker Casillas: ''I have no doubt. It will be difficult to repeat the Spanish national team's golden era of many titles, but we hope it will happen again. Not everybody is lucky enough to win back to back European titles and a World Cup, in fact only the our national team has done it. The important titles are a result of a fusion of good players and coaches.'' Euronews: I'm sure that you both have a good place to put the award, but when people like yourselves have won almost all there is to win, where do you find your motivation? Perhaps the Golden Ball award? Xavi: ''We belong to a collective sport, in which the most important thing is to win titles: the World Cup, the Confederations Cup with the national team, the league, the Champions League with our clubs...all this motivate us. We are here because of good team work, this is the main reason why we have won this individual award.'' Euronews: If Iker Casillas could have voted, would he have voted for Xavi? Iker Casillas: ''Yes because he symbolises the Spanish National Team. He's a sportsman held in high regard... I would have definitely voted him.'' Euronews: Xavi, I suppose that you would say the same about Iker. Xavi: ''Honestly, I would, because he is a great footballer, captain and guy. We have known each other for many years and I would have no hesitation in voting for him.'' Euronews: Let's change the topic now... Is Real Madrid's La Liga title race over due to Barcelona's lead or is it still too early? Xavi: ''It is too early. We have a very good lead but the league is very long. It is not at all done yet.'' Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
Hundreds of thousands of Catalans are expected to back independence from Spain on Nov. 9 in a symbolic referendum on secession that they hope will propel the issue further despite opposition from Madrid. The "consultation of citizens" in the wealthy northeastern region follows a legal block by the central government against a more formal, albeit still non-binding ballot which regional leaders had been pushing for. "If they don't understand us, they should respect us and each of us go on their separate way," said Angels Costa, a 52-year-old shopkeeper as she stood waiting in a short queue to vote in Barcelona. "We would have liked to have been a federal state but that is no longer possible. They've trampled on us too much." ro-independence organisations have campaigned vigorously for a big turnout from the wealthy region's 7.5 million people, and more than 40,000 volunteers were helping set up informal voting stations on Nov. 9. Pro-secession politicians hope a high level of support will prompt central government to sit down with them and negotiate more tax and political autonomy, or even convince Madrid to accept a full-blown independence referendum in the future. Officials from Catalonia's two main parties, including the centre-right Convergencia i Union (CiU) of regional leader Artur Mas, have suggested that backing from more than 1.5 million citizens would help build momentum for their cause. "The ideal scenario is the more people the better," Oriol Junqueras, head of left-wing opposition party Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), said in an interview. "It's clear that this consultation ... does not give us the democratic mandate we would have in an election, but what's important is that it is a fresh demonstration of the fact people want to vote, that they are keen to voice their opinion." However those who are not in favour of separation are not expected to take part. One such is Roberto Ruiz, a 30 year old out jogging on what for him was just another Sunday morning. "No, I'm not voting. This will not make any difference and I'm against (independence) anyway. I'm Catalan but I'm Spanish too," he said. 'Symbolic impact' Opinion polls show that as many as 80 percent of Catalans back voting on the issue of Catalonia's status, with about 50 percent in favour of full independence. A long-standing breakaway movement in Catalonia, which accounts for one-fifth of Spain's economic output and has its own distinct culture and language, grew in strength during the recent years of deep recession. In early September - buoyed by a Scottish independence campaign which ultimately lost out in a referendum - hundreds of thousands of Catalans dressed in the yellow and red of their regional flag packed the streets of Barcelona, forming a huge "V" to demand the right to vote. Officially suspended by Spain's Constitutional Court after the Spanish government sought to stop this poll, Sunday's vote is nonetheless expected to pass off peacefully. Government sources said it was unlikely the regional police, controlled by Catalan authorities, will stand in the way of people casting their ballots. Analysts say the poll results should be viewed cautiously, because opponents are likely to shun it. "While we expect the vote to have a symbolic impact (more than one million people will likely participate) it will not carry significant political implications," Antonio Roldan, Europe analyst at the Eurasia Group consultancy said in a note.
If you ever meet an angel, let's hope she's just like Gloria Battliori. We don't mean the angelic smile and curly hair. Nor am I referring to the heavenly ho...
Reportatge de TV3 emès l'any 1997 sobre les relacions entre valencians i catalans, amb el conflicte entre blaveros espanyolistes Vs valencianistes i catalani...
[CAT] Concert al Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona, ofert el 11 de setembre del 2008. Marina Rossell interpreta en directe el seu repertori de Clàssics Cata...
30 minuts TV3 01-05-2011 Valencias i catalans una relació sense senyal.
Les Corts Valencianes debaten sobre els Països Catalans. Intervenen Jorge Bellver (PPCV), Ignacio Blanco (EUPV), Mònica Oltra (Compromís) i Ana Maria Besaldu...
Més de 1000 anys d'Història resumits en un video de 30 minuts, des del naixement dels comtats Catalans fins la celebració de la "Via Catalana per la independ...
La Via Catalana Internacional cap a la Independència ha estat organitzada pel Consell de les Assemblees Exteriors de l'ANC amb la col·laboració de les Comuni...
Credits to Bein Sport. Commentary is in French. Re upload.
Biketrial 28/12/2014 Festival de la Infancia de Barcelona Campeonato de España, Campeonato de Catalunya y Països Catalans
Check out the links below for more info. All the infomation of this video was provided by Santaponsa123: Watch the videos "the thracians, a hidden history" a...
Catalans i Valencians - Documental Sencer.
Resum de l'acte: Publicat per primera vegada l'any 1964, aquest assai...
Per què ens sentim fascinats per "Lohengrin", per "Parsifal", per "Tannhäuser"...? Per què els catalans tenim devoció per Wagner? Un viatge al passat per des...
El president de la Generalitat, Artur Mas, rebrà els alcaldes dels ajuntaments catalans que han aprovat la moció en defensa del dret a decidir proposada per l’Associació de Municipis per la Independència (AMI) i l’Associació Catalana de Municipis (ACM) a tots els seus municipis adherits.
Seire amb raxe88 un gran youtuber catala!! passeu pel seu canal!! like, sub, fab i comentar!! Gracies!! ;)
Spectacle de musiques, danses et ballets traditionnels catalans.
Commentary is in French. Credits to Bein Sport France. Enjoy.
Amb la Malika i altres convidats,el Moustafà i el Mousak, hem parlat de com les comunitats musulmanes de Catalunya viuen el radicalisme jihadista. Després de condemnar l'atemptat a la revista satírica francesa "Charlie Hebdo", alguns també pateixen les reaccions indiscriminades contra els musulmans.
Mathias Pala of Catalans Dragons takes on his first real challenge of the season. We asked players from all 12 Super League clubs to take on our special Cube-style challenge. Was Mathias magic or did he struggle?
--= THE SYNOPSIS OF YOUR FAVORITE BOOK =--- Where to buy this book? ISBN: 9780393051100 Book Synopsis of The Catalans by P O'Brian If you want to add where to buy this book, please use the link above: If you are the Author, Publisher or Partner and want to send us a message, use this link: Report an error: ------- + Share the book of your favorite author + ------- See more at Subscribe on our Channel. Copyright note: this video only use public information about the book: Public Synopsis, Cover, ISBN number, Author Name and Publisher Name. All rights belong to their respective owners. Contact us for any partnership enquiries, content submission or other requests at Contact us for any copyright issues at Music from: By ID: BD9780393051100-2066215
Els Bombers Catalans Joan Valor ℗ 2014 Audiovisuals de Sarrià Released on: 2014-03-13 Music Publisher: Audiovisuals de Sarrià Auto-generated by YouTube.
Les plus belles actions et tous les essais de la 6ème journée de Super League entre les Dragons Catalans et Hull FC le 20 mars 2015 au KC Stadium. Plus d'infos :
'Catalan Weekend', la nova campanya d'Òmnium per internacionalitzar la causa catalana. L'entitat crida els catalans que acullin estrangers a casa un cap de setmana per explicar-los el procés Watch - Castleford Tigers v Salford City Reds 2015 - ENGLAND 2015 Super League - live rugby union streams - rugby Live hd stream Highlights - Catalans Dragons vs Hull FC 2015 - ENGLAND 2015 Super League - rugby Live hd stream - rugby highlights HD 2015 Watch Salford City Reds v Castleford Tigers 2015, ENGLAND 2015 Super League, rugby highlights HD 2015, live rugby coverage online 2015 Watch - Hull FC vs Catalans Dragons 2015 - ENGLAND 2015 Super League - live rugby coverage online 2015 - live sports streams rugby 2015 Watch, Hull FC vs Catalans Dragons 2015, ENGLAND 2015 Super League, live rugby coverage online 2015, live sports streams rugby 2015
SABOR DE GRACIA preparen el nou disc "GITANOS CATALANS" commemorant els 20 anys de la formació. Amb un seguit de col·laboracions de luxe (Pep Sala, Òscar Dalmau, Las Migas, Txarango, Titot...). El proper 8 d'Abril és la data de sortida del nou disc. Subscriu-te per rebre les actualitzacions del canal:
Les plus belles actions et tous les essais de la 5ème journée de Super League entre les Dragons Catalans et Hull KR le 15 mars 2015 au KC Lightstream Stadium. Plus d'infos : Watch - Hull KR vs Catalans Dragons 2015 - ENGLAND 2015 Super League - rugby highlights HD 2015 - live rugby coverage online 2015 Watch - Hull KR vs Catalans Dragons 2015 - ENGLAND 2015 Super League - rugby highlights HD 2015 - live rugby coverage online 2015 Watch Hull KR v Catalans Dragons 2015 - Europe 2015 Super League - rugby Live hd stream - rugby highlights HD 2015 Watch Hull KR v Catalans Dragons 2015, Europe 2015 Super League, rugby Live hd stream, rugby highlights HD 2015
El diputado balear David Abril saluda al Casal dels Països Catalans de La Plata (Argentina) en motivo de la diada de las Islas Baleares.
Notícia emesa a l'informatiu del dia 12 de març de 2015.
Kevin Larroyer, Ben Cockayne and Shaun Lunt talk about Hull KR's 2015 Super League fixture vs Catalans Dragons (March, 2015)
Conferència ‘Cristòfor Colom i la primera globalització’ amb Roger Mallola i Bernat Dedéu al Born
Conferència ‘Cristòfor Colom i la primera globalització’ amb Roger Mallola i Bernat Dedéu al Born
Debat final de la Cconferència ‘Cristòfor Colom i la primera globalització’ amb Roger Mallola i Bernat Dedéu al Born
Els Cantaïres Catalans.. Groupe choral uniquement composé de voix d'hommes. (facebook)
First Utility Super League 2015, Round 4
Salford secured a thrilling point at the death as they played out an incredible 40-40 draw at Catalans Dragons. A Josh Griffin penalty – given, somewhat controversially, by Phil Bentham after an incorrect play the ball by Morgan Escaré – brought the scoring to an end with less than a minute remaining. Laurent Frayssinous, the Catalans coach, was furious, saying: “My thoughts are that it is not a penalty, I saw the last four rounds and it has happened that the teams go back and play the ball. “We should have had one more point in the league – we should have six points tonight and we have only five, so I don’t know what the RFL will do because it happens every season for the Dragons.”
Les plus belles actions et tous les essais de la 4ème journée de Super League entre les Dragons Catalans et Salford le 7 mars 2015 au Stade Gilbert Brutus Plus d'infos : Highlights - Salford City Reds vs Catalans Dragons - Europe 2015 Super League - live rugby coverage online 2015 - live sports streams rugby 2015 Highlights, Salford City Reds vs Catalans Dragons, Europe 2015 Super League, live rugby coverage online 2015, live sports streams rugby 2015
Vídeo explicatiu sobre com han elaborat els nens i nenes de 5è de l'escola Països Catalans de Lliçà d'Amunt el mural amb Realitat Augmentada per a les portes obertes del 5 de març de 2015
Carney has been plying his trade in the south of France with Super League side Catalan Dragons since ...
The Guardian 2015-04-02Now playing Super League for French club Les Catalans, Carney appealed the sacking and last month ...
Canberra Times 2015-04-02The former representative star, who is playing for Super League club Catalans, was sacked by the ...
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-04-02After arriving back in the Catalan capital on Thursday, Messi and international team mate Javier ...
The Times of India 2015-04-02The Catalan giants will meet Paris Saint-Germain over two legs later this month, however, after ...
FourFourTwo 2015-04-02After arriving back in the Catalan capital on Thursday, Messi and international team mate Javier ...
DNA India 2015-04-02The Catalan giants aren't the only club who are keen on signing him ... "We lose a lot without him ... com here.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-02Wakefield (+6) v Catalans – Thursday, 2000. If both teams were at full strength, Catalans would be a ...
Sporting Life 2015-04-02According to Nedved, the Catalan club are keen to acquire the highly valued France international, ...
The Guardian 2015-04-02A former Barca and Spain midfielder, Luis Enrique is a confirmed disciple of the Catalan club's ...
DNA India 2015-04-02The Catalans will look to avenge a 97-73 defeat at the hands of their arch-rivals at home back on 5 ...
noodls 2015-04-02'Luditrain' is a transformational project lead by 3 Catalan clusters:
noodls 2015-04-02The love letter was intended for Jose Bartoli, a Catalan artist and political refugee who moved to ...
Huffington Post 2015-04-02The Catalans or Catalonians are the people from, or with origins in, Catalonia who form a historical nationality in northern Spain. The inhabitants of the adjacent portion of southern France (known in Catalonia proper as Catalunya Nord, and in France as the Pays Catalan) sometimes are included in this definition. Also, sometimes Catalan is used to define people from Catalan Countries, which include other areas where the Catalan language is spoken.
The other Catalan-speaking people, namely Andorrans, Valencians, Balearics, some Aragonese, and Alguerese are sometimes identified as a distinct Catalan ethnic group by certain nationalists. The latter assertion is especially rooted in Catalan nationalism.[citation needed] In the aforementioned territories (often designated Països Catalans, "Catalan Countries", by Catalan nationalists). This extended concept is unpopular and eventually brings conflict, most of all in the Valencian Community where it is a great issue involving discrimination of the language and mediatic manipulation.