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Evolution of Hardcore-Punk (1979-Today)
20 Best Modern Hardcore Punk Bands (BaXter version)
Top 10 Hardcore Punk songs
This is real Hardcore Punk
SLAYER - Hardcore/Punk covers set [live in Petaluma, USA - 1996]
Calibre 12 - Hardcore Punk (Full Album)
UK 80s Hardcorepunk (Side A)
Punk Hardcore Drum Warm Up
Bruise Violet - Man's World (hardcore punk California)
Code Blue: 1984 Midwest Hardcore Punk Compilation (Full Album)
Best Hardcore Punk Bands ever
Buenos Aires Hardcore Punk [El documental]
--------------------------------------------------------------- Want more? Follow us at Facebook for nice Songs and awesome Newcomers: Check also our Mainchannel ! --------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 7Seconds-Here's Your Warning 01:18 Adolescents-I Hate Children 03:04 Bad Brains-Banned In D.C 05:18 Black Flag-Rise Above 07:46 Dead Kennedys-When Ya Get Drafted 09:10 Descendents-Hope 11:12 The Exploited-Punks Not Dead 12:34 G.B.H-City Baby Attacked By Rats 15:11 Minor Threat-Minor Threat 16:41 Vorkriegsjugend-Aufstand Im Ghetto 19:25 Agnostic Front-The Eliminator 22:38 The Casualties-Riot 24:31 Gorilla Biscuits-Start Today 26:34 H2O-Universal Language 27:35 Ignite-Sided 29:47 Madball-New York City 31:48 Rancid-Just A Feeling 33:48 Sick Of It All-Friends Like You 34:57 Slapshot-Old Tyme Hardcore 36:20 Youth of Today-Time To Forgive 37:30 Champion-Next Year 39:27 Comeback Kid-G.M Vincent And I 43:01 Death By Stereo-Binge Purge 45:36 Have Heart-Ubreakable 47:39 Krum Bums-Cut The Noose 49:27 More Than Life-Brave Enough To Fail 51:24 Pipedown-Risin Up 54:45 Raise Fist-Stronger Than Ever 57:57 Rise Against-Build To Last
Fuckin' Great Songs!!!
These are my favorites in Hardcore Punk
Here are my favourite Hardcore Punk Songs which are in this video in the following order: Beastie Boys - Beastie Boys Toxic Reasons - Drunk and Disorderly De...
01 M-Siren 0:00 02 Pessimist 2:42 03 japanese title 4:28 04 Deformity 6:49 05 japanese title 9:49 06 Eradication 11:57 07 japanese title 14:05
01. Abolish Government (T.S.O.L.) 02. Filler (Minor Threat) 03. I Don't Wanna Hear It (Minor Threat) 04. Richard Hung Himself (D.I.) 05. Mr. Freeze (Dr. Know) 06. Verbal Abuse (Verbal Abuse) 07. I Hate You (Verbal Abuse) Live in Petaluma, USA [25.08.1996]
Calibre 12 - Hardcore Punk 2013 - Casa Punk Recs 01 - Bomba na cara 02 - RG Rasgado (1...
Part 1 of my asskicking "Burning Britain" Mix-Tape. Visit my Blog for Download. You will find the link below.. 1. The Varukers - Protest & Survive 2. Anti System - Animal Welfare 3. Chaos UK - Maggie 4. Chaotic Dischord - Who killed E.T.? (I killed the Fucker!) 5. Disorder - Violent World 6. Blitzkrieg - Lest we Forgot 7. Uproar - Die For Me 8. Discharge - Dooms Day 9. G.B.H. - Sick Boy 10. Conflict - Berkshire Cunt 11. English Dogs - Psycho Killer 12. Anti System - Bomb Threat 13. Chaotic Dischord - Cliff 14. The Varukers - Animal's an Animal 15. Discharge - Why? 16. Chaotic Dischord - Popstars 17. Disorder - Prisoners of Conscience 18. Chaos UK - No Security 19. Icons of Filth - Sunk Rock 20. Conflict - Wichever Way You Want It
Bruise Violet female hardcore punk band from California BRUISE VIOLET - EP 2007.
Brilliant compilation series of hard to find early punk gems. Originally released on Red Rum Records in 1989. Track listing... Side 1 Mad-I Hate Music Hollywood Squares-Hillside Strangler 2:14 Slugs-Problem Child 4:10 Vox Pop-Cab Driver 7:14 Controllers-(The Original) Neutron Bomb 10:11 Dogs-Slash Your Face 12:14 Gasoline-Killer Man 16:05 Side Two Kraut-Matinee 17:55 Child Molestors-(I'm the) Hillside Strangler 19:25 Cold Cock-I Wanna Be Rich 22:13 Authorities-Radiation Masturbation 25:34 Authorities-I Hate Cops 26:29 Nuns-Decadent Jew (live) 27:38 Users-Sick of You 29:33 Vicious Visions-I Beat You 32:56 "This 'fictional' record label is the imprint used by manufacturers of the gray-market, quasi-bootleg Killed by Death compilations on the original vinyl and CD reissues. Their given, although admittedly bogus, address is in Hell Norway, a rural Scandanavian town with a population of less than 400. The Killed by Death compilations first surfaced in 1989, as vinyl LP bootlegs, and have since been copied and duplicated throughout the world using the original artwork with the ЯedRuM Records imprint." The original release also included the Beastie Boys "Pollywog Stew" EP. Future issues, such as this one, do not include that EP.
1984 comp by the Last Rites fanzine featuring Hüsker Dü, Die Kreuzen, and Articles of Faith among others. "Most of the tracks here are exclusive to the cassette, which is why so many people are willing to pay so much money for it". 1. NADSAT REBEL - Nosferatu 0:00 2. NADSAT REBEL - Bounty 1:47 3. THE F.U.'s - Ode To Larry Joe (live 7/82) 3:20 4. RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED - No Fun Till I'm 21 6:15 5. RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED - Fuck Up 6:50 6. WHITE FLAG - Festive Shapes 8:05 7. WHITE FLAG - Paranoid (Black Sabbath) 9:34 8. WHITE FLAG - Question Of Intelligence 11:39 9. NO RESPONSE - No Future Blues 13:27 10. GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT - Death Farce 15:22 11. GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT - Twisted Cross 16:38 12. ARTICLES OF FAITH - Buy This War (live 1/6/84) 20:13 13. ARTICLES OF FAITH - Surrogate (live 1/6/84) 22:01 14. ARTICLES OF FAITH - In Your Suit (live 1/6/84) 24:53 15. SUBURBAN MUTILATION - Menschen Begin 27:44 16. DIE KREUZEN - Fuck Up 29:07 17. DIE KREUZEN - Live Wire 30:26 18. DIE KREUZEN - Champs (Wire) 32:17 19. OUT OF ORDER - Concerned 33:38 20. OUT OF ORDER - Survival Of The Fittest 35:12 21. NAKED RAYGUN - No Sex 36:16 22. NAKED RAYGUN - Only In America 38:05 23. BIG BLACK - Texas (live, 11/83) 40:06 24. SACRED ORDER - You Bastards 44:54 25. SACRED ORDER - I'm Busy Lying 47:09 26. HUSKER DU - In A Free Land (live Tucson, AZ 12/28/82) 48:02 27. HUSKER DU - Target (live Tucson, AZ 12/28/82) 50:41 28.HUSKER DU - It's Not Funny Anymore (live Tucson, AZ 12/28/82) 52:52 29. FLESH COLUMNS - Verbal Abuse 54:27 30. FLESH COLUMNS - Pay The Lord 56:17
This is a song compilation with 20 awesome hardcore punk bands: No for an answer, Strife, floorpunch, project x, perseverancia, sportswear, straight ahead, trial, in my eyes, TFS, walk proud, True colors, insted, wide awake, ten yard fight, bold, judge, turning point, gorilla biscuits, YOT, and 1 extra band Up Front in the credits!!!
En el año 1980, mientras Argentina estaba sumergida en pleno gobierno militar, Nace en Buenos Aires el movimiento Punk. Aquel movimiento surgido en Inglaterra a finales de los 70. "Hardcore Punk, 25 Años" es un documental realizado en Argentina, que muestra el crecimiento de una ideología y un estilo musical a través de la década del 80 y 90, y que llega hasta nuestros días. Desde la primera camada de bandas como: "Los Testículos", "Los Violadores", "Los Baraja" y "Los Laxantes" a principios de los 80 y bandas como "Attaque 77", "Todos Tus Muertos", "Massacre Palestina", "Cadáveres de Niños", "Restos Fósiles", etc. A finales de esa década, llegamos a reconocer la fuerza del "Buenos Aires Hardcore" con bandas como "E.D.O.", "No Demuestra Interés", "D.A.J.", "Minoría Activa", "B.O.D.", entre otras, y revelando una segunda camada de grupos punk como "Cadena Perpetua", "2 Minutos", "Gatos Sucios", "Flema", etc., durante el transcurso de los años 90. Todo el documental es un paseo a través de estas dos décadas y media de música, con sus diversificaciones ideológico-políticas. Aborda también los diferentes estilos nacidos del punk como el "Hardcore", el "Straight Edge", el "Emo Core", el "Skinhead", el "Skate Rock" y el "Thrash", entre otras, así también las influencias religiosas y de conducta de cada movimiento. Un deslizamiento sobre 25 años hasta llegar a nuestros días, las nuevas camadas de bandas punks y de todos los estilos nacidos de este. El documental posee entrevistas a los personajes más destacados de las diferentes épocas, material grafico y videográfico de archivo, música de todos los estilos interactuando con una exhaustiva investigación periodística y un fino cuidado de la imagen que nos ayudará a comprender estos movimientos triviales de jóvenes y adultos en pos de una mejor comprensión social.
Here's my First MIX on the new Channel and it is a FUCKING KÄNG KILLER!! You'll find the link to the D-O-W-N-L-O-A-D-L-I-N-K under the Tracklist... 1. Avskum - There Is No Need For Crying 2. Moderat Likvidation - Hiroshima 3. Totalitär - Kannibalerna 4. No Security - I'm Nothing 5. Anti Cimex - Heroindöd ('83 Version) 6. Shitlickers - The Night Of The Holocaust 7. Disarm - För Varje Dag Som Går 8. Moderat Likvidation - Sprängd 9. D.T.A.L. - Starving 10. Nisses Nötter - Pissefjång 11. Mob 47 - Stop the Slaughter 12. Crude SS - Who'll Survive 13. Anti Cimex - Victims of a Bombraid 14. No Security - Falsk Protest 15. The Bristles - 3rd World War 16. Shitlickers - Warsystem 17. Avskum - The Century Of Darkness 18. Anti Cimex - Eibon 19. Shitlickers - Spräckta Snutskullar 20. Totalitär - Allas Var Livvakt 21. Tatuerade Snutkukar - Herreys 22. Moderat Likvidation - Marionett I Kedjor 23. Mob 47 - Dom Ljuger 24. Avskum - Glöm Aldrig Hiroshima
00:00 [KAOS GENERAL] 01 Permaneceremos Hasta El Final 02 Violencia Que Asesina 04:28 [PANICO] 03 Traición A La Patria 04 Quemar Sus Costumbres 10:18 [ATAQUE FRONTAL] 05 Sobreviviré 06 Memorias 13:23 [KAOS] 07 Pacifista 08 Explosión 17:44 [Gx3] 09 Siempre igual 10 Cayendo al otro lado 21:04 [CURRICULUM MORTIS] 11 Sentencia de muerte 12 Púdrete 24:19 [AUTOPSIA] 13 Impostor 14 Ruptura anarquica 28:36 [SENTIDO COMUN] 15 De rodillas 16 Con la violencia no! 31:53 [KAOS] 17 No!!! (vivo) 34:22 [DESCONTROL] 18 Mi decisión (vivo) 19 Mientes a la gente (Señor Presidente) 39:15 [Gx3] 20 Presión 21 Antisocial 43:39 [ATAQUE FRONTAL] 22 Ya no formo parte de esto 45:35 [KAOS GENERAL] 23 Matanza animal 24 Mascara de libertad 25 Kaos general 51:49 [DESCONTROL] 26 Utopía 52:49 [AUTOPSIA] 27 Autopsia 54:13 [CURRICULUM MORTIS] 28 Después de la muerte
Sick of it All - Step Down (video)
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On a Friday evening in late October 1984, mayhem was released on the streets of Tucson by a little know band called Useless Pieces of Shit and their loyal fa...
Punk 1977 / 2007 Subscribe to my channel CD1: CD3: CD2 (Hardcore & Bri...
This is the full-length cult/guerrilla/no-budget (obv)/16mm/punk movie THREAT shot in the LES during the mid 90s in the final years these streets were known as Alphabet City before the gentrification boom that followed later in the decade. *This is the version that was released theatrically in 2006 with some re-edits and alterations (note the voiceover comments on 9/11, which occurred well after filming). I'm also going to upload the original "touring version" that played in underground venues across the US & Europe in the late 90s. The film was shot super low budget on 16mm film stock left over from local TV shoots and cameras borrowed from a film co-op after hours. You can get the DVD (with soundtracks featuring Minor Threat vs Holocaust, Gorilla Biscuits vs Defrag, Youth of Today vs Edgey, Glassjaw vs Enduser, Killswitch Engage vs Edgey, Bleeding Through vs Hecate, Most Precious Blood vs Atari Teenage Riot, and many more) at Amazon or at Halo-8's website ( There's more info on the film here but it only refers to the 2006 version, it needs to be updated with the full history. Threat was shot in the mid-90s contemporarily with Godmoney, Edge of Quarrel, Godass, and NYHC.
Welcome to another episode of What Do You Wanna Know. For this one I talk about why I haven't done a video in a few weeks, my life in hardcore punk and white people in hip hop. Enjoy! And remember to keep sending in those questions! Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr:
Brudenell Social Club in Leeds. Wednesday 12th August 2015. 7:30 pm til 11:00 ... pm). Legendary Hardcore Punk from USA ... Venue.
Skiddle 2015-04-03C. hardcore punk scene of the 1980s — possibly the nation’s most influential such milieu, if not tied with Los Angeles.
Variety 2015-03-31C. , hardcore punk scene of the 1980s — possibly the nation’s most influential such milieu, if not tied with Los Angeles ... C.
IMDb 2015-03-31am on Sunday ... I am beyond heartbroken. Victim: ... He loved music, especially hardcore and punk, and went to many gigs.
London Evening Standard 2015-03-31... formed their iconic rap trio after playing in various hardcore punk bands around New York City.
The Examiner 2015-03-26this is true purple noise, a blistering stonk-out with hardcore punk, prog and metal all bending, ...
The Irish Times 2015-03-26MARCH 26The Brunt of It and Nick and the Adversaries, hardcore, punk and ska, Hope Underground, 10 Broadway, Newport ... 10 pm.
The Providence Journal 2015-03-26Photograph: Kevin Statham/Redferns. sonofwebcore ... GMT ... Blow me down ... Even my hardcore punk lunatic brother likes David Crosby.
The Guardian 2015-03-26POPThe Brunt of It and Nick and the Adversaries, hardcore, punk and ska, Hope Underground, 10 Broadway, Newport. 849-6676 ... [.
The Providence Journal 2015-03-25... one that mashes sludge with a bit of hardcore punk to give the former genre a new edge.
The Hindu 2015-03-24... Ontario's Single Mothers subbed in at the last minute to add some hardcore punk to the proceedings.
noodls 2015-03-24The films, which show the underbelly of Los Angeles’ hardcore punk scene and interviews with metal and glam metal bands ... A. S.
Detroit news 2015-03-24Hardcore stuff ... Heavy metal and mostly hardcore punk too ... I was there hardcore trying to make music ...
Medium 2015-03-20Hardcore punk (often referred to simply as hardcore) is a music genre that originated in the late 1970s, following the mainstream success of punk rock. Hardcore is generally faster, thicker, and heavier than earlier punk rock. The origin of the term "hardcore punk" is uncertain. The Vancouver-based band D.O.A. may have helped to popularize the term with the title of their 1981 album, Hardcore '81.
Hardcore has spawned the straight edge movement and its associated submovements, hardline and youth crew. Hardcore was heavily involved with the rise of the independent record labels in the 1980s, and with the DIY ethics in underground music scenes. It has influenced a number of music genres which have experienced mainstream success, such as alternative rock, metalcore, grunge, thrash metal, emo and post-hardcore.
Hardcore sprouted underground scenes across the United States in the early 1980s — particularly in Washington, D.C., California, New York/New Jersey, and Boston—as well as in Canada and the United Kingdom.