Prolog is a general purpose logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics.
Prolog has its roots in first-order logic, a formal logic, and unlike many other programming languages, Prolog is declarative: the program logic is expressed in terms of relations, represented as facts and rules. A computation is initiated by running a query over these relations.
The language was first conceived by a group around Alain Colmerauer in Marseille, France, in the early 1970s and the first Prolog system was developed in 1972 by Colmerauer with Philippe Roussel.
Prolog was one of the first logic programming languages, and remains among the most popular such languages today, with many free and commercial implementations available. While initially aimed at natural language processing, the language has since then stretched far into other areas like theorem proving,expert systems, games, automated answering systems, ontologies and sophisticated control systems. Modern Prolog environments support creating graphical user interfaces, as well as administrative and networked applications.
Wigald: Du ich glaub der Toningeneur ist da. Wir können anfangen!
Olli: Oh
Wigald: Hallihallo! Wir sind die Doofen!
OLli: Und wir präsentieren ihnen unseren Zyklus ``Lieder die die Welt nicht braucht!''
Wigald: Du wir müssen noch einzählen!
Mancher träumt, dass er Wunder vollbringt
Solang das Pendel der Lebensuhr schwingt
Mancher nutzt nie seinen Verstand
Steckt ein lebenslang seinen Kopf in den Sand
Nur Gott weiß, wer das Richtige macht
Der Zufall will's, ihr seid hier neute Nacht
Kommt näher, denn dann hört ihr von mir
Das Märchen eines Träumers wie dir
Träumt nicht jeder oft?
Manchmal glückt's was man erhofft
Denn wenn du tief und ehrlich glaubst an dein Gefühl
Kommst du auch ans Ziel
Drum lauscht und bestaunt, was das alte Gleichnis raunt
Einem Jungen fielen alle Träume zu
Und er war wie du
Original theme by Jannike Tveiten
Arranged by Austrheim & Ole
The Iron Savior is a gigantic vessel in the orbit of the planet earth. It is controlled by an immortal human brain - the bio-unit - which is hooked to a mighty computersystem that carries out it's orders and controles the vessel's daily routine. The Iron Savior was built and designed by the ancient
civilization of Atlantis to defend themselves against the deadly thread of the so called Alliance. Except the lost continent of Atlantis all land was controlled and dominated by the global force. In these parts of the world the moral evolution took a different path. Gaining ultimate power was their only focus. Ruled by pure egoism, where killing and betraying were legal methods to achieve wellfare, this civilization never developed a social spirit. To care and provide for themselves as well as possible was their only existing low. For milliniums the balance of power between Atlantis and the Alliance made war useless since the atlantian weapon technology was more developed. But suddenly this balance was about to change and the alliance attack on Atlantis seemed to become possible. In this situation Atlantis developed a global defence project based on a huge vessel in earth orbit,the Iron Savior. Equiped with the latest technology and enormous fire power this project was supposed to regain the old balance of power again. But then the dream of a peaceful coexistance was broken. A traitor sold the secret codes to the Alliance. With these codes the Alliance managed to paralize the Savior's biounit and to take control over the computer. In a devastating assult the defender turned into a dreadful assailant and the moon colony of Atlantis was turned to dust. But the war was not lost yet. A brave landing them managed to board the Iron Savior and to regain control. In a race against time they sent the vessel out into face to make a second misuse of the Alliance impossible. They programmeda course that should bring the Savior back to solar system 350.000 years later in the hope, that the conflict will be resolved and earth would be united. For those men it was a final journey of no return. Before they died out in the code a prime directive for all actions was programmed into the computer systems in case the Alliance would still exist: Protect Atlantise and conquer the Alliance. This directive could only be deactivated by the proper atlantian security code sequences. But it was already too late to stop the war. In grim and rage the Alliance pushed their buttons and in a final atomic strike Atlantice was destroyed completely and was lost in the seas forever.But the rest of the world also was effected by this catastrophy. Earthquakes, vulcanic eruptionce, atomic fall - out and dramatic changes in climate turned earth into a living hell. Those who survived, slowly, from generation to generation, degenerated more and more. Finally evolution was thrown back into the stone age where the downing of another mankind began....
Now in the year 2108 the Iron Savior returns to earth and is confronted eith
with a scenario where the civilization of Atlantis no longer exists. All attempts to contact possible survivers failed.The bio-unit is still paralized and unable to make desicions. So the computer still in charge draws the fatal conclusion that Alliance who still exists and rules the planet.With the logic of a lifeless machine the Iron Savior carries out it's prime direction: PROTECT ATLANTIS AND CONQUER THE ALLIANCE. The following lyrics are based on these events and describe specific situations in the past, present and future of the Iron Savior story...
So the gods called upon the old dwarf and the mighty
wizard and told them what
they sought. The dwarf took the sword "Nothung", once
belonging to "Siegfried
the dragon-slayer", fused and smithed from it's steel
four shakels of metal.
The wizard created the same number of amulets from the
skin of a black demon.
He then took the silver shaded blood of a dead unicorn
from which he drew four
magic runes, each drenched with natural power.
The power and strength of a bear would be given to the
bearer of the hammer
"giants death", the speed of a hunting hawk to the
bearer of the bow "heart
hunter", the brutality of a lone wolf to the bearer of
the axe "skullcrusher",
and the deafening roar of a black lion to the bearer of
the sword "souleater".
Then the dwarf mounted the shakels of metal on the
amulets whilst reciting
ancient words of magic power. Thereafter the amulets
were presented to the
dragon lords, who brought them to midgard, home of the
thunderwarriors. They
recieved this gift and a mighty power flushed through
their veins. It was the
power of magic-the magic of steel.
Suddenly thunder rocked the silence, lightning crushed
the roof of the hall,
and the two mightiest gods of valhalla -Thor and Odin-
stood on the stage. The
god of thunder held his hammer on high. Odin wailed his
spear into the
audience. Any wimp present knew now that death was
imminent. They disappeared
as quickly as they came.
In the blink of an eye the thunderwarriors conquered
the stage: Once again they
would ride side by side with their legion of doom,
under the sign of the
wizard, to their next test- the "battle of steel"... So
they fought with the
power of metal and again were victorious. They devoured
the hearts and spilled
the blood of their enemies. Their weapons found the
hearts of all decievers and
liers, crushing their bodies to the ground. After the
"battle of steel" was
over the ground was covered by a sea of blood. From
that day on the four
thunderwarriors knew that they were forever bound by