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Berlinale Nighttalk mit Peter Kern "Der letzte Sommer der Reichen"
Kern Trailer
Peter Kern - Sugar Mama
Phettbergs Nette Leit Show - Peter Kern
Bittere Aprikosenkerne (Amygdalin, Laetril, Vitamin B17) gegen Krebs - Peter Kern im Alpenparlament
PETER KERN - she's 19 years old (muddy waters cover)
Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern & Kurt Raab YouTube
Peter Kern - Roll Over Beethoven & Johnny B. Goode
Die Insel Der Blutigen Plantage [1983] Peter Kern Kurt Raab
Die Insel Der Blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern Kurt Raab
Peter Kern "Donauleichen" (02) Ohne Kohle
Peter Kern und Schlingensief: "Fuck you!!"
Tunnel Session ft. Peter Kern
Peter Kern - Only two things
Actors Otto Mellies (actor), Thekla Carola Wied (actress), Hans-Werner Honert (producer), Gert Wilden Jr. (composer), Peter Bongartz (actor), Christiane Sadlo (writer), Max Urlacher (actor), Dirk Regel (director), Marion Greiner (costume designer), Dietrich Adam (actor), Rosemarie Drinkorn (editor), Anne Kanis (actress), Sven Sund (producer), Paul Maximilian Schüller (actor), Anneke Schwabe (actress),
Als Schauspieler ist er eine Legende und auch als Regisseur durchaus ein bedeutender Mann. Mit seinem neuen Film stößt er genau hinein in den Kern der gesellschaftlichen Krise in der wir uns gegenwärtig befinden. Es ist kein Film der Rache: „Die verdienen meine Rache nicht - die Ausbeuter“, erklärt Kern im Interview, sondern ein Film, der an Leib und Seele gehen soll.
Zwei Regisseure machen einen Film über Peter Kern, den umstrittenen Filmregisseur und streitbaren Schauspieler. Doch der lässt sich nicht so einfach in die k...
PETER KERN LIVE: 09. Oktober 2014, 20:00 Uhr Hören Sie Peter Kern und Band live am 9. Oktober 2014 Leicht und Sinn, Lainzerstraße 131, 1130 Wien (im Innenhof)
KULTIG und LEGENDÄR, Österreichische Fernsehgeschichte: Der österreichische Schauspieler und Regisseur, Peter Kern zu Gast in Hermes Phettberg's 'Nette Leit ... - Bittere Aprikosenkerne gegen Krebs - Peter Kern im Alpenparlament Bittere Aprikosenkerne (Vitamin B 17) contra Kr...
austrians finest blues man peter kern @ the mojo music club !!!
Peter Kern - Solo Oktober 2014, Louisiana Blues Pub, Wien
like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. 18+usa moviesDie Insel Der Blutigen Plantage part1 tags: usa movie,18+ usa movie, usa movies full 2013, usa movies, usa movies 2011 full movies, usa movies f. Trailer zum Kraut-Exploitation-Kultfilm Die Insel der blutigen Plantage, von Kurt Raab und Peter Kern. Mit Udo Kier und Barbara Valentin. Kurt Raab _ The Island of the Bloody Plantation (1983) Udo Kier, Barbara Valentin, Peter Kern.mp4. Life Of Destry Adult Movie Full. I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ( Escape from Blood Plantation (1983) aka The Island of the Bloody Planta.
like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. 18+usa moviesDie Insel Der Blutigen Plantag. Die Insel Der Blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern Kurt Raab Die Insel Der Blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern Kurt Raab Die Insel Der Blutigen Plantage 1983 Pete. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. 18+usa moviesDie Insel Der Blutigen Plantag. Trailer zum Kraut-Exploitation-Kultfilm Die Insel der blutigen Plantage, von Kurt Raab und Peter Kern. Mit Udo Kier und Barbara Valentin.
Diese Spezialfolge von Ohne Kohle widmet sich dem Film "Donauleichen" von Peter Kern. Kern experimentiert seit den 70er Jahren bereits mit dem No-Budget-Film, "Donauleichen" wurde in wenigen Tagen abgedreht.
Ausschnitt aus U3000.
Aufgenommen am 10.4. im Tunnel (Wien) bei Oliver Gruens Blues & Roots Session. Meine erste Live Begegnung mit Peter Kern bzw. mittlerweile Peter Cairn. Für m...
Austrian singer Peter Kern's first album! The blues that gets to your heart..
"King Kongs Tränen" - Ein Film von Peter Kern mit Kathrin Beck, Peter Kern, Oliver Rosskopf, Gregor Seberg, Cornelia Albrecht u.a.m. Eine nanook-Filmprodukti...
lyrics, vocals, guitar, harp by peter kern ... live @ mon ami.
Austrian singer Peter Kern's first album! The blues that gets to your heart..
Andreas Altmann, Peter Kern und HGich.T sind zu Gast in der SCHAUMSCHAU.. Unterstütze uns mit dem Teilen und Kommentieren der Show!...
Peter Kern ist wieder zurück. Sein erstes Konzert mit Band war ein Hörgenuss der besonderen Art.
Die Insel Der Blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern Kurt Raab watch full hot movies 18+usa moviesDie Insel Der Blutigen Plantage part1 tags: usa movie,18+ usa movie, usa movies full 2013, usa movies, usa movies 2011 full movies, usa movies f. Trailer zum Kraut-Exploitation-Kultfilm Die Insel der blutigen Plantage, von Kurt Raab und Peter Kern. Mit Udo Kier und Barbara Valentin. Kurt Raab _ The Island of the Bloody Plantation (1983) Udo Kier, Barbara Valentin, Peter Kern.
Referent: Prof. Dr. Peter Kern, Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart Datum: 6. Mai 2009 Veranstalter: /
like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. 18+usa moviesDie Insel Der Blutigen Plantag. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. 18+usa moviesDie Insel Der Blutigen Plantag. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. 18+usa moviesDie Insel Der Blutigen Plantag. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. 18+usa moviesDie Insel Der Blutigen Plantag.
Please LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern & Kurt Raab. imdb synopsis: "Island of the Bloody Plantation" is set on a small, unnamed island (probably somewhere in the Philippines), where a Nazi-like dictator runs a... like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. 18 usa moviesDie Insel Der Blutigen Plantag. watch full hot movies. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. 18 usa moviesDie Insel Der Blutigen Plantage part1 tags: usa movie,18 usa movie, usa movies full 20. like and subscribe Die Insel... like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. like and subscribe Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983. lik Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern amp; Kurt Raab Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern amp; Kurt Raab
Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern & Kurt Raab
Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern & Kurt Raab imdb synopsis: ''Island of the Bloody Plantation'' is set on a small, unnamed island (probably somewhere in the Philippines), where a Nazi-like dictator runs. Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern & Kurt Raab. Please LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE Die Insel der blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern & Kurt Raab. imdb synopsis: Island of the Bloody Plantation is set on a small, unnamed island (probably somewhere. Like our page on Facebook: check our website: follow us on our twitter: @teammovies watch us. I am a big fan of Pozzetto and I enjoy his comedies, even whe.
30. 3. 2011.
Peter Kern, der ehemalige Manager von Tom Lüthi, berichtet von seiner Faszination für den Motorradrennsport und gewährt Einblicke hinter die Kulissen seines ...
Die Premieresendung von Ohne Kohle zeigt Vienzenz, einen Maler, Fotografen, Schauspieler und Regisseur, mit seinem Film "Kuh" und ein Studiogespräch mit dem ...
Löwenzahn 015 - Peter geht dem Apfel auf den Kern [Staffel 02 Folge 02 Jahr 1983] Peter und die Kinder haben für die tote Meise liebevoll einen Sarg bereitet...
Die Insel Der Blutigen Plantage 1983 Peter Kern Kurt Raab watch full hot movie
Löwenzahn Classics mit Peter Lustig - Folge 15 - Peter geht dem Apfel auf den Kern Peter und die Kinder haben für die tote Meise liebevoll einen Sarg bereitet. Von Herrn Lehmann erfährt Peter, wie gefährlich kleine Tiere leben. Wie mühselig zum Beispiel die lange Winterwanderung einer Grillendame ist und welche Gefahren auf Ohrenkneifer beim Apfelessen lauern. Staffel 2
Ihr sucht nach einem guten Fiesta Online P Server? Ihr wollt euch erstmal eine Meinung bilden? Hier bist du genau richtig! Infos: Trickster|142 Cap|+12 Weapons|Working Titles|CS Costumes in NPC|Custom KQs|Money Drop's|Guild Leveling|Balanced Classes|New Maps|New Blue sets with effects|unseen stats|Secret Lab|Professionell Staff|Dedicated Root|DDoS Protected Facebook: Website: Forum: TeamSpeak3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dir hat das Video gefallen? Gib mir einen Daumen nach oben!~ Lass mir doch bitte einen Kommentar mit Ideen und Wünschen, beziehungsweise konstruktive Kritik da. :) Möchtest du dich mit mir in Verbindung setzten? Dort bin ich meist zu finden: TeamSpeak3: Forum: Website: (in Bearbeitung) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitte seid nett in den Kommi's und beachtet die Regeln. Bis zum nächsten Part!~ ^^
Peter Heck interviews Kokomo Mayoral Candidate Scott Kern on his radio program October 20, 2011. 30 minutes of wide-ranging discussion about Kokomo, leadersh...
Frank Kern is the "Alabama Surfer Dude"! This cool guys offers his insight with the following topics: Building a persona, The instant empathy exercise, and What to pursue and what not to.Check out more interviews at Genius Network Interviews is a collection of podcasts where founder, Joe Polish, interviews some of the brightest and most intellectual minds of the 21st century. Popular interviews include: Sir Richard Branson, Peter Diamandis, Tim Ferriss, Dan Sullivan, and more. Don't miss out on the variety of interviews that will expand your knowledge of entrepreneurship, business, and life in general. Connect with us on Facebook!
2D13. please give your seat to someone who may need it. Zwei Tage bei der Diagonale 2013 in Graz. Ein Video von Chris Haderer. Mit Cuts aus: Werkstattgespräc...
Die vielen technischen Neuerungen, welche die neu eingeführte Moto2-Klasse mit sich bringt, verlangen dem Schweizer Motorradprofi Tom Lüthi einiges ab. Die P...
Helmut Berger im Interview über Luchino Visconti, den Film "Mörderschwestern" von Peter Kern, De Sica und Losey, über seine Geheimnisse als Schauspieler und seine Ideale. Aufgezeichnet beim Dreh zu "Mörderschwestern" im Juli 2010 in Wien.
Compilation of Oklahoma GOP legislator Sally Kern's interview with Peter LaBarbera.
Nobody Else But Me, Jerome Kern and Pappas - here's a love letter from Bernstein...
3 Sat Beitrag über die fotografische Arbeit von Lukas Beck. Das Buch "Filmgespräche" von Lukas Beck und Karin Schiefer, über österreichische Filmregisseure, ...
Der 16-jährige Axel überfällt mit seiner Neonazi-Clique eine soziale Einrichtung und taucht daraufhin beim 80-jährigen homosexuellen Wäschereibesitzer Gustav... Tony Robbins interview avec Frank Kern et John Reese Cette vidéo est de l'or à l'état brut ! Trois gr...
Pete Kern tells us about life.
Dieses Video ist der Bonus zur JungFM-Reportage "Home Of Films", die im Zuge der 46. Internationalen Hofer Filmtage 2012 ( entstanden ist. Wir finden die Faszination dieses Filmfans für Peter Kern einfach Klasse! Das Video darf mit einem Augenzwinkern betrachtet werden. ;) weitere Infos unter (c) JungFM/ V.-M. Bernstein, A.Schödel 2013
Peter Kern (born 13 February 1949) is an Austrian actor, film director, screenwriter and producer. He has appeared in 70 films since 1957 and directed a further 23. He starred in the 1978 film Flaming Hearts, which was entered into the 28th Berlin International Film Festival. In 1980, he was a member of the jury at the 30th Berlin International Film Festival.
Kern's latest two films, Blutsfreundschaft (2008) and Mörderschwestern, featured Helmut Berger in a starring role.
Written by Peter Green.
Now when I put down my tools
And my working day is through
Yes, when I put down those dirty old tools
And I need sweat no more
I'll find you waiting at the station
And I could not ask for more
And when I lay down on my pillow
And my body's feeling tired
Yeah, when I'm feeling kind of mellow
I know you'll be there to keep me warm
And I'll just drift away to heaven
And Lord I could not ask for more
And when the sun comes creeping up
And the nighttime turns to dawn
Yeah, when that big red sun starts shining
And those treetops start to call
I'll see you laying by my side babe
And I could not ask for more
Now when I put down my tools
And my working day is through
Yes, when I put down those dirty old tools
And I need sweat no more
I'll find you waiting at the station
And I could not ask for more
Written by Peter Green.
Momma don'tcha cry now
Momma don'tcha cry now
Just say your goodbyes now
But Momma don'tcha cry
I've been a foolish boy
And I had to break the law just for you
Momma do ya love me
Momma do ya love me
Then Momma won'tcha kiss me
He was such a naughty man
And I had to put him down just for you
Momma don'tcha cry now
No, Momma don'tcha cry now
Just say your goodbyes now
But Momma don'tcha cry
I've got to go away
But I promise I'll be back someday
Momma don'tcha cry
Momma don'tcha cry
Momma don'tcha cry
Momma don'tcha cry
He was such a foolish man
And I had to put him down just for you
Written by Peter Green.
Now the cupboards are empty
But baby you don't care
This way that I'm living
Now that you're not here
I'm walkin?the road
But there's a long long way to go
My socks need mending
They're so full of holes
Take a look at my trousers
And man, how it shows
I'm walkin?the road
But there's a long long way to go
I sit at the table
Since I got the news
I'm so full of cigarettes
And I'm drunk with the blues
I'm walkin?the road
But there's a long long way to go
I gave you my loving
I gave you my car
Now I gotta keep moving
To the next backstreet bar
I'm walkin?the road
But there's a long long way to go
Written by Peter Green.
I was doomed from the start
When she captured my heart
Now a big wild lion couldn't tear me apart
From my one woman love
Yes, my one woman love
I can't get enough of my one woman love
One woman love
One woman love
Ev'rything I want
From my one woman love
Don't need diamonds and rings
And all that money can bring
'Cos when I'm up on my throne I feel just like a king
With my one woman love
Said my one woman love
Can't get enough of my one woman love
Need no women and song
I know it ain't wrong
Can get ev'rything and all the thrills that I want
With my one woman love
My one woman love
Woman love
I can't get enough of my one woman love
One woman love
One woman love
One woman love
One woman love
Can't get enough of my one woman love
Would you love me tomorrow
Like you say you love me now
Would you love me, would you love me tomorrow
Like you say you love me now
When the flames of our flesh have stopped burning
And the fire of our love has cooled down
Too many times I've given too much
Baby, give me your love to me in return
Too many times I've given too much
Baby, give me your love in return
Give me your mind and your heart
But please don't leave me with a love that burns
And don't use me as your fool
'Cause my heart can't stand another lie
Please don't use me, don't use me as your fool
Baby, 'cause my heart can't stand another lie
And if you can't love me tomorrow
Gotta keep movin'
Gotta keep movin'
Hellhound on my trail
Hellhound on my trail
If today was christmas day
If today was christmas day
And tomorrow was christmas eve
Lord, wouldn't we have a time boys
I gotta keep on movin'
Gotta keep on movin'
That hellhound is on my trail
What can you say, there isn't much to tell,
I'm going down hill, and i blame myself.
I've been jumping at shadows ,
thinking about my life.
Everybody points their hand at me ,
I know i'm just a picture of what i should have been.
I've been jumping at shadows ,
just thinking about my life.
Green solo
God have mercy, 'cause i think i'm going insane,
The devil's been getting at me, he's got me down again.
He's got me jumping at shadows,
Sometimes I get so tied up
Wrestling with these feelings here inside
Baby please make your mind up
Are we gonna make up
Or are yer gonna leave me with the rain
I know you got your reasons
I heard them when you hit me with the score
But honey, if you've got feelings
How can you just stand there
And say don't love me anymore
Cryin? won't bring you back
Cryin? won't bring you back
And cryin? won't bring you back
I'm tryin?
But cryin? won't bring you back
Cryin? won't bring you back
I'm cryin?
But cryin? won't bring you back
Tell me ist just a nightmare
And I can burn your message in the flame
Show me there's still something
Someway baby, someway baby
I can stop the rain
Cryin? won't bring you back
Cryin? won't bring you back
Cryin? won't bring you back
Yes, i'm tryin?
Written by m. d. green.
I got a heartache tonight
And the feel of the music just ain't right
I got a heartache tonight
And now my baby is gone there's a hole in my life
Come on give me a light - I gotta see her tonight
Come on set me alight - gotta see my baby tonight
I gotta loosen my soul
And this voice in my head has got to go
So come on sweeten my tea
'cause this whole situation is gettin' to me
Come on give me a light - gotta see her tonight
Come on set me alight - gotta see my baby tonight
I gotta live with this pain
It's the only way I can get to the rain
So I'm depending on you
Now my baby is gone what else can I do
Come on give me a light - I gotta see her tonight
Come on set me alight - gotta see my baby tonight
Gotta see her tonight
See her tonight
Gotta see her tonight
See her tonight
Got a heart ache tonight
Written by m.d. green.
The sun is shining the children smiling
As they walk along the golden sand
The chosen people have climbed the steeple
On their way to the promised land
Across the river away from sorrow
And on to freedom where there's peace of mind
Someone beside them someone to guide them
On their way to the promised land
And by the river I'll be with you all the way
And by the river I'll be with you all the way
There's milk and honey it's always sunny
The people sing with their head in hand
And soon their patience will be rewarded
And they shall walk in the promised land
And by the river I'll be with you all the way
The sun is shining the children smiling
As they walk along the golden sand
The chosen people have climbed the steeple
On their way to the promised land
And by the river I'll be with you all the way
The sun is shining the children smiling
As they walk along the golden sand
The chosen people have climbed the steeple
On their way to the promised land
Tell me anybody
Now do you really give a damn for me
I said tell me anybody
Do you really give a damn for me
Oh 'cause I just got to tell you
About a thing that's bothering me
I was a rambling pony
I would roll, I would roll
I would roll from town to town
I was a rambling pony
I would roll from town to town
Yes just looking for a sweet woman
And making my love come on down
If I need anybody
Baby I would take you home with me
If I need anybody
Baby I would take you, baby I would take you
Baby I would take you home with me
Whoa but I don't need nobody
I don't anybody but him and me
And you're sitting there so green
Believe me man I'm just the same as you
I said you're sitting there so green
Believe me man I'm just the same as you
You want me to make a last cry I'll be satisfied
Written by m.d. green.
Last time I saw you - you were standing by the railroad,
You had your suitcase in your hand
I tried to stop you - but I only lost you
On the last train to san antone
The minute that your eyes - were captured by his attention
I knew that you would travel far
'n just like a rolling stone
Yeah, you left me here alone
On the last train to san antone
San antone, san antone your on your way
You ain't coming home
I lost you baby
Now, there's no place for me to go
On the last train to san antone
Now, I see the smoke stack - as it heads for the horizon
And in a moment you'll be gone
Just like that puff a smoke
Yes, you left me here to choke
On the last train to san antone
San antone, san antone, you're on your way
You ain't coming home
I lost you baby
Now, there's no place for me to go
On the last train to san antone
My baby's gone and left me - crying by myself
My baby's gone and left me - crying by myself
I loved another woman - I lost my best gal
She was a real good woman - she didn't me no harm
She was a real good woman - she wouldn't do me no harm
But I loved another woman - now she's up and she's gone
Well, come back baby - I know I treated you wrong
Well, come back baby - I know I treated you wrong
Now when the day goes to sleep
And the full moon looks
And the night is so black
That the darkness cooks
And you come sneaking around
Making me do things I don't want to do
I can't believe
That you need my love so bad
Always come creeping around
Trying to drive me mad
Busting in all my dreams
Making me see things I don't wanna see
'Cause you're the Green Manalishi
With the two pronged crown
All my trying is up
All your bringing us down
Just take my love and slip away
well, i'm your indian lover and you're my squaw
yes, i'm your indian lover waiting at your tepee door
but when the moon is high, right across the sky, over the
valley or by your side
you will discover, that i'm your indian lover
yes, i'm your indian lover and you're my squaw
and with this bald eagle feather i'll seal our love
forever more
but when the moon is high, right across the sky, over the
valley or by your side
you will discover, that i'm your indian lover
indian lover
indian lover
well, i've been ranging my river and you're the storm
but when we're moving together there's a feeling so calm
but when the moon is high, right across the sky, over the
valley or by your side
you will discover, that i'm your indian lover
indian lover
indian lover
indian lover
Written by peter green.
Seven stars are in his hand
And he walks among seven lampstands
Holds a book with seven seals
At his throne where the angels kneal
Seven stars
Light seven lamps
Seven seals opened by the lamb
Seven horns
And seven eyes
Seven spirits from the skies
He is coming with the clouds
And every eye will surely see he
All the tribes of the earth will mourn
Even so the ones who pierced him
Seven horns the angels sound
Hail and fire at earth were thrown
Seven torches burning bright
Dry the rivers and darken the night
Thunder spoke in seven peals
There shall be delay no longer
Soon the mystery is revealed
By him who lives for ever
He is coming with the clouds
And every eye will surely see he
All the tribes of the earth will mourn
when i was just a child i used to run and hide so
frightened of those lonely shadows
my momma walked with me and papa talked with me now
listen son it doesn't matter
you've got to live your life the way you sow your seeds
and if you do it wrong you've got to face it on your
'cause you're a big boy now you're a big boy now you're a
big boy now so let the big boy shout
i'm a big boy now i'm a big boy now i'm a big boy now so
let the big boy shout
well time has passed me by and i'm no longer crying i
chase away those lonely shadows
my momma walked with me and papa talked with me now
listen son it doesn't matter
well now i can't break free no one can rescue me
surrounded by those lonely shadows
my momma walked with me and papa talked with me 'cause
what i do now doesn't matter
i've had to live my life the way i sowed my seeds
and now i've done it wrong i've got to face it on my
'cause i'm a big boy now i'm a big boy now i'm a big boy
now so let the big boy shout
i'm a big boy now i'm a big boy now i'm a big boy now so
Don't walk away from me
I hate to see you go
Don't walk away from me
Can't you take me as I am
I miss your smile in the morning
I miss your laughter too
Don't walk away from me
I don't want to go on without you
Don't walk away from me
When you're my only friend
Am I the last to see
This could be the end
When we were young
We had the best there was around
But lost in time are all the good things
We once found
Your sounds will still surround me
Your whiter shade of pale
Don't walk away from me
I don't want to go on without you
Like passing in a doorway
Soon lost and out of view
Don't walk away from me
I don't want to go on without you
Don't walk away from me
Me and my baby don't do nothing but lay around all day
I said me and my baby don't do nothing but lay around all
day long
Yeah when I'm with my baby, lazy poker goin' on
She puts some coal on the fire so I can keep my poker hot
she puts some coal on the fire so I can keep my poker hot
Yeah, we stoke around all day long and night time we
stoke around some more
Well now me and my baby don't do nothin' but lay around
the whole day long
I said me and my baby don't do nothin' but lay around the
whole day long
How many mountains can you climb
How many poems do not rhyme
How many night times in a day
How many miles are you away
Well, I've got to know now 'cause it came to me
And you hurt me from the start
Now baby, what does it take to break your heart
How may rivers do not meet
How many rain drops on the street
How many minutes from the hour
Will all the pain you gave to me
Well, I've got to know now 'cause it came to me
And you hurt me from the start
Now baby, what does it take to break your heart
What does it take to break your heart
How many times did I believe you
How many tears can I go
If you can tell me there's an answer
How many nights have you been gone
Well, I've got to know now 'cause it came to me
And you hurt me from the start
Now baby, what does it take to break your heart
To break your heart
To break your heart, um
To break your heart
To break your heart, oh
To break your heart
To break your heart, oh
To break your heart
To break your heart, um
To break your heart
To break your heart, oh
To break your heart
To break your heart,
To break your heart
To break your heart,
To break your heart
To break your heart,
Born under a bad sign
I've been down since I began to crawl
If it wasn't for bad luck
I wouldn't have no luck at all
Born under a bad sign
I've been down since I began to crawl
If it wasn't for bad luck
I wouldn't have no luck at all
Wine and women is all I crave
A big fat woman
Who is going to carry me to my grave
Born under a bad sign
I've been down since I began to crawl
If it wasn't for bad luck
I wouldn't have no luck at all
Born under a bad sign
I've been down since I began to crawl
If it wasn't for bad luck
I wouldn't have no luck at all
Born under a bad sign
Born under a bad sign
Born under a bad sign
well, i lift up my head to another lonely day
then i show you my face, now you hear the words i say
baby, now it's over, yes, it's all over
lord, i take up my soul, it's time for me to go
i put on my shirt for another lonely day
see the sweat and the dirt that the tears won't wash away
and it's over, lord, it's all over
yes, i take up my soul, it's time for me to go
yes, i tell you it's over, lord, it's all over
you know i take up my soul, it's time for me to go
yes, it's all over
you know i take up my soul, it's time for me to go
i gave you my all and i can't give you any more
you can take back my breath and find me some other whore
i tell you it's over, yes, it's all over
lord, i take up my soul, it's time for me to go
yes, i lift up my head to another lonely day
then i show you my face, now you hear the words i say
well, i tell you it's over, yes, it's all over
You know I've tried so hard not to remember
People I've tried so hard to forget
Yes, I've tried so hard not to remember
People I've tried so hard to forget
I can't stop my mind from wandering
Back to the day ...( I was just a drunk)
You know life can be so sad
Sometimes you just sit right down and cry
You know life can be so sad
Sometimes you just sit right down, and you cry
Sometime your luck it gets so bad
Maybe you'd be better off if you should die
Yes I've tried so hard not to remember
And people I've tried so hard to forget
I've tried so hard not to remember
And people I've tried so hard to forget
But I can't stop my mind wandering
Back to the days I was just a down trodden kid
Some folks have such a good life
You know they just get on that big train, and you ride
You know some folks have such a good life
They just get on that big train, and you ride
I would spend most of my days
Running and hiding from the world outside
If I ever get to heaven
You know, that sure would ease my worried mind
Yes, if I ever get to heaven
That sure would ease my worried life
You know when I find that place in the sky
Written by peter green.
Oh you won't see the tears
Falling down my face
And you won't see the sleepless nights
I won't leave a trace
You won't feel the endless pain
Burnin? me inside
Baby, I won't let it show
Not through my disguise
'cause i'm the clown
Yes, i'm the clown
I said, i'm the clown
Now you don't want me anymore
I'm just a clown
Said, i'm a clown
And when i'm down
I pick myself up of the floor
Just like a clown
And you won't see the rain
Fallin? from my eyes
You won't see me walk away
That's my foolish pride
You won't hear me cry out loud
Each time I call your name
Baby, I won't let it show
That's part of the game
'cause i'm the clown
Yes, i'm the clown,
Oh, i'm a clown
Now you don't want me anymore
I'm just a clown
Yes, i'm the clown
And when i'm down
I pick myself up of the floor
Just like a clown
'cause i'm the clown
Yes, i'm the clown,
Oh, i'm a clown
Now you don't want me anymore
I'm the clown
Yes, i'm the clown
And when i'm down
I pick myself up of the floor
What am I doing here?
All dressed up and nowhere to go
Oh so goodness me
I am a sitting here
Should have met her an hour ago
Oh so full of misery
Said she'd meet me at half past eight
Thought she was going to be late
Then she called me on the telephone
She said she's got another, she said she's got another
I sit here and ask myself
She said her love was just for me to share
If that was true then what am i doing here?
Said she'd meet me at half past eight
Thought she was going to be late
Then she called me on the telephone
She said she's got another, she said she's got another
I sit here and ask myself
She said her love was just for me to share
Shall I tell you about my life
They say I'm a man of the world
I've flown across every tide
And I've seen lots of pretty girls
I guess I've got everything I need
I would't ask for more
And there's no one I'd rather be
But I just wish that I'd never been born
And I need a good woman
To make me feel like a good man should
I don't say I'm a good man
Oh, but I would be if I could
I could tell you about my life
And keep you amused I'm sure
About all the times I've cried
And how I don't want to be sad anymore
And now my sky is blue
and the night times ain't the same without you
'cause you danced with someone else
while i'm here waiting by myself
another hand, another face
another smile to take my place
he's holding you as once did i
but now i'm just a distant cry
of just another guy, just another guy like me
and just another guy, just another guy like me
and now the night is cold
and soon another morning will unfold
but you come back, you always do
and i'll be here to welcome you
another walk, another talk
another road that leads to love
his smile is warm as once was mine
but that was in another time
just another guy, just another guy like me
just another guy, just another guy like me
i'm saying just another guy, just another guy like me
just another guy, just another guy like me
just another guy, just another guy like me
Oh baby don't you want to go
Oh baby don't you want to go
Back to the land of California
to my sweet home Chicago
Oh baby don't you want to go
Oh baby don't you want to go
Back to the land of California
to my sweet home Chicago
Now one and one is two
two and two is four
I'm heavy loaded baby
I'm booked I gotta go
Cryin baby
honey don't you want to go
back to the land of California
to my sweet home Chicago
Now two and two is four
four and two is six
You gonna keep monkeyin round here friend-boy
you gonna get your business all in a trick
But I'm cryin baby
honey don't you wanna go
Back to the land of California
to my sweet home Chicago
Now six and two is eight
eight and two is ten
Friend-boy she trick you one time
she sure gonna do it again
But I'm cryin hey hey
baby don't you want to go
back to the land of California
to my sweet home Chicago
I'm goin to california
from there to Des Moines Iowa
Somebody will tell me that you
need my help someday
cryin hey hey
baby don't you want to go
back to the land of California
Written by peter green.
If you are the one to temp me
I am tempted
When it's my turn to speak out
I am empty
When love comes to me this way
I am blasted
Just to hear you say I love you
Is time passing
For you - just for you
For you - just for you
I could be awake all night
In confrontation
Just to hear you say
I'm your main station
There is no gift on earth
That I could give you
I find myself just longing
To be with you
For you - just for you
For you - just for you
I belong to no other
Just as long as you're around dear
No time can match the feeling
That I have found here
when the night time music is right, you can hear him
moving around
like a horse that bolts in the night, you will feel it
shaking the ground
and when the night is in your eyes, you will see things
that you've never seen before
and a tall good looking stranger, will come walking
through your door
say it is me, it's going to be me
yes, little old me, just you wait and see
and you'll get down on your knees
yes, you will, yes, you will
and you're sitting there all alone, and all of your
friends have gone home
and you feel like you want to scream, but you can't
'cause you're caught in a dream
and when the night is in your eyes, you will see things
that you've never seen before
and a tall good looking stranger, will come walking
through your door
say it is me, yes, it's going to be me
yes, little old me, just you wait and see
and you'll get down on your knees
yes, you will, yes, you will
when you think of all that you did, how your jealous love
tore off the lid
and your cheating heart cheated too much, you can see me
Written by peter green and j.s. green.
Oh, there's a way to keep the dark from the light
And there's a way to take the cold out of the night
And when I see it's glow
The sun and moon are shadowed
By the everlasting day
When I reach up my hand
To the loving son of man
The bread of life will keep my soul alive
There's a place where rivers flow in the street
Where fruit and healing leaves are seen on a tree
Where emerald walls shine clear
And golden streets run far and near
Behind the gates where his angels names appear
When I reach up my hand
To the loving son of man
The bread of life will keep my soul alive
And he will wipe away the tears from our eyes
As we watch this old world fade when it dies
And a new one shall come
And it will be heaven
And it's waiting for us there in the skies
In the skies
In the skies
In the skies
Peter Green
Little Dreamer
Written by Peter Green.
dear sleep
dear sleep
a tender sleep
dear sleep
dear sleep
a tender sleep
dear sleep
dear sleep
a tender sleep
Written by peter green.
I'm a loser two times
I'm a loser two times
I tried to change my ways but I was too blind
I lost my money, I lost my girl
And now i've almost lost my mind
Yes, i'm a loser two times
A loser two times
I gambled with your love but I just couldn't win
I lost my money, I lost your love
And now I have to live in sin
Yes, i'm a loser two times
It was only a game
A fool crazy game
But I ended with a joker and a fistful of pain
Yes I lost my money and I lost my girl
And now i've even lost my way
Yes, i'm a loser two times
Oh, i'm a loser two times
I tried to change my ways but I was too blind
I lost my money, I lost my girl
And now i've almost lost my mind
the morning rain it keeps on falling
just like the tear falling from my eye
and yet i see in my room
staring hard at the gloom
is the rain
it's the same
i can't help, i can't help but take care of you
where the sun used to shine at my back door
i maw the clouds and i taunt the rain
and all my laughter's hurting pain
yes, it's the same
the same old
the same old blues
the sun shines, the sun shines
it's all the same
the right rain, it's like a clown to me
and as i see it in my room
staring hard at the gloom
is the rain
it's the same
i stare at the rain
and it's the same
the same old blues
i still know it's the rain
Touch my spirit
carry me down to the water's edge
let me stand in it
let me wash away all the (steel?) I have
I wanna fill my heart with love
I wanna sing like a newborn dove
so let me feel it
touch my spirit
Touch my spirit
carry me away to the pastor's grave
I wanna be with him
high up on that hill where I can be seen
I wanna fill my heart with love
I wanna sing like a newborn dove
so let me feel it
Touch my spirit
and I heard a voice it say
beggar man don't you run away
if you give your heart to me
I will feed you every day
so touch my spirit
carry me across to the other side
my spirit is willin'
into these hands I will give my life
I wanna fill my heart with love
I wanna sing like a newborn dove
so let me feel it
touch my spirit
Touch my spirit
and I heard a voice it say
beggar man don't you run away
if you give your heart to me
I shall feed you every day
so touch my spirit
carry me across to the other side
my spirit is willin'
and into his hands I will give my life
I wanna fill my heart with love
I wanna sing like a newborn dove
let me feel it
touch my spirit
Written by peter green.
Shadows fall, children play
And baby when the sun goes down
They go away
But these pains here inside
Baby when the sun goes down
I cannot hide
Without you
Baby when the sun goes down
Without you
Shades of blue, shades of green
And baby when the sun goes down
They can't be seen
But these chains that bind my heart
Now baby when the sun goes down
These will remain
Without you
Baby when the sun goes down
Without you
Had your life in my hands
And baby when the sun goes down
Please understand
That it was love and jealous rage
Baby when the sun goes down
I'll have to pay
One more day, just onemore dream
And baby when the sun goes down
Then they will see
On that hill and from that tree
Baby when the sun goes down
I shall be free
Without you
Baby when the sun goes down
Baby when the sun goes down
Without you
Baby when the sun goes down
Without you
Without you
Baby when the sun goes down
Baby when the ...
Now the cupboards are empty
But baby you don't care
This way that I'm living
Now that you're not here
I'm walkin' the road
But there's a long long way to go
My socks need mending
They're so full of holes
Take a look at my trousers
And man, how it shows
I'm walkin' the road
But there's a long long way to go
I sit at the table
Since I got the news
I'm so full of cigarettes
And I'm drunk with the blues
I'm walkin' the road
But there's a long long way to go
I gave you my loving
I gave you my car
Now I gotta keep moving
To the next backstreet bar
I'm walkin' the road
Yes, I've packed up my clothes
I'm moving away from your door
Lord, I've packed up my clothes
Said, I'm moving away from your door
I've been your fool for so long
Babe, I wont play that fool no more
I gave you all my money
I work as hard as I can
I came home early one morning
I found you with another man
Babe, I've packed up my clothes
I'm moving away from your door
Said, I've been your fool for so long
And lord, I wont play that fool no more
So goodbye, baby
You don't even care
Yes, I had a love so strong for you
But you treat me so unfair
Said, I've packed up my clothes
I'm moving away from your door
You know, I've been your fool for so long
if you want to start a fire in my heart, you got to do
it with me
and if you need someone to make you laugh, you got to
do it with me
'cause i'm the one that's holding your controls, and
that's the way it's going to be
come on, babe, come on, babe, come on, babe, you got to
do it with me
come on, babe, come on, babe, come on, babe, you got to
do it with me
you want to get the feeling really hot, you got to do
it with me
and if you need someone to help you fly, you got to do
it with me
'cause i'm the one that's holding your controls, and
that's the way it's going to be
come on, babe, come on, babe, come on, babe, you got to
do it with me
come on, babe, come on, babe, come on, babe, you got to
do it with me
if you want to make run into the night, you got to do
it with me
and if you want to make the scenery all light, you got
to do it with me
'cause i'm the one that's holding your controls, and
that's the way it's going to be
come on, babe, come on, babe, come on, babe, you got to
do it with me
come on, babe, come on, babe, come on, babe, you got to
do it with me
I need someone's hand
To lead me through the night
Need someone's arms
To hold and squeeze me tight
Now, when the night begins
I'm at an end
Because I need your love so bad
I need some lips, just to feel next to mine
I need someone to stand up
To stand up and tell me when I'm lyin'
And when the lights are low
And it's time to go
That's when I need your love so bad
So why don't you give it up?
Baby and bring it home to me
Or write it on a piece of paper, woman
And just so it can be read to me
Tell me that you love me
Stop drivin' me mad
Whoa, because I, I need your love so bad
I just need a soft voice
And a talk to me at night
I don't want you to worry, baby
'Cause I know we can make
Make everything alright
Listen to my plea, women
Bring it to me
Because I need your love so bad
So why don't you give it up?
Baby and bring it home to me
Or write it on a piece of paper, woman
And just so it can be read to me
Tell me that you love me
And stop drivin' me mad
Whoa, because I, I need your love so bad
I just need a soft voice
That's gonna talk to me at night
I don't want you to worry, baby
I know we can make everything alright
Oh, but listen to my plea, woman
Come on bring it to me
Because I need your love so bad
Baby 'cause I need, oh, how I need
Got up this morning, with the blues walkin' like a man
Woke up this morning, with the blues walkin' like a man
Worried blues, give me your right hand
Blues, a low down shaky chill
Blues, a low down shaky chill
You ain't never had'um - hope you never will
Blues, that aching old heart disease
Blues, that aching old heart disease
Like consumption, killin' me by degree
It started raining, whoa, drown - drown my blues away
Started raining - drown my blues away
Written by a. perkins, d. clark, and o. rush.
Oh baby, you know I may be a fool
I'm wastin' my time by goin' to school
The way you got me holdin' your door
I can't do my homework anymore
I can't do my homework anymore
Oh baby, I said you got me so blind
I'm walkin' 'round in circles, I could loose my mind
The way you got me holdin' your door
I can't do my homework anymore
Now baby your as sweet as you can be
Everything you do keep on sending me
Just the kiss of your lips or the touch of your hand
Everything you do is really grand
Oh baby, oh, now what can I do
I'm walkin' round in circles in love with you
The way you got me holdin' your door
I can't do my homework anymore
Now baby your as sweet as you can be
Everything you do keep on sending me
Just the kiss of your lips or the touch of your hand
Everything you do is really grand
Oh baby, oh, now what can I do
I'm walkin' round in circles in love with you
The way you got me holdin' your door
I can't do my homework anymore
I can't do my homework anymore
I can't do my homework anymore
I can't do my homework anymore
i'm walking down the street the other day
and i run into your girlfriend
you see the wind was blowing pretty hard
and it blow a in the street
since you left me i'm just falling apart
since you left me you know it's broken up my heart
my whole life is sad, i'm so blue
one more night without you
since you left me i've lost control
since you left me it's going to pop my very soul
i'm lonely, lonely and blue
one more night without you
every minute, every day, every hour
time just eats away, you know i try, oh how i try
nothing goes my way and all i do is cry
if i ever get you back
i guess you got the blues
i hope i don't hurt your feelings
if i never, well, you know i'm going to crack
i'm lonely, lonely and blue
one more night without you
one more night
since you left me i've lost control
since you left me it's going to pop my very soul
i'm lonely, lonely and blue
I cant talk to you babe
You're never on your own
I think it might be better
if you stayed here at home
I can get along without you
I can get along just fine
But you cant see the differnce
between what's yours and mine
You think I can't live without you Babe
When you're gooone
Big change is gonna come
[Big Change]
Big change is gonna come
I still want you back
But I wont crawl on my knees
You wont catch me begging
Please Please Please
I'll give you enough line
For you to go and hang yourself
One more lonely womnan
Who cant find nothing else
You think I can't live without you Babe
When you're gooone
Big change is gonna come
[Big Change]
Big change is gonna come
[Big Change, Big Change]
You always want the best things in life
I try to do what's right
I dont expect you to spend all my money
and stay out half the night
I can get along without ya
I can get along just fine
You cant see the difference
between what's yours and mine
You think I can't live without you Babe
When you're gooone
Big change is gonna come
[Big Change]
Big change is gonna come
I said
You think I can't live without you Babe
When you're gooone
Big change is gonna come
[Big Change]
Big change is gonna come
{Please Please Please}
Big change is gonna come
Big change is gonna come
Big change is gonna come
Written by peter green.
Got a black magic woman
I got a black magic woman
Yes, I got a black magic woman
Got me so blind I can't see
But she's a black magic woman
And she's tryin' to make a devil out of me
Don't turn your back on me baby
Don't turn your back on me baby
Yes, don't turn your back on me baby
You're messin' around with your tricks
Don't turn your back on me baby
'cause you might just break up my magic stick
You got your spell on me baby
You got your spell on me baby
Yes, you got your spell on me baby
You're turning my heart into stone
I need you so bad, magic woman, I can't leave you alone
Yes, I need you so bad
Well, I need you darling
Yeah, I need you darling
Yes, I want you love me
I want you love me
Whoa, I want you love me, ah
Whoh, yeah
Oh, whoa, baby
Yes, I need your love
Oh, I need your love so bad
Written by peter green.
Baby, if you got to rock
I got to be your rockin' horse
Baby, think you'd like to roll
Maybe your diggin' it more
They're shakin' the world
When it's time to crash
But when I get home tonight
I guess I got to shake myself
You need some love
You must have the blues
Ain't but the one thing
A good man can do
He do the shake
The rattlesnake shake
Man, do the shake
Yes, and jerk away the blues
Now, jerk it
Now, I know this guy
His name is mick
Now, he don't care when he ain't got no chick
He do the shake
The rattlesnake shake
Yes, he do the shake
And jerks away the blues
love her, love her, love that evil woman
love her, love her, love that evil woman
too many times
too many times
love that evil woman
down by the river
white sky
white sky
love that evil woman
she said all i want is you, she said all i want is you, she said all i want is you, down by the river but i don't want to go
she said all i want is you, she said all i want is you, she said all i want is you, down by the river but i don't want to go
'cause i know, i know, i know that evil woman
i know her evil ways
too many times
too many times
love that evil woman
love that evil woman
love that evil woman
down by the river, now she has my soul
white sky
white sky
love that evil woman
love that evil woman
love that evil woman
love that evil woman
too many times
too many times
too many times
love that evil woman
and she's got my soul
and she's got my soul
and she's got my soul
and she's got my soul
love that evil woman
love that evil woman
love that evil woman
white sky
white sky
love that evil woman
too many times
down by the river
down by the river
down by the river
down by the river
white sky
white sky
white sky
white sky
white sky
I can't help about the shape I'm in
I can't sing I ain't pretty and my legs are thin
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to
Now when I talk to God you know he understands
He said stick by me and I'll be your guidin' hand
But don't ask me what I think of you
(Peter Green)
I've got a long grey mare
She won't let me ride
I've got a long grey mare
She won't let me ride
She makes me brush her in the morning
Put her to bed every night
Long grey mare
Why can't we be just like before
Long grey mare
Why can't we be just like before
You used to ride so hard
Till we just couldn't ride no more
Harmonica break
Look at me grey mare
Don't I feed you every day
Look at me grey mare
Don't I feed you every day
Oh when I dig you with my spurs