loan hard money
Money is essentially a device to permit people to exchange goods and services in a more convenient way than by direct barter. A moment's thought will convince you how difficult it would be to conduct an industrial economy by means of direct exchange of goods and services for other goods and services. In a simple agricultural society each family may produce most of what it needs and little of what it does not need. A farmer can exchange small surpluses of food crops, or wood, or wool for the products of specialized artisans such as blacksmiths. The few specialists can re-exchange some of the things they take in trade. But that system works only when most families are almost self-sufficient. In a society where each person spends all his time producing one thing, or a part of one thing, almost everything produced must be sold; and many things are sold several times before they reach the final consumer. In western
European monarchies, the story was much the same.
Henry VIII was known as "old coppernose," because the silver on his coins wore off quickly, revealing the copper below. And while governments systematically debased the coinage, free enterprise did its bit.
People clipped coins or shook them up in bags to collect the abraded gold scrapings. When monarchs made two coins out of one by mixing precious metals with base metals, they did it to finance their expenditures-to fight wars, keep up lavish courts, or build monuments.
Currency debasement led to rising prices, not because the coins contained less gold but because more of them were struck and they were spent for goods and services. Prices had to rise because expenditures rose faster than the potential output of the economy. Coinage debasement wasn't the only cause of inflation. There was widespread inflation in
Europe during the sixteenth century after the discovery . of gold and silver mines in the
Spanish possessions in
Again prices went up because more coins were struck and they were spent 'rapidly. website promotion and backlink check, anchor text backlinks, website promotion submit url and check google pagerank better search engine rankings. In connection with website promotion and serps, webmaster traffic, website promotion submit url and search engine ranking tool increase search engine rankings. The benfits of search engine ranking and targeted web traffic, serp checker, search engine ranking pagerank and pagerank checker link popularity tool.
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- published: 04 Mar 2010
- views: 7