Equinox is a 1970 American horror film. Originally made in 1967 under the title The Equinox... A Journey into the Supernatural it was directed by Dennis Muren, and stars Edward Connell as Dave, Barbara Hewitt as Susan Turner, Frank Bonner as Jim Hudson and award-winning science fiction/horror writer Fritz Leiber as geologist Dr Arthur Waterman. Special effect were provided by Jim Danforth who later worked on Flesh Gordon, in which he animated a giant monster similar to the ones in Equinox.
The plot revolves around four young friends who head into the woods to look for the lost scientist Dr. Arthur Watermann. The friends picnic and also glimpse a mysterious castle in the woods, as well as finding that Dr Watermann's cabin seems to have been destroyed. A forest ranger watches over the teenagers, who in reality is Asmodeus. When the group stumble upon an ancient book filled with magical lore and symbols - it is presented to them by a cackling old man who they encounter in a cave - Asmodeus sends a variety of monsters (primarily a giant ape-like creature with cloven hoofs, and a giant green-skinned fur-clad creature) to retrieve the book from them at all costs. The ape-like creature kills the old cave-dwelling man. The castle seems to have disappeared, however the friends discover this is due to a force-field or cloak of invisibility; at times in the story they venture to pass this barrier of invisibility.
Equinox 1970
Equinox (1970)
Equinox (1970)
Equinox (1970, Theatrical Trailer)
Creature Features The Al Omega Show Equinox 1970
Cinema Apocalypse: Equinox (1970) Requested by NihilistSlacker
Equinoxe 4 - Jean Michel Jarre
Equinox (1970) critica de James Wallestein
Equinox (1970) Movie Review
El-P - How To Serve Man (The Meanest Things I'd Never Say) & Equinox (1970)
Spring Equinox is Easter, Earth Day, Mothers Day, Pass Over, Saint Patricks Day
Hidden Gems - Episode 1 - Equinox
Superheroes have needs, too! When up-and-coming superhero Equinox discovers his predisposition for dating his sworn enemy - the hot, sexy villain known only as Sindra - it is up to his pals at Hero, Inc. to keep him on the straight-and-narrow.
A documentary that looks at a diverse group of people who play the online game "The Stone". What is "The Stone" and what is it about it that draws these people to play it? How has "The Stone" gone beyond its original internet origins to become something even more? Is time really the answer? Does Madcap truly believe the mothership is coming? The documentary answers many questions and raises many more. It provides a fascinating study as to why a group of wildly different people play the same online game and how they have taken that game into the real world to form strong connections amongst each other that can be truly life-changing.
Equinox 1970
Equinox (1970)
Equinox (1970)
Equinox (1970, Theatrical Trailer)
Creature Features The Al Omega Show Equinox 1970
Cinema Apocalypse: Equinox (1970) Requested by NihilistSlacker
Equinoxe 4 - Jean Michel Jarre
Equinox (1970) critica de James Wallestein
Equinox (1970) Movie Review
El-P - How To Serve Man (The Meanest Things I'd Never Say) & Equinox (1970)
Spring Equinox is Easter, Earth Day, Mothers Day, Pass Over, Saint Patricks Day
Hidden Gems - Episode 1 - Equinox
Autumn Equinox, Harvest Home, Michaelmas, Feast of Mabon ap Modron
This Saturday, July 26th - THE UNDERDOGS @ Equinox
The Underdogs perform at Equinox on Friday, May 9th 2014
PGA - Weather Modification Diary Report - 21 March 2015 - Brighton & Hove, UK - Geo Engineering
Clark Park Fall Equinox Festival 2014
Star Trek - Horizon: Official Trailer
Joey Lazer + Crown Hutch Freestyle at The Boots LA 3/ Equinox/ 2012
The tide will turn as comes the day with sun.
The weak no more to fear the tyrants gun.
As phoenix rises from his charred burnt pain.
The carrion flight above this blood soaked plain.
The blind who see no fear in dark.
Shout to the deaf who ne'er did hark.
You'd give to us your stolen prize
No more we'll hear your twisted lies.
Too near the edge
We dare not look down.
See a tired mind
Come crashing to the ground.
Behind the mask
I see the naked flesh
The wounds are deep
And jagged as in death.
The river runs on down into the sea
This cleft so cruel that now is carved thru' me.
Look into my eyes, tell me what do you see?
Can you ever tell, what's inside of me?
We changed so much
Yet we really changed not at all.
They always said that pride
Would come before this fall.
We cannot give you what we do not possess.
I am that I am the flame
Hidden in a sacred ark
I am the unspoken name
And unbegotten spark
I am that ever goeth
Being myself the way
Supreme for creating words
None but I have ever heard
Emplorer of aeon
Plectren of primal paen
In the sea my father lies
Wept my waters lost forever
Where the waste of moe replieth
Naught nowhere and never
I will shine as he shone
Must go how he has gone
Fotrh from you and darksome cell
From deep abyss of hell
Coming to view the earth again
See if you can ease distempered brain
Fear and care doth pierce the soul
Hark, how angry furies howl
For the father and his son
Holy spirits are norm
Male femate quintessential one
Man being veiled in woman form
Glory and worship in the highest
Thou dove mankind that defiest
These my witness and woman
Shall dare the dark agian
Find no sacred ark to swim in
Nemorseless realm of rain
My body wear of empty clasp
Strong as a lion, sharp as an asp
Coat of the flock, I am gold and god
Flesh to thy bone, flow to thy rod
With hoofs of steel I race on the rocks
Through solstice stubborn to
The Earth changes,
transforms the Heaven
in a darkness landscape
drawing a weak Sun in an old page.
A cold call, soul under this arcane sky:
The shattering of the warmth.
Equinox, transition of Sun
Lament of the autumn
Behold and feel
everything is falling here:
souls fly
and the look (at) all the ache
Golden leaves, in a damned path.
Bringing the cold to your soul
Fall of Sun,
again and again... forever.
Enter and quest,
the real meaning of night,
while stars advance,
breathe the dusk
and moonlight.
From West to North
from North to Orient,
from Orient to South.
In the zodiac an ecliptic,
Written by james young
Lead vocals by james young
Gonna get you while you sleep
Give you a dream you can keep
To yourself little mama gonna make you feel better
I'm your mystery man in a gold lincoln
Ain't no reason to do any second thinkin'
About it child
Midnight ride I'm gonna shake ya
Midnight ride I'm gonna break ya
Midnight ride I'm gonna take you on a
Midnight ride
Meet you little girl back at my hotel
Between you and me we're really gonna give 'em hell
I got something mighty special up my sleeve
All you got to do is just say please
Midnight ride I'm gonna shake ya
Midnight ride I'm gonna break ya
Midnight ride I'm gonna take you on a
Midnight ride
This is where we come alive
United underneath the skies above
Within our minds we pull the plug
Severing all connection and breathe creation
We pull the plug
We come alive
We are the awakening
We are what's left to find
We are the awakening
We will breathe life
We, we will rebuild and we'll survive
The cost of one man's life no more important than the
We, we will rebuild we will survive
The cost of one man's life
No more important than the other
The secrets of time are dying for more
Than the weakness of our existence holds
(all that you are all that you'll ever,
be will be washed away,
washed away) [2x]
This is where we come alive
United underneath the skies above
Severing all connection we are
We, we will rebuild and we'll survive
The cost of one man's life no more important than the
We are the awakening
We are what's left to find
We are the awakening
We will breathe life
The secrets of time are dying for more
than the weakness of our existence holds
(all that you are all that you'll ever be,
will be washed away
The damage is done
Now the darkness settles in
This silence is deafening
Yet I keep walking on
to see it all fase to dark
And I keep walking on
to find there's no way out
Through these shadows I tread
Yes, the hopeless are those who never lose their hope.
And the heartless are those who never kill a foe.
The speechless are those who always move their tongues.
And the lonely are those who have the strongest bonds.
You've been waiting for a morning to come.
After years in the dark started hating the sun.
In the end you denied that it had ever shone.
And maybe you're right.
But is that what you want?
And yes, your feelings are justified: the only colour you know is the colour of night.
The matrimony with the devil: Your closest bond.
It's all in vain.
If that's what you want... Yes, the hopeless are those who never lose their hope.
And the heartless are those who never kill a foe.
The lifeless are those who think they're never bored.
And the infidel are those who never fucked a whore.
Life is sour, so full of maggots and bugs.
And you still it's too short to just give it all up.
Yes, it's all in vain, if that's what you choose.
But are you sure that's your wish?
It's your own choice to carry your cross.
Pagan nature wake up now
Grey spirits of highland
Stay here forever and more
Old kingdom's old guardians
Now I will blow the horn
To cover the world in fire
That will burn forever
Burn with the flames of glory
Rise the faith of elders
Die to be born again
Sun and moon are equals
Twilight be my guide
Ignite the shining fire
Hail to the sun of woe
You have to know that
We will never die
We're first in the rage of battles
War guides, blood follows
Reach the stars that shining above
Spill the blood of the gods!
Be the ruler of all empires
Ride the shore that borders the world
Hold your sword and shout as thunder
Equinox has come!
Thus has it ever been
Thus is it now and