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Iran's President on Israel/Holocaust.
3/3 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel Address to a Joint Meeting of Congress
President Obama Speaks at an Arrival Ceremony in Israel
Russian President Putin visits Israel
Former Israeli President Shimon Peres Goes Job Hunting שמעון פרס מחפש עבודה
Israel's new President Reuven Rivlin Acceptance speech
Obama - The Anti-Israel President
Benjamin Netanyahu Speech to Congress 2015 [FULL] | Today on 3/3/15 | New York Times
President Obama Meets with the Prime Minister of Israel
Turkish PM Erdogan Slams Shimon Peres For Israeli Killings And Walks Off Stage
Ahmadinejad Blasts President Obama And Warns Israel
NATO Secretary General with President of Israel (Joint Press Point)
How Israel Erased Palestine Off The Map with USA 39th President Jimmy Carter
President Obama to 'reconsider' Israel relation...
He never said he wants to wipe Israel of the map GET OVER IT.
President Obama delivers remarks at a ceremony marking his arrival in Israel. March 20, 2013. Russian presidential plane landing in Ben Gurion airport. President Putin received by Chief of Protocol, Ms. Talya Lador-Frescher; welc...
Donning a traditional yarmulka and thanking God, while shedding a tear or two, Israeli President-Elect Reuven Ruby Rivlin makes his dramatic acceptance speec...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel used one of the most prominent platforms in the world on Tuesday to warn against what he called a “bad deal” being negotiated with Iran to freeze its nuclear program, bringing to a culmination a drama that has roiled Israeli-American relations for weeks. Read the story here: --------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free and get a handpicked selection of the best videos from The New York Times every week: Subscribe on YouTube: Watch more videos at: --------------------------------------------------------------- Want more from The New York Times? Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Google+: Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch. On YouTube. Benjamin Netanyahu Speech to Congress 2015 [FULL ADDRESS ] | Today on 3/3/15 | The New York Times
President Obama held a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel on October 1, 2014.
With English Translation Fair Use Policy, Source: World Economic Forum The Turkish prime minister, Mr. Erdogan, stormed out of a heated debate at the World Economic Forum in Davos after slamming the position of Israeli President, Mr. Shimon Peres, over Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip. Recep Tayyip Erdogan walked out of the televised debate on Thursday, after the moderator refused to allow him to rebut the Israeli president's justification about the war that left about 1,300 Gazans dead. Before storming out, Erdogan told Shimon Peres, the Israeli president: "You are killing people." Peres told Erdogan during the heated panel discussion that he would have acted in the same manner if rockets had been falling on Istanbul. Moderator David Ignatius, a Washington Post columnist, then told Erdogan that he had "only a minute" to respond to a lengthy monologe by Pires. Erdogan said: "I find it very sad that people applaud what you said. There have been many people killed. And I think that it is very wrong and it is not humanitarian." Ignatius twice attempted to finish the debate, saying, "We really do need to get people to dinner." Erdogan then said: "Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. I don't think I will come back to Davos after this."
Originally Uploaded By louesc Larry King 22nd September 2010 Notice How Calm & Collective Ahmadinejad Is, & How He Is The One Making Sense. If You Hate Him, ...
Statement by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen at the joint press point with the President of Israel, Mr. Simon Peres. From the event: http://goo....
To raise awareness about the reality in Palestine and to speak against the apartheid state of Israel. . Please share widely. FREE PALESTINE!
President Obama told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the U.S. would reassess its relationship with Israel after Netanyahu's recent statements.
President Barack Obama touched down in Israel, beginning his first trip to that country as president. President Obama's trip comes amid concerns about Iran's...
Extraordinary - interview with Iranian president still says Israel must disappear, like the old Soviet union. From Channel4 dot com slash news.
President Obama deliver remarks to the Israeli people at the Jerusalem International Convention Center. March 21, 2013.
Radio host reacts to Benjamin Netanyahu's re-election win. The Mark Levin Show Fox News: Hannity Fox News: Hannity - The Great American Blog Fox News Fox Business Fox Nation
After 6 million Jews were murdered in Hitler's concentration camps, even the liberal United Nations voted unanimously supporting Israel to become a nation again. Yet, Barack Obama can't seem to stop bullying the Jewish citizens of Israel, meddling in the affairs of their leaders, and even campaigning against Prime Minister Netanyahu. Barack Obama continually humiliates Israeli leaders, demanding they give up land to terrorists who routinely murder their citizens. And now some of Obama's team are even crafting plans on how to make Israel give up ALL its land and to cease being a nation. And that's how he treats Israel as an ally, which is another word for a loyal friend. Could you imagine how much worse he'd tread them if they were ever classified an enemy? How could antagonizing our lone ally in the Middle East have any positive effect on the national interests of The United States? And how could it bless US spiritually if we continue to fight against the only nation in the history of planet earth that God Himself called the apple of His eye? They say it only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch so it appears one lone rotten apple named Barack Hussein Obama alone may be sentencing the United States to imminent and unspeakably severe judgment from heaven unless this course is quickly corrected. The United States of America is clearly a Judeo-Christian nation. Granted, not all Christians and Jews agree on everything but there is one bedrock book of the bible they all agree on and that's the book of Genesis. In Genesis chapter 12, verse 3 Yahowah God of Israel spoke in First Person saying to the Hebrew people: I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you and all the people of earth will be blessed through you. Not many years ago, the United States was the richest nation in the history of planet earth. Today we are the poorest. You heard that right. We are the poorest. We are nearly one quadrillion dollars in debt. We are bankrupt. We just haven't fallen over yet. Oh, and did I mention that Obama's illegal amnesty order will cost us TRILLIONS more in dollars that we don't have? So regardless of whether you are conservative or liberal, let me ask you a question to ponder, and be honest with yourself on this: Do you believe Barack Hussein Obama is a blessing or a curse to the United States? History has proven beyond reasonable doubt that the nations that have blessed the Jewish people have had the blessing of God; and the nations that have cursed the Jewish people have experienced the curse of God. As for me and my house, I want to be on God's side and I want us to once again be a nation who blesses Israel and I certainly do not want any part of a curse from God!
Former President Jimmy Carter, author of a new book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, is interviewed from his home in Plains, Georgia. He responds to a caller...
The O'Reilly Factor: Dana Perino on the latest in the GOP 2016 field and the strained relationship between Israel and President Obama
President George W. Bush received a warm reception at Ben Gurion Airport where he was greeted by President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Olmert and government...
The Israeli parliament has elected Likud's Reuven Rivlin as the country's 10th president. Rivlin, a former communications minister, twice served as speaker o... True HD film transfer 1948, Feb 24 First President Of Israel Inaugurated Amid Colorful ceremonies, C...
Abby Martin returns from her trip to Haiti and goes over her interview with former US President Jimmy Carter and their discussion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the erosion of the rule of law in the US. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @
On a whirlwind trip to Israel to build ties between the State of Indiana and the State of Israel, Governor Mike Pence, a potential 2016 Presidential candidate, joins VOI's Josh Hasten in-studio for an exclusive interview. Pence highlights the similarities between "the work ethic" of the people of Indiana and the people of Israel and says that "support for the State of Israel among the American People has never been stronger." While a proud lifelong Hoosier, Pence admits "there is no place like the Holy Land."
John King talks about the reaction the president received from the Israeli public during his first trip there in office.
Israeli President Shimon Peres has been meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto in Mexico City. Peres is visiting the North American state on a six...
ISRAEL21c takes a look at some of the country's most popular tourist sites, from Masada and Ein Gedi, to Caesarea and the Eilat observatory.
The latest US election polls put Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney neck and neck with President Obama in the race for the White House. That may make Romney's visit here in Israel all the more important. In a tight election, swing states like Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, often determine the outcome and those are places where Jews live and vote. With polls showing President Obama has lost some of his support from Jewish voters, Romney is here to try to send a message that he would be a stronger and more loyal friend to the State of Israel. Romney began his visit at the Prime Minister's office, sitting down with Benjamin Netanyahu. The two first met in the 1970s when they both worked at the Boston Consulting Group. It was not until much later -- around 2006 -- that the two re-connected through politics. A top Romney aide told JN1 news the two have developed a strong friendship and see many issues eye to eye. His willingness to take a tougher stand on Iran than President Obama is the message Romney wants to send to US Jewish voters and tough? A senior Romney aide said that if Israel has to take action on its own against Iran, the governor would respect that. Supporting an Israeli strike on Iran stands in contrast to President Obama's reported attempts to dissuade Israel from any action... Netanyahu praised Romney's position on Iran... Netanyahu believes a credible threat of military action must be coupled with sanctions in order to stop Iran. It's no secret that Israel doesn't believe President Obama has succeeded in creating a "credible" threat of military action... Netanyahu and Romney reportedly discussed the political upheavals in Syria and Egypt as well as the peace process...those subjects came up again with Israeli President Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Ehud Barak. On the peace process, a top aide told JN1 News that Romney doesn't believe Israel has a partner for peace right now on the Palestinian side. Romney did not schedule a meeting with Palestinian President Machmoud Abbas, but did meet with top leader Salaam Fayyad. Romney famously said during the primaries that President Obama had quote "thrown Israel under the bus:...skipping over Jerusalem on his way to Cairo, missteps in the peace process, public criticism of Israel and going soft on Iran have been Romney and other's criticism's of Obama. The sitting President defends his commitment to Israel saying his administration has made unprecedented contributions to the country's security...while Romney was on his diplomatic trip, Obama signed new legislation strengthening cooperation and adding another $70 million dollars in defense aid. The question is whether the Israeli visit will pay off for Romney with Jewish voters in the US... Romeny's aides say he only needs to get a few important percentage points of the Jewish votes in key swing states like Florida and Ohio to help him tip the balance in his favor. But one has to wonder if the economy and not Israel will determine the vote for or against Romney... If you're wondering how Israelis see Mitt Romney, you may be surprised by a recent poll from the Begin-Sadat Center at Tel Aviv University. When asked who would better promote Israel's interests Obama or Romney, 29% of Israelis said Romney while only 22% said Obama...a whooping 49% said they weren't sure...Romney has no record of legislation on Israel and yet he beat the sitting President. That also tells you how little trust Israelis seem to have in President Obama. Jordana Miller, JN1, Jerusalem.
(Oct 12, 2009) President Peres discusses Israeli innovation during his speech to open the 2009 Winter Session of the Knesset (Israel's Parliament). The Presi...
In this episode John Bona interviews Matt Staver, Founder and Chairman of The Liberty Counsel. He also takes you on a tour of Jerusalem, brings you the sound...
Thank you & Acknowledgments: Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College, CUNY Terry Mizrahi, Professor Jacqueline Mondros, Dean Ben Gurion University ...
RAMALLAH, West Bank -- U.S. President Barack Obama is meeting Palestinian officials on the second day of his Mideast tour to emphasize the importance of reac...
Photo slideshow of President Obama's Visit to Israel, a great deal of emphasis on symbolism in Obama's visit to Israel on March 20 2013.
The cost of US President Barack Obama's upcoming three-day visit to Israel and the West Bank starting on March 20 is expected to cost in the region of USD 3 ...
In a shocking turn of events Former President and Prime Minister of Israel Shimon Peres visited the Pope of Rome and presented him with the idea of creating a United Nations of Religions, something...
In episodes 3-4 we will be traveling to The Via Dolorosa, Capernaum, The Sea of Galilee, Armageddon, The Dungeon, The Upper Room. and the Knesset Learn more ...
The 2013 mass surveillance disclosures refer to media reports which revealed operational details of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and its international partners' mass surveillance of foreign nationals and U.S. citizens. Aside from its partnership with federal agencies, the NSA-led surveillance involves extensive cooperation with foreign governments and intelligence agencies of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Germany, the latter classified in NSA documents as being both a partner and a target. Data collected in foreign countries by XKeyscore, for example, have landed directly on "President Obama's desk". Although disclosures of the general scope of the program were made in 2006,[2] a series of articles attracted significant public attention on 6 June 2013, when documents made public by Edward Snowden were first published simultaneously by The Washington Post and The Guardian. These documents included operational details of the "scale of domestic surveillance", according to journalist Glenn Greenwald.[3] Several days later, President Obama reassured the American public that stringent controls placed by the United States Congress and the FISA Court have ensured that "nobody" is listening to the phone calls of U.S. citizens.[4] On 14 June 2013, the main source of these disclosures, Edward Snowden, was formally charged by U.S. federal prosecutors for violating the Espionage Act of 1917 due to his unauthorized communication and theft of government property. Several weeks later, Snowden, who subsequently fled to Russia via Hong Kong, was granted temporary asylum by the Russian government. This contributed to a deterioration of Russia--United States relations. On 6 August, President Obama made a public appearance on national television where he reiterated that "We don't have a domestic spying program" and "There is no spying on Americans".[5] Despite Obama's reassurances, however, social movements such as Restore the Fourth have arisen as a form of protest against mass surveillance. Domestic spying programmes in other countries such as France, the UK, and India have also been brought to light. On the legal front, the EFF joined a coalition of diverse groups filing lawsuits against the NSA. Several human rights organizations have urged the Obama administration not to persecute, but to protect "whistleblower Snowden". These groups include Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Transparency International, and the Index on Censorship.
MAY 25 2014 - Judge Jeanine Pirro shares her thoughts on the upcoming elections in Egypt and why President Obama ought to do more to support the millions of Egyptians who are fighting for democracy. And now to an election on the other side of the globe - one that will have a huge impact not only on the Middle East - including the state of Israel, but on every man woman and child in this country. It all started when one of my opening statements went viral in Egypt. I called out President Obama for continuing to support Muslim Brother President Morsi after more than 33 million Egyptians came out of their homes to protest this so called "democratically elected" president. The problem? He suspended the constitution, imposes Sharia law and put himself above any checks and balances creating a theocratic government like the Ayatollah in Iran, issuing a presidential order releasing condemned terrorists from prison. On my recent visit to Egypt, I met with many government leaders and ordinary Egyptians who were disappointed in the recent breakdown of U.S.-Egyptian relations. Those relations have been mutually beneficial for decades - from the Camp David peace accords where Egypt was the first Arab country to recognize the state of Israel. The Obama administration's feckless foreign policy, the dithering, and the double speak and the refusal to support Egypt in this dangerous time creates a vacuum that allows terrorists to move in. Those terrorists now present in Libya continue to train and prepare for more attacks on the West. Egypt has always given us flyover rights and preferential treatment at the Suez Canal. After 9/11, Egypt shared intelligence and jointly interviewed Al Qaeda prisoners. But most importantly, Egypt is at the crossroads of Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean is geopolitically positioned to provide stability in the Middle East. Yet Obama refuses to give the military support and promised and allocated to fight Al Qaeda and the terrorists who threaten to destroy the country. Egypt is one quarter of the Arab world--over 90 million people. Should they fall, the West is at risk. Although Egyptians are fearful of Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Ansar al Sharia--33 million of them were not afraid to take them on. Egypt is 80% Muslim--and most live in peace with Coptic Christians. Under the brotherhood, more than 80 churches were burnt down, countless Egyptians tortured and killed and more than a thousand Christians' homes have been destroyed. On my trip I met with Field Marshal Al-Sisi, one of the candidates in the election this coming Monday and Tuesday, who made it clear that religion has no place in government, that Egyptian women should decide whether they want to wear a veil or not. What most Americans don't understand is that the vast majority of Egyptian citizens hate the Muslim Brotherhood and want nothing more than a democracy in their country. They don't care if you're a Muslim, a Christian or a Jew. They want a government with checks and balances and have adopted a new constitution that guarantees equal rights regardless of gender and religion. Egypt, Israel and the United States--our destinies forever intertwined. For the U.S. to not support Egypt in its fight for democracy against the Muslim Brotherhood is to deny our own origins. Our Declaration of Independence says, "...governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it." Unfortunately our president--in true Obama fashion--prefers to ignore the majority of Egyptians who seek nothing more than safety, security and democracy. Even if it benefits the U.S. and our ally Israel, Mr. President, this is what the Egyptians think of you.
Panel on Israel-US relations: Robert Lieber (Georgetown, moderator) David Makovsky (Washington Istitute for Near East Policy) Robert Wexler (S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace) Nathan Guttman (The Jewish Daily Forward) --- A conference examining the upcoming general election in Israel, scheduled for January 22, 2013. Experts discuss the issues that will be factors influencing Israelis as they prepare to go cast their ballots. This all-day conference featured three panels examining domestic politics, regional politics, and Israel-US relations. --- David Makovsky -- the Ziegler distinguished fellow and director of the Project on the Middle East Peace Process at The Washington Institute. He is also an adjunct professor in Middle East studies at Johns Hopkins University's Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Author of numerous Washington Institute monographs and essays on issues related to the Middle East Peace Process and the Arab-Israeli conflict, he is also coauthor, with Dennis Ross, of the 2009 Washington Post bestseller Myths, Illusions, and Peace: Finding a New Direction for America in the Middle East (Viking/Penguin). His 2011 maps on alternative territorial solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were reprinted by the New York Times in the paper's first interactive treatment of an op-ed. His widely acclaimed September 2012 New Yorker essay, "The Silent Strike," focused on the U.S.-Israel dynamics leading up to the 2007 Israeli attack on Syrian nuclear facilities. - The Honorable Robert Wexler -- the President of the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace. He served as a Democratic member of Congress for seven terms, representing Florida's 19th district in the U.S. House of Representatives before retiring in January 2010 to lead the Center. Wexler was named one of the "50 Most Effective Legislators in Congress" by Congressional Quarterly and in 2008 was named to the Forward 50 list as one of the most influential leaders in the American Jewish community. In 2008, Congressman Wexler served as an advisor on Middle East and Israel issues to President Barack Obama during his presidential campaign. Throughout his tenure in Congress, Congressman Wexler has been an outspoken advocate for the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel, and a leading proponent of Israel's right to self-defense and the need for a just and comprehensive resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. He has traveled on numerous congressional delegations to the Middle East and met with the leaders of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait, Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Morocco, and Oman. At President Clinton's invitation, he was the only member of the House of Representatives present during the signing of the Wye River Peace Agreement. In addition, Wexler was one of two Congressmen to travel to the International Court of Justice at the Hague to oppose the Palestinian case against Israel's construction of a security barrier. Congressman Wexler served as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Europe of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and as a member of the Middle East Subcommittee. Wexler worked to strengthen the transatlantic alliance, build security and economic bonds with the European Union and the nations of Europe, and help guide the economic and political development of the former Soviet States. Wexler served as an American representative to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and was the co-founder of the Caucus on U.S.-Turkish Relations, the Taiwan Caucus, and the Indonesia Caucus. - Nathan Guttman -- The Jewish Daily Forward's Washington bureau chief. He joined the staff in 2006 after serving for five years as Washington correspondent for Haaretz and The Jerusalem Post. In Israel, he was the features editor for Haaretz and chief editor of Channel 1 TV evening news. He was born in Canada and grew up in Israel. He is a graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. - Dr. Robert Lieber -- Professor of Government and International Affairs at Georgetown University, where he has previously served as Chair of the Government Department and Interim Chair of Psychology. He is an authority on American foreign policy and U.S. relations with the Middle East and Europe. He was born and raised in Chicago, received his undergraduate education at the University of Wisconsin and his Ph.D. at Harvard. Professor Lieber's latest book entitled, Power and Willpower in The American Future: Why the US is Not Destined to Decline, was published in Spring 2012 by Cambridge University Press. His most recent book prior to this was The American Era: Power and Strategy for the 21st Century (Cambridge University Press, 2007). As one reviewer has described it, "This may be the best book on American foreign policy written since September 11." In addition, Lieber is author or editor of fourteen other books on international relations, US foreign policy and energy security.
Panel on Israel-US relations: Robert Lieber (Georgetown, moderator) David Makovsky (Washington Istitute for Near East Policy) Robert Wexler (S. Daniel Abraha... In the summer of 2010, Israel Museum completed a comprehensive upgrade of its 20-acre ca...
South Korea has voiced shock and outrage at the bombing of a tourist bus in Egypt that killed three of its nationals, while issuing a travel ban for the Sina...
Panel on Israel-US relations: Robert Lieber (Georgetown, moderator) David Makovsky (Washington Istitute for Near East Policy) Robert Wexler (S. Daniel Abraha...
Some footage/pictures from my AMAZING trip to Israel with the Shorashim Birthright program. All I want to do now is go back!!! Stalk me:
[Episode 2] Israel Jerusalem Part: 2/8 Day One: Tel Aviv Airport Ben Gurion Airport Is Israel's main international...
On March 18, 2015, President Obama traveled to Cleveland, Ohio where he toured MAGNET’s Manufacturing Innovation Center at Cleveland State University, the Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership affiliate.
President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin today joined a number of world leaders in participating in the ...
noodls 2015-03-29President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin, this afternoon, Friday, paid his respects at the lying in state ...
noodls 2015-03-29Prime Minister’s Office of India ) ... of Mr ... The Prime Minister met the President of Israel , Mr.
noodls 2015-03-29According to the polls Benjamin Netanyahu was on the verge of defeat but finally scored a smashing ...
The Washington Times 2015-03-22Reuven "Ruvi" Rivlin, elected Israel’s 10th president eight months ago, now holds a largely ...
The Daily Beast 2015-03-16'Reuven Rivlin’s office may be ceremonial; his stand is anything but. ' Photograph: Gali Tibbon/AFP/Getty Images.
The Guardian 2014-12-31... service for the first President of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, marking 62 years since his death.
noodls 2014-11-16Even though the former president of Israel, Shimon Peres, had officially apologized for this tragedy ...
Huffington Post 2014-11-10WARSAW (Reuters) - The presidents of Israel and Poland together took a guided tour of a new museum ...
Reuters 2014-10-28Israeli lawmaker Reuven Rivlin was Thursday sworn in as the 10th president of Israel, stepping in ...
The Siasat Daily 2014-07-24Secretary-General's remarks at a press encounter with the President of Israel ... the people of Israel.
noodls 2014-06-13The President of Russia ). Vladimir Putin congratulated Reuven Rivlin on his election as President of Israel.
noodls 2014-06-12The President of the State of Israel (Hebrew: נשיא המדינה, Nesi HaMedina, lit. President of the State; Arabic: رئيس الدولة) is the head of state of Israel. The position is largely an apolitical ceremonial figurehead role, with the real executive power lying in the hands of the Prime Minister. The current president is Shimon Peres who took office on 15 July 2007. Presidents are elected by the Knesset for a seven year term, and are limited to a single term.
The president is elected by an absolute majority in the Knesset. If no candidate has received an absolute majority by the third round of voting, a simple majority is sufficient. When electing the president, Knesset members vote by secret ballot. The president is elected to a term of seven years, and cannot be re-elected for a second term. Until recently, the president was elected for a five-year term, and was allowed to serve up to two terms in office.
Any Israeli citizen who is a resident of the State is eligible to run for President. The office falls vacant upon completion of a term, resignation, or the decision of three-quarters of the Knesset to remove the president on grounds of misconduct or incapacity. Presidential tenure is not keyed to that of the Knesset in order to assure continuity in government and the nonpartisan character of the office. There is no vice president in the Israeli governmental system. If the president is temporarily incapacitated or leaves office, the speaker of the Knesset becomes acting president.
Coordinates: 31°N 35°E / 31°N 35°E / 31; 35
Israel, officially the State of Israel ( /ˈɪzriːəl/ or
/ˈɪzreɪəl/; Hebrew: מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל, Medīnat Yisrā'el, IPA: [me̞diˈnät jisʁäˈʔe̞l] (
listen); Arabic: دَوْلَة إِسْرَائِيل, Dawlat Isrāʼīl, IPA: [dawlat ʔisraːˈʔiːl]), is a parliamentary republic in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It borders Lebanon in the north, Syria in the northeast, Jordan and the West Bank in the east, Egypt and the Gaza Strip on the southwest, and the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea to the south, and it contains geographically diverse features within its relatively small area. Israel is defined as a Jewish and Democratic State in its Basic Laws and is the world's only Jewish-majority state.
Following the adoption of a resolution by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 29 November 1947 recommending the adoption and implementation of the United Nations plan to partition Palestine, on 14 May 1948 David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel, a state independent from the British Mandate for Palestine. Neighboring Arab states invaded the next day in support of the Palestinian Arabs. Israel has since fought several wars with neighboring Arab states, in the course of which it has occupied the West Bank, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights. Portions of these territories, including east Jerusalem, have been annexed by Israel, but the border with the neighboring West Bank has not yet been permanently defined.[neutrality is disputed] Israel has signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, but efforts to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict have so far not resulted in peace.
James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr. (born October 1, 1924) is an American politician who served as the 39th President of the United States (1977–1981) and was the recipient of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize, the only U.S. President to have received the Prize after leaving office. Before he became President, Carter served as a U.S. Naval officer, was a peanut farmer, served two terms as a Georgia State Senator and one as Governor of Georgia (1971–1975).
During Carter's term as President, two new cabinet-level departments were created: the Department of Energy and the Department of Education. He established a national energy policy that included conservation, price control, and new technology. In foreign affairs, Carter pursued the Camp David Accords, the Panama Canal Treaties, the second round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II), and returned the Panama Canal Zone to Panama. Throughout his career, Carter strongly emphasized human rights. He took office during a period of international stagflation, which persisted throughout his term. The end of his presidential tenure was marked by the 1979–1981 Iran hostage crisis, the 1979 energy crisis, the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (at the end of 1979), 1980 Summer Olympics boycott by the United States of the Moscow Olympics and the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.