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Koncentrační tábor v Terezíně.
Dokumentární film vytvořený jako pomůcka pro výuku problematiky holocaustu na českých školách. Obsahem je autentické svědectví pamětnice holocaustu paní Mart...
Natočeno 25.4.2013. Malá pevnost v Terezíně fungovala v letech 1940 - 1945 jako věznice pražského gestapa. Roku 1994 byla v Malé pevnosti otevřena nová stálá...
Koncentrační tábor (lágr) - Terezín.
Video blocked? Watch here: Visit to Terezín (Theresienstadt) in August 2011. During the Second World War Terezín was a concentrat...
To, co učinili Nacisté za 2.světové války je pro nás nepředstavitelné.V dnešní době se nedokážeme vžít do situací lidí (především židů), kteří trpěli v konce...
V pořadu Čt z 13ti dílného cyklu pevnosti se tentokrát vydáme do bastionové pevnosti Terezín,průvodcem nám bude Petr Jeništa.
Dopo aver convinto la Croce Rossa, i nazisti vogliono ingannare tutto il mondo attraverso un film di propaganda girato all'interno del campo di Terezín. Lo fanno creando un'immagine fittizia del campo e coinvolgendo i prigionieri, ai quali viene imposta un'interpretazione forzata davanti alle telecamere in cambio della salvezza, come accade con il regista Kurt Gerron. Anche Gerron però sarà ingannato e trasferito ad Auschwitz, dove verrà assassinato. La sua storia:
Terezín, an hour north of Prague, was built by the Habsburgs in the 1780s as a fortified town with (still intact) massive state-of-the-art, star-shaped walls...
Pevnost bastionového typu při soutoku řek Labe a Ohře dochovaná jako ucelená technická a urbanistická památka, vystavěná v letech 1780--1790 na obranu trasy ...
Model původní podoby hlavní části pevnosti postavené habsburskou monarchií v letech 1780-1790. Jejím úkolem bylo bránit Čechy při vpádu pruských vojsk. Další...
Recordings from the QUATTRO Chamber Orchestra concert at the St.Roch-Gallery MIRO, Prague-Strahov on 19th November 2008. Lars Grünwoldt - bassbaritone, Soloi...
More info: Buy on Amazon: Watch the trailer for the Terezín / Theresienstadt DVD with Daniel Ho...
Terezín (en alemán Theresienstadt) es una población de la República Checa, a 61 kilómetros al noroeste de Praga, conocido por su campo de concentración, instalado en su término durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que llevaba como nombre alemán el de Campo de concentración de Theresienstadt. Su nombre se debe a la emperatriz María Teresa. Terezín está dividido en dos partes, la fortaleza grande y la pequeña. La primera fue un guetto judío donde vivieron más de 150.000 judíos y, la segunda, fue el campo de concentración que hoy se puede visitar. Hay que recordar que éste fue un campo de concentración, no de exterminio; en él muchos judíos murieron y otros muchos fueron enviados a los campos de exterminio. En el campo de concentración visitaréis los barracones, los patios, las celdas y otras habitaciones. Existe un túnel subterráneo de casi un kilómetro por el que iban los reclusos, el recorrido es angustioso y se hace realmente largo. Se puede entrar al campo de concentración, a los barracones, al museo del guetto, al cementerio y al crematorio. Esta última parte se encuentra fuera de la fortaleza grande y será una de las imágenes más impactantes del viaje. La otra imagen que os marcará es la de la escuela. En ella veréis dibujos de la época de la Gran Guerra, dibujos hechos por niños que vivieron la guerra de principio a fin. Muy angustioso. La visita a Terezín os hará sentir como si estuvierais viviendo en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En algún momento la sensación puede ser agobiante y, por sus pocos turistas, la inmersión es total. La atmósfera conseguida es como la de la película El Pianista o juegos como Silent Hill. Visitar Terezín no es recomendable para quien sólo busque una bonita postal, la temática tiene que resultar llamativa y hay que ir sabiendo lo que allí se narra: la historia del holocausto.
Mini dokument... fotky, video... úplně stačí.
Explore the extraordinary history of Terezín, a temporary holding camp set up in 1941 by Eichmann. Though isolated and deprived, Terezín became a productive ...
Stanislav Steindler (1911) vypráví o svém pobytu na zámku v Panenských Břežanech, kde byl zmrzačen a převezen do nemocnice v Terezíně. O svých prožitcích a v...
On Sunday 11th March a special event took place in the Dresden Barracks in Terezin. Students from all over the Czech Republic took part in a friendly footbal...
Il concorso mira a raccontare il rapporto tra arte e prigionia in 90 secondi. Un rapporto che ha segnato la vita dei prigionieri nel campo di Terezín e che anche oggi continua ad essere determinante, vivo nella quotidianità di tutti. Il concorso destinato a studenti delle scuole superiori e allievi di corsi di formazione e professionali nel settore del cinema e del teatro è stato vinto dal video "Vibrazioni oltre la cenere" del gruppo Le Revas del liceo artistico di Anguillara Luca Paciolo.
Grenz infantery regiment
Shema Yisrael adoshem elokeinu, Adoshem echad Hu Elokeinu, hu avinu, hu malkeinu, hu moshénu v'hu yashmi enu b'rachamov shenis l'enei koi chai, lichyos lache...
Silvestrovský cyklokros 2013 Terezín - muži, ženy
Terezínské příběhy 02 - Edice životních příběhů skutečných lidí, v tomto případě bez uvedení jména vypovídá o Terezíně a Osvětimi žena, která oba koncentračn...
Brandeis University ) Member of Terezín choir visits for 'Defiant Requiem' ... As he researched Terezín ...
noodls 2015-03-25The Jewish Museum in Prague's (JMP) collection of children's drawings from Terezín comprises 4,387 originals.
noodls 2015-01-29... commemorations organised by the European Jewish Congress in Prague and at the Terezín Memorial.
noodls 2015-01-27... commemorations organised by the European Jewish Congress in Prague and at the Terezín Memorial.
noodls 2015-01-26... the Terezín Commemoration Ceremony on the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
noodls 2015-01-23In pre-war Prague, Hans Krása’s career was blossoming ... In 1942, Krása was sent to the Terezín concentration camp ... Login Now.
Richmond Times Dispatch 2015-01-22... children's drawings and poems from Terezín Concentration Camp, 1942-1944, edited by Hana Volavková).
noodls 2015-01-19The same holds true for the acts of remembrance that are to take place in Terezín (Theresienstadt) and at Prague Castle.
noodls 2015-01-08... name plaques that were stolen from graves in what is now a national cemetery in the town of Terezín.
noodls 2014-12-27... restaging of theatrical performances in the World War II Jewish ghetto at Terezín/Theresienstadt.
noodls 2014-09-22... meet with members of the Czech Jewish community and will pay his respects at the Terezín memorial.
noodls 2014-09-09Nos 5 to 7, written as a trilogy in Terezín in 1943, allude to other proscribed composers, such as Berg.
The Guardian 2014-08-07The main theme of its 15th edition is the 70th anniversary of the liquidation of the Terezín Family ...
noodls 2014-07-04Terezín (Czech pronunciation: [ˈtɛrɛziːn]; German: Theresienstadt) is the name of a former military fortress and adjacent walled garrison town in the Ústí nad Labem Region of the Czech Republic.
In the late 18th century the Habsburg Monarchy erected the fortress, as well as a large walled town directly across the Ohře River, near its confluence with the Elbe River, and named it after Empress Maria Theresa.
Construction started in 1780 and lasted ten years. The total area of the fortress was 3.89 km². The fortification was designed in the tradition of Sébastian le Prestre de Vauban. In peacetime it held 5,655 soldiers, and in wartime around 11,000 soldiers could be placed here, and neighbouring areas could be inundated. Fortress Josefov in eastern Bohemia was built at the same time and had a similar purpose.
The fortress was never under direct siege. During the Austro-Prussian War, on 28 July 1866, part of the garrison attacked and destroyed an important railway bridge near Neratovice (rail line Turnov - Kralupy nad Vltavou) that was shortly before repaired by the Prussians. This attack occurred two days after Austria and Prussia had agreed to make peace, but the Terezin garrison was ignorant of the news.
One year, two years, time goes by.
People laugh and people cry.
Ev'ry morning the clock strikes eight.
I go to work. I close the gate.
And on my way, I sing a song.
About my wife, where I belong.
If the clouds get together and talk about the weather
If it's rain they anticipate
Baby make no mistake
Yes the storm will break but never me you see.
Two years on . Two years on .
But only you can see me.
Only you can see me.
For what I've got
Sir Lancelot was just a dream and I am not
For I am he with something more
It's you and I reality.
If the cloud get together and talk about the weather
If it's rain they anticipate
Baby, make no mistake
Yes the storm will break but never me you see
Two years on . Two years on .
But only you can see me
Only you can see me
Two years on . Two years on .
One year, two years, time goes by.
People laugh and people cry.
Ev'ry morning the clock strikes eight.
I go to work. I close the gate.
And on my way, I sing a song.
About my wife, where I belong.
If the clouds get together and talk about the weather
If it's rain they anticipate
Baby make no mistake
Yes the storm will break but never me you see.
Two years on . Two years on .
But only you can see me.
Only you can see me.
For what I've got
Sir Lancelot was just a dream and I am not
For I am he with something more
It's you and I reality.
If the cloud get together and talk about the weather
If it's rain they anticipate
Baby, make no mistake
Yes the storm will break but never me you see
Two years on . Two years on .
But only you can see me
Only you can see me
Two years on . Two years on .
There's something bout your body
I'm not in a rush, but girl I'm ready to marry you
Yeah right here in this restaurant
And start on our honeymoon
Why you still got your dress on
Why you still got your dress on, yeah
Now I ain't tryina offend nobody
But girl don't they see you, it's cool if they don't
Cause hey I only see me and you
That's why I'm all over you
Why you still got your dress on
Why you still got your dress on, yeah, yeah, yeah
I can't wait, cause girl as soon as I look in your face
I see your world where a heart never breaks
And to me that means that the whole world could change
But not mine
I can't wait, the way I know your body
I don't really need much, girl I know where to touch
Just stay where you are, drop all your worries
And we can leave all the rest on
We can do it,
Why you still got your dress on, yeah
Now I ain't tryina offend nobody
But girl don't they see you, it's cool if they don't
Cause hey I only see me and you
That's why I'm all over you
Why you still got your dress on
Why you still got your dress on, yeah, yeah, yeah
I can't wait, cause girl as soon as I look in your face
I see your world where a heart never breaks
And to me that means that the whole world could change
But not mine
I can't wait
Let me take you, so walk with me
Feel beautiful sand as we take pictures
Hips so wide, look like it's got whiskers
Let me put a solid gold on a solid figure
Go ahead, show your pretty dinches
Your pretty physique, your pretty toes
I'm pretty with you
I do a good job for that pretty picture
You're the prettiest, but I'm the only thing that's missing
I can't wait, cause girl as soon as I look in your face
I see your world where a heart never breaks
And to me that means that the whole world could change
But not mine, yeah
Why you still got your dress on
Still got your, still got, still got, still got
Why you still got your dress on
I can't wait, cause girl as soon as I look in your face
I see your world where a heart never breaks
And to me that means that the whole world could change
This room is getting smaller
The walls are closing in
And I'm so bored with my own conversation
The stairs to our bedroom
Seem so much higher than ever
Especially when you're sleeping alone
But I still have that painting
We bought in Rome
The one I hated and you adored
Now I own
There's no you
What's the point without you
There's no you
What's the point without you
My friends think I'm wasting
My whole life away
But I'm not the type to cry in my liquor
I'll do my crying in private
And cry myself to sleep
At least I won't cry in public places
But I still have that painting
We bought in Rome
The one I hated and you adored
And now I own
There's no you
What's the point without you
There's no you
What's the point without you
Some folks say it's all about survival
And wiping the floor with all your rivals
But you were too bright and oh so full of culture
And I prayed on you like a big old fat vulture
Just circling high above your halo
There's no you
What's the point without you
there's no you
It's friday night
The moon is high
Let's get my truck a little muddy
Old blue jeans
You and me
Baby we don't need no money
Cooler full of beer
Throw it in the back
Let your hair down
You know i like that
It's time to dress down
No we aint goin to town
Gonna park down
Where there ain't nobody around
Have a little fun now
We'll wrap our arms around
Each other on that blanket
On the river bottom ground
It's time to dress down
Baby your wankins' got me thankin'
Sittin' at's ole red light
We get there girl i swear
Hell it might take all night
I know heaven's waitin' on us
Can't drive fast enough
It's time to dress down
No we ain't goin to town
Gonna park down
Where there ain't nobody around
Have a little fun now
We'll wrap our arms around
Each other on that blanket
On the river bottom ground
It's time to dress down
Ain't no city lights
Ain't no cars
Baby get ready
Cause we ain't far
It's time to dress down
No we ain't goin to town
Gonna park down
Where there ain't nobody around
Have a little fun now
We'll wrap our arms around
Each other on that blanket
On the river bottom ground
It's time to dress down
There is one who is holy
There is one full of beauty
Only one who is worthy of praise
There is one who is faithful
There is one full of mercy
Only one who is worthy of praise
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus my Lord
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus my Lord
There is one who is coming
On the wings of His glory
He's the one who is worthy of praise
There is one, our Messiah
Mighty Lion of Judah
Nowhere to be
Except this room
No word to me that
I know this part will cut
Treat your body
And mine the same
You’re mine after all
My lips will explain
(Chorus x2)
There’s no way
I can describe
The love that we’re about to make oh
The time that this is gonna take girl
Fair decision
To love you like religion
Heart, body & soul
Girl I’ll worship you
Before our sky should fall
Wouldn’t worry at all
‘Cause I’m lost in here
And if I never fall
(Chorus x2)
There’s no way
I can describe
The love that we’re about to make oh
The time that this is gonna take girl
Feel for you
Do anything you say
What you say?
I need you just to …
Pretty lady
For your lady would you do anything?
I need you to
(Chorus x2)
There’s no way
I can describe
The love that we’re about to make oh
I'll never forget the day
you went away......
I'll never forget that expression
on your face...
But, if you really want to know
what i've been going through.
then come to me...
and listen to what i...have to say.
because, i can't go on living....
without you here
by my side.
There's No Way
I'm gonna hurt you lady
There's No Way
I'll treat you like
There's No Way
I'm going to let Success
go to my
you mean the World to me.
It's a new day
and girl i've learned..
The reminisces of your kiss
are second to none.
Ooh lady.
I can't wait to have you near.
I've got to show you darling.
How Much....
I Love you my dear.
(repeat chorus)
Ad-lib till fade