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WikiLeaks accepts classified, censored or otherwise restricted material of political, diplomatic or ethical significance. WikiLeaks does not accept rumour, opinion or other kinds of first hand reporting or material that is already publicly available.

Submitting confidential material to WikiLeaks is safe, easy and protected by law.
We have several methods, but the best for most submissions is:

Click here to securely submit a file online
(bank grade encrypted submission, no logs kept and protected under Swedish and Belgium press secrecy laws)

You can also use secure TOR network
(secure, anonymous, distributed network for maximum security)

Join our chat and we will answer any questions or problems you might have
Our chat is secure and anonymous. Visitors are protected on many layers, they can't see each other,
there is an anti-logging mechanism in place and the server forbids using any potentially dangerous commands that could reveal other user's identity.
Communication is secured with SSL encryption.

Over 100,000 articles catalyzed world-wide. Every source protected. No documents censored. All legal attacks defeated.

All staff who deal with sources are accredited journalists. All submissions establish a journalist-source relationship. Online submissions are routed via Sweden and Belgium which have first rate journalist-source shield laws. In Sweden, not only does the law provide protection against any official inquiry into journalists’ sources, but it allows a source whose identity has been revealed without permission to initiate criminal prosecutions against an unfaithful journalist who has breached his or her promise of confidentiality.

WikiLeaks records no source identifying information and there are a number of submission mechanisms available to deal with even the most sensitive national security information.

WikiLeaks is the winner of the 2008 Economist Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression award and the 2009 Amnesty International human rights reporting award (New Media).

WikiLeaks has a history breaking major stories in every major media outlet and robustly protecting sources and press freedoms. No source has ever been exposed and no material has ever been censored. Since formation in early 2007, WikiLeaks has been victorious over every legal (and illegal) attack, including those from the Pentagon, the Chinese Public Security Bureau, the Former president of Kenya, the Premier of Bermuda, Scientology, the Catholic & Mormon Church, the largest Swiss private bank, and Russian companies. WikiLeaks has released more classified intelligence documents than the rest of the world press combined.



War, killings, torture and detention

Government, trade and corporate transparency

Suppression of free speech and a free press

Diplomacy, spying and (counter-)intelligence

Ecology, climate, nature and sciences

Corruption, finance, taxes, trading

Censorship technology and internet filtering

Cults and other religious organizations

Abuse, violence, violation

If you want to send us a message of your own, as opposed to a document, please see Contact.

Submissions via secure upload

Fast, easy and automatically encrypted with the best banking-grade encryption. We keep no records as to where you uploaded from, your time zone, browser or even as to when your submission was made (if you choose a non-zero publishing delay, we set the file time record to be the release date + a random time within that day).

If you are anonymously submitting a Microsoft word file (".doc") that you have edited at some stage, please try to send a PDF document (".pdf") instead, as Word documents may include your name or the name of your computer, see Word file redaction for further information. If you have no means to produce a PDF file your document will be converted by WikiLeaks staff.

The process your document will undergo is outlined for understanding submissions.

Click here to securely submit a file online
(bank grade encrypted submission, no logs kept and protected under Swedish and Belgium press secrecy laws)

You can also use secure TOR network
(secure, anonymous, distributed network for maximum security)

Submissions via our discreet postal network

Submissions to our postal network offer the strongest form of anonymity and are good for bulk truth-telling.


  1. First place your leak onto a floppy disk, CD, DVD or a USB Flash Drive. If you are using a floppy disks, please create two as they are often unreliable. If you only have paper documents, we will scan them if they are of significant political or media interest (if you are unsure whether this may be the case, please contact us first).
  2. Post your information to one of our trusted truth facilitators listed below. You may post to whatever country you feel most suitable given the nature of the material and your postal service. If your country's mail system is unreliable, you may wish to send multiple copies, use DHL, FedEX or another postal courier service.

WikiLeaks truth facilitators will then upload your submission using their fast internet connection. If you use a floppy disk, be sure to send two for increased reliability.

You can use whatever return address you like, but make doubly sure you have written the destination correctly as postal workers will not be able to return the envelope to you.

After receiving your postal submission our facilitators upload the data to WikiLeaks and then destroy the mailed package.

High risk postal submissions

If your leak is extremely high risk, you may wish to post away from your local post office at a location that has no witnesses or video monitoring.

Many CD and DVD writers will include the serial number of the DVD or CD writer onto the CD/DVDs they write. If the post is intercepted this information can in theory be used to track down the manufacturer and with their co-operation, the distributor, the sales agent and so on. Consider whether there are financial records connecting you to the CD/DVD writer sale if your adversary is capable of intercepting your letter to us and has the will to do this type of expensive investigation.

Similarly, CD and DVD media themselves include a non-unique manufacturing "batch number" for each group of around 10,000 CD/DVDs made.

Although we are aware of no instances where the above has been successfully used to trace an individual, anti-piracy operations have used the information to trace piracy outfits who sell tens or hundreds of thousands of counterfeit CDs or DVDs.

If you suspect you are under physical surveillance give the letter to a trusted friend or relative to post. On some rare occasions, targets of substantial political surveillance have been followed to the post office and have had their posted mail seized covertly. In this rare case if you are not intending to encrypt the data and if the police or intelligence services in your country are equipped to perform DNA and/or fingerprint analysis you may wish to take the appropriate handling precautions.

Postal addresses of our trusted truth facilitators

You may post to any country in our network.

Pick one that best suits your circumstances. If the country you are residing in has a postal system that is unreliable or frequently censored, you may wish to send your material to multiple addresses concurrently. For unlisted postal addresses, please contact us.


To: "WL" or any name likely to evade postal censorship in your country.
BOX 4080
University of Melbourne
Victoria 3052

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