Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

Standard Format for Curriculum Vitae

The following information is provided as a guide to what you should include in the curriculum vitae that you provide to AHPRA as part of your application.

Heading  Details to include
Personal Information 
Qualifications Obtained 
Bridging Programs / Qualifying Examinations  Include dates, facility, city, state and results.
Clinical / Procedural Skills  Please note whether competent and /or observed.
Work / Practice History  Current and Previous Positions. 

Details to include:
  • Dates
  • Position(s) - Title
  • Facility (including name, address and contact details ie City, State, Country)
  • Responsibilities (including whether position was full-time/part-time and if part-time include hours of work/week)
Internship and Observership
  • Provide in the chronology of the practice history details of internship rotations and any periods of observership.
Gaps in Work / Practice History  Please provide an explanation of any period since obtaining your professional qualifications where you have not practised and reasons (eg undertaking study, travel, family commitment). 
Registration History Provide a list of jurisdictions ie authorities:
  • where you are currently registered to practice and your registration number
  • where you have been previously registered to practice and your registration number (if known)
  • where you have applied for registration and that application remains under consideration
References and Publications  Note: If provided this should be limited to 1-2 pages. 

Other important information

You must declare on your CV:

  • that the ‘The Curriculum Vitae is true and correct as at (insert date)’. This declaration must be signed and dated.
  • The Boards will only accept the original signed Curriculum Vitae.
  • You must also attach certified copies of any results or performance reports from bridging courses undertaken, skills assessment, observership (as applicable) that have been stated in the CV.

downloadable copy of these guidelines is also available.

Page reviewed 20/11/2014