Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

Registration Standards FAQs

Frequently asked questions

On this page:

What do I need to provide to meet my Board’s Registration requirements?

Registration requirements for applications include your profession’s National Board Registration Standards (see below) and other information that your Board needs in order to assess your application. The questions that you need to answer in your application form relate to these requirements.

Whether you are applying online or using a hard copy application form, you will need to provide certified copies of documents to AHPRA to confirm your identity, details of any criminal history or impairments you may have, in some cases evidence of your English language skills and any other documents required to meet the registration requirements of your profession’s Board.

If you have applied online AHPRA will email you a checklist of the documents that you will need to mail to AHPRA to complete your application. Please read these instructions carefully and make sure the information you provide is complete before you send it. Incomplete applications are the main reason for processing delays.

Please see the Supporting Documentation for Graduate Applications page for further information.

What are my Board’s Registration Standards?

Under the National Law, the National Boards have set registration standards that aim to ensure that every registered health practitioner has the qualifications and skills to provide safe care to the Australian community. As part of your application you will be asked questions about how you meet the registration standards set by the National Board for your profession. They are published on each Board website, accessible via the Registration Standards page, and for new graduates relate to:

  • criminal history
  • English language skills
  • professional indemnity insurance

Do I need to provide my graduation certificate to AHPRA?

If you have graduated and you have been issued your graduation certificate, please provide a certified copy of it with your application to AHPRA. If you have not yet graduated and therefore do not yet have your certificate, you do not need to send it in later. After all your assessments have been finalised your education provider will send a certified list of students who are eligible to be awarded their qualification directly to AHPRA. AHPRA will use this list to finalise your registration.

What about English language skills?

National Boards set requirements for English language skills to make sure all registered practitioners can provide safe care and communicate effectively in English with their patients / clients and other health practitioners.

You must meet the registration standard for English language skills set by your Board. You may be required to provide evidence that you meet the National Board’s English language skills registration standard. Detailed information is published on each Board website, accessible via the Registration Standards page.

What about criminal history?

AHPRA conducts an Australian criminal history screen on every registration applicant.

An international criminal history check will be required in circumstances where an applicant for registration declares that they have resided in a country, other than Australia, for a period exceeding 6 months when aged 18 years of age or more or if a applicant has declared a criminal history in a jurisdiction outside of Australia.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to request and pay for this service through an AHPRA approved supplier.

More information, including the link to AHPRA approved suppliers, is available on our International criminal history checks page.

Criminal history includes the following, whether in Australia or overseas, and at any time:

  • Every conviction of a person for an offence
  • Every plea of guilty or finding of guilt by a court of the person for an offence, whether or not a conviction is recorded for the offence
  • Every charge made against the person for an offence.

Under the National Law, spent convictions legislation does not apply to criminal history disclosure requirements. That means you need to supply a complete criminal history with your application irrespective of the time that has lapsed since the charge was laid or the finding of guilt was made. Your application will be significantly delayed if you do not declare your criminal history in your application and a criminal history is found during the screening process.

Your Board will decide whether your criminal history is relevant to the practice of the profession. For further information on the factors the Board will consider in making this decision, see Consideration Of Criminal History.

What is an impairment?

An “impairment” is defined under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and territory (the National Law), as a physical or mental impairment, disability, condition or disorder (including substance abuse or dependence), that detrimentally affects or is likely to detrimentally affect a registered health practitioner’s capacity to safely practise the profession or a student’s capacity to undertake clinical training. If health practitioners or students have a health impairment, National Boards may impose conditions on their registration to ensure that they are able to practise safely.

If I have a criminal history and/or impairments can I still apply for registration?

Yes. When you complete your application you will be asked to disclose:

  • any criminal history that you may have in Australia and/or overseas
  • any impairments that are likely to detrimentally affect your capacity to practise your profession

Declaring a criminal history or impairments does not automatically mean that you cannot register as a health practitioner. Your profession’s Board will decide whether your criminal history and /or impairment/s are relevant to the practice of the profession.

As part of the supporting documentation for your application, you will be asked to submit the circumstances of your criminal history and/or the details of how you manage your impairment/s for the Board’s consideration.

Page reviewed 4/02/2015