Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency


PIE is available to anyone. In order to become a data partner and receive PIE services, organisations need to complete the PIE data use agreement, connect successfully to the test database, and is work within the data use agreement on data volumes and the data use agreement conditions.

PIE provides a secure, structured method to access the current health practitioner Public Register record. See the service brochure for more information on the benefits.

No, AHPRA branding cannot be used on your software or materials without AHPRA consent.


This service assists with facilitating the movement of Australian-registered health practitioners, which improves public safety.


The PIE legal agreement prohibits sharing data between organisations which are not single legal entities, as the PIE data use agreement is only made with a single organisation. Large entities can use PIE data within and across divisions as such organisations can have centralised HR and clinical management systems.

PIE only provides data that is currently available on the Public Register as is specified in Section 225 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act, 2009. The nature of the information provided on the National Register is not of the nature or detail that would make it usable by direct marketing or other similar professions.

Data transfers will be also be subject to the Australian Privacy Principles, and data partners need to ensure their usage complies with the principles.


Once committed to use PIE, potential data partners apply to PIE onboard team via and are supplied:

  • a contact person within AHPRA 
  • a contact email 
  • documentation 
  • access to the dedicated test environment, and 
  • access to the production environment (later).

AHPRA publish PIE using the data model and elements specified in the latest PIE Interoperability and System Specifications.

Any data change to a practitioner record is published on the next business day. PIE system changes will be released a maximum of twice a year. AHPRA will only maintain one old version of any PIE software for a period of up to 6 months to allow data partners to migrate to the latest version.

Technical material contains PIE Interop and System Specifications, sample code for the PIE Test database, Test endpoint, username and passwords, list of 1,000 selected profession numbers in the test database, and more.

All health organisations including employers have a responsibility to protect health services consumers by keeping up-to-date information about the status of their employee’s registration status.

PIE allows organisations to automate their practitioner data acquisition process with standardised data, so improve their review methods.

Data exchange partnerships are important contributors to protecting the public by ensuring and verifying that only practitioners who are suitably trained and qualified are employed.

AHPRA is using a cost recovery model for the provision of PIE services.

The federal Department of Finance (DoF) has issued Cost Recovery guidelines1. These guidelines outline which specified government programs should be able to demonstrate their compliance with the cost recovery principles of economic efficiency, design principles, operational principles and efficiency principles.

The use of a cost recovery model is appropriate as PIE is a significant program cost and has a number of stakeholders who may be materially affected by PIE. Also, PIE revenue will be redirected into further development of the PIE platform and future services so the costing model needs to be effective generating the revenue required.

The PIE program is a good example of a non-rivalrous public good, in that one data partners’ use of the service does not diminish the value of the service to other data partners. In such cases, selecting the most appropriate cost recovery model simplifies the service establishment and simplifies engagement with stakeholders.

1Australian Government Cost Recovery Guidelines, accessed 10 Sept 2013.

Data partners contract to use up to a specified ceiling of practitioner records, and AHPRA will issue an invoice to the subscriber for setup, data use and annual licensing charges, as applicable. PIE data use ceilings can be increased with additional payments, but not reduced during a financial year, as AHPRA have made provision for the specified infrastructure load.

PIE uses secure https connections to control communications between AHPRA and data partners. PIE databases are run entirely within AHPRA’s secure IT environment. Data partners are responsible to ensure their PIE username and password are held securely and to request AHPRA provide a new password should they think their PIE account has been compromised.

Yes, but only authorized users can update sub-account names, alert group names and email addresses using the PIE browser account.

The Employer Self Service is a limited capability download service, and will remain in service with the option to be reviewed periodically.

For more information about PIE - please make a ‘general enquiry’ via the web enquiry form.

Page reviewed 30/12/2013