Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

Corporate publications

Welcome to the AHPRA publications page. Here you will find copies or links to our corporate documents such as annual reports, business plans, notification publications, practitioner audit report and more.

You can find National Board publications, such as newsletters, health profession agreements (HPA) and registration data, on the National Board websites. Financial information about cost allocation across the National Boards is also available on our National Boards page.

AHPRA Report

The AHPRA Report is a regular update to everyone interested in the work of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

The AHPRA Report is emailed directly to stakeholders throughout Australia and published on the AHPRA Reports page for general information. All past issues will be published to this website for reference and archiving.

Annual reports

Our current and previous annual reports are available on our Annual reports page.

Business plans

AHPRA's business plans are a useful guide that helps focus our efforts on protecting the public through implementing the National Scheme, and outlines the steps identified as goals for the National Scheme for each respective year.

Document name PDF Accessible format  Document date
AHPRA Business Plan 2014-15  PDF (249 KB,PDF) 
Word version 
(1.07 MB,DOCX) 
10 October 2014 
AHPRA Business Plan 2013-14  PDF (254 KB,PDF)  Word version 
(780 KB,DOCX) 
16 July 2013 
AHPRA Business Plan 2012-13 PDF (4.43 MB,PDF)    6 August 2012

Corporate plan

AHPRA's corporate plan sets out how we aim to play our part in achieving the National Scheme Strategy.

Document name PDF Document date
AHPRA Corporate plan 2011-14 PDF (1.12 MB,PDF) 14 September 2011

National Law

To view the National Law, see the Legislation page on the AHPRA website.

National Registration and Accreditation Scheme Strategy 2011-2014

The National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS) Strategy 2011-2014 sets out our vision, mission and strategic priorities. This statement has been developed jointly by the National Boards and AHPRA.

View the NRAS Strategy 2011-2014 or download a PDF (999 KB,PDF).

Notifications publications and FAQ

We have published guides and fact sheets for the community and health practitioners on notifications.

These are available from the Notifications and outcomes section of the AHPRA website.

Practitioner audit report

AHPRA and the National Boards are developing a nationally consistent approach to auditing health practitioners’ compliance with mandatory registration standards. In 2012, the first phase of the pilot audit was conducted with the pharmacy profession and a subsequent pilot carried out with pharmacy, optometry and chiropractic professions.

The Phase One Practitioner Audit Pilot Report is available on the Audit page. We will publish links to the public reports as they become available.

Service charter

The AHPRA Service Charter sets out the values that guide AHPRA, the standards of service you can expect from us, and the steps you can take if these standards are not met.

AHPRA Service Charter (311 KB,PDF)


Queensland Office of the Health Ombudsman submission

AHPRA has published its submission to the Queensland Office of the Health Ombudsman report on managing practitioner compliance with conditions of registration.

Document name  PDF  Accessible format  Document date 
Submission to the Queensland Office of the Health Ombudsman PDF (2.97 MB)  Word version 
(645 KB,DOCX) 
16 February 2015 

Parliamentary inquiry submissions

AHPRA and the National Boards have published their submissions to the Victorian parliamentary inquiry into the performance of AHPRA.

Document name PDF Accessible format Document date
Joint Submission to the Victorian Legal and Social Issues Legislation Committee PDF (367 KB) Word version (836 KB,DOC) 28 February 2013
Submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the performance of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency PDF (1.36 MB) Word version (1.35 MB,DOC) 1 March 2013


Page reviewed 27/03/2015