Mixed media techniques - with textiles artist Kim Thittichai
Mixed media techniques - with textiles artist Kim Thittichai
Mixed media techniques - with textiles artist Kim Thittichai
Sign up for our Colouricious Club - free weekly online textile art ideas and inspiration. http://colouricious.com/textiles-ideas-blogs-colouricious-club/ htt...
Swedish School of Textiles SS15
Swedish School of Textiles SS15
Swedish School of Textiles SS15
Artistic, bold, extreme, and tasteful; after several months of hard work, the graduating class from the Swedish School of Textiles will now present their creative and inspiring collections. The students are more focused with showing the audience who they are as designers through the conceptual expressions seen in their degree projects than to exhibit collections ready for retail. At the same time, these projects can be seen as seeds for new ideas to be applied and commercialised in new collections. This is quite clear to anyone considering the width and expressions in the works of the individual students.
Manos de artesano - Textiles. Siete Regiones, Oaxaca (04/10/2012)
Manos de artesano - Textiles. Siete Regiones, Oaxaca (04/10/2012)
Manos de artesano - Textiles. Siete Regiones, Oaxaca (04/10/2012)
Oaxaca ha sido siempre uno de los estados más seductores y encantadores por su diversidad artesanal, en la que se manifiesta la riqueza y variedad lingüístic...
Dilys Blum - Collecting and Displaying Modern and Contemporary Textiles and Fiber
Dilys Blum - Collecting and Displaying Modern and Contemporary Textiles and Fiber
Dilys Blum - Collecting and Displaying Modern and Contemporary Textiles and Fiber
Dilys Blum will be coming to speak at the Modern Design History Seminar on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. Her talk is entitled “Collecting and Displaying Modern and Contemporary Textiles and Fiber at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.”
Cake Boss Season 4 Episode 4 - Toilets and Textiles
Cake Boss Season 4 Episode 4 - Toilets and Textiles
Cake Boss Season 4 Episode 4 - Toilets and Textiles
Original air date : February 14, 2011 A plumbing supply company asks Buddy to make a toilet bowl cake with one special condition -- the cake must actually fl...
Materiales: Textiles, Cerámicos, Pétreos y creación del papel
Materiales: Textiles, Cerámicos, Pétreos y creación del papel
Materiales: Textiles, Cerámicos, Pétreos y creación del papel
Este video ha sido realizado por los alumnos de primero de Bachillerato del centro IES Almussafes de Almussafes con la finalidad de entender mejor los materi...
Cake Boss - Season 4 Episode 4 - "Toilets and Textiles" [HD]
Cake Boss - Season 4 Episode 4 - "Toilets and Textiles" [HD]
Cake Boss - Season 4 Episode 4 - "Toilets and Textiles" [HD]
Original air date: February 14, 2011
A plumbing supply company asks Buddy to make a toilet bowl cake with one special condition – the cake must actually flush. A nightclub owner who's a fan of denim requests a baby shower cake – that looks like denim. Meanwhile, someone in the bakery has accidentally made a tiered cake with uneven tiers; with the cake on a deadline, Buddy demands who's at fault.
Textiles inteligentes materiales, fibras y tejidos ¿Funcionales o adaptativos
Textiles inteligentes materiales, fibras y tejidos ¿Funcionales o adaptativos
Textiles inteligentes materiales, fibras y tejidos ¿Funcionales o adaptativos
Conferencista: Luis Felipe Lalinde Castrillón. Director Materfad Barcelona Medellín, Centro de Materiales de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
Nuevas fibras y nuevos materiales al servicio del sector textil, permiten pensar en pasar de la producción en masa al diseño a la medida del usuario, tejer en función de la inteligencia de los materiales, que se adaptan al entorno y a las necesidades del usuario. Materiales naturales y artificiales se integran para obtener textiles inteligentes, adaptativos y funcionales, que protegen y comunican mediante efectos técnicos y visuales sorprendentes. Múltiples aplicaciones para diversos sectores. M
The Xinjiang Textiles: More Corridors in the Goldmine by Elizabeth Wayland Barber
The Xinjiang Textiles: More Corridors in the Goldmine by Elizabeth Wayland Barber
The Xinjiang Textiles: More Corridors in the Goldmine by Elizabeth Wayland Barber
Elizabeth Wayland Barber speaks on the Xinjiang Textiles: More Corridors in the Goldmine at the Silk Road Symposium held at the Penn Museum held in March 201...
Medieval Icelandic Textiles
Medieval Icelandic Textiles
Medieval Icelandic Textiles
An expert on Icelandic and Scandanavian textiles, Michele Hayeur Smith will explore current research on archaeological textile collections from ten Viking Ag...
Procesos de estampados Textiles
Procesos de estampados Textiles
Procesos de estampados Textiles
En este video se muestran las diferentes técnicas de estampados usadas por las grandes industrias textiles: Estampado Digital, estampado por marcos, transfer...
Muchos Países como China, India, Bangladesh entre otros producen cuero y tejidos en grandes cantidades; pero al mismo tiempo para desarrollar dichos producto...
Indonesian Textiles -- Dr. Carol Link
Indonesian Textiles -- Dr. Carol Link
Indonesian Textiles -- Dr. Carol Link
January 11, 2014.
Behind the Seams: A Conservator Looks at Asian Textiles
Behind the Seams: A Conservator Looks at Asian Textiles
Behind the Seams: A Conservator Looks at Asian Textiles
Behind the Seams: A Conservator Looks at Asian Textiles When viewing Asian textiles in a gallery, the visitor is struck by the symbolism of the imagery and b...
Moda Sostenible y textiles orgánicos.
Moda Sostenible y textiles orgánicos.
Moda Sostenible y textiles orgánicos.
Titulo : 10mo Green Drinks Cba " Moda Sostenible y textiles orgánicos" Día: 22 de mayo Lugar Hipolito Irigoyen 31 3er piso Hora de 18 a 20.30hs.
Coloring Fashion: Natural and Synthetic Dyeing in Textiles Today - Morning Session
Coloring Fashion: Natural and Synthetic Dyeing in Textiles Today - Morning Session
Coloring Fashion: Natural and Synthetic Dyeing in Textiles Today - Morning Session
Study Fashion Design and Marketing at Parsons The New School for Design part of The New School a university in New York City offering distinguished degree, c...
Trésors cachés du bout du monde Arte 2013.04.18 beaux textiles indiens
Trésors cachés du bout du monde Arte 2013.04.18 beaux textiles indiens
Trésors cachés du bout du monde Arte 2013.04.18 beaux textiles indiens
Trésors cachés du bout du monde ------------------------------- Griff Rhys Jones part à la recherche des plus beaux textiles indiens encore réalisés avec des...
Fabrics 101 Hangout: Textiles, Home Decor + More with Blinds.com
Fabrics 101 Hangout: Textiles, Home Decor + More with Blinds.com
Fabrics 101 Hangout: Textiles, Home Decor + More with Blinds.com
Get special deals on curtains + embrace your inner textile nerd! Join the +Blinds.com decorators and Fabric Buyer Karin Jeske. Karin has 20+ years experience in textile merchandising and fabric...
X. Textiles találkozó -teljes film
X. Textiles találkozó -teljes film
X. Textiles találkozó -teljes film
X.textiles találkozót tartottak Dorozsmán
2014.szeptember 13.-án,szombaton,a Szegedi Textilművek és a Szegedi Textilművek kiskundorozsmai üzemegységének egykori dolgozói megtartották a X. textiles találkozót.
Megtekintették a régi gyárépületet, ahol koszorút helyeztek el és gyertyát gyújtottak az elhunyt munkatársaik emlékére. Innen külön autóbusszal kiskundorozsmai Szélmalom Vendéglőhöz utaztak.
A találkozót Fráter János nyitotta meg, aki üdvözölte szervező társait: Pigniczki Józsefet,Pintér Jánost,László Gézát, Barna Józsefet és Deli Albint.
A zenét Raksa Bernadett-billentyűs, énekesnő szolgáltatta. A találkozó keretében László Géza a
Artful Blending: The Textiles of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean World
Artful Blending: The Textiles of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean World
Artful Blending: The Textiles of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean World
Artful Blending: The Textiles of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean World presented by Sarah Fee, PhD, Curator, Eastern Hemisphere Textiles & Costume, Royal Onta...
Free Textile Lessons with Meredith Woolnough
Free Textile Lessons with Meredith Woolnough
Free Textile Lessons with Meredith Woolnough
Meredith takes textiles and nature and turns them into beautiful art pieces that have to be seen to be believed. She intricately weaves her patterns with a sewing machine and creates wonderful three dimensional forms with colour and shapes that delight the senses.
Manos de artesano - Textiles. Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca (13/09/2012)
Manos de artesano - Textiles. Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca (13/09/2012)
Manos de artesano - Textiles. Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca (13/09/2012)
Los tejedores de Teotitlán del Valle siguen una tradición que data de la época prehispánica. El paso del tiempo les trajo el telar de pedal que se ve ahora i...