Technology and Games: Content from Across the ABC

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Editor's Choice

Simone Davis 5 Jun 2015

Hear that? It's the sound of the 2015 financial year ending. More

Paul Wilson 4 Jun 2015
Alex Walker 25 May 2015
Kieran O'Shaughnessy 4 Jun 2015
Ockham's Razor 7 Jun 2015
Simon Raik-Allen 5 Jun 2015
Nick Ross 19 Feb 2015

Sounds boring? This will make it real. More

7.30 4 Jun 2015

Online pornography is how many teenagers are learning about sex leading educators to argue that loving relationships, and how to reject degrading and violent behaviour, should be taught in school. More

7.30 4 Jun 2015

Online pornography is how many teenagers are learning about sex leading educators to argue that loving relationships, and how to reject degrading and violent behaviour, should be taught in school. More

Lateline 1 Jun 2015

Cyber security expert and former Washington Post reporter Brian Krebs is the author of the book called 'Spam Nation.' He's in Australia for a cyber security symposium in Sydney. Mr Krebs tells Steve Cannane most attacks origi… More

7.30 28 May 2015

While the addition of 6,500 new words to a Scrabble dictionary has outraged some, it makes the lexicon relevant and contemporary according to wordsmith David Astle. More

Lateline 21 May 2015

Bryan Clark is a former US submariner who served as a top aide to the Chief of Naval Operations. Earlier this year he wrote a report on the challenges facing traditional submarines. He tells Tony Jones unmanned systems will d… More

ABC Ballarat 9 Jun 2015

Internet Australia President George Fong talks technology on the Morning Show with Steve Martin More

The World Today 8 Jun 2015

There's growing frustration in rural areas around the country about monthly download limits on the satellite service rolled out as pa… More

Science Show 6 Jun 2015

In 1842, the mathematician Ada Lovelace, daughter of Lord Byron wrote a 20,000-word document of notes about a calculating machine bui… More

AM 6 Jun 2015

Scott Ceely, a cyber security expert and head of the Asia Pacific arm of Context Information Security, told Saturday AM it is very di… More

AM 6 Jun 2015

China has dismissed allegations that it was involved in hacking into US government computers. Investigators say four million current … More

Overnights 4 Jun 2015

What are your favourite TV fictional organisations and clubs? More

On the Wider Web

The Australian government may be starting to realise that their copyright and data retention policies are on a collision course.
Over 100 police caught checking records of celeb arrests.


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This site is where you will find ABC stories, interviews and videos on the subject of Technology and Games. As you browse through the site, the links you follow will take you to stories as they appeared in their original context, whether from ABC News, a TV program or a radio interview. Please enjoy.

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Five tax return tips

Maximising your tax refund (ABC Technology and Games)

Maximise the deductions you can claim on your tax, and minimise the likelihood of owing money.

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This site is where you will find ABC stories, interviews and videos on the subject of Technology and Games. As you browse through the site, the links you follow will take you to stories as they appeared in their original context, whether from ABC News, a TV program or a radio interview. Please enjoy.

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