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  1. I must be crazy to jog in this blazing sun, but then I am!
  2. Got some great pictures for my next book thanks to @ayushmannk @vineetmodi
  3. Don't know why I am following Rafa Nadal can't understand a thing he tweets but it just feels nice...sigh#crush
  4. @vineetmodi @ayushmannk About time!!
  5. @SuanshuKhurana :) for sure!
  6. @vineetmodi we shall overcome some day :P
  7. @ShoojitSircar Shoebite aka Johny Mastana should release for the sake of good cinema. The late response was due to the hangover :)
  8. Paan Singh Tomar a tribute to our establishment's failure
  9. @vineetmodi tch tch feel sorry for you, now you know why men shouldn't be trusted!
  10. @ayushmannk :) sure...btw chandigarh seems to be my regular touch base, what do you suggest ;)
  11. And u're my world! checkmate ;) RT @ayushmannk Happy Bday @tahira_k. You rock my world! My mate, soulmate, playmate, lifemate. Jai MATE Di !
  12. Thank you all too :)@logichulk@bunty_ch@IamBhumikaC@ronnielahiri@dhavalmehtas@iWish_all@am1tC@cockybox
  13. Thank you so much for the lovely wishes@akriti9forever@radhika90varma@aquarianaaks@NiharikaMishra@RadhikaMohandas@Funny_Satan@JamesPwned
  14. @vineetmodi awww thank you :) *touched*
  15. @RadhikaMohandas :)
  16. @aquarianaaks :) I am humbled
  17. Get ready 4 d next :) RT @aquarianaaks: read #IPromise by @tahira_k!It's the 1st time a novel abt love(& deceit) has kept me glued #superwin
  18. @aquarianaaks good choice ;)
  19. @aquarianaaks love you guys :)
  20. @akriti9forever deeply honoured :)