A uniform is worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization's activity. Modern uniforms are worn by armed forces and paramilitary organizations such as police, emergency services, security guards, in some workplaces and schools and by inmates in prisons. In some countries, some other officials also wear uniforms in their duties; such is the case of the Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Health Service or the French prefects. For some public groups, such as police, it is illegal for non members to wear the uniform. Other uniforms are trade dressed (such as the brown uniforms of UPS).
Faberyayo - Uniform
My Japanese High School Uniform!
5 Uniform Outfit Ideas | Back to School #2
OOTW: Uniform Style!
Sexy Girl in Uniform 1
Sexy Girl in Uniform 4
Bloodhound Gang - Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
Frauleins In Uniform
How to Look Cute in Uniform/ How to Survive Having a School Uniform
Buddy Brown - Stop When You See A Uniform (Official Video)
5 Back-to-School/Work Uniform Outfit Ideas!
SKYHOOKS Women In Uniform
Sgt. Jones patrolling Kiev city [New UA police uniform]
Uniform Layered Cut
Despite his tarnished reputation after the events of The Dark Knight, in which he took the rap for Dent's crimes, Batman feels compelled to intervene to assist the city and its police force which is struggling to cope with Bane's plans to destroy the city.
Keywords: 2010s, action-hero, action-heroine, aircraft, airplane, airplane-accident, airplane-hijacking, airport, ak-47, altered-version-of-studio-logo
The Legend Ends
A Fire Will Rise
[Bruce, wearing a ski mask, visits Gordon's hospital room]::Jim Gordon: [lying in a hospital bed] We were in this together, and then you were gone.::Bruce Wayne: The Batman wasn't needed anymore. We won.::Jim Gordon: Based on a lie. Now this evil... rises from where we tried to bury it. The Batman has to come back.::Bruce Wayne: What if he doesn't exist any more?::Jim Gordon: He must... he must...
[Bane wrecks the CIA plane and grabs Dr Pavel]::Bane: Calm down, Doctor! Now's not the time for fear. That comes later.
[from trailer]::Alfred: You are as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father. I swore to them that I would protect you, and I haven't.
[In the pit]::Crowd: [chanting] Deshi basara! Deshi basara!::Bruce Wayne: What does that mean?::Prisoner: Rise.
Selina Kyle: I don't know what you're planning to do with Mr. Wayne's prints, but I'm guessing you'll need his thumb. You don't count so good, huh?
CIA Agent: [to three prisoners] The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists me, my men, Dr. Pavel here but only one of you! First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft!::[grabs a hood]::CIA Agent: Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?::[No answer, the agent fires his gun away from the prisoner's head]::CIA Agent: He didn't fly so good!::[pulls the hood back into the plane]::CIA Agent: Who wants to try next?::[grabs another prisoner]::CIA Agent: Tell me about Bane! Why does he wear the mask? A lot of loyalty, for a hired gun!::Bane: Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane?::CIA Agent: At least you can talk. Who are you?::Bane: It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.::[the Agent removes the hood]::Bane: No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.::CIA Agent: If I pull that off, would you die?::Bane: It would be extremely painful.::CIA Agent: You're a big guy!::Bane: For you.::CIA Agent: Was getting caught part of your plan?::Bane: Of course... Dr. Pavel refused our offer in favor of yours, we had to find out what he told you.::Dr. Pavel: Nothing! I said nothing!::CIA Agent: Well, congratulations! You got yourself caught! Now what's the next step in your master plan?::Bane: Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
[first lines]::Jim Gordon: I knew Harvey Dent. I was his friend. And it will be a very long time before someone... inspires us the way he did. I believed in Harvey Dent.
Selina Kyle: There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.::Bruce Wayne: You sound like you're looking forward to it.::Selina Kyle: I'm adaptable.
Catwoman: My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men.::Batman: This isn't a car.
Catwoman: I blow that tunnel open, I'm gone.::Batman: There's more to you than that.::Catwoman: Sorry I keep letting you down.::[pause]::Catwoman: Come with me. Save yourself. You don't owe these people any more. You've given them everything.::Batman: Not everything. Not yet.
A lone man, recently released from prison, seeks out the people from his past who he believes betrayed him. While he forces each to atone for their sins, he must also face what meting out vengeance will do to his immortal soul. Meanwhile, he's not the only one looking to settle old scores. Hired by the man responsible for the events which lead him to prison, an eccentric contract killer follows his every move. Scenes of them crossing paths, sometimes violently, are interspersed with the assassin's self-realizations of how to deal with struggles within his own life. As if old enemies & hired guns aren't enough, a young female detective begrudgingly works alongside a veteran investigator looking to simply survive his last two weeks on the force before retirement, as they seek out the brazen ex-con who has been blazing a path of gasoline-powered destruction in his vintage Chevelle.
Keywords: abortion, anti-hero, apartment, ash-scattering, back-from-the-dead, bakersfield-california, bank-robbery, bar, bare-chested-male, betrayal
This year, the holidays come faster.
If you're on his list, you're already dead.
Slow Justice is No Justice
Justice is swift. Vengeance is faster.
Evangelist: [from trailer] Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?::Driver: I can't. [a gunshot is heard]
Driver: [from trailer] God can't save you from me!
[first title card]::Title Card: Driver
[first lines]::Prison Guard: Turn around.
Warden: Is there any questions you would like to ask?::Driver: Where's the exit?
Cop: I created my own hell.::Driver: And I am the demon who crawled up out of it.::[a gunshot is heard]
Baphomet: I've been expecting you.
Old Guy: Smile for the camera!
Baphomet's Son: Hello? Hello?::Driver: Your father's sorry.::Baphomet's Son: Who is this? Is he okay? Did something happen?::Driver: Yeah. Something happened. [hangs up]
Baphomet's Son: How do you have my dad's phone?::Driver: He asked me to call you.::Baphomet's Son: Are you the one who killed him?::Driver: Yes.::Baphomet's Son: I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna kill you.::Driver: You do what you need to do. But you better be sure, cause that's a long, dark road you're headed down.
On 28 February 1997, two men heavily armed with AK-47 try to heist the Bank of America of North Hollywood, but their plan fails and they are kept under siege by the LAPD. Along forty-four minutes, Los Angeles witnesses live on television one of the greatest shoot-out of the American history.
Keywords: ak-47, alarm-clock, ambulance, ambush, armored-car, automated-teller-machine, bank-of-america, bank-robbery, bank-safe, bank-vault
The most intense shoot-out in LAPD history
Henry Jones: Ramon, I want you to have this.::Ramon: What is it?::Henry Jones: It's a bible, Ramon::Ramon: What do you want me to do with a bible?::Henry Jones: I want you to read it, Ramon::Ramon: Which part?::Henry Jones: Whatever part speaks to you.
Henry Jones: Luck is preparation meets opportunity.
Donnie Anderson: Do you get scared? Yeah. You stay scared? Better not.
Emil Matasareanu: Holy shit, there's a lot of them out there.::Larry Eugene Phillips Jr.: [Points to AK-47] We've got these.::Emil Matasareanu: Right, right.::Larry Eugene Phillips Jr.: They've got nothing but their little dicks in their hands...
Larry Eugene Phillips Jr.: [taunting a cop] Want some?
Emil Matasareanu: Larry! Get in the car!::Larry Eugene Phillips Jr.: Stick to the plan. You drive, I cover. Kill the cops.
Bobby Martinez: [shooting at Phillips] I'm hitting them, but they're not going down!::Harris: They've got Kevlar! Head shots!::Bobby Martinez: Aim for the head!::Harris: Aim high!
LAPD Detective Sergeant Mitch Preston cares only about doing his job and nailing crooks. LAPD Patrol Officer Trey Sellars joined the force as a day job until his acting career took off. During an undercover drug buy Mitch was working that Trey botched by calling in for backup and drawing media attention, Mitch's partner is shot with a very exotic 12-gauge automatic weapon; Mitch then shoots the video camera out of the hands of a reporter filming the action when the cameraman refused to shut it down. Faced with a $10 million lawsuit, the department agrees to let producer Chase Renzi film Mitch's investigation for a new reality TV show, and constantly tries to make everything more "viewer friendly" by changing everything about Mitch's life to fit the stereotypical view of police officers--and partners him with Trey.
Keywords: action-hero, arrest, aspiring-actor, audition, bar-brawl, bar-fight, beretta, box-office-flop, brawl, buddy-comedy
Lights. Camera. Aggravation.
[Mitch is speaking into the "confessional" camera]::Detective Mitch Preston: Do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do ya? I'm too old for this shit. Go on, I dare ya.
Detective Mitch Preston: I've gotta go wash this shit out of my hair and get a change of clothes
Detective Mitch Preston: What are you gonna do, wrap me up in caution tape Top Cop ?
Detective Mitch Preston: I have no interest in you, your stupid questions, or your silly show
Detective Mitch Preston: Get that camera out of here!::Trey Sellars: Keep that camera right where it is!
[Why Mitch started doing pottery]::Detective Mitch Preston: My ex and I were on the rocks, and my marriage counselor said I needed to take up a hobby.::Trey Sellars: How come you never got good at it?::Detective Mitch Preston: Well, it's kind of like you and police work. I never took it that seriously.
Detective Mitch Preston: Why did you want to be a cop, anyway?::Trey Sellars: Because I was a shitty waiter.
Chase Renzi: [unimpressed] This is your house?::Detective Mitch Preston: No, this is my batcave. There's a tunnel in the garage that leads to my mansion in Beverly Hills.
William Shatner: [advising Trey on how TV cops taste drugs] You spear the knife into the bag... then pick some of the drugs up with the knife... then lightly press it on your tongue. And that is how TV cops taste drugs!::Detective Mitch Preston: What if it's cyanide? There's a reason real cops don't taste drugs.
Chase Renzi: That's great TV!
When a girl named Jamie repeatedly tries to contact her grandmother to no avail, she investigates by going to her apartment in Omaha Nebraska....only to find that it's been condemned and overtaken by possesed children! As she digs deeper, she discovers a dark secret about her grandmother and awakens a dark, demonic force that wants Jamie dead and will stop at nothing.
Keywords: abandoned-building, alley, apartment-building, apparition, banging-on-the-wall, barbecue, bare-chested-male, based-on-the-works-of-stephen-king, basement, bathtub
The All-New, Terror-Filled Chapter!
The third Highlander movie takes place at 1994, which means it's a prequel of the second film. After the death of his beloved wife Heather some centuries ago, Connor MacLeod left the highlands of Scotland and wandered around the world. Finally, he got to Japan, where he met the famous sorcerer Nakano, who was an Immortal too. Soon, they became friends, and Nakano taught Conor some tricks. But one day, an old enemy, Kane, came to Japan willing to find Nakano's cave and kill him. Although he succeeded, after cutting Nakano's head the mountain collapsed and Kane was trapped. Now, centuries after, an excavation reveals Nakano's cave...
Keywords: 1990s, action-hero, adopted-son, anti-hero, anvil, archaeologist, arson, bagpipes, bare-breasts, bare-chested-male
Centuries ago one man was chosen to protect all that is good.
Throughout time they have hunted each other fulfilling the prophecy, that there can be only one.
The final conflict.
This time it's for eternity.
One man was choosen to protect all that is good. Now an enemy from the past journeys time to challenge him in the present.
Warrior #1: [a woman sees him and starts screaming] Shut up.
Connor MacLeod: Where is Kane?::Warrior #1: Don't worry about him. Worry about me.
Kane: I'll see you in hell!::Connor MacLeod: I'll be the judge of that.
[line from trailer not used in film]::Nakano: [to Connor about Kane:] Some say he's the devil himself.
[last lines]::Connor MacLeod: It's finally over.
A killer is given the gas chamber after committing several demonic murders. His spirit is released and given power by the Devil. Now the cop that caught him before must find a way to do it again.
Keywords: antichrist, bare-breasts, cardinal-the-priest, catholic, catholic-priest, catholicism, commander, dead-policewoman, dead-woman-on-ground, dead-woman-with-eyes-open
Satan has created the perfect killer. One who cannot be stopped. Be warned.
Tess Seaton: Patrick you can't keep on killing forever!::Patrick Channing: Wanna Bet!
[last lines]::Patrick Channing: See you around, buddy-boy.
Faberyayo - Uniform
My Japanese High School Uniform!
5 Uniform Outfit Ideas | Back to School #2
OOTW: Uniform Style!
Sexy Girl in Uniform 1
Sexy Girl in Uniform 4
Bloodhound Gang - Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
Frauleins In Uniform
How to Look Cute in Uniform/ How to Survive Having a School Uniform
Buddy Brown - Stop When You See A Uniform (Official Video)
5 Back-to-School/Work Uniform Outfit Ideas!
SKYHOOKS Women In Uniform
Sgt. Jones patrolling Kiev city [New UA police uniform]
Uniform Layered Cut
Busy Signal-Uniform Bad Boy
How To Get LSPD (Police/Cop) Uniform in GTA Online!
Hawks players Q&A;: Uniform Unveil
Back to School: Uniform Tips & Tricks + Mini Giveaway! [CLOSED]
How To Get LSPD Uniform For Michael In GTA V
Singaporean Pick Up - Sexiest School Uniform
Busy Signal-Uniform Bad Boy (Praise Jahovia Riddim)HQ
Teddys uniform, Artie hysterical
The Andy Griffith Show S05E08 Barney's Uniform
Corrupción en el internado | Géza Von Radványi | 1958
Armleuchter in Uniform | Film 1962
Madchen in Uniform 1931- Full Film - with English subs
Shouf shouf de serie - Mannen in uniform
Het Klokhuis Politie uniform
Fatal Attraction A Devil in Uniform - full episodes
Fatal Attraction - A Devil In Uniform
Statistics 101: Uniform Probability Distributions
Regular Show Season 6 Episode 22 Men in Uniform
Uniform Layer (State Board Cut)
Uniform special - Comedy Circus ke Superstars - Episode 16 - Full Episode
Opposing Force (100%) Walkthrough (Chapter 10: Foxtrot Uniform)
Should India have a Uniform Civil Code?
Mantra for Sudden wealth and uniform cash flow. Lakshmi Shabar
#OneCountryOneCode | Time to debate Uniform Civil Code? : The Newshour Debate (7th July 2015)
Lec 05: Uniform Circular Motion | 8.01 Classical Mechanics, Fall 1999 (Walter Lewin)
Uniform Choice - Straight And Alert 1988 [FULL ALBUM]
Sykes - Series 2 - Episode 10 - Uniform
NIH Implementation of Uniform Guidance
On The Buses Stan's Uniform
Homura Akemi (School Uniform Ver.) Nendoriod Review
������ Nanami Moegi �%90DGC�%91 ����������%BD sailor uniform Japanese girl
雨宮留菜 Runa Amemiya 【DGC】制服美少女天国 sailor uniform Japanese girl
西永彩奈 Ayana Nishinaga 【DGC】制服美少女天国 sailor uniform Japanese girl
西永彩奈 Ayana Nishinaga 【DGC】制服美少女天国 sailor uniform Japanese girl 1
Mädchen in Uniform Full [HQ] Movie [English]
How To Style:School Uniform
瀬戸花 Hana Seto 【DGC】制服美少女天国 sailor uniform Japanese girl
Let's make some bows : DIY HOW TO Cheer/School uniform hairbows
櫻井りか Rika Sakurai 【DGC】 制服美少女天国 sailor uniform Japanese girl
Uniform 1
Uniform 2
Uniform 3
平野聡子 Satoko Hurano 【DGC】制服美少女天国 sailor uniform Japanese girl
Lucy Elfen Lied Rydia FFIV FF4 Lum Seifuku School Uniform Rukia Pixyteri Random Cosplay
Miami Dolphins 2015 50th Ann Uniform
Regular Show S06E22 Men in Uniform
School uniform
Crime Stories Uniform Justice & FULL EPISODE
100% Method How To Get Police Uniform WITH HAT! Gta 5 Online
Minecraft | Making a skin | Me in a school uniform
nurse uniform ellen extreme pussy closeups
Newborn outlaw, you better run, run, run.
Don't hang yourself on your mothers tongue, let your
feet get numb
Pope or pagan - son of a gun, gun, gun
Opinions are like assholes everyone has one like father
like son
Hey Sinners and saints answer the nature's call!
it's better to try than to never try at all
United we stand, divided we fall
I know we´re all born naked baby show me where you're
It doesn't matter who you are take off your uniform,
take off your uniform
I've got a blind date with fate such fun, fun, fun
I don't regret anything I've done, the party's just
Hey, Brothers and sisters! let's do it again!
It's better to reign in hell than serve in heaven
Givers and beggars they do what I tell
I know we're all born naked baby show me where you're
It doesn't matter who you are take off your uniform,
just take off your uniform
Hey, brothers and sisters, It's better to reign in hell
than serve in heaven
I know we're all born naked, baby show me where you're
It doesn't matter who you are, take off your uniform,
take off your uniform
I know we're all born naked, Show me your true form
It doesn't matter who you are take off your unifrom,
See black, see yellow with little notebooks drawn
See grey stripes bowling down the street
Silver streaks and T-shirts so precisely torn
Strange foreign chaps in white bed-sheets ---
See golden halo'd men of high renown
prance to the politicians' beat
Well tailored in unswerving elegance
with shoes by Gucci on their feet ---
How do you know who the hell you are?
Wake up each day under a different star
Dressed to the nines, meet yourself going home
like a clone, smartly dressed in your pressed uniform
White battle dress on green pitch, proud eleven
Beneath the swelling box so neat
the teeming millions of the future fly ---
the spinning cricket ball to cheat
Corporate funded third world genocide
Close your eyes and live your lie
Out of the womb and into the breach
Bow to profit is what they preach
We're all slaves to economy
Embrace the illusion of being free
Do what you're told
Out of the still and into the fire
Buying everything your heart desires
Close your eyes so you won't see
Save yourself some dignity
Do what you're told
Do what you're told
There was a sense of disappointment as we sped away
Every town now just felt the same
The tear on my cheek just dried up; it wasn't there
All the young people looked the same
'Cause we're so handsome and we're so bored
So entertain us, tell me a joke
Make it long, make it last
Make it cruel, just make me laugh
We can't be hurt, we can't be hurt
Did you forget your blues on the weekend?
The internet will keep us together
MTV taught me how to sulk and love nothing
And how to grow my hair long
'Cause we're so handsome...
Why do you go picking fights that you'll lose?
So why do you go thinking thoughts that are above you?
'Cause I was brave, intelligent; I could have been a hero
No-one can be trusted under the age of fourteen
...my joy and pain is relative
I've gotten so good at lying to myself
Well my pain and honour is used up
Oh! Oh! Oh!
My guns are rusted
So when're you gonna realise
Those are not your wrongs to right?
Have another life, have another...
I am a martyr, I just need a motive
I am a martyr, I just need a cause
I'm a believer, I just need a motive
I'm a believer, I just need a cause
We're finding it hard to be alone
We're finding it hard to break the mould
We're finding it hard to excite myself
We have nothing at all to say
There was a sense of disappointment as we sped away
Change your color
Change your name
Change your culture
Be the same
Come and join us
Make us strong
Don't be different
Don't be wrong
Calm down
Face the facts
You are nothing without us
Who will be your friends now
What side are you on
Change your future
Change your past
Change your neighbours
They won't last
Be a model
For us all
Strong we stand
Weak they fall
Calm down
Calm down
Don't be different x4
To be oppressed in the eyes of the sacred sons
All the airs and the vacant stares
Will never make me think that you're better than me
You know you'll never be better than me
Seems to me it's all about how we feel inside
Were in conflict with our natures
We all struggle with our pride
Don't try to stop the world from changing
I know it gets so much sometimes
You feel like giving up your dreams
So you turn it outside
When there's no place left to hide
When it's all said and done
It's just another uniform
To brace up the facade of authority
When it's all said and done
You're just like every one of us
So don't pretend to be so much better than me
You know you'll never be better than me
Hiding out so scared of who we just might be
When the pain's too great you've got to isolate
Or take it all out on me
Yeah but the badge don't make you better anyway
And your fleeting sports elation
Is never going to chase those fears away
So just remember
Father, it's time to leave
Tears on my face and on your sleeve
And on your shoulder, I'm going down in uniform
I'm going down, I'm going down in uniform
Mother, it's time to go
The days will be long and go too slow
But I'll think of you as I go down in uniform
You'll find me wandering alone on some far-off horizon
Wearing expressions like you've never seen on this face
The cars on the highway are backed up from bumper to bumper
It's a funny old world, it's a funny old human race
Little sister, you look so good
I feel proud of you, I knew I would
We'll be together as we go down in uniform
We're going down, we're going down in uniform
You'll find me wandering alone on some far-off horizon
Wearing expressions like you've never seen on this face
The cars on the highway are backed up from bumper to bumper
It's a funny old world, it's a funny old human race
You'll find me wandering alone on some far-off horizon
Wearing expressions like you've never seen on this face
The cars on the highway are backed up from bumper to bumper
Smile behind the cop and split on his reason
When I see a uniform my hearts begins to die
Policeman are the denial the nausea of my life
Give vent to your cowardice in this bad faith
Where do you leave your mind?
Maybe in a bullet we learn to behave better
Than you and these stupid laws
we are the dogs
left out in the streets
by it all with havok to wreak
alone we're together
together we feed
death to our master
we don't believe
we are the undesired
we are the unconspired
no one to tell us what to do
the way you'd have us contained
don't mean a fuckin' thing
soak in midocrity
The fat kid´s too fat, the black guy´s too black
Green light turns to red, it´s only in your head.
Broke down fascists and hypocrites
Spreading thoughts in our minds
To cage ourselves and catch our souls
That once brought up to the light
Turn to lies and ho´s
Too young and too fast and too runny-nosed
Or too old and too comatose
Uniform - We don´t want uniformity
The white guy´s too white, and the thin girl´s too thin
TV-commercial-media, so point the blame on them
Part-time hookers and porno pimps have the power to
About our lasting highs and lows that once brought up to
the light
Turn to lies and ho´s
Too young and too fast and too runny-nosed
Or too old and too comatose
Thought control - oppression - slavery -uniformity -
censorship - government's violence - We don´t want
Screaming through the night you wake up from your nightmare
To face the frightening fact that everything is true
Something in the dark waiting for you to move
Then suddenly it strikes and you are lost forevermore
You don't know who's your friends --
You don't know where to turn
Just learn to shut your mouth and don't make waves
It's hiding everywhere -- could be your neighbour
Who keeps the country clean so face the facts or it's goodbye
Uniform -- public servant number one -- uniform
Uniform -- playing with his daddy's gun
Uniform -- public servant number one -- uniform
Uniform -- playing with his daddy's gun
Life can be a bitch if you don't know the answers
And you don't wanna fit a sick society
Something they call wealth is justified by egos
But nothing's worth the fact
That you will give your soul away
Uniform -- public servant number one -- uniform
This is a desperate call
This is a plan to save us all
We don't care how that makes you feel
We don't care how that makes you feel
This is a slim shot plan
This is a way to feel again
We don't care how that makes us look
We don't care how that makes us look
The wait of the world is new
The red skies that once were blue
Reminding you
When it all goes down
You will be in ¿?
I will be waiting
Somewhere in some quiet countdown
Listen close, this is the sound...
This is a fate desire
This is the one to follow blind
You don't wanna think it through
You don't wanna think it through
This a faulty plan
This is a start without an end
Keep your children in uniform
Keep your children in uniform
When it all falls down
They will be in ¿?
You will be waiting
Somewhere in some penitent countdown
What comes around goes around
Don't wait up, the world is new
The flower of doubt, it blooms
The death of all that's true
Well you want
to be in the gang
and you've got
got to join the team
to be on the team
you must play to win
you play to win
you may not make it home
up the hill, down again
you're the one
every body wears a badge
soldier boys!
we've got plans for you
a brand new game
we call it "mass control"
when you grow up
it's not so obvious
dirt on your face
holding your broken toys
up the hill, down again
you're the one
everybody wears a badge