Introduction to Subsets
Subset LIVE @ Webster Hall Bassment Saturdays
Subsets and Proper Subsets
SUBSET - Silent Treatment [unofficial bootleg]
Subset, strict subset, and superset
Programming Interview: Sum of Subset (Backtracking)
Algebra 2 - Set Equality and Subsets
Subset & Heffay - Rasputin [FREE DL]
Subset image by vector layer using ERDAS imagine 2013 English
Subset and Proper Subset
Data Manipulation in R: subset, create, rm
Algorithms Example 1.007 GATE CS 2008 (Subset Sum by Dynamic Programming)
The Subset Problem and its Recursive Implementation
Introduction to Subsets
Subset LIVE @ Webster Hall Bassment Saturdays
Subsets and Proper Subsets
SUBSET - Silent Treatment [unofficial bootleg]
Subset, strict subset, and superset
Programming Interview: Sum of Subset (Backtracking)
Algebra 2 - Set Equality and Subsets
Subset & Heffay - Rasputin [FREE DL]
Subset image by vector layer using ERDAS imagine 2013 English
Subset and Proper Subset
Data Manipulation in R: subset, create, rm
Algorithms Example 1.007 GATE CS 2008 (Subset Sum by Dynamic Programming)
The Subset Problem and its Recursive Implementation
Statistics with R: Selecting a subset of variables from a dataframe using subset()
Subset She Never Sleeps
FTL: Faster Than Light - From Kickstarter To Beyond! INTERVIEW with Subset Games
Subset - Skinnin' & Grinnin' (LIVE) - Presidents of the USA - Sir Mix-A-Lot
What Is a Proper Subset in Math? : Math Definitions & More
Subset & Heffay - Rasputin
Proof with subset containment
HOW to subset image in ERDAS imagine 9.2 by AOI TOOL
Subset - She Never Sleeps [free fownload]
Подготовка за изпит - Subset Sums
SNP Subset HEDIS Measures(2.22)
SNOMED-CT Essentials and Core Subset Overview (2009)
Mod-01 Lec-02 Algebra and Sigma Algebra of a subset of a set
Graph Theory Example 1.023 GATE CS 2006 (Graph subset)
Sets - Proofs of Set Statements by the subset method and by using the laws of set theory
Leverage Scores, the Column Subset Selection Problem, and Least-squares Problems, Petros Drineas
Counting and Probability (Counting Subset of a Set Combination)
Ustaz Don (ceramah) - Dean List subset Deen List
Bicara Abrar: Dean List subset Deen List. Seiringkah?Bersama Ustaz Don Daniyal & Dai Azam Part 1
Sampling for Subset Selection and Applications
Selecting a Subset of Initial Markers to Carry Forward in Replication Scan
Subset Sundays - Minecraft Xbox One Livestream
Diverse FM Showcase Semi Skinned, Subset and Dutch Order
Feature Selection Using Piecewise Linear Subset Evaluation
SUBSET Unofficial recording: band practice 2009 London
Spelunky Co-op Completion - Subset 20: Speedrun - Gaming in the Margin
Small Arms - Subset 1: Adam Sandler - Gaming in the Margin
Small Arms - Subset 3: 1v1 Tournament - Gaming in the Margin
Slow - Wekap (Subset)
Spelunky Co-op Completion - Subset 13: What DO you say? - Gaming in the Margin
Mascaramento e Subset de Dados com IBM Infosphere Optim Test Data Management
Linear Subspaces
How to spell SUBSET
set : cardinalty & power subset
05 Basic set operations 04 Subset, strict subset, and superset
All About - Subset sum problem
01 Functions and linear transformations 06 Image of a subset under a transformation
Every Subset of a Linearly Independent Set is also Linearly Independent Proof
Subset at vander
LGG GBM Normal PA subset probes 170
Mathematics Sets Part 6 Subset and Super Set Video Tutorial
Hoe een Array in MATLAB subset
Взломанный subset surf
Marquee Rookies subset from 2014-15 O-Pee-Chee hockey cards
Marquee Legends subset from 2014-15 O-Pee-Chee hockey cards
Salt Pond subset
Drug shows promise for subset of stage III colon cancer patients
What is a subset
How to save a subset of DRC results as an RDB for fast and easy sharing
DATPROF Subset - Quick demonstration
Subset - Overlapping Gaps (DimbiDeep Music)
Subset of some AVR-8 machine instructions
In mathematics, especially in set theory, a set A is a subset of a set B, or equivalently B is a superset of A, if A is "contained" inside B. A and B may coincide. The relationship of one set being a subset of another is called inclusion or sometimes containment.
If A and B are sets and every element of A is also an element of B, then:
If A is a subset of B, but A is not equal to B (i.e. there exists at least one element of B not contained in A), then
For any set S, the inclusion relation ⊆ is a partial order on the set Failed to parse (Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.): \mathcal{P}(S)
Some authors use the symbols ⊂ and ⊃ to indicate "subset" and "superset" respectively, instead of the symbols ⊆ and ⊇, but with the same meaning. So for example, for these authors, it is true of every set A that A ⊂ A.
Other authors prefer to use the symbols ⊂ and ⊃ to indicate proper subset and superset, respectively, in place of ⊊ and ⊋. This usage makes ⊆ and ⊂ analogous to the inequality symbols ≤ and <. For example, if x ≤ y then x may be equal to y, or maybe not, but if x < y, then x definitely does not equal y, but is strictly less than y. Similarly, using the "⊂ means proper subset" convention, if A ⊆ B, then A may or may not be equal to B, but if A ⊂ B, then A is definitely not equal to B.
Was I ever alive?
Fucking makes you alive in one minute
I am solctice filled with mercury
Liquid fucked
See right through your heart
Fuck your heart
I am mercury liquid pure
Hot, alive, dead, mucked fish eyes, doe eys
I was born alive
I'll fucking kill you
I'll beat your soft baby head with my own hand
Careful with that baby...
Don't ever say the h word around him
I am ashamed of my name
Say it
I hate the sound of your shit because it means no good
It means cheap, liar, smartass piece of shit
Change it to raygun you fuck
Billy is the loon
I am the loon
I am mars
Billy addly addly addly...
Your name causes shit
While I may be no expert on this reality,
There is no god, but shame
god is hurt, god is cold
Try that once, god is dead
There is not another one
Cold heart radio
The pain
Recurring messages of badness
Recurring living bad dreams at the vortex of lost souls
Wailing lost souls of shame
We are in one hole
Like a cup of mercury phosphate
Shuddering around
Taste my shit you wench
Lifting, wailing lost souls who stand a chance
Hot, my eyes darkly gaze and wonder
Do not enter
I was born whole
Fractured, divided, shattered into a billion fragments
A million piece puzzle
spaced in time
child of nine
doin' twenty years on the way
fire and steel
earth unreal
find another planet to stay
papa died
ma survived
tellin' me about her ordeal
and the soul she could not feel
'cause they made her so unreal
lightnin' years
twenty million years on my brain
tryin' to keep from goin' insane
and my soul I can not feel
'cause they made me so unreal
spaced enough to know I feel there's nothin' out there
spaced enough to know I feel I really don't care
spaced enough to feel I'm really losin' my mind
and I'm never ever goin' back
I'm off the track
no one even knows I'm alive
without a trace
waitin' for the word to arrive
[Lupe: Talking]
The uprising has begun,
The revolution is here,
The propaganda will be smashed,
Your establishment will be shaken to the core,
A new regime is being ushered in on the back of the people,
We will not be held down any longer,
This is a new day. Yeeaaa, spaze out.
Fiasco [x3]
Fiasco [x3]
Uh, Uh, Uh,
The revolution is here, a evolution of years.
The building of skills now my brilliance is clear. Chea!
The anointed one to point a gun that?s been appointed by the slums
to make u get it, show u how to get it done.
Get a gun if u got it, tuck your chain, remove your watches,
brush up on your slang and your knowledge,
Just acquaint yourself with making wealth, join a gang,
pick a system, take it hostage,
stuff your shoes, get a white tee, say hello to the impoveraged.
not completely poor, but they are completely more
in the mist of getting missed and getting pissed and takin? yours.
What u shakin? for, you scared? Naw.
well I'm just makin' sure
no cowards will not take this cause.
Spaze out (O really now)
Spaze out (O really now)
Spaze out (O really now) [x3]
Spaze out (O really now)
Spaze out (O really now)
Spaze out (O really now) [x3]
No problem we will take wit force,
We properly will break em? off
Got em lead em freed em teach em rape em make em take em off,
Look homey run your chain
Not the one that?s on your neck,
but the one that?s on your brain
that they use to keep in check,
Rebels that don?t have a cause
The devil down here doesn?t pause
so u gotta keep it movin?'
so the movement doesn?t fall.
And this consistent white and black and all
that?s tired of frontin??' tired of jumpin' for the man
every time he ask for sumthin, NO.
don?t they think they got ?em drinkin?, smokin? just to fit in
women that think they gotta screw the owner just to fit in, NO.
the overlooked and undercared, its over look
the son is here, they unprepared, so we took them unawares!
Spaze out (O really now)
Spaze out (O really now)
Spaze out (O really now) [x3]
Spaze out (O really now)
Spaze out (O really now)
Spaze out (O really now) [x3]
Get ready its about to change,
things might never be the same,
u might never be the king coup! (Coup)
as long as they release the reigns,
if u think that we are playin,
watch us leave here with a bang BOOM!
Be careful cause theres thinkers here,
most the crooks are slingers here,
who know the tricks and know the books
and what took to bring us here.
Now, a coup is in effect u serpents of the throne,
bring a bird for the next and a murder of the known.
The propagandas ugly the truth is on its way.
This is a lot felt, they just didn?t know how to say.
They mouth is here, the stakes is high, the doubt is here,
the threat is real, they cant survive what we are about to do!
Spaze out (O really now)
Spaze out (O really now)
Spaze out (O really now) [x3]
Spaze out (O really now)
Spaze out (O really now)
Spaze out (O really now) [x3]
[Lupe Talking:]
Pimp the system.
Things are never gonna be the same.
FNF full reign.
First and Fifteenth.
People say it doesn't exist
'Cause no one would like to admit
That there is a city underground
Where people live everyday
Off the waste and decay
Off the discards of their fellow man
Here in subcity life is hard
We can't receive any government relief
I'd like to give Mr. President my honest regards
For disregarding me
They say there's too much crime in these city streets
My sentiments exactly
Government and big business hold the purse strings
When I worked I worked in the factories
I'm at the mercy of the world
I guess I'm lucky to be alive
They say we've fallen through the cracks
They say the system works
But we won't let it
I guess they never stop to think
We might not just want handouts
But a way to make an honest living
Living this ain't living
What did I do to deserve this
Had my trust in god
Worked everyday of my life
Thought I had some guarantees
That's what I thought
At least that's what I thought
Last night I had another restless sleep
Wondering what tomorrow might bring
Last night I dreamed
A cold blue light was shining down on me
I screamed myself awake
Thought I must be dying
Was I ever alive?
Fucking makes you alive in one minute
I am solctice filled with mercury
Liquid fucked
See right through your heart
Fuck your heart
I am mercury liquid pure
Hot, alive, dead, mucked fish eyes, doe eys
I was born alive
I'll fucking kill you
I'll beat your soft baby head with my own hand
Careful with that baby...
Don't ever say the h word around him
I am ashamed of my name
Say it
I hate the sound of your shit because it means no good
It means cheap, liar, smartass piece of shit
Change it to raygun you fuck
Billy is the loon
I am the loon
I am mars
Billy addly addly addly...
Your name causes shit
While I may be no expert on this reality,
There is no god, but shame
god is hurt, god is cold
Try that once, god is dead
There is not another one
Cold heart radio
The pain
Recurring messages of badness
Recurring living bad dreams at the vortex of lost souls
Wailing lost souls of shame
We are in one hole
Like a cup of mercury phosphate
Shuddering around
Taste my shit you wench
Lifting, wailing lost souls who stand a chance
Hot, my eyes darkly gaze and wonder
Do not enter
I was born whole
Fractured, divided, shattered into a billion fragments
A million piece puzzle
A million piece jigsaw puzzle with no this, and no that
And all our worlds subside
With everything inside
And always wonder why, we carry on
And always wonder why, we sing this song
And always wonder why, we carry on,
And always wonder why, now you are gone
We'll carry on
We'll sing this song
To carry on.
And always wonder why…
And always wonder why…
If I stand around and watch them drown in a pool of gray
When we dive in I can surely say there's feud with force
Am I in your way? Please knock me down, can I help you in?
When I'm not around let us all be found in certain ways
Dear Mr. Queequeg, you have been informed your life's been saved
You are not a black hearted vicious mess so it has been claimed
If this is the beast pulling us towards the East with mighty waves
Let us look inside and pull out all your pride you know it's upto us
Holding pasts in ash black earth
Bound by roots, roots into sand
Grow towards the giver
There's an open wound placed upon my heart in anger's rage
If we open up a spirit, a spirit that can bleed
Ahab the leading lad, we can trust his obsession carries them
Meet us at the temple healing all the crippled, don't forget the maimed
Lower soul sent with gifts offering
Teeth of hope travel with
Take my hand
It'll be alright
We'll get drunk on each other ohhhh
It might take us a long long time
To ever understand why ohhhh
I can't take this all on on my own
Those seven rainbows we saw on our way home
Well they said
It's okay, it's alright
We're not ones to give advice
But just take care of your sons and daughters
You say stay and I say just let me go
We can't fight for an answer
If I could I would sing your praise
What cures and breaks our cancer ohhhh
It's alright, yeah, yeah...
It's okay, it's alright
We're not ones to give advice
Master - Typhon - Apophis
Dweller beyond the seven stars
Crowned red king - Set-hen - Amam
of the eternal black skies
Thou art the rayed one - Erbeth - Saatet-ta
Lord of the shining force of night
The Wrathful majesty - Bolchoseth - Hau-hra
of anti-cosmic might
Calling upon thee amidst the chaotic angles
I'm praying that thou, o ancient one,
wilt deign to bless my Satanic magic
And to bestow upon me thy Acausal light
O fiery lord of the black sun,
I seek the bloodstained grail of gnosis
So that I may crush the archons' cosmic lie
Break the laws of Maat
with a glance of thy all seeing eye
I invoke thee, possessor of all hidden keys
God of the unknown and the lawless ecstasies
Initiate me, thy most faithful child
In the darkest of mysteries and all pleasurable crimes
Xeper, Xeper-I-Set
Xeper, Xeper-I-Set
Xeper, Xeper-I-Set
I am the cruel one, Isfet lives in me
I am the power and total victory
I'm the murderer, who refuses to submit
I am the opponent, the sworn enemy
I invoke thee, possessor of all hidden keys
God of the unknown and the lawless ecstasies
Initiate me, thy most faithful child
In the darkest of mysteries and all pleasurable crimes
I become thee,
I am one with he who grants me the freedom which I seek
The tunnel of darkness reveals the light
Ein paar Minuten, Schlendrians Geschichte ist schnell erzählt,
Der Zeit in Rauch aufgehen läßt und in der Schule fehlt.
Schlurfender Schritt, verschlafener Blick,bei der süßen Nachbarin kein Glück.
Mutter kann nicht mehr und alle halten ihn für verrückt.
Nicht viel los bei ihm, außer ein heftiger Loop vielleicht
Und er kennt sich gut damit aus wie man ein lässigen Rap dazu schreibt.
So sitzt er Nacht für Nacht mit Zettel und Stift,
Alleine in seinem Keller und bastelt Bomben nur für sich.
Wie besessen, er vergißt zu essen und draußen weiß niemand von nichts.
Aber Schlendrian fährt mit dem Mond und führt die Sonne hinters Licht.
Der Spinner hat sich nicht mehr beisammen, sagen die Leute,
Aber Schlendrian träumt weiter insgeheim seine Super Star Träume.
Super Star Träumer
Er ist ein Super Star Träumer
Das Ding ist, die Zukunft kommt immer anders als du glaubst,
Und so nimmt auch dieses mal alles seinen etwas anderen Verlauf.
Es ist noch zu früh am Morgen, zu früh für irgendwas,
Da klopft es an der Tür und jemand ruft: "Ey, ey Schlendrian,
Bist du schon wach ?"
Wer verdammt ist das? Schlendrian schlurft zur Tür um nachzusehen
Und er staunt nicht schlecht als da der Zeitgeist vor ihm steht.
Mit seinem langen, weißen Bart sieht er aus wie dieser gallische Druide.
"Ich habe großes mit Dir vor" sagt er und verzieht dabei keine Miene.
"Komm mit mir, ich weiß von deinem Talent
Und ich schwöre, daß im nächsten Jahr jeder deine Raps auswendig kennt."
Schlendrian denkt, was habe ich zu verlieren, das ist doch wunderbar,
Werden meine Super Star Träume am Ende doch noch wahr.
Und bald zeigt sich, der Geist hat nicht zu viel versprochen,
Schon nach wenigen Wochen ist das Eis gebrochen,
Konzerthallen kochen, die Nation im Schlendrian-Fieber,
Groupies stehen in Schlangen an und nicht nur für seine Lieder,
In jedem Kinderzimmer, über dem Sofa, sein Gesicht auf Poster,
Nase voll mit Koka, nächtelang nichts als Vodka, Senora und Poker.
Der Typ hat was du willst, sagen die Leute.
Es kann so kommen und hier kommen Schlendrian
Und seine Super Star Träume.
In einer Hand hält er die Welt, mit der anderen zählt er sein Geld.
Du solltest nochmal überlegen bevor du dich gegen ihn stellst.
Schlendrian ist der Held und so derbe V.I.P.
Champagner, Leder und Rolex, Krokoleder und Jet Setsex
Katzer hassen ihn, weil ihn die Kätzinnen lieben,
Du kannst noch so viele Sechsen werfen, er wirft immer die Sieben.
Mindestens aber dann plötzlich wendet sich das Blatt,
Als ihm der Zeitgeist wieder erscheint und folgendes zu sagen hat:
"Es ahnt noch niemand aber irgendwo da draußen gibt es die Crew
Doppelkopf und wenn die landen, landen sie den großen Coup.
Ich muß sie finden, ihre Zukunft wird golden sein,
Unser Wege trennen sich hier, tut mir leid aber deine Zeit ist vorbei".
Schlendrian sucht den Scherz darin, aber findet nur bittersten Ernst darin
Und für ihn geht es abwärts wie für ein Blatt im Herbstwind,
Im Sturzflug haben wir ja immer gewußt, sagen die Leute.