Silent Witness is a crime thriller series, produced for the BBC, focusing on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes. First broadcast in 1996, and still airing as of the present day, the series was created by Nigel McCrery, a former murder squad detective based in Nottingham. He later went on to create the hit series New Tricks, with writer Roy Mitchell.
The original series was based on Professor Helen Witwell, a forensic pathologist based in Sheffield, whom McCrery had known while serving as a police officer. The programme originally followed the activities of a female pathologist, Professor Sam Ryan, played by Amanda Burton. However, Ryan's character departed early in the eighth series in 2004. There had been a succession of regular supporting characters, changing almost every series, but Dr Leo Dalton (William Gaminara) and Dr Harry Cunningham (Tom Ward), who were introduced in the sixth series in 2002, remained in the series and continued as lead characters following Ryan's departure, with Dalton replacing her as professor. A new character, Dr Nikki Alexander (Emilia Fox), was introduced to the team in the eighth series in 2004. While working as a forensic anthropologist she appropriates facilities and software in the pathology department to analyse an Iron Age find, with the belated, bemused and begrudging approval of Dalton. Dr Alexander is able to assist in a set of cases being investigated by the team, as it turns out she had "worked in forensic pathology in Johannesburg for six months" and is Home Office certified to practise. She is of such assistance that she overcomes Leo's reluctance and, with Harry's support, is offered and accepts a position on the team.
Michelle Young is an American musician. She has performed on a wide variety of recordings and is probably best known for her work with the progressive rock group Glass Hammer. Citing Kate Bush as an influence, Young was professionally trained in classical voice at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga. She left her job as a legal secretary and receptionist in 1996 to pursue her professional career as a female vocalist in progressive rock. A thoughtful - though brief - review of her album and an interesting biography was published in the Fall 1996 issue of Progression magazine.
Young has worked on various projects with Clive Nolan (Pendragon, Arena, Shadowland), Doane Perry (Jethro Tull), Peter Banks (Yes), Karl Groom (Threshold), Bobby Kimball (Toto) etc.
Keith Morrison (born July 1, 1947 in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan) is a Canadian, veteran broadcast journalist. Since 1995, he has been a correspondent for Dateline NBC.
Morrison got his start in 1966 working for the Saskatoon StarPhoenix before moving on to radio and then television. He was a reporter or anchor at local stations in Saskatchewan, Vancouver and Toronto.
He joined CTV's Canada AM in 1973 as a newsreader and also worked as a reporter and weekend anchor as well as a producer. As a reporter at CTV he won awards for his coverage of the Yom Kippur War. From 1975 to 1976 he was a reporter on CTV National News and served as national affairs correspondent and substitute anchor on the show from 1976 to 1979.
Morrison joined the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1982 as substitute anchor and chief political correspondent for The Journal, the network's nightly public affairs program, remaining until 1986. He also co-hosted Midday, the network's noon-hour newsmagazine from 1984 to 1985.
The neon haze of city lights
The tribal sound of marching feet
Cuts through the gloom on cold dark nights
The tired and homeless roam the streets
The sirens wail the engines roar
A shadowed man just glances around
A victim of life's mindless toil
Lies cold and helpless on the ground
The window dummies silent stare
Bear witness on the nights
If they could move
What it would proved
To see them all take flight
The neon haze of city lights
The tribal sound of marching feet
Cuts through the gloom on cold dark nights
The tired and homeless roam the streets
The walls shout loud with angry words
The people air their views
The poor can scream but no-one hears