Al Fatah

European Pressphoto Agency
News about Al Fatah, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Dec. 24, 2014

    Roger Cohen Op-Ed column describes speaking with Tzipi Livni, Israel's lead negotiator, about collapsed negotiations between Israel and Palestinians; notes that Livni attributes failure of negotiations to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who soured talks both by joining 15 international agencies and announcing reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah. MORE

  2. Nov. 8, 2014

    Series of small explosions at homes and headquarters of several Fatah leaders in Gaza cause little damage and no casualties but heightens tensions with longtime rival Hamas; timing of anonymous attacks, days before 10th anniversary of death of Yasir Arafat, leave many people skeptical about Hamas's denial. MORE

  3. Sep. 26, 2014

    Leaders of rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah say they have agreed to resolve their differences and allow the Palestinian Authority to return to Gaza Strip so reconstruction can begin, but offer no specifics. MORE

  4. Jun. 7, 2014

    Editorial expresses cautious support for efforts by newly reconciled Palestinian groups Fatah and Hamas to form government; notes Israel's condemnation of reconciliation based on Hamas' violent past, but holds that reconciliation, while problematic in many ways, may offer only way forward for peace; urges United States and Europe to remain vigilant in monitoring Palestinian Pres Mahmoud Abbas's promise that new government will conduct itself peaceably. MORE

  5. May. 21, 2014

    Palestinian leaders working to repair damage of 2007 conflict between Fatah and Hamas have created committee charged with persuading families of the dead to accept compensation rather than pursuing vengeance; families have right to seek death penalty under Islamic law; committee is part of larger effort to reunite Gaza and the West Bank. MORE

  6. Mar. 17, 2014

    Hamas prevents supporters of rival Fatah party from holding a rare demonstration in Gaza in solidarity with Pres Mahmoud Abbas ahead of meeting with Pres Obama in Washington; conflict is sign of enduring schism between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority that further complicates American-brokered Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. MORE

  7. Jan. 5, 2013

    Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians pour into streets of Gaza City to celebrate anniversary of Fatah faction, in the heartland of its militant Islamist rival, Hamas; demonstration is latest in series of signals heralding possible reconciliation between the parties after bitter five-year rift. MORE

  8. Oct. 21, 2012

    Dominant Fatah faction of the Palestinian Authority posts mixed results in municipal elections across the West Bank, first of any kind in Palestinian territories in six years, winning in some key cities and losing in others; whole exercise still appears compromised by relatively low turnout. MORE

  9. Jul. 3, 2012

    Hamas-run government in Gaza suspends the work of the Palestinian Central Elections Commission a day before it was to start registering new voters, abruptly halting one of the few tangible steps toward reconciliation with the rival Fatah party, based in the West Bank; the move pushes off the prospect of presidential and parliamentary elections. MORE

  10. May. 21, 2012

    Rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas agree on new timetable that paves the way for elections and a new unity government for the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. MORE

  11. Mar. 24, 2012

    Muslim Brotherhood, as it prepares to take power following elections in Egypt, is overhauling its relations with the two main Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah in an effort to put new pressure on Israel for an independent Palestinian state; intervention in the Palestinian issue is the clearest indication yet that the Brotherhood intends to both moderate its positions on foreign policy and to reconfigure Egypt's. MORE

  12. Dec. 30, 2011

    Palestinian Center for Human Rights, an independent Palestinian rights group, says that Hamas authorities in Gaza were searching the homes and questioning members of rival Fatah party. MORE

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With Palestinian Debt Rising, Israeli Utility Briefly Reduces Power to West Bank

The move came amid a worsening crisis in the Palestinian Authority after Israel began to withhold more than $100 million in monthly tax revenue it collects on the authority’s behalf.

February 24, 2015, Tuesday

Rival Palestinian Checkpoints in Gaza Show Cracks in Reconciliation Pact

When Hamas temporarily set up an outpost at a border checkpoint maintained by the Palestinian Authority, it illustrated the unraveling of the reconciliation agreement the two sides reached last year.

January 15, 2015, Thursday

Gaza Is Nowhere

In the enclave, another war is waiting to happen.

December 31, 2014, Wednesday

Why Israeli-Palestinian Peace Failed

“Any day that goes by without a solution is another lost day.”

December 24, 2014, Wednesday

Calls for Calm After Palestinian Official Dies During Protest in the West Bank

Witnesses said Ziad Abu Ein, 55, who held a position equivalent to the rank of a minister in the Palestinian Authority government, was struck and shoved by an Israeli soldier and inhaled tear gas.

December 11, 2014, Thursday

Attacks on Fatah Sites Sharpen Tensions in Gaza

The series of explosions, which caused property damage but no casualties, sharpened mistrust between Fatah and its longtime rival, Hamas. No group has taken responsibility for the blasts.

November 8, 2014, Saturday

Having to Rebuild Gaza, Again

What is the point of spending many millions of dollars to reconstruct the strip just so it can be destroyed in the next war?

October 11, 2014, Saturday

After Years of Hamas Control, Gaza Is Scene of Palestinian Cabinet Meeting

The display of Palestinian unity was largely intended to inspire confidence ahead of an international donors’ conference for the reconstruction of Gaza.

October 10, 2014, Friday

Housing in East Jerusalem

Howard B. Weber, president of the Coalition for Israel, disagrees with an editorial criticizing Israel.

October 4, 2014, Saturday

Rival Palestinian Factions Agree to Resolve Differences, Leaders Say

Government news media reported that the leaders of Hamas and Fatah had made progress on the sticking points of their five-month-old reconciliation pact.

September 26, 2014, Friday


Kerry weighs in on Iran nuclear deal, Israeli elections

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says there is no certainty on deal with Iran and reiterates the US commitment to two-state solution for Israel, Palestinians. Rough Cut (No reporter narration)

Kerry weighs in on Iran nuclear deal, Israeli elections

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says there is no certainty on deal with Iran and reiterates the US committment to two-state solution for Israel, Palestinians. Rough Cut (No reporter narration)

"The Israeli nation should tell their leaders, 'enough of war'"- Palestinian ahead of Israeli election

No high hopes for Palestinians that upcoming Israeli elections will deliver any change in relations between Palestinians and the Israeli state. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.

Arson suspected in Palestinian mosque attack

Police in the West Bank believe a right-wing Jewish group may be responsible for the burning and vandalism of a mosque, an attack Palestinians say was part of strategy by Jewish settlers to steal land. Mana Rabiee reports.

Clashes in Hebron

Palestinians and Israeli security forces clash during demonstration over a closed Hebron street. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Palestinians scuffle with Israeli forces over disputed land

Israeli forces clash with Palestinians near Jerusalem during a West Bank protest over disputed land. Mana Rabiee reports.

Thousands of Palestinians protest Charlie Hebdo Mohammad cartoon

Thousands of Palestinians march in the streets of West Bank cities of Ramallah and Hebron in protest against Charlie Hebdo's Mohammad cartoon. Pavithra George reports.

Thousands of Palestinians protest Charlie Hebdo Mohammad cartoon

Thousands of Palestinians march in the streets of West Bank cities of Ramallah and Hebron in protest against Charlie Hebdo's Mohammad cartoon. Pavithra George reports.

Palestinians condemn France attacks

Palestinians hold a protest to condemn the deadly attacks in France, joining Hamas in saying there was no "justification for killing innocents". Jillian Kitchener reports.

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