Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College is to have its Unusual Annuals and Tropicals Sale on May 16.
Philadelphia Daily News 2015-04-14Part of the course is set in the university's arboretum - a sanctuary for trees from all over the ...
noodls 2015-04-14Ijams is offering creative classes, and the Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum has cranked up ...
Knox News 2015-04-13She received the Bur Oak Award for her work with The Arboretum, a joint project of the University of ...
noodls 2015-04-13... April 15 from 10 AM to 12 PM The farm is next to the greenhouses at Cylburn Arboretum in Baltimore.
The Examiner 2015-04-12AUGUSTA, Ga ... The old guy is coming for you, and an arboretum full of his best friends will be coming with him.
The Charlotte Observer 2015-04-12In addition, students at Mont Alto can take advantage of the Penn State Mont Alto Arboretum - a ...
noodls 2015-04-11Visiting an Arboretum is one of the most peaceful spring and summer activities we can do.
The Examiner 2015-04-10-- Every year, Blithewold Mansion, Gardens and Arboretum holds "Daffodil Days," a series of events ...
The Providence Journal 2015-04-10The festival is sponsored by the WKU MA in Social Responsibility and Sustainable Communities, the ...
noodls 2015-04-10Nearby, an arboretum, one of the oldest in Ireland, leads to the Azalea Walk, on which is a small, classical fountain.
The Irish Times 2015-04-10Horticulturist, Lyon Arboretum ... UH Mānoa's Lyon Arboretum will hold its annual spring plant sale from ...
noodls 2015-04-09Horticulturist, Lyon Arboretum ... UH Mānoa's Lyon Arboretum will hold its annual spring plant sale from ...
noodls 2015-04-09An arboretum (plural: arboreta) in a narrow sense is a collection of trees only. Related collections include a fruticetum (from the Latin frutex, meaning shrub), and a viticetum, a collection of vines. More commonly, today, an arboretum is a botanical garden containing living collections of woody plants intended at least partly for scientific study. An arboretum specializing in growing conifers is known as a pinetum. Other specialist arboreta include salicetums (willows), populetums, and quercetums (oaks).
The term arboretum was first used in an English publication by John Claudius Loudon in 1833 in The Gardener's Magazine but the concept was already long-established by then.
Egyptian Pharaohs planted exotic trees and cared for them; they brought ebony wood from the Sudan, pine and cedar from Syria. Hatshepsut's expedition to Punt returned bearing thirty-one live frankincense trees, the roots of which were carefully kept in baskets for the duration of the voyage; this was the first recorded attempt to transplant foreign trees. It is reported that Hatshepsut had these trees planted in the courts of her Deir el Bahri mortuary temple complex.