SANTA CLAUS Supports the 2nd Amendment
Santa makes an appearance on TNOUTDOORS9 and demonstrates impressive proficiency with Glocks, AR15's, and a shotgun. If you have the bandwidth, watch it in 1920 x 1080 HD! MERRY CHRISTMAS and SEASON'S GREETINGS! "Santa" has passed all government mandated background checks and legally purchased the firearms shown in the video. These firearms are the Ruger 10/22, Glock 19, Glock 22, Mossberg 590....and three AR15's...Bushmaster Varminter, Bushmaster-Rock River carbine, and finally, a Bushmaster A3 model. Santa obviously lives at the North Pole, but the secret is now out that he practices the 2nd Amendment in Tennessee. What better training ground than the land that produced heros and marksmen such as Davy Crockett and Alvin C. York! "Santa" has also been approved for a Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit, and practices target shooting on a regular basis. You cannot purchase the wooden Santa and sleigh as seen here, they were made several years ago by my father from a pattern, and I added the paint scheme. "Santa's workshop" shown in the opening was designed and built from scratch in 2000. Originally setup as a child's playhouse, it has transitioned to a prop for several videos, including a security guard shack for an extremely popular YouTuber. With regard to safety, I am the only person "on the set" during all segments of the video. If I am not holding the camera, it's mounted on a tripod. This is typically the case with my videos. Filmed entirely on private property, including <b>...</b>