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Mark Passio on Thelema - Interviewed On Occult Empire - January 17, 2013
Thelema for Beginners-Do what thou what now?
Aleister Crowley & Thelema ft. Robert Anton Wilson & Stereolab
LIVING ROOM THELEMA: What is Magick? (Back to Basics 1.)
Aleister Crowley, Thelema and Luciferianism
Living Thelema - The Methods and Tools of A.'.A.'.
The Abbey of Thelema (2011)
Living Thelema - Thelema and Relationships
Behemoth - Thelema.6 (full album)
Living Thelema - Creativity & Magick
Thelema - The Mass of the Phoenix
Thelema for Beginners-Liber Oz
Aleister Crowley, Thelema y Luciferianismo - Michael W. Ford
Aleister Crowley, Thelema & Livre Arbítrio - 93,93/93
Blessed are the Geeks, for they shall inherit the Earth.
Actors Alex Harz (actor), Meghan Truckey (actress), Matthew Forcella (actor), Matthew Forcella (director), Pallas Ravae (costume designer), Matthew Forcella (writer), Pallas Ravae (producer), Matthew Forcella (producer), Risa Scott (actress), Pallas Ravae (actress), Pallas Ravae (director), Kenneth Berba (actor), Tristan Luyks (producer), Lorenzo Forcella (producer), Kileigh Hammond (actress),
What is your True name of power?
Actors Michael S. Patterson (composer), Diane Ayala Goldner (actress), Kari French (actress), Kristina Foster (producer), Tom Bliss (actor), Michael Bloom (producer), Michael Bloom (writer), Michael Bloom (director), Mage Lanz (editor), Kim Sever (producer), Randy Focazio (actor), Nataasja Saint-Satyr (actress), Sophia Lopez (actress),
Mark Passio's website - Antimatter Broadcasting - Mark Passio - WOE...
This is the first video in a new series called 'Thelema for beginners'. In this series I will discuss everything from thelemic magick & ritual, the book of t...
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law! In this new series we are going back to the basics and foundations of Magick. Topics include: Answering questions from viewers Liber ABA Introduction Theorems 1-7 Love is the law, love under will!
As a tribute to Aleister Crowley, Michael W. Ford discusses Thelemic Magick and Luciferianism with specific relation to the removal of the Judeo-Christian ab...
Speech in the Silence focuses on Thelema, Aleister Crowley, and Ordo Templi Orientis while also touching upon the subjects of magick, yoga, and initiation. T...
The Abbey of Thelema was the small house which was used as a temple and spiritual centre founded by Aleister Crowley and Leah Hirsig in Cefalù, Sicily in 192...
Speech in the Silence focuses on Thelema, Aleister Crowley, and Ordo Templi Orientis while also touching upon the subjects of magick, yoga, and initiation. T...
Band: Behemoth Album: Thelema.6 Year: 2000 Genre: Blacken death metal Country: Poland 1. Antichristian Phenomenon 0:00 2. The Act of Rebellion 4:40 3. Inflam...
Speech in the Silence focuses on Thelema, Aleister Crowley, and Ordo Templi Orientis while also touching upon the subjects of magick, yoga, and initiation. T...
Video of me reading and performing Liber XLIV - The Mass of the Phoenix , By Aleister Crowley. OTO A.'.A.'. Thelema Thelemic Thelemite.
In this video I talk about the document called Liber Oz written by Aleister Crowley 'The Beast 666'. Liber Oz is a 220 word manifesto that declares the right...
Traducción del video "Aleister Crowley, Thelema and Luciferianism" de Michael W. Ford. Un agradecimiento especial a Crystal Turner por la transcripción y a S...
Nesse video eu comento um pouco sobre a Thelema descrita no livro da lei de Aleister Crowley, passando por livre arbítrio e bruxas de uma maneira bem descont...
Speech in the Silence focuses on Thelema, Aleister Crowley, and Ordo Templi Orientis while also touching upon the subjects of magick, yoga, and initiation. T...
93, Liber 777 is one of my favourite books, and I have found that it neatly assembles the correspondences I need for ritual. Like I said you do not have to be a Thelemite to own and use this book. The Qabalah references do put people off, and many will complain that the Qabalah does not work for them which causes them to then tell everyone not to use this systematic framework for your practices. Do not become one these people, try it and find what works. Take your time. LINKS to Liber 777 online: BOOKS I RECOMMEND Garden of Pomegranates by Israel Regardie The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune The Book of Thoth by Aleister Crowley (Liber ABA) FIND ME Twitter and IG: @SyCalaelen Thanks for watching! 93, 93/93 -All ideas, theories and opinions are my own, and do not reflect those of other people or any organisations I belong to, or any that I do not belong to. These words are mine and mine alone.
Witchcraft and Wicca and their relationship to Thelema and Aleister Crowley. Thelema is the Law. Please consider doing just a small part in the mission of making people aware of its existence, allowing them ...;=dD1Or-RENYA;=player_embedded#!
Cancion "Aeropuerto" de Banda Thelema. Primer EP grabado en Old Kitchen Records. Ensenada, Baja California, México. 2014.
Thelema Aleister Crowley Livro da lei Raul Seixas, Sociedade Alternativa, E outras ordens. Não deixe de dar Um "Joinha" e se inscrever no canal.
A presentation from an open house at William Blake Lodge. Uploading it to help Br. James prepare for his "What is Thelema?" presentation at an upcoming open ...
Speech in the Silence focuses on Thelema, Aleister Crowley, and Ordo Templi Orientis while also touching upon the subjects of magick, yoga, and initiation. T...
93 De Grecia a nuestros días, nacimiento y muerte del culto al dios muerto. Mis primeros videos, tengan paciencia. Las fotos de museos las tomé yo, la música...
The Thelema Trio, a Belgian new music ensemble, will appear in concert Thursday, April 16, presented ...
noodls 2015-03-31com/lot/48958-the-thelema-lot.
The Examiner 2015-02-10... even more so) while Buitenverwachting, Thelema, Lomond and Southern Right hardly ever let you down.
Business Day 2015-02-06Gyles Webb of Thelema will help the buyer to assemble his own unique 225 litre single barrel blend — ...
Business Day 2015-01-30Thelema is Aleister Crowley’s magickal system; the Thelemic Calendar counts years from 1904 EV which ...
The Examiner 2015-01-09UAB Music guest artist concert featuring the Thelema Trio from Belgium, 7:30 ... The Thelema Trio is ...
noodls 2015-01-07Twenty years ago, Gyles Webb and Thelema dominated the awards.
Business Day 2014-11-14WINE: ... Alheit, Boekenhoutskloof, Delaire, Thelema, Vilafonte, Vergelegen, Kanonkop, David Sadie, Mullineux, Flagstone.
Business Day 2014-10-31with properties like Jordan, Kanonkop, Vergelegen, Rustenberg, Tokara, Thelema, Kleine Zalze, ...
Business Day 2014-10-17... of British occultist Aleister Crowley, who developed the complex religious philosophy of Thelema.
LA Weekly 2014-10-08... top shaded it, the Cape's opulently peachy, complex 2012 Thelema Mountain Vineyards, around £14.95
The Independent 2014-09-20Welcome, Sign In. Account Info. Video ... W ... T ... Crowley revamped the masonic group to focus on a religion he created called Thelema.
CNN 2014-08-07(Source: ... (A. Miller/BGIS) ... Thelema Grannum of Hillaby Turner's Hall; Shamoya Carty of Wills; Vanati Melwani of St ... joy-ann ... gov.
noodls 2014-06-12Thelema is a spiritual philosophy (referred to by some as a religion) that was developed by the early 20th century British writer and ceremonial magician, Aleister Crowley. He came to believe himself to be the prophet of a new age, the Æon of Horus, based upon a spiritual experience that he and his wife, Rose Edith, had in Egypt in 1904. By his account, a possibly non-corporeal or "praeterhuman" being that called itself Aiwass contacted him and dictated a text known as The Book of the Law or Liber AL vel Legis, which outlined the principles of Thelema.
The Thelemic pantheon includes a number of deities, focusing primarily on a trinity of deities adapted from ancient Egyptian religion, who are the three speakers of The Book of the Law: Nuit, Hadit and Ra-Hoor-Khuit. The religion is founded upon the idea that the 20th century marked the beginning of the Aeon of Horus, in which a new ethical code would be followed; "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law". This statement indicates that adherents, who are known as Thelemites, should seek out and follow their own true path in life, known as their True Will rather than their egoic desires. The philosophy also emphasizes the ritual practice of Magick.
The scent grows richer
He knows he must be near
He finds a long passageway
Lit by chandelier
Each step he takes
The perfumes change
From familiar fragrance
To flavors strange
A magnificent chamber
Meets his eye
Inside, a long rose water pool
Is shrouded by fine mist
Stepping in the moist silence
With a warm breeze he's gently kissed
Thinking he is quite alone
He enters the room, as if it were his own
But ripples on the sweet pink water
Reveal some company unthought of
Rael stands astonished
Doubting his sight
Struck by beauty
Gripped in fright
Three vermilion snakes
Of female face
The smallest motion
Filled with grace
Muted melodies
Fill the echoing hall
But there is no sign of warning
In the siren's call
"Rael welcome
We are the Lamia of the pool
We have been waiting
For our waters to bring you cool"
Putting fear beside him
He trusts in beauty blind
He slips into the nectar
Leaving his shredded clothes behind
With their tongues
They test, taste and judge all that is mine
They move in a series of caresses
That glide up and down my spine
As they nibble the fruit of my flesh
I feel no pain
Only a magic
That a name would stain
With the first drop
Of my blood in their veins
Their faces are convulsed
In mortal pains
The fairest cries, "We all
Have loved you Rael'"
Each empty snakelike body floats
Silent sorrow in empty boats
A sickly sourness fills the room
The bitter harvest of a dying bloom
Looking for motion
I know I will not find
I stroke the curls now turning pale
In which I'd lain entwined
O Lamia, your flesh that remains
I will take as my food
It is the scent of garlic that lingers
On my chocolate fingers
Looking behind me
The water turns icy blue
The lights are dimmed
880 were challenged by Travis to die
By a line that he drew with his sword as the battle drew nigh
A man that crossed over the line was for glory
And he that was left better fly
And over the line crossed 179
Hey Up Santa Anna, they're killing your soldiers below
So the rest of Texas will know
And remember the Alamo
Jim Bowie lay dying, the blood and the sweat in his eyes
But his knife at the ready to take him a few in reply
Young Davy Crockett lay laughing and dying
The blood and the sweat in his eyes
For Texas and freedom a man was more willing to die
Hey Up Santa Anna, they're killing your soldiers below
So the rest of Texas will know
And remember the Alamo
A courier came to a battle once bloody and loud
And found only skin and bones where he once left a crowd
Fear not little darling of dying
If this world be sovereign and free
For we'll fight to the last for as long as liberty be
Hey Up Santa Anna, they're killing your soldiers below
So the rest of Texas will know
If a feeling's born and no one complains
Well that's good luck
running through young veins
And if life is a blessing
that brushes the tops of the trees
Well it's a short walk
in a sweet breeze
I will need you, feed you, seed you, plead with you
All for the taste of your sweet love Thelma
If a heart is an open memory book
That was the chance I took
The more I searched, the more I shook with Thelma
Last night I slept on a rented pillow
A silver moon above my head
A thirsty dreamless sleep released me
And I reached for the phone
by the side of the bed
Now the first time that I saw you I thought
"She's beautiful, but she's too young to be caught"
People aware of my history
Trying to steer you away from me
I left a message at your hotel
Don't let management poison the well
I will need you, feed you, seed you, plead with you
All for the taste of your sweet love Thelma
The phone is ringing and I realize
we are timezones and oceans apart
The words I speak in the middle of my night
They fall on your yesterday scars
If the sun don't shine, the wind don't break
the clock don't jump off the wall
Thelma, my darling, I will cushion your fall
I will need you, feed you, seed you, plead with you
Without the taste of your sweet love Thelma
I am only a man who has skirted the edge of despair
for a long time now, and I don't care
I watch you sleeping in the hospital bed
The baby curled up in a ball
Winter sunlight hits the family tree
And everything else becomes nothing at all
Here I am alone in this empty room
No sign of living here
I hear the muffled conversation, of the neighbor, through the wall
A strangled light hangs on the window
But I can’t help myself, I’m in love with this isolation
The city shimmers, our life the low hum
And all that glitters may be gone
And the sun walks in the sky light,
In the spaces, when it starts
Raining in and slowly fall apart
Fall apart
Like a tourist in some strange hotel,
No time for worrying, my little safety, so I will live.
Here I am alone in this empty room
No sign of living here
I’ll be making conversation, in the spaces tonight
A strangled light hangs on the window
One hundred eighty Texans fought four thousand comin' strong
Fought to save the Alamo the battle twelve days long
Up from the south a general called up for their needs
The cannon fire ripped the air, shook them from their feet
He had him in an awful strange hold
Into the night they sent a man for Houston's helping hand
When they returned the site they found made their anger burn
Lord the chill on the night that they died
He thought about his friends out there hung his head and cried.
Remember, remember, remember the Alamo
Remember, remember, remember the Alamo
The last brave man fought to the end the battle it was lost
Fought to save the Alamo, their lives was what it cost
Lord the chill on the night that they died
He thought about his friends out there hung his head and cried.
Remember, remember, remember the Alamo
Remember, remember, remember the Alamo.
i'm down to one key in my pocket,
the bus station locker downtown,
the soles of my shoes ,
are as thin as my wallet,
i been sleeping close to the ground
but buried up here in my memory,
is a head full of living room hits,
i wrote about thelma when we were an item,
and i was worth more than two bits,
so i'll sing you a song about thelma,
if you have a quarter to spare,
if you had the time or a bottle of wine,
that you'd be willing to share,
and later i'll show you a picture,
of thelma when she's in her prime,
if you want to see mr i've got the key,
and the bus station locker take dimes,
i had me a band in the 60's,
"ladies texas outlaw,"
thelma could sing so we moved nashville,
and in '68, she got hot,
a high flyin' record producer,
told thelma he'd make her a star,
he wined her and dined her and stole her away
and left me with my old guitar,
she died last year on my birthday,
the day that i turned 65,
most have forgotten including her fans,
but i'm keeping her memory alive,
cuz i've got this key in my pocket,
i've had since '72,
i've built her a shrine in that locker downtown,
and i think she'd be pleased if she knew
so i'll sing you a song about thelma,
if you have a quarter to spare,
if you have the time or a bottle of wine,
and you'd be willing to share,
later i'll show you a picture,
of thelma when she's in her prime,
if you wanna see mr i've got the key,
and the bus station locker takes dimes
if you wanna see mr i've got the key
Couldn't leave you if I tried
Couldn't weather this alone
And through the darkness you still provide
The sweetest love I've ever known
Take the shadow from the road I walk upon
Be my sunshine, sunshine
And in the emptiness
You look and find someone
The damage is undone
And love has made you strong
Heaven gave me mine
The saddest words have come undone
Changing the very air I breathe
And miracles have just begun
In which only you and I believe
Take the shadow from the road I walk upon
Be my sunshine, sunshine
And in the weightlessness
You look and find someone
The damage is undone
And love has made you strong
Heaven gave me mine
When I'm all the sea
You never let me down
I'll just keep coming back to you
‘Til I walk on solid ground
From the foothills to the mountains
On the waters of the Rhine
Face to face in Shahbagh gardens
In communion, out of time
From the lilies of the valley
To the grapes upon the vine
The well of speculation
Is it his or hers or mine?
In the everything and nothing
In disharmony and rhyme
In the sound of shot and echo
Who's the victim, what's the crime?
What's the crime?
Be my, be my sunshine
In the keening cries of evening
Unforgotten, underlined
We slipped into the water
I've been driving all night I've been driving on empty
It seems like forever since I needed anything
You see I'm not really tired though I haven't been sleeping
Still I know I'm worn right to the bone
And I remember those days I spent with you
When every moment was bursting
With this life we knew would last forever
The whole way home
I'm pulling off to the side I'm looking back up the highway
I know I'm closer than I've ever been to home
And with every mile I'm reaching into my memory
I want to live the life I'm living
I want to feel the road I'm on
The scent grows richer, he knows he must be near,
He finds a long passageway lit by chandelier.
Each step he takes, the perfumes change
From familiar fragrance to flavours strange.
A magnificent chamber meets his eye.
Inside, a long rose-water pool is shrouded by fine mist.
Stepping in the moist silence, with a warm breeze hes gently kissed.
Thinking he is quite alone,
He enters the room, as if it were his own,
But ripples on the sweet pink water
Reveal some company unthought of-
Rael stands astonished doubting his sight,
Struck by beauty, gripped in fright;
Three vermilion snakes of female face,
The smallest motion, filled with grace.
Muted melodies fill the echoing hall,
But there is no sign of warning in the sirens call:
Rael welcome, we are the Lamia of the pool.
We have been waiting for our waters to bring you cool.
Putting fear beside him, he trusts in beauty blind,
He slips into the nectar, leaving his shredded clothes behind.
With their tongues, they test, taste and judge all that is mine.
They move in a series of caresses
That glide up and down my spine.
As they nibble the fruit of my flesh, I feel no pain,
Only a magic that a name would stain.
With the first drop of my blood in their veins
Their faces are convulsed in mortal pains.
The fairest cries, We all have loved you Rael.
Each empty snakelike body floats,
Silent sorrow in empty boats.
A sickly sourness fills the room,
The bitter harvest of a dying bloom.
Looking for motion I know I will not find,
I stroke the curls now turning pale, in which Id lain entwined
O Lamia, your flesh that remains I will take as my food
It is the scent of garlic that lingers on my choclate fingers.
Looking behind me, the water turns icy blue,
The lights are dimmed and once again the stage is set for you.
This is all a game
And i know it
Every word's a lie
I tried to believe you
But I'd just be wasting time
You're all tired, worn and broken here
And you're standing in a line again
Just turn the dial
Take me where I want to be
And tell that the doctor that I said goodbye
Tell that the doctor that I said
"Goodbye, one more chance to watch the midnight sky
On my own and now you'll never
Turn my heart to stone"
I could go on, I could go on
Turn my heart too slow
I could go on, I could go on
It's such a shame
To be living when clouds cover your sky
I tried to see clearly
Just make me feel alive
Your out crying in the parking lot
While I'm holding hands with God
Just turn the dial
Take me where I want to be
And tell that the doctor that I said goodbye
Tell that the doctor that I said
"Goodbye, one more chance to watch the midnight sky
On my own and now you'll never
Turn my heart to stone"
I could go on, I could go on
Turn my heart too slow
I could go on, I could go on
It's like pulling a needle with no thread,
In a glass house with no stones to throw through it,
It's like setting fire to the town as your boat pulls off the shore
On my own and now you'll never
Turn my heart to stone
I could go on, I could go on
Turn my heart too slow
You stand apart with the sinking sunlight.
I just came to watch you smile.
You work so hard that you don't know what it's like to be sure.
It's gonna work out anyway.