More About the Tithe Lie: Did Abraham Tithe?
More About the Tithe Lie: Did Abraham Tithe?
More About the Tithe Lie: Did Abraham Tithe?
Many pastors justify taking money from the flock by using the example of Abraham. In the Bible, Abraham gave 10 percent of the spoils of the war to Melchezidek. However, many preachers aren't preaching this in it's proper context.
Abraham did not tithe his own possessions. He gave ten percent of the SPOILS OF WAR to Melchezedick. He returned the other 90 percent to Sodom. Abraham, like Jesus did not give away ten percent. He gave away everything.
Jesus Christ does not want our money. He wants our heart. He wants to fill us with His Spirt and then fill us with His Love. He wants us to give generously and as we are able..NOT out of fear
Khupte Tithe Gupte Jan. 15 '11 Part - 3
Khupte Tithe Gupte Jan. 15 '11 Part - 3
Khupte Tithe Gupte Jan. 15 '11 Part - 3
The show will be hosted by Avadhoot Gupte, this show is a platform for such famous celebs to express their point of view on the things which they could not d...
112-Truth About Tithing: The Truth About Abram's Tithe - Part 8 of 10
112-Truth About Tithing: The Truth About Abram's Tithe - Part 8 of 10
112-Truth About Tithing: The Truth About Abram's Tithe - Part 8 of 10
This is part 8 of a 10 part series titled " The Truth About Tithing". George Greene presents biblical proof demonstrating that God never required Christians ...
113- Truth About Tithing: The Truth About Abram's Tithe - Part 9 of 10
113- Truth About Tithing: The Truth About Abram's Tithe - Part 9 of 10
113- Truth About Tithing: The Truth About Abram's Tithe - Part 9 of 10
This is part 9 of a 10 part series titled " The Truth About Tithing". George Greene presents biblical proof demonstrating that God never required Christians ...
Should the church teach tithing? 4of22
Should the church teach tithing? 4of22
Should the church teach tithing? 4of22
4: GENESIS 14:20: Abrahams Tithe to Melchizedek Reflected Pagan Tradition. The false teaching is that Abraham freely gave tithes because it was Gods will. Sc...
Stewardship | Tithing in the Bible | Tithes and Offerings | Paradise Community Church
Stewardship | Tithing in the Bible | Tithes and Offerings | Paradise Community Church
Stewardship | Tithing in the Bible | Tithes and Offerings | Paradise Community Church
Paradise community church week in week out preach that you must pay a tithe out of your earnings, and they claim that this is taught in the Bible. But when w...
Pastor Malachi Pimpology (The Art of the Tithing Scam)
Pastor Malachi Pimpology (The Art of the Tithing Scam)
Pastor Malachi Pimpology (The Art of the Tithing Scam)
Tithing is not scriptural. Tithing was first paid by Abram from the spoils of war. Then, tithing was commanded by God to the nation of Israel for land owners, who tithed off the land. Though Israel had money, they never tithed money. After Jesus died on the cross, tithing was annulled for new testament believers. Now we are told to give as purposed in our hearts (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Also, you are not to give when you are in debt and struggling because God wants you to take care of your household. Don't let a lying "Pastor" charm you with fables and misapplied scriptures to fleece you for your money and time.
Get a KJV Bible and read i
Madhu Ethe Ani Chandra Tithe - Episode 27
Madhu Ethe Ani Chandra Tithe - Episode 27
Madhu Ethe Ani Chandra Tithe - Episode 27
Manish (Piyush Ranade) and Manisha (Sonali Khare) work in a BPO. They meet each other during the Sports Quiz Competition of their office. Both of them are ar...
Should the church teach tithing? 9of22
Should the church teach tithing? 9of22
Should the church teach tithing? 9of22
9: FOUR TITHES: There are Four Different Tithes Described in the Bible. The false teaching ignores all other tithes and focuses on an incorrect interpretatio...
$ Coin Icon True Cash Math Wealth Posterity Tithe \ Pay Attention Angel Fall Steal Redeem Memory
$ Coin Icon True Cash Math Wealth Posterity Tithe \ Pay Attention Angel Fall Steal Redeem Memory
$ Coin Icon True Cash Math Wealth Posterity Tithe \ Pay Attention Angel Fall Steal Redeem Memory
Soul depends not on health, health depends on soul; wealth depends on health. Invest time tithe family church, not mega churches. If heard word song lyrics: Haven't got a cent but don't worry, Haven't got a job but no hurry, I would answer if they gave me gold, If you want no income tax mister, Take it easy & relax mister, When they offer work be strong & say, Take it away, Money is the root of all evil, Won't contaminate myself with it; if interested in whole song u tube Money Is The Root Of All Evil - The Andrews Sisters were moral music troop entertainers U.S.O. 1940's World War Two. 1 Timothy 6:10 Love of money is the root of all evil: wh
The Truth About Tithing Pt9 2of3
The Truth About Tithing Pt9 2of3
The Truth About Tithing Pt9 2of3
Part 9 - The Truth About Abram's Tithe-Part B A review of the scripture shows that Abram paid a ten per cent 'spoils of war' tithe to Melchizedek just one ti...
The Truth About Tithing Pt9 3of3
The Truth About Tithing Pt9 3of3
The Truth About Tithing Pt9 3of3
Part 9 - The Truth About Abram's Tithe-Part B A review of the scripture shows that Abram paid a ten per cent 'spoils of war' tithe to Melchizedek just one ti...
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists (HBO)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists (HBO)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists (HBO)
U.S. tax law allows television preachers to get away with almost anything. We know this from personal experience.
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Tu Tithe Mi - Episode 599 - February 25, 2014 - Full Episode
Tu Tithe Mi - Episode 599 - February 25, 2014 - Full Episode
Tu Tithe Mi - Episode 599 - February 25, 2014 - Full Episode
Manjiri apologises to her daughter Subra, due to lot of work Manjiri is not able to give much more time for Subra. But Subra understands and tells her mother Manjiri that she need not worry and she is happy for whatever hardwork Manjiri does for family. Dada offers Satyajeet to meet in case of one land deal but Satyajeet refused to meet him as he don't want to start previous war again. Dada wants to destroy Satyajeet and wants him to be his servant. Satyajeet goes to Mumbai in search of Manjiri and Subra.
The base of a strong marriage is trust. However, even if one of the partners is suspicious by nature, a minor misunderstanding would be en
Weekly Extortion or All Things Common Tithe? no poor Acts 2 4? Hebrew Roots - Apostasy Restoration
Weekly Extortion or All Things Common Tithe? no poor Acts 2 4? Hebrew Roots - Apostasy Restoration
Weekly Extortion or All Things Common Tithe? no poor Acts 2 4? Hebrew Roots - Apostasy Restoration
True Christians and Members of the True Christian Assemblies have all things common. Their servants and leaders have professions and are not paid for teaching or serving - other than being...
Blood Tithe - Kings of Keetael
Blood Tithe - Kings of Keetael
Blood Tithe - Kings of Keetael
Blood Tithe is back again, now with even MOAR facerolling! Through Huttball, Civil War, and Voidstar, The Hutters are Huttin, the Voidstar Ninjas are unbeata...
Let's Play Civ 5 on Deity [Part 09] Tithe-em-up
Let's Play Civ 5 on Deity [Part 09] Tithe-em-up
Let's Play Civ 5 on Deity [Part 09] Tithe-em-up
Please support my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DFVIDTUTS
I promised to do a Let's Play of Civ 5 on Deity for my $300 patreon goal, so here we go. I cant promise that i will win though.
We got Rome and there is only one capitol left until victory. Were going to need to be prepared before we declare war though.
Dr Walter Pearson - The Tithing Miracle
Dr Walter Pearson - The Tithing Miracle
Dr Walter Pearson - The Tithing Miracle
The Tithing Miracle sermon took place in mid 2005 in Hammersmith Town Hall, London England.
Stock Market Collapse, Prayer, Tithe and Preparation Disaster in FL &CA; - Elvi Zapata
Stock Market Collapse, Prayer, Tithe and Preparation Disaster in FL &CA; - Elvi Zapata
Stock Market Collapse, Prayer, Tithe and Preparation Disaster in FL &CA; - Elvi Zapata
Brother Elvi Zapata is preaching on this day of the Lord's Hour on August 25, 2015. He is telling us that stock market will collapse soon. He emphasizes the importance of repenting and praying. He said that tithing is not old testament law. We should tithe which is 10% of our income giving to God. He also recommend to get out of Florida, California and Chicago. Jesus is coming soon! We must be ready! Only holy and righteous brides will go to the wedding of the Lamb.
Visit Elvi Zapata's Blogtalkradio,
To see more videos of Elvi Zapata,
To know how to prepare the rapture and
Lets Play Crusader Kings 2 - 16 (Tithe Vampires?)
Lets Play Crusader Kings 2 - 16 (Tithe Vampires?)
Lets Play Crusader Kings 2 - 16 (Tithe Vampires?)
We move on from the loss of our king with you guessed it (Probably) MOAR WAR
Colossal Lies of the Denominations Pt. 5 - Binding Tithing, Foods and Sabbath Keeping on Christians
Colossal Lies of the Denominations Pt. 5 - Binding Tithing, Foods and Sabbath Keeping on Christians
Colossal Lies of the Denominations Pt. 5 - Binding Tithing, Foods and Sabbath Keeping on Christians
Seventh Day Adventist Is it right to observe the sabbath? Should Christians tithe? Is pork clean or unclean?
Conclusion: SDA's are long on zeal, short on context. Run like the wind from this religion. They buffer all their unorthodox doctrine to make it appear that it's not binding and they are just like everyone else, and then proceed to totally contradict themselves and bind it on Christians by taking James 2:10 out of context. They take snippets of scripture out of context or just add to them to make it fit their doctrine, while accusing others of doing such, it's downright cartoonish at times.
When you read the whole NT, you find a tota
"Tithing in the New Testament" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental)
"Tithing in the New Testament" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental)
"Tithing in the New Testament" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental)
TITHE - Your Preacher DEBUNKED !!!
TITHE - Your Preacher DEBUNKED !!!
TITHE - Your Preacher DEBUNKED !!!
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." 2 Cor 9:7 Modern chu...
More About the Tithe Lie: Did Abraham Tithe?
Many pastors justify taking money from the flock by using the example of Abraham. In the Bible, Abraham gave 10 percent of the spoils of the war to Melchezidek. However, many preachers aren't preaching this in it's proper context.
Abraham did not tithe his own possessions. He gave ten percent of the SPOILS OF WAR to Melchezedick. He returned the other 90 percent to Sodom. Abraham, like Jesus did not give away ten percent. He gave away everything.
Jesus Christ does not want our money. He wants our heart. He wants to fill us with His Spirt and then fill us with His Love. He wants us to give generously and as we are able..NOT out of fear or compulsion.
Today's tithe money is going to support "temples" and pay "special" clergy. We are operating in Old Covenant mode. When Christ died, the veil was torn which gives each of us equal access to the Father. Jesus no longer lives in temples "made with human hands" He dwells in every believer. We are all sons and the prieshood of ALL believers signifes that we are all EQUAL in Christ. The NEW Covenant model for giving is sharing..NOT TITHING.
If people are going to tithe based on Abrahams example they will have to give their "spoils of war" to a king only once in their life..and then give the rest of their "spoils of war" to the city of Sodom. Tithing is no longer valid under the new convenant. The apostles didn't coerce the early believers into tithing. Instead, they shared ALL that they had. They, like Abraham and like Jesus, gave everything.
The New Covenant model of giving should not be to "temples" or to "Special clergy" but to "those who have need"
For if we see a brother in need, and do not help him, how can the love of God be in us? -Jesus
The article that i am reading comes from www.wickedshepherds.com It was written by Ken Cascio. According to the terms of use, I can freely distribute it as long as I say where it is coming from and do not alter the content.
Many pastors justify taking money from the flock by using the example of Abraham. In the Bible, Abraham gave 10 percent of the spoils of the war to Melchezidek....
wn.com/More About The Tithe Lie Did Abraham Tithe
Many pastors justify taking money from the flock by using the example of Abraham. In the Bible, Abraham gave 10 percent of the spoils of the war to Melchezidek. However, many preachers aren't preaching this in it's proper context.
Abraham did not tithe his own possessions. He gave ten percent of the SPOILS OF WAR to Melchezedick. He returned the other 90 percent to Sodom. Abraham, like Jesus did not give away ten percent. He gave away everything.
Jesus Christ does not want our money. He wants our heart. He wants to fill us with His Spirt and then fill us with His Love. He wants us to give generously and as we are able..NOT out of fear or compulsion.
Today's tithe money is going to support "temples" and pay "special" clergy. We are operating in Old Covenant mode. When Christ died, the veil was torn which gives each of us equal access to the Father. Jesus no longer lives in temples "made with human hands" He dwells in every believer. We are all sons and the prieshood of ALL believers signifes that we are all EQUAL in Christ. The NEW Covenant model for giving is sharing..NOT TITHING.
If people are going to tithe based on Abrahams example they will have to give their "spoils of war" to a king only once in their life..and then give the rest of their "spoils of war" to the city of Sodom. Tithing is no longer valid under the new convenant. The apostles didn't coerce the early believers into tithing. Instead, they shared ALL that they had. They, like Abraham and like Jesus, gave everything.
The New Covenant model of giving should not be to "temples" or to "Special clergy" but to "those who have need"
For if we see a brother in need, and do not help him, how can the love of God be in us? -Jesus
The article that i am reading comes from www.wickedshepherds.com It was written by Ken Cascio. According to the terms of use, I can freely distribute it as long as I say where it is coming from and do not alter the content.
- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 720
Khupte Tithe Gupte Jan. 15 '11 Part - 3
The show will be hosted by Avadhoot Gupte, this show is a platform for such famous celebs to express their point of view on the things which they could not d...
The show will be hosted by Avadhoot Gupte, this show is a platform for such famous celebs to express their point of view on the things which they could not d......
wn.com/Khupte Tithe Gupte Jan. 15 '11 Part 3
The show will be hosted by Avadhoot Gupte, this show is a platform for such famous celebs to express their point of view on the things which they could not d...
- published: 17 Jan 2011
- views: 13443
112-Truth About Tithing: The Truth About Abram's Tithe - Part 8 of 10
This is part 8 of a 10 part series titled " The Truth About Tithing". George Greene presents biblical proof demonstrating that God never required Christians ...
This is part 8 of a 10 part series titled " The Truth About Tithing". George Greene presents biblical proof demonstrating that God never required Christians ......
wn.com/112 Truth About Tithing The Truth About Abram's Tithe Part 8 Of 10
This is part 8 of a 10 part series titled " The Truth About Tithing". George Greene presents biblical proof demonstrating that God never required Christians ...
113- Truth About Tithing: The Truth About Abram's Tithe - Part 9 of 10
This is part 9 of a 10 part series titled " The Truth About Tithing". George Greene presents biblical proof demonstrating that God never required Christians ...
This is part 9 of a 10 part series titled " The Truth About Tithing". George Greene presents biblical proof demonstrating that God never required Christians ......
wn.com/113 Truth About Tithing The Truth About Abram's Tithe Part 9 Of 10
This is part 9 of a 10 part series titled " The Truth About Tithing". George Greene presents biblical proof demonstrating that God never required Christians ...
Should the church teach tithing? 4of22
4: GENESIS 14:20: Abrahams Tithe to Melchizedek Reflected Pagan Tradition. The false teaching is that Abraham freely gave tithes because it was Gods will. Sc...
4: GENESIS 14:20: Abrahams Tithe to Melchizedek Reflected Pagan Tradition. The false teaching is that Abraham freely gave tithes because it was Gods will. Sc......
wn.com/Should The Church Teach Tithing 4Of22
4: GENESIS 14:20: Abrahams Tithe to Melchizedek Reflected Pagan Tradition. The false teaching is that Abraham freely gave tithes because it was Gods will. Sc...
- published: 09 Oct 2008
- views: 3896
Stewardship | Tithing in the Bible | Tithes and Offerings | Paradise Community Church
Paradise community church week in week out preach that you must pay a tithe out of your earnings, and they claim that this is taught in the Bible. But when w...
Paradise community church week in week out preach that you must pay a tithe out of your earnings, and they claim that this is taught in the Bible. But when w......
wn.com/Stewardship | Tithing In The Bible | Tithes And Offerings | Paradise Community Church
Paradise community church week in week out preach that you must pay a tithe out of your earnings, and they claim that this is taught in the Bible. But when w...
Pastor Malachi Pimpology (The Art of the Tithing Scam)
Tithing is not scriptural. Tithing was first paid by Abram from the spoils of war. Then, tithing was commanded by God to the nation of Israel for land owners, who tithed off the land. Though Israel had money, they never tithed money. After Jesus died on the cross, tithing was annulled for new testament believers. Now we are told to give as purposed in our hearts (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Also, you are not to give when you are in debt and struggling because God wants you to take care of your household. Don't let a lying "Pastor" charm you with fables and misapplied scriptures to fleece you for your money and time.
Get a KJV Bible and read it for yourself. More importantly, know that Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, lived a sinless life, then died on the cross for our sins, was buried, but rose from the grave on the 3rd day (physically) and now sits at the right hand of the Father. Jesus promised that whosoever believes on HIM (his finished work) shall not perish, but have everlasting life. It is a gift that you could never lose. If you confess you are a sinner to Jesus and believe on him to save you, YOU ARE SAVED. Don't let any false teacher tell you you're not and say you have to prove it. It is a gift!
After being saved, you should read the word of God (KJV Bible) for yourself to build up your faith and defend yourself against all untruths.
God bless you!
Tithing is not scriptural. Tithing was first paid by Abram from the spoils of war. Then, tithing was commanded by God to the nation of Israel for land owners,...
wn.com/Pastor Malachi Pimpology (The Art Of The Tithing Scam)
Tithing is not scriptural. Tithing was first paid by Abram from the spoils of war. Then, tithing was commanded by God to the nation of Israel for land owners, who tithed off the land. Though Israel had money, they never tithed money. After Jesus died on the cross, tithing was annulled for new testament believers. Now we are told to give as purposed in our hearts (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Also, you are not to give when you are in debt and struggling because God wants you to take care of your household. Don't let a lying "Pastor" charm you with fables and misapplied scriptures to fleece you for your money and time.
Get a KJV Bible and read it for yourself. More importantly, know that Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, lived a sinless life, then died on the cross for our sins, was buried, but rose from the grave on the 3rd day (physically) and now sits at the right hand of the Father. Jesus promised that whosoever believes on HIM (his finished work) shall not perish, but have everlasting life. It is a gift that you could never lose. If you confess you are a sinner to Jesus and believe on him to save you, YOU ARE SAVED. Don't let any false teacher tell you you're not and say you have to prove it. It is a gift!
After being saved, you should read the word of God (KJV Bible) for yourself to build up your faith and defend yourself against all untruths.
God bless you!
- published: 19 Nov 2014
- views: 16
Madhu Ethe Ani Chandra Tithe - Episode 27
Manish (Piyush Ranade) and Manisha (Sonali Khare) work in a BPO. They meet each other during the Sports Quiz Competition of their office. Both of them are ar...
Manish (Piyush Ranade) and Manisha (Sonali Khare) work in a BPO. They meet each other during the Sports Quiz Competition of their office. Both of them are ar......
wn.com/Madhu Ethe Ani Chandra Tithe Episode 27
Manish (Piyush Ranade) and Manisha (Sonali Khare) work in a BPO. They meet each other during the Sports Quiz Competition of their office. Both of them are ar...
- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 2251
Should the church teach tithing? 9of22
9: FOUR TITHES: There are Four Different Tithes Described in the Bible. The false teaching ignores all other tithes and focuses on an incorrect interpretatio...
9: FOUR TITHES: There are Four Different Tithes Described in the Bible. The false teaching ignores all other tithes and focuses on an incorrect interpretatio......
wn.com/Should The Church Teach Tithing 9Of22
9: FOUR TITHES: There are Four Different Tithes Described in the Bible. The false teaching ignores all other tithes and focuses on an incorrect interpretatio...
- published: 10 Oct 2008
- views: 2355
$ Coin Icon True Cash Math Wealth Posterity Tithe \ Pay Attention Angel Fall Steal Redeem Memory
Soul depends not on health, health depends on soul; wealth depends on health. Invest time tithe family church, not mega churches. If heard word song lyrics: Haven't got a cent but don't worry, Haven't got a job but no hurry, I would answer if they gave me gold, If you want no income tax mister, Take it easy & relax mister, When they offer work be strong & say, Take it away, Money is the root of all evil, Won't contaminate myself with it; if interested in whole song u tube Money Is The Root Of All Evil - The Andrews Sisters were moral music troop entertainers U.S.O. 1940's World War Two. 1 Timothy 6:10 Love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they err from the faith, and pierced themselves with many sorrows. Is what mega churches do; dream prophet(s) already alerted people masses ( Bible Lesser light moon dream prophet, Greater light day open eye visions prophet is what holy spirit said to me ) Prophet vanished in 2012 ( if interest search u tube, END TIME HOLY YAHWEH VERSE EXODUSa sinkhole fallen false religion vision 2 witnesses war type or click copy and paste ( reconstructed messages from my memory ) God said doomed America cities Metropolis, when devastation occurs natural tsunami and/or meteorites or man made nuclear bombs soon of recent Jesus's Mary messages, is seen by humans masses and they will as an animal quote: 'Wag their tongues', tails as upside down, Bible Be head not tail. God said humans overseas will see this offshore ocean from foreign continents to fulfill Bible prophecy, Revelation 18:10 Standing afar off shore fearing of her torment, saying, Alas, that great city Babylon in one hour is thy judgment come. God said: 'Pray not for America, I god will not hear you and turn a deaf ear to you'. New World Order NWO is based solely on money according to Father Malachi Martin read said 3rd Secret Fatima prophecies NWO is doomed to fail said Jesus's Mother Mary. Father Martin is sworn to secrecy as hearing confession to cleanse soul and not reveals 3rd Secret Fatima he read letters, said quote 'Not pleasant reading at all'; I type grizzly bear words too, yet if understand word, may pay off $ COIN ICON? Father Martin said 'If have coin ( icon ) of faith in pocket'? and 'What does the Vatican have to do with price of eggs'? Catholic tradition states song Kyrie Eleison 5 syllables heals 5 major organs and is in shape of an egg or rather zero 0. Unfortunate some churches in past handed out documents as redeem coupons claiming some relative was spared hell or purgatory and priests tricked poor peasants by turning a clear water vial upside down to turn red ( red ink was on top to mix into water ) claiming it was a miracle, so pay tithe to their church; King Henry repaid retaliated took plundered churches to pay for war effort. Today they do same with so called anointed cloths or what have you to deter you as business competition from true relics, example Mary statues icons materialize weeping anointing oils miracles yielding healings. If video here of two coins, one penny phony money and the other real coin icon cash. Bible Penny of Caesar render unto, yet render to god too. Slang Time is money, or rather if pay attention to big mega churches steals time, Bible Thou shalt not steal, money, time or worst soul or rather steal accumulated memories is what devils do. Humans get rich beg poor for more money as an animal hordes food, humans get rich selling poor quality in quantity ironic; poor break apart merchandise is designed to fall apart, deters you from excellent crafted item, economy is not based on Bible Man builds home on sand; if heard of quicksand? The more you struggle, the quicker human sinks, as to hell, if read bible Cast into outer space darkness, hell has no more room, so casts into outer space ghost knot; the more they struggle strangle tighten the knot as slang can of worms. A human without a soul is called robot. By all that is holy I swear saw vision as telescope X ray underground moon dust robots androids twisting turning not off. If turn on to underground church or rather underground government I see in dark as owl. Prophecy Fatima Mary say quote 'Do not be surprised when learned wise men will have their sanity stripped off them'. If ever saw magic formula example write spell AnGeL, sPiRiT, gOd GoD gOdS? Bible thou shalt not gods before me. The Rosary 50 beads as math formula; Vatican did'nt use math formula number of bishops to one Pope consecrate atheist communist countries as Pope 1 / # Bishops math formula. If heard game telephone sentence distortion? is what bible translators do without Holy ghost, make bad babel bible fable parable meaningless. Urantia book www.urantia.org or www.keysofenoch.org is worthless without Bible. If invest time for coin icon to prosper place in job, machine or document; vital pamphlets direct healing and pray for soul in hour of death www.fatima.org or www.ourladyspromise.org is good buy, good bye; end
Soul depends not on health, health depends on soul; wealth depends on health. Invest time tithe family church, not mega churches. If heard word song lyrics: Hav...
wn.com/Coin Icon True Cash Math Wealth Posterity Tithe \ Pay Attention Angel Fall Steal Redeem Memory
Soul depends not on health, health depends on soul; wealth depends on health. Invest time tithe family church, not mega churches. If heard word song lyrics: Haven't got a cent but don't worry, Haven't got a job but no hurry, I would answer if they gave me gold, If you want no income tax mister, Take it easy & relax mister, When they offer work be strong & say, Take it away, Money is the root of all evil, Won't contaminate myself with it; if interested in whole song u tube Money Is The Root Of All Evil - The Andrews Sisters were moral music troop entertainers U.S.O. 1940's World War Two. 1 Timothy 6:10 Love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they err from the faith, and pierced themselves with many sorrows. Is what mega churches do; dream prophet(s) already alerted people masses ( Bible Lesser light moon dream prophet, Greater light day open eye visions prophet is what holy spirit said to me ) Prophet vanished in 2012 ( if interest search u tube, END TIME HOLY YAHWEH VERSE EXODUSa sinkhole fallen false religion vision 2 witnesses war type or click copy and paste ( reconstructed messages from my memory ) God said doomed America cities Metropolis, when devastation occurs natural tsunami and/or meteorites or man made nuclear bombs soon of recent Jesus's Mary messages, is seen by humans masses and they will as an animal quote: 'Wag their tongues', tails as upside down, Bible Be head not tail. God said humans overseas will see this offshore ocean from foreign continents to fulfill Bible prophecy, Revelation 18:10 Standing afar off shore fearing of her torment, saying, Alas, that great city Babylon in one hour is thy judgment come. God said: 'Pray not for America, I god will not hear you and turn a deaf ear to you'. New World Order NWO is based solely on money according to Father Malachi Martin read said 3rd Secret Fatima prophecies NWO is doomed to fail said Jesus's Mother Mary. Father Martin is sworn to secrecy as hearing confession to cleanse soul and not reveals 3rd Secret Fatima he read letters, said quote 'Not pleasant reading at all'; I type grizzly bear words too, yet if understand word, may pay off $ COIN ICON? Father Martin said 'If have coin ( icon ) of faith in pocket'? and 'What does the Vatican have to do with price of eggs'? Catholic tradition states song Kyrie Eleison 5 syllables heals 5 major organs and is in shape of an egg or rather zero 0. Unfortunate some churches in past handed out documents as redeem coupons claiming some relative was spared hell or purgatory and priests tricked poor peasants by turning a clear water vial upside down to turn red ( red ink was on top to mix into water ) claiming it was a miracle, so pay tithe to their church; King Henry repaid retaliated took plundered churches to pay for war effort. Today they do same with so called anointed cloths or what have you to deter you as business competition from true relics, example Mary statues icons materialize weeping anointing oils miracles yielding healings. If video here of two coins, one penny phony money and the other real coin icon cash. Bible Penny of Caesar render unto, yet render to god too. Slang Time is money, or rather if pay attention to big mega churches steals time, Bible Thou shalt not steal, money, time or worst soul or rather steal accumulated memories is what devils do. Humans get rich beg poor for more money as an animal hordes food, humans get rich selling poor quality in quantity ironic; poor break apart merchandise is designed to fall apart, deters you from excellent crafted item, economy is not based on Bible Man builds home on sand; if heard of quicksand? The more you struggle, the quicker human sinks, as to hell, if read bible Cast into outer space darkness, hell has no more room, so casts into outer space ghost knot; the more they struggle strangle tighten the knot as slang can of worms. A human without a soul is called robot. By all that is holy I swear saw vision as telescope X ray underground moon dust robots androids twisting turning not off. If turn on to underground church or rather underground government I see in dark as owl. Prophecy Fatima Mary say quote 'Do not be surprised when learned wise men will have their sanity stripped off them'. If ever saw magic formula example write spell AnGeL, sPiRiT, gOd GoD gOdS? Bible thou shalt not gods before me. The Rosary 50 beads as math formula; Vatican did'nt use math formula number of bishops to one Pope consecrate atheist communist countries as Pope 1 / # Bishops math formula. If heard game telephone sentence distortion? is what bible translators do without Holy ghost, make bad babel bible fable parable meaningless. Urantia book www.urantia.org or www.keysofenoch.org is worthless without Bible. If invest time for coin icon to prosper place in job, machine or document; vital pamphlets direct healing and pray for soul in hour of death www.fatima.org or www.ourladyspromise.org is good buy, good bye; end
- published: 01 Jan 2015
- views: 10
The Truth About Tithing Pt9 2of3
Part 9 - The Truth About Abram's Tithe-Part B A review of the scripture shows that Abram paid a ten per cent 'spoils of war' tithe to Melchizedek just one ti...
Part 9 - The Truth About Abram's Tithe-Part B A review of the scripture shows that Abram paid a ten per cent 'spoils of war' tithe to Melchizedek just one ti......
wn.com/The Truth About Tithing Pt9 2Of3
Part 9 - The Truth About Abram's Tithe-Part B A review of the scripture shows that Abram paid a ten per cent 'spoils of war' tithe to Melchizedek just one ti...
- published: 12 Jan 2009
- views: 368
The Truth About Tithing Pt9 3of3
Part 9 - The Truth About Abram's Tithe-Part B A review of the scripture shows that Abram paid a ten per cent 'spoils of war' tithe to Melchizedek just one ti...
Part 9 - The Truth About Abram's Tithe-Part B A review of the scripture shows that Abram paid a ten per cent 'spoils of war' tithe to Melchizedek just one ti......
wn.com/The Truth About Tithing Pt9 3Of3
Part 9 - The Truth About Abram's Tithe-Part B A review of the scripture shows that Abram paid a ten per cent 'spoils of war' tithe to Melchizedek just one ti...
- published: 12 Jan 2009
- views: 435
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists (HBO)
U.S. tax law allows television preachers to get away with almost anything. We know this from personal experience.
Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption will not be able to accept donations from Church supporters from the states of Mississippi, Nevada, Pennsylvania, or South Carolina. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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U.S. tax law allows television preachers to get away with almost anything. We know this from personal experience.
Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption will not be a...
wn.com/Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Televangelists (Hbo)
U.S. tax law allows television preachers to get away with almost anything. We know this from personal experience.
Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption will not be able to accept donations from Church supporters from the states of Mississippi, Nevada, Pennsylvania, or South Carolina. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 2205934
Tu Tithe Mi - Episode 599 - February 25, 2014 - Full Episode
Manjiri apologises to her daughter Subra, due to lot of work Manjiri is not able to give much more time for Subra. But Subra understands and tells her mother Manjiri that she need not worry and she is happy for whatever hardwork Manjiri does for family. Dada offers Satyajeet to meet in case of one land deal but Satyajeet refused to meet him as he don't want to start previous war again. Dada wants to destroy Satyajeet and wants him to be his servant. Satyajeet goes to Mumbai in search of Manjiri and Subra.
The base of a strong marriage is trust. However, even if one of the partners is suspicious by nature, a minor misunderstanding would be enough to make the marriage rocky. This story tries to pass on a message, that misunderstandings should be eradicated right from the roots, failing which a marriage can go kaput within no time. Tu Tithe Mi is about Manjiri and Satyajeet's marriage where Satyajeet is a successful man but an over possessive husband. Their marriage goes through several ups and downs due to Satyajeet's suspicious nature.
Watch this show on http://www.zeemarathi.com/
To subscribe to Zee Marathi go to http://www.youtube.com/user/zeemarathi?sub_confirmation=1
Manjiri apologises to her daughter Subra, due to lot of work Manjiri is not able to give much more time for Subra. But Subra understands and tells her mother Ma...
wn.com/Tu Tithe Mi Episode 599 February 25, 2014 Full Episode
Manjiri apologises to her daughter Subra, due to lot of work Manjiri is not able to give much more time for Subra. But Subra understands and tells her mother Manjiri that she need not worry and she is happy for whatever hardwork Manjiri does for family. Dada offers Satyajeet to meet in case of one land deal but Satyajeet refused to meet him as he don't want to start previous war again. Dada wants to destroy Satyajeet and wants him to be his servant. Satyajeet goes to Mumbai in search of Manjiri and Subra.
The base of a strong marriage is trust. However, even if one of the partners is suspicious by nature, a minor misunderstanding would be enough to make the marriage rocky. This story tries to pass on a message, that misunderstandings should be eradicated right from the roots, failing which a marriage can go kaput within no time. Tu Tithe Mi is about Manjiri and Satyajeet's marriage where Satyajeet is a successful man but an over possessive husband. Their marriage goes through several ups and downs due to Satyajeet's suspicious nature.
Watch this show on http://www.zeemarathi.com/
To subscribe to Zee Marathi go to http://www.youtube.com/user/zeemarathi?sub_confirmation=1
- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 6245
Weekly Extortion or All Things Common Tithe? no poor Acts 2 4? Hebrew Roots - Apostasy Restoration
True Christians and Members of the True Christian Assemblies have all things common. Their servants and leaders have professions and are not paid for teaching or serving - other than being...
True Christians and Members of the True Christian Assemblies have all things common. Their servants and leaders have professions and are not paid for teaching o...
wn.com/Weekly Extortion Or All Things Common Tithe No Poor Acts 2 4 Hebrew Roots Apostasy Restoration
True Christians and Members of the True Christian Assemblies have all things common. Their servants and leaders have professions and are not paid for teaching or serving - other than being...
Blood Tithe - Kings of Keetael
Blood Tithe is back again, now with even MOAR facerolling! Through Huttball, Civil War, and Voidstar, The Hutters are Huttin, the Voidstar Ninjas are unbeata...
Blood Tithe is back again, now with even MOAR facerolling! Through Huttball, Civil War, and Voidstar, The Hutters are Huttin, the Voidstar Ninjas are unbeata......
wn.com/Blood Tithe Kings Of Keetael
Blood Tithe is back again, now with even MOAR facerolling! Through Huttball, Civil War, and Voidstar, The Hutters are Huttin, the Voidstar Ninjas are unbeata...
- published: 16 Jan 2012
- views: 181
Let's Play Civ 5 on Deity [Part 09] Tithe-em-up
Please support my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DFVIDTUTS
I promised to do a Let's Play of Civ 5 on Deity for my $300 patreon goal, so here we go. I cant promise that i will win though.
We got Rome and there is only one capitol left until victory. Were going to need to be prepared before we declare war though.
Please support my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DFVIDTUTS
I promised to do a Let's Play of Civ 5 on Deity for my $300 patreon goal, so here we go. I cant pr...
wn.com/Let's Play Civ 5 On Deity Part 09 Tithe Em Up
Please support my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DFVIDTUTS
I promised to do a Let's Play of Civ 5 on Deity for my $300 patreon goal, so here we go. I cant promise that i will win though.
We got Rome and there is only one capitol left until victory. Were going to need to be prepared before we declare war though.
- published: 29 May 2015
- views: 79
Dr Walter Pearson - The Tithing Miracle
The Tithing Miracle sermon took place in mid 2005 in Hammersmith Town Hall, London England.
The Tithing Miracle sermon took place in mid 2005 in Hammersmith Town Hall, London England....
wn.com/Dr Walter Pearson The Tithing Miracle
The Tithing Miracle sermon took place in mid 2005 in Hammersmith Town Hall, London England.
Stock Market Collapse, Prayer, Tithe and Preparation Disaster in FL &CA; - Elvi Zapata
Brother Elvi Zapata is preaching on this day of the Lord's Hour on August 25, 2015. He is telling us that stock market will collapse soon. He emphasizes the importance of repenting and praying. He said that tithing is not old testament law. We should tithe which is 10% of our income giving to God. He also recommend to get out of Florida, California and Chicago. Jesus is coming soon! We must be ready! Only holy and righteous brides will go to the wedding of the Lamb.
Visit Elvi Zapata's Blogtalkradio,
To see more videos of Elvi Zapata,
To know how to prepare the rapture and end times,
Brother Elvi Zapata is preaching on this day of the Lord's Hour on August 25, 2015. He is telling us that stock market will collapse soon. He emphasizes the imp...
wn.com/Stock Market Collapse, Prayer, Tithe And Preparation Disaster In Fl Ca Elvi Zapata
Brother Elvi Zapata is preaching on this day of the Lord's Hour on August 25, 2015. He is telling us that stock market will collapse soon. He emphasizes the importance of repenting and praying. He said that tithing is not old testament law. We should tithe which is 10% of our income giving to God. He also recommend to get out of Florida, California and Chicago. Jesus is coming soon! We must be ready! Only holy and righteous brides will go to the wedding of the Lamb.
Visit Elvi Zapata's Blogtalkradio,
To see more videos of Elvi Zapata,
To know how to prepare the rapture and end times,
- published: 27 Aug 2015
- views: 664
Lets Play Crusader Kings 2 - 16 (Tithe Vampires?)
We move on from the loss of our king with you guessed it (Probably) MOAR WAR
We move on from the loss of our king with you guessed it (Probably) MOAR WAR...
wn.com/Lets Play Crusader Kings 2 16 (Tithe Vampires )
We move on from the loss of our king with you guessed it (Probably) MOAR WAR
- published: 26 Jan 2014
- views: 5
Colossal Lies of the Denominations Pt. 5 - Binding Tithing, Foods and Sabbath Keeping on Christians
Seventh Day Adventist Is it right to observe the sabbath? Should Christians tithe? Is pork clean or unclean?
Conclusion: SDA's are long on zeal, short on context. Run like the wind from this religion. They buffer all their unorthodox doctrine to make it appear that it's not binding and they are just like everyone else, and then proceed to totally contradict themselves and bind it on Christians by taking James 2:10 out of context. They take snippets of scripture out of context or just add to them to make it fit their doctrine, while accusing others of doing such, it's downright cartoonish at times.
When you read the whole NT, you find a total of 0 passages listing Sabbath breaking, eating unclean animals, etc., and plenty that actually tell us we're free from that old law. Stick to the lists of sins that are in the NT. We have a spiritual law to follow. Jesus made that clear in Mark 7: "There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man..."
Seventh Day Adventists have a church hierarchy, also a violation of scripture. They have 13 "divisions" of conferences (very interesting number there, ripping the scriptures so far out of context). And they elect a president. Pretty unbiblical for a group that purports to strict adherence to the Bible. The only instruction for church government is elders presiding over autonomous congregations, with deacons serving under them. Any other church organization is unbiblical, for good reason.
They say they don't believe Christians from the first 1900 years of Christianity are lost, but then immediately admit that SDA's are the "remnant" of Revelation (in clear violation of the very first verse of Revelation). Trying to have it both ways to sound tolerant and accepting?
ANY interpretation of Revelation that places the events beyond the first century recipients of the letters is utterly false and takes away from the intense tribulation those Christians experienced at the hands of the Jews and Romans (HARLOT and BEAST). To the "churches of ASIA" - "the things which must SOON come to pass". READ THE WHOLE BIBLE.
See my other series of videos for the truth about NT prophecy. Over 50 passages in the NT, not including the gospels, clearly indicate the "first resurrection", second coming, rapture, tribulation, judgment day, etc. would occur to the recipients of the letters - FIRST century Christians. Four verses after saying "the time is near", John said "even those who pierced Him" would see the return - proving they would see Him in the first century, shortly after the letters were released, NOT DIE AND SEE HIM RETURN AFTER THIER RESURRECTIONS. Any other interpretation of Revelation simply does not make sense in light of all these scriptures, and explains why all the people - including Seventh Day Adventists - who have been making predictions and setting dates for the second coming or rapture are always wrong.
Sources: Rendezvous in Space
One Hundred Bible Facts on the Sabbath Question
The Forgotten Commandment - A Battle for Our Loyalty to Christ or Man
The Lost Day of History
Written in Stone!
Your Friends, the Seventh-day Adventists
Can We Eat Anything? What does the Bible say?
Does God Love Sinners Forever?
Ten Commandments Twice Removed
a member
Jesus Christ President Barack Obama Christianity world war 3 Pope Francis Bible George Bush seventh day adventist ebola ISIS 9/11 Garth Brooks prophecy Kim Kardashian atheism lady antebellum false prophets last days CIA FBI NSA DoD TSA DHS fox news ARMY NAVY SEALS MARINES AIR FORCE miley cyrus SPECIAL FORCES miranda lambert seventh day adventist charles stanley prophecy 9/11 brad paisley rick warren Jessica Biel alex jones kanye west Jesus Christ 700 club fox news Lady Gaga Just Dance Bad Romance Christianity world war 3 Bible all about that bass seventh day adventist Jennifer Lawrence false prophets last days Born This Way 9/11 Joseph Prince ebola ISIS Justin Timberlake prophecy Kim Kardashian Justin Beiber seventh day adventist Lebron James rick warren Rihanna Adele Jesus Christ miranda lambert world war 3 Peyton Manning Eminem 9/11 T.I. TI charles stanley Taylor Swift Bible Colin Kaepernick fox news prophecy Lil Wayne Jay-z Once Saved, Always Saved Alan Jackson Jennifer Lopez Christianity lady antebellum Chuck Norris miley cyrus 9/11 pat robertson false prophets last days all about that bass Jesus Christ George Bush prophecy Kobe Bryant rick warren Usher Garth Brooks Christianity Britney Spears seventh day adventist kanye west Tom Brady brad paisley atheism 9/11 Steven Seagal false prophets last days Oprah miley cyrus prophecy Bible Beyonce Pat Robertson Jessica Biel Joel Osteen miranda lambert fox news Pope Francis Paul Washer alex jones Christianity Gabrielle Giffords ebola ISIS Once Saved, Always Saved Terrell Owens Jesus Christ God Satan angels and demons
Seventh Day Adventist Is it right to observe the sabbath? Should Christians tithe? Is pork clean or unclean?
Conclusion: SDA's are long on zeal, short on conte...
wn.com/Colossal Lies Of The Denominations Pt. 5 Binding Tithing, Foods And Sabbath Keeping On Christians
Seventh Day Adventist Is it right to observe the sabbath? Should Christians tithe? Is pork clean or unclean?
Conclusion: SDA's are long on zeal, short on context. Run like the wind from this religion. They buffer all their unorthodox doctrine to make it appear that it's not binding and they are just like everyone else, and then proceed to totally contradict themselves and bind it on Christians by taking James 2:10 out of context. They take snippets of scripture out of context or just add to them to make it fit their doctrine, while accusing others of doing such, it's downright cartoonish at times.
When you read the whole NT, you find a total of 0 passages listing Sabbath breaking, eating unclean animals, etc., and plenty that actually tell us we're free from that old law. Stick to the lists of sins that are in the NT. We have a spiritual law to follow. Jesus made that clear in Mark 7: "There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man..."
Seventh Day Adventists have a church hierarchy, also a violation of scripture. They have 13 "divisions" of conferences (very interesting number there, ripping the scriptures so far out of context). And they elect a president. Pretty unbiblical for a group that purports to strict adherence to the Bible. The only instruction for church government is elders presiding over autonomous congregations, with deacons serving under them. Any other church organization is unbiblical, for good reason.
They say they don't believe Christians from the first 1900 years of Christianity are lost, but then immediately admit that SDA's are the "remnant" of Revelation (in clear violation of the very first verse of Revelation). Trying to have it both ways to sound tolerant and accepting?
ANY interpretation of Revelation that places the events beyond the first century recipients of the letters is utterly false and takes away from the intense tribulation those Christians experienced at the hands of the Jews and Romans (HARLOT and BEAST). To the "churches of ASIA" - "the things which must SOON come to pass". READ THE WHOLE BIBLE.
See my other series of videos for the truth about NT prophecy. Over 50 passages in the NT, not including the gospels, clearly indicate the "first resurrection", second coming, rapture, tribulation, judgment day, etc. would occur to the recipients of the letters - FIRST century Christians. Four verses after saying "the time is near", John said "even those who pierced Him" would see the return - proving they would see Him in the first century, shortly after the letters were released, NOT DIE AND SEE HIM RETURN AFTER THIER RESURRECTIONS. Any other interpretation of Revelation simply does not make sense in light of all these scriptures, and explains why all the people - including Seventh Day Adventists - who have been making predictions and setting dates for the second coming or rapture are always wrong.
Sources: Rendezvous in Space
One Hundred Bible Facts on the Sabbath Question
The Forgotten Commandment - A Battle for Our Loyalty to Christ or Man
The Lost Day of History
Written in Stone!
Your Friends, the Seventh-day Adventists
Can We Eat Anything? What does the Bible say?
Does God Love Sinners Forever?
Ten Commandments Twice Removed
a member
Jesus Christ President Barack Obama Christianity world war 3 Pope Francis Bible George Bush seventh day adventist ebola ISIS 9/11 Garth Brooks prophecy Kim Kardashian atheism lady antebellum false prophets last days CIA FBI NSA DoD TSA DHS fox news ARMY NAVY SEALS MARINES AIR FORCE miley cyrus SPECIAL FORCES miranda lambert seventh day adventist charles stanley prophecy 9/11 brad paisley rick warren Jessica Biel alex jones kanye west Jesus Christ 700 club fox news Lady Gaga Just Dance Bad Romance Christianity world war 3 Bible all about that bass seventh day adventist Jennifer Lawrence false prophets last days Born This Way 9/11 Joseph Prince ebola ISIS Justin Timberlake prophecy Kim Kardashian Justin Beiber seventh day adventist Lebron James rick warren Rihanna Adele Jesus Christ miranda lambert world war 3 Peyton Manning Eminem 9/11 T.I. TI charles stanley Taylor Swift Bible Colin Kaepernick fox news prophecy Lil Wayne Jay-z Once Saved, Always Saved Alan Jackson Jennifer Lopez Christianity lady antebellum Chuck Norris miley cyrus 9/11 pat robertson false prophets last days all about that bass Jesus Christ George Bush prophecy Kobe Bryant rick warren Usher Garth Brooks Christianity Britney Spears seventh day adventist kanye west Tom Brady brad paisley atheism 9/11 Steven Seagal false prophets last days Oprah miley cyrus prophecy Bible Beyonce Pat Robertson Jessica Biel Joel Osteen miranda lambert fox news Pope Francis Paul Washer alex jones Christianity Gabrielle Giffords ebola ISIS Once Saved, Always Saved Terrell Owens Jesus Christ God Satan angels and demons
- published: 11 Nov 2014
- views: 26
TITHE - Your Preacher DEBUNKED !!!
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." 2 Cor 9:7 Modern chu...
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." 2 Cor 9:7 Modern chu......
wn.com/Tithe Your Preacher Debunked
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." 2 Cor 9:7 Modern chu...
- published: 24 Oct 2012
- views: 907
Td Jakes - Straight talk about tithes 2014
Td Jakes - Straight talk about tithes 2014
Td Jakes - Straight talk about tithes 2014
WATCH MORE : http://www.youtube.com/user/TDJakesTV?annotation_id=annotation_2800289379&feature;=iv&src;_vid=k0-l77q_wko⊂_confirmation=1 Join us every day on...
Creflo Dollar Sermons To Tithe Or Not To Tithe Part 2 Mar 10, 2013 ( Creflo Dollar 2014 )
Creflo Dollar Sermons To Tithe Or Not To Tithe Part 2 Mar 10, 2013 ( Creflo Dollar 2014 )
Creflo Dollar Sermons To Tithe Or Not To Tithe Part 2 Mar 10, 2013 ( Creflo Dollar 2014 )
Pastor Creflo Dollar gives a great sermon - Change the way of Thinking.
creflo dollar sermons | creflo dollar 2014 | creflo | creflo dollar | creflo dollar ministries | creflo dollar sermons 2014 | creflo dollar 2013.
SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE : https://www.youtube.com/user/CrefloDollarOnline
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Tithes:Pastors Exposed (TD Jakes,Creflo Dollar,Joel Osteen, Paula White,Joyce Meyers
Tithes:Pastors Exposed (TD Jakes,Creflo Dollar,Joel Osteen, Paula White,Joyce Meyers
Tithes:Pastors Exposed (TD Jakes,Creflo Dollar,Joel Osteen, Paula White,Joyce Meyers
The Breakdown of Tithes and What it's really for. While Exposing These Pastors and other Religious Leaders. Please Subscribe!!!! Check our Yah Music www.reve...
Church Kicks Out 90 Year-old member for "Not Tithing"... Seriously
Church Kicks Out 90 Year-old member for "Not Tithing"... Seriously
Church Kicks Out 90 Year-old member for "Not Tithing"... Seriously
This church and churches like them... REPENT!
ALSO We are not prepared': Scientist outlines terrifying vision of what would happen if America was hit by a nuclear bomb
and much, more!
Tune in and listen to the full 3-hour HD unedited broadcast originally aired on 8.14.15 here: https://livestream.com/eva
Should Christians Tithe?
Should Christians Tithe?
Should Christians Tithe?
Are Christians commanded to Tithe? Was this instituted by Moses? Or was Tithing around long before Moses? Download booklet here http://www.british-israel.ca/...
Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says YAHAWAH Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.
The Real TITHE - Tamil (04-Dec-2011)
The Real TITHE - Tamil (04-Dec-2011)
The Real TITHE - Tamil (04-Dec-2011)
Do we really have to give our tithe? Do we really have to calculate 1/10th of your earnings for tithe? God blesses you even if you don't give your tithe. He doesn't count your blessing based on how much you count your tithe. You are blessed and His favor is upon you no matter whether you give tithe or not. Continue to listen and be filled with goodness of God.
John Tweedie - Mysterious King and Priest of Salem
John Tweedie - Mysterious King and Priest of Salem
John Tweedie - Mysterious King and Priest of Salem
Jerusalem's has had a long history. The Bible records that Melchizedek, the mysterious King and Priest of Salem, greeted and welcomed Abraham with bread and wine. Abraham, in turn, gave Melchizedek a tithe, or tenth, of the spoils of a war he had captured during a battle with five kings. But was there more to this cordial exchange than meets the eye?
Breaking! Russia and NATO ‘actively preparing for war! Christian Persecution and more news!
Breaking! Russia and NATO ‘actively preparing for war! Christian Persecution and more news!
Breaking! Russia and NATO ‘actively preparing for war! Christian Persecution and more news!
Breaking! Gender neutral movement hits Target!
*Russia and NATO ‘actively preparing for war!
*Russia is the only country on earth that can obliterate the U.S.!f
*Russian and Chinese Governments have access to American top secret files!
*Missouri Commission removes Desert Storm Memorial with “Jesus Fish”
*15 cities to avoid like the plague when things go bad!
*Church Kicks Out 92-Year-Old Grandmother Because She Didn’t Tithe
*The Christian purge has begun: Chaplains banned from preaching that homosexuality
is a sin
*IS releases “hit list” of military personnel
*Orlando Airport to open a $250,000 Muslim Prayer Room
And more breaki
God's plan for your money (Derek Prince)
God's plan for your money (Derek Prince)
God's plan for your money (Derek Prince)
PROVERBS 30: 8-9
...give me neither poverty nor riches,
but give me only my daily bread.
Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you
and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’
Or I may become poor and steal,
and so dishonor the name of my God.
Bill Johnson- Prosperity with a Purpose: True Riches 1
Bill Johnson- Prosperity with a Purpose: True Riches 1
Bill Johnson- Prosperity with a Purpose: True Riches 1
AmenRaSquad Sunday school Class 9 (Why they making me Tithe-in the name of god)
AmenRaSquad Sunday school Class 9 (Why they making me Tithe-in the name of god)
AmenRaSquad Sunday school Class 9 (Why they making me Tithe-in the name of god)
U.S.Religious Landscape Survey
Income Distribution Within U.S. Religious Groups
Malachi 2 :1 3:8,9
Td Jakes - Straight talk about tithes 2014
WATCH MORE : http://www.youtube.com/user/TDJakesTV?annotation_id=annotation_2800289379&feature;=iv&src;_vid=k0-l77q_wko⊂_confirmation=1 Join us every day on...
WATCH MORE : http://www.youtube.com/user/TDJakesTV?annotation_id=annotation_2800289379&feature;=iv&src;_vid=k0-l77q_wko⊂_confirmation=1 Join us every day on......
wn.com/Td Jakes Straight Talk About Tithes 2014
WATCH MORE : http://www.youtube.com/user/TDJakesTV?annotation_id=annotation_2800289379&feature;=iv&src;_vid=k0-l77q_wko⊂_confirmation=1 Join us every day on...
- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 6887
Creflo Dollar Sermons To Tithe Or Not To Tithe Part 2 Mar 10, 2013 ( Creflo Dollar 2014 )
Pastor Creflo Dollar gives a great sermon - Change the way of Thinking.
creflo dollar sermons | creflo dollar 2014 | creflo | creflo dollar | creflo dollar ministries | creflo dollar sermons 2014 | creflo dollar 2013.
SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE : https://www.youtube.com/user/CrefloDollarOnline
View more - Playlists at : http://goo.gl/R7dgxn
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creflo dollar sermons
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creflo dollar sermons
creflo dollar sermons
creflo dollar 2014
creflo dollar 2014
creflo dollar ministries
creflo dollar ministries
Pastor Creflo Dollar gives a great sermon - Change the way of Thinking.
creflo dollar sermons | creflo dollar 2014 | creflo | creflo dollar | creflo dollar ...
wn.com/Creflo Dollar Sermons To Tithe Or Not To Tithe Part 2 Mar 10, 2013 ( Creflo Dollar 2014 )
Pastor Creflo Dollar gives a great sermon - Change the way of Thinking.
creflo dollar sermons | creflo dollar 2014 | creflo | creflo dollar | creflo dollar ministries | creflo dollar sermons 2014 | creflo dollar 2013.
SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE : https://www.youtube.com/user/CrefloDollarOnline
View more - Playlists at : http://goo.gl/R7dgxn
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creflo dollar 2014
creflo dollar ministries
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creflo dollar sermons
creflo dollar sermons 2014,creflo dollar sermons,creflo dollar sermons 2013,creflo dollar sermons 2014 playlist,creflo dollar sermons on relationships,creflo dollar sermons on grace.
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creflo dollar sermons
creflo dollar sermons
creflo dollar 2014
creflo dollar 2014
creflo dollar ministries
creflo dollar ministries
- published: 25 Oct 2014
- views: 5
Tithes:Pastors Exposed (TD Jakes,Creflo Dollar,Joel Osteen, Paula White,Joyce Meyers
The Breakdown of Tithes and What it's really for. While Exposing These Pastors and other Religious Leaders. Please Subscribe!!!! Check our Yah Music www.reve...
The Breakdown of Tithes and What it's really for. While Exposing These Pastors and other Religious Leaders. Please Subscribe!!!! Check our Yah Music www.reve......
wn.com/Tithes Pastors Exposed (Td Jakes,Creflo Dollar,Joel Osteen, Paula White,Joyce Meyers
The Breakdown of Tithes and What it's really for. While Exposing These Pastors and other Religious Leaders. Please Subscribe!!!! Check our Yah Music www.reve...
Church Kicks Out 90 Year-old member for "Not Tithing"... Seriously
This church and churches like them... REPENT!
ALSO We are not prepared': Scientist outlines terrifying vision of what would happen if America was hit by a nuclear bomb
and much, more!
Tune in and listen to the full 3-hour HD unedited broadcast originally aired on 8.14.15 here: https://livestream.com/evangelistanitafuentes/events/4269391
Please help support the work we do and donate! http://www.emoaf.org/Donate.html or mail: Evangelist Anita Fuentes, PO Box 9570, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701. God richly bless you!
Your life matters to God: http://www.emoaf.org/Is-Your-Name-Written-in-the-Lambs-Book-of-Life-.html
Join me also on my website: http://www.emoaf.org/index.html
'Like' us on Facebook and get breaking news! https://www.facebook.com/openyoureyespeople.emoaf?pnref=lhc
Get a copy of Rob Smith's Anointed Worship CD, "How Holy Are You!" AVAILABLE NOW! http://www.straightfromgod.com/shop/
This church and churches like them... REPENT!
wn.com/Church Kicks Out 90 Year Old Member For Not Tithing ... Seriously
This church and churches like them... REPENT!
ALSO We are not prepared': Scientist outlines terrifying vision of what would happen if America was hit by a nuclear bomb
and much, more!
Tune in and listen to the full 3-hour HD unedited broadcast originally aired on 8.14.15 here: https://livestream.com/evangelistanitafuentes/events/4269391
Please help support the work we do and donate! http://www.emoaf.org/Donate.html or mail: Evangelist Anita Fuentes, PO Box 9570, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701. God richly bless you!
Your life matters to God: http://www.emoaf.org/Is-Your-Name-Written-in-the-Lambs-Book-of-Life-.html
Join me also on my website: http://www.emoaf.org/index.html
'Like' us on Facebook and get breaking news! https://www.facebook.com/openyoureyespeople.emoaf?pnref=lhc
Get a copy of Rob Smith's Anointed Worship CD, "How Holy Are You!" AVAILABLE NOW! http://www.straightfromgod.com/shop/
- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 758
Should Christians Tithe?
Are Christians commanded to Tithe? Was this instituted by Moses? Or was Tithing around long before Moses? Download booklet here http://www.british-israel.ca/...
Are Christians commanded to Tithe? Was this instituted by Moses? Or was Tithing around long before Moses? Download booklet here http://www.british-israel.ca/......
wn.com/Should Christians Tithe
Are Christians commanded to Tithe? Was this instituted by Moses? Or was Tithing around long before Moses? Download booklet here http://www.british-israel.ca/...
- published: 07 Aug 2014
- views: 436
Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says YAHAWAH Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.
Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says YAHAWAH Almighty, "and see if I will not thro...
wn.com/Enter The Strong Hold Yahawah Is Rousing Up A War Pt.1
Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says YAHAWAH Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.
- published: 12 Jul 2015
- views: 8
The Real TITHE - Tamil (04-Dec-2011)
Do we really have to give our tithe? Do we really have to calculate 1/10th of your earnings for tithe? God blesses you even if you don't give your tithe. He doesn't count your blessing based on how much you count your tithe. You are blessed and His favor is upon you no matter whether you give tithe or not. Continue to listen and be filled with goodness of God.
Do we really have to give our tithe? Do we really have to calculate 1/10th of your earnings for tithe? God blesses you even if you don't give your tithe. He doe...
wn.com/The Real Tithe Tamil (04 Dec 2011)
Do we really have to give our tithe? Do we really have to calculate 1/10th of your earnings for tithe? God blesses you even if you don't give your tithe. He doesn't count your blessing based on how much you count your tithe. You are blessed and His favor is upon you no matter whether you give tithe or not. Continue to listen and be filled with goodness of God.
- published: 19 Jan 2012
- views: 351
John Tweedie - Mysterious King and Priest of Salem
Jerusalem's has had a long history. The Bible records that Melchizedek, the mysterious King and Priest of Salem, greeted and welcomed Abraham with bread and wine. Abraham, in turn, gave Melchizedek a tithe, or tenth, of the spoils of a war he had captured during a battle with five kings. But was there more to this cordial exchange than meets the eye?
Jerusalem's has had a long history. The Bible records that Melchizedek, the mysterious King and Priest of Salem, greeted and welcomed Abraham with bread and win...
wn.com/John Tweedie Mysterious King And Priest Of Salem
Jerusalem's has had a long history. The Bible records that Melchizedek, the mysterious King and Priest of Salem, greeted and welcomed Abraham with bread and wine. Abraham, in turn, gave Melchizedek a tithe, or tenth, of the spoils of a war he had captured during a battle with five kings. But was there more to this cordial exchange than meets the eye?
- published: 14 Apr 2015
- views: 1
Breaking! Russia and NATO ‘actively preparing for war! Christian Persecution and more news!
Breaking! Gender neutral movement hits Target!
*Russia and NATO ‘actively preparing for war!
*Russia is the only country on earth that can obliterate the U.S.!f
*Russian and Chinese Governments have access to American top secret files!
*Missouri Commission removes Desert Storm Memorial with “Jesus Fish”
*15 cities to avoid like the plague when things go bad!
*Church Kicks Out 92-Year-Old Grandmother Because She Didn’t Tithe
*The Christian purge has begun: Chaplains banned from preaching that homosexuality
is a sin
*IS releases “hit list” of military personnel
*Orlando Airport to open a $250,000 Muslim Prayer Room
And more breaking news here!
Come visit me for more breaking news updates:
Are you blessed by this End Times ministry and would like to further the very important work of this ministry? You can do so at www.yournewlifeinchrist.com via PayPal or send in your donation to:
Evangelist Dina Amelia Kalmeta
P.O. Box 1987
Oregon City, OR 97045
God bless you and thank you for watching, stay hidden in Christ.
Evangelist Dina Amelia Kalmeta
Breaking! Gender neutral movement hits Target!
*Russia and NATO ‘actively preparing for war!
*Russia is the only country on earth that can obliterate the U.S.!f...
wn.com/Breaking Russia And Nato ‘Actively Preparing For War Christian Persecution And More News
Breaking! Gender neutral movement hits Target!
*Russia and NATO ‘actively preparing for war!
*Russia is the only country on earth that can obliterate the U.S.!f
*Russian and Chinese Governments have access to American top secret files!
*Missouri Commission removes Desert Storm Memorial with “Jesus Fish”
*15 cities to avoid like the plague when things go bad!
*Church Kicks Out 92-Year-Old Grandmother Because She Didn’t Tithe
*The Christian purge has begun: Chaplains banned from preaching that homosexuality
is a sin
*IS releases “hit list” of military personnel
*Orlando Airport to open a $250,000 Muslim Prayer Room
And more breaking news here!
Come visit me for more breaking news updates:
Are you blessed by this End Times ministry and would like to further the very important work of this ministry? You can do so at www.yournewlifeinchrist.com via PayPal or send in your donation to:
Evangelist Dina Amelia Kalmeta
P.O. Box 1987
Oregon City, OR 97045
God bless you and thank you for watching, stay hidden in Christ.
Evangelist Dina Amelia Kalmeta
- published: 14 Aug 2015
- views: 96
God's plan for your money (Derek Prince)
PROVERBS 30: 8-9
...give me neither poverty nor riches,
but give me only my daily bread.
Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you
and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’
Or I may become poor and steal,
and so dishonor the name of my God.
PROVERBS 30: 8-9
...give me neither poverty nor riches,
but give me only my daily bread.
Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you
and say, ‘Who is...
wn.com/God's Plan For Your Money (Derek Prince)
PROVERBS 30: 8-9
...give me neither poverty nor riches,
but give me only my daily bread.
Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you
and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’
Or I may become poor and steal,
and so dishonor the name of my God.
- published: 24 Jan 2015
- views: 4
AmenRaSquad Sunday school Class 9 (Why they making me Tithe-in the name of god)
U.S.Religious Landscape Survey
Income Distribution Within U.S. Religious Groups
Malachi 2 :1 3:8,9
U.S.Religious Landscape Survey
Income Distribution Within U.S. Religious G...
wn.com/Amenrasquad Sunday School Class 9 (Why They Making Me Tithe In The Name Of God)
U.S.Religious Landscape Survey
Income Distribution Within U.S. Religious Groups
Malachi 2 :1 3:8,9
- published: 22 Sep 2014
- views: 1603