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Firoza - Turquoise Mines of Nishapur, Mashad, Iran - Press TV Documentary For at least 2000 years, the region once known as Persia has remained an important...
NIshapur, Iran Video uploaded by: Sayed Haider Manzar Abbas.
The city of Neyshabur in Iran ,with an honorable history ,culture ,art and nature.
Learn more about the New Galleries for the Art of the Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, and Later South Asia:
Nishan-e-Qadam-e-Imam Raza (a.s) & Chashma in Nishapur, Iran Video Recorded Tuesday Dated 20 Dec 2011 Video uploaded by: Sayed Haider Manzar Abbas.
Elxan Mansurov (tar) - "Nəva-Nişapur". Elkhan Mansurov - mugam Nava-Nishapour. (tar).
nishapur iran in aug 2007.
November 22, 2014 (Persian calendar 1393/9/1) Razavi Khorasan province (استان خراسان رضوي) Firuzeh county (شهرستان فيروزه) Nishapur (نيشاپور) Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminium. It is rare and valuable in finer grades and has been prized as a gem and ornamental stone for thousands of years owing to its unique hue. In recent times, turquoise, like most other opaque gems, has been devalued by the introduction of treatments, imitations, and synthetics onto the market. The substance has been known by many names, but the word turquoise, which dates to the 16th century, is derived from an Old French word for "Turkish", because the mineral was first brought to Europe from Turkey, from the mines in historical Khorasan Province of Iran. Pliny the Elder referred to the mineral as callais, the Iranians named it "phirouzeh فيروزه" and the Aztecs knew it as Teoxihuitl. For at least 2,000 years, Iran, known before as Persia in the West, has remained an important source of turquoise which was named by Iranians initially "pirouzeh پيروزه" meaning "victory" and later after Arab invasion "firouzeh فيروزه" (In Arabic P پ doesn't exist this is why they change the letter to F ف). In Iranian architecture, the blue turquoise was used to cover the domes of the Iranian palaces because its intense blue color was also a symbol of heaven on earth. In this video you watch Firouzeh mine village روستاي معدن فيروزه and Zaak cave غار زاك. The ancient cave (currently Turquoise mine) has 15 floors, 42 Km tunnels and Iranian were mining to achieve Turquoise فيروزه in this mine since 5,000 years ago. You see ancient miner bones in video. See also this video:
٠•○♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥○•٠·˙ The people of this world are like the three butterflies ... Poem by Farid al-Din Attar (c.1142--c.1220), Persian Sufi poet Rumi Photos...
Eldar Mansurov "Bahramnameh-2" - "Nava-Nishapur" (Elkhan Mansurov, tar), 2012. Eldar Mansurov "Bəhramnamə-2" - "Nəva-Nişapur" (Elxan Mansurov, tar), 2012-ci il.
Bibi Shatita Roza in Nishapur, Iran Video Recorded Tuesday Dated 20 Dec 2011 Video uploaded by: Sayed Haider Manzar Abbas.
To see high resolution photos please click on the following link: The p...
Bəhram Mansurov - "Nəva-Nişapur" (1963-cü il)
Nishapur Iran Dec. 2011 Video Recored by; Sayed Manzar Abbas Video Uploaded by: Sayed Haider Manzar Abbas
Mugam "Neva-Nishapur" (4:58) Bahram Mansurov (1911-1985) - Azerbaijani Mugam - Unesco Collection - Musical Sources - LP published in 1975. Another wonderful ...
Song from "Rubaiyyat of Omar Khayyam" (World Class USA 2004) Milagro Acustico ensemble Music: Bob Salmieri Lyrics: From the Rubaiyyat of Omar Khayyam Voice: ...
Nishan-e-Qadam-e-Imam Raza (a.s) & Chashma in Nishapur, Iran Video Recorded Tuesday Dated 20 Dec 2011 Video uploaded by: Sayed Haider Manzar Abbas.
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Nishapur Renaud Garcia-Fons, Derya Turkan ℗ Cezame Released on: 2014-11-20 Author: Renaud Garcia-Fons Author: Derya Turkan Composer: Renaud Garcia-Fons Composer: Derya Turkan Music Publisher: D.R Auto-generated by YouTube.
This is a video highlighting some of the renowned places of Nishapur. It has the footage of some of the cultural sites in the city such as the Shrine of Imam...
I'm loading from Marshad Iran
Nauhey by Akhtar Husain Surati in Nishapur, Iran Video Recored by Sayed Manzar Abbas Vidoe Uploaded by; Sayed Haider Manzar Abbas
Eldar Mansurov "Bahramnameh-2" - "Nava-Nishapur" (Elkhan Mansurov, tar), 2012. Eldar Mansurov "Bəhramnamə-2" - "Nəva-Nişapur" (Elxan Mansurov, tar), 2012-ci il.
This video visits the tomb of Persian poet Attar of Nishapur.It includes remarks from Kazem Abass Nejad, a tour guide from Iran.
Literature scholars and experts of Persian literature in Iran have marked the birthday of one Iran's most famous mystic poets -- known as Attar of Nishapur i... Cindy shares some treasures from her travels and time living in Egypt. Now you can receive crystal necklaces channeled with the pow...
Khorasan (Persian: استان خراسان) (also transcribed as Khurasan and Khorassan, anciently called Traxiane during Hellenistic and Parthian times) currently nam...
To see high resolution photos in this clip please logon to:
Outstanding sites and beautiful photography come together to portray the ancient land of Iran in all its magnificence. PRESS TV Documentaries.
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How to spend an evening at Palma de Mallorca, Spain. The Old City is a fascinating maze of streets clearly hinting towards an Arab past.
Voice over: Mehrzad Zarrabian / Eliza Ourami / Behrooz Razavi گویندگان: مهرزاد ضرابیان / الیزا اورامی / بهروز رضوی
Nha nhac, Vietnamese Court Music, that Hue has preserved so long, was officially listed by UNESCO among masterpieces of the Oral and intangible heritage of h...
Iran Motorcycle Adventure trip June 2014, Music by: Shahram Nazeri, Poems by: Rumi
Qadam-e-Imam Raza (as) Nishapur Recorded 2010 Video Recorded & Uploaded by: Sayed Haider Manzar Abbas.
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Bibi Shatitah, Nishapur, Iran Majlis in Roza Bibi Shatitah, Nishapur, Iran Video Recorded & uploaded by Sayed Haider Manzar Abbas.
Librivox recording of a public domain text.
Conference of the Birds, is an epic of approximately 4500 lines written in Persian by the poet Farid ud-Din Attar, who is commonly known as Attar of Nishapur.
Lors de l'émission “Cultures d'Islam”, diffusée sur France Culture le 24 janvier 2014, Abdelwahab Meddeb s'entretenait avec Leili Anvar autour de sa nouvelle traduction du “Cantique des Oiseaux” du poète mystique persan Farîd od-dîn ‘Attâr. Réalisation : Rafik Zénine Avant d’arriver à l’Absolu, demeure du Sîmorgh, des milliers d’oiseaux traversent sept vallées : celles du désir, de l’amour, de la connaissance, de la plénitude, de l’unicité, de la perplexité, du dénuement, de l’anéantissement. Presque tous meurent ou abandonnent en chemin. Seuls trente arrivent au but : sî morgh, « trente oiseaux ». A travers ce jeu de mots (sî morgh, Sîmorgh), ‘Attâr nous signifie que les sept vallées ne sont que les étapes d’un cheminement intérieur. Au bout, les âmes ne pouvaient que se voir elles-mêmes. Même à ce stade ultime, les oiseaux restent noyés en eux-mêmes. « Vous avez cherché l’Autre en cheminant longtemps / Vous ne voyez pourtant que vous, rien que vous ! » (distique 4277). C’est que l’objet de la quête n’est pas en dehors de vous, il est en vous. Simorgh demeure invisible pour les yeux, indicible par la parole, inaudible à l’ouïe. Il ne vous reste qu’à plonger dans le feu de sa Présence et disparaître. De cet état, personne n’est revenu. Comment en faire alors le récit ? s’interroge ‘Attâr (circa1158-1221), l’immense poète de Nishapur dont le “Mantiq at-Tayr” nous est donné ici en vers en conservant le paradoxe qui habite l’original : Comment dire l’indicible ? Comment figurer l’invisible ? Comment penser l’impensable ? La tâche du traducteur est de rendre l’œuvre dans son ambivalence entre l’opacité et la transparence, où se déploie sa densité. Farîd od-dîn ‘Attâr, “Le Cantique des Oiseaux” : traduction Leili Anvar, choix d’illustrations de peintures islamiques d’Orient analysées et commentées par Michael Barry. (éd. Diane de Selliers) Invité(s) : Leili Anvar, de l'INALCO “Cultures d’Islam” participe à la levée d’une méconnaissance pour que les références islamiques circulent dans le sens commun et, d’une façon plus ouverte, moderne et polyphonique, approche l’Islam en tant que phénomène de civilisation. Abdelwahab Meddeb, le producteur de “Cultures d'Islam”, s'est éteint dans la nuit du 5 au 6 novembre 2014. Abdelwahab Meddeb était romancier, essayiste, scénariste, traducteur et poète, et il était devenu au fil des années l'une des voix marquantes de France Culture. Thème(s) : Idées| Civilisation| Peinture| Poésie| Islam Source : France Culture
*** Al-Ghazali, a major philosopher and theologian of the late 11th century was born in Persia, and was one of the most prominent intellectuals of his age, working in such centres of learning as Baghdad, Damascus and Jerusalem. He is now seen as a key figure in the development of Islamic thought, not just refining the theology of Islam but also building on the existing philosophical tradition inherited from the ancient Greeks. *** GUESTS: Peter Adamson Carole Hillenbrand Robert Gleave ========================================= The Islamic Golden Age, Islamic Golden Age, Islamic Civilization, Islamic Civilisation, Muslim Civilization, Muslim Civilisation, Islamic History, Muslim History, Arab Civilization, Arab Civilisation, Culture, Philosophy, Politics, History, Science, Achievements, Golden Age, Great Age, Muhammad, Prophet Muhammad, Muslims in History, Falsafa, Kallam, Islamic Art, Islamic Architecture, Muslim Religion, Islamic Religion, Muslim Thinkers, Ummayad, Abbasid, Fatamids, Muslim Dynasty, Mamluks, Ottomans, Muslim Empires, Islamic Empire, Arabia, Seljuks, Seljuk Dynasty, Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Ghazālī, Algazel, Al-Ghazali, Muhammed Al-Ghazali, Abu Hamed Al-Ghazali, Avicenna, Averroes, Incoherence of Philosophers, Tahafut Al-Tahafut, Theology, Philosophy, Philosophical Theology, Islamic Sciences, Nishapur, Tus, Niam al-Mulk, Revival of the Religions Sciences, Baghdad, Nizamiyya, Al-Juwayni, al-Munqidh min al-dalal, Rescuer from Error, Fada'ih al-Batiniyya wa Fada'il al-Mustazhiriyya, Al-Batiniyya, Ismai'ilis, Fatimid Dynasty, Infamies of the Batiniyya,
Masooma-e-Qom (sa) Roza, Masjid Jamkharan, & Nishapur Recorded 2010 Video uploaded by Sayed Haider Manzar Abbas.
Emission Cultures d'Islam sur France Culture du 24.01.2014 de Abdelwahab Meddeb qui recevait Leili Anvar. Réalisation : Rafik Zénine Avant d’arriver à l’Absolu, demeure du Sîmorgh, des milliers d’oiseaux traversent sept vallées : celles du désir, de l’amour, de la connaissance, de la plénitude, de l’unicité, de la perplexité, du dénuement, de l’anéantissement. Presque tous meurent ou abandonnent en chemin. Seuls trente arrivent au but : sî morgh, « trente oiseaux ». A travers ce jeu de mots (sî morgh, Sîmorgh), ‘Attâr nous signifie que les sept vallées ne sont que les étapes d’un cheminement intérieur. Au bout, les âmes ne pouvaient que se voir elles-mêmes. Même à ce stade ultime, les oiseaux restent noyés en eux-mêmes. « Vous avez cherché l’Autre en cheminant longtemps/ Vous ne voyez pourtant que vous, rien que vous ! » (distique 4277). C’est que l’objet de la quête n’est pas en dehors de vous, il est en vous. Simorgh demeure invisible pour les yeux, indicible par la parole, inaudible à l’ouïe. Il ne vous reste qu’à plonger dans le feu de sa Présence et disparaître. De cet état, personne n’est revenu. Comment en faire alors le récit ? s’interroge ‘Attâr (circa1158-1221), l’immense poète de Nishapur dont le Mantiq at-Tayr nous est donné ici en vers en conservant le paradoxe qui habite l’original : Comment dire l’indicible ? Comment figurer l’invisible ? Comment penser l’impensable ? La tâche du traducteur est de rendre l’œuvre dans son ambivalence entre l’opacité et la transparence, où se déploie sa densité. Farîd od-dîn ‘Attâr, Le Cantique des Oiseaux : traduction Leili Anvar, choix d’illustrations de peintures islamiques d’Orient analysées et commentées par Michael Barry.
Today's famous problem is how to expand a power of a binomial, in modern terms how to write out explicitly (a+b)^n when n is a natural number, n=1,2,3,.... T...
Learn more about the New Galleries for the Art of the Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, and Later South Asia:
Hadrath Mohammad Ibn Ismail Ibn Ibrahim Ibn al-Mughirah Ibn Bardizbah al-Bukhari popularly known as Imaam Bukhari, was a Sunni Islamic scholar of Persia. He ...
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iran mashhad bazar ferdosi.
Mashhad (Persian: مشهد) is the second largest city in Iran. It is located 850 kilometres (530 mi) east of Tehran, at the center of the Razavi Khorasan Provi...
Encounter the exquisite world of religious painting from the fourteenth century to the present day and hear classical music from Cairo, Aleppo, and Baghdad. ...
سلسلة وثائقية من ثلاث حلقات انتاج قناة بي بي سي قدمها العالم الفيزيائي العربي جيم الخليلي . عندما يهتم شعب بالمعرفة والثقافة والعلم والفكر وينفتح على حضارات ...
The Hertog Global Strategy Initiative in the Department of History, Columbia University Presents Nina Shea "Blasphemy Codes in the Contemporary World" July 1...
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Masnavi (music by W. Beauvais): The Silk Merchants of Nishapur Ariel Balevi ℗ 2012 Centrediscs Released on: 2012-09-04 Artist: Ariel Balevi Artist: William Beauvais Composer: Rumi Auto-generated by YouTube.
Main Web page : iTunes: Amazon:;=musique006-21&linkCode;=as2&camp;=1642&creative;=6746&creativeASIN;=B005AF393A
Nava-nishapur (Tar solo) Vamig Mamad Aliev ℗ Maison des Cultures du Monde Released on: 2011-09-19 Composer: Public Domain Music Publisher: D.R Auto-generated by YouTube.
Nava nishapur - Ovshari (Tar solo) Elkhan Muzafarov ℗ Maison des Cultures du Monde Released on: 2011-09-19 Composer: Public Domain Music Publisher: D.R Auto-generated by YouTube.
COMEDY FESTIVAL ... Judith Lucy's latest stand-up show contains esoteric reference to 12th century Sufi poet Attar of Nishapur ... .
Canberra Times 2015-03-29The year was 1073 CE when Sultan Jallaluddin Malikshah I commissioned a counsel of astronomers, ...
Huffington Post 2015-03-24The most beautiful specimens come from the region of Nishapur, an exceedingly ancient city in ...
DNA India 2015-02-12That was particularly the case in the cities of central Asia, from Nishapur to Kashgar via Merv, ...
South China Morning Post 2015-01-24We should fold our umbrellas, ... Ad Feedback. Khayyam is buried not far from his birthplace in Nishapur in north-eastern Iran.
Stuff 2014-05-12We should fold our umbrellas, ... Ad Feedback ... Khayyam is buried not far from his birthplace in Nishapur in north- eastern Iran.
Stuff 2014-05-11The Mongol horde led by Genghis Khan himself had arrived outside Nishapur shortly after the spring blossoms in April 1221.
Dawn 2013-12-08(RNS) The sultan of Brunei announced on Tuesday (Oct ... S ... Loading Slideshow ... Tilings of a hadith on a wall in Nishapur, Iran ... ).
Huffington Post 2013-10-23In July 2012, there was a riot in the town of Nishapur because the price of chicken had become unaffordable for many.
Foreign Policy 2013-10-18That case was not related to the film ... //fxn ... Also on HuffPost: ... Tilings of a hadith on a wall in Nishapur, Iran ... ).
Huffington Post 2013-09-24When the Met came to an arrangement with the Iranian government on excavations at Nishapur, the ...
New Straits/Business Times 2013-09-08Pat McCrory allowed the bill to become law without formally signing it ... Tilings of a hadith on a wall in Nishapur, Iran ... ).
Huffington Post 2013-08-27When the Met came to an arrangement with the Iranian government on excavations at Nishapur, the ...
New Straits/Business Times 2013-08-25Nishapur or Nishabur (Persian: نیشاپور, also Romanized as Nīshāpūr, Nīshābūr, and Neyshābūr), is a city in the Razavi Khorasan province in northeastern Iran, situated in a fertile plain at the foot of the Binalud Mountains, near the regional capital of Mashhad. Nishapur derived its name from its alleged founder, the Sasanian king Shapur.
The region's economy is largely agricultural, based on grain and cotton, and it is also the second industrial city in Khorasan, and it is one of the most prosperous localities in Iran, although somewhat blighted by drug smuggling from nearby Afghanistan. It had a population of 205,972 people according to 2006 census. The main east-west railway line through Iran passes through the town. The region is very prone to earthquakes, with the most recent significant ones occurring in 1986 and 1997.