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The biggest and brightest full moon of the year, called a "supermoon," graces the sky early Sunday as our celestial neighbor swings closer to Earth than usua...
Holy Shrine of Imam Reza is in Mashad City - Iran Imam Reza is considered an infallible Imam according to Shia Islam. Below are some historical notes about h...
Prophecy Update Japhetic Brothers:Medes/Iranians/Koreans/China. Jer.51:[11] Make bright the arrows; gather the shields: the LORD hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes: for his device is against Babylon, to destroy it; because it is the vengeance of the LORD, the vengeance of his temple. [28] Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes, the captains thereof, and all the rulers thereof, and all the land of his dominion. Isa.13 :[1] The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles. I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness.The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the LORD of hosts mustereth the host of the battle. They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the LORD, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land. Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt:And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames.Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.And it shall be as the chased roe, and as a sheep that no man taketh up: they shall every man turn to his own people, and flee every one into his own land. Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished. Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it.Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare children. And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there. But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there. And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.
The residents of Russia’s Amur region woke up Sunday morning to notice an unusual celestial phenomenon – a shining object flying through the sky, leaving a white trail that some social media users compared to the Nike logo. “[The trace of the alleged meteorite] looked like a trace of the plane, only bigger and much brighter,” an eyewitness from the city of Belogorsk in the Amur region in Russia’s Far East told the local website. The swoosh was seen near one of the military units in the city. The object then exploded but the thunderclap-like sound was heard only eight minutes later, people said. “The clap was loud… the trace of explosion was seen in the sky for at least two hours," one person said. "It was an absolutely white trail.” However, the object didn’t cause any destruction, and even window framed didn’t rattle, witnesses said. They claimed the object was a meteorite, though local authorities haven’t confirmed it yet. The object was also spotted from the city of Blagoveshchensk in the Amur Region, which is 115 kilometers from Belogorsk. Social media users were actively commenting on the phenomena, sharing photos. “It seems to me that Nike, Inc. was the sponsor of this meteorite, “said Twitter user @spartak737, referring to its resemblance to Nike's logo. Related terms: alien artifacts alien greys aliens ancient astronauts Anunnaki Apocalypse Area 51 asteroid astral projection astral travel astral world astronaut Atlantis ATS Black ops fallen angel fallen angels cataclysm CIA galactic federation of lights conspiracy crop circles Crystal skull disclosure Egyptian Sumerian end of the world end of times ET technology ETs Experiments Extraterrestrial extra terrestrial contact extra terrestrial life extra terrestrial planet shadow people shadow person ghost haunting haunted house FBI flying rods flying saucer miracle miracles angel angels HAARP Conspiracy theory how to survive nukes Maya calendar Maya prophecies military Mysteries Mysterious Lights Mystery`s NASA Nibiru new world order News planet Nostradamus nuclear bases numerology Objects near the sun orb orbs paranormal Phoenix lights Planet X ancient prophecies prophecy Psychic Phenomenon Red planet Religion reptilian reptilians Roswell 1947 Secret aircraft sky fish Solar maximum Space supernatural surviving Disclosure Time traveler time travel time machine UFO disclosure UFO's unidentified coast to coast am near death experience near death experiences NDE NDE's angel angels demon demons haunted haunting heaven hell bible code Virgin Mary web bot Loch Ness monster Nessy Sasquatch bigfoot secret society heaven sighting caught on camera strange odd weird creature creatures unknown guardian angel miracle miracles freemasonry freemason unidentified unidentifiable unidentified creature strange creature strange object unidentified animal unidentified object harpazo caught on video caught on camera coast to coast am isis obama ebola virus Russia nuclear iran rapture blood moon rapture asteroid russia meteor russia meteorite russia nike meteor nike meteorite nike asteroid september 2015
On Saturday morning, April 4, 2015 not long before sunrise, the bright full moon over North America turned blood red during the total lunar eclipse. The total eclipse lasted only five minutes. This eclipse marks the third in a series of four lunar eclipses in a row, known as a "tetrad." The first in the series occurred on April 15, 2014, with the second in the tetrad of eclipses on October 8, 2014, and the final will be September 28, 2015. For a total lunar eclipse to happen, the Moon must be full, which means it is directly opposite the Sun, with Earth in between. The eclipse happens when the Moon moves into the shadow cast by the Sun shining on Earth. We don't have an eclipse every month because sometimes the Moon is above the shadow, sometimes below. During the eclipse, the Moon often looks reddish because sunlight has passed through Earth's atmosphere, which filters out most of its blue light. This eerie, harmless effect has earned the nickname "blood moon." A telescope is not needed to view a lunar eclipse-- just find the Moon in the sky and enjoy.
The Star of Jesus Shining Brighter than the moon has cast the final net of salvation by grace get in before He pulls it up in His Star waiting for us. Tell y...
News, views, amazing things!KERRY AD JAVID DO FEAR BEST
Early on the Morning of Monday 13th. January 2014, I was up & about & was fascinated by a Bright Moon shining through my Bedroom Window. Having listened to a delightful album of Classical pieces performed by Richard Clayderman through the night & early morning, I decided to create possibly my weirdest video to date, accompanied by a Medley of Vivaldi's "FOUR SEASONS"! If you listen carefully you will also hear a Blackbird singing along.
Tonight’s Sky: April 2015 Your guide to constellations, deep-sky objects, planets and events, Tonight's Sky, Highlights of the April Sky Evening Planets Venus blazes in the west as day turns to night in April. Aim a telescope at the planet to discover its phase. Near the end of the month, look for Mercury hovering above the western horizon soon after sunset. Use a telescope to get a slightly better view. After the sky grows dark, Jupiter will be high in the southern sky. With a telescope, study the gas giant’s dark cloud bands. Constellations and Deep-Sky Objects Late in the evening, high in the northern sky lies the Great Bear, Ursa Major. The constellation of Ursa Major contains the well-known star pattern called the Big Dipper. It resembles a large drinking cup with a handle. The two stars that make up the front side of the cup are called “pointer stars” because they point toward the star Polaris, also known as the North Star. The Big Dipper overflows with interesting stars and deep-sky objects. The stars Mizar and Alcor make up a double-star system that can be seen without a telescope. In ancient times, when Mizar and Alcor were even closer together, they were used as a test of keen eyesight. M81 and M82 are a magnificent pair of galaxies, showpieces of the northern night sky. M82 has an irregular shape, bestowed by a collision with its larger neighbor, M81. Turning to the south, we see Leo, the Lion, heralding the coming of spring. In Greek mythology, Leo is the great beast slain by Hercules. The star Denebola, which in Arabic means “tail,” represents exactly that. The bright star Regulus is the heart of the Lion. Leo has several galaxies in his belly. M65, M66, and NGC 3628 make up the “Leo Triplet,” a lovely grouping of galaxies easily seen with a telescope. Tonight’s Sky-April, 2015 3 Close by is another group. M95 and M96 are large spiral galaxies. Between the Big Dipper and the head of Leo are three pairs of bright stars known to ancient Arab astronomers as “The Three Leaps of the Gazelle.” Morning Planets After midnight, look for Saturn shining in the southeastern sky. The planet’s rings are easy to see with a small telescope. Saturn will cozy up to the Moon in the early morning hours of April 8th. Events The Lyrid meteor shower will be best seen in the early morning hours of April 22nd. Expect to see up to 20 bright meteors per hour after midnight. On April 4th, a total lunar eclipse will be visible from the western United States and Canada, as well as Australia, New Zealand, and eastern Asia. The Moon will appear to darken as it passes through Earth’s shadow. The night sky is always a celestial showcase. Explore its wonders from your own backyard Credit:
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Is the cosmos telling us the end is near? YOUTUBE TRIED TO BAN THIS INTERV...
SOURCE: News Articles: 2013 could be the best year for comet spotting in generations
Tribute to the regretted Theatre Of Tragedy. Track 8 on 2nd Album 'Velvet Darkness They Fear'. They really do.
Song: Aryan Child Band: Landser Lyrics: Your eyes are crystal blue, like the great ocean. So immensely deep and true, th...
Legendary Hokshila's song 'Coconut' from his first album 'Unite' writen 2002 in Brazil. This version is recorded on Anahola beach,Hawaii Jan 9th. 2010 Filmed...
Witnesses noticed three shiny UFOs in the sky above Breckenridge, Colorado on the morning of Friday, October 3. Multiple people called the local police department to report the “shiny, white, tiny dots” floating in the sky. Reporter Matt Renoux from local NBC affiliate 9NEWS reportedly observed the UFOs as well, and managed to capture the objects on video. Based on witness testimony, and his own observations, Renoux doesn’t believe the UFOs were drones or weather balloons. “They would just sit there for five or six minutes . . . ten minutes . . . fifteen minutes . . . without moving an inch on our viewscreen in the camera,” he explains. “And then you would see a flash of light and they would take off across the edge of the mountain ridge behind me.” Some witnesses reportedly observed these Colorado UFOs moving to form triangles or straight lines in the sky. Renoux says similar objects were reported in Utah on Thursday, October 2. One Utah witness submitted a UFO sighting report to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). “I and four of my neighbors in my apartment complex saw three white lights–they appeared like solid objects either glowing or reflecting the sunlight–first they hovered for around a half hour, then headed south-west very, very slowly,” the witness explains. 9NEWS reports that the Summit County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the incident in Colorado. The sheriff’s office contacted the FAA, but were told that no reports of unusual aerial objects had come in. The station also reportedly contacted the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) about the UFOs. “NORAD is not tracking any anomalies in that location. We are investigating,” said a NORAD spokesperson. With both the local sheriff’s office and NORAD investigating, hopefully more details about these UFOs will emerge. Related terms: alien artifacts alien greys aliens ancient astronauts Anunnaki Apocalypse Area 51 asteroid astral projection astral travel astral world astronaut Atlantis ATS Black ops fallen angel fallen angels cataclysm CIA galactic federation of lights conspiracy crop circles Crystal skull disclosure Egyptian Sumerian end of the world end of times ET technology ETs Experiments Extraterrestrial extra terrestrial contact extra terrestrial life extra terrestrial planet shadow people shadow person ghost haunting haunted house FBI flying rods flying saucer miracle miracles angel angels HAARP Conspiracy theory how to survive nukes Maya calendar Maya prophecies military Mysteries Mysterious Lights Mystery`s NASA Nibiru new world order News planet Nostradamus nuclear bases numerology Objects near the sun orb orbs paranormal Phoenix lights Planet X ancient prophecies prophecy Psychic Phenomenon Red planet Religion reptilian reptilians Roswell 1947 Secret aircraft sky fish Solar maximum Space supernatural surviving Disclosure Time traveler time travel time machine UFO disclosure UFO's unidentified coast to coast am near death experience near death experiences NDE NDE's angel angels demon demons haunted haunting heaven hell bible code Virgin Mary web bot Loch Ness monster Nessy Sasquatch bigfoot secret society heaven sighting caught on camera strange odd weird creature creatures unknown guardian angel miracle miracles freemasonry freemason unidentified unidentifiable unidentified creature strange creature strange object unidentified animal unidentified object harpazo caught on video caught on camera isis isil obama syria iraq ebola rapture blood moon blood tetrad blood moons tetrad
Muslim devotees performing Namaz at the dargah shareef of Hazrat Sufi Sarmad in Chandni Chowk, Delhi The market of Chandni Chowk is very old. The origin of C...
دختران خوابگاه دانشگاه گچساران.iranian girl singing.
Wagging the Moondoggie, Part XI Eisenhower Death Camps Eisenhowers Holocaust...
Shine: Training Women for Greatness April 24-26, 2014 There is a unique calling on women today, and this is the time to shine like the sun! Women desperately...
COMEDY VIDS @ BELOW!!! Earthquake watch through tonight!! Winter storm watches and warnings, Tornado watches and warnings!!! Please Be Safe and May God Bless...
Giuseppe Di Stefano (24 July 1921 -- 3 March 2008) was an Italian operatic tenor who sang professionally from the late 1940s until the early 1990s. He was kn...
I do not own anything! All credit go to the owners! THIS IS PURELY FAN-MADE NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT English lyrics are here in description.The ones in the ...
My name's Michael and I'm the Marketing Manager for Wild Frontiers. I'm here at the magnificent site of Persepolis in Iran. I've been in Iran for two weeks now and so far I've been enchanted by this fascinating country. CITIES The capital Tehran is most people's starting point, and in this busy city you can see ostentatious ornaments from the royal household in the crown jewels museum, and wander around the Shah's old residence, Golestan Palace. Just north of Tehran you can visit the Elburz Mountains for skiing in the winter or hiking in the summer. But the real highlights lie elsewhere. In the off-the-beaten-track city of Yazd you'll find a cityscape dotted with the ingenious wind tunnels -- which could be described as the world's first air-conditioning system - the ancient Zoroastrian site of the Towers of Silence, the magnificent Friday Mosque and a number of beautiful palaces and gardens. Shiraz meanwhile is a lovely university town, known as the city of poets, wine, literature and flowers, and is a real delight. I particularly loved visiting the atmospheric tomb of the Persian poet Hafez. In the evenings it has a magical atmosphere as people gather to read poetry and celebrate the life of this revered poet. Shiraz is also blessed with numerous picturesque mosques and beautiful gardens. The jewel in the Persian crown is undoubtedly the beautiful city of Esfahan, which has one of the largest squares in the world in the breathtaking Naqsh Jahan Square and probably the most stunning Islamic architecture found anywhere. Esfahan is unbelievably picturesque, with its famed bridges and lively bazaars. ANCIENT SITES Iran has a long and rich history, with the Persian Empire at one point ruling over 44% of the world's population. The country is home to some world-class archaeological sites, including the rock-carved tombs of Nagsh e Rostam, where Darius the great is buried, and the spectacular Achamaenid palace complex at Persepolis. This ancient palace was built by Darius the Great to celebrate events such as the Persian New Year, when representatives from the four corners of the empire would congregate. This vast site merits at least a couple of hours to explore the ruins and bas reliefs. SCENERY But it's not only about the cities and ancient sites, the scenery of Iran is an unexpected highlight. From beautiful picnic spots such as the Murgon Waterfalls, to fertile valleys in the Bavanat Mountains, where you can encounter Kashqai nomads and see a way of life that has changed little over centuries. In the Dena mountains around Yasuj you'll find an alpine scenery of snow-capped mountains, lakes and streams. It is well worth spending some time away from the better-known cultural sites to explore this lesser-known side of Iran. It really is a beautiful country. THE PEOPLE The people of Iran are another real highlight, being welcoming and keen to engage in conversation about everything from politics to football. You are likely to be surrounded by schoolkids asking you questions, offered tea and invited to share in picnics with the locals pretty much wherever you go. If ever a people were misrepresented by a regime it would be the Iranians. Thanks to a baby boom in the 80's, over 60% of its 70 million population are aged under 30. This generation is well-educated, worldly, and exposed to global media through the internet. Walking around the streets -- which are incidentally very safe - this certainly feels like a nation on the cusp of change. So forget about any preconceptions you may have about safety, security, or the welcome you'll receive in Iran. I've found the people to be the friendliest and most hospitable I've found anywhere in the world. So check out Wild Frontiers' tours to Iran and discover for yourself this fascinating country.
Islamic Republic of Iran جمهوري اسلامي ايران
a glimpse over Iran City's, Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, Yazd, Mazandaran climates and attractions.
Once again we went to the middle of Tehran and saw the beautiful Tehran Bazzar. Bazzar is not only a place for shopping, but also a place for visiting people especially seeing Iranian people and talking to them. So we went and saw the Persian Carpet Market in Tehran Bazzar. As the second part you can see some natural attractions of Iran in Mount Damavand. The last part of our journey was visiting Chaldareh in Mazandaran province. Available on Sahar TV website: The way of the mind, The way of the earning. iran travel guide for tourist & holidays,you must see IRAN before you die part 2 videos You can watch from. Iran - Travel and Tourism. Discover it with this video brought to you by Best Destination Travel TV channel (), travel guides and trav. 1. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: 2. OUR AWESOME TRAVEL WEBSITE: Iran blew our mind! The hospitality. My name's Michael and I'm the Marketing Manager for Wild Frontiers. I'm here at the magnificent site of Persepolis in Iran. I've been in Iran for two weeks n. When you're talking about travel and tourism to Iran, you can't overlook the question of U.S. and international sanctions imposed against Tehran as part of t.
Press TV's documentary program "Tehran, Iran" follows an Australian tourist who travels to Tehran for the first time; it depicts different aspects of life in Iran's capital, from art and culture to science and research. Follow our Facebook on: Follow our Twitter on: Follow our Tumblr on:
Watch Wild Frontiers travel guide to Iran and see all the highlights of this fascinating country in this short 60 second film - from the ancient site of Persepolis to the beautiful cities of Shiraz, Yazd and Isfahan, and the beautiful Zagros Mountains.
Take a tour of Historic Abyaneh in Iran -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. In the mountains of Iran is a magical place where visitors can travel back in time. The small town of Abyaneh has adhered to old, traditional ways of doing things. The historic red clay buildings of their town climb up the slopes of Karkass Mountain. The Abyunaki can still be seen wearing the traditional clothing of their heritage. The village is believed to be one of the oldest in Iran. It is impossible not to feel the awesome weight of passing years when visiting Abyaneh.
Iran Travel Guide (Part 1 of 5) - Sahar English TV Live Show Production.mpg
Iran Travel Guide Part of Sahar English TV Live Show Production.
In this version, the last episode of Iran Travel Guide, Mohsen Nazaran , the host of the show traveled to Kish Island. It is part of the Hormozgan Province of Iran. Due to its free trade zone status, it is touted as a consumer's paradise, with numerous malls, shopping centres, tourist attractions, and resort hotels. Then he went to Tezerj waterfall in Hormozgan Province. Then, to The Borujerdi House, a historic house in Kashan. The house was built in 1857. It consists of a rectangular beautiful courtyard, delightful wall paintings by the royal painter Kamal-ol-molk, and three 40 meter tall wind towers which help cool the house to unusually cool temperatures. The house took eighteen years to build using 150 craftsmen. Then he went to Abyaneh, Shemshak ski resort in Tehran, Chehel Sotoun in Isfahan, the old bazzar of Isfahan and Shoormast lake in Mazandaran province.
Iran - Travel and Tourism. Discover it with this video brought to you by Best Destination Travel TV channel (, travel guides and trav...
Hi! Here is Tehran on 18th september 2012... The iranian people are the most friendly, helpfully and kind person i 've seen in my life... So i recommend Iran to any travellers... it's a fantastic country to discover... !!! Thanks to all iranian people for your warm hospitality !!!
When it comes to Tehran, it's impossible to avoid politics and easy to overlook the Iranian city's thriving culinary scene. In our first installment of The MUNCHIES Guide to Tehran, our host Gelareh Kiazand introduces us to the bustling street food offerings in the city. We begin our journey at the capital city's Grand Bazaar, since that's where commodities first arrive. Gelareh beelines for the market's food stands, where she samples dried fruits and nuts while waiting out the line at Moslem Restaurant, frequented by up to 5,000 kebab connoisseurs daily—well worth it for her favorite tah chin. At the more modest and bygone Tajrish Bazaar, she's the proverbial kid in a candy store, wading through copper and carpet vendors in search of sweet snacks, such as grape molasses and lavasak (fruit leather). Check out MUNCHIES Guide to the North of England: Subscribe to Munchies here: Check out for more! Follow Munchies here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:
Remarques: Je suis tolérant, respectueux et très ouvert d'esprit. Chacun a le droit de croire en ce qu'il veut... Personnellement je ne suis pas musulman, je...
JULY20,Iran Travel Guide Live Show (1 of 8),Sahar English TV Production 25fps.mpg. This is the summary of Lonely Planet Iran (Country Guide) by Andrew Burke.
Travel video about destination Tunisia. Tunis is a North African city with a long history. After the Hasfides and Osmans, the Spanish Moors came but then had to give way to French colonial rule until present day Independence. In the old town, there are more than 700 historic monuments which include 200 palaces, a colourful variety of buildings and numerous mosques.Among shoreline lava rock is the entrance to the Ghar El-Kebir, a collection of sandstone grottos. During Roman times, thousands of slaves were forced to bring building material for Carthage and El Djem from subterranean shafts. In Sousse, the simple fort of Ribat is probably the oldest Islamic building in North Africa, in which Muslim soldiers lived in monastery-like isolation and in the town’s Archaeological Museum there is a fantastic range of mosaics, predominantly from Punic and Roman excavations. Gabes is an oasis town which overflows with luxuriant floral splendour. By horse and carriage visitors can travel through one of the most beautiful maritime oases in Tunisia where, under 500,000 date palms, tobacco, henna, pumpkins, apricots and bananas thrive. The focal point of important caravan routes and trading centre for goods from Libya and Black Africa, Medenine is a very charming and lively city. Its reinforced honeycomb-shaped caves were the extraordinary-looking buildings that many will recall from the film ‘Star Wars’. The Sahara is the largest desert on earth, with different landscapes such as rock deserts, salt deserts and serene oases. Kebili is located on the edge of a huge salt lake and is a typical desert village with a green oasis and Artesian springs which provide water for its fruit and vegetable gardens. Nefta is also a green paradise in the desert, an oasis town that boasts no less than 152 Artesian wells. Dougga contains Tunisia’s most important ruins which nestle in the hills among shimmering olive trees and poppy fields. Endless deserts and fertile oases, busy towns and isolated mountain regions, Roman temples and Muslim mosques: Tunisia is tempting! --RT video http:... Published on Dec 7, 2014 SOTT Summary, November 2014: Fireballs, Extreme Weather, High Strangeness and Earth Changes The eleventh installment in our monthly series, the following video compiles footage of 'signs of the times' from around the world during November 2014 - 'earth changes', extreme weather, meteor fireballs, high strangeness and planetary upheaval. It's one thing to have record early cold temperatures and record early snowfalls in both Eurasia and North America. To have the greatest ever snow coverage for the Northern Hemisphere by mid-November is something else. November 2014 was alternately mild and super-freezing as the Polar Jet Stream whip-lashed the North American continent, bringing monster snowstorms that dumped entire annual snowfall averages in many parts of the U.S., not least the city of Buffalo, New York, which was buried under 7 feet (2.25 meters) of snow. Numerous bright meteor fireballs were caught on camera, including several big ones - probably comet/asteroid fragments - that were seen from huge swathes of the US, Russia, China, Japan and Europe. Buenos Aires was flooded for the second time this year, while record-breaking (in many cases, breaking records set last month) rainfall levels were seen across much of the western Mediterranean, killing many people in Morocco, southeastern France and northwestern Italy. Sinkholes from China to Florida opened up to swallow people and cars. Brisbane, Australia was literally smashed by baseball-sized hail in a surprise 'super-storm'. The Great Lakes began to refreeze by mid-November, not 4 months after finally thawing from last winter. Japan's largest active volcano erupted, as did Colima Volcano in Mexico, and Pavlof in Alaska, each sending ash plumes several kilometers high, while lava flows from Hawaii's Kilauea and Cape Verde's Fire Island destroyed homes. Then there were UFOs over Paris and Iran, pods of deepwater whales seeking shallow waters, and tornado outreaks in the Mediterranean... has the world gone mad? If you like this video, please share! Send us your photos and videos to Consider a donation to keep the lighthouse shining: Music used: 'Escape from the Temple' by Per Kiilstofte: Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International: ( FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Not withstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phono-records or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. DMCA Takedowns are HARASSMENT when initiated by a copyright holder for the purpose of using their copyright to infringe upon the Constitutional Rights of others (see also: Bill of Rights, US Constitution) by way of malicious attacks and are in direct violation of Fair Use Law.
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I come today and reveal Myself to you as the Morning Star. Indeed, I speak of the shining brightness of the revelation that I shall bring at this time. Liste...
Timeline: Setting the stage The nation of Israel was exiled in three waves (1) the northern tribes to Assyria in 722 BC. (2)The nation of Judah s first in th...
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The Moon Boys - tUMULt records (2002) I don't own the copyright to the song.
Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran ) ... President Rouhani urges nations to adopt Iran's defensive doctrine.
noodls 2015-04-18... by US President Barack Obama over possibility of the immediate removal of anti-Iran sanctions.
Press TV 2015-04-18Select units from Iran’s Armed Forces have held parades across the country to mark National Army Day.
Press TV 2015-04-18On Friday, President Obama called a bill which would allow Congress to review the terms of an Iran ...
The Daily Beast 2015-04-18Foreign minister meeting President Hassan Rouhani for first high level talks between Australia and Iran in 12 years.
The Guardian 2015-04-18... with Iran ... Talks are aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear program in exchange for relief from sanctions.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-18The percentage of Americans in a March 26 ABC News/ Washington Post poll who said they'd support or ...
Penn Live 2015-04-18Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran ) ... of Iran the late Imam Khomeini in southern Tehran.
noodls 2015-04-18Iran has put on display different defense achievements, including its version of the missile S-300 ...
Press TV 2015-04-18But in Australia public concern towards Iran has focused on asylum seekers ... They belong in Iran."
The Siasat Daily 2015-04-18... for a better deal with Iran, and, if necessary, launch a military strike on its nuclear facilities.
Topix 2015-04-18... the theocratic state of Iran places a special burden on Australia's first female foreign minister.
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-04-18Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has set a new tone for Australia's ties with Iran, breaking with years ...
Sydney Morning Herald 2015-04-18Coordinates: 32°N 53°E / 32°N 53°E / 32; 53
Iran (i/ɪˈrɑːn/ or /aɪˈræn/;Persian: ایران [ʔiˈɾɒn] ( listen)), officially the Islamic Republic of Iran (Persian: جمهوری اسلامی ایران Jomhuri-ye Eslāmi-ye Irān), is a country in Southern and Western Asia. The name "Iran", which in Persian means "Land of the Aryans", has been in use natively since the Sassanian era. It came into use internationally in 1935, before which the country was known to the Western world as Persia ( /ˈpɜrʒə/ or /ˈpɜrʃə/). Both "Persia" and "Iran" are used interchangeably in cultural contexts; however, "Iran" is the name used officially in political contexts.
The 18th-largest country in the world in terms of area at 1,648,195 km2 (636,372 sq mi), Iran has a population of around 79 million. It is a country of particular geopolitical significance owing to its location in the Middle East and central Eurasia. Iran is bordered on the north by Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. As Iran is a littoral state of the Caspian Sea, which is an inland sea, Kazakhstan and Russia are also Iran's direct neighbors to the north. Iran is bordered on the east by Afghanistan and Pakistan, on the south by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, on the west by Iraq and on the northwest by Turkey. Tehran is the capital, the country's largest city and the political, cultural, commercial and industrial center of the nation. Iran is a regional power, and holds an important position in international energy security and world economy as a result of its large reserves of petroleum and natural gas. Iran has the second largest proven natural gas reserves in the world and the fourth largest proven petroleum reserves.
Theatre of Tragedy was a Norwegian band from Stavanger, active between 1993 and 2010. They are best known for their earlier albums, which influenced the gothic metal genre.
Theatre of Tragedy was founded on 2 October 1993. Drummer Hein Frode Hansen had recently quit his former band Phobia and started looking for a new musical project to play in. A friend of his told Hein that a band called Suffering Grief was looking for a new drummer, and after contacting them, he joined the band. At the time, Suffering Grief was composed of vocalist Raymond István Rohonyi and guitarists Pål Bjåstad and Tommy Lindal. No bassist had joined the band yet, but Eirik T. Saltrø had agreed to play with them in live concerts.
After finding a rehearsal place, the band decided to work upon a couple of piano arrangements composed by Lorentz Aspen. The vocals, at the time, were mostly entirely composed by raw death grunts.
After composing their first song, "Lament of the Perishing Roses", the band changed its name to La Reine Noir and then to Theatre of Tragedy. They subsequently invited singer Liv Kristine Espenæs to do female vocals for one song, but quickly invited her to join the band permanently.
Stanley Kubrick (/ˈkuːbrɪk/; July 26, 1928 – March 7, 1999) was an American film director, screenwriter, producer, cinematographer and editor. He is regarded as having been one of America's greatest filmmakers. His films, typically adaptations of novels or short stories, were noted for their "dazzling" and unique cinematography, attention to details to achieve realism and an inspired use of music scores. Kubrick's films covered a variety of genres, including war, black comedy, horror and science fiction. Kubrick was also noted for being a perfectionist, using painstaking care with scene staging and working closely with his actors.
Starting out as a photographer in New York City, he taught himself all aspects of film production and directing after graduating high school. His earliest films were made on a shoestring budget, followed by one Hollywood blockbuster, after which he spent most of the rest of his career living and filming in England. His home became his workplace where he did his writing, research, editing and management of production details. This allowed him to have almost complete artistic control, but with the rare advantage of having financial support from major Hollywood studios.
Cut the bonds with the moon
And let the dogs gather
Burn the gauze in the spoon
And suck the poison up
And bleed
Shut the door to the moon
And let the birds gather
Play no more with the fool
And let the souls wander
And bleed
From the soul
A slow hurt.. and it breaks us..
And so down,
Down, down and so plain
So down
When you play some more it seems so
And my friends are past this game
Of breakdowns
And our friends that are lost at sea..
Throw down
And I'll break the wasted space
Slow down, slow down,
If you don't slow down, slow down
If you don't slow down, slow..
Cut the bonds with the moon
And watch the dogs gather
I love the moon and all his phases
Smiling down on me, no matter what the place is
I find myself stargazing
Mostly finding you amazing by the moon
Oh, no one seems to understand this waning
Condition of our friendship
What's this we are contemplating?
No one ever will
But still I feel a kinship with the moon
Oh, I was lost to lose you
And so my eyes would seem
To be crying, to be lying
I couldn't hide the dream
But somehow I seem fulfilled
And I always will
Because you've got the view
And the clouds don't blind your way
But for all I've seen
This could be our day
I find myself stargazing
Mostly finding you amazing by the moon
And oh, I was lost to lose you
And so my eyes would seem
To be crying, to be lying
I couldn't hide the dream
But somehow I seem fulfilled
And I always will
Because you've got the view
And the clouds don't blind your way
But for all I've seen
This could be our day
I find myself stargazing
Mostly finding you amazing by the moon
I find myself stargazing
Thought I did but then I dont feel much anymoreThe string
between bad and good is a little misunderstood
Oh and then it turns to doubt, and then you kick and
sceam and cast me out
And all that I know is true is I'm hollow as the ocean's
Lonely Days I await you
Shadows and graves Ill be visitng soon
Will I ever
Will I ever see the moon again
Tossed and turned cant figure out if humans have all rung
Where there going I dont know for sure, but they, they
hide and hide and hide
Who will know when they return as they've, they've all
turned to ash and burned
Well at a road side at night I think that my love's run
Lonely Days I await you
Shadows and graves Ill be visitng soon
Will I ever
I see the moon coming down for me
Shines so bright is only sun like could be
It tells me stories about eternity
By T. Diaz and E. Velasco
Stanza 1:
Bad memories I'll never forget
Decisions, I shall always regret
I thought you were just like the rest
But it's all over now,
I should have given my best.
The moon shines like a living hymn
So far away, far away, in the blue
The moon shines like a living hymn
So far away, in the blue.
Who has gone
But I'm still looking for another one
You open your eyes, but it's too late
Forgive me, for all of my lies.
Verse 1.)
When I see the moon, it feels cold in me
Bright the light, so white, so high over me
And when I look inside myself, I know it watches me
Special and only that it knows, it knows my destiny
Chorus 1.)
It knows my destiny
It knows my destiny
Verse 2.)
So big, so wise, I see its smile far away
It moves around the world and shines on my way
It seems as if it tells me where, where i have to be
Thinkin for the why i know, it knows my destiny
Chorus 2.)
It knows my destiny
It knows my destiny
full moon in the height
full moon in the night
influence of the Moon
can make an artist or a loon
of loves
spirit, like the moon
can be an expanded white balloon
which hovers
life is a dream
when it reflects a gleam
that we catch as the essence
which is hidden in the beam
feel the Moon
it is the daughter of mystic water
we hear the tune played
by the light of the moon
intuition is condition to
understand the moonlight
it means is clean mind
see.. feel.. love.. hear
the Moon!
Listen to the Moon!
O, listen to the Moon!
the Moon!
We are deceived
by what’s believed
lies of the moon
our soul have strewn
watching the other
side someone thinks
that is a mother
what seemed a sphinx
the moon deludes
the moon is shrewd
the moon misleads
the moon obtrudes
the moon inside...
fantasy fades soon
when not supported by the moon
in crescent
fancies sends the moon
and they are granted as a boon
or present
the calling of the moon
O, the moon serenade
music played by the moonlight
the moon in the morning must fade
at night can evermore rise
it is the night maid
in daytime disguise
of morning afraid
influence of the moon
can make an artist or a loon
of lovers
below the moon
within the silent night
we hear it’s sounding light
it’s music is the movement
of emotions which are burning
in the sweetness of creation
recreated by the magic
force of love
it’s the motion of sensations
returning to imagination
in the deepness resonated
by the magic of the moon
it’s the movement it’s the motion
of emotions of sensations
they are burning they’re returning
recreated by the magic, magic, of the
burning by the magic, magic
of the Moon
The moon is not only beautiful
It is so far away
The moon is not only ice cold
It is here to stay
When I lay me down will you still be around?
When they put me six feet underground
Will the big bad beautiful you be around?
Everyone says they know you
Better than you know who
Everyone says they own you
More than you do
When I lay me down will you still be around?
When they put you six feet underground
Will the big bad beautiful moon be around?
'Cuz the moon is not only beautiful
It is so far away
The moon is not only ice cold
It is here to stay
Everyone says they know you
Better than you know who
Everyone says they own you
I drove up to the city at night and found the place
Where you grew up and then where you stayed
And we walked around and stayed up late under city lights
I spent the night, next to you in the house where you grew up
Next to you I miraculously woke up
In your parents' house I laid in bed with you
I went back to feel alone there
I went back to wipe it clean
I took the lights and radio towers out of my dreams
And we went all the way up to the small town where I'm from
With foggy air and the wind and the mountain top
And we clung to rocks and we looked off and you held my hand
You almost got to start feeling me
I finally felt like I was breathing free
Under swaying trees we fell asleep and we had the same dream
The stars were bright, we dream the same every night
On my island home I spent some time with you
I went back to feel alone there
I went back there by myself
I gave up on everything that we'd felt
We found a precious place in the sand right in the wind
And we laid under a blanket and heard the furious sound
The roar of waves, the pounding surf, two bodies on the earth
It was intense just getting to be there next to you
And you were trying to get me then, and I was happy to let you in
I went back and wished I hadn't
I went back and felt regret
I went to the beach and I just stared west
Every night when the sun went down in the town where we lived
The empty streets were lit by reflected light from a distant sun
Bouncing off a glowing ball of rock and we just laid on the roof
And watched the moon, the moon, the blue light of the moon
We didn't talk and silently we both felt powerful
And, like the moon, my chest was full because we both know
We're just floating in space over molten rock
And we felt safe and we discovered that our skin is soft.
There's nothing left except certain death
And that was comforting at night out under the moon
I went out last night to forget that
I went out and stared it down
But the moon just stared back at me
You promised me the moonYou promised me a miracle
But life can be so cruel
I've put my trust in you
You promised me the moon
You promised me a miracle
But I've been such a fool
To put my trust in you
Full moon - I'm watching you
Your light touches my face
You seem to be so great tonight
I wonder if you change your light
When the moon falls down to earth
Danger in the universe
When the moon falls down to earth
Fire in the universe
Darkness around our light
I feel a danger in this night
Tonight the moon has got a face
Laughing into our space
It's grinning - it's laughing
Deriding our helpless lifes
We'll explode in a fireball
When the moon starts to fall
When the moon falls down to earth
Danger in the universe
When the moon falls down to earth
Fire in the universe
Days after the collision
Silence in the universe
An empty place - a dark space
Where our planet lived before
When the moon falls down to earth
Danger in the universe
When the moon falls down to earth
Ive been
Traveling the land from gravel into sand
Not knowin where Im going never havin any plans
Anything I wanted had to grab it in advance
Abracadabra theres a rabbit in my hands cause
Ive got the magic stick bust the baddest tricks
Fished for a whale brought a ship up out of it
Whats that I just saw? A platypus? Naw.
Maybe its a rat crawling flat on his paws
or a baby dragon just dragon his claws
It doesnt really matter
because its Saturday,
so look thataway
30 clock matinee,
lets collaborate
and Ill pay you back soon
with a crazy rap tune.
But for now were just gazing at the moon
Wander and ponder the pale blue yonder
To infinite and beyond the city
Beyond the city we all want to see serenity
But some times youve gotta walk the fence to see
That all sidewalks must end eventually
I lay still like a sea anemone
Brainwaves chill at the bottom of the sea
Sentient entity
Let the spirit enter me
Patient, pervasive, how I was meant to be
A stone worn smooth by the swift currents of chaos
A place to lay a smooth array of lush moss
Im parlaying on my day off
floating way off on my thought balloons and snacking on macaroons
should I leave Erebus
to his own device
what Chaos
when the curtain rises
and the houselights dim
with whitecake
on my face
the actress backstage
laying a Universal egg
still a broken heart
is a broken heart
and Illumination
is in fact
In the dark
In the cold
In the sky
I can fly
I am old
But I can see
For miles
And miles
I am silver
I am gold
I am white
I am blue
I am rock
I am chaste
I am time
I am truth
When twilight falls
among the stars
I sit and tinker
with your moods
I hear your thoughts
I move the tides
I am your God
I am your Muse
I can be fire
I can be war
I am the daughter of Zeus
But tonight
there won’t be light
cause I can’t shine
Bored nights and a head full of books.
I'd give up this whole mess if it wasn't so good.
So I'll put up ten reasons why it wasn't enough,
just leave me the seasons.
May through June ain't enough.
And it's not just the teeth
that keep me up past night,
no, it's not just the warmth
that puts up with the fight.
It's the moon that I'd steal
at a blink of an eye,
it's the moon that I feel
I could rest here and die.
And I'm so stuck black and white,
though you can't see a thing.
Tattoos with ships never ending lights.