Manual reference entry using Pubmed ID in Mendeley Desktop
Manual reference entry using Pubmed ID in Mendeley Desktop
Manual reference entry using Pubmed ID in Mendeley Desktop
Quick video showing how to add references to your Mendeley Desktop library using a single unique identifier such as a Pubmed ID.
Les bases de la recherche d'information - Identifier un document
Les bases de la recherche d'information - Identifier un document
Les bases de la recherche d'information - Identifier un document
Apprenez à identifier un livre, un article ou un chapitre de livre dans une bibliographie. C'est important pour les repérer à coup sûr dans un catalogue.
Scopus author identifier
Scopus author identifier
Scopus author identifier
This is a short tutorial introduction to the Scopus author identifier. This tool has the matches all the work of an author to a unique author details page re...
Adding items by identifier with Zotero
Adding items by identifier with Zotero
Adding items by identifier with Zotero
Adding items by identifier with Zotero.
fish oil and omega 3 better than statins, lipitor?
fish oil and omega 3 better than statins, lipitor?
fish oil and omega 3 better than statins, lipitor?
Dear All, As many of you may know, Tim Russert, host of Meet the Press, passed away recently from sudden cardiac death. I wanted to take this time to share w...
Auto-hemoterapia oral na artrite reumatóide. [Extraído da IndMED]
Auto-hemoterapia oral na artrite reumatóide. [Extraído da IndMED]
Auto-hemoterapia oral na artrite reumatóide. [Extraído da IndMED]
Auto-hemoterapia oral na artrite reumatóide. [Extraído da IndMED] Gupta RC; Gupta KK Prof.Gupta RC ,78-B, Tagore Town, Allahabad. Autohaemotherapy orais na a...
Indisputable Evidence That Cannabis May Be The Most Nutritional Vegetable In The World
Indisputable Evidence That Cannabis May Be The Most Nutritional Vegetable In The World
Indisputable Evidence That Cannabis May Be The Most Nutritional Vegetable In The World
Oniginal uploader credit:http://www.youtube.com/user/iskate248?feature=watch Sign His Petition!: http://www.change.org/petitions/the-p... US Pharmacopeia htt...
NCBI Gene Database - Overview
NCBI Gene Database - Overview
NCBI Gene Database - Overview
Introducing the Gene database with a focus on PubMed links.
Referenced in the video: Chromosome Mapping: Idiograms, by Clare O'Connor, (2008) Nature Education 1(1):107. available at http:__www.nature.com_scitable_topicpage_chromosome-mapping-idiograms-302
PubMed is a free search engine accessing primarily the MEDLINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. The United States...
Oral autohaemotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis. [Extracted from IndMED]
Oral autohaemotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis. [Extracted from IndMED]
Oral autohaemotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis. [Extracted from IndMED]
Oral autohaemotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis. [Extracted from IndMED] Gupta RC; Gupta KK Prof.Gupta RC,78-B,Tagore Town,Allahabad. Oral autohaemotherapy in ...
EndNote - Importation directe de références
EndNote - Importation directe de références
EndNote - Importation directe de références
Ce tutoriel explique la méthode d'importation directe dans EndNote en prenant pour exemple la base de données PubMed. On y présente aussi l'importation direc...
Cours de recherche bibliographique Daniel MOULINET
Cours de recherche bibliographique Daniel MOULINET
Cours de recherche bibliographique Daniel MOULINET
What's That Pill?
What's That Pill?
What's That Pill?
This video demonstrates how to identify drugs using eCPS.
Computational Perceptual Features for Texture Representation and Retrieval 2011 ieee project
Computational Perceptual Features for Texture Representation and Retrieval 2011 ieee project
Computational Perceptual Features for Texture Representation and Retrieval 2011 ieee project
A perception-based approach to content-based image representation and retrieval is proposed in this paper. We consider textured images and propose to model t...
Ways to Save Resources in Zotero
Ways to Save Resources in Zotero
Ways to Save Resources in Zotero
Save using icons in the address bar, attachments, ISBN and PubMed ID numbers, the create a new item icon, and dragging and dropping PDFs.
Accès mobile aux ressources documentaires -- Fournier & Astruc
Accès mobile aux ressources documentaires -- Fournier & Astruc
Accès mobile aux ressources documentaires -- Fournier & Astruc
Accès mobile aux ressources documentaires - Dominique Fournier et Suzette Astruc, documentalistes à l'INRA-Montpellier -- Isabelle Gouat, CNRS, LIRMM Les tab...
يعرض هذا الفيديو كيفية استخدام برنامج ادارة المراجع Mendeley بطريقة مبسطة , وقد تم اعداد هذا الفيديو كمتلطب لمقرر تكنولوجيا التعليم في العلوم الاسرية بجامعة الملك عبد العزيز لقسم الملابس و النسيج بمرحلة الماجستير , وارجو من الله العلي القدير ان اكون قد وفقت في توضيح المادة العلمية بالفيديو , و اتقبل النقد و التوجيه من حضراتكم .
Web of Science : Cómo realizar una búsqueda básica
Web of Science : Cómo realizar una búsqueda básica
Web of Science : Cómo realizar una búsqueda básica
Tutorial incluido en el Modulo 2 del "Curso Virtual TFG" de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Sevilla.
Recherche bibliographique dans Éric. Interface Atrium. UdeM.
Recherche bibliographique dans Éric. Interface Atrium. UdeM.
Recherche bibliographique dans Éric. Interface Atrium. UdeM.
Pas-à-pas d'une recherche parmi tant d'autres qui montre le choix du vocabulaire de recherche, les outils utilisés et certaines indications sur le fonctionne...
Google Scholar Search for Full Text
Google Scholar Search for Full Text
Google Scholar Search for Full Text
Use Google Scholar to locate articles by title or DOI and then connect to the full text of articles in the Walden Library.
Correct Patient Identification Campaign v1.wmv
Correct Patient Identification Campaign v1.wmv
Correct Patient Identification Campaign v1.wmv
Correct patient identification is crucial in healthcare. Our colleagues will show you how through posters and videos. Support the work of our talented collea...
Getting the Full Text of Article: An Academic Search Premier Example
Getting the Full Text of Article: An Academic Search Premier Example
Getting the Full Text of Article: An Academic Search Premier Example
This tutorial demonstrates where to find the links to the full text version of articles that you find in Academic Search Premier.
Comment faire pour configurer Zotero WebDAV dans cPanel
Comment faire pour configurer Zotero WebDAV dans cPanel
Comment faire pour configurer Zotero WebDAV dans cPanel