The Wayback Machine -
Sunset resort Pomoria Bulgaria
Black sea ,Pomoria , Bulgaria
Okolie Pomoria 16.-27. juna 2011.mpg
Orquesta POMO live in STHLM
Bulharsko 1979
bulharsko 2012
Pomorie, Bulgaria 21 Feb 2015
Sunset Resort - 5 Звезден Хотел в Поморие
Pomorie, Bulgaria, August 2014
Johny Bouchačka
Sunset Resort, Pomorie, Bulgaria


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  • 1:18

    Sunset resort Pomoria Bulgaria

    Sunset resort Pomoria Bulgaria

    21/7/2012 lensimme bulgarian pomorian hotelli sunset resortiin viikoksi.
  • 0:25

    Black sea ,Pomoria , Bulgaria

    Black sea ,Pomoria , Bulgaria

  • 7:07

    Okolie Pomoria 16.-27. juna 2011.mpg

    Okolie Pomoria 16.-27. juna 2011.mpg

    Zopár fotografií z toho čo nášmu oku neuniklo.bolo tam úplne perfektne, jedlo a ľudia boli tip top, dovolenku si určite ešte zopakujeme,budeme sa mať určite ...
  • 5:08



    rojden den na malkiq sin anatoli
  • 4:23

    Orquesta POMO live in STHLM

    Orquesta POMO live in STHLM

    Orquesta POMO live at Gröna Lund. Jonas Pomo, piano Cecilia Ferrer, lead vocals Aksel Friberg, bass Linus Svanberg, con...
  • 15:07

    Bulharsko 1979

    Bulharsko 1979

    Päť kamarátov nasadilo svoje rodiny do aut a vydalo sa do 1 600 km vzdialeného Pomoria pri Burgase v Bulharsku. V stanoch neďaleko pláže kempingu Čiernomorec sme strávili krásny týždeň. Pri návrate cez Rumunsko sme si mohli kúpiť benzín len na zvlášť vystavené povolenky. Bolo to dobrodružné. Prvú ropnú krízu sme teda zaznamenali v bratskej krajine RVHP.
  • 2:28

    bulharsko 2012

    bulharsko 2012

  • 0:32

    Pomorie, Bulgaria 21 Feb 2015

    Pomorie, Bulgaria 21 Feb 2015

  • 3:00

    Sunset Resort - 5 Звезден Хотел в Поморие

    Sunset Resort - 5 Звезден Хотел в Поморие

    only for people who understand bg
  • 3:37

    Pomorie, Bulgaria, August 2014

    Pomorie, Bulgaria, August 2014

    Pomorie, Bulgaria, str. "Knyaz Boris I". Danny Bryant's Redeyeband - Purple (Instrumental), album Watching You!, 2002, composer Danny Bryant.
  • 1:13

    Johny Bouchačka

    Johny Bouchačka

    25.6.2011| Súťaž amatérskych rockových skupín | Johny Bouchačka by
  • 1:46

    Sunset Resort, Pomorie, Bulgaria

    Sunset Resort, Pomorie, Bulgaria

    The Sunset Resort is a magnificent complex offering a combination of first class facilities, luxurious accommodation and a prime spot only 20 metres from the...
  • 1:15



  • 0:24

    Sunset Resort *****, Bulgaria, Pomorie

    Sunset Resort *****, Bulgaria, Pomorie

    Impression of the Sunset Resort *****, Bulgaria, Pomorie. Very luxuary hotel on the coast of bulgaria. Really great!!!! Nice wheater and good food.
  • 0:18

    Plazza Burgas, 30.06.2013 Alisia

    Plazza Burgas, 30.06.2013 Alisia

  • 0:30

    Bulgarije, Sunny Beach, Sunset Resort

    Bulgarije, Sunny Beach, Sunset Resort

    Bulgerije Hotels, Sunny Beach Hotels, Sunset Resort Hotel
  • 3:09

    Orquesta y coros "A mi manera" - Penélope

    Orquesta y coros "A mi manera" - Penélope

    Versión del clásico de Joan Manuel Serrat interpretada a principios de los 90 en el programa de Jesús Hermida en TVE, ante la presencia del propio Serrat y d...
  • 0:44

    Sunset Resort in Pomorie / Bulgarische Riviera Süden (Burgas) / Bulgarien by

    Sunset Resort in Pomorie / Bulgarische Riviera Süden (Burgas) / Bulgarien by

    Preisvergleich unter;=692000&formular;=4&detail;=termine&dauer;=6_7&personen;=25;25;&cid;=bas~Yo...
  • 2:51

    Orquestra Sinfônica de Americana - Guerra-Peixe - Roda de Amigos "O Rabugento"

    Orquestra Sinfônica de Americana - Guerra-Peixe - Roda de Amigos "O Rabugento"

    Americana Symphony Orchestra - Hermes Coelho, Conductor; Garcia, Fagote
  • 6:47

    Pomorie 2011-dovolenkové foto.mpg

    Pomorie 2011-dovolenkové foto.mpg

    Zopár fotiek z tohtoročnej dovolenky.Bulharsko-Pomorie.
  • 1:32

    kotimatka alkaa

    kotimatka alkaa

    pomoriasta burgasin lentokentälle 28.7.2012
  • 3:56

    Настоящее видео - Недвижимость в Болгарии, Поморие - Sunset Resort Pomorie Bulgary Bulgaria 5* hotel

    Настоящее видео - Недвижимость в Болгарии, Поморие - Sunset Resort Pomorie Bulgary Bulgaria 5* hotel

    Продажа без комиссии меблированной квартиры в лучшем апарт-отеле Sunset Resort 5* в Поморие, Болгария прямо у моря на 1-й линии. Информация на странице: Контакт: +359876203092,
  • 5:05

    Sunset Beach Resort & Spa - Gangnam Style Flash Mob

    Sunset Beach Resort & Spa - Gangnam Style Flash Mob

    Video courtesy of Sunset Resorts Jamaica. For more on Sunset Resorts Jamaica and the Caribbean Islands, visit for the best promotio...
Sunset resort Pomoria Bulgaria
Sunset resort Pomoria Bulgaria

21/7/2012 lensimme bulgarian pomorian hotelli sunset resortiin viikoksi.
Black sea ,Pomoria , Bulgaria
Black sea ,Pomoria , Bulgaria

Okolie Pomoria 16.-27. juna 2011.mpg
Okolie Pomoria 16.-27. juna 2011.mpg
  • Duration: 7:07
  • Updated: 08 Jun 2013
  • author: emkoo11

Zopár fotografií z toho čo nášmu oku neuniklo.bolo tam úplne perfektne, jedlo a ľudia boli tip top, dovolenku si určite ešte zopakujeme,budeme sa mať určite ...
  • Duration: 5:08
  • Updated: 11 May 2011

rojden den na malkiq sin anatoli
Orquesta POMO live in STHLM
Orquesta POMO live in STHLM
  • Duration: 4:23
  • Updated: 17 Dec 2012
  • author: Orq. POMO

Orquesta POMO live at Gröna Lund. Jonas Pomo, piano Cecilia Ferrer, lead vocals Aksel Friberg, bass Linus Svanberg, con...
Bulharsko 1979
Bulharsko 1979
  • Duration: 15:07
  • Updated: 28 Jan 2014

Päť kamarátov nasadilo svoje rodiny do aut a vydalo sa do 1 600 km vzdialeného Pomoria pri Burgase v Bulharsku. V stanoch neďaleko pláže kempingu Čiernomorec sme strávili krásny týždeň. Pri návrate cez Rumunsko sme si mohli kúpiť benzín len na zvlášť vystavené povolenky. Bolo to dobrodružné. Prvú ropnú krízu sme teda zaznamenali v bratskej krajine RVHP.
bulharsko 2012
bulharsko 2012
  • Duration: 2:28
  • Updated: 30 Dec 2012
  • author: klokotovic
Pomorie, Bulgaria 21 Feb 2015
Pomorie, Bulgaria 21 Feb 2015
  • Duration: 0:32
  • Updated: 27 Feb 2015,_Bulgaria_21_Feb_2015
Sunset Resort - 5 Звезден Хотел в Поморие
Sunset Resort - 5 Звезден Хотел в Поморие
  • Duration: 3:00
  • Updated: 08 Jul 2008

only for people who understand bgЗвезден_Хотел_в_Поморие
Pomorie, Bulgaria, August 2014
Pomorie, Bulgaria, August 2014
  • Duration: 3:37
  • Updated: 19 Dec 2014

Pomorie, Bulgaria, str. "Knyaz Boris I". Danny Bryant's Redeyeband - Purple (Instrumental), album Watching You!, 2002, composer Danny Bryant.,_Bulgaria,_August_2014
Johny Bouchačka
Johny Bouchačka

25.6.2011| Súťaž amatérskych rockových skupín | Johny Bouchačka byčka
Sunset Resort, Pomorie, Bulgaria
Sunset Resort, Pomorie, Bulgaria

The Sunset Resort is a magnificent complex offering a combination of first class facilities, luxurious accommodation and a prime spot only 20 metres from the...,_Pomorie,_Bulgaria
  • Duration: 1:15
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013,_POMORIE,_BULGARIA
Sunset Resort *****, Bulgaria, Pomorie
Sunset Resort *****, Bulgaria, Pomorie
  • Duration: 0:24
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2012
  • author: virtua001

Impression of the Sunset Resort *****, Bulgaria, Pomorie. Very luxuary hotel on the coast of bulgaria. Really great!!!! Nice wheater and good food.*****,_Bulgaria,_Pomorie
Plazza Burgas, 30.06.2013 Alisia
Plazza Burgas, 30.06.2013 Alisia,_30.06.2013_Alisia
Bulgarije, Sunny Beach, Sunset Resort
Bulgarije, Sunny Beach, Sunset Resort
  • Duration: 0:30
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2007

Bulgerije Hotels, Sunny Beach Hotels, Sunset Resort Hotel,_Sunny_Beach,_Sunset_Resort
Orquesta y coros
Orquesta y coros "A mi manera" - Penélope

Versión del clásico de Joan Manuel Serrat interpretada a principios de los 90 en el programa de Jesús Hermida en TVE, ante la presencia del propio Serrat y d..."A_mi_manera"_-_Penélope
Sunset Resort in Pomorie / Bulgarische Riviera Süden (Burgas) / Bulgarien by
Sunset Resort in Pomorie / Bulgarische Riviera Süden (Burgas) / Bulgarien by
  • Duration: 0:44
  • Updated: 10 Jun 2013
  • author: wegHotels

Preisvergleich unter;=692000&formular;=4&detail;=termine&dauer;=6_7&personen;=25;25;&cid;=bas~Yo...üden_(Burgas)
Orquestra Sinfônica de Americana - Guerra-Peixe - Roda de Amigos
Orquestra Sinfônica de Americana - Guerra-Peixe - Roda de Amigos "O Rabugento"
  • Duration: 2:51
  • Updated: 12 Jul 2010

Americana Symphony Orchestra - Hermes Coelho, Conductor; Garcia, Fagoteônica_de_Americana_-_Guerra-Peixe_-_Roda_de_Amigos_"O_Rabugento"
Pomorie 2011-dovolenkové foto.mpg
Pomorie 2011-dovolenkové foto.mpg
  • Duration: 6:47
  • Updated: 29 May 2013
  • author: emkoo11

Zopár fotiek z tohtoročnej dovolenky.Bulharsko-Pomorie.é_foto.mpg
kotimatka alkaa
kotimatka alkaa
  • Duration: 1:32
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2012

pomoriasta burgasin lentokentälle 28.7.2012
Настоящее видео - Недвижимость в Болгарии, Поморие - Sunset Resort Pomorie Bulgary Bulgaria 5* hotel
Настоящее видео - Недвижимость в Болгарии, Поморие - Sunset Resort Pomorie Bulgary Bulgaria 5* hotel
  • Duration: 3:56
  • Updated: 20 Oct 2014

Продажа без комиссии меблированной квартиры в лучшем апарт-отеле Sunset Resort 5* в Поморие, Болгария прямо у моря на 1-й линии. Информация на странице: Контакт: +359876203092,Настоящее_видео_-_Недвижимость_в_Болгарии,_Поморие_-_Sunset_Resort_Pomorie_Bulgary_Bulgaria_5*_hotel
Sunset Beach Resort & Spa - Gangnam Style Flash Mob
Sunset Beach Resort & Spa - Gangnam Style Flash Mob

Video courtesy of Sunset Resorts Jamaica. For more on Sunset Resorts Jamaica and the Caribbean Islands, visit for the best promotio...

Sunset resort Pomoria Bulgaria

21/7/2012 lensimme bulgarian pomorian hotelli sunset resortiin viikoksi.

Sun­set re­sort Po­mo­ria Bul­gar­ia
21/7/2012 lensimme bul­gar­i­an po­mo­ri­an hotel­li sun­set re­sor­ti­in vi­ikok­si....
pub­lished: 29 Jul 2012
Black sea ,Po­mo­ria , Bul­gar­ia
pub­lished: 29 Jul 2012
Okolie Po­mo­ria 16.-27. juna 2011.​mpg
Zopár fo­tografií z toho čo nášmu oku neuniklo.​bolo tam úplne per­fek­tne, jedlo a ľudia boli...
pub­lished: 05 Jul 2011
au­thor: emkoo11
ro­j­den den na malk­iq sin ana­toli...
pub­lished: 11 May 2011
Orques­ta POMO live in STHLM
Orques­ta POMO live at Gröna Lund. https://​www.​facebook.​com/​OrquestaPomo Jonas Pomo, piano ...
pub­lished: 02 Oct 2012
au­thor: Orq. POMO
Bul­harsko 1979
Päť kamarátov nasadi­lo svoje rodiny do aut a vy­da­lo sa do 1 600 km vz­di­aleného Po­mo­ria pri...
pub­lished: 28 Jan 2014
bul­harsko 2012
pub­lished: 06 Sep 2012
au­thor: kloko­tovic
Po­morie, Bul­gar­ia 21 Feb 2015
pub­lished: 27 Feb 2015
Sun­set Re­sort - 5 Звезден Хотел в Поморие
only for peo­ple who un­der­stand bg...
pub­lished: 08 Jul 2008
Po­morie, Bul­gar­ia, Au­gust 2014
Po­morie, Bul­gar­ia, str. "Knyaz Boris I". Danny Bryant's Redeye­band - Pur­ple (In­stru­men­tal)...
pub­lished: 19 Dec 2014
Johny Bouchačka
25.6.2011| Súťaž amatérskych rock­ových skupín | Johny Bouchačka by Grewit.​sk....
pub­lished: 25 Jun 2011
au­thor: Maťko Macík
Sun­set Re­sort, Po­morie, Bul­gar­ia
The Sun­set Re­sort is a mag­nif­i­cent com­plex of­fer­ing a com­bi­na­tion of first class fa­cil­i­tie...
pub­lished: 31 Jan 2011
pub­lished: 29 Jul 2013
Sun­set Re­sort *****, Bul­gar­ia, Po­morie
Im­pres­sion of the Sun­set Re­sort *****, Bul­gar­ia, Po­morie. Very lux­u­ary hotel on the coast ...
pub­lished: 15 Jun 2009
au­thor: vir­tu­a001

I'm surrounded softly
By the beat
Still dumbfounded by the
Intollerable heat
You came close to me and you danced
It came close to
Bein' my last
I'll take what's mine before I regret it. And mute this feelin' not to often get.
Instantly you struck me as
Quite a catch
Luckly I left you with
Out a scratch
You seem capable of mind control And you've disabled my very soul
I'll take what's mine before I regret it
And mute this feelling not to often get
I'll take what's mine before I regret it And mute this feelin' not to often get

I know it gets better than this
I've seen them walking hand in hand
I've seen them smile when they are kissed
I've seen them embrace 'till the end
I've heard them listen intently
to what the other has to say
They find the time they need to spend
I think we still have a long way
Baby, turn up the good
Baby, turn up the good
Baby, turn up the good
Baby, turn up the good
Not that im miserable or sad
I'm really not one to complain
I dig the memories we've had
But still the seem a touch too late
I think some change is in order
things just dont feel quite like they should
I never want another girl
But baby please turn up the good
Baby, turn up the good
Baby, turn up the good
Baby, turn up the good
Baby, turn up the good
It doesn't feel like it should
so baby turn up the good
It doesn't feel like it should
so baby turn up the good
It doesn't feel like it should
so baby turn up the good
It doesnt feel like it should

You and me, though in love we may be,
We're summoned by God to destroy evil's seed.
Contented to live in the home that we've built.
And watch our sons grow and become men.
To the teeth we are armed with,
Silver relics and crosses.
We musn't sum up our losses.
I'd give all I own just to keep you here with me.
Calm down, it's me
Be careful, darling, follow my lead.
Remember that today your training's culminating.
Say a prayer for me.
I must say, you look gorgeous in black,
A few golden strands in your face,
the rest pulled back.
We must hunt at night,
for our prey fears the light.
Lord, steady her bow and bless her sight.
Dear I wanted much more for us than to slay heirs of Judas.
We must be blessed that he chooses us.
I'll meet you at dusk beneath the castle spire.
Calm down, it's me
Be careful, darling, follow my lead.
Remember that today your training's culminating.
Say a prayer for me.
Farewell, Godspeed.
From here on out we hunt separately.
I love you and should something happen save my ashes.
Grip my rosary.
Calm down, it's me
Be careful, darling, follow my lead.
Remember that today your training's culminating.
Say a prayer for me.
Farewell, Godspeed.
From here on out we hunt separately.
I love you and should something happen save my ashes.

It's way to cold right now
To drive with the window down
I'm a bit nervous have you noticed
One hand on ten the other three
I hint a smile, sometimes i see
You smiling back at me
I don't want to wait
Hoping for the perfect day
Wasting everything I have right now
It doesn't seem quite strange
To trade in all i could have saved
Wasting everything i have right now
Curbs are lined with Christmas trees
While January's still shaking
Itself free from December
People are ready to trade in Christmas lights for fireworks and
Midnight kisses
I don't want to wait
Hoping for the perfect day
Wasting everything I have right now
It doesn't seem quite strange
To trade in all I could have saved

What's with the lonely it's out of place
you know I am here beside you.
I'll try my best.
I've tested the waters and they are deep enough for two.
Closer now, closer to my heart,
I'll pull up until I slip again.
Faster now; fasten, I'm the driver;
I'll steer us into a happy end.
It's a wonderful world in terms of potential.
No wonder it's special.
On our way, no stopping now, baby.
All the way, slowly counting down days to.
On our way, no stopping now, baby.
All the way, slowly counting down days to go.
We're slowly counting down days to go.
Don't hide your crying inside your hands
you know I'll do everything I can.
I'll break my back, in fact, I have once or twice;
still, I'll do it again.
Closer now, closer to my heart,
I'll pull up until my fingers break.
Faster now; fasten, I'm the driver;
I'll steer us straight with all my strength.
It's a wonderful world in terms of potential.
No wonder it's special.
On our way, no stopping now, baby.
All the way, slowly counting down days to.
On our way, no stopping now, baby.
All the way, slowly counting down days to go.
No stopping now, we're counting down days.
No stopping now, we're counting down.
On our way, no stopping now, baby.
All the way, slowly counting down days to.
On our way, no stopping now, baby.

Calling all to hearts,
band your arm-upper right.
Unified in hate against their cunning lies.
We buried dead in haste to get on with our lives.
Clutching cash withdrawn we cried.
A sight for sore eyes.
Armies marching on tonight,
and our enemies can taste the love we've left behind.
Towards rising sunlight,
eastward on and on we fight.
Back to the homes we've left,
through the shame we've felt time after time.
When the West won,
I was so taken by the careless world I saw
through Capra-esque eyes.
It's a wonderful life,
except for the pieces we hide.
Brothers, it's time to die.
A sight for sore eyes.
Armies marching on tonight,
and our enemies can taste the love we've left behind.
Towards rising sunlight,
eastward on and on we fight.
Back to the homes we've left,
through the shame we've felt time after time.
A sight for sore eyes.
Armies marching on tonight,
and our enemies can taste the love we've left behind.
Towards rising sunlight,
eastward on and on we fight.
Back to the homes we've left,

Save you, the world's unfortunate.
We feign out existance.
Save me from what the enemy calls
peaceful resistance.
Though the world is older, she can't
read the signs before her.
Slowly getting warmer, burning for a
little order.
Make way, make way for the king.
Silence, the silence captures me.
Straight down, the feeling I get.
Straight up, it's fascinating.
Hold on, hold on for peace.
Out loud, they're shouting at me.
Straight down, the feeling I get.
Straight up, it's fascinating.
Take two- we count our second chances
as we count sheep.
Shame you- enslaving people with the
promise they are free.
All the ones before me preached the
past in order to warn me.
I was listening closely, whole heartedly
Make way, make way for the king.
Silence, the silence captures me.
Straight down, the feeling I get.
Straight up, it's fascinating.
Hold on, hold on for peace.
Out loud, they're shouting at me.
Straight down, the feeling I get.

How am I not myself?
Do people ever change?
Perhaps it is you who are not the same?
You breathe in love like a cigarette
And put it out as you light up the next
Love- you say it calms your nerves
Love- stills your hand as it burns
You say its cool and keeps you thin
This one's done- light one up again
Burning baby, you're making your way
Through lines of lovers, you're up to a pack a day
So long baby, I wish I could stay
So long romance
How am I not myself?
Can people remain the same?
Relapsing into what you call insane
Inhaling love like a cigarette
And hoping a lucky strike's up next
Love- you say it calms your nerves
Love- stills your hand as it burns
You say its cool and keeps you thin
This one's done- light one up again
Burning baby, you're making your way
Through lines of lovers, you're up to a pack a day
So long baby, I wish I could stay

You march again
Through this world I've never known
The ins and outs of all this nonsense
It's about to fall upon itself
Can't find a friend when you're sure you're never wrong
Pretend again the consequences mend
And your heart is feeling...
I know, it's ok to be alone
I know it's ok
Bulls-eye from a hipshot
You're running out of close calls
And in their stead a bullet hole
Head down, tuck your tail in
And run out of the party
In your stead a wandering ghost
Can't hide your sin from your soul
You're compromised
You're quick to quit and count your winnings
Not fit to spit to douse your burning lust
You can't defend when your heart knows otherwise
You shout and scream inside your logic
Live and breath and die for what is not
I know, it's ok to be alone
I know it's ok

Consciousness is bliss
We gather here to watch
The gears spin and twist
We don't know what we've done
The world is on fire to spark competion Resuorces aquired
We're so clever but not that clever
When the west won
I was so very taken
By the world they saw
That I found myself shaken
Crossed to cath the truth
From the mouth of opression
Smile enjoy the fun
It's how the west won
Consequences missed while we were entertained
All our eyes were passed
We smile and paint them on
We lost our ambition
Concerns have expired
There's some lucky but not that lucky
When the west won
I was so very taken
By the world they saw
That I found myself shaken
Crossed to cath the truth
From the mouth of opression
Smile enjoy the fun
It's how the west won
When the west won
I was so very taken
By the world they saw
That I found myself shaken
Crossed to catch the truth
From the mouth of opression
Smile enjoy the fun

My mind can't piece a sentence.
She talks slowly with the pace of kisses.
Confident like a boxer first-round she knows them out.
And I can't think of anything charming to say.
No, I can't do anything to make her want me,
to make her want me.
Why can't I forget.
Lips I never kissed.
She's a dull ache from a hard drug.
Things I used to crave,
don't fill me these days.
Nothing feels good now, now even love.
She moves closer 'til distance is inches.
My body caves 'neath the weight of her attention.
Ignorant like a guest on a talk show
applauding a cruel joke.
And I can't think of anything charming to say.
No, I can't do anything to make her want me,
to make her want me.
Why can't I forget.
Lips I never kissed.
She's a dull ache from a hard drug.
Things I used to crave,
don't fill me these days.
Nothing feels good now, now even love.
Why can't I forget.
Lips I never kissed.
She's a dull ache from a hard drug.
Things I used to crave,
don't fill me these days.

Tell her now while she's still here
Tell her while you still feel brave
Don't even think about it
Don't try to figure it out
Your heart's a liar
But you should listen anyway
Tell her you love her
Your love can't be afraid
It doesn't have to be perfect like a movie scene
Love is almost always accidental (x2)
And if you know she's gone
You have to leave today
You have to find a way to find her
But just don't be afraid
Of what you think she'll say
You have to find a way to find her
It doesn't have to be perfect like a movie scene

You come to me and just say that you've fallen out of love
It was fun but now you got your life to be thinking of
Well I got my life
And I don't think that I have the time
To be around when you come weeping having changed your mind
I don't want you now
Come on and feel it
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on
You think you got it figured out
And this will sue us both
The answers simple and easy
Just like the numbers show
Well we were meant to be
But meant to be for just how long?
Just do what feels right
Cause what is right now feels so wrong
I don't want you now
Come on and feel it
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it
Come on and feel it
Come on
Come on and feel it

Elevate your mental level
step aside the music so you can rebel
see pomeroy is here to take it to you the funky devil
its me the d, you number one m.c.
so give me dat microphone so i can play the past lyrics, yo
i can put my thoughts over a 5 piece screw
and with my words i'll make a person with a passive body move
and groove into an ill sensational kid
lockin the bid for who we rockin your lid, my id
in the drivers seat so i can run it down
with poetic flaming arrows let me introduce the sound
situate your mind for a logical download
too many mc's lookin for their way on the clown road
pass the racks of overweighted tracks
you might find a clash with what they say is a smash
hit me with the one and two, the he-hi-into
hits you with a brand new issue, shoot
ooooohhhhh, the celemental evelvation
the source of soulful exploration
today they crown me, the straight p.i.m.p.
the p i'll be back and o the mp3, yo
and this is the grave and do everything you like
i turn your backs off twice when i rock the mic
cast away 101 dalmations, feel my vibration
walkin down the uncreated playin out the sound
to the 8 to the rollin of you record hasnt sold enough yet
says the size of your debt true
cuz fans like you been switchin, since '82
itchin' for somethin new, being told what to do
because the platinum hits dont mean it wack read shits
no need to throw fits
just look back in the blitz-and-which-we-could-lock-horns-which
we pump up the stereo like mine is abuse
cuz this the type of shit you need to listen to
times spin, begin, flip the calendar days
while those animated minutes blur to form hazy shades of gray
foughts my sign dismay
its motivation is the cheese of being smoking the gray
raise the bar, elevate, mode that matters relate
to the end, transcend, the prior theories reshape, make
the wonder of life times 10 without stripe
thats mother drippin hot right off the end of the knife
fat and tasty, dont waste thee
just grill of the mc, our lyrics talkin mad about the things that i dont see
release, rejoice, be cruel, the true voice, moist
make eye, then take eye, the honey of choice
flip the script, i nips, within the bud, your lips
shift with words my tip kiss the point, unzip
get to this people, anticipated sequel
music is the church, my rhyme the steple
ooooohhhhh, the celemental evelvation
the source of soulful exploration
the reason for the celebration
yayayaaa, oohhhhhhh
you know that music can fulfill your heart, so open up your arms
i believe in the p-crew destiny
the wrote, the women, the pressure of b-testimy
lyrics are so tight, mc's think of undressin me
thats why they gettin cut and drop like a vasectamy
they back up pathetically, readily, im droppin steadily
time to elevate off that played out ground
that goes to rid of the bands, for primitive lands
interpretation be off, so im'a make em understand, i
revampered the system, so yall can listen
and judge if you like, but dont jump in my height
because a critic is a critic is a critic for a reason
couldn't hack the biz so their career is out of season
im sick with this, they got you gettin your cattle on
but when the new album comes drops like a smog bomb
like when lorenne cast in, snoop, and octagon
we elevate yall, good good god
We elevate yall, good good god
We elevate yall, good good god
We elevate yall, good good god
We elevate yall, good good god
We elevate yall, good good god
We elevate yall, good good god
We elevate yall, good good god
