Wikispecies:Done and to do
From Wikispecies
To Do
To Do: Areas that should be a main focus in the near future:
- Generally: achieving Genus level in ALL taxa
- Put templates in place all the way to genus level (Needs Templates OR Category:Collapsed taxotree)
- Making a plan for the higher taxonomical levels. First draft at Talk:Protista.
- Protista page is being cleaned up, help is as always appreciated.
- Superphylum Radiata: Genus level to be achieved (e.g. Actiniaria and others). Mostly Familia level reached.
- Classis Gastropoda: needs an urgent overhaul.
- Classis Mammalia: needs reviewing, now that MSW 3rd ed. has been published.
- Subphylum Vertebrata: higher taxa urgently need reviewing.
- Lots of species list & detail work to do on Mammalia, Reptilia & Amphibia.
- Bacteria and Arthropoda need templates
- Subphylum Hexapoda: Familia level achieved, Genera next.
- Crustacea: Species level is next
- Nematoda: still superficial
- Talk:Platyhelminthes needs revising
- For Orchidaceae, all taxa down to "alliance" are created, giving access to all of the orchid genera in the en: article. A follow on task would be to follow the existing genera links from w:Taxonomy_of_the_orchid_family and fill in what is there to what's been created.
- Visit commons:Category:Nature to see if there are any appropriate pictures for any area in wikispecies, and add them to the appropriate pages.
- Update higher Angiospermae classification to APG III (2009).
- Translate intro pages into other languages!
Done: Areas that are covered on Wikispecies in great detail (Genus or species level) include the following taxa (completeness is generally only asserted for extant taxa):
Species referenced detail level achieved
- Classes: Amphibia - All living species (6400 species) completed.
- Ordines: Grylloblattodea - Mantophasmatodea - Mictacea - Spelaeogriphacea - Thermosbaenacea - Zoraptera
- Superfamiliae of Araneae: Atypoidea
Species detail level achieved (largely unreferenced)
- Subregnum: Agnotozoa
- Phylum: Ctenophora - Tardigrada
- Classes: Aplacophora (needs formatting) - Aves - Cubozoa -
Incertae sedis (Cnidaria)- Protura - Staurozoa - Ordines: Cumacea - Embiidina - Mecoptera (needs formatting) - Tanaidacea
- Subordines of Lepidoptera: Aglossata - Heterobathmiina
- Subordines of Araneae: Mesothelae
Species (link) level achieved
- Phyla: Brachiopoda - Chaetognatha - Echiura - Entoprocta - Hemichordata - Gastrotricha - Micrognathozoa - Myzostomida - Nematomorpha - Phoronida - Priapula - Rotifera - Sipuncula
- Classis: Mammalia - Pycnogonida - Reptilia
- Ordines: Odonata - Amphipoda
- Subordo of Lepidoptera: Zeugloptera
- Superfamiliae: (Araneae): Barycheloidea - Ctenizoidea - Cyrtauchenioidea - Dipluroidea - Hexatheloidea - Idiopoidea - Mecicobothrioidea - Migoidea - Nemesioidea. (Lepidoptera): Tineoidea
- Sections (Peracarida, Isopoda, Oniscidea): Diplocheta - Microcheta - Tylida - Synocheta
Genus level achieved
- Phyla: Annelida (needs formatting) - Chordata - Echinodermata (needs formatting) - Nemertea - Onychophora
- Subphyla Crustacea (needs formatting) - Myriapoda (needs formatting) - †Trilobitomorpha (needs formatting)
- Classes: Collembola (needs formatting) - Cephalopoda (needs formatting) - Polyplacophora - Monoplacophora
- Ordines: (Insecta): Blattodea - Isoptera (needs formatting) - Lepidoptera (needs formatting) - Mantodea (needs formatting) - Orthoptera (needs formatting) - †Palaeodictyoptera (needs formatting) - Phthiraptera (needs formatting) - Psocoptera (needs formatting) - Siphonaptera (needs formatting) - Thysanoptera (needs formatting) - Trichoptera (needs formatting).
- All sections of Subordo: Oniscidea (Diplocheta, Tylida, Microcheta, Synocheta, Crinocheta) - Crustacea, Isopoda
Species detail level achieved (higher taxonomic levels unreferenced)
- Divisiones: Cycadophyta - Ginkgophyta - Gnetophyta
Species (link) level achieved
- Divisiones: Anthocerotophyta - Bryophyta - Lycopodiophyta
Genus level achieved
- Divisiones: Magnoliophyta - Marchantiophyta - Pinophyta - Pteridophyta - Charophyta - Chlorophyta
Family level achieved
- Division: Marchantiophyta
Species detail level achieved (higher taxonomic levels unreferenced)
- Divisio: Glomeromycota
- Classes: Arthoniomycetes
Genus level achieved
- Phyla: Ascomycota - Basidiomycota - Chytridiomycota
Genus level achieved
Family level achieved
- Classes: Phaeophyceae
Genus level achieved
Species referenced detail level achieved
- Regnum: Nanoarchaeota