Abu Bakr (Abdullah ibn Abi Quhafa) (Arabic: عبد الله بن أبي قحافة, Transliteration: ʿAbd Allāh ibn Abī Quḥāfah, c. 573 CE - 634 CE) also known as Abū Bakr as-Șiddīq (Arabic: أبو بكر الصديق) was a senior companion (Sahabi) and the father-in-law of the Islamic prophetMuhammad. He ruled over the Rashidun Caliphate from 632–634 CE when he became the first Muslim Caliph following Muhammad's death. As Caliph, Abu Bakr succeeded to the political and administrative functions previously exercised by Muhammad, since the religious function and authority of prophethood ended with Muhammad's death according to Islam. He was called Al-Siddiq (The Truthful) and was known by that title among later generations of Muslims.
As a young man, Abu Bakr became a cloth merchant and he traveled extensively in Arabia and neighboring lands in the Middle East, through which he gained both wealth and experience. He eventually came to be recognized as the chief of his clan. On his return from a business trip to Yemen, he was informed that in his absence Muhammad had openly declared his prophethood. Not long after, Abu Bakr accepted Islam and was the first person outside the family of Muhammad to openly become a Muslim. He was instrumental in the conversion of many people to the Islamic faith and early in 623, Abu Bakr's daughter Aisha was married to Muhammad, strengthening the ties between the two men.
"The Man" is a slang phrase that may refer to the government or to some other authority in a position of power. In addition to this derogatory connotation, it may also serve as a term of respect and praise.
The phrase "the Man is keeping me down" is commonly used to describe oppression. The phrase "stick it to the Man" encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means "fight back" or "resist", either openly or via sabotage.
The earliest recorded use[citation needed] of the term "the Man" in the American sense dates back to a letter written by a young Alexander Hamilton in September 1772, when he was 15. In a letter to his father James Hamilton, published in the Royal Dutch-American Gazette, he described the response of the Dutch governor of St. Croix to a hurricane that raked that island on August 31, 1772. "Our General has issued several very salutary and humane regulations and both in his publick and private measures, has shewn himself the Man." [dubious– discuss] In the Southern U.S. states, the phrase came to be applied to any man or any group in a position of authority, or to authority in the abstract. From about the 1950s the phrase was also an underworld code word for police, the warden of a prison or other law enforcement or penal authorities.
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His Personality Is Amazing, Surprising, Because Whenever You Pull Out A List Of A Good Deed, You Would Find The Name Of Abu Bakr At The Top, Whichever List You Pull Out, You're Gonna Find His Name On There And It's The First Name; He Was The First Muslim, He Was The first Caliph, He Was The First And Only Person To Be With Rasullullah In Hijra, he Was The First On Imaan, Rasullullah SAW Says, The Iman Of Abu Bakr Is Greater Than All The Ummah, I Mean Abu Bakr As Sidiq Ra Was Not Only A Friend, he
Abu Bakr al Siddiq (R.A.) : His Life and Times 16 hours lecture
Abu Bakr al Siddiq (R.A.) : His Life and Times 16 hours lecture
Abu Bakr al Siddiq (R.A.) : His Life and Times 16 hours lecture
Abu Bakr Al Siddeeq (R.A.), His Life and Times, by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki. This series of lectures covers the different aspects of the life of Abu Bakr (R.A.),...
Abu Bakr, champion MMA, dans le Morning de Momo au Marrakech du Rire 2015 sur HIT RADIO
Abu Bakr, champion MMA, dans le Morning de Momo au Marrakech du Rire 2015 sur HIT RADIO
Abu Bakr, champion MMA, dans le Morning de Momo au Marrakech du Rire 2015 sur HIT RADIO
Example Of Kindness By Abu Bakr (ra) ᴴᴰ | *Emotional Reminder*
Example Of Kindness By Abu Bakr (ra) ᴴᴰ | *Emotional Reminder*
Example Of Kindness By Abu Bakr (ra) ᴴᴰ | *Emotional Reminder*
Example of kindness by Abu Bakr (ra) - very emotional talk from our brother Omar Esa about Abu Bakr (ra) and how he used to care for an old blind woman while he was the leader at the time..
Download the FREE Nasheed Mixtape by Omar Esa @ http://www.omaresa.com/
The Story Of Abu Bakr Siddique P1 ~ Mufti Ismail Menk ~ Day 1 Ramadan 2014
The Story Of Abu Bakr Siddique P1 ~ Mufti Ismail Menk ~ Day 1 Ramadan 2014
The Story Of Abu Bakr Siddique P1 ~ Mufti Ismail Menk ~ Day 1 Ramadan 2014
May Allah multiply the rewards of SoukIslam & TvSunnah Ameen
The Story Of Umar Ibn Al Khattab:
02 Surah Baqarah By Abu Bakr al-Shatri
02 Surah Baqarah By Abu Bakr al-Shatri
02 Surah Baqarah By Abu Bakr al-Shatri
Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri - BREATHTAKING
Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri - BREATHTAKING
Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri - BREATHTAKING
Breathtaking recitation of Surat Ash-Shura by Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri at St George's University of London (SGUL) on 16.10.14
► Donate: http://www.gofundme.com/MercifulServantVideos
The Man Who Tried to Overthrow the Trinidad Government: Interview with Abu Bakr
The Man Who Tried to Overthrow the Trinidad Government: Interview with Abu Bakr
The Man Who Tried to Overthrow the Trinidad Government: Interview with Abu Bakr
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
At his compound on the outskirts of Port of Spain, the man responsible for the only attempted militant Islamic overthrow of a Western government is smiling. "I've been charged with treason, I've been charged with sedition, with murder, conspiracy to murder, [stockpiling] guns...." Abu Bakr, the fiery 73-year-old leader of Jamaat al Muslimeen, rattles off the many accusations that the government of Trinidad and Tobago has leveled against him.
"Nothing has stuck, because it's fabricated," he continues. "They list all the charges in a book, and they just throw the book at me....
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: Part 2 - Pre-Islam life & Conversion Story ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: Part 2 - Pre-Islam life & Conversion Story ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: Part 2 - Pre-Islam life & Conversion Story ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
View all previous videos in this series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYZxc42QNctWVL4AfVftcF7TL3b0_Wrc0
In this video, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses:
-What we know about Abu Bakr (r) before Islam
-Abu Bakr's conversion story, as the first adult non family member male to convert
-Abu Bakr (r) being beaten publicly for preaching Islam publicly
-Abu Bakr's mother accepting Islam
-Aby Bakr (r) receiving and then having his protection removed
-Allah mentions Abu Bakr in the Qur'an to elevate his status in Surah Tawbah - as "Second of the two" (Thani Ath-nayn), "sahib" (companion) and that "Allah is with us"
Other topics cove
Abu Bakr (ra) UNPARALLELED Love For The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Emotional [HD]
Abu Bakr (ra) UNPARALLELED Love For The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Emotional [HD]
Abu Bakr (ra) UNPARALLELED Love For The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Emotional [HD]
Like us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ink-Of-Knowledge/150520621786983 No Mother loves her child as much as Abu Bakr loved the Prophet (SAW)!!! The P...
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: The Successor of the Prophet - Part 1 Family Background ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: The Successor of the Prophet - Part 1 Family Background ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: The Successor of the Prophet - Part 1 Family Background ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
After the death of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) when the Ummah was in great turmoil and distress one man arose to be the representative of Allah and His Messenger on earth as the first rightly guided Khalifah of the entire Muslim Ummah.
His title was al-Siddiq (The Upright, The Truthful), his mention is made by Allah (subhanahu wa ta‘ala) in the Qurʾan as "the second of the two" and his legacy is unmatched by any human other than the Prophets of Allah.
Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he embarks on a new journey studying the life and times of the greatest follower of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) and the best of
سورة البقرة ابو بكر الشاطري Surah Al Baqarah Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri
سورة البقرة ابو بكر الشاطري Surah Al Baqarah Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri
سورة البقرة ابو بكر الشاطري Surah Al Baqarah Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri
آرجو تقييم المقطع والاشترآك في القناة جزآكم الله خير.
Profile: Islamic State & Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - BBC News
Profile: Islamic State & Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - BBC News
Profile: Islamic State & Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - BBC News
BBC Newsnight's Secunder Kermani looks at the rise of the group and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The rapid advance across Iraq of militant fighters from the Islamic State has thrown the country into chaos and led to US air strikes against their key positions. Fighters from the group, which was formed in April 2013 under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), have made substantial gains in northern Iraq in recent months, forcing tens of thousands of people from religious minorities to flee their homes.
Subscribe to BBC News HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
Check out our website: http://www.bbc.com/news
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English subtitles of full sermon by ISIS's Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Caliph of the "Islamic State"
English subtitles of full sermon by ISIS's Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Caliph of the "Islamic State"
English subtitles of full sermon by ISIS's Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Caliph of the "Islamic State"
This is the historic Jum'ah Khutbah and prayer in the Grand Masjid of Mosul City by Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the newly appointed Khalifah (Caliph) of the "Islam...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IslamicGuidanceYT
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SoldierOfAllah2
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His Personality Is Amazing, Surprising, Because Whenever You Pull Out A List Of A Good Deed, You Would Find The Name Of Abu Bakr At The Top, Whichever List You Pull Out, You're Gonna Find His Name On There And It's The First Name; He Was The First Muslim, He Was The first Caliph, He Was The First And Only Person To Be With Rasullullah In Hijra, he Was The First On Imaan, Rasullullah SAW Says, The Iman Of Abu Bakr Is Greater Than All The Ummah, I Mean Abu Bakr As Sidiq Ra Was Not Only A Friend, he
Abu Bakr al Siddiq (R.A.) : His Life and Times 16 hours lecture
Abu Bakr al Siddiq (R.A.) : His Life and Times 16 hours lecture
Abu Bakr al Siddiq (R.A.) : His Life and Times 16 hours lecture
Abu Bakr Al Siddeeq (R.A.), His Life and Times, by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki. This series of lectures covers the different aspects of the life of Abu Bakr (R.A.),...
Abu Bakr, champion MMA, dans le Morning de Momo au Marrakech du Rire 2015 sur HIT RADIO
Abu Bakr, champion MMA, dans le Morning de Momo au Marrakech du Rire 2015 sur HIT RADIO
Abu Bakr, champion MMA, dans le Morning de Momo au Marrakech du Rire 2015 sur HIT RADIO
Example Of Kindness By Abu Bakr (ra) ᴴᴰ | *Emotional Reminder*
Example Of Kindness By Abu Bakr (ra) ᴴᴰ | *Emotional Reminder*
Example Of Kindness By Abu Bakr (ra) ᴴᴰ | *Emotional Reminder*
Example of kindness by Abu Bakr (ra) - very emotional talk from our brother Omar Esa about Abu Bakr (ra) and how he used to care for an old blind woman while he was the leader at the time..
Download the FREE Nasheed Mixtape by Omar Esa @ http://www.omaresa.com/
The Story Of Abu Bakr Siddique P1 ~ Mufti Ismail Menk ~ Day 1 Ramadan 2014
The Story Of Abu Bakr Siddique P1 ~ Mufti Ismail Menk ~ Day 1 Ramadan 2014
The Story Of Abu Bakr Siddique P1 ~ Mufti Ismail Menk ~ Day 1 Ramadan 2014
May Allah multiply the rewards of SoukIslam & TvSunnah Ameen
The Story Of Umar Ibn Al Khattab:
02 Surah Baqarah By Abu Bakr al-Shatri
02 Surah Baqarah By Abu Bakr al-Shatri
02 Surah Baqarah By Abu Bakr al-Shatri
Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri - BREATHTAKING
Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri - BREATHTAKING
Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri - BREATHTAKING
Breathtaking recitation of Surat Ash-Shura by Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri at St George's University of London (SGUL) on 16.10.14
► Donate: http://www.gofundme.com/MercifulServantVideos
The Man Who Tried to Overthrow the Trinidad Government: Interview with Abu Bakr
The Man Who Tried to Overthrow the Trinidad Government: Interview with Abu Bakr
The Man Who Tried to Overthrow the Trinidad Government: Interview with Abu Bakr
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
At his compound on the outskirts of Port of Spain, the man responsible for the only attempted militant Islamic overthrow of a Western government is smiling. "I've been charged with treason, I've been charged with sedition, with murder, conspiracy to murder, [stockpiling] guns...." Abu Bakr, the fiery 73-year-old leader of Jamaat al Muslimeen, rattles off the many accusations that the government of Trinidad and Tobago has leveled against him.
"Nothing has stuck, because it's fabricated," he continues. "They list all the charges in a book, and they just throw the book at me....
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: Part 2 - Pre-Islam life & Conversion Story ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: Part 2 - Pre-Islam life & Conversion Story ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: Part 2 - Pre-Islam life & Conversion Story ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
View all previous videos in this series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYZxc42QNctWVL4AfVftcF7TL3b0_Wrc0
In this video, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses:
-What we know about Abu Bakr (r) before Islam
-Abu Bakr's conversion story, as the first adult non family member male to convert
-Abu Bakr (r) being beaten publicly for preaching Islam publicly
-Abu Bakr's mother accepting Islam
-Aby Bakr (r) receiving and then having his protection removed
-Allah mentions Abu Bakr in the Qur'an to elevate his status in Surah Tawbah - as "Second of the two" (Thani Ath-nayn), "sahib" (companion) and that "Allah is with us"
Other topics cove
Abu Bakr (ra) UNPARALLELED Love For The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Emotional [HD]
Abu Bakr (ra) UNPARALLELED Love For The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Emotional [HD]
Abu Bakr (ra) UNPARALLELED Love For The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Emotional [HD]
Like us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ink-Of-Knowledge/150520621786983 No Mother loves her child as much as Abu Bakr loved the Prophet (SAW)!!! The P...
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: The Successor of the Prophet - Part 1 Family Background ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: The Successor of the Prophet - Part 1 Family Background ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: The Successor of the Prophet - Part 1 Family Background ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
After the death of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) when the Ummah was in great turmoil and distress one man arose to be the representative of Allah and His Messenger on earth as the first rightly guided Khalifah of the entire Muslim Ummah.
His title was al-Siddiq (The Upright, The Truthful), his mention is made by Allah (subhanahu wa ta‘ala) in the Qurʾan as "the second of the two" and his legacy is unmatched by any human other than the Prophets of Allah.
Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he embarks on a new journey studying the life and times of the greatest follower of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) and the best of
سورة البقرة ابو بكر الشاطري Surah Al Baqarah Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri
سورة البقرة ابو بكر الشاطري Surah Al Baqarah Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri
سورة البقرة ابو بكر الشاطري Surah Al Baqarah Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri
آرجو تقييم المقطع والاشترآك في القناة جزآكم الله خير.
Profile: Islamic State & Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - BBC News
Profile: Islamic State & Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - BBC News
Profile: Islamic State & Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - BBC News
BBC Newsnight's Secunder Kermani looks at the rise of the group and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The rapid advance across Iraq of militant fighters from the Islamic State has thrown the country into chaos and led to US air strikes against their key positions. Fighters from the group, which was formed in April 2013 under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), have made substantial gains in northern Iraq in recent months, forcing tens of thousands of people from religious minorities to flee their homes.
Subscribe to BBC News HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
Check out our website: http://www.bbc.com/news
Facebook: http://w
English subtitles of full sermon by ISIS's Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Caliph of the "Islamic State"
English subtitles of full sermon by ISIS's Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Caliph of the "Islamic State"
English subtitles of full sermon by ISIS's Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Caliph of the "Islamic State"
This is the historic Jum'ah Khutbah and prayer in the Grand Masjid of Mosul City by Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the newly appointed Khalifah (Caliph) of the "Islam...
Surah An Naba ᴴᴰ - Shaykh Abubakr Shatri - Al Falaah
Surah An Naba ᴴᴰ - Shaykh Abubakr Shatri - Al Falaah
Surah An Naba ᴴᴰ - Shaykh Abubakr Shatri - Al Falaah
QAF Powerful Recitation - Abu Bakr Shatri
QAF Powerful Recitation - Abu Bakr Shatri
QAF Powerful Recitation - Abu Bakr Shatri
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Any of the views expressed by the speakers do not necessarily represent the views of The Merciful Servant or any other projects it may have o
Juz 30 - Shaykh Abubakr Shatri (with English Translation)
Juz 30 - Shaykh Abubakr Shatri (with English Translation)
Juz 30 - Shaykh Abubakr Shatri (with English Translation)
After months of editing and a lot of hard work, this Qur'aan series is finally ready for publishing. The recitation is beautifully presented by Shaykh Abubakr Shatri, complete with full English Translation.
There were many places where slight audio or video problems occurred and I have tried my utmost to rectify them. Therefore if there are any slight errors I do apologize.
I would like to thank Islamic Media HD for providing most of the material and for their assistance. May Allah reward their efforts and increase them in sincerity. Ameen.
I hope this can help people understand the TRUE message of Islam and spread the blessed words of All
ABU BAKR (r) o UMAR (r) USMAAN (r) o ALI (r) [Complete Video] by : Br. Imran
ABU BAKR (r) o UMAR (r) USMAAN (r) o ALI (r) [Complete Video] by : Br. Imran
ABU BAKR (r) o UMAR (r) USMAAN (r) o ALI (r) [Complete Video] by : Br. Imran
Al Hamdulillah ! On 1st Nov 2014 Sat, at Gandhi Bhavan, Hyderabad, India, Br. Imran delivered an Urdu Talk followed by Question & Answer Session on the topic : Naheen Insay Bahtar Koi Allah Kay Wali - ABU BAKR (r) o UMAR (r) USMAAN (r) o ALI (r)
Abu Bakr Ash-Shatri - Juz 'Amma - Taraweeh 1432
Abu Bakr Ash-Shatri - Juz 'Amma - Taraweeh 1432
Abu Bakr Ash-Shatri - Juz 'Amma - Taraweeh 1432
Amazing recitation of the final Juz of the Qur'an, from Surat An-Naba (Chapter 78) to Surat An-Nas (Chapter 114), recited by Sheikh Abu Bakr Ash-Shatri from Taraweeh 1432
Download MP3: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/abltfspfph6tz/Abu%20Bakr%20Ash-Shatri%20-%20Juz%20'Amma%201432
Abu Bakr Shatri | Al Imran
Abu Bakr Shatri | Al Imran
Abu Bakr Shatri | Al Imran
Beautiful recitation by Abu Bakr Shatri. Al Imran. Subscribe, comment and like! Abu Bakr Shatri | An Nisa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vxXU3hbtqM.
Seerat e Abu Bakar As-Siddiq RA - Biography of Abubakr RA in Urdu By Adv. Faiz Syed
Seerat e Abu Bakar As-Siddiq RA - Biography of Abubakr RA in Urdu By Adv. Faiz Syed
Seerat e Abu Bakar As-Siddiq RA - Biography of Abubakr RA in Urdu By Adv. Faiz Syed
About the Speaker:
NAME: Adv. Faiz Syed
Adv. stands for Advocate
* Founder & President, Islamic Research Centre, Aurangabad.
* President Al-Kitab Education & Welfare Society, Aurangabad.
* President, Ilm Foundation, Aurangabad.
* President, Zakat Foundation, Aurangabad.
* President, Azam Ali Syed Public Library, Aurangabad.
* Managing Director, Al-Huda Educational Foundation Pvt. Ltd.
* President, Janseva Credit Co-Operative Society Ltd, Br. Aurangabad (A Non Interest Based Islamic Banking System)
FATHER'S NAME: Azam Ali Syed (Saudi Aramco Retired)
BORN: 12-Dec-1979.
* Burhani National En
Surah Muminoon (Sheikh Abu Bakr Shatri) Superb recitation in full (High Quality)
Surah Muminoon (Sheikh Abu Bakr Shatri) Superb recitation in full (High Quality)
Surah Muminoon (Sheikh Abu Bakr Shatri) Superb recitation in full (High Quality)
Live recording during Ramadhan prayers (Special) "True believers are those whose hearts are filled with awe whenever the Creator is mentioned, and whose fait...
Surah Kahf | Abu Bakr ash-Shatri سورة الكهف | ابو بكر الشاطري
Surah Kahf | Abu Bakr ash-Shatri سورة الكهف | ابو بكر الشاطري
Surah Kahf | Abu Bakr ash-Shatri سورة الكهف | ابو بكر الشاطري
From Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri, who said: "Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on the night of Jumu'ah, will have a light that will stretch between him and the Ancient H...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IslamicGuidanceYT
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His Personality Is Amazing, Surprising, Because Whenever You Pull Out A List Of A Good Deed, You Would Find The Name Of Abu Bakr At The Top, Whichever List You Pull Out, You're Gonna Find His Name On There And It's The First Name; He Was The First Muslim, He Was The first Caliph, He Was The First And Only Person To Be With Rasullullah In Hijra, he Was The First On Imaan, Rasullullah SAW Says, The Iman Of Abu Bakr Is Greater Than All The Ummah, I Mean Abu Bakr As Sidiq Ra Was Not Only A Friend, he Was A Companion, An Adviser, A Financial Supporter, A Body Guard, A Confident, He Was Everything For Muhammad SAW, How Was It So Abu Bakr, As An Amir As The Head Of A State, Amirul Mu'mi My Dear Brothers And Sisters, How Is It That He Will Travel Every day, He Would Travel Every day After Fajr To A Blind Elderly Persons House And Clean Her House And Prepare Her Children, Tend To Her Animals, She Didn't Even Know Who He Was, Who This Man Was, What This Man Did, All She Knew That A Man Came And Provided For Her, Such Was The Love That Abu Bakr RA Had For Allah SWT, If There Was Nothing Else That Regarding Abu Bakr, Only This Statement, It Would Have Sufficed, The Prophet SAW Said: Whoever Has Done Me A Favour In This Dunya, I Have Repaid The Favour, As For Abu Bakr Allah Will Repay Him On The Day Of Judgement And Then The Prophet SAW Says: All Of Doors To The Masjid Should BE Closed Beside The Door Of Abu Bakr RA And The Messenger SAW Passes Away And Abu Bakr Is At The House OF His Wife And He Hears And He Comes To The Masjid And The Sahaba Are In A State Of Confusion, I Often Say Why Wasn't Abu Bakr On That Day, Now It Was Turn For Abu Bakr To Be The Caliph, To Be The Man, To Lead The Muslims.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IslamicGuidanceYT
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His Personality Is Amazing, Surprising, Because Whenever You Pull Out A List Of A Good Deed, You Would Find The Name Of Abu Bakr At The Top, Whichever List You Pull Out, You're Gonna Find His Name On There And It's The First Name; He Was The First Muslim, He Was The first Caliph, He Was The First And Only Person To Be With Rasullullah In Hijra, he Was The First On Imaan, Rasullullah SAW Says, The Iman Of Abu Bakr Is Greater Than All The Ummah, I Mean Abu Bakr As Sidiq Ra Was Not Only A Friend, he Was A Companion, An Adviser, A Financial Supporter, A Body Guard, A Confident, He Was Everything For Muhammad SAW, How Was It So Abu Bakr, As An Amir As The Head Of A State, Amirul Mu'mi My Dear Brothers And Sisters, How Is It That He Will Travel Every day, He Would Travel Every day After Fajr To A Blind Elderly Persons House And Clean Her House And Prepare Her Children, Tend To Her Animals, She Didn't Even Know Who He Was, Who This Man Was, What This Man Did, All She Knew That A Man Came And Provided For Her, Such Was The Love That Abu Bakr RA Had For Allah SWT, If There Was Nothing Else That Regarding Abu Bakr, Only This Statement, It Would Have Sufficed, The Prophet SAW Said: Whoever Has Done Me A Favour In This Dunya, I Have Repaid The Favour, As For Abu Bakr Allah Will Repay Him On The Day Of Judgement And Then The Prophet SAW Says: All Of Doors To The Masjid Should BE Closed Beside The Door Of Abu Bakr RA And The Messenger SAW Passes Away And Abu Bakr Is At The House OF His Wife And He Hears And He Comes To The Masjid And The Sahaba Are In A State Of Confusion, I Often Say Why Wasn't Abu Bakr On That Day, Now It Was Turn For Abu Bakr To Be The Caliph, To Be The Man, To Lead The Muslims.
published:21 Nov 2013
Abu Bakr al Siddiq (R.A.) : His Life and Times 16 hours lecture
Abu Bakr Al Siddeeq (R.A.), His Life and Times, by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki. This series of lectures covers the different aspects of the life of Abu Bakr (R.A.),...
Abu Bakr Al Siddeeq (R.A.), His Life and Times, by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki. This series of lectures covers the different aspects of the life of Abu Bakr (R.A.),...
Example of kindness by Abu Bakr (ra) - very emotional talk from our brother Omar Esa about Abu Bakr (ra) and how he used to care for an old blind woman while he was the leader at the time..
Download the FREE Nasheed Mixtape by Omar Esa @ http://www.omaresa.com/
Example of kindness by Abu Bakr (ra) - very emotional talk from our brother Omar Esa about Abu Bakr (ra) and how he used to care for an old blind woman while he was the leader at the time..
Download the FREE Nasheed Mixtape by Omar Esa @ http://www.omaresa.com/
published:27 Apr 2014
The Story Of Abu Bakr Siddique P1 ~ Mufti Ismail Menk ~ Day 1 Ramadan 2014
Breathtaking recitation of Surat Ash-Shura by Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri at St George's University of London (SGUL) on 16.10.14
► Donate: http://www.gofundme.com/MercifulServantVideos
Breathtaking recitation of Surat Ash-Shura by Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri at St George's University of London (SGUL) on 16.10.14
► Donate: http://www.gofundme.com/MercifulServantVideos
published:23 Oct 2014
The Man Who Tried to Overthrow the Trinidad Government: Interview with Abu Bakr
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
At his compound on the outskirts of Port of Spain, the man responsible for the only attempted militant Islamic overthrow of a Western government is smiling. "I've been charged with treason, I've been charged with sedition, with murder, conspiracy to murder, [stockpiling] guns...." Abu Bakr, the fiery 73-year-old leader of Jamaat al Muslimeen, rattles off the many accusations that the government of Trinidad and Tobago has leveled against him.
"Nothing has stuck, because it's fabricated," he continues. "They list all the charges in a book, and they just throw the book at me.... That's not prosecution, that's persecution!"
Bakr has mellowed a bit in his old age, but he still relishes the opportunity to serve as a thorn in the side of the government with whom he has clashed for decades. Depending on which local you ask, "The Jamaat" is either a jihadi group, a vast criminal organization, an invaluable community resource providing jobs and social services to Trinidad's disadvantaged, or a combination of all three.
But everyone agrees that the coup that Bakr led in 1990 — which held the state hostage for six days, unleashed widespread looting and chaos, and resulted in 24 deaths and the shooting of the prime minister — changed the country forever.
More on VICE News:
The Islamic Leader Who Tried to Overthrow Trinidad Has Mellowed... a Little - https://news.vice.com/article/the-islamic-leader-who-tried-to-overthrow-trinidad-has-mellowed-a-little
Watch "Murder and Corruption in Trinidad" - https://news.vice.com/video/murder-and-corruption-in-trinidad
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At his compound on the outskirts of Port of Spain, the man responsible for the only attempted militant Islamic overthrow of a Western government is smiling. "I've been charged with treason, I've been charged with sedition, with murder, conspiracy to murder, [stockpiling] guns...." Abu Bakr, the fiery 73-year-old leader of Jamaat al Muslimeen, rattles off the many accusations that the government of Trinidad and Tobago has leveled against him.
"Nothing has stuck, because it's fabricated," he continues. "They list all the charges in a book, and they just throw the book at me.... That's not prosecution, that's persecution!"
Bakr has mellowed a bit in his old age, but he still relishes the opportunity to serve as a thorn in the side of the government with whom he has clashed for decades. Depending on which local you ask, "The Jamaat" is either a jihadi group, a vast criminal organization, an invaluable community resource providing jobs and social services to Trinidad's disadvantaged, or a combination of all three.
But everyone agrees that the coup that Bakr led in 1990 — which held the state hostage for six days, unleashed widespread looting and chaos, and resulted in 24 deaths and the shooting of the prime minister — changed the country forever.
More on VICE News:
The Islamic Leader Who Tried to Overthrow Trinidad Has Mellowed... a Little - https://news.vice.com/article/the-islamic-leader-who-tried-to-overthrow-trinidad-has-mellowed-a-little
Watch "Murder and Corruption in Trinidad" - https://news.vice.com/video/murder-and-corruption-in-trinidad
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published:30 May 2014
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: Part 2 - Pre-Islam life & Conversion Story ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
View all previous videos in this series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYZxc42QNctWVL4AfVftcF7TL3b0_Wrc0
In this video, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses:
-What we know about Abu Bakr (r) before Islam
-Abu Bakr's conversion story, as the first adult non family member male to convert
-Abu Bakr (r) being beaten publicly for preaching Islam publicly
-Abu Bakr's mother accepting Islam
-Aby Bakr (r) receiving and then having his protection removed
-Allah mentions Abu Bakr in the Qur'an to elevate his status in Surah Tawbah - as "Second of the two" (Thani Ath-nayn), "sahib" (companion) and that "Allah is with us"
Other topics covered in this video are:
-Story of Zayd ibn Amr ibn Nufayl, the most famous of the Hunafa (ones who never worshiped idols) and Ibn Abu Sult
-Abu Bakr (r) learning about prophet-hood (nabi) from Waraqah (10:10)
-Abu Bakr (r) memorized the Nathr (poetry) of Qus Ibn Saida (Master of Nathr - poetry/rap), another Haneef (those of monotheist belief)
-Aisha narrated: "When Abu Bakr converted, the happiest person in Makkah was prophet Muhammad [sas]"
-5 of 10 of the "Ten promised Paradise" (Ashara Mubash-shara) converted to Islam at the hands of Abu Bakr - i) Zubayr Ibn Al-Awwam ii) Uthman ibn Affan iii) Talha ibn Ubaydillah iv) Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas and v) Abdurrahman Ibn Auf
-When Islam reached 38 men, in Darul Arkam, Abu Bakr suggested to the Prophet (s) that the Da'wah should go public. He became the first khateeb of Islam to preach tawheed publicly. He was beaten unconscious for this.
-Ali (r) proclaimed Abu Bakr (r) as the bravest of all people, in reference to speaking publicly.
-Abu Bakr (r) was the first to suffer physically, first to give his money, first to advise the prophet, first to free slaves from his own money (over 10 early slaves, Bilal being one of them)
-The protection offered to Abu Bakr (r) by Ibn Ad-Daghina, with the condition that Abu Bakr (r) cannot read Qur'an or pray publicly.
Date of presentation: April 1, 2015
Lives of the Sahaba - A lecture series profiling the Companions of the Prophet (S).
Join Dr. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi as he discusses the lives of the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet), some of the greatest and most blessed human beings to ever live after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (S). While not a comprehensive history of the Khulafa Ar-Rashidoon, this series will provide a summarized biography of the men and women considered to be the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet [s]), including the Mothers of the Believers (the wives of the Prophet).
View all previous videos in this series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYZxc42QNctWVL4AfVftcF7TL3b0_Wrc0
In this video, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses:
-What we know about Abu Bakr (r) before Islam
-Abu Bakr's conversion story, as the first adult non family member male to convert
-Abu Bakr (r) being beaten publicly for preaching Islam publicly
-Abu Bakr's mother accepting Islam
-Aby Bakr (r) receiving and then having his protection removed
-Allah mentions Abu Bakr in the Qur'an to elevate his status in Surah Tawbah - as "Second of the two" (Thani Ath-nayn), "sahib" (companion) and that "Allah is with us"
Other topics covered in this video are:
-Story of Zayd ibn Amr ibn Nufayl, the most famous of the Hunafa (ones who never worshiped idols) and Ibn Abu Sult
-Abu Bakr (r) learning about prophet-hood (nabi) from Waraqah (10:10)
-Abu Bakr (r) memorized the Nathr (poetry) of Qus Ibn Saida (Master of Nathr - poetry/rap), another Haneef (those of monotheist belief)
-Aisha narrated: "When Abu Bakr converted, the happiest person in Makkah was prophet Muhammad [sas]"
-5 of 10 of the "Ten promised Paradise" (Ashara Mubash-shara) converted to Islam at the hands of Abu Bakr - i) Zubayr Ibn Al-Awwam ii) Uthman ibn Affan iii) Talha ibn Ubaydillah iv) Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas and v) Abdurrahman Ibn Auf
-When Islam reached 38 men, in Darul Arkam, Abu Bakr suggested to the Prophet (s) that the Da'wah should go public. He became the first khateeb of Islam to preach tawheed publicly. He was beaten unconscious for this.
-Ali (r) proclaimed Abu Bakr (r) as the bravest of all people, in reference to speaking publicly.
-Abu Bakr (r) was the first to suffer physically, first to give his money, first to advise the prophet, first to free slaves from his own money (over 10 early slaves, Bilal being one of them)
-The protection offered to Abu Bakr (r) by Ibn Ad-Daghina, with the condition that Abu Bakr (r) cannot read Qur'an or pray publicly.
Date of presentation: April 1, 2015
Lives of the Sahaba - A lecture series profiling the Companions of the Prophet (S).
Join Dr. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi as he discusses the lives of the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet), some of the greatest and most blessed human beings to ever live after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (S). While not a comprehensive history of the Khulafa Ar-Rashidoon, this series will provide a summarized biography of the men and women considered to be the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet [s]), including the Mothers of the Believers (the wives of the Prophet).
published:28 May 2015
Abu Bakr (ra) UNPARALLELED Love For The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Emotional [HD]
Like us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ink-Of-Knowledge/150520621786983 No Mother loves her child as much as Abu Bakr loved the Prophet (SAW)!!! The P...
Like us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ink-Of-Knowledge/150520621786983 No Mother loves her child as much as Abu Bakr loved the Prophet (SAW)!!! The P...
After the death of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) when the Ummah was in great turmoil and distress one man arose to be the representative of Allah and His Messenger on earth as the first rightly guided Khalifah of the entire Muslim Ummah.
His title was al-Siddiq (The Upright, The Truthful), his mention is made by Allah (subhanahu wa ta‘ala) in the Qurʾan as "the second of the two" and his legacy is unmatched by any human other than the Prophets of Allah.
Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he embarks on a new journey studying the life and times of the greatest follower of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) and the best of this Ummah; Abu Bakr al-Siddiq ~ The Successor of the Prophet!
Recorded 25th March 2015
After the death of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) when the Ummah was in great turmoil and distress one man arose to be the representative of Allah and His Messenger on earth as the first rightly guided Khalifah of the entire Muslim Ummah.
His title was al-Siddiq (The Upright, The Truthful), his mention is made by Allah (subhanahu wa ta‘ala) in the Qurʾan as "the second of the two" and his legacy is unmatched by any human other than the Prophets of Allah.
Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he embarks on a new journey studying the life and times of the greatest follower of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) and the best of this Ummah; Abu Bakr al-Siddiq ~ The Successor of the Prophet!
Recorded 25th March 2015
published:02 May 2015
سورة البقرة ابو بكر الشاطري Surah Al Baqarah Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri
BBC Newsnight's Secunder Kermani looks at the rise of the group and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The rapid advance across Iraq of militant fighters from the Islamic State has thrown the country into chaos and led to US air strikes against their key positions. Fighters from the group, which was formed in April 2013 under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), have made substantial gains in northern Iraq in recent months, forcing tens of thousands of people from religious minorities to flee their homes.
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BBC Newsnight's Secunder Kermani looks at the rise of the group and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The rapid advance across Iraq of militant fighters from the Islamic State has thrown the country into chaos and led to US air strikes against their key positions. Fighters from the group, which was formed in April 2013 under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), have made substantial gains in northern Iraq in recent months, forcing tens of thousands of people from religious minorities to flee their homes.
Subscribe to BBC News HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
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published:12 Aug 2014
English subtitles of full sermon by ISIS's Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Caliph of the "Islamic State"
This is the historic Jum'ah Khutbah and prayer in the Grand Masjid of Mosul City by Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the newly appointed Khalifah (Caliph) of the "Islam...
This is the historic Jum'ah Khutbah and prayer in the Grand Masjid of Mosul City by Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the newly appointed Khalifah (Caliph) of the "Islam...
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Any of the views expressed by the speakers do not necessarily represent the views of The Merciful Servant or any other projects it may have or intend to do. The Merciful Servant and it's affiliates do not advocate nor condone any unlawful activity towards any individual or community.
► Donate: http://www.gofundme.com/MercifulServantVideos
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Any of the views expressed by the speakers do not necessarily represent the views of The Merciful Servant or any other projects it may have or intend to do. The Merciful Servant and it's affiliates do not advocate nor condone any unlawful activity towards any individual or community.
published:14 Nov 2014
Juz 30 - Shaykh Abubakr Shatri (with English Translation)
After months of editing and a lot of hard work, this Qur'aan series is finally ready for publishing. The recitation is beautifully presented by Shaykh Abubakr Shatri, complete with full English Translation.
There were many places where slight audio or video problems occurred and I have tried my utmost to rectify them. Therefore if there are any slight errors I do apologize.
I would like to thank Islamic Media HD for providing most of the material and for their assistance. May Allah reward their efforts and increase them in sincerity. Ameen.
I hope this can help people understand the TRUE message of Islam and spread the blessed words of Allah throughout the four corners of this world. As always your duas are humbly requested and your views, comments and feedback as well as requests are highly appreciated.
After months of editing and a lot of hard work, this Qur'aan series is finally ready for publishing. The recitation is beautifully presented by Shaykh Abubakr Shatri, complete with full English Translation.
There were many places where slight audio or video problems occurred and I have tried my utmost to rectify them. Therefore if there are any slight errors I do apologize.
I would like to thank Islamic Media HD for providing most of the material and for their assistance. May Allah reward their efforts and increase them in sincerity. Ameen.
I hope this can help people understand the TRUE message of Islam and spread the blessed words of Allah throughout the four corners of this world. As always your duas are humbly requested and your views, comments and feedback as well as requests are highly appreciated.
published:17 Dec 2011
ABU BAKR (r) o UMAR (r) USMAAN (r) o ALI (r) [Complete Video] by : Br. Imran
Al Hamdulillah ! On 1st Nov 2014 Sat, at Gandhi Bhavan, Hyderabad, India, Br. Imran delivered an Urdu Talk followed by Question & Answer Session on the topic : Naheen Insay Bahtar Koi Allah Kay Wali - ABU BAKR (r) o UMAR (r) USMAAN (r) o ALI (r)
Al Hamdulillah ! On 1st Nov 2014 Sat, at Gandhi Bhavan, Hyderabad, India, Br. Imran delivered an Urdu Talk followed by Question & Answer Session on the topic : Naheen Insay Bahtar Koi Allah Kay Wali - ABU BAKR (r) o UMAR (r) USMAAN (r) o ALI (r)
Amazing recitation of the final Juz of the Qur'an, from Surat An-Naba (Chapter 78) to Surat An-Nas (Chapter 114), recited by Sheikh Abu Bakr Ash-Shatri from Taraweeh 1432
Download MP3: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/abltfspfph6tz/Abu%20Bakr%20Ash-Shatri%20-%20Juz%20'Amma%201432
Amazing recitation of the final Juz of the Qur'an, from Surat An-Naba (Chapter 78) to Surat An-Nas (Chapter 114), recited by Sheikh Abu Bakr Ash-Shatri from Taraweeh 1432
Download MP3: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/abltfspfph6tz/Abu%20Bakr%20Ash-Shatri%20-%20Juz%20'Amma%201432
About the Speaker:
NAME: Adv. Faiz Syed
Adv. stands for Advocate
* Founder & President, Islamic Research Centre, Aurangabad.
* President Al-Kitab Education & Welfare Society, Aurangabad.
* President, Ilm Foundation, Aurangabad.
* President, Zakat Foundation, Aurangabad.
* President, Azam Ali Syed Public Library, Aurangabad.
* Managing Director, Al-Huda Educational Foundation Pvt. Ltd.
* President, Janseva Credit Co-Operative Society Ltd, Br. Aurangabad (A Non Interest Based Islamic Banking System)
FATHER'S NAME: Azam Ali Syed (Saudi Aramco Retired)
BORN: 12-Dec-1979.
* Burhani National English High School, Aurangabad.
* Maulana Azad College of Arts Science & Commerce, Aurangabad.
* Tom Patrick Institute of Computer & Information Technology, Aurangabad.
* Dr. Ambedkar College of Law. Aurangabad.
* B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science in Computers)
* M.C.A (Master of Computer Application)
* B.G.L (Bachelor of General Laws)
* LL.B (Bachelor of Laws)
Fazil-e-Deoband from Jamia Diniyat Deoband, Uttar Pradesh, India
Alhamdulillah Hundreds of Public Lectures usually followed by Question and Answer Sessions given nationally of which 65 are available on DVDs more than 175 topics & 7500 Q & A on YouTube.
Has given more than 1500 lectures & talks on various subjects followed by open Q & A Session on Islam and Comparative Religion in Urdu, Hindi & English at more than 75 cities in India like Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Phulat, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata, Kharagpur, Asansol, Ahmedabad, Nadiad, Jaipur, Sikar, Ladnun, Fatehpur, Patna, Secunderabad, Sirsi, Dhanbad, Ganjdundwara, Mirzapur, Ghusia, Shahjahanpur, Miranpur Katra, Malerkotla, Ahmedgarh, Roddhiwad, Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Jatni, Rourkela, Udupi, Moodbedre, Malpe, Hoode, Jalna, Beed, Buldhana, Parbhani, Nanded, Osmanabad, Yavatmal, Adilabad, Amravati, Solapur, Ahmednagar, Kalyan, Bhiwandi, Thane, Tandur, Vijaywada, Chandol, Tenali, Kankinara, Akot, Khuldabad, Gangapur, Chalisgaon, Sillod, Pachora, Ajanta, Mehkar, Pandharkawada, Pusad, Ambad, Dawarwadi, Agarbadgaon, Paithan, Dhawda, Dewalghat and other cities.
He has also delivered a lecture to Students at King Fahad University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) Dhahran, Saudi Arabia & World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) Centre at East Dammam, Saudi Arabia. He is called for guest lectures at various Institutions, Organizations, Colleges and Schools.
Islamic Research Centre (IRC) is a Registered, Non-profit organization, established in 2001 & Adv. Faiz Syed is its founder president. IRC aims to convey the true message of Islam (Peace) to Muslims as well as Non-Muslims with wisdom & beautiful preaching and to remove misconception about Islam among the masses and to provide social and welfare assistance to poor and needy in the field of Education, Health & Charity.
IRC uses modern technology for its activities wherever feasible. Its presentation of Islam reaches millions of people worldwide through the internet, cable TV and the print media. IRC's activities and facilities provide the much needed understanding about the truth and excellence of Islamic teachings - based on the glorious Qur'an, authentic Hadith as understood by Salaf of this Ummah and also reason, logic & scientific facts.
ISLAMIC CONFERENCE (Every Year In Ramadhan))
ISLAMIC BOOK FAIR (Every Year In January)
EXHIBITION (On Various Themes)
Visit IRC & Utilize IRC's Program, Library, Courses, Facilities and Other Services.
Assist IRC in organizing all the above activities by offering your time, skill & services.
Contribute to the Noble cause in Cash, Kind, Zakat & Non-Zakat Fund.
Yours suggestion are most welcome.
# 1-23-100, Rohila Gali, Aurangabad - 431001
Maharashtra, India. islam@irc-india.com
Tel: +91-240-2336984 / 2330655 / 2359040
NOTE: we take due care not to make or upload a video with mistake but then also our staff and speakers are human being and are liable to make mistakes, but we at IRC are always ready to make corrections / Islah of our mistakes, so please if you find any mistake after through study and knowledge, do notify us at our land line telephone nos given above for quick response.
About the Speaker:
NAME: Adv. Faiz Syed
Adv. stands for Advocate
* Founder & President, Islamic Research Centre, Aurangabad.
* President Al-Kitab Education & Welfare Society, Aurangabad.
* President, Ilm Foundation, Aurangabad.
* President, Zakat Foundation, Aurangabad.
* President, Azam Ali Syed Public Library, Aurangabad.
* Managing Director, Al-Huda Educational Foundation Pvt. Ltd.
* President, Janseva Credit Co-Operative Society Ltd, Br. Aurangabad (A Non Interest Based Islamic Banking System)
FATHER'S NAME: Azam Ali Syed (Saudi Aramco Retired)
BORN: 12-Dec-1979.
* Burhani National English High School, Aurangabad.
* Maulana Azad College of Arts Science & Commerce, Aurangabad.
* Tom Patrick Institute of Computer & Information Technology, Aurangabad.
* Dr. Ambedkar College of Law. Aurangabad.
* B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science in Computers)
* M.C.A (Master of Computer Application)
* B.G.L (Bachelor of General Laws)
* LL.B (Bachelor of Laws)
Fazil-e-Deoband from Jamia Diniyat Deoband, Uttar Pradesh, India
Alhamdulillah Hundreds of Public Lectures usually followed by Question and Answer Sessions given nationally of which 65 are available on DVDs more than 175 topics & 7500 Q & A on YouTube.
Has given more than 1500 lectures & talks on various subjects followed by open Q & A Session on Islam and Comparative Religion in Urdu, Hindi & English at more than 75 cities in India like Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Phulat, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata, Kharagpur, Asansol, Ahmedabad, Nadiad, Jaipur, Sikar, Ladnun, Fatehpur, Patna, Secunderabad, Sirsi, Dhanbad, Ganjdundwara, Mirzapur, Ghusia, Shahjahanpur, Miranpur Katra, Malerkotla, Ahmedgarh, Roddhiwad, Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Jatni, Rourkela, Udupi, Moodbedre, Malpe, Hoode, Jalna, Beed, Buldhana, Parbhani, Nanded, Osmanabad, Yavatmal, Adilabad, Amravati, Solapur, Ahmednagar, Kalyan, Bhiwandi, Thane, Tandur, Vijaywada, Chandol, Tenali, Kankinara, Akot, Khuldabad, Gangapur, Chalisgaon, Sillod, Pachora, Ajanta, Mehkar, Pandharkawada, Pusad, Ambad, Dawarwadi, Agarbadgaon, Paithan, Dhawda, Dewalghat and other cities.
He has also delivered a lecture to Students at King Fahad University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) Dhahran, Saudi Arabia & World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) Centre at East Dammam, Saudi Arabia. He is called for guest lectures at various Institutions, Organizations, Colleges and Schools.
Islamic Research Centre (IRC) is a Registered, Non-profit organization, established in 2001 & Adv. Faiz Syed is its founder president. IRC aims to convey the true message of Islam (Peace) to Muslims as well as Non-Muslims with wisdom & beautiful preaching and to remove misconception about Islam among the masses and to provide social and welfare assistance to poor and needy in the field of Education, Health & Charity.
IRC uses modern technology for its activities wherever feasible. Its presentation of Islam reaches millions of people worldwide through the internet, cable TV and the print media. IRC's activities and facilities provide the much needed understanding about the truth and excellence of Islamic teachings - based on the glorious Qur'an, authentic Hadith as understood by Salaf of this Ummah and also reason, logic & scientific facts.
ISLAMIC CONFERENCE (Every Year In Ramadhan))
ISLAMIC BOOK FAIR (Every Year In January)
EXHIBITION (On Various Themes)
Visit IRC & Utilize IRC's Program, Library, Courses, Facilities and Other Services.
Assist IRC in organizing all the above activities by offering your time, skill & services.
Contribute to the Noble cause in Cash, Kind, Zakat & Non-Zakat Fund.
Yours suggestion are most welcome.
# 1-23-100, Rohila Gali, Aurangabad - 431001
Maharashtra, India. islam@irc-india.com
Tel: +91-240-2336984 / 2330655 / 2359040
NOTE: we take due care not to make or upload a video with mistake but then also our staff and speakers are human being and are liable to make mistakes, but we at IRC are always ready to make corrections / Islah of our mistakes, so please if you find any mistake after through study and knowledge, do notify us at our land line telephone nos given above for quick response.
published:18 Dec 2014
Surah Muminoon (Sheikh Abu Bakr Shatri) Superb recitation in full (High Quality)
Live recording during Ramadhan prayers (Special) "True believers are those whose hearts are filled with awe whenever the Creator is mentioned, and whose fait...
Live recording during Ramadhan prayers (Special) "True believers are those whose hearts are filled with awe whenever the Creator is mentioned, and whose fait...
From Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri, who said: "Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on the night of Jumu'ah, will have a light that will stretch between him and the Ancient H...
From Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri, who said: "Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on the night of Jumu'ah, will have a light that will stretch between him and the Ancient H...
Qur'an the Light of Guidance - Qari Abu Bakr Shatri
Qur'an the Light of Guidance - Qari Abu Bakr Shatri
Qur'an the Light of Guidance - Qari Abu Bakr Shatri
Qur'an the Light of Guidance short reminder by Qari Abu Bakr Shatri translated by br. masood chowdhury followed by a beautiful Qur'an Recitation and then Mag...
Salaams, Part 1. This is a video interview of Sheikh AbuBakr AsShatery, basically following him around for the whole day. He recites a lot in the video, some...
Abu Bakr Interview On Crimewatch.
Call of Mercy to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from British Muslim aid workers
Call of Mercy to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from British Muslim aid workers
Call of Mercy to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from British Muslim aid workers
A call from British Muslim aid workers for Mercy in the case of Alan Henning.
Arabic subtitles:
الى ابي بكر البغدادي، ريئس الدولة الاسلامية وأخوانا بالإسلام ، السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
نعلن هذا البيان عن إخواننا في بريطانيا وأصحابنا في قافلة الإغاثة الذين سافروا من بريطانيا لإيصال المساعدة الطبية و المواد الإغاثية كالاغطية و المواد الغذائية و سيارات الإسعاف لاخواننا و إخواننا بسوريا.
أسيركم ألان هيننغ سافر معنا لسوريا عدة مرات. في كل مرة صاحب إخوانكم و إخوانكم بالإسلام بالسفر في أمانهم و رعايتهم. لم نخف من الدخول الى سوريا و كذلك الان. كان مثلنا يشعر بالسرور و بالأمان و الاطمئنان بانه لن يتعرض لمكروه ما دام تحت رعايتنا و خصوصا انه
Interview Abu Bakr Rieger 1/3
Interview Abu Bakr Rieger 1/3
Interview Abu Bakr Rieger 1/3
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausgeber der Islamischen Zeitung, Abu Bakr Rieger, über ihre Geschichte...
Interview Abu Bakr Rieger 2/3
Interview Abu Bakr Rieger 2/3
Interview Abu Bakr Rieger 2/3
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausgeber der Islamischen Zeitung, Abu Bakr Rieger, über ihre Geschichte...
Interview Abu Bakr Rieger 3/3
Interview Abu Bakr Rieger 3/3
Interview Abu Bakr Rieger 3/3
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausgeber der Islamischen Zeitung, Abu Bakr Rieger, über ihre Geschichte...
Abu Bakr Carberry (Interview) - Health, Mortgages and Da'wah
Abu Bakr Carberry (Interview) - Health, Mortgages and Da'wah
Abu Bakr Carberry (Interview) - Health, Mortgages and Da'wah
InnerDimensions.org.uk A Fantastic Interview With Abu Bakr (Alexander) Carberry Abu Bakr Carberry tells us how he became a natural practitioner from his time...
Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi: The Man Who Drew the U.S. Back to Iraq | Iraq 2014 News | The New York Times
Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi: The Man Who Drew the U.S. Back to Iraq | Iraq 2014 News | The New York Times
Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi: The Man Who Drew the U.S. Back to Iraq | Iraq 2014 News | The New York Times
A look at Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the leader of the militant group ISIS, which now rivals Al Qaeda in power and popularity. Produced by: Mona El-Naggar and Sof...
Interview | Ramadan 2014 | Shaykh Abu Bakr Shatri
Interview | Ramadan 2014 | Shaykh Abu Bakr Shatri
Interview | Ramadan 2014 | Shaykh Abu Bakr Shatri
A Message to the Caliph Abu Bakr al Baghdadi
A Message to the Caliph Abu Bakr al Baghdadi
A Message to the Caliph Abu Bakr al Baghdadi
Former Muslim Brother Rachid sends a powerful message to the Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State. He asks him and his followers important questions concerning the Islamic State: What is a country? How are nations built? What are the borders of this state? What is its currency? Does it have any future among other nations?
https://www.facebook.com/daringquestions www.twitter.com/BrotherRasheed
When John Mccain Met Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
When John Mccain Met Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
When John Mccain Met Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
When John Mccain Met Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead
A Twitter account affiliated with 'Al-I'tisaam', a media outlet of the ISIS terrorist group first wrote that it would publish details regarding the 'death'.
For More information on this news visit: http://www.itvnewsindia.com/
For More information on this news, visit: http://www.itvnewsindia.com/hindi
Connect with us on Social platform at: http://www.facebook.com/InformationTV
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All Our Stories - Abu-Bakr Madden Al-shabazz interview
All Our Stories - Abu-Bakr Madden Al-shabazz interview
All Our Stories - Abu-Bakr Madden Al-shabazz interview
Abu-Bakr Madden Al Shabazz, 44 from Barry/ Grangetown speaks about history, heritage,and the original black inhabitants of Wales. The Diverse Cymru All Our S...
NDR 2014: Interview with Abu Bakar (Keppel)
NDR 2014: Interview with Abu Bakar (Keppel)
NDR 2014: Interview with Abu Bakar (Keppel)
A conversation between Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Keppel's Mr Abu Bakar, who graduated from Singapore Polytechnic and started as an Assistant Safety ...
The Islamic State (Full Length)
The Islamic State (Full Length)
The Islamic State (Full Length)
EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: http://bit.ly/1wT03Bi
The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph.
The lightning advances the Islamic State made across Syria and Iraq in June shocked the world. But it's not just the group's military victories that have garnered attention — it's also the pace with which its members have begun to carve out a
Anne Will Wer ist Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 18 02 2015
Anne Will Wer ist Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 18 02 2015
Anne Will Wer ist Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 18 02 2015
Wer ist der Abu Bakr al Baghdadi Dieser Frage geht Weltspiegel extra nach das exklusiv im Rahmen von Anne Will gezeigt wird br Nein Wir schleudern die ...
HART ABER FAİR 2015,Talkmagazin,NDR Talk Show 2015,NDR Talk Show mit Kaya Yanar 2015,Heute Show 2015,Serdar Somuncu interview ,Serdar ...
Serdar Somuncu,,HART ABER FAİR,mit Frank Plasberg Polit Talkmagazin,Hassknecht live 2015,Hart aber fair Flüchtlinge in Deutschland,Die Anstalt 2015,Die ...
HART ABER fair 2015,Talkmagazin,NDR Talk Show 2015,NDR Talk Show mit Kaya Yanar 2015,Heute Show 2015,Serdar Somuncu interview ,Serdar Somuncu ...
Anne Will Wer ist Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 1
MIGF 2014 Gala Launch Interview with Tan Sri Dr Ridzwan Abu Bakar
MIGF 2014 Gala Launch Interview with Tan Sri Dr Ridzwan Abu Bakar
MIGF 2014 Gala Launch Interview with Tan Sri Dr Ridzwan Abu Bakar
Documentary: Kaiso for July 27 (1990 Attempted Coup in Trinidad & Tobago)
Documentary: Kaiso for July 27 (1990 Attempted Coup in Trinidad & Tobago)
Documentary: Kaiso for July 27 (1990 Attempted Coup in Trinidad & Tobago)
A "musical" documentary looking at the attempted coup in Trinidad & Tobago in 1990 by a small maverick Islamic group called Jamaat al Muslimeen, led by Abu B...
Qur'an the Light of Guidance short reminder by Qari Abu Bakr Shatri translated by br. masood chowdhury followed by a beautiful Qur'an Recitation and then Mag...
Qur'an the Light of Guidance short reminder by Qari Abu Bakr Shatri translated by br. masood chowdhury followed by a beautiful Qur'an Recitation and then Mag...
Salaams, Part 1. This is a video interview of Sheikh AbuBakr AsShatery, basically following him around for the whole day. He recites a lot in the video, some...
Salaams, Part 1. This is a video interview of Sheikh AbuBakr AsShatery, basically following him around for the whole day. He recites a lot in the video, some...
A call from British Muslim aid workers for Mercy in the case of Alan Henning.
Arabic subtitles:
الى ابي بكر البغدادي، ريئس الدولة الاسلامية وأخوانا بالإسلام ، السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
نعلن هذا البيان عن إخواننا في بريطانيا وأصحابنا في قافلة الإغاثة الذين سافروا من بريطانيا لإيصال المساعدة الطبية و المواد الإغاثية كالاغطية و المواد الغذائية و سيارات الإسعاف لاخواننا و إخواننا بسوريا.
أسيركم ألان هيننغ سافر معنا لسوريا عدة مرات. في كل مرة صاحب إخوانكم و إخوانكم بالإسلام بالسفر في أمانهم و رعايتهم. لم نخف من الدخول الى سوريا و كذلك الان. كان مثلنا يشعر بالسرور و بالأمان و الاطمئنان بانه لن يتعرض لمكروه ما دام تحت رعايتنا و خصوصا انه قام بالسفر لإيصال الإغاثة لاخواننا و إخواننا الذين هم بأمس الحاجة اليها.
الان تأثر بحالة الشعب السوري المأساوية و خصوصا الأطفال فخصص كل أوقات فراغه لمساعدتهم بجمع الأموال و إبلاغ الآخرين بأحوالهم. فقام بغسيل السيارات لجمع المعونة المالية، و جمع المواد الإغاثية بشتى أنواعها و حدث الجميع عن الجرائم التي تحصل ضد المسلمين في سوريا.
في شهر ديسمبر من السنة الماضية ترك احتفالات الميلاد السنوية مع عائلته حتى يساعد عائلات إخواننا و إخواتنا. سبحان الله، كلنا نتذكر ليلة من رحلتنا الى سوريا عندما شعر بعض الأخوة بالإعياء فقرروا النوم بفندق مريح، اما الان فرفض و نام بالسيارة حتى لا ينفق من الأموال التي رأى ان من الأفضل ان تنفق على إخواننا و أخواتنا. هذا هو ألان، فنعم الرجل ألان، فهو مثلكم و مثلنا، همه الوحيد ان يساعد و يرفع المعاناة عن إخواننا و أخواتنا في سوريا.
نحن نناشدكم بان لا تأخذوا حياته عوضا عن الجرائم التي ترتكبها الحكومات العالمية. لقد تجاهل الان نصيحة حكومته - و التي هي حكومة ديفيد كاميرون- و تحمل مشاق و خطورة السفر لسوريا لمساعدة الشعب السوري. نحن نحزن كل يوم من اجل إخواننا و أخواتنا في سوريا و هم يقتلون بالغارات الجوية التي تقوم بها الحكومات الدولية. و لكن الان بريء من هذه الجرائم و ليس له اي أهداف او انتماآت سياسية. و لقد أظهرت أعماله و نشاطاته حبه لاخواننا و أخواتنا و خوفه عليهم. هو ليس عدوا للإسلام و حتى للدولة الاسلامية.
نحن نناشدكم و نترجاكم و نرجوكم بان تعطفوا على ألان و ترحموه كما عامل المسلمين بالعطف و الرحمة.
لقد رزقكم الله عز و جل بمركز جليل حيث تستطيعون ان تنفذوا حياة إنسان بريء. نحن نترجاكم و نرجوكم بان تحكموا بالعدل و الإنصاف و ان تعاملوه بالرحمة التي وضعها الله في قلوب المسلمين- و في قلوبكم.
لقد وعدنا الان الأمان و السلامة و كمسلمين نطلب منكم باسمكم أميرا للدولة الاسلامية بان تعين إخوانك بالسلام على رعاية العهد و الأمان الذي أعطيناه لآلان.
نرجوا منكم ان تروا العالم جميعا رحمة المسلمين. الرجاء،الرجاء إطلاق سراح ألان.
A call from British Muslim aid workers for Mercy in the case of Alan Henning.
Arabic subtitles:
الى ابي بكر البغدادي، ريئس الدولة الاسلامية وأخوانا بالإسلام ، السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
نعلن هذا البيان عن إخواننا في بريطانيا وأصحابنا في قافلة الإغاثة الذين سافروا من بريطانيا لإيصال المساعدة الطبية و المواد الإغاثية كالاغطية و المواد الغذائية و سيارات الإسعاف لاخواننا و إخواننا بسوريا.
أسيركم ألان هيننغ سافر معنا لسوريا عدة مرات. في كل مرة صاحب إخوانكم و إخوانكم بالإسلام بالسفر في أمانهم و رعايتهم. لم نخف من الدخول الى سوريا و كذلك الان. كان مثلنا يشعر بالسرور و بالأمان و الاطمئنان بانه لن يتعرض لمكروه ما دام تحت رعايتنا و خصوصا انه قام بالسفر لإيصال الإغاثة لاخواننا و إخواننا الذين هم بأمس الحاجة اليها.
الان تأثر بحالة الشعب السوري المأساوية و خصوصا الأطفال فخصص كل أوقات فراغه لمساعدتهم بجمع الأموال و إبلاغ الآخرين بأحوالهم. فقام بغسيل السيارات لجمع المعونة المالية، و جمع المواد الإغاثية بشتى أنواعها و حدث الجميع عن الجرائم التي تحصل ضد المسلمين في سوريا.
في شهر ديسمبر من السنة الماضية ترك احتفالات الميلاد السنوية مع عائلته حتى يساعد عائلات إخواننا و إخواتنا. سبحان الله، كلنا نتذكر ليلة من رحلتنا الى سوريا عندما شعر بعض الأخوة بالإعياء فقرروا النوم بفندق مريح، اما الان فرفض و نام بالسيارة حتى لا ينفق من الأموال التي رأى ان من الأفضل ان تنفق على إخواننا و أخواتنا. هذا هو ألان، فنعم الرجل ألان، فهو مثلكم و مثلنا، همه الوحيد ان يساعد و يرفع المعاناة عن إخواننا و أخواتنا في سوريا.
نحن نناشدكم بان لا تأخذوا حياته عوضا عن الجرائم التي ترتكبها الحكومات العالمية. لقد تجاهل الان نصيحة حكومته - و التي هي حكومة ديفيد كاميرون- و تحمل مشاق و خطورة السفر لسوريا لمساعدة الشعب السوري. نحن نحزن كل يوم من اجل إخواننا و أخواتنا في سوريا و هم يقتلون بالغارات الجوية التي تقوم بها الحكومات الدولية. و لكن الان بريء من هذه الجرائم و ليس له اي أهداف او انتماآت سياسية. و لقد أظهرت أعماله و نشاطاته حبه لاخواننا و أخواتنا و خوفه عليهم. هو ليس عدوا للإسلام و حتى للدولة الاسلامية.
نحن نناشدكم و نترجاكم و نرجوكم بان تعطفوا على ألان و ترحموه كما عامل المسلمين بالعطف و الرحمة.
لقد رزقكم الله عز و جل بمركز جليل حيث تستطيعون ان تنفذوا حياة إنسان بريء. نحن نترجاكم و نرجوكم بان تحكموا بالعدل و الإنصاف و ان تعاملوه بالرحمة التي وضعها الله في قلوب المسلمين- و في قلوبكم.
لقد وعدنا الان الأمان و السلامة و كمسلمين نطلب منكم باسمكم أميرا للدولة الاسلامية بان تعين إخوانك بالسلام على رعاية العهد و الأمان الذي أعطيناه لآلان.
نرجوا منكم ان تروا العالم جميعا رحمة المسلمين. الرجاء،الرجاء إطلاق سراح ألان.
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausgeber der Islamischen Zeitung, Abu Bakr Rieger, über ihre Geschichte...
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausgeber der Islamischen Zeitung, Abu Bakr Rieger, über ihre Geschichte...
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausgeber der Islamischen Zeitung, Abu Bakr Rieger, über ihre Geschichte...
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausgeber der Islamischen Zeitung, Abu Bakr Rieger, über ihre Geschichte...
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausgeber der Islamischen Zeitung, Abu Bakr Rieger, über ihre Geschichte...
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausgeber der Islamischen Zeitung, Abu Bakr Rieger, über ihre Geschichte...
InnerDimensions.org.uk A Fantastic Interview With Abu Bakr (Alexander) Carberry Abu Bakr Carberry tells us how he became a natural practitioner from his time...
InnerDimensions.org.uk A Fantastic Interview With Abu Bakr (Alexander) Carberry Abu Bakr Carberry tells us how he became a natural practitioner from his time...
A look at Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the leader of the militant group ISIS, which now rivals Al Qaeda in power and popularity. Produced by: Mona El-Naggar and Sof...
A look at Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the leader of the militant group ISIS, which now rivals Al Qaeda in power and popularity. Produced by: Mona El-Naggar and Sof...
Former Muslim Brother Rachid sends a powerful message to the Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State. He asks him and his followers important questions concerning the Islamic State: What is a country? How are nations built? What are the borders of this state? What is its currency? Does it have any future among other nations?
https://www.facebook.com/daringquestions www.twitter.com/BrotherRasheed
Former Muslim Brother Rachid sends a powerful message to the Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State. He asks him and his followers important questions concerning the Islamic State: What is a country? How are nations built? What are the borders of this state? What is its currency? Does it have any future among other nations?
https://www.facebook.com/daringquestions www.twitter.com/BrotherRasheed
A Twitter account affiliated with 'Al-I'tisaam', a media outlet of the ISIS terrorist group first wrote that it would publish details regarding the 'death'.
For More information on this news visit: http://www.itvnewsindia.com/
For More information on this news, visit: http://www.itvnewsindia.com/hindi
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A Twitter account affiliated with 'Al-I'tisaam', a media outlet of the ISIS terrorist group first wrote that it would publish details regarding the 'death'.
For More information on this news visit: http://www.itvnewsindia.com/
For More information on this news, visit: http://www.itvnewsindia.com/hindi
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published:12 Nov 2014
All Our Stories - Abu-Bakr Madden Al-shabazz interview
Abu-Bakr Madden Al Shabazz, 44 from Barry/ Grangetown speaks about history, heritage,and the original black inhabitants of Wales. The Diverse Cymru All Our S...
Abu-Bakr Madden Al Shabazz, 44 from Barry/ Grangetown speaks about history, heritage,and the original black inhabitants of Wales. The Diverse Cymru All Our S...
A conversation between Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Keppel's Mr Abu Bakar, who graduated from Singapore Polytechnic and started as an Assistant Safety ...
A conversation between Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Keppel's Mr Abu Bakar, who graduated from Singapore Polytechnic and started as an Assistant Safety ...
EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: http://bit.ly/1wT03Bi
The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph.
The lightning advances the Islamic State made across Syria and Iraq in June shocked the world. But it's not just the group's military victories that have garnered attention — it's also the pace with which its members have begun to carve out a viable state.
Flush with cash and US weapons seized during its advances in Iraq, the Islamic State's expansion shows no sign of slowing down. In the first week of August alone, Islamic State fighters have taken over new areas in northern Iraq, encroaching on Kurdish territory and sending Christians and other minorities fleeing as reports of massacres emerged.
VICE News reporter Medyan Dairieh spent three weeks embedded with the Islamic State, gaining unprecedented access to the group in Iraq and Syria as the first and only journalist to document its inner workings.
Click to watch "Ghosts of Aleppo (Part 1)" - http://bit.ly/Ghosts-of-Aleppo
Check out the VICE News beta for more: http://vicenews.com
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EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: http://bit.ly/1wT03Bi
The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph.
The lightning advances the Islamic State made across Syria and Iraq in June shocked the world. But it's not just the group's military victories that have garnered attention — it's also the pace with which its members have begun to carve out a viable state.
Flush with cash and US weapons seized during its advances in Iraq, the Islamic State's expansion shows no sign of slowing down. In the first week of August alone, Islamic State fighters have taken over new areas in northern Iraq, encroaching on Kurdish territory and sending Christians and other minorities fleeing as reports of massacres emerged.
VICE News reporter Medyan Dairieh spent three weeks embedded with the Islamic State, gaining unprecedented access to the group in Iraq and Syria as the first and only journalist to document its inner workings.
Click to watch "Ghosts of Aleppo (Part 1)" - http://bit.ly/Ghosts-of-Aleppo
Check out the VICE News beta for more: http://vicenews.com
Follow VICE News here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vicenews
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Wer ist der Abu Bakr al Baghdadi Dieser Frage geht Weltspiegel extra nach das exklusiv im Rahmen von Anne Will gezeigt wird br Nein Wir schleudern die ...
HART ABER FAİR 2015,Talkmagazin,NDR Talk Show 2015,NDR Talk Show mit Kaya Yanar 2015,Heute Show 2015,Serdar Somuncu interview ,Serdar ...
Serdar Somuncu,,HART ABER FAİR,mit Frank Plasberg Polit Talkmagazin,Hassknecht live 2015,Hart aber fair Flüchtlinge in Deutschland,Die Anstalt 2015,Die ...
HART ABER fair 2015,Talkmagazin,NDR Talk Show 2015,NDR Talk Show mit Kaya Yanar 2015,Heute Show 2015,Serdar Somuncu interview ,Serdar Somuncu ...
Anne Will Wer ist Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 18 02 2015
Anne Will Wer ist Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 18 02 2015
Wer ist der Abu Bakr al Baghdadi Dieser Frage geht Weltspiegel extra nach das exklusiv im Rahmen von Anne Will gezeigt wird br Nein Wir schleudern die ...
HART ABER FAİR 2015,Talkmagazin,NDR Talk Show 2015,NDR Talk Show mit Kaya Yanar 2015,Heute Show 2015,Serdar Somuncu interview ,Serdar ...
Serdar Somuncu,,HART ABER FAİR,mit Frank Plasberg Polit Talkmagazin,Hassknecht live 2015,Hart aber fair Flüchtlinge in Deutschland,Die Anstalt 2015,Die ...
HART ABER fair 2015,Talkmagazin,NDR Talk Show 2015,NDR Talk Show mit Kaya Yanar 2015,Heute Show 2015,Serdar Somuncu interview ,Serdar Somuncu ...
Anne Will Wer ist Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 18 02 2015
Anne Will Wer ist Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 18 02 2015
published:05 May 2015
MIGF 2014 Gala Launch Interview with Tan Sri Dr Ridzwan Abu Bakar
A "musical" documentary looking at the attempted coup in Trinidad & Tobago in 1990 by a small maverick Islamic group called Jamaat al Muslimeen, led by Abu B...
A "musical" documentary looking at the attempted coup in Trinidad & Tobago in 1990 by a small maverick Islamic group called Jamaat al Muslimeen, led by Abu B...
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His Personality Is Amazing, Surprising, Because Whenever You Pull Out A List Of A Good Deed, You Would Find The Name Of Abu Bakr At The Top, Whichever List You Pull Out, You're Gonna Find His Name On There And It's The First Name; He Was The First Muslim, He Was The first Caliph, He Was The First And Only Person To Be With Rasullullah In Hijra, he Was The First On Imaan, Rasullullah SAW Says, The Iman Of Abu Bakr Is Greater Than All The Ummah, I Mean Abu Bakr As Sidiq Ra Was Not Only A Friend, he Was A Companion, An Adviser, A Financial Supporter, A Body Guard, A Confident, He Was Everything For Muhammad SAW, How Was It So Abu Bakr, As An Amir As The Head Of A State, Amirul Mu'mi My Dear Brothers And Sisters, How Is It That He Will Travel Every day, He Would Travel Every day After Fajr To A Blind Elderly Persons House And Clean Her House And Prepare Her Children, Tend To Her Animals, She Didn't Even Know Who He Was, Who This Man Was, What This Man Did, All She Knew That A Man Came And Provided For Her, Such Was The Love That Abu Bakr RA Had For Allah SWT, If There Was Nothing Else That Regarding Abu Bakr, Only This Statement, It Would Have Sufficed, The Prophet SAW Said: Whoever Has Done Me A Favour In This Dunya, I Have Repaid The Favour, As For Abu Bakr Allah Will Repay Him On The Day Of Judgement And Then The Prophet SAW Says: All Of Doors To The Masjid Should BE Closed Beside The Door Of Abu Bakr RA And The Messenger SAW Passes Away And Abu Bakr Is At The House OF His Wife And He Hears And He Comes To The Masjid And The Sahaba Are In A State Of Confusion, I Often Say Why Wasn't Abu Bakr On That Day, Now It Was Turn For Abu Bakr To Be The Caliph, To Be The Man, To Lead The Muslims.
published:21 Nov 2013
Abu Bakr al Siddiq (R.A.) : His Life and Times 16 hours lecture
Abu Bakr Al Siddeeq (R.A.), His Life and Times, by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki. This series of le...
Abu Bakr al Siddiq (R.A.) : His Life and Times 16 hours lecture
Abu Bakr al Siddiq (R.A.) : His Life and Times 16 hours lecture
Abu Bakr Al Siddeeq (R.A.), His Life and Times, by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki. This series of lectures covers the different aspects of the life of Abu Bakr (R.A.),...
Example Of Kindness By Abu Bakr (ra) ᴴᴰ | *Emotional Reminder*
Example of kindness by Abu Bakr (ra) - very emotional talk from our brother Omar Esa about...
published:27 Apr 2014
Example Of Kindness By Abu Bakr (ra) ᴴᴰ | *Emotional Reminder*
Example Of Kindness By Abu Bakr (ra) ᴴᴰ | *Emotional Reminder*
Example of kindness by Abu Bakr (ra) - very emotional talk from our brother Omar Esa about Abu Bakr (ra) and how he used to care for an old blind woman while he was the leader at the time..
Download the FREE Nasheed Mixtape by Omar Esa @ http://www.omaresa.com/
published:27 Apr 2014
The Story Of Abu Bakr Siddique P1 ~ Mufti Ismail Menk ~ Day 1 Ramadan 2014
May Allah multiply the rewards of SoukIslam & TvSunnah Ameen
The Story Of Umar Ibn Al Kha...
published:28 Jun 2014
The Story Of Abu Bakr Siddique P1 ~ Mufti Ismail Menk ~ Day 1 Ramadan 2014
The Story Of Abu Bakr Siddique P1 ~ Mufti Ismail Menk ~ Day 1 Ramadan 2014
May Allah multiply the rewards of SoukIslam & TvSunnah Ameen
The Story Of Umar Ibn Al Khattab:
Breathtaking recitation of Surat Ash-Shura by Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri at St George's Uni...
published:23 Oct 2014
Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri - BREATHTAKING
Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri - BREATHTAKING
Breathtaking recitation of Surat Ash-Shura by Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri at St George's University of London (SGUL) on 16.10.14
► Donate: http://www.gofundme.com/MercifulServantVideos
published:23 Oct 2014
The Man Who Tried to Overthrow the Trinidad Government: Interview with Abu Bakr
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At his compound on the ...
published:30 May 2014
The Man Who Tried to Overthrow the Trinidad Government: Interview with Abu Bakr
The Man Who Tried to Overthrow the Trinidad Government: Interview with Abu Bakr
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
At his compound on the outskirts of Port of Spain, the man responsible for the only attempted militant Islamic overthrow of a Western government is smiling. "I've been charged with treason, I've been charged with sedition, with murder, conspiracy to murder, [stockpiling] guns...." Abu Bakr, the fiery 73-year-old leader of Jamaat al Muslimeen, rattles off the many accusations that the government of Trinidad and Tobago has leveled against him.
"Nothing has stuck, because it's fabricated," he continues. "They list all the charges in a book, and they just throw the book at me.... That's not prosecution, that's persecution!"
Bakr has mellowed a bit in his old age, but he still relishes the opportunity to serve as a thorn in the side of the government with whom he has clashed for decades. Depending on which local you ask, "The Jamaat" is either a jihadi group, a vast criminal organization, an invaluable community resource providing jobs and social services to Trinidad's disadvantaged, or a combination of all three.
But everyone agrees that the coup that Bakr led in 1990 — which held the state hostage for six days, unleashed widespread looting and chaos, and resulted in 24 deaths and the shooting of the prime minister — changed the country forever.
More on VICE News:
The Islamic Leader Who Tried to Overthrow Trinidad Has Mellowed... a Little - https://news.vice.com/article/the-islamic-leader-who-tried-to-overthrow-trinidad-has-mellowed-a-little
Watch "Murder and Corruption in Trinidad" - https://news.vice.com/video/murder-and-corruption-in-trinidad
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published:30 May 2014
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: Part 2 - Pre-Islam life & Conversion Story ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
View all previous videos in this series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYZxc...
published:28 May 2015
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: Part 2 - Pre-Islam life & Conversion Story ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: Part 2 - Pre-Islam life & Conversion Story ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
View all previous videos in this series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYZxc42QNctWVL4AfVftcF7TL3b0_Wrc0
In this video, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses:
-What we know about Abu Bakr (r) before Islam
-Abu Bakr's conversion story, as the first adult non family member male to convert
-Abu Bakr (r) being beaten publicly for preaching Islam publicly
-Abu Bakr's mother accepting Islam
-Aby Bakr (r) receiving and then having his protection removed
-Allah mentions Abu Bakr in the Qur'an to elevate his status in Surah Tawbah - as "Second of the two" (Thani Ath-nayn), "sahib" (companion) and that "Allah is with us"
Other topics covered in this video are:
-Story of Zayd ibn Amr ibn Nufayl, the most famous of the Hunafa (ones who never worshiped idols) and Ibn Abu Sult
-Abu Bakr (r) learning about prophet-hood (nabi) from Waraqah (10:10)
-Abu Bakr (r) memorized the Nathr (poetry) of Qus Ibn Saida (Master of Nathr - poetry/rap), another Haneef (those of monotheist belief)
-Aisha narrated: "When Abu Bakr converted, the happiest person in Makkah was prophet Muhammad [sas]"
-5 of 10 of the "Ten promised Paradise" (Ashara Mubash-shara) converted to Islam at the hands of Abu Bakr - i) Zubayr Ibn Al-Awwam ii) Uthman ibn Affan iii) Talha ibn Ubaydillah iv) Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas and v) Abdurrahman Ibn Auf
-When Islam reached 38 men, in Darul Arkam, Abu Bakr suggested to the Prophet (s) that the Da'wah should go public. He became the first khateeb of Islam to preach tawheed publicly. He was beaten unconscious for this.
-Ali (r) proclaimed Abu Bakr (r) as the bravest of all people, in reference to speaking publicly.
-Abu Bakr (r) was the first to suffer physically, first to give his money, first to advise the prophet, first to free slaves from his own money (over 10 early slaves, Bilal being one of them)
-The protection offered to Abu Bakr (r) by Ibn Ad-Daghina, with the condition that Abu Bakr (r) cannot read Qur'an or pray publicly.
Date of presentation: April 1, 2015
Lives of the Sahaba - A lecture series profiling the Companions of the Prophet (S).
Join Dr. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi as he discusses the lives of the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet), some of the greatest and most blessed human beings to ever live after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (S). While not a comprehensive history of the Khulafa Ar-Rashidoon, this series will provide a summarized biography of the men and women considered to be the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet [s]), including the Mothers of the Believers (the wives of the Prophet).
published:28 May 2015
Abu Bakr (ra) UNPARALLELED Love For The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Emotional [HD]
Like us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ink-Of-Knowledge/150520621786983 No Mother l...
Abu Bakr (ra) UNPARALLELED Love For The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Emotional [HD]
Abu Bakr (ra) UNPARALLELED Love For The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Emotional [HD]
Like us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ink-Of-Knowledge/150520621786983 No Mother loves her child as much as Abu Bakr loved the Prophet (SAW)!!! The P...
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: The Successor of the Prophet - Part 1 Family Background ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
After the death of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) when the Ummah was in great...
published:02 May 2015
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: The Successor of the Prophet - Part 1 Family Background ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: The Successor of the Prophet - Part 1 Family Background ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
After the death of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) when the Ummah was in great turmoil and distress one man arose to be the representative of Allah and His Messenger on earth as the first rightly guided Khalifah of the entire Muslim Ummah.
His title was al-Siddiq (The Upright, The Truthful), his mention is made by Allah (subhanahu wa ta‘ala) in the Qurʾan as "the second of the two" and his legacy is unmatched by any human other than the Prophets of Allah.
Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he embarks on a new journey studying the life and times of the greatest follower of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) and the best of this Ummah; Abu Bakr al-Siddiq ~ The Successor of the Prophet!
Recorded 25th March 2015
published:02 May 2015
سورة البقرة ابو بكر الشاطري Surah Al Baqarah Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri
آرجو تقييم المقطع والاشترآك في القناة جزآكم الله خير....
Profile: Islamic State & Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - BBC News
BBC Newsnight's Secunder Kermani looks at the rise of the group and its leader, Abu Bakr a...
published:12 Aug 2014
Profile: Islamic State & Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - BBC News
Profile: Islamic State & Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - BBC News
BBC Newsnight's Secunder Kermani looks at the rise of the group and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The rapid advance across Iraq of militant fighters from the Islamic State has thrown the country into chaos and led to US air strikes against their key positions. Fighters from the group, which was formed in April 2013 under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), have made substantial gains in northern Iraq in recent months, forcing tens of thousands of people from religious minorities to flee their homes.
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published:12 Aug 2014
English subtitles of full sermon by ISIS's Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Caliph of the "Islamic State"
This is the historic Jum'ah Khutbah and prayer in the Grand Masjid of Mosul City by Abu Ba...
English subtitles of full sermon by ISIS's Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Caliph of the "Islamic State"
English subtitles of full sermon by ISIS's Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, Caliph of the "Islamic State"
This is the historic Jum'ah Khutbah and prayer in the Grand Masjid of Mosul City by Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the newly appointed Khalifah (Caliph) of the "Islam...
Qur'an the Light of Guidance - Qari Abu Bakr Shatri
Qur'an the Light of Guidance - Qari Abu Bakr Shatri
Qur'an the Light of Guidance short reminder by Qari Abu Bakr Shatri translated by br. masood chowdhury followed by a beautiful Qur'an Recitation and then Mag...
Salaams, Part 1. This is a video interview of Sheikh AbuBakr AsShatery, basically following him around for the whole day. He recites a lot in the video, some...
Call of Mercy to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from British Muslim aid workers
A call from British Muslim aid workers for Mercy in the case of Alan Henning.
Arabic subt...
published:17 Sep 2014
Call of Mercy to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from British Muslim aid workers
Call of Mercy to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from British Muslim aid workers
A call from British Muslim aid workers for Mercy in the case of Alan Henning.
Arabic subtitles:
الى ابي بكر البغدادي، ريئس الدولة الاسلامية وأخوانا بالإسلام ، السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
نعلن هذا البيان عن إخواننا في بريطانيا وأصحابنا في قافلة الإغاثة الذين سافروا من بريطانيا لإيصال المساعدة الطبية و المواد الإغاثية كالاغطية و المواد الغذائية و سيارات الإسعاف لاخواننا و إخواننا بسوريا.
أسيركم ألان هيننغ سافر معنا لسوريا عدة مرات. في كل مرة صاحب إخوانكم و إخوانكم بالإسلام بالسفر في أمانهم و رعايتهم. لم نخف من الدخول الى سوريا و كذلك الان. كان مثلنا يشعر بالسرور و بالأمان و الاطمئنان بانه لن يتعرض لمكروه ما دام تحت رعايتنا و خصوصا انه قام بالسفر لإيصال الإغاثة لاخواننا و إخواننا الذين هم بأمس الحاجة اليها.
الان تأثر بحالة الشعب السوري المأساوية و خصوصا الأطفال فخصص كل أوقات فراغه لمساعدتهم بجمع الأموال و إبلاغ الآخرين بأحوالهم. فقام بغسيل السيارات لجمع المعونة المالية، و جمع المواد الإغاثية بشتى أنواعها و حدث الجميع عن الجرائم التي تحصل ضد المسلمين في سوريا.
في شهر ديسمبر من السنة الماضية ترك احتفالات الميلاد السنوية مع عائلته حتى يساعد عائلات إخواننا و إخواتنا. سبحان الله، كلنا نتذكر ليلة من رحلتنا الى سوريا عندما شعر بعض الأخوة بالإعياء فقرروا النوم بفندق مريح، اما الان فرفض و نام بالسيارة حتى لا ينفق من الأموال التي رأى ان من الأفضل ان تنفق على إخواننا و أخواتنا. هذا هو ألان، فنعم الرجل ألان، فهو مثلكم و مثلنا، همه الوحيد ان يساعد و يرفع المعاناة عن إخواننا و أخواتنا في سوريا.
نحن نناشدكم بان لا تأخذوا حياته عوضا عن الجرائم التي ترتكبها الحكومات العالمية. لقد تجاهل الان نصيحة حكومته - و التي هي حكومة ديفيد كاميرون- و تحمل مشاق و خطورة السفر لسوريا لمساعدة الشعب السوري. نحن نحزن كل يوم من اجل إخواننا و أخواتنا في سوريا و هم يقتلون بالغارات الجوية التي تقوم بها الحكومات الدولية. و لكن الان بريء من هذه الجرائم و ليس له اي أهداف او انتماآت سياسية. و لقد أظهرت أعماله و نشاطاته حبه لاخواننا و أخواتنا و خوفه عليهم. هو ليس عدوا للإسلام و حتى للدولة الاسلامية.
نحن نناشدكم و نترجاكم و نرجوكم بان تعطفوا على ألان و ترحموه كما عامل المسلمين بالعطف و الرحمة.
لقد رزقكم الله عز و جل بمركز جليل حيث تستطيعون ان تنفذوا حياة إنسان بريء. نحن نترجاكم و نرجوكم بان تحكموا بالعدل و الإنصاف و ان تعاملوه بالرحمة التي وضعها الله في قلوب المسلمين- و في قلوبكم.
لقد وعدنا الان الأمان و السلامة و كمسلمين نطلب منكم باسمكم أميرا للدولة الاسلامية بان تعين إخوانك بالسلام على رعاية العهد و الأمان الذي أعطيناه لآلان.
نرجوا منكم ان تروا العالم جميعا رحمة المسلمين. الرجاء،الرجاء إطلاق سراح ألان.
published:17 Sep 2014
Interview Abu Bakr Rieger 1/3
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausg...
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausgeber der Islamischen Zeitung, Abu Bakr Rieger, über ihre Geschichte...
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausgeber der Islamischen Zeitung, Abu Bakr Rieger, über ihre Geschichte...
Was Sie schon immer über die IZ wissen wollten! Im Interview mit iz.TV spricht der Herausgeber der Islamischen Zeitung, Abu Bakr Rieger, über ihre Geschichte...
Abu Bakr Carberry (Interview) - Health, Mortgages and Da'wah
Abu Bakr Carberry (Interview) - Health, Mortgages and Da'wah
InnerDimensions.org.uk A Fantastic Interview With Abu Bakr (Alexander) Carberry Abu Bakr Carberry tells us how he became a natural practitioner from his time...
Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi: The Man Who Drew the U.S. Back to Iraq | Iraq 2014 News | The New York Times
Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi: The Man Who Drew the U.S. Back to Iraq | Iraq 2014 News | The New York Times
A look at Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the leader of the militant group ISIS, which now rivals Al Qaeda in power and popularity. Produced by: Mona El-Naggar and Sof...
Former Muslim Brother Rachid sends a powerful message to the Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ...
published:10 Feb 2015
A Message to the Caliph Abu Bakr al Baghdadi
A Message to the Caliph Abu Bakr al Baghdadi
Former Muslim Brother Rachid sends a powerful message to the Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State. He asks him and his followers important questions concerning the Islamic State: What is a country? How are nations built? What are the borders of this state? What is its currency? Does it have any future among other nations?
https://www.facebook.com/daringquestions www.twitter.com/BrotherRasheed
One of the two New York prison escapees has been shot and the other is being pursued, according to a report from CNN... Here's more from the Buffalo News. ... ....
Article by WN.com Correspondent DallasDarling. The world must come to terms with hard truths instead of pleasant sounding euphemisms and soundbites ... Unlike the U.S ... Coupled with mindless policies, the explosion of individual, tribal, stateless and state-sponsored acts of terrorism will continue to soar ... But even progressive political and military ideas or modern human nature are extensions of the historical past....
A decapitated head has been found posted on the gate at the entrance to a gas factory in south-eastern France which came under attack from terrorists this morning, security officials said. Police sources said the decapitated head was found at the site along with a flag bearing Islamist inscriptions. Local newspaper Le Dauphine said the head was also covered in Arabic writing... He said they attacked the factory “using gas canisters”....
The gunman killed by police after the Tunisian attack which killed at least 38 people was not previously known to the authorities, according to the country’s prime minister ...The SiteIntelligenceGroup reported that extremist organisation Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack and identified the gunman by his jihadi pseudonym AbuYahya al-Qayrawani ... ....
WASHINGTON — A deeply divided Supreme Court on Friday delivered a historic victory for gay rights, ruling 5-4 that the Constitution requires that same-sex couples be allowed to marry no matter where they live. The court's action rewarded years of legal work by advocates of same-sex marriage and marked the culmination of an unprecedented upheaval in public opinion and the nation's jurisprudence ... (Mladen Antonov, AFP/Getty Images)....
Three days before the most recent spate of attacks, AbuMuhammad al Adnani, an ISIS spokesman, issued a nearly 30-minute ... Shortly after ISIS leader AbuBakr al Baghdadi issued an audio statement in May calling for fighting to join and celebrating the expansion of the Islamic State into places like Nigeria and Libya, there were several major attacks....
Washington (CNN)The U.S. effort to take out senior ISIS leader AbuBakr al-Baghdadi and other top ISIS officials is increasingly focusing on Raqqa, Syria, the self-declared capital of ISIS, CNN has learned. The military is watching for signs of movement there as Kurdish forces are now just 35 miles north of the city -- an advance that could make ISIS leadership nervous enough to change their positions in the coming weeks ... READ ... "U.S ...U.S....
AbuOmar al-Baghdadi is killed by US and Iraqi forces. Iraqi forces in Baghdad after Abu Omar al-Baghdadi's death (AFP). American and Iraqi forces killed Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and AbuAyyub al-Masri, two of Islamic State in Iraq’s top leaders, in a safe-house in Tikrit...AbuBakr al-Baghdadi was appointed the new leader a month later.2) 22 July 2013. Abu Ghraib prison break. Iraq’s notorious Abu Ghraib prison (Getty)....
ACTIONS speak louder than words. Last year on the second Friday of Ramadan AbuBakr al-Baghdadi ascended a pulpit in Mosul to declare himself Caliph of the Islamic State he leads....
LONDON... After "confessing" to the crime of opposing IS and failing to declare allegiance to the terror group's leader AbuBakr al-Baghdadi, every terrorist was executed by a different masked member of the Islamic State group ... ....
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that 42 Yazidi women from Iraq were sold into bondage to Islamic State militants in Syria. At least 174 were killed and 90 were wounded in the violence. ... Six militants were also killed, and another 10 were wounded ...One of them is believed to be an advisor to AbuBakr al-Baghdadi....
An Islamic State affiliate that calls itself NajdProvince said it was behind a deadly bombing at a Shiite mosque on Friday in Kuwait City, the third in a string of attacks that the previously unknown group has claimed responsibility for in wealthy Saudi Arabia and Kuwait... ___. May 22 ... Islamic State leader AbuBakr al-Baghdadi has repeatedly called for attacks on the Saudi kingdom ... ___. May 29 ... ___. June 26 ... ....
Jeff Seldin. PENTAGON — ... On the surface, IS appears to be losing momentum. U.S ... ... intelligence official told VOA, using an acronym for the group ... New pragmatism ... The reasons for the change are not clear. Some analysts attribute it to a shift in leadership, with second-in-command AbuAlaa al-Afri having more sway following reports airstrikes injured or incapacitated Islamic State leader AbuBakr al-Baghdadi ... High-profile losses ... ....
EPA. 9.32PM BST 26 Jun 2015... The attack was the third of the day by militants believed to be loyal to or inspired by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and its crippled leader, AbuBakr al-Baghdadi ... But Isil’s chief spokesman, AbuMohammed al-Adnani, issued an audiotape warning on Tuesday that Ramadan, the Muslim holy fasting month which began last week, would bring “calamity for the kuffars (infidels)” ... ... ....
The first new branches beyond the group's strongholds in Syria and Iraq were announced by IS leader Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi in November last year when he accepted pledges of allegiance from jihadists in Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Yemen and Saudi Arabia... IS announced on 23 June that its leader Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi had accepted a pledge of allegiance from ......
See Also. Islamic State militants have decided to organize a Quran memorization contest during Ramadan, the holy month in Islam. The reward for contest winners will be sex slaves. The Da'wa and Mosques Department in Al-Baraka province in Syria will use women as prizes ... The mosques are the Mosque of AbuMusab el-Zarqawi, the Mosque of Osama Bin Laden, the Mosque of AbuBakr el-Sadiq and the Mosque of el-Taqwa ... Copyright2015 ... Loading ...Life ... ....
Saint Louis my city dawg. West side was the block While you was in the crib playing with legos I was out there trying to give blocks Momma gone, daddy gone, it's just me and my hood, dawg Subuffing, beamed up, like I'm bout to go play baseball Before you heard about Jesus, boy. I was already some trap or die What it's done? For all is cool. You can still see the pain in my eye What you know about sitting in a jail cell, felonies, murder case, Best friend, rolled on me, take the stand, turned state. I am a fellon, I tell no lies, hand on the Bible, hand to the sky I want to live, I ain't wanna die when they roll upon me and let them bullets fly They could have been the end, dawg One way, hell's gate but the Lord stepped in Chose to, show grace. Could have been layed in the box, dawg 6 of my homeboys carry me, but I'm alive and the old me gone 'Cause everyday, dawg I bury me. I can't hatch upon the claws, Hydro-plonic lungs Limbo low tender, I can chop down timber I was no pretender certified offender, never know surrender. My amnesia's circumstantial, there're some things I can't remember Those who knew me be like "who he? ", they're trippin off the new me They like man where the old 'Crae. You crazy, you can't fool me. I'm a party so hard that the law tryin' to find me I pray to God they ain't find me. But then I hear a {whoo-whoo} Lookin' in the rear view when they are right behind me Roll down my window, "Boy, what's your name?" 'Cause you was doing 85 in the passing lane with no traffic, man Then I give them my ID, and guess what they say "This boy here crazy, now that's just Crae" And I was psycho, wild as the hun is I do like the Chi, doing whatever I wanted Until I was confronted, heard about Jesus and I changed They're like man what you do, talk about you just ain't the same. I was dead. The old me was nothing but a sucker Sucked the life out of my mother, just to get the stuff I wanted Now I'm in good milk carton status and if you can't explain it