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The History of the Luftwaffe : A Phoenix Rising
Wings of the Luftwaffe - Bf-109 - Legend (1 of 14)
Wings of the Luftwaffe - Sea Planes (13 of 14)
Luftwaffe Finis: The End of the German Air Force 1945, Restored Color
HELL OVER GERMANY: Colour (RARE) Footage of B-17s VS. Luftwaffe (1944, 720p)
Wings of the Luftwaffe - Fw-190 - Butcher Bird (12 of 14)
Luftwaffe ve válce - 1 - Orli černého kříže CZ
Scorched Earth : Fighter Aircraft of the Luftwaffe
German Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft 1942 to 1945
Luftwaffe March
Luftwaffe March
Luftwaffe - Los Soldados de Hitler
Wagner - RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES (A Tribute to Luftwaffe)
Luftwaffe 1 von 2 - Tornados im Tiefstflug
Complete Series Playlist Link below:;=plcp The Messerschmitt Bf 109, often called Me 109, was ...
Complete Series Playlist Link below:;=plcp In Luftwaffe service, sea planes were becoming obso...
I produced this documentary from unedited, silent footage. Recently discovered color film of top Luftwaffe leaders and pilots taken as they fell into Allied ...
Serious Action @ 45:30 This is Clark Gable narrating.
Complete Series Playlist Link below:;=plcp The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Würger (Shrike) was a German ...
Historie Luftwaffe se začala psát v roce 1910 založením jednotek Luftstretikraefte -- válečného letectva (leteckých útočných sil) a byla dvakrát přerušena, v...
German Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft from 1942-45 . Enjoy!
From Battle of britain.
Luftwaffe La Luftwaffe fue la vanguardia de la Blitzkrieg y la responsable en traer la guerra a las grandes ciudades de Europa, sobre todo durante el "Blitz"...
A Tribute to Luftwaffe.
Jochen Scholz, Oberstleutnant der Luftwaffe (NATO) erklärt in einem Interview, das es unmöglich sein kann, das 19 Amateure aus einer Höhle- das beste Luftver...
Click our website: See cool brochure: See our other movies for the Bundeswehr:;=view_all Recruitment presentation produced in stereoscopic 3D. Capture developed the concept and executed the 3D production. The Bundeswehr, German Military, was providing all the military gears and troops. Final application was a 3D theater setup in a big truck, touring through Germany for recruitment purposes. Apologies for missing subtitles to the German audio.
Footage shows Gun Camera of several German fighter attacks on American bomb raids in 1944.
This time WW2HistoryHunter take you to a location of a WW2 airfield where the German Luftwaffe left a lot of things in the ground that we can find more than ...
Complete Series Playlist Link below:;=plcp The Bf 110 served with success in the early campaig...
Eles ficaram em silêncio por mais de 60 anos, mas finalmente resolveram falar. Nesta série de documentários, os últimos soldados de Hitler ainda vivos contam...
ORIGINAL!! Footage from world war 2 German air force in action.
In this battlefield research video we show you all kind of Luftwaffe relics wich were left behind after the war, or have been dumped during the war. Because ...
STRICTLY HISTORICAL PURPOSES ONLY. Luftwaffe top 10 Fighter Aces of all time.
But PS Barry's luck finally ran out a year later, when she was attacked by a Luftwaffe bomber and ...
BBC News 2015-04-11The now Wigan manager's ancestors were not part of the Luftwaffe squadron that bombed United's home ...
BBC News 2015-04-09Hermann Goering became responsible for the Luftwaffe, the German air force, in 1935.
BBC News 2015-04-07Antiques dealer John Cabello believed that this was a deliberate attempt by Luftwaffe commander ...
The Siasat Daily 2015-04-07The World War 2 era SC 250kg German Bomb found in Bermondsey Photo: ... Comments. It has been some week for the Luftwaffe.
The Daily Telegraph 2015-04-07He decided to die, the Luftwaffe-trained pilot further told reporters, explaining the inexplicable ...
Canoe 2015-04-05In 2005 he went to Bonn to meet Emil Clade, the Luftwaffe officer who had led the fighters ... -->. World News in Pictures.
The Independent 2015-04-05As the war got into full swing and the Luftwaffe began to target Liverpool, "my Liverpudlian parents ...
The Guardian 2015-04-02He'll represent the German Luftwaffe and go up against a Newport and a Sopwith Pup, representing the ...
Stuff 2015-04-01By way of archaeology and a photograph taken by the German Luftwaffe in the 1940s, a long-lost ...
noodls 2015-04-01... whose pretty beachside position saw it transformed into a hang-out for Luftwaffe pilots in 1940.
The Daily Telegraph 2015-03-31The Royal Air Force recorded a famous victory over the German Luftwaffe in the battle over ...
BBC News 2015-03-26... place over the English Channel where RAF pilots defied Germany's Luftwaffe more than 70 years ago.
Belfast Telegraph 2015-03-26Luftwaffe (German pronunciation: [ˈlʊftvafə] ( listen)) is the aerial warfare branch of the German Armed Forces. The term luftwaffe is also the generic German term for an air force as well as being the official name for two of the four historic German air forces, the Wehrmacht air arm founded in 1935 and disbanded in 1946; and the current Bundeswehr air arm founded in 1956.
Schweizer Luftwaffe is also the name of the Swiss Air Force in German. Two other historic German air forces are the World War I-era Luftstreitkräfte of the era of the German Empire, and the Luftstreitkräfte der NVA in the GDR. The air force of Austria is called Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte.
The forerunner of the Luftwaffe, the Imperial German Army Air Service (Luftstreitkräfte), was founded in 1910 with the name Die Fliegertruppen des deutschen Kaiserreiches, and changed to the name "Luftstreitkräfte" by the end of 1916, with the emergence of military aircraft, although they were intended to be used primarily for reconnaissance in support of armies on the ground, just as balloons had been used in the same fashion during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1871 and even as far back as the Napoleonic Wars. It was not the world's first air force, however, because France's embryonic army air service, which eventually became the French Air Force (Armée de l’Air), had been founded in 1909. Britain's Royal Flying Corps (which merged on April 1, 1918 with the Royal Naval Air Service to form the Royal Air Force) was founded in 1912.
Writhe and cry as useless dogs, Having reached your
tether's end.
Decimate the common, for the common good.
It sickens to see all we have seen, mediocrity burns to
the ground.
The ink of perdition blots you out.
Solipsist Nation stamps you out.
Slathering animals to be put down.
The dish of your being licks itself clean.
All the failings of man, our patience is at an end.
We rewrite your sacred tomes, even god forgets who you
Dabis Improbe Poenas!
Pray to the cross on the wall, but you will die for you
God may have written the book of life,
But we have written the end.
So few have been called along this way,
Only us you have never been.
The ink of perdition blots you out.
Solipsist Nation stamps you out.
Slathering animals to be put down.
The dish of your being licks itself clean.
All the failings of man, your history is at an end.
Your life and your lies aborted, you never were.
We struggle not with kingdoms, we struggle not with
With rights with wrongs this evil, It cannot be atoned
Our struggle is with avarice, our struggle is with greed
Our struggle it is sanctified, our struggle is of need.
The flags still fly the partriots roar the country lies
in ruin
Now for money they make war for Mammon they need more
As death and darkness reign our molten wings are spread
The horsemen who hold the reigns pass over our dead
And the lies are the same but the reasons have been
They never thought, they never knew their nation it is
Meaning is now past
Our value has been lost
Entropy now reigns
Your form, you’ve failed
How like pigs you feed
Like vermin you still live
Our doctrine is now told
We hail destruction
Our hand is suffering
Our voice lament
Belief has been a lie
Faith’s a dirty whore
We shall not look back
Our eyes have opened
Childhood left behind
Promises discarded
God is just a stillborn
The veils are falling
Our hand is suffering
Our voice lament
Into the night march forth
Toward the dawn’s first light
They shall not die, they shall arise,
The hand that sounds the chimes, Tears away the veil.
Patriarch Militant calls, To attest, the structures fail.
A maskéd inception, Here’s the arméd sky.
We are like scythes, Slicing through the sky.
We drank of asperity,From the poisoned well.
The breath that passes o’er our lips, Sings hymns from
tomes of Hell.
The truth is everlasting,This generation is the end.
The enemy of my enemy,Will always be my friend.
Here we stand a sentinel,Here before truth’s door.
A threshold that once we cross,We shall return no more.
The veil has been torn away,The word’s portent is neigh.
What shined in the heavens
Now shines on Earth
The brightest star beacon
To that which was lost
It rises at night,
It rises for all.
We’ve kept the fires burning,
We kept the way opening.
We call to you now,
Adam come home.
The house is afire,
Your children are burning.
We call to you now,
Adam come home.
Our one name our one soul
Our true and only being.
Shatter the lies
Of a world that is losing.
Step into the flames,
There’s a new world emerging.
Like a thief in the night,
We’re making the sign.
Like the lamb become lion,
We’re taking it back.
We call to you now,
Adam come home.
We await reunion,
We’ve waited too long.
We call to you now,
Adam come home.
Solipsist we remain,
Alone no more.
What shined in the heavens
Now shines on Earth
The brightest star beacon
To that which was lost.
That which stands behind the monarch and state
That which stands behind this transient charade
That which stands behind the sovereignty of will
That which stands behind the ontology of time
That which stands behind the order of operations
That which stands behind the parliamentary of man
That which stands behind the oligarchy, unseen
That which stands behind the Archons fatal err
The performance is dull, the drama is lost
But the curtain won't fall, the lights won't shut off
The story is tedious, the plot line long spent
But the pages are turning, no conclusion no end
Past cemetery gates rows of tombstones stand
Reassuring reminder sleep is at hand
But the sun is rising it calls to me
Awake you will remain, insomnia life's fee.
This body is my prison the grave is my bed
Rivers of viscera crawl on the tile,
Corruption clots in the drain.
The bodies are dragged out,
The bodies are burned.
Now line them up again.
The Dead Do Not Revolt!
Pens filled with liars lining the walls,
To stifle our genius they tried.
Their tongues are now cut out,
They're shot in the head.
And history rejoices they've died.
They count their gold by night, They count the dead by
They dance upon the graves, As to their God they pray
And freedom is their lie, Democracy their seed
Their houses built of corpses, Yet none dare call it
A curse upon your cross
A curse upon your kind
From there may you be hung
In Death may hell you find
They plan their wars by night,They sell their wars by day
The relive the lies they tell, As in their beds they lay
But guilt does not discomfort, For this Christ blood was
Their amoral creed was born, For this the world is bled
They sacrifice their nation, They commerce in genocide
They see only God's chosen, And to all else they lied
And their faith is blasphemy, And their god is not real
Only Satan within their mirrors, And the plunder that
Better move our stuff to the neighbours cellar
Better move our stuff or we're going to die
There's bombs dropping on Heathrow
There's bombs dropping on Moscow
There's bombs dropping on Berlin
There's bombs dropping on everything
Notwithstanding our congress with death,
Replete here in failure; in victory, bereft.
Notwithstanding the 36th hand,
We've silenced the dawn, in alpha and end.
Notwithstanding foundations lest lain,
True place of beginning, a struggle in vain.
Here is an ending, Here tears the rift,
A demagogue's voice, and the oligarch's fist
Here is an ending,here tears the rift
May the god protect our frontiers.
May the god protect our son.
May the god protect the crown.
Our sovereign king reborn
Nebuchadnezzar Ensi!
Nebuchadnezzar Ensi!
A million fists at your walls.
A subjugation of 13 years.
Consciousness' value falls away.
House and clan does not exist.
Nebuchadnezzar Ensi!
Nebuchadnezzar Ensi!
May the god protect our empire.
Before followers he grazes with kine.
And water from a goblet of lead.
The very stones bear his name.
Nebuchadnezzar Ensi!
At the ninth hour shines darkness, At the ninth hour cry
Lo Lo Lamed Vau sabaqtani
Nails through the hands of Christ, Blood from the hands
of Christ
Through the skull of Earth a cross, From the skull of
earth flows blood
Death shines within his eyes, Dark secrets to unleash
Once cross to kill a God, Once cross to hang the world
A brilliant light now shines. A trephane shadow is cast
The earth has been pierced. All nations are bled dry
Though once the blood was stopped, We rise up yet once
Though life had been reprieved, This generation is the
If only the world had just one neck
If only the sun would swell and turn black
If only the skies would come crashing down
Non time is advent Et Nihil Est
Scrawled on a wall are words writ in vain
Their meaning is lost, discarded inane
Life loveth life is the best man can offer
There'll be nothing to love when lain on death's altar
Non Time is advent Et Nihil Est
Lashed by a hand the skin is bled white
Reasons for living have been offered and failed
Death's bed were making as we face the night
Darkness is falling the world is impaled
All visions all dreams all systems and structures
A progression toward and end is a progression of death
We are death's dowry, we are death's estate
"When perceived correctly, the world is a mirror which,
disinterestedly, maintains a current record of our
nature and constitution.
Within this vast parabolic mirror, we should be able to
see clearly the forms our faults have taken--which
daily stand in our way.
Yet, for the sake of allotting our inadequacies a wide
berth and so as to avoid running into them head-on, we
have learned to artfully avoid our own reflections.
Our most regrettable qualities have successfully
overwhelmed our nobility and now the image of a man has
become indistinguishable from the form of his fault.
Of a man, it can no longer be said that he is as a
monkey aping the behavior of angels.
For in our avoidance of ourselves, we have given up
even on strife. The purpose of this critique is not to
aide in the composition of an epic satire; rather, I
would that this knowledge serve as a launching pad.
We can correct the human model--there is a method."
Time is an insect. As it emerges it crawls from it’s
It is crushed under the weight of a heavy boot heel.
The cracking of it’s carapace is as all clocks ticking
in tandem.
In the sand of this crinkling/crackling ticking, is the
The measure and the rhythm of life’s passing.
We count time as stones cast as lots.
Yet, we intone our very own countdown to death.
Into death’s embrace we walk, and unto death we shall
For we have failed to understand the true nature and
structure of time.
The mantra of the clock is the voice of god.
Your clocks merely tick, I shall make them talk.
Here time shall speak.
He is the "man of straw", "the tall man"; HIS NAME:
Phantasma, as denotes his function.
He amputates the mind. He compacts the body
Few indeed knowingly evoke The Tall Man, but
HERE HE ENCLOSES a world and releases it¹s energy.
What time is it?
Gone is the promise of tomorrow’s dawn
Gone is the dream liberty for all
Gone Is the hope for that which is next
Gone is this world as above so below
Henceforth done our hand was forced
Have done with allegiance to the dying
Have done with congress with the fallen
Have done with complicity world is failing
Have done watch is burn and feed the flames
Henceforth done our hand was forced
Death to the Plurarch mediocrity
Death to Imperium decadence and sloth
Death to this culture bereft of meaning
Death to democracy the mindless state
In 1697 a horrid sight was born.
An awful sight that made his mother mourn.
A beast so twisted green as if he from the trees,
Robbie Boyle left darkened the fields and the leas.
He took the lives of children; he took the lives of
The head of a boar and no reason lied within.
30 years are passing but they soon would end,
In a fortnight’s time, he’d answer for his sin.
The crimson on the green, They took the head of Robbie
A slug of blood was spilled, In pleasure’s toil.
The Sharpest knife cuts clean, The beauty is unspoiled.
The crimson on the green, They took the head of Robbie
The monster Robbie Boyle well he had found a mate,
A thing born of incest and a thing born of rape.
She made a havoc with him deciding other’s fate,
For 30 years twas a bloody hand of hate.
The men of the town, well they was mighty brave
They hunted she and Robbie, a’sleeping in cave.
They brought down their axes, they brought down their
At last it was done and the free were finally saved.
They carried the broken bodies, And heads all through
the town.
Where young and old had gathered, And made a joyous
Vultures waited hoping. They had gathered round.
Here on Earth’s kingdom, earthly seeds have flowered
Here we walk beneath the albatross of power
From Dreams of paradise a nightmare has been born
Enthralled to this vision amidst dogs we're thrown
This world is ruled by Dogs
This world is a haven for Dogs
This world is dreamt by Dogs
Having tired of dogs and thwarted by desire
I shall find a door and toward heaven aspire
Through rusted gates with wild vines overgrown
In the midst of heaven stands a barren throne
This world is a dream. A dream of control
With no God above and only Dogs below
This world is lie and Dogs shall not contain me
Eyes of understanding, haven seen the light of day.
These eyes are now opening, here beings a new way.
Our souls our words have failed, these words are only
Untold eras of evolution, our final legacy the void
Our flesh our Perdition.
Yet another one is born
Our flesh our Perdition.
Another born into death
The sunsets over water, So pleasing to the eye
Yet within those depths we’re drowning
And with those depths we’ll die.
Another child is born, another flaw repeated
And another will be born, and in its birth defeated.
Our flesh our Perdition.
Yet another one is born
Our flesh our Perdition.
Another born into death
With our heads it he heavens, with our feet planted in
With dreams of nobility, but nothing but lies to tell.
Our flesh our Perdition.
Yet another one is born
Our flesh our Perdition.
This nation be damned. Here the Archons reign
You know so well of value. But have you learned the price
The price of sin is death. Your lies are on display
Your cross is smeared with oil. Your gold is stained with
The earth has turned black. Let the sky be also
The fields are all twisted. Let the darkness grow
Be the fist of God. Be a mighty wind
A hurricane over Florida. Let this be the end
Once you fed the lions. Now you rule the world
Torture rape and murder, But not inside the church
Your churches are condemned. The sword of Justice raised
Eat their flesh and drink their wine, watch the ocean
This is not forgiven. This shall be avenged
Where lies the land to which the ship would go?
Far, far ahead, is all her seamen know.
And where the land she travels from? Away,
Far, far behind, is all that they can say.
On sunny noons upon the deck's smooth face,
Link'd arm in arm, how pleasant here to pace;
Or, o'er the stern reclining, watch below
The foaming wake far widening as we go.
On stormy nights when wild north-westers rave,
How proud a thing to fight with wind and wave!
The dripping sailor on the reeling mast
Exults to bear, and scorns to wish it past.
Where lies the land to which the ship would go?
Far, far ahead, is all her seamen know.
And where the land she travels from? Away,
If only the world had just one neck
If only the sun would swell and turn black
If only the skies would come crashing down
Non time is advent Et Nihil Est
Scrawled on a wall are words writ in vain
Their meaning is lost, discarded inane
Life loveth life is the best man can offer
There'll be nothing to love when lain on death's altar
Non Time is advent Et Nihil Est
Lashed by a hand the skin is bled white
Reasons for living have been offered and failed
Death's bed were making as we face the night
Darkness is falling the world is impaled
All visions all dreams all systems and structures
A progression toward and end is a progression of death
We are death's dowry, we are death's estate
Beyond the Kronosphere
Something stirs
Within the Meta-Kronosphere
We arise
We'll tear this world to shreds
We'll rip your world to shreds
Your corporations will burn
Your institutions will burn
Your churches will burn
Your flag will burn
You will burn!
Within the Meta-Kronosphere
This moment is decried
You would have thought
Your actions were your own
But history has moved your hand
Now history has given us this day
The dark ages are over
We stand at the end. From the end we look back.
This war is all wars. This sin is all sins.
And the lowest within humanity is humanity's final prize
The hands that formed this world Are the hands of the
The hands that formed this nightmare Are the hands of the
The will that moves this world Is a semblance of a shade
Every dream and all desire Is a debt to be paid
The lives that live within Assume the roles of the dead
So nothing can be done And nothing to be said
All goodness that remains Is as a vapour caught on wind
Once forming now fading We look back upon the end
All life is but the vermin That feeds on death's decay
The dead inherit the living And not the other way
All life is but the vermin That feeds on death's decay