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Historical Proof of the Israelite Migrations - Bertrand L Comparet (Anglo Saxons, Goths, Britons)
How the Celts Saved Britain - HD - 1of2 (BBC) - A New Civilisation (2009)
A History Of Britain - Part 1
True Briton
0 A.D. - Britons Civilisation Gameplay Preview | Alpha 15 Osiris [1080p/HD]
Pre-Roman Britain Rise and Fall of the Ancient Druids: Why Were the Romans So Afraid of Them?
Britain AD Episode 1
Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: Britons never will be slaves.
Ancient Britons vs Romans! Military Odyssey 2014
FAMOUS BRITONS: Queen Victoria
Lost History of the Anglo Saxons, Celts & Goths (Ancient History, Bible, Archaeology) DOCUMENTARY
Peter Ackroyd's London - Episode 1 - Fire and Destiny - BBC Documentary
Rome Total War Online Battle #2027: Massacre of Legio IX Hispana (historical battle)
* - In my lesson called Israel’s Fingerprints, I have briefly sketched for you some of the Bible’s evidence that the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Germanic people of today are the living descendants of the Israel of the Bible. This evidence is in the form of many Bible prophecies of Israel’s future, which has been accurately fulfilled by these nations and by no others. If the people who have actually done all the things which Yahweh said Israel would do, and who have received the exact blessings which Yahweh said He would give to Israel, if they are not Israel, how could Yahweh be so greatly mistaken? No, Yahweh was not mistaken, He knew what He would do and for whom He would do it. By making good all His prophecies and promises, He has identified these nations as Israel. There are some people that won’t believe Yahweh and will not accept His identification of these nations as Israel. In fact, one clergyman with whom I discussed this, a minister of a church in this country, wrote to me demanding to know what other historians of the time, in what books, chapters and verses record their migrations into northern and western Europe and the British Isles? He is only one of many skeptics who ask this and to these skeptics the answer is yes, various historians of those centuries have traced many steps of this migration. What I propose to do for you now is to trace this migration historically. Remember, within the time limits which must necessarily be fixed on such a lesson as this, I can only hit the high spots. You know how large a library can be filled with history books, so I can’t quote them all verbatim. However, I will have time enough to show you that the historians have traced this migration from Israel’s old Palestinian home into the European homes as the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Germanic peoples. Not under their old names of course, but that also is the fulfillment of Yahweh’s prophesy that He would call His servants by another name. Surely you now know that the Bible identifies Israel and only Israel, as Yahweh’s servants. The migration of the Israelites covered about 12 centuries, during which time they were mentioned by various historians, writing in different languages, during different centuries so therefore they are mentioned under different names. Even today, if you were to read a London newspaper, a Paris newspaper and a Berlin newspaper, all dated about the end of 1940, you would find that the British newspaper said that in that year France was invaded by the Germans. The French newspaper said that the invasion was by Les Allemans and the German newspaper said that the invasion was by der Deutsch. Yet, all three were talking about the same people and the same invasion. We must not be surprised to find the Israelites were given different names in the Assyrian, Greek and Latin languages. Even in the same language names change from century to century, just as today we never speak of Bohemia, as it was called a century ago, but only of Czechoslovakia. Remember, the original 12 tribed nation of Israel broke up into two nations upon the death of King Solomon, about 975 B.C.. The northern 2/3rds of the land, containing the ten tribes, kept the name Israel, while the southern 1/3rd, containing the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, with many of the Levites, took the name of Judah after the royal tribe. From that time on, they kept their separate existence until they were finally merged into a vast migration, as we will see. Most of the kings of the 10 tribed northern kingdom of Israel were distinguished more for their wickedness than for any ability. However Omri, who reigned from 885 B.C. to 874 B.C., was a vigorous and able king. Although as wicked as the others his reign was considered, among the other nations of western Asia, as the foundation upon which the national identity thereafter rested. The language of that day spoke of a family, a tribe, or even a whole nation as a house or household. If you have read your Bible much, you must surely remember Yahweh’s many references to the house of Israel or the kingdom of Judah. The phrase was also used in those days to refer to a nation as the house of a great king who ruled it. The Assyrians among others, began calling the 10 tribed kingdom of Israel, the house of Omri. In Hebrew, house was babyith or bayth, in English it was usually spelled beth and pronounced beth. In the related Semitic languages of Assyrian, this was bit. The Hebrew Omri, was in Assyrian sometimes written Humari, sometimes Kumri. READ MORE -
Provocative two-part documentary in which Dan Snow blows the lid on the traditional Anglo-centric view of history and reveals (in part 2 of 2) how the Irish saved Britain from cultural oblivion during the Dark Ages of 400-800AD. Travelling back in time to some of the remotest corners of the British Isles, Dan unravels the mystery of the lost years of 400-800 AD, when the collapse of the Roman Empire left Britain in tatters. In the first episode, Dan shows how in the 5th century AD Roman 'Britannia' was plunged into chaos by the arrival of Anglo-Saxon invaders. As Roman civilisation disappeared from Britain, a new civilisation emerged in one of the most unlikely places - Ireland. Within a few generations, Christianity transformed a backward, barbarian country into the cultural powerhouse of early medieval Europe. This is a visually and intellectually stimulating journey through one of the least known chapters of British and Irish history. - 'Everyone always talks about 1066 and the Battle of Hastings," says an exasperated Dan Snow, "but all the really big events happened 400 years earlier. We could, if things had gone only slightly differently then, be living on the 'Irish Isles' not the British Isles. Our capital should probably have been York." The 30-year-old historian certainly makes a compelling case on behalf of the early medieval period (400-800AD), the curiously overlooked era in British history which is the focus of his new two-part BBC Four documentary, How the Celts Saved Britain. Indeed, as Snow holds forth with voluble enthusiasm on the subject, it's easy to hear an echo of his father, the journalist, broadcaster and master of the swingometer, Peter. "Bound up with the spread of Christianity from Ireland is the spread of modernity," says Snow, who left Balliol College, Oxford with a First in history and is best known for co-presenting BBC Two's Battlefield Britain with his father. "This new series is all about vital events that defined the British Isles and yet the period was painted out of history. When my dad was at school in the Fifties, he used text books that covered Roman Britain, and then came this huge gap to William the Conqueror." So what did the Celts do for us? Even the term "Celt", as Snow concedes, can be a vague, emotive term. For Snow's purposes, however, the Celts are the people primarily living in Ireland who came to Britain to evangelise and to trade, and who by so doing gave (what was to become) the UK a common language, a longer life expectancy and, in essence, the beginnings of what we would now call civilisation. "Britain was in a pretty anarchic state after the dissolution of the Roman Empire," Snow explains, "but Ireland offered a level of stability. Christianity had been lapped up by the Irish, too, so they brought both their religion and their new ways of living with them in one package. That meant Christianity got wrapped up in building mills, eating better, fertilising fields and so on. It was a mechanism for translating information from the old Roman world to the undeveloped rest of the world." Interestingly, however, Snow is no fan of Christianity per se: "I'm an atheist," he says, "so I'm fairly harsh on the idea that Christianity is a self-evidently brilliant creed that everyone adopts as soon as they're told about it." Through making this series, however, Snow says that in fact his regard for Christianity has grown. "It is fascinating, ideologically, to watch the Iron Age warrior ethos being transformed by Christian thought," he says. "The old belief was that it was basically only really the warriors who were special. But Christianity told people that they were all special now. Even in this period, it was quite emancipating." As he researched and filmed the programmes Snow visited several places that he'd first discovered as a child. "My dad was born in Dublin," he says, "so in a way I'm a kind of Celt myself." But there was more to those trips than simply revisiting beautiful locations such as Lindisfarne and Iona. Snow says that the TV documentary-maker's hands-on approach to history -- go there, see for yourself -- made him reflect on the way history is being taught in schools. "These days teachers focus quite heavily on going to places, and getting children immersed in details," he says. "They learn more about wattle and daub than about generals and battles, so there's a huge controversy about whether children just don't get taught enough about the big picture: the major players and the key events." Surprisingly, Snow thinks this is no bad thing. "It's easy to say kids don't get a broad overview, but visiting places such as Iona will inspire them to want to know more. I don't think the historical knowledge of the typical fiftysomething, who was taught all about generals and so on, is actually that great." And if there's one thing Snow hopes his films will change it's Britain's common misconception about Ireland.
Beginnings I do not own the rights to this video track, nor its audio track, its uploaded for educational reasons only, knowledge is free.
This is a Vindex production brought to you by Spero Patria. This video and it's contents do not intend to infringe copyright laws. We assert that such alleged infringement is permissible under fair use principles in UK copyright laws. The material we create is for historical and educational purposes only and does not intend to promote racial or religious tension but rather the opposite.
This video is part of the following playlist: 0 A.D. is a free, open-source, historical Real Time Strategy (RTS) game currently under d...
Why were the Druids of the British Isles such a threat to their Roman occupiers? From the time of pre-Roman Britain, the Druids were regarded as the educated, priestly class among the Iron Age Celtic civilisations of Gaul (France), Britain, and Ireland. They are best known as spiritual leaders, mystics, medicine men, poets and scholars of natural law. The Druids were also regarded as adepts and seers in their day, and among their many prophesies was the prediction of the coming of Saint Patrick. Little is known about the Druids of old as they left behind very little in terms of written or visual records because of the dominance of the oral traditions, but their legend lived on through story tellers who passed down their history over generations, and there is some representations that can be derived from stone carvings and other pagan relics. There were some accounts of Druids left behind by Greek and Roman artists and authors and later from medieval writers. Other cultures regarded them as heretics, accusing Druids of practicing pagan witchcraft and the occult. Modern archaeological have uncovered evidence of their pagan the religious practices, as well as other disturbing historical reports suggesting Druids were involved in both human sacrifice and cannibalism. Their legend can be seen today’s Britain, where you have a Council of British Druid Orders. Why did Romans view them as a threat during their occupations of Gaul and Britain? Perhaps Rome saw the Druidic version of paganism as competition to its own cultural and spiritual hegemony. That trend surely intensified as Rome transitioned into to Christianity across the Empire. The Druid presence in Britain can be traced back to at least 200 BC, but because of Roman prohibition and persecution their numbers tailed off to near extinction. The ancient story of Vortigern, recounts one possible surviving Druids in Britain after the Roman conquest. The remaining Druids survived into 700-800 AD, at which time Christianity emerged as the dominant institution in the British Isles – sealing the fate of Druids for almost 1,000 years. Life in Britain and Ireland Before the Romans Traditionally, British history has been regarded as starting with the Roman Conquest. Yet this is to ignore half a million years of prehistory that still exert a profound influence on British and Irish life today. In Britain BC, Francis Pryor sets the record straight. Aided in recent years by aerial photography and coastal erosion (which has helped expose such sites as Seahenge), and by advances in scientific techniques such as radiocarbon dating and wood analysis, archaeologists have discovered compelling evidence for a much more sophisticated life among the Ancient Britons than has been previously supposed. Far from being woad-painted barbarians, the earliest inhabitants of the British Isles had developed their own religions, laws, crafts, arts, trade systems, farms, and priesthood long before the Romans' brief occupation. Examining sites from the great ceremonial landscapes of Stonehenge, Avebury, and the Bend of the Boyne to small domestic settlements, and objects from precious ritual offerings to the tiny fragments of flint discarded by toolmakers, Francis Pryor, one of our leading archaeologists, has created a remarkable portrait of the life of our ancestors, in all its variety and complexity. His authoritative and radical re-examination of Britain and Ireland before the coming of the Romans makes us look afresh at the whole story of our islands. An authoritative and radical rethinking of the history of Ancient Britain and Ancient Ireland, based on remarkable new archaeological finds. British history is traditionally regarded as having started with the Roman Conquest. But this is to ignore half a million years of prehistory that still exert a profound influence. Here Francis Pryor examines the great ceremonial landscapes of Ancient Britain and Ireland -- Stonehenge, Seahenge, Avebury and the Bend of the Boyne -- as well as the discarded artefacts of day-to-day life, to create an astonishing portrait of our ancestors. This major re-revaluation of pre-Roman Britain, made possible in part by aerial photography and coastal erosion, reveals a much more sophisticated life in Ancient Britain and Ireland than has previously been supposed. A druid was a member of the educated, professional class among the Celtic peoples of Gaul, Britain, Ireland, and possibly elsewhere during the Iron Age. The druid class included law-speakers, poets and doctors, among other learned professions, although the best known among the druids were the religious leaders. Very little is known about the ancient druids. They left no written accounts of themselves, and the only evidence is a few descriptions left by Greek, Roman, and various scattered authors and artists, as well as stories created by later medieval Irish writers.
For more documentaries go to www.DocumentaryList.NET and support the site A series of three one hour programmes, presented by leading archaeologist and sheep...
Please click here for video with FULL poem text on screen; "Rule, Britannia!" is a British patriot...
Ancient Britons vs Romans! Military Odyssey 2014 Here in this skirmish display the Ancient Britons take on the Romans! This was one of the smaller displays at the Military Odyssey.....but still great fun to watch! ENJOY! Please 'Like', Subscribe, and 'Share'! More videos on the way! All footage taken on my Canon EOS 60D DSLR Camera (Canon Digital Camera). Also using Image Stabilization lenses (Macro Lens, and Telephoto Lens - just the original kit lenses that came with the camera, and a 50mm F 1.4 Lens). For my camera tripod I use a lightweight Manfrotto 055XPROB tripod, and for sound capturing I use a Rhode Directional Condenser Video Microphone (Rhode VideoMic) which I think does a great job! I hope to upgrade soon, but I thought the outcome so far is pretty good! The Military Odyssey show is not just Battle Reenactments, there are vast displays of classic ex military vehicles, classic cars, living history encampments, vintage weapons sales (like swords, armour, rifles, pistols, sub machine guns, etc), military surplus supplies, ammunition, military uniforms, military accessories, and much more. You cold not see it all in a day even if you tried!:) Bring your spending money if you never know you may have the urge to buy a tank:) But I hate to think what the insurance would be on a thing like that!:S ENJOY the video!!! Please subscribe and 'Like' as I have more videos on the way! (Footage taken at the Military Odyssey 2013 held at The Kent Show Ground, Detling, Near Maidstone, Kent.)
Queen Victoria is one of the greatest and most famous persons in world history, she ruled over an empire and she became the longest reigning monarch in English/British history!!!
THE REAL DARK AGES: KING ARTHUR (ANCIENT MIDDLE AGES HISTORY DOCUMENTARY) The core myths of the Celtic peoples centre on the great cycle of stories based on the life and exploits of King Arthur. These legends link Arthur to a common poetic idea of Britain as a kind of paradise of the West, with a primeval unspoiled past. Together they add up to the greatest theme in the literature of the British Isles. Together they add up to the greatest theme in the literature of the British Isles. The historic figure of Arthur as a victorious fifth-century warrior, leading Britons into battle against Saxon invaders, has so far proved impossible for historians to confirm. In fact the one contemporary source that we do have for the time, 'The Ruin and Conquest of Britain' by the British monk and historian Gildas (c.500-70) gives somebody else's name altogether as the leader of the Britons. So where does the legend come from? Why has Arthur - the 'once and future king' of the poet Thomas Malory - remained so important to us, and why has he been important in the past?
Israelite Heritage of Western Europe - German Origins - * - Steven M Collins - The Asian "Sacae" Become the European Saxons Not all of the migrating Parthians and Scythians came to be known as Goths or Germans. One of the famous branches of the Germanic tribes entering Europe from the east was the Saxons. Sharon Turner comments on their Scythian origins: "The Saxons were a German or Teutonic, that is, a Gothic or Scythian tribe; and of the various Scythian nations which have been recorded, the Sakai, or Sacae, are the people from whom the descent of the Saxons may be inferred...The Sakai...were an important branch of the Scythian nation. Ptolemy mentions a Scythian people, sprung from the Sakai, by the name of the Saxones...There was a people called Saxoi, on the Euxine [the Black Sea], according to Stephanus."46 (Emphasis added) The Scythian/Parthian people had been known as the Sacae or Saka for over a millennium. This name was retained by the Germanic tribe that the Romans called the "Saxons." Phonetically, "Saxons" is the same as "Sac's sons," or "Sons of Isaac." While the English word "Saxon" has a Latin "x," the German word for "Saxon" is "Sachsisch" or "Sachse."47 The modern German words for "Saxon" still preserve the name of the Scythian "Sac-ae" who migrated into Europe from Asia. The Sacae were Scythians and Parthians in Asia, so the Saxons, or Sachse, were Scythian/Parthian refugees entering Europe. The Bible prophesied in Genesis 48:14-16 that the name of Isaac would specifically be placed on the Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. Since the Saxons still bore the name of Isaac as they migrated into Europe, it confirms that the Saxons were primarily the Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. The Scythian/Sacae origin of the Germans and Saxons has been known for centuries. A famous British historian, William Camden, wrote the following in 1610: "...that the Germans are called Scythians, we gather not only out of...Strabo...but also out of Pliny. The name of the Scythians (quoth he) extendeth...even to the Germans...the Saxons descended from the Sacae, a most noble nation, and of much worth in Asia...they came in companies...together with the Getae, Suevi, Daci and others into Europe."48 (Emphasis added) Consider also Sharon Turner's comment in the 1836 book, The History of the Anglo-Saxons: "The next great sources of its [Europe's] population were the Scythian or Gothic tribes, who entered it out of Asia, and who gradually spread themselves from its eastern to its western extremity...The Saxons were a German, that is, a Gothic or Scythian tribe; and of the various Scythian nations which have been recorded, the Sakai, or Sacae, are the people from whom the descent of the Saxons may be inferred..."49 (Emphasis added) These accounts confirm that, in 1610 and 1836, it was known that the Germans, Saxons, Getae, Sacae and Daci had migrated into Europe from Asia, and that the Germanic and Saxon tribes of Europe descended from the Scythian and Sacae tribes of Asia. MORE - Ancient History, Sumeria, Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Assyrian empire, March of the Titans, History of the White race, Britons, Gaelic, Celtic and Germanic Origins, White race Origins, Ancient Greece, Israelites, Strabo, Persians, Franks, Visigoths, Phoenicians, Carthage, Homer, Lost tribes of Israel, Scythians, Anglo saxons, German, Goths, Roman empire, Minoans, Origin of the Europeans, Indo European Origins, Parthians Cimmerians, aryan race, Ostrogoths, Byzantine Empire, Holy roman Empire, British Israel, Christian Identity MORE PROOF & LINKS: History - MORE Books - Language Relation Studies: Gaelic - Greek - German -,%20papers/Phonological%20Similarities%20in%20Germanic%20&%20Hebrew.pdf English -
Peter Ackroyd's excellent biography of London is required reading for all Londonphils, but I bet you didn't know that he also presented a series based on the book. It's not available in the USA (or many other places for that matter). So, we've uploaded to YouTube. In episode 1 - Fire and Destiny - Author Peter Ackroyd explores the development of London, revealing how the city has managed to survive several devastating fires. Drawing on the writings of Tacitus, Samuel Pepys and Virginia Woolf, he charts some of the most destructive chapters in the capital's history, including the Iceni rebellion, the Great Fire and the Blitz. With Derek Jacobi and Harriet Walter.
This is actually TWO battles (Battle #2027 and Battle #2028). After the first battle, we switch armies. At the very end of this fight, I show a fastforwarded...
Scotland - Dumbarton Castle Dumbarton Castle guards the point where the River Leven joins the River Clyde. Its recorded history reaches back 1,500 years. At that time the place was known as Alt Clut, ‘Rock of the Clyde’. Later it became known by the Gaelic name Dun Breatann, ‘Fortress of the Britons’, from which the name Dumbarton is derived. In the Middle Ages, Dumbarton Rock became an important royal castle. When it was first built in the 1220s, the Norwegian frontier lay just 10 miles (16km) downriver, and Dumbarton served as a Border stronghold. The Battle of Largs in 1263 effectively removed the threat from Norway, but it was soon replaced by an even greater menace from England. In later centuries, the rock became a formidable garrison fortress, its defences bristling with guns. It last saw military action as recently as the Second World War. Attribution: Video creator: Tourist Techy Link to video: Commercial use rights: Music: Water Prelude by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0.
ANCIENT BRITON CHIEFTAIN Interview Military Odyssey 2014: Watch this fascinating interview I did with a Ancient Briton Chieftain! This interview was great and it was so cool to see some re-enactors wearing this full gear! Listen out for the bit about shrunken heads! ENJOY! Please 'Like', Subscribe, and 'Share'! More videos on the way! All footage taken on my Canon EOS 60D DSLR Camera (Canon Digital Camera). Also using Image Stabilization lenses (Macro Lens, and Telephoto Lens - just the original kit lenses that came with the camera, and a 50mm F 1.4 Lens). For my camera tripod I use a lightweight Manfrotto 055XPROB tripod, and for sound capturing I use a Rhode Directional Condenser Video Microphone (Rhode VideoMic) which I think does a great job! I hope to upgrade soon, but I thought the outcome so far is pretty good! The Military Odyssey show is not just Battle Reenactments, there are vast displays of classic ex military vehicles, classic cars, living history encampments, vintage weapons sales (like swords, armour, rifles, pistols, sub machine guns, etc), military surplus supplies, ammunition, military uniforms, military accessories, and much more. You cold not see it all in a day even if you tried!:) Bring your spending money if you never know you may have the urge to buy a tank:) But I hate to think what the insurance would be on a thing like that!:S ENJOY the video!!! Please subscribe and 'Like' as I have more videos on the way! (Footage taken at the Military Odyssey 2014 held at The Kent Show Ground, Detling, Near Maidstone, Kent.)
The English are Germans and the Welsh are real Britons.
Andrea Levy's heritage as a child of the Windrush generation has inspired her writing. She discusses her family history, her style and her latest novel with ...
- * - Israelite Migrations - More PROOF & Links: History - Phoenician origins of the Britons - MORE Books - Language Relation Studies: Gaelic - Greek - German -,%20papers/Phonological%20Similarities%20in%20Germanic%20&%20Hebrew.pdf English -
2014 - ** Classical History Origin of the Germans - Trojan-Roman-Judah The nations of the Near East often made their monumental inscriptions and other records in multiple languages. This is to our benefit today since such a practice has greatly assisted our understanding of the various ancient languages of the region. With the rise of Classical Greece came Greek historical and geographical inquiry which, as is apparent from their own records, began in the late 7th century B.C. The Greek writers were first acquainted with their neighbors to the east in the form of the Assyrian empire, which had fallen by 612 B.C., and then even more so with the Persian empire, whose power was consolidated under Cyrus II by 540 B.C. While there were earlier Greek historians and writers of epics historical in nature, along with the many other poets whose works have survived, the first serious prose historian whose work has survived to us is Herodotus, who wrote about 100 years after the death of Cyrus. It may be evident, therefore, that the earliest written Greek accounts concerning the east were influenced by the Assyrians, and later by the Persians and Medes. ** A people whom the Greeks called Kimmerians invaded Anatolia from the east (see, for example, the article "King Midas: From Myth to Reality" by G. Kenneth Sams, Archaeology Odyssey, Nov. - Dec. 2001), in or just before the time of Homer, as attested to by Strabo, who relates that "The writers of chronicles make it plain that Homer knew the Cimmerians, in that they fix the date of the invasion of the Cimmerians either a short time before Homer, or else in Homer's own time" (Geography 1.2.9). Dating Homer, there is found a note in the Loeb Classical Library edition Greek Iambic Poetry, p. 35, at Archilochus, 5, where it is related that, as also discussed by Tatian in his Address to the Greeks, 31, Homer was a contemporary of Archilochus, the Iambic Poet who flourished in the 23rd Olympiad (688-685 B.C.) "... at the time of Gyges the Lydian, 500 years after the Trojan War." Strabo relates that, having destroyed the nation of the Phrygians of which the famous Midas was king, the Kimmerians "overran the whole country from the Bosporus to Ionia" and "marched as far as Lydia and Ionia and captured Sardes" (Geography 1.1.10; 1.3.21). MORE - Ancient History, Sumeria, Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Assyrian empire, March of the Titans, History of the White race, Britons, Gaelic, Celtic and Germanic Origins, Ancient Greece, Israelites, Phoenicians, Carthage, Homer, Lost tribes of Israel, Scythians, Anglo saxons, German, Goths, Roman empire, Minoans, Trojan war, 12 tribes of Israel, Medes, Parthians, Vandals, Herodotus, Strabo, Christianity, Bible, Archeology, Troy, Ancient Greeks, Sea Peoples
Please watch in "High Quality." I am the Britons for this battle. My opponent, Persia, chooses to wield the Greek City-States. Map: Gallic Countryside (with ...
Film by E. Raymond Capt - German Origins - ** - Steven M Collins - The Asian "Sacae" Become the European Saxons Not all of the migrating Parthians and Scythians came to be known as Goths or Germans. One of the famous branches of the Germanic tribes entering Europe from the east was the Saxons. Sharon Turner comments on their Scythian origins: "The Saxons were a German or Teutonic, that is, a Gothic or Scythian tribe; and of the various Scythian nations which have been recorded, the Sakai, or Sacae, are the people from whom the descent of the Saxons may be inferred...The Sakai...were an important branch of the Scythian nation. Ptolemy mentions a Scythian people, sprung from the Sakai, by the name of the Saxones...There was a people called Saxoi, on the Euxine [the Black Sea], according to Stephanus."46 (Emphasis added) The Scythian/Parthian people had been known as the Sacae or Saka for over a millennium. This name was retained by the Germanic tribe that the Romans called the "Saxons." Phonetically, "Saxons" is the same as "Sac's sons," or "Sons of Isaac." While the English word "Saxon" has a Latin "x," the German word for "Saxon" is "Sachsisch" or "Sachse."47 The modern German words for "Saxon" still preserve the name of the Scythian "Sac-ae" who migrated into Europe from Asia. The Sacae were Scythians and Parthians in Asia, so the Saxons, or Sachse, were Scythian/Parthian refugees entering Europe. The Bible prophesied in Genesis 48:14-16 that the name of Isaac would specifically be placed on the Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. Since the Saxons still bore the name of Isaac as they migrated into Europe, it confirms that the Saxons were primarily the Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. The Scythian/Sacae origin of the Germans and Saxons has been known for centuries. A famous British historian, William Camden, wrote the following in 1610: "...that the Germans are called Scythians, we gather not only out of...Strabo...but also out of Pliny. The name of the Scythians (quoth he) extendeth...even to the Germans...the Saxons descended from the Sacae, a most noble nation, and of much worth in Asia...they came in companies...together with the Getae, Suevi, Daci and others into Europe."48 (Emphasis added) Consider also Sharon Turner's comment in the 1836 book, The History of the Anglo-Saxons: "The next great sources of its [Europe's] population were the Scythian or Gothic tribes, who entered it out of Asia, and who gradually spread themselves from its eastern to its western extremity...The Saxons were a German, that is, a Gothic or Scythian tribe; and of the various Scythian nations which have been recorded, the Sakai, or Sacae, are the people from whom the descent of the Saxons may be inferred..."49 (Emphasis added) These accounts confirm that, in 1610 and 1836, it was known that the Germans, Saxons, Getae, Sacae and Daci had migrated into Europe from Asia, and that the Germanic and Saxon tribes of Europe descended from the Scythian and Sacae tribes of Asia. MORE - Ancient History, Sumeria, Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Assyrian empire, March of the Titans, History of the White race, Britons, Gaelic, Celtic and Germanic Origins, White race Origins, Ancient Greece, Israelites, Strabo, Persians, Franks, Visigoths, Phoenicians, Carthage, Homer, Lost tribes of Israel, Scythians, Anglo saxons, German, Goths, Roman empire, Minoans, Origin of the Europeans, Indo European Origins, Parthians Cimmerians MORE PROOF & LINKS: History - MORE Books - Language Relation Studies: Gaelic - Greek - German -,%20papers/Phonological%20Similarities%20in%20Germanic%20&%20Hebrew.pdf English -
Consumer debt has hit record levels in the UK with many borrowing to cover basic necessities like rent and utility bills. And new information's now come to l...
1 of My Total War: Rome II: Iceni Campaign Check Out My Rome LP: Please Comment, Thumb UP and Subscribe! --------...
Brand new game to play through. I'm so happy with this choice, really excited to see your feedback. :]
I play as Britannia(Britons) on this massive campaign map, using Darthmod 9.0.1 and plan on unifying Britain under my tribe, and expanding into mainland Euro...
Welcome to this lp of Rome total war, one of my favourite pc games. I decide not to play as the conventional Roman faction instead choosing a barbarian facti...
If you enjoyed watching please comment or leave a like thank you
This a great mod for those who cant wait for Rome 2! Remember to like and subscribe, Please its greatly appreciated!
Episode 07 - Destroying the Britons! Devin's army is strong enough to take on the Britons and so he does. He punishes them for their defiance earlier on. OfficiallyDevin's Episode 07: OfficiallyDevin's Channel: Campaign Information: Factions: Franks (MrSmartDonkey) & Saxons (OfficiallyDevin) Difficulty: Hard Game Mode: Co-Op Twitch: Facebook: Twitter: Enjoy!
My New Let's Play for my Channel ~ Rome Total War with the Excellent Darthmod! ***Thumbs up for a Classic TW Let's Play!!!*** I have not played Rome properly...
I play as the Julii in Rome Total War on very hard campaign and battle difficulty and plan to expand and destroy the barbarians and control the world. However this ambition also recedes back to the core of Rome itself, for I plan on becoming the emperor of Rome as well and establishing the Roman empire as the greatest in the world. This is perhaps my last Rome Total War campaign ever, with Rome 2 very close to being released there will definitely not be anymore Rome Total War campaigns coming out since I will be playing Rome 2 instead. Ever wondered why no one plays Medieval Total War anymore? It is because Medieval 2 total war is better in every single way, and Rome 2 will obviously be better than Rome 1, so farewell old friend. ;) Now then lets go crush some barbarians. ● Subscribe: ● Facebook: ● Steam Group: ● Twitter Sub Box: ● Twitch Livestream:
For more Military Campains of the Roman Empire visit:
Turn on captions for English subtitles. Alan Wilson is a British historian specialising in the origins and ancient history of the British and the history of the ancient British kings including two real King Arthurs. Arthurian research: In 1976, after a chance meeting with historical researcher, Anthony Thomas 'Baram' Blackett, at the public library in Newcastle upon Tyne, the two men decided to put up many thousands of pounds of their own money to fund full-time research into the origins of King Arthur. The Arthurian stories, so popular today, came out of South-Eastern Wales into France, via the Normans, in the 12th century and this encouraged them to start their search in the same place. The search soon moved beyond Wales to include the English Midlands which had been dominated by the old Welsh Kingdoms for centuries. To date, Wilson and Blackett have published seven books that provide information based upon Old Welsh records that date to the 12th Century. They believe that these provide a final solution to the King Arthur story and have clearly identified the true sites of the battles of Badon (Mynydd Baedan) and Camlann. In 1983, Wilson and Blackett discovered what they believe to be King Arthur's memorial stone at the small ruined church of St Peter-super-Montem on Mynydd-y-Gaer in Mid-Glamorgan, which they subsequently purchased. The stone was offered to the National Museum of Wales (Amguedda Werin Cymru) for analysis, but the offer was not taken up. Subsequently it went on public display in various venues for some time. Following this, they employed the services of two archaeologists, (Professor Eric Talbot and Alan Wishart) in 1990, to lead a dig at the same place. During the excavations, which were authorised by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, several artefacts were discovered including an ancient axe, a knife and a small cross weighing two and a half pounds, that reads "Pro Anima Artorius" ("For The Soul Of Arthur"). The cross was subsequently tested by an independent metallurgical house, Bodycote PLC, and found to be made of electrum, and so certified. The cross was offered up to the National Museum of Wales for public testing, but this also was declined.Wilson and Blackett had already identified the church as an ancient historical site possibly originally dating from the first century A.D. Other major Welsh kings are buried locally. More recently, Wilson and Blackett began a search for what was known as 'The Greatest Work of the Cymru' - Cyfrangon. This is allegedly a massive, hollow, man-made hill concealed somewhere in Wales (similar to Silbury Hill). Treasure hunters in Wales have long sought this fabled hill in which, it is believed, lie several objects of tremendous historical and archaeological value, many of which may be covered in gold or copper. The use of deep ground probing metal detection and analysis equipment revealed non ferrous metal artefacts some fifteen feet below the surface of the hill at Twyn y Glog, near Ynysybwl in mid Glamorgan. Further investigation by collaborators proved that the original height of the hill lies some 30 or more metres below the Ordnance Survey height, and that the hill is therefore an artificial construct. (Berkly, G., 2007). No further tests have been made to date (10 September 2007). Lecture tours: Alan Wilson and his colleague lectured extensively in the United Kingdom, including Manchester and Jesus College at the University of Oxford, and Alan Wilson gave the prestigious Bemis Lecture in Boston in 1993. Research into claims that the Welsh settled in mid-western America in antiquity led to Wilson and his colleague, Baram Blackett, accepting invitations from American supporters to visit US sites of historical significance in 1994. The visit led to several television appearances and the deciphering of alphabetic inscriptions claimed to be in the old 'Coelbren' alphabet. Wilson also concluded that the many snake mounds in the American Mid-west were of ancient Khumric-British construction. Whilst in America, the two men were also commissioned to produce a detailed genealogy for the Bush family (friends and supporters of President George H. W. Bush). Published works: Arthur, King of Glamorgan and Gwent (with Baram Blackett, MT Byrd Partnership, 1980) Arthur and Charter of the Kings (with Baram Blackett, MT Byrd Partnership, 1981) Arthur The War King (with Baram Blackett, MT Byrd Partnership, 1982-3) Artorius Rex Discovered (with Baram Blackett, MT Byrd Partnership, 1986) The Holy Kingdom (with Adrian Gilbert and Baram Blackett, Bantam, 1998) King Arthur Conspiracy (with Grant Berkley and Baram Blackett, Trafford, 2005) Moses in the Hieroglyphs (with Grant Berkley and Baram Blackett, Trafford, 2006) The Discovery of the Ark of the Covenant (with Grant Berkley and Baram Blackett, Trafford, 2007)
great game, fast pasted and exciting. fairly messy though! :D --;_campaign=archive_export&utm;_source=hallisyodaddy&utm;_medium=youtube
The History of London audiobook by Walter Besant (1836-1901) Walter Besant was a novelist and historian, and his topographical and historical writings, rangi...
Some Anglo-Saxons came to Britain to fight, but others came peacefully, to find land to farm. The Anglo-Saxons knew Britain was a rich land. Their own lands . The Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain is the migration of several Germanic peoples from the western coasts of Europe and their settlement in Great Britain in. Provocative two-part documentary in which Dan Snow blows the lid on the traditional Anglo-centric view of history and reveals (in part 2 of 2) how the Irish . The Romans arrived in Britain in 55 BC. The Roman Army had been fighting in Gaul (France) and the Britons had been helping the Gauls in an effort to defeat t.
Pictures have emerged of the nine Britons detained in Turkey who were attempting to cross the border into Syria illegally.
The Independent 2015-04-02It is not known whether the Britons are from the same family or whether they were travelling in separate groups.
London Evening Standard 2015-04-02(All historical data used is provided by UK Polling Report).
The Independent 2015-04-02Footage shows the Britons arriving at a police station in the Southern Hatay province, where they ...
The Irish Times 2015-04-02Footage released earlier apparently shows the Britons arriving at a police station in the southern ...
The Guardian 2015-04-02... but the ISIL Takfiri terrorists believe to have been using social media to attract Britons.
Press TV 2015-04-02The latest Britons to be detained follow three young men who were stopped at the Turkey-Syria border last month.
Belfast Telegraph 2015-04-02Footage released earlier apparently shows the Britons arriving at a police station in the Southern ...
Belfast Telegraph 2015-04-02Britons travelling abroad this summer will find the best deals in Sofia, Bulgaria, when accounting ...
The Daily Mail 2015-04-02KEEP calm and carry on; that’s how Britons coped during the Second World War.
York Press 2015-04-02A 19-year-old British woman, one of a group of medical students that includes seven Britons, an ...
Zeenews 2015-04-02... and the implications of this ("Asian postgraduates outnumber Britons in four subjects", 19 March).
noodls 2015-04-02The Briton is charged with two counts of murder over the death of the two women at his flat at the J ...
South China Morning Post 2015-04-02The Britons (sometimes Brythons or British) were the Celtic people culturally dominating Great Britain from the Iron Age until the Early Middle Ages. They spoke the Insular Celtic language known as British or Brythonic. They lived throughout Britain south of about the Firth of Forth; after the 5th century Britons also migrated to continental Europe, where they established the settlements of Brittany in France and the obscure Britonia in what is now Galicia, Spain. Their relationship to the Picts north of the Forth has been the subject of much discussion, though most scholars accept that the Pictish language during this time was a Brythonic language related to, but perhaps distinct from, British.
The earliest evidence for the Britons and their language in historical sources dates to the Iron Age. After the Roman conquest of 43 AD, a Romano-British culture began to emerge. With the advent of the Anglo-Saxon settlement in the 5th century, however, the culture and language of the Britons began to fragment. By the 11th century their descendants had split into distinct groups, and are generally discussed separately as the Welsh, Cornish, Bretons, and the people of the Hen Ogledd ("Old North"). The British language developed into the distinct branches of Welsh, Cornish, Breton, and Cumbric.
Queen Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria; 24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901) was the monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death. From 1 May 1876, she used the additional title of Empress of India.
Victoria was the daughter of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, the fourth son of King George III. Both the Duke of Kent and the King died in 1820, and Victoria was raised under close supervision by her German-born mother Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. She inherited the throne at the age of 18, after her father's three elder brothers had all died without surviving legitimate issue. The United Kingdom was already an established constitutional monarchy, in which the Sovereign held relatively few direct political powers. Privately, she attempted to influence government policy and ministerial appointments. Publicly, she became a national icon, and was identified with strict standards of personal morality.
She married her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, in 1840. Their nine children and 26 of their 34 grandchildren who survived childhood married into royal and noble families across the continent, tying them together and earning her the nickname "the grandmother of Europe". After Albert's death in 1861, Victoria plunged into deep mourning and avoided public appearances. As a result of her seclusion, republicanism temporarily gained strength, but in the latter half of her reign, her popularity recovered. Her Golden and Diamond Jubilees were times of public celebration.
King Arthur is a legendary British leader of the late 5th and early 6th centuries, who, according to medieval histories and romances, led the defence of Britain against Saxon invaders in the early 6th century. The details of Arthur's story are mainly composed of folklore and literary invention, and his historical existence is debated and disputed by modern historians. The sparse historical background of Arthur is gleaned from various sources, including the Annales Cambriae, the Historia Brittonum, and the writings of Gildas. Arthur's name also occurs in early poetic sources such as Y Gododdin.
The legendary Arthur developed as a figure of international interest largely through the popularity of Geoffrey of Monmouth's fanciful and imaginative 12th-century Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain). Some Welsh and Breton tales and poems relating the story of Arthur date from earlier than this work; in these works, Arthur appears either as a great warrior defending Britain from human and supernatural enemies or as a magical figure of folklore, sometimes associated with the Welsh Otherworld, Annwn. How much of Geoffrey's Historia (completed in 1138) was adapted from such earlier sources, rather than invented by Geoffrey himself, is unknown.