Tips on getting the best auto insurance quotes

We’re all used to getting very expensive auto insurance quotes from very different providers. It’s not surprising to see a person paying several thousand dollars for insuring a single car these days. And while such outrageous prices are often explained by insurers through a multitude of factors ranging from bad economy to fuel prices, it is surely unacceptable to pay part of the car’s entire cost for keeping it insured for only a year. And while the obligatory nature of auto insurance can surely get on one’s nerves, there are many effective solutions to making it a lot more affordable. Here are some tips on how to do that:

Shop around

If there would be only a single possible solution to use, comparison shopping would be the first to think about. It’s hard to overestimate the potential of comparing auto insurance quotes when it comes to making insurance more affordable. By simply comparing the offers from competing companies you can save hundreds and even thousands of dollars every year. Just make sure you know what exactly you want with your policy and keep comparing quotes for this exact set of coverage. You will be surprised how effective this can be.

Review your policy

Quite often people take what they are offered by their agents or brokers without looking deep into the contents of the policy. And this may often be the reason why they’re overpaying hundreds of dollars each year. Make sure to study the contents of your policy and adjust them to your current needs. Change coverage limits to what’s more appropriate in your area and exclude the types you don’t really need. This can be a very effective cost-cutting measure, just make sure to not get carried away and cut the policy to the bare minimum – you don’t want to be underinsured in case of a serious accident.

Get discounts

You will be surprised to learn how common the discounts really are. They are generally available through all insurers, even if not advertised. There are many common discounts such as good driving record, loyal client, multiple vehicle, successful student, senior driver, military worker, low mileage and so on. Just get a list of companies operating in your place of residence here, then take a little time to ask the insurers and see if you can opt for any of the discount they have – this alone can make your policy more affordable.

Change the vehicle

Needless to say, all of the aforementioned tips can be applied simultaneously for better results. But what if there’s still no significant effect? This usually means that your car is simply expensive to insure to begin with. If you drive a sports car or an SUV it is obvious that you won’t find cheap insurance. However, some family vehicles can be expensive to insure as well. That’s why you should consider changing your car to a model that is generally cheap to insure in the first place. This can drop your insurance costs a lot, although it will come at a price of giving up your favorite car model.

Car Insurance Quotes: How to Get More Money from Selling Your Car

If you are looking to sell your car rather than trade it in, you definitely want to get the most money that you can. Here are some tips to help you put more cash in your pocket when dealing with a private buyer rather than a dealership.

Spruce it Up

A car that looks good will sell for more, but that doesn’t just include the paint job and the upholstery.

  • Make sure that everything works almost like new, such as the doors and windows as well as the stereo system. Little things can make a big difference to buyers.
  • Check the seals all around the doors and windows to make sure they work properly. If not, replacing them is fairly easy.
  • Buy new floor mats or have the carpet cleaned. Take your car to a professional detailer that can make worn areas look almost like new.

Get Rid of Damage

If you have dents in the body or chips in the windshield, get them repaired. This can mean the difference between a few hundred and a few thousand dollars on the selling price of your vehicle. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, shop around for someone who offers quality service at a low price.

Fix Mechanical Issues

If you know your brakes are going to need replaced, do it before the sale. A lot of times a buyer will like the fact that a used car has new parts on it because he or she won’t have to replace them anytime soon. Make sure the car runs smoothly with no strange sounds.

Know Your Car’s Worth

Find out what your car is really worth before listing the price. Even if it is worth a lot to you, it may not be worth it to everyone else. You can also check car insurance quotes on for example to see how yours stacks up against similar cars. This can be a selling point for some buyers, especially first-time buyers or those looking at a used car for a teenager.

List any safety features that could lower car insurance quotes, such as anti-lock brakes or a rear view camera. While these may not be features the buyer looks for, they might appreciate them when you point them out.

In the end, you have to decide if selling your car is a better option than trading it in. It can take more work, but bring a better price.