The Electronic Intifada


In Gaza, the Nakba is ongoing and you can help us end it

Gaza Strip
15 May 2015

Palestinian civil society in Gaza urges escalation of international activisim to hold Israel accountable for its “criminal behavior.”

Palestinians and the dilemmas of solidarity

Joseph Massad
14 May 2015

The end of the Zionist colonial venture remains the precondition for justice and peace for all the residents of historic Palestine.

PLO and Yarmouk Camp

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Diaries: Live from Palestine

When "good morning" is an order to kill: Israel's attack on my neighborhood

Abdellatif Abdeljawad
20 May 2015

Testimonies from Israeli soldiers remind me of my family’s fear last summer.

The Month in Pictures: April 2015

6 May 2015

A monthly roundup of photographs documenting Palestine, Palestinian life, politics and culture, and international solidarity with Palestine.

Human Rights

Palestinian village faces demolition in South Hebron Hills

Sarah Levy
28 May 2015

An Israeli judge, himself a settler, has given the green light for the destruction of 100 homes.

Israel locks community of 6,000 behind steel gate

Jesse Rubin
18 May 2015

Protesters have been threatened with confiscation of Jerusalem ID cards.

Activism News

South Africans apologize over forest planted on Palestinian village

Sarah Levy
5 May 2015

Donors to the Jewish National Fund are often unaware they are helping to conceal the results of ethnic cleansing.

Art, Music & Culture

Stamping a new identity on Palestine's landscape

Sarah Irving
28 May 2015

Corinne Silva’s photographic exhibition illustrates how Zionists have tried to erase Palestine’s identity and culture.

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