?lbum: Dnde estn los ladrones?
Te regalo mi cintura,
Y mis labios para cuando quieras besar,
Te regalo mi locura
Y las pocas neuronas que quedan ya.
Mis zapatos desteidos,
El diario en el que escribo,
Te doy hasta mis suspiros,
Pero no te vayas ms,
Porque eres t mi sol,
La fe con que vivo,
La potencia de mi voz,
Los pies con que camino,
Eres t, amor,
Mis ganas de rerme,
El adis que no sabr decir
Porque nunca podr vivir sin ti.
Si algn da decidieras,
Alejarte nuevamente de aqu,
Cerrara cada puerta,
Para que nunca pudieras salir.
Te regalo mis silencios,
Te regalo mi nariz,
Yo te doy hasta mis huesos,
Pero qudate aqu,
Porque eres t mi sol,
La fe con que vivo,
La potencia de mi voz,
Los pies con que camino,
Eres t, amor,
Mis ganas de rerme,
El adis que no sabr decir
Porque nunca podr vivir sin ti.
the body count will be massive
much worse than Oklahoma
hard times for the experts
messes like this mean lots of work
burnt beyond recognition
IDs they get from DNA
and everybody will still wonder
how we ever let it happen
a car filled with explosives
made its final fucking run
splitting crowds in mere seconds
like Moses once split the red sea
just moments later an explosion
even brighter than the sun
they hadn't time to realize
what was going on
we just got another lesson
how illusory safety is
this was an opportunity
just too good to miss
we have been gutted like a fish
in a moment of poor attention
now we are responsible
for our own suspension
Hey baby can’t you see,
this is what u did to me
I’m so far from joy;
I don’t want to be your toy
My heart keeps telling me,
I should be with you
no more I want to get out,
from this misery,
don’t know what to do
Everyday I spent my time with you.
So depressed
Having all regrets.
The more I see your face
Just can’t take it any more.
I love to stay away
From your over sense of self
Driving on the highway
Seeking means from time to time
Some might, say,
bizarre is what you are.
But I believe time can change it all.
You’re just a simple girl with a special kind of life.
Unsure of everything.
Going nowhere with Your mind