College transfer is the movement of students from one higher education institution to another and the process by which academic credits are accepted or not accepted by a receiving institution.
College transfer and articulation involve planned and unplanned movement of students among institutions of higher education. Planned transfers may be facilitated by carefully negotiated articulation agreements between institutions, and enable students to start an academic program at one institution with the knowledge that they will continue their program and obtain their academic credential at another institution. It is important to note that not all planned transfers are based on such prior institutional arrangements, and that students may independently plan to transfer from one institution to another without having complete knowledge of the credit-acceptance policies of the institution to which they intend to transfer.
Unanticipated factors and the general mobility of our society create numerous circumstances under which students must move from one institution to another without prior planning. Reasons for such movements can range from mismatches between students and institutions, employment, military movement, to geographic relocations by the families. The fundamental challenge with college transfer, whether planned or unplanned, is to aggregate coursework conducted at different institutions with different academic policies, different curricula, and different levels of expected rigor into an academic credential that the issuing institution can stand behind. College transfer is complex, because disparate and sometimes non-comparable coursework is brought together, often without prior involvement of the institutions from which the student enrolls and expects to graduate.
Maximilian Karl Emil "Max" Weber (German pronunciation: [ˈmaks ˈveːbɐ]; 21 April 1864 – 14 June 1920) was a German sociologist, philosopher, and political economist who profoundly influenced social theory, social research, and the discipline of sociology itself.
Weber was a key proponent of methodological antipositivism, presenting sociology as a non-empiricist field which must study social action through interpretive means based upon understanding the meanings and purposes that individuals attach to their own actions. Weber is often cited, with Émile Durkheim and Karl Marx, as one of the three principal architects of modern social science.
Weber's main intellectual concern was understanding the processes of rationalisation, secularization, and "disenchantment" that he associated with the rise of capitalism and modernity. Weber argued that the most important difference among societies is not how people produce things but how people think about the world. In Weber’s view, modern society was the product of a new way of thinking. Weber is perhaps best known for his thesis combining economic sociology and the sociology of religion, elaborated in his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Weber proposed that ascetic Protestantism was one of the major "elective affinities" associated with the rise of capitalism, bureaucracy and the rational-legal nation-state in the Western world. Against Marx's "historical materialism," Weber emphasised the importance of cultural influences embedded in religion as a means for understanding the genesis of capitalism. The Protestant Ethic formed the earliest part in Weber's broader investigations into world religion: he would go on to examine the religions of China, the religions of India and ancient Judaism, with particular regard to the apparent non-development of capitalism in the corresponding societies, as well as to their differing forms of social stratification.
Howard College Academic Transfer
Academic Transfer Degrees @ MPCC
SCC Academic Transfer Program
MPCC Academic Transfer-High School Students
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Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 - Evaluation Detectives: How UC Reviews Challenging Academic Records
AcademicTransfer slideshow presentation Max Weber Program, Italy: The Netherlands
AcademicTransfer doing a PhD
UNC Chapel Hill Academic Advising - Transfer Credit Pre-Approval
Transferring Knowledge from Academic to Industry
Montclair State University Analysis of Academic Progress for Transfer Students with AA/AS
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Sakai--Academic Advising: Fall 2014 Transfer Students
Panel : Prospering From Ontario's Technology Transfer Partnerships: An Industry Academic Perspective
Howard College Academic Transfer
Academic Transfer Degrees @ MPCC
SCC Academic Transfer Program
MPCC Academic Transfer-High School Students
Troonrede 2008: hoogopgeleide buitenlandse werknemers via AcademicTransfer
Ensuring Transfer Success 2013 - Evaluation Detectives: How UC Reviews Challenging Academic Records
AcademicTransfer slideshow presentation Max Weber Program, Italy: The Netherlands
AcademicTransfer doing a PhD
UNC Chapel Hill Academic Advising - Transfer Credit Pre-Approval
Transferring Knowledge from Academic to Industry
Montclair State University Analysis of Academic Progress for Transfer Students with AA/AS
Academic Coaching: Transfer Stdents
Sakai--Academic Advising: Fall 2014 Transfer Students
Panel : Prospering From Ontario's Technology Transfer Partnerships: An Industry Academic Perspective
Daniel Chase Academic Basketball - Junior Transfer
ARPA-E University: Tech Transfer & IP - Lessons Learned from an Academic Entrepreneur
Montclair State University Analysis of Academic Progress for Transfer Students without AA/AS
Student Academic Profiles and Transfer Credit Reports
We foster academic alliance between multinationals and universities for knowledge transfer
Emerging Trends in Academic and Industry Collaboration Webinar
Transfer Students - Student Academic Success Centre
BIO Partnering: Intersection of Academic and Industry, May 8