Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, 'Operation Gladio' reveals 'Gladio', the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe. This BBC series is abou...
NATO's Secret Armies - Operation GLADIO
NATO's Secret Armies - Operation GLADIO
NATO's Secret Armies - Operation GLADIO
"The foreign units of the SS were really the precursors of the NATO army." - Paul Hausser, SS Veterans' Association chief & former SS Panzer Corps General - NATO's Secret Armies Check out...
Operation Gladio: The Secret War
Operation Gladio: The Secret War
Operation Gladio: The Secret War
At the close of WWII, US allies created secret, "stay-behind" armies, designed to protect the population in the event of a Communist invasion. So why are they linked with terrorist groups? What were these secret armies actually doing, and - perhaps more importantly - did they ever stop?
Shirts They Don't Want You to Own | http://stufftheydontwantyoutoknow.spreadshirt.com
Subscribe | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-sub
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Here are the facts.
Join Ben and Matt to learn the Stuff The
NATO's Secret Armies (2009)
NATO's Secret Armies (2009)
NATO's Secret Armies (2009)
In 1990, alarming evidence of NATO-sponsored terrorist attacks came to light. This is the shocking story of Operation Gladio; a tale of espionage, conspiracy...
Operation Gladio: NATO Sponsored Terror from Cold War to Today
Operation Gladio: NATO Sponsored Terror from Cold War to Today
Operation Gladio: NATO Sponsored Terror from Cold War to Today
Abby Martin speaks with James Corbett, independent journalist and host of the Corbett Report, about the decades long clandestine NATO operation called 'Gladi...
FOR LATEST BREAKING NEWS, CONSPIRACIES & GLOBAL TRENDS, CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE, THANK YOU http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=bigeyenews 'Bigger ...
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=12947
‘Operation Gladio B’--the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program--covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes. Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.
Catholic Prophecies Complete. Gladio: CIA & The Vatican Usurpation!
Catholic Prophecies Complete. Gladio: CIA & The Vatican Usurpation!
Catholic Prophecies Complete. Gladio: CIA & The Vatican Usurpation!
Riveting program! This is going to upset a LOT of people. The prophecies of Our Lady of La Salette and Our Lady of Fatima are almost complete, before our eyes and without us realizing it. Be ready- "THE EVENT," and the horrible repercussions, will occur soon.
Gladio Revisited
Gladio Revisited
Gladio Revisited
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6776 As one of the most thoroughly-documented examples of a decades-long program of officially-sanctioned...
Operation Gladio: CIA Terrorism In Italy
Operation Gladio: CIA Terrorism In Italy
Operation Gladio: CIA Terrorism In Italy
How far would the US government go to prevent the spread of Communism in Cold War Europe? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - 9/11: Terrorism Insider Trading: http://bit.ly/1lP0bXy...
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the terror events through which we suffer are planned and carried out by intelligence agencies and their minions. As the mainstream mockingbird media gleefully parrots the official story in every case, appealing to our emotions instead of our intellect, we ask WHY? THIS is why.
Operation Gladio: The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues
Operation Gladio: The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues
Operation Gladio: The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues
"Terror is being used as a weapon to destroy the cherished freedoms of democratic societies" The recent attack on Libya laid bare the iron fist behind the ve...
Le réseau Gladio - Armée secrète d'Europe. Fr
Le réseau Gladio - Armée secrète d'Europe. Fr
Le réseau Gladio - Armée secrète d'Europe. Fr
Gladio : L'armée secrète anticommuniste en Europe. Historique des accusations et théories relatives à Gladio. Art reportage. ✠ Edenlegion.
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio GERMAN Dokumentation Deutsch
Von den späten 1960er bis in die 1980er-Jahre erschütterte Europa eine Welle brutaler Terroranschläge, darunter auch das Oktoberfestattentat 1980 in München. Hunderte unschuldiger Zivilisten starben. Damals glaubte man, diese Anschläge seien das Werk von Extremisten, doch 30 Jahre später scheint es, als stecke eine andere, noch beunruhigendere Geschichte dahinter: Eine paramilitärische Geheimorganisation der NATO mit dem Decknamen 'Gladio' soll der Auslöser der Anschläge gewesen sein. Mit dem Projekt 'Strategie der Spannung' wollte man einen politischen Linksru
Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, 'Operation Gladio' reveals 'Gladio', the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe. This BBC series is abou...
NATO's Secret Armies - Operation GLADIO
NATO's Secret Armies - Operation GLADIO
NATO's Secret Armies - Operation GLADIO
"The foreign units of the SS were really the precursors of the NATO army." - Paul Hausser, SS Veterans' Association chief & former SS Panzer Corps General - NATO's Secret Armies Check out...
Operation Gladio: The Secret War
Operation Gladio: The Secret War
Operation Gladio: The Secret War
At the close of WWII, US allies created secret, "stay-behind" armies, designed to protect the population in the event of a Communist invasion. So why are they linked with terrorist groups? What were these secret armies actually doing, and - perhaps more importantly - did they ever stop?
Shirts They Don't Want You to Own | http://stufftheydontwantyoutoknow.spreadshirt.com
Subscribe | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-sub
The Rabbit Hole | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-home
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Here are the facts.
Join Ben and Matt to learn the Stuff The
NATO's Secret Armies (2009)
NATO's Secret Armies (2009)
NATO's Secret Armies (2009)
In 1990, alarming evidence of NATO-sponsored terrorist attacks came to light. This is the shocking story of Operation Gladio; a tale of espionage, conspiracy...
Operation Gladio: NATO Sponsored Terror from Cold War to Today
Operation Gladio: NATO Sponsored Terror from Cold War to Today
Operation Gladio: NATO Sponsored Terror from Cold War to Today
Abby Martin speaks with James Corbett, independent journalist and host of the Corbett Report, about the decades long clandestine NATO operation called 'Gladi...
FOR LATEST BREAKING NEWS, CONSPIRACIES & GLOBAL TRENDS, CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE, THANK YOU http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=bigeyenews 'Bigger ...
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=12947
‘Operation Gladio B’--the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program--covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes. Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.
Catholic Prophecies Complete. Gladio: CIA & The Vatican Usurpation!
Catholic Prophecies Complete. Gladio: CIA & The Vatican Usurpation!
Catholic Prophecies Complete. Gladio: CIA & The Vatican Usurpation!
Riveting program! This is going to upset a LOT of people. The prophecies of Our Lady of La Salette and Our Lady of Fatima are almost complete, before our eyes and without us realizing it. Be ready- "THE EVENT," and the horrible repercussions, will occur soon.
Gladio Revisited
Gladio Revisited
Gladio Revisited
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6776 As one of the most thoroughly-documented examples of a decades-long program of officially-sanctioned...
Operation Gladio: CIA Terrorism In Italy
Operation Gladio: CIA Terrorism In Italy
Operation Gladio: CIA Terrorism In Italy
How far would the US government go to prevent the spread of Communism in Cold War Europe? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - 9/11: Terrorism Insider Trading: http://bit.ly/1lP0bXy...
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the terror events through which we suffer are planned and carried out by intelligence agencies and their minions. As the mainstream mockingbird media gleefully parrots the official story in every case, appealing to our emotions instead of our intellect, we ask WHY? THIS is why.
Operation Gladio: The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues
Operation Gladio: The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues
Operation Gladio: The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues
"Terror is being used as a weapon to destroy the cherished freedoms of democratic societies" The recent attack on Libya laid bare the iron fist behind the ve...
Le réseau Gladio - Armée secrète d'Europe. Fr
Le réseau Gladio - Armée secrète d'Europe. Fr
Le réseau Gladio - Armée secrète d'Europe. Fr
Gladio : L'armée secrète anticommuniste en Europe. Historique des accusations et théories relatives à Gladio. Art reportage. ✠ Edenlegion.
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio GERMAN Dokumentation Deutsch
Von den späten 1960er bis in die 1980er-Jahre erschütterte Europa eine Welle brutaler Terroranschläge, darunter auch das Oktoberfestattentat 1980 in München. Hunderte unschuldiger Zivilisten starben. Damals glaubte man, diese Anschläge seien das Werk von Extremisten, doch 30 Jahre später scheint es, als stecke eine andere, noch beunruhigendere Geschichte dahinter: Eine paramilitärische Geheimorganisation der NATO mit dem Decknamen 'Gladio' soll der Auslöser der Anschläge gewesen sein. Mit dem Projekt 'Strategie der Spannung' wollte man einen politischen Linksru
MP3 & SHOW NOTES: http://themindrenewed.com/interviews/2015/600-int-70 Our guest this week is Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser, author of the seminal book NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, who joins us for a fascinating (though at times unsettling) conversation on the subject of Operation GLADIO.
Shortly after WWII a Europe-wide network of secret armies was organised under the aegis of NATO, tasked with providing military and intelligence resistance in the event of a feared Soviet invasion. Modelled on the resistance movements of the war years, many of these "stay behind" units remained faithful to the
False Flags A Brief History, Operation Ajax & Operation Gladio
False Flags A Brief History, Operation Ajax & Operation Gladio
False Flags A Brief History, Operation Ajax & Operation Gladio
False Flags A Brief History, Operation Ajax & Operation Gladio. From Alex Jones' false flag documentary TERRORSTORM.
Anonymous: Operation Gladio, Secret Nato army and false flag terrorism
Anonymous: Operation Gladio, Secret Nato army and false flag terrorism
Anonymous: Operation Gladio, Secret Nato army and false flag terrorism
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine NATO "stay-behind" operation in Italy after World War II. Its purpose was to ...
Timewatch: Operation Gladio, The Puppeteers
Timewatch: Operation Gladio, The Puppeteers
Timewatch: Operation Gladio, The Puppeteers
Het tweede deel van een drie-delige BBC-documentaire over Gladio. Uitgezonden op BBC2 in 1992. Deze documentaire vertelt het verhaal van Gladio, een geheim d...
Stella Calloni, Journalistin, Schriftstellerin (Argentinien) über Operation Gladio/Condor
Stella Calloni, Journalistin, Schriftstellerin (Argentinien) über Operation Gladio/Condor
Stella Calloni, Journalistin, Schriftstellerin (Argentinien) über Operation Gladio/Condor
Antikrieg TV l übernommener Beitrag https://youtu.be/Tv2gEyQrAnM
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO - Operation GLADIO Part 1
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO - Operation GLADIO Part 1
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO - Operation GLADIO Part 1
Von den spõten 1960er bis in die 1980er-Jahre ersch³tterte Europa eine Welle brutaler Terroranschlõge, darunter auch das Oktoberfestattentat 1980 in M³nchen....
State Terrorism: Operation Gladio - Belgium
State Terrorism: Operation Gladio - Belgium
State Terrorism: Operation Gladio - Belgium
A clip from the BBC documentary "Gladio" (1992), revealing False Flag attacks by European and US paramilitary on European civilian and military targets. Acco...
"Gladio" (BBC, 1992)
"Gladio" (BBC, 1992)
"Gladio" (BBC, 1992)
Another clip from the BBC documentary "Gladio", showing Italian Prime Minister Andreotti admitting to the existance of this network of Right-Wing extremists ...
Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, 'Operation Gladio' reveals 'Gladio', the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe. This BBC series is abou...
Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, 'Operation Gladio' reveals 'Gladio', the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe. This BBC series is abou...
"The foreign units of the SS were really the precursors of the NATO army." - Paul Hausser, SS Veterans' Association chief & former SS Panzer Corps General - NATO's Secret Armies Check out...
"The foreign units of the SS were really the precursors of the NATO army." - Paul Hausser, SS Veterans' Association chief & former SS Panzer Corps General - NATO's Secret Armies Check out...
At the close of WWII, US allies created secret, "stay-behind" armies, designed to protect the population in the event of a Communist invasion. So why are they linked with terrorist groups? What were these secret armies actually doing, and - perhaps more importantly - did they ever stop?
Shirts They Don't Want You to Own | http://stufftheydontwantyoutoknow.spreadshirt.com
Subscribe | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-sub
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At the close of WWII, US allies created secret, "stay-behind" armies, designed to protect the population in the event of a Communist invasion. So why are they linked with terrorist groups? What were these secret armies actually doing, and - perhaps more importantly - did they ever stop?
Shirts They Don't Want You to Own | http://stufftheydontwantyoutoknow.spreadshirt.com
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Here are the facts.
Join Ben and Matt to learn the Stuff They Don't Want You To Know about everything from ancient history to UFOs, government secrets, and the future of civilization.
Here's where it gets crazy.
New videos every Wednesday and Friday.
Visit our Mothership: http://bit.ly/stdwytk-hsw-home
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In 1990, alarming evidence of NATO-sponsored terrorist attacks came to light. This is the shocking story of Operation Gladio; a tale of espionage, conspiracy...
In 1990, alarming evidence of NATO-sponsored terrorist attacks came to light. This is the shocking story of Operation Gladio; a tale of espionage, conspiracy...
Abby Martin speaks with James Corbett, independent journalist and host of the Corbett Report, about the decades long clandestine NATO operation called 'Gladi...
Abby Martin speaks with James Corbett, independent journalist and host of the Corbett Report, about the decades long clandestine NATO operation called 'Gladi...
FOR LATEST BREAKING NEWS, CONSPIRACIES & GLOBAL TRENDS, CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE, THANK YOU http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=bigeyenews 'Bigger ...
FOR LATEST BREAKING NEWS, CONSPIRACIES & GLOBAL TRENDS, CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE, THANK YOU http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=bigeyenews 'Bigger ...
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=12947
‘Operation Gladio B’--the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program--covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes. Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=12947
‘Operation Gladio B’--the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program--covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes. Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.
published:02 Dec 2014
Catholic Prophecies Complete. Gladio: CIA & The Vatican Usurpation!
Riveting program! This is going to upset a LOT of people. The prophecies of Our Lady of La Salette and Our Lady of Fatima are almost complete, before our eyes and without us realizing it. Be ready- "THE EVENT," and the horrible repercussions, will occur soon.
Riveting program! This is going to upset a LOT of people. The prophecies of Our Lady of La Salette and Our Lady of Fatima are almost complete, before our eyes and without us realizing it. Be ready- "THE EVENT," and the horrible repercussions, will occur soon.
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6776 As one of the most thoroughly-documented examples of a decades-long program of officially-sanctioned...
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6776 As one of the most thoroughly-documented examples of a decades-long program of officially-sanctioned...
How far would the US government go to prevent the spread of Communism in Cold War Europe? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - 9/11: Terrorism Insider Trading: http://bit.ly/1lP0bXy...
How far would the US government go to prevent the spread of Communism in Cold War Europe? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - 9/11: Terrorism Insider Trading: http://bit.ly/1lP0bXy...
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the terror events through which we suffer are planned and carried out by intelligence agencies and their minions. As the mainstream mockingbird media gleefully parrots the official story in every case, appealing to our emotions instead of our intellect, we ask WHY? THIS is why.
Charlie Hebdo And Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui Bono?
21st Century Wire: Paris Siege: New ‘Anti-Semitic’ and ‘Al-Awlaki’ Narratives Emerge
For REAL News & Information:
Music: "Shores of Avalon", "Drone in D", "Very Low Note", "Peace of Mind" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/"
The content in my videos and on the SGTreport You Tube channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTreport assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the terror events through which we suffer are planned and carried out by intelligence agencies and their minions. As the mainstream mockingbird media gleefully parrots the official story in every case, appealing to our emotions instead of our intellect, we ask WHY? THIS is why.
Charlie Hebdo And Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui Bono?
21st Century Wire: Paris Siege: New ‘Anti-Semitic’ and ‘Al-Awlaki’ Narratives Emerge
For REAL News & Information:
Music: "Shores of Avalon", "Drone in D", "Very Low Note", "Peace of Mind" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/"
The content in my videos and on the SGTreport You Tube channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTreport assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
published:13 Jan 2015
Operation Gladio: The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues
"Terror is being used as a weapon to destroy the cherished freedoms of democratic societies" The recent attack on Libya laid bare the iron fist behind the ve...
"Terror is being used as a weapon to destroy the cherished freedoms of democratic societies" The recent attack on Libya laid bare the iron fist behind the ve...
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio GERMAN Dokumentation Deutsch
Von den späten 1960er bis in die 1980er-Jahre erschütterte Europa eine Welle brutaler Terroranschläge, darunter auch das Oktoberfestattentat 1980 in München. Hunderte unschuldiger Zivilisten starben. Damals glaubte man, diese Anschläge seien das Werk von Extremisten, doch 30 Jahre später scheint es, als stecke eine andere, noch beunruhigendere Geschichte dahinter: Eine paramilitärische Geheimorganisation der NATO mit dem Decknamen 'Gladio' soll der Auslöser der Anschläge gewesen sein. Mit dem Projekt 'Strategie der Spannung' wollte man einen politischen Linksruck Europas verhindern.
nato doku gladio dokumentation deutsch terror oktoberfestattentat anschlag attentat von bologna unter falscher flagge inside job false flag 11 september 9-11 terrorismus geheime armeen geheimdienst bnd
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio GERMAN Dokumentation Deutsch
Von den späten 1960er bis in die 1980er-Jahre erschütterte Europa eine Welle brutaler Terroranschläge, darunter auch das Oktoberfestattentat 1980 in München. Hunderte unschuldiger Zivilisten starben. Damals glaubte man, diese Anschläge seien das Werk von Extremisten, doch 30 Jahre später scheint es, als stecke eine andere, noch beunruhigendere Geschichte dahinter: Eine paramilitärische Geheimorganisation der NATO mit dem Decknamen 'Gladio' soll der Auslöser der Anschläge gewesen sein. Mit dem Projekt 'Strategie der Spannung' wollte man einen politischen Linksruck Europas verhindern.
nato doku gladio dokumentation deutsch terror oktoberfestattentat anschlag attentat von bologna unter falscher flagge inside job false flag 11 september 9-11 terrorismus geheime armeen geheimdienst bnd
MP3 & SHOW NOTES: http://themindrenewed.com/interviews/2015/600-int-70 Our guest this week is Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser, author of the seminal book NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, who joins us for a fascinating (though at times unsettling) conversation on the subject of Operation GLADIO.
Shortly after WWII a Europe-wide network of secret armies was organised under the aegis of NATO, tasked with providing military and intelligence resistance in the event of a feared Soviet invasion. Modelled on the resistance movements of the war years, many of these "stay behind" units remained faithful to their original mandate. But by the early 1960s - under the pressures of anti-communist politicking and flirtations with the Far Right - some of these groups began to morph into something more sinister, linking up with extreme right-wingers who carried out acts of false-flag terrorism, harassment of left-wing parties and coups d'état.
But was this morphing simply an unforseen consequence of the unaccountability and instability of the network itself? Or was it, at least in part, engineered by the very Anglo-American establishment which gave birth to the project in the first place? And to what extent, therefore, can such acts of terror be seen as manifestations of 'the strategy of tension', carried out by the State against its own citizens for the purposes of control at home and geopolitical gain abroad? (We also discuss: Operation Northwoods, the so-called War on Terror, 9/11 and the recent Charle Hebdo attacks.)
Source: http://themindrenewed.com/interviews/2015/600-int-70
Interview Notes: http://themindrenewed.com/interviews/2015/22-interviewnotes/601-int-70n
Disclaimer: The views expressed by Daniele Ganser in this interview are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect those of The Mind Renewed.
Podcast music: Antony Raijekov's 'Jazz U' http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Antony_Raijekov/Jazz_U/, (CC BY-NC 2.5) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/bg/
MP3 & SHOW NOTES: http://themindrenewed.com/interviews/2015/600-int-70 Our guest this week is Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser, author of the seminal book NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, who joins us for a fascinating (though at times unsettling) conversation on the subject of Operation GLADIO.
Shortly after WWII a Europe-wide network of secret armies was organised under the aegis of NATO, tasked with providing military and intelligence resistance in the event of a feared Soviet invasion. Modelled on the resistance movements of the war years, many of these "stay behind" units remained faithful to their original mandate. But by the early 1960s - under the pressures of anti-communist politicking and flirtations with the Far Right - some of these groups began to morph into something more sinister, linking up with extreme right-wingers who carried out acts of false-flag terrorism, harassment of left-wing parties and coups d'état.
But was this morphing simply an unforseen consequence of the unaccountability and instability of the network itself? Or was it, at least in part, engineered by the very Anglo-American establishment which gave birth to the project in the first place? And to what extent, therefore, can such acts of terror be seen as manifestations of 'the strategy of tension', carried out by the State against its own citizens for the purposes of control at home and geopolitical gain abroad? (We also discuss: Operation Northwoods, the so-called War on Terror, 9/11 and the recent Charle Hebdo attacks.)
Source: http://themindrenewed.com/interviews/2015/600-int-70
Interview Notes: http://themindrenewed.com/interviews/2015/22-interviewnotes/601-int-70n
Disclaimer: The views expressed by Daniele Ganser in this interview are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect those of The Mind Renewed.
Podcast music: Antony Raijekov's 'Jazz U' http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Antony_Raijekov/Jazz_U/, (CC BY-NC 2.5) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/bg/
published:03 Feb 2015
False Flags A Brief History, Operation Ajax & Operation Gladio
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine NATO "stay-behind" operation in Italy after World War II. Its purpose was to ...
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine NATO "stay-behind" operation in Italy after World War II. Its purpose was to ...
Het tweede deel van een drie-delige BBC-documentaire over Gladio. Uitgezonden op BBC2 in 1992. Deze documentaire vertelt het verhaal van Gladio, een geheim d...
Het tweede deel van een drie-delige BBC-documentaire over Gladio. Uitgezonden op BBC2 in 1992. Deze documentaire vertelt het verhaal van Gladio, een geheim d...
Antikrieg TV l übernommener Beitrag https://youtu.be/Tv2gEyQrAnM
Antikrieg TV l übernommener Beitrag https://youtu.be/Tv2gEyQrAnM
published:10 Jun 2015
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO - Operation GLADIO Part 1
Von den spõten 1960er bis in die 1980er-Jahre ersch³tterte Europa eine Welle brutaler Terroranschlõge, darunter auch das Oktoberfestattentat 1980 in M³nchen....
Von den spõten 1960er bis in die 1980er-Jahre ersch³tterte Europa eine Welle brutaler Terroranschlõge, darunter auch das Oktoberfestattentat 1980 in M³nchen....
A clip from the BBC documentary "Gladio" (1992), revealing False Flag attacks by European and US paramilitary on European civilian and military targets. Acco...
A clip from the BBC documentary "Gladio" (1992), revealing False Flag attacks by European and US paramilitary on European civilian and military targets. Acco...
Another clip from the BBC documentary "Gladio", showing Italian Prime Minister Andreotti admitting to the existance of this network of Right-Wing extremists ...
Another clip from the BBC documentary "Gladio", showing Italian Prime Minister Andreotti admitting to the existance of this network of Right-Wing extremists ...
Audio MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6758 In this ground-breaking interview, famed FBI whistleblower and Boiling Frogs Post founder Sibel Edmonds lays ...
Charlie Hebdo terror attacks a NATO 'Operation Gladio' PsyOp? Pippa Jones, Tony Gosling
Charlie Hebdo terror attacks a NATO 'Operation Gladio' PsyOp? Pippa Jones, Tony Gosling
Charlie Hebdo terror attacks a NATO 'Operation Gladio' PsyOp? Pippa Jones, Tony Gosling
Paris Charlie Hebdo attack has at least 3 NATO Gladio Op. signatures
Webster Tarpley
7 Jan
Charlie Hebdo 2 days after Hollande talked end of Russia sanctions
Even more obvious: Hollande had started to talk about the need to end sanctions vs Russia 2 days ago-and he was under pressure to deliver that amphibious assault ship.
Like Breivik when Norway wanted to stop bombing Libya.
Paris Charlie Hebdo attack has at least NATO Operation Gladio signatures
Also of co
On the April 29,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with Sibel Edmonds of boilingfrogspost.com about the CIA Gladio connections ...
Timewatch: Operation Gladio, The Foot Soldiers
Timewatch: Operation Gladio, The Foot Soldiers
Timewatch: Operation Gladio, The Foot Soldiers
Het derde deel van een drie-delige BBC-documentaire over Gladio. Uitgezonden op BBC2 in 1992. Deze documentaire vertelt het verhaal van Gladio, een geheim do...
Timewatch: Operation Gladio, The Ring Masters
Timewatch: Operation Gladio, The Ring Masters
Timewatch: Operation Gladio, The Ring Masters
Het eerste deel van een drie-delige BBC-documentaire over Gladio. Uitgezonden op BBC2 in 1992. Deze documentaire vertelt het verhaal van Gladio, een geheim d...
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO - Operation GLADIO = Terror
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO - Operation GLADIO = Terror
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO - Operation GLADIO = Terror
Mehr Info: http://der-weg.org/nwo-und-terror.html
Terror im Namen von Regierungen ist für einen normal denkenden Menschen unglaublich. Mit Stay-behind Organisationen wie Gladio soll sich dieses aber genau seit 1950 in Europa abgespielt haben. Unzählige Untersuchungsausschüsse beschäftigten sich Jahrelang mit diesem Thema, doch leider wurde dort nie wirklich jemand verantwortliches zur Rechenschaft gezogen. Wichtige Zeugen begingen alle Selbstmord und Beweismittel verschwanden oder wurden vernichtet. Ein unglaublicher Skandal, welcher sich in den "demokratischen" Ländern mitten in Europa abspielt(e). Bemerkenswert ist auch die Tatsache, daß
Alternativlos Folge 21 - Regierungsgesteuerter Terror, Operation Gladio, NATO Geheim Armeen, P2, NSU
Alternativlos Folge 21 - Regierungsgesteuerter Terror, Operation Gladio, NATO Geheim Armeen, P2, NSU
Alternativlos Folge 21 - Regierungsgesteuerter Terror, Operation Gladio, NATO Geheim Armeen, P2, NSU
http://alternativlos.org/ In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um Terrorismus, angefangen mit einer Begriffsdefinition und einer geschichtlichen Einordnung, über...
Charlie Hebdo police officer Helric Fredou murdered? NATO Gladio Daniele Ganser
Charlie Hebdo police officer Helric Fredou murdered? NATO Gladio Daniele Ganser
Charlie Hebdo police officer Helric Fredou murdered? NATO Gladio Daniele Ganser
Charlie Hebdo
False Flag - Spectacular Event
Hideous Theatre?
Police officer Helric Fredou murdered?
Daniele Ganser, Dr. Julian Charles, Martin Summers, Tony Gosling
TheMindRenewed.com - Thisweek.org.uk Fri06Feb2015
Dr. Daniele Ganser : NATO's Secret Armies - GLADIO & The Strategy of Tension
AUDIO http://politicsthisweek.wordpress.com/2015/02/06/36004/
PRINCE CHARLES http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=169349#169349
AUDIO http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/79223
Our guest this week is Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser, author of the seminal book NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, w
Teacher Resource--Terrorism in Western Europe: Operation GLADIO in Italy and Belgium
Teacher Resource--Terrorism in Western Europe: Operation GLADIO in Italy and Belgium
Teacher Resource--Terrorism in Western Europe: Operation GLADIO in Italy and Belgium
This is a heavily edited version of the 1992 Timewatch program that explored Gladio. It has been edited for length and clarity, and is condensed from a 2.5 h...
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the .
All About - Operation Gladio (Extended)
All About - Operation Gladio (Extended)
All About - Operation Gladio (Extended)
What is Operation Gladio?
A documentary report all about Operation Gladio for the blind and visually impaired or for homework/assignment.
Operation Gladio () is the codename for a clandestine North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) "stay-behind" operation in Italy during the Cold War. Its purpose was to continue armed resistance in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion and conquest. Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organizations, "Operation Gladio" is used as an informal name for all of them. The name Gladio is the Italian form of gladius, a type of Roman shortsword.Stay-behind operations o
Audio MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6758 In this ground-breaking interview, famed FBI whistleblower and Boiling Frogs Post founder Sibel Edmonds lays ...
Audio MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6758 In this ground-breaking interview, famed FBI whistleblower and Boiling Frogs Post founder Sibel Edmonds lays ...
Paris Charlie Hebdo attack has at least 3 NATO Gladio Op. signatures
Webster Tarpley
7 Jan
Charlie Hebdo 2 days after Hollande talked end of Russia sanctions
Even more obvious: Hollande had started to talk about the need to end sanctions vs Russia 2 days ago-and he was under pressure to deliver that amphibious assault ship.
Like Breivik when Norway wanted to stop bombing Libya.
Paris Charlie Hebdo attack has at least NATO Operation Gladio signatures
Also of course on the question of free speech vs. hate crimes - would we be happy for Charlie Hebdo to lampoon Jewish people and gypsies as the Nazis did?
The whole point of satire it sees to me is to ring down the powerful - not the product of NATO's Operation Cyclone and those Syrian and Libyan 'rebels' indoctrinated by Saudi Arabian Wahabi cash and trained by NATO special forces
Most obviously these 2 or 3 attackers have been given the top military training - possibly even by NATO special forces in Turkey or Jordan
These attackers most likely European trained fascist Gladio soldiers or French speaking, NATO trained, ISIS types
1. As the Daily Telegraph put it: "The attackers displayed a degree of skill and calmness that comes only from advanced military training."
2. Then there's the political aspect here with much of the sensible French military and political class who are against French involvement in NATO operations against ISIS in Syria and the countering of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean. Effectively joining in a war that could turn nuclear
The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and its fleet will be deployed to the Gulf to support operations against the Islamic State (ISIS), Mer et Marine news site reported yesterday.
3. Finally the political shock effect of killing police officers. Armed anti terror police were notable by their absence. Instead poor unarmed gendarmes were sent to tackle the gunmen.
As happened in Vielsalm in Belgium in the successful attempt to stop the Belgian government voting to remove US cruise missiles from Belgium.
Most of the police service, as in the Gladio attacks on Belgian police, don't understand the way these special ops work: Secretly signed off at the highest levels of National intelligence services and Prime Ministers. Then coordinated through 'private' networks of private military companies like Blackwater/XE and retired intelligence officers such as the Swiss based 'Club De Berne'.
cf. today with Operation Gladio in Belgium
'Their language skills were not much use: the objective was the police station in the sleepy southern Belgian town of Vielsalm and none of the Marines spoke French. If they had, they could have saved one man's life and another man's eye.
The object of the exercise had been twofold: to jolt the local Belgian police into a higher state of alert and, no less important, to give the impression to the population at large that the comfortable and well-fed Kingdom of Belgium was on the brink of red revolution. Guns used in the operation were later planted by a shadowy Belgian intelligence outfit in the Brussels squat used by a Communist splinter group.
If this is the case today's gunmen would either have been French fascist ex or serving special forces or ISIS fighters trained by them in Turkey or Jordan.'
Paris Charlie Hebdo attack has at least 3 NATO Gladio Op. signatures
Webster Tarpley
7 Jan
Charlie Hebdo 2 days after Hollande talked end of Russia sanctions
Even more obvious: Hollande had started to talk about the need to end sanctions vs Russia 2 days ago-and he was under pressure to deliver that amphibious assault ship.
Like Breivik when Norway wanted to stop bombing Libya.
Paris Charlie Hebdo attack has at least NATO Operation Gladio signatures
Also of course on the question of free speech vs. hate crimes - would we be happy for Charlie Hebdo to lampoon Jewish people and gypsies as the Nazis did?
The whole point of satire it sees to me is to ring down the powerful - not the product of NATO's Operation Cyclone and those Syrian and Libyan 'rebels' indoctrinated by Saudi Arabian Wahabi cash and trained by NATO special forces
Most obviously these 2 or 3 attackers have been given the top military training - possibly even by NATO special forces in Turkey or Jordan
These attackers most likely European trained fascist Gladio soldiers or French speaking, NATO trained, ISIS types
1. As the Daily Telegraph put it: "The attackers displayed a degree of skill and calmness that comes only from advanced military training."
2. Then there's the political aspect here with much of the sensible French military and political class who are against French involvement in NATO operations against ISIS in Syria and the countering of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean. Effectively joining in a war that could turn nuclear
The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and its fleet will be deployed to the Gulf to support operations against the Islamic State (ISIS), Mer et Marine news site reported yesterday.
3. Finally the political shock effect of killing police officers. Armed anti terror police were notable by their absence. Instead poor unarmed gendarmes were sent to tackle the gunmen.
As happened in Vielsalm in Belgium in the successful attempt to stop the Belgian government voting to remove US cruise missiles from Belgium.
Most of the police service, as in the Gladio attacks on Belgian police, don't understand the way these special ops work: Secretly signed off at the highest levels of National intelligence services and Prime Ministers. Then coordinated through 'private' networks of private military companies like Blackwater/XE and retired intelligence officers such as the Swiss based 'Club De Berne'.
cf. today with Operation Gladio in Belgium
'Their language skills were not much use: the objective was the police station in the sleepy southern Belgian town of Vielsalm and none of the Marines spoke French. If they had, they could have saved one man's life and another man's eye.
The object of the exercise had been twofold: to jolt the local Belgian police into a higher state of alert and, no less important, to give the impression to the population at large that the comfortable and well-fed Kingdom of Belgium was on the brink of red revolution. Guns used in the operation were later planted by a shadowy Belgian intelligence outfit in the Brussels squat used by a Communist splinter group.
If this is the case today's gunmen would either have been French fascist ex or serving special forces or ISIS fighters trained by them in Turkey or Jordan.'
On the April 29,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with Sibel Edmonds of boilingfrogspost.com about the CIA Gladio connections ...
On the April 29,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with Sibel Edmonds of boilingfrogspost.com about the CIA Gladio connections ...
Het derde deel van een drie-delige BBC-documentaire over Gladio. Uitgezonden op BBC2 in 1992. Deze documentaire vertelt het verhaal van Gladio, een geheim do...
Het derde deel van een drie-delige BBC-documentaire over Gladio. Uitgezonden op BBC2 in 1992. Deze documentaire vertelt het verhaal van Gladio, een geheim do...
Het eerste deel van een drie-delige BBC-documentaire over Gladio. Uitgezonden op BBC2 in 1992. Deze documentaire vertelt het verhaal van Gladio, een geheim d...
Het eerste deel van een drie-delige BBC-documentaire over Gladio. Uitgezonden op BBC2 in 1992. Deze documentaire vertelt het verhaal van Gladio, een geheim d...
Mehr Info: http://der-weg.org/nwo-und-terror.html
Terror im Namen von Regierungen ist für einen normal denkenden Menschen unglaublich. Mit Stay-behind Organisationen wie Gladio soll sich dieses aber genau seit 1950 in Europa abgespielt haben. Unzählige Untersuchungsausschüsse beschäftigten sich Jahrelang mit diesem Thema, doch leider wurde dort nie wirklich jemand verantwortliches zur Rechenschaft gezogen. Wichtige Zeugen begingen alle Selbstmord und Beweismittel verschwanden oder wurden vernichtet. Ein unglaublicher Skandal, welcher sich in den "demokratischen" Ländern mitten in Europa abspielt(e). Bemerkenswert ist auch die Tatsache, daß abermals in Belgien alle Fäden zusammenlaufen. Eine interessante Dokumentation von Arte gibt einen Einblick in die Geschehnisse um Terror, Anschläge und Vertuschung.
Zuerst einige Worte zu Gladio aus Wikipedia:
Gladio (ital., von lat. gladius „Schwert"), eigentlich Stay-behind-Organisation, war eine paramilitärische Geheimorganisation der NATO, der CIA und des britischen MI6 während des Kalten Krieges. Die Gladio-Mitglieder sollten nach einer sowjetischen Invasion Westeuropas Guerillaoperationen und Sabotage durchführen. Die Organisation existierte von etwa 1950 bis mindestens 1990 und arbeitete in Westeuropa, in Griechenland und in der Türkei. Die Organisation wird mit Terrorakten und Morden in mehreren europäischen Ländern in Verbindung gebracht. Die Europäische Union verurteilte 1990 das Vorgehen der beteiligten Geheimdienste und forderte die Mitgliedsstaaten zur Aufklärung auf. In Belgien, Italien und dem Nicht-EU-Land Schweiz wurden parlamentarische Untersuchungskommissionen dazu eingesetzt.
Mehr Info: http://der-weg.org/nwo-und-terror.html
Terror im Namen von Regierungen ist für einen normal denkenden Menschen unglaublich. Mit Stay-behind Organisationen wie Gladio soll sich dieses aber genau seit 1950 in Europa abgespielt haben. Unzählige Untersuchungsausschüsse beschäftigten sich Jahrelang mit diesem Thema, doch leider wurde dort nie wirklich jemand verantwortliches zur Rechenschaft gezogen. Wichtige Zeugen begingen alle Selbstmord und Beweismittel verschwanden oder wurden vernichtet. Ein unglaublicher Skandal, welcher sich in den "demokratischen" Ländern mitten in Europa abspielt(e). Bemerkenswert ist auch die Tatsache, daß abermals in Belgien alle Fäden zusammenlaufen. Eine interessante Dokumentation von Arte gibt einen Einblick in die Geschehnisse um Terror, Anschläge und Vertuschung.
Zuerst einige Worte zu Gladio aus Wikipedia:
Gladio (ital., von lat. gladius „Schwert"), eigentlich Stay-behind-Organisation, war eine paramilitärische Geheimorganisation der NATO, der CIA und des britischen MI6 während des Kalten Krieges. Die Gladio-Mitglieder sollten nach einer sowjetischen Invasion Westeuropas Guerillaoperationen und Sabotage durchführen. Die Organisation existierte von etwa 1950 bis mindestens 1990 und arbeitete in Westeuropa, in Griechenland und in der Türkei. Die Organisation wird mit Terrorakten und Morden in mehreren europäischen Ländern in Verbindung gebracht. Die Europäische Union verurteilte 1990 das Vorgehen der beteiligten Geheimdienste und forderte die Mitgliedsstaaten zur Aufklärung auf. In Belgien, Italien und dem Nicht-EU-Land Schweiz wurden parlamentarische Untersuchungskommissionen dazu eingesetzt.
published:24 Feb 2011
Alternativlos Folge 21 - Regierungsgesteuerter Terror, Operation Gladio, NATO Geheim Armeen, P2, NSU
http://alternativlos.org/ In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um Terrorismus, angefangen mit einer Begriffsdefinition und einer geschichtlichen Einordnung, über...
http://alternativlos.org/ In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um Terrorismus, angefangen mit einer Begriffsdefinition und einer geschichtlichen Einordnung, über...
Charlie Hebdo
False Flag - Spectacular Event
Hideous Theatre?
Police officer Helric Fredou murdered?
Daniele Ganser, Dr. Julian Charles, Martin Summers, Tony Gosling
TheMindRenewed.com - Thisweek.org.uk Fri06Feb2015
Dr. Daniele Ganser : NATO's Secret Armies - GLADIO & The Strategy of Tension
AUDIO http://politicsthisweek.wordpress.com/2015/02/06/36004/
PRINCE CHARLES http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=169349#169349
AUDIO http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/79223
Our guest this week is Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser, author of the seminal book NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, who joins us for a fascinating (though at times unsettling) conversation on the subject of Operation GLADIO.
Shortly after WWII a Europe-wide network of secret armies was organised under the aegis of NATO, tasked with providing military and intelligence resistance in the event of a feared Soviet invasion. Modelled on the resistance movements of the war years, many of these "stay behind" units remained faithful to their original mandate. But by the early 1960s - under the pressures of anti-communist politicking and flirtations with the Far Right - some of these groups began to morph into something more sinister, linking up with extreme right-wingers who carried out acts of false-flag terrorism, harassment of left-wing parties and coups d'état.
But was this morphing simply an unforseen consequence of the unaccountability and instability of the network itself? Or was it, at least in part, engineered by the very Anglo-American establishment which gave birth to the project in the first place? And to what extent, therefore, can such acts of terror be seen as manifestations of 'the strategy of tension', carried out by the State against its own citizens for the purposes of control at home and geopolitical gain abroad? (We also discuss: Operation Northwoods, the so-called War on Terror, 9/11 and the recent Charlie Hebdo attacks.)
French intelligence works hand in hand with NATO and other western intelligence agencies, and have been involved in the training of the radical Islamic offshoots of Al Qaeda in attempts to topple Assad, for example. The “Free Syrian Army” has notoriously been armed and funded by Atlanticist power elites since 2012, when the CFR called for more use of Al Qaeda and the FSA, to 2013, when we saw Senator John McCain and others meeting with rebranded Al Qaeda leaders. As we look back on events associated with French and Euro terror, the images converge.
In 1995, Rachid Ramda, a member of radical Islamic organizations predictably titled “Islamic Salvation Front” and the “Armed Islamic Goup”, bombed the French RER subway, killing eight. According to an interview with Liberacion.fr, Ramda described his past involvement with western NGOs and Doctors Without Borders – both classic intelligence covers, casting doubt on the official narrative of Ramda as the typical fundamentalist stage prop of so many mainstream media terror tales. This event recalls the NGO affiliations of the so-called ISIS video victims, as well as Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
In 2004, we saw a similar media fiasco with the agitprop style provocation from the caricatures of Mohammed in Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh’s “Submission: Part I,” which led to van Gogh’s retaliatory death. A violent standoff ensued, with a terror cell in The Hague. Then, from 2005-2010 we saw Danish papers create a soap opera scandal with numerous mockings of Mohammed in the Jyllands-Posten paper. We are also reminded of the dubious association of the “Mohammed” film the western establishment attempted to link to the Benghazi incident that curiously occurred on the anniversary of 9/11 in 2012.....
In summary, we find that Euro terror, and in particular, terror events involving in some tangential way connected to France bear all the same patterns and Atlanticist black op power bloc operations that have been at work since the Cold War and Gladio. As new details emerge, a clearer picture can be painted about the new siege, but I feel confident we can expect all the same villains and cast of characters that come to play in the vaudeville variety show that is the global war on terror. The strategy of tension plan of the neocon establishment has long argued for a “clash of civilizations” between the “Judeo-Christian” nations and Islamic civilization to destabilize and remake the Middle East on the long march to the British Fabian great game of global technocratic government.
Charlie Hebdo
False Flag - Spectacular Event
Hideous Theatre?
Police officer Helric Fredou murdered?
Daniele Ganser, Dr. Julian Charles, Martin Summers, Tony Gosling
TheMindRenewed.com - Thisweek.org.uk Fri06Feb2015
Dr. Daniele Ganser : NATO's Secret Armies - GLADIO & The Strategy of Tension
AUDIO http://politicsthisweek.wordpress.com/2015/02/06/36004/
PRINCE CHARLES http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=169349#169349
AUDIO http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/79223
Our guest this week is Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser, author of the seminal book NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, who joins us for a fascinating (though at times unsettling) conversation on the subject of Operation GLADIO.
Shortly after WWII a Europe-wide network of secret armies was organised under the aegis of NATO, tasked with providing military and intelligence resistance in the event of a feared Soviet invasion. Modelled on the resistance movements of the war years, many of these "stay behind" units remained faithful to their original mandate. But by the early 1960s - under the pressures of anti-communist politicking and flirtations with the Far Right - some of these groups began to morph into something more sinister, linking up with extreme right-wingers who carried out acts of false-flag terrorism, harassment of left-wing parties and coups d'état.
But was this morphing simply an unforseen consequence of the unaccountability and instability of the network itself? Or was it, at least in part, engineered by the very Anglo-American establishment which gave birth to the project in the first place? And to what extent, therefore, can such acts of terror be seen as manifestations of 'the strategy of tension', carried out by the State against its own citizens for the purposes of control at home and geopolitical gain abroad? (We also discuss: Operation Northwoods, the so-called War on Terror, 9/11 and the recent Charlie Hebdo attacks.)
French intelligence works hand in hand with NATO and other western intelligence agencies, and have been involved in the training of the radical Islamic offshoots of Al Qaeda in attempts to topple Assad, for example. The “Free Syrian Army” has notoriously been armed and funded by Atlanticist power elites since 2012, when the CFR called for more use of Al Qaeda and the FSA, to 2013, when we saw Senator John McCain and others meeting with rebranded Al Qaeda leaders. As we look back on events associated with French and Euro terror, the images converge.
In 1995, Rachid Ramda, a member of radical Islamic organizations predictably titled “Islamic Salvation Front” and the “Armed Islamic Goup”, bombed the French RER subway, killing eight. According to an interview with Liberacion.fr, Ramda described his past involvement with western NGOs and Doctors Without Borders – both classic intelligence covers, casting doubt on the official narrative of Ramda as the typical fundamentalist stage prop of so many mainstream media terror tales. This event recalls the NGO affiliations of the so-called ISIS video victims, as well as Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
In 2004, we saw a similar media fiasco with the agitprop style provocation from the caricatures of Mohammed in Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh’s “Submission: Part I,” which led to van Gogh’s retaliatory death. A violent standoff ensued, with a terror cell in The Hague. Then, from 2005-2010 we saw Danish papers create a soap opera scandal with numerous mockings of Mohammed in the Jyllands-Posten paper. We are also reminded of the dubious association of the “Mohammed” film the western establishment attempted to link to the Benghazi incident that curiously occurred on the anniversary of 9/11 in 2012.....
In summary, we find that Euro terror, and in particular, terror events involving in some tangential way connected to France bear all the same patterns and Atlanticist black op power bloc operations that have been at work since the Cold War and Gladio. As new details emerge, a clearer picture can be painted about the new siege, but I feel confident we can expect all the same villains and cast of characters that come to play in the vaudeville variety show that is the global war on terror. The strategy of tension plan of the neocon establishment has long argued for a “clash of civilizations” between the “Judeo-Christian” nations and Islamic civilization to destabilize and remake the Middle East on the long march to the British Fabian great game of global technocratic government.
published:07 Feb 2015
Teacher Resource--Terrorism in Western Europe: Operation GLADIO in Italy and Belgium
This is a heavily edited version of the 1992 Timewatch program that explored Gladio. It has been edited for length and clarity, and is condensed from a 2.5 h...
This is a heavily edited version of the 1992 Timewatch program that explored Gladio. It has been edited for length and clarity, and is condensed from a 2.5 h...
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the .
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the .
What is Operation Gladio?
A documentary report all about Operation Gladio for the blind and visually impaired or for homework/assignment.
Operation Gladio () is the codename for a clandestine North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) "stay-behind" operation in Italy during the Cold War. Its purpose was to continue armed resistance in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion and conquest. Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organizations, "Operation Gladio" is used as an informal name for all of them. The name Gladio is the Italian form of gladius, a type of Roman shortsword.Stay-behind operations occurred in many NATO and even some neutral countries.
Intro/Outro music:
Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under CC-BY-3.0
Text derived from:
Text to Speech powered by tts-api.com
Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0:
What is Operation Gladio?
A documentary report all about Operation Gladio for the blind and visually impaired or for homework/assignment.
Operation Gladio () is the codename for a clandestine North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) "stay-behind" operation in Italy during the Cold War. Its purpose was to continue armed resistance in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion and conquest. Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organizations, "Operation Gladio" is used as an informal name for all of them. The name Gladio is the Italian form of gladius, a type of Roman shortsword.Stay-behind operations occurred in many NATO and even some neutral countries.
Intro/Outro music:
Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under CC-BY-3.0
Text derived from:
Text to Speech powered by tts-api.com
Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0:
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
Resistance Continues in France and Yugoslavia
Resistance Continues in France and Yugoslavia
Resistance Continues in France and Yugoslavia
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine NATO "stay-behind" operation in Europe during the Cold War. Its purpose was ...
Video about resistance of ravnogorian chetniks in WW2, byproduct created during writting my master degree dissertation :-)
more at Six Yugoslavian diplomatic missions in cities of the US and Canada, including the Yugoslav embassy in Washington, D.C., were ...
Song from Ideal J with english subtitles. ----------LYRICS---------- Hardcore, I live hardcore, you live hardcore We want hardcore until death As soon as I do this ...
Records world-wide war activities. Reel 1 (1941-42), P
Download Here: http://tinyurl.com/qf8b7o3
This disturbing exposé describes a secret alliance forged at the close of World War II by the CIA, the Sicilian and US mafias, and the Vatican to thwart the possibility of a Communist invasion of Europe. Journalist Paul L. Williams presents evidence suggesting the existence of “stay-behind” units in many European countries consisting of five thousand to fifteen thousand military operatives. According to the author’s research, the initial funding for these guerilla armies came from the sale of large stocks of SS morphine that had been smuggled out of Germany and Italy and of bogus
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
Download is available here: http://bit.ly/1GT70CD
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
DOWNLOAD PDF Ebook HERE : http://bit.ly/1AGgBaZ
Operation Gladio The Secret War
Operation Gladio The Secret War
Operation Gladio The Secret War
Stuff They Don't Want You To Know
The Duke & Duchess of Windsor were my grandparents. My other grandparents were the descendats of Tsar Nicholas II., Emperor Wilhelm II. & Tutankhamun-Nefertiti-Enochian Titan family.
Children had been created without my consent, approval fromm stolen DNA & have been subjected to gang stalking, electronic harassment, multiple level of abuse as from 2011.
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 1
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 1
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 1
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) "stay-behind" operation in Italy during the Cold War. Its purpose was to continue armed resistance in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion and conquest. Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organizations, "Operation Gladio" is used as an informal name for all of them. The name Gladio is the Italian form of gladius, a type of Roman shortsword. Stay-behind operations occurred in many NATO and even some neutral countries.[1]
Gladio was part of a series of national operations first
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 2
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 2
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 2
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 3
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 3
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 3
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES ‘Operation Gladio B’--the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program--covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes. Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Watch Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker Online
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Watch Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds Online
Watch Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds Full Episode
On this week's episode we
Evidence of the truth behind 9/11 from news station RT. Banned from the internet!
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
Published on Jul 27, 2014 "Obama is treated by the media as someone who is trying to bring about peace, when in fact everything he is doing is pushing us clo.
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the terror ...
A video about the Paris shootings and (other) false flag events. Mirrored from: Channel: SGTreport.com.
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 ...
Fake Bullets at Paris Kosher Supermarket Siege Tony ...
From: SGTreport.com 25830 Pub
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
From: SGTreport.com 25830 Published on Jan 12, 2015 From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between,...
A video about the Paris shootings and (other) false flag events. Mirrored from: Channel: SGTreport.com.
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the terror events through which we suffer...
Fake Bullets at Paris Kosher Supermarket Siege Tony Asked Wolfgang Halbig The Hard Questions...
Credit: SGTreport.com. Published on Jan 12, 20
Exposing State Propaganda #ISIS #Garland #Texas
Exposing State Propaganda #ISIS #Garland #Texas
Exposing State Propaganda #ISIS #Garland #Texas
Derrick breaks down the recent "terrorist" attack in Garland, Texas and the importance of seeing past the official narratives.
Families of Texas gunmen condemn attack
Garland Shooting: Operation Gladio, Texas-Style
Anonymous activist warned Garland police days before ISIS attack
Texas Shooting Suspect Was Befriended By Informant, Monitored By FBI Since 2006
End Game Prophecies Complete Operation Gladio CIA & How The Vatican was Usurped!
End Game Prophecies Complete Operation Gladio CIA & How The Vatican was Usurped!
End Game Prophecies Complete Operation Gladio CIA & How The Vatican was Usurped!
Video by Margaret Schaut
Published on Mar 27, 2015
Riveting program! This is going to upset a LOT of people. The prophecies of Our Lady of La Salette and Our Lady of Fatima are almost complete, before our eyes and without us realizing it. Be ready- "THE EVENT," and the horrible repercussions, will occur soon.
NATO GLADIO - Charlie Hebdo 2
NATO GLADIO - Charlie Hebdo 2
NATO GLADIO - Charlie Hebdo 2
Charlie Hebdo Terror Attacks a NATO 'Operation GLADIO' PsyOp.
NATO Operation GLADIO - BBC Time Watch
NATO Operation GLADIO - BBC Time Watch
NATO Operation GLADIO - BBC Time Watch
Full 1992 BBC Time Watch Documentary.
The Quality is Very Poor.
I will replace it when I get I get a better copy.
NATO GLADIO 'Stay Behind' Arms Cache UK
NATO GLADIO 'Stay Behind' Arms Cache UK
NATO GLADIO 'Stay Behind' Arms Cache UK
Possible NATO Operation GLADIO Arms Cache discovered in Somerset UK by two young lads whilst magnet fishing.
Operation Gladio Weapons Cache Discovered In Somerset?
Operation Gladio Weapons Cache Discovered In Somerset?
Operation Gladio Weapons Cache Discovered In Somerset?
Arsenal of ‘IRA’ firearms – including AK-47 and M16 assault rifles – found by two teenagers ‘magnet fishing’ on Somerset Levels
DavidWells | Posted: February 24, 2015
An arsenal of machine guns, assault rifles and other deadly firearms that some suspect is a former IRA weapons cache has been found by two teenagers – who were ‘fishing’ with a magnet on the Somerset Levels.
The cache of about 40 rusty and mud-caked military-grade guns date back to the Second World War and included a Browning .50 machine gun, capable of bring
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine NATO "stay-behind" operation in Europe during the Cold War. Its purpose was ...
Video about resistance of ravnogorian chetniks in WW2, byproduct created during writting my master degree dissertation :-)
more at Six Yugoslavian diplomatic missions in cities of the US and Canada, including the Yugoslav embassy in Washington, D.C., were ...
Song from Ideal J with english subtitles. ----------LYRICS---------- Hardcore, I live hardcore, you live hardcore We want hardcore until death As soon as I do this ...
Records world-wide war activities. Reel 1 (1941-42), Pearl Harbor is attacked. Pres. Roosevelt signs a mutual aid pact with 26 other nations. Churchill in
Resistance Continues in France and Yugoslavia
Resistance Continues in France and Yugoslavia
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine NATO "stay-behind" operation in Europe during the Cold War. Its purpose was ...
Video about resistance of ravnogorian chetniks in WW2, byproduct created during writting my master degree dissertation :-)
more at Six Yugoslavian diplomatic missions in cities of the US and Canada, including the Yugoslav embassy in Washington, D.C., were ...
Song from Ideal J with english subtitles. ----------LYRICS---------- Hardcore, I live hardcore, you live hardcore We want hardcore until death As soon as I do this ...
Records world-wide war activities. Reel 1 (1941-42), Pearl Harbor is attacked. Pres. Roosevelt signs a mutual aid pact with 26 other nations. Churchill in
Resistance Continues in France and Yugoslavia
Resistance Continues in France and Yugoslavia
Download Here: http://tinyurl.com/qf8b7o3
This disturbing exposé describes a secret alliance forged at the close of World War II by the CIA, the Sicilian and US mafias, and the Vatican to thwart the possibility of a Communist invasion of Europe. Journalist Paul L. Williams presents evidence suggesting the existence of “stay-behind” units in many European countries consisting of five thousand to fifteen thousand military operatives. According to the author’s research, the initial funding for these guerilla armies came from the sale of large stocks of SS morphine that had been smuggled out of Germany and Italy and of bogus British bank notes that had been produced in concentration camps by skilled counterfeiters. As the Cold War intensified, the units were used not only to ward off possible invaders, but also to thwart the rise of left-wing movements in South America and NATO-based countries by terror attacks. Williams argues that Operation Gladio soon gave rise to the toppling of governments, wholesale genocide, the formation of death squads, financial scandals on a grand scale, the creation of the mujahideen, an international narcotics network, and, most recently, the ascendancy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a Jesuit cleric with strong ties to Operation Condor (an outgrowth of Gladio in Argentina) as Pope Francis I.Sure to be controversial, Operation Gladio connects the dots in ways the mainstream media often overlooks.
Download Here: http://tinyurl.com/qf8b7o3
This disturbing exposé describes a secret alliance forged at the close of World War II by the CIA, the Sicilian and US mafias, and the Vatican to thwart the possibility of a Communist invasion of Europe. Journalist Paul L. Williams presents evidence suggesting the existence of “stay-behind” units in many European countries consisting of five thousand to fifteen thousand military operatives. According to the author’s research, the initial funding for these guerilla armies came from the sale of large stocks of SS morphine that had been smuggled out of Germany and Italy and of bogus British bank notes that had been produced in concentration camps by skilled counterfeiters. As the Cold War intensified, the units were used not only to ward off possible invaders, but also to thwart the rise of left-wing movements in South America and NATO-based countries by terror attacks. Williams argues that Operation Gladio soon gave rise to the toppling of governments, wholesale genocide, the formation of death squads, financial scandals on a grand scale, the creation of the mujahideen, an international narcotics network, and, most recently, the ascendancy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a Jesuit cleric with strong ties to Operation Condor (an outgrowth of Gladio in Argentina) as Pope Francis I.Sure to be controversial, Operation Gladio connects the dots in ways the mainstream media often overlooks.
published:08 Jun 2015
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
Stuff They Don't Want You To Know
The Duke & Duchess of Windsor were my grandparents. My other grandparents were the descendats of Tsar Nicholas II., Emperor Wilhelm II. & Tutankhamun-Nefertiti-Enochian Titan family.
Children had been created without my consent, approval fromm stolen DNA & have been subjected to gang stalking, electronic harassment, multiple level of abuse as from 2011.
Stuff They Don't Want You To Know
The Duke & Duchess of Windsor were my grandparents. My other grandparents were the descendats of Tsar Nicholas II., Emperor Wilhelm II. & Tutankhamun-Nefertiti-Enochian Titan family.
Children had been created without my consent, approval fromm stolen DNA & have been subjected to gang stalking, electronic harassment, multiple level of abuse as from 2011.
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) "stay-behind" operation in Italy during the Cold War. Its purpose was to continue armed resistance in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion and conquest. Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organizations, "Operation Gladio" is used as an informal name for all of them. The name Gladio is the Italian form of gladius, a type of Roman shortsword. Stay-behind operations occurred in many NATO and even some neutral countries.[1]
Gladio was part of a series of national operations first coordinated by the Clandestine Committee of the Western Union (CCWU), founded in 1948. After the creation of NATO in 1949, the CCWU was integrated into the Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC), founded in 1951 and overseen by Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), transferred to Belgium after France's official withdrawal from NATO's Military Committee in 1966 – which was not followed by the dissolution of the French stay-behind paramilitary movements.
The role of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Gladio and the extent of its activities during the Cold War era, and any relationship to terrorist attacks perpetrated in Italy during the "Years of Lead" (late 1960s to early 1980s) is the subject of debate. Switzerland and Belgium have had parliamentary inquiries into the matter.[2]
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) "stay-behind" operation in Italy during the Cold War. Its purpose was to continue armed resistance in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion and conquest. Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organizations, "Operation Gladio" is used as an informal name for all of them. The name Gladio is the Italian form of gladius, a type of Roman shortsword. Stay-behind operations occurred in many NATO and even some neutral countries.[1]
Gladio was part of a series of national operations first coordinated by the Clandestine Committee of the Western Union (CCWU), founded in 1948. After the creation of NATO in 1949, the CCWU was integrated into the Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC), founded in 1951 and overseen by Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), transferred to Belgium after France's official withdrawal from NATO's Military Committee in 1966 – which was not followed by the dissolution of the French stay-behind paramilitary movements.
The role of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Gladio and the extent of its activities during the Cold War era, and any relationship to terrorist attacks perpetrated in Italy during the "Years of Lead" (late 1960s to early 1980s) is the subject of debate. Switzerland and Belgium have had parliamentary inquiries into the matter.[2]
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES ‘Operation Gladio B’--the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program--covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes. Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES ‘Operation Gladio B’--the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program--covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes. Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.
published:14 May 2015
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Watch Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker Online
Watch Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker Full Episode
On this special thirtieth episode of Porkins Policy Radio we welcome back Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker for a roundtable discussion of The Lone Gladio and Operation Gladio B. Tom starts us off by exploring some of the themes brought out in The Lone Gladio with respect to main character Greg McPhearson; will we ever see a "rogue agent" within the CIA take on the agency? How does the oft-used concept of "blow-back" fit in with the murder of Greg's lover Mai? Sibel discusses in detail the problems with blow-back as they exist in popular discourse, and explains how unintended consequences of covert operations are almost always intended by those implementing them. Later we move on to the endgame scenario for Operation Gladio: Sibel explains how the "Pakistanization" of Turkey is in fact a goal of the Gladio Deep State network. Sibel talks about how beneficial it is to the Gladio operators to have a weak and divided Turkey. We discuss the new face of ISIS, Georgian-born jihadi Tarkhan Batirashvili and his striking similarity to one of Sibel's characters in The Lone Gladio, Yousef Mohammad, as well as the real life story of Ayman al Zawahiri. Rounding out the conversation is Sibel's analysis of the current geopolitical situation with Russia and NATO. Sibel goes into detail about the reality of Putin's power, and gives her opinion as to why Russia has not been more confrontational towards the encroaching NATO presence in its own backyard.
For show notes andMp3 download please visit:http://porkinspolicyreview.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/porkins-policy-radio-ep-30-gladio-b-rountable-with-sibel-edmonds-and-tom-secker/
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Watch Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker Online
Watch Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker Full Episode
On this special thirtieth episode of Porkins Policy Radio we welcome back Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker for a roundtable discussion of The Lone Gladio and Operation Gladio B. Tom starts us off by exploring some of the themes brought out in The Lone Gladio with respect to main character Greg McPhearson; will we ever see a "rogue agent" within the CIA take on the agency? How does the oft-used concept of "blow-back" fit in with the murder of Greg's lover Mai? Sibel discusses in detail the problems with blow-back as they exist in popular discourse, and explains how unintended consequences of covert operations are almost always intended by those implementing them. Later we move on to the endgame scenario for Operation Gladio: Sibel explains how the "Pakistanization" of Turkey is in fact a goal of the Gladio Deep State network. Sibel talks about how beneficial it is to the Gladio operators to have a weak and divided Turkey. We discuss the new face of ISIS, Georgian-born jihadi Tarkhan Batirashvili and his striking similarity to one of Sibel's characters in The Lone Gladio, Yousef Mohammad, as well as the real life story of Ayman al Zawahiri. Rounding out the conversation is Sibel's analysis of the current geopolitical situation with Russia and NATO. Sibel goes into detail about the reality of Putin's power, and gives her opinion as to why Russia has not been more confrontational towards the encroaching NATO presence in its own backyard.
For show notes andMp3 download please visit:http://porkinspolicyreview.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/porkins-policy-radio-ep-30-gladio-b-rountable-with-sibel-edmonds-and-tom-secker/
published:08 May 2015
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Watch Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds Online
Watch Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds Full Episode
On this week's episode we had the great pleasure of speaking with the one and only Sibel Edmonds of Boiling Frogs Post. Sibel is, of course, a former FBI linguist and whistle-blower who had the draconian State Secrets Privilege enacted against her, essentially classifying her entire life. Sibel joined us to discuss her brand new novel, The Lone Gladio, which elaborates on many subjects discussed in her memoir Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story. This modern spy thriller deals exclusively with the Deep State and the secretive NATO/CIA/MI6/Pentagon program know as "Operation Gladio B." Sibel and I discuss her decision to portray the CIA characters not as James Bond-style heroes, but as the dark, complicated, and often brutal people they truly are. Sibel also goes into detail about the geopolitical aspects of her new novel, which we explore, including how nations such as Georgia (featured prominently in The Lone Gladio) are being used by NATO and Gladio operatives as a launching ground for false-flag terror in Russia and around the globe. We also go into how Gladio B came about in the early 1990's. Sibel explains how language, culture and religion were manipulated in Central Asia and the Caucus region in order to create the very terror groups that we claim to be fighting today. We finish off our conversation by exploring who is at the top of this destructive pyramid of control and terrorism. The Lone Gladio has reinvented the spy thriller as we know it. For anyone interested in the mechanics of the Deep State and its relationship to false flag terror, drug trafficking, media manipulation, blackmail, sex trafficking and more: Please go out and purchase a copy of this book! Honestly, this is one of the most important books to come out in decades.
For show notes and mp3 download please visit:http://porkinspolicyreview.wordpress.com/2014/10/18/porkins-policy-radio-ep-29-the-lone-gladio-with-sibel-edmonds/
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Watch Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds Online
Watch Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds Full Episode
On this week's episode we had the great pleasure of speaking with the one and only Sibel Edmonds of Boiling Frogs Post. Sibel is, of course, a former FBI linguist and whistle-blower who had the draconian State Secrets Privilege enacted against her, essentially classifying her entire life. Sibel joined us to discuss her brand new novel, The Lone Gladio, which elaborates on many subjects discussed in her memoir Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story. This modern spy thriller deals exclusively with the Deep State and the secretive NATO/CIA/MI6/Pentagon program know as "Operation Gladio B." Sibel and I discuss her decision to portray the CIA characters not as James Bond-style heroes, but as the dark, complicated, and often brutal people they truly are. Sibel also goes into detail about the geopolitical aspects of her new novel, which we explore, including how nations such as Georgia (featured prominently in The Lone Gladio) are being used by NATO and Gladio operatives as a launching ground for false-flag terror in Russia and around the globe. We also go into how Gladio B came about in the early 1990's. Sibel explains how language, culture and religion were manipulated in Central Asia and the Caucus region in order to create the very terror groups that we claim to be fighting today. We finish off our conversation by exploring who is at the top of this destructive pyramid of control and terrorism. The Lone Gladio has reinvented the spy thriller as we know it. For anyone interested in the mechanics of the Deep State and its relationship to false flag terror, drug trafficking, media manipulation, blackmail, sex trafficking and more: Please go out and purchase a copy of this book! Honestly, this is one of the most important books to come out in decades.
For show notes and mp3 download please visit:http://porkinspolicyreview.wordpress.com/2014/10/18/porkins-policy-radio-ep-29-the-lone-gladio-with-sibel-edmonds/
Published on Jul 27, 2014 "Obama is treated by the media as someone who is trying to bring about peace, when in fact everything he is doing is pushing us clo.
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the terror ...
A video about the Paris shootings and (other) false flag events. Mirrored from: Channel: SGTreport.com.
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 ...
Fake Bullets at Paris Kosher Supermarket Siege Tony ...
From: SGTreport.com 25830 Published on Jan 12, 2015 From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
Published on Jul 27, 2014 "Obama is treated by the media as someone who is trying to bring about peace, when in fact everything he is doing is pushing us clo.
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the terror ...
A video about the Paris shootings and (other) false flag events. Mirrored from: Channel: SGTreport.com.
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 ...
Fake Bullets at Paris Kosher Supermarket Siege Tony ...
From: SGTreport.com 25830 Published on Jan 12, 2015 From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
published:06 May 2015
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
From: SGTreport.com 25830 Published on Jan 12, 2015 From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between,...
A video about the Paris shootings and (other) false flag events. Mirrored from: Channel: SGTreport.com.
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the terror events through which we suffer...
Fake Bullets at Paris Kosher Supermarket Siege Tony Asked Wolfgang Halbig The Hard Questions...
Credit: SGTreport.com. Published on Jan 12, 2015 "From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie H
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
From: SGTreport.com 25830 Published on Jan 12, 2015 From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between,...
A video about the Paris shootings and (other) false flag events. Mirrored from: Channel: SGTreport.com.
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the terror events through which we suffer...
Fake Bullets at Paris Kosher Supermarket Siege Tony Asked Wolfgang Halbig The Hard Questions...
Credit: SGTreport.com. Published on Jan 12, 2015 "From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie H
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
Derrick breaks down the recent "terrorist" attack in Garland, Texas and the importance of seeing past the official narratives.
Families of Texas gunmen condemn attack
Garland Shooting: Operation Gladio, Texas-Style
Anonymous activist warned Garland police days before ISIS attack
Texas Shooting Suspect Was Befriended By Informant, Monitored By FBI Since 2006
Truth in Media: The Origin of ISIS
Find more videos like this at: www.theconsciousresistance.com
Derrick breaks down the recent "terrorist" attack in Garland, Texas and the importance of seeing past the official narratives.
Families of Texas gunmen condemn attack
Garland Shooting: Operation Gladio, Texas-Style
Anonymous activist warned Garland police days before ISIS attack
Texas Shooting Suspect Was Befriended By Informant, Monitored By FBI Since 2006
Truth in Media: The Origin of ISIS
Find more videos like this at: www.theconsciousresistance.com
published:05 May 2015
End Game Prophecies Complete Operation Gladio CIA & How The Vatican was Usurped!
Video by Margaret Schaut
Published on Mar 27, 2015
Riveting program! This is going to upset a LOT of people. The prophecies of Our Lady of La Salette and Our Lady of Fatima are almost complete, before our eyes and without us realizing it. Be ready- "THE EVENT," and the horrible repercussions, will occur soon.
Video by Margaret Schaut
Published on Mar 27, 2015
Riveting program! This is going to upset a LOT of people. The prophecies of Our Lady of La Salette and Our Lady of Fatima are almost complete, before our eyes and without us realizing it. Be ready- "THE EVENT," and the horrible repercussions, will occur soon.
Arsenal of ‘IRA’ firearms – including AK-47 and M16 assault rifles – found by two teenagers ‘magnet fishing’ on Somerset Levels
DavidWells | Posted: February 24, 2015
An arsenal of machine guns, assault rifles and other deadly firearms that some suspect is a former IRA weapons cache has been found by two teenagers – who were ‘fishing’ with a magnet on the Somerset Levels.
The cache of about 40 rusty and mud-caked military-grade guns date back to the Second World War and included a Browning .50 machine gun, capable of bringing down a helicopter, an M16 semi-automatic machine gun and a Soviet Russia-designed AK-47 assault rifle.
A military expert has suggested the weapons could have belonged to the IRA – who might have dumped the cache when they were tasked with decomissioning their arms in 2001 as part of the Northern Ireland peace process.
James Cork, 16, was ‘magnet fishing’ off a bridge with a friend on the Somerset Levels when they began to lift the weapons from the river.
The haul of weapons, 20 of which they managed to put together, appear to also include an MG 42, SA23 9mm and a Smith & Wesson revolver.
Magnet fishing is a form of metal detecting using a string or rope with a magnet on the end, often pulling out metal objects from the water.
James, who goes magnet fishing with his friend most weekends, said he had never caught anything like it and could not believe what the friends had unearthed.
James had been fishing with a friend in Greylake on the Somerset Levels, which is surrounded on both sides by nature reserves and has a sluice gate just opposite, which may have caught the weapons.
A police spokesman suggested they may have come from a former weapons factory in the area and possibly dated back to the Second World War.
However, some of the guns identified appear to be more modern than that and writing in The Sun newspaper, SAS veteran and author Andy McNab suggested the weapons might have been part of an IRA cache.
The nearby Royal Ordinance Factory at Puriton used the King’s Sedgemoor Drain as a back-up water supply, but it was known primarily for producing explosives.
The majority of the guns were pulled from the river last Saturday, with the pair returning on Sunday for more.
James, who is still in school, said: “I was really shocked. We have never found anything like this before. There were a few whole ones but not many.
“There were a lot of machine guns and maybe six to 10 revolvers. There was this one massive machine gun on a stand.”
The pair had been driven to the popular fishing spot by one of their mothers. They began fishing from the river bank but soon moved on top of the bridge once they realised what was below.
James, from Street, Somerset, added: “There was a fisherman there and he was getting quite angry because we were disturbing the water. But when he saw what we pulled out he came over and helped.
“One of the guns was so heavy it took all three of us to pull it out.” We struggled to pull it out. His mum picked us up from on the day. She didn’t care about the guns.
“They put them all in the car boot. Some of them didn’t fit so we threw them back into the river.
“We knew we were going to find more. On the last throw we could hear the clicking so we knew more were there.”
James and his friend have gone magnet fishing almost every weekend for the last six months. They use a 15ft piece of rope with a magnet on the end which is capable of lifting 160kg. It is the fist time they had tried fishing in Greylake, having tried a different location every time. They normally find simple bike parts or little pieces of metal which James’ friend sells on.
He threw most of the guns back into the water, but he took one of the guns – thought to be a 1930s Smith & Wesson .38 - home as a trophy.
However, when his mother Katherine discovered he had the weapon, she called 999 and armed police arrived minutes later.
The married mother-of-four-said: “I have a rule that nothing illegal is allowed in the house.
“He said to me that there wasn’t a trigger but at the end of the day, they are dangerous. You never know if it is loaded or anything like that.
“There are four kids in this house. I was definitely worried.”
Most of the guns they found were in pieces, but in relatively good condition and could be easily put back together.
Katherine, 37, who works in telesales, called the police as soon as she noticed the gun, with armed police arriving at the property five minutes later.
A spokesman from Avon and Somerset Police said: “We received a call on Tuesday, February 17 from a woman who said her son and a friend had been magnet fishing last weekend and discovered what appeared to be firearms from the Greylake at the Kingweston Sluice, near Street in Somerset.
Arsenal of ‘IRA’ firearms – including AK-47 and M16 assault rifles – found by two teenagers ‘magnet fishing’ on Somerset Levels
DavidWells | Posted: February 24, 2015
An arsenal of machine guns, assault rifles and other deadly firearms that some suspect is a former IRA weapons cache has been found by two teenagers – who were ‘fishing’ with a magnet on the Somerset Levels.
The cache of about 40 rusty and mud-caked military-grade guns date back to the Second World War and included a Browning .50 machine gun, capable of bringing down a helicopter, an M16 semi-automatic machine gun and a Soviet Russia-designed AK-47 assault rifle.
A military expert has suggested the weapons could have belonged to the IRA – who might have dumped the cache when they were tasked with decomissioning their arms in 2001 as part of the Northern Ireland peace process.
James Cork, 16, was ‘magnet fishing’ off a bridge with a friend on the Somerset Levels when they began to lift the weapons from the river.
The haul of weapons, 20 of which they managed to put together, appear to also include an MG 42, SA23 9mm and a Smith & Wesson revolver.
Magnet fishing is a form of metal detecting using a string or rope with a magnet on the end, often pulling out metal objects from the water.
James, who goes magnet fishing with his friend most weekends, said he had never caught anything like it and could not believe what the friends had unearthed.
James had been fishing with a friend in Greylake on the Somerset Levels, which is surrounded on both sides by nature reserves and has a sluice gate just opposite, which may have caught the weapons.
A police spokesman suggested they may have come from a former weapons factory in the area and possibly dated back to the Second World War.
However, some of the guns identified appear to be more modern than that and writing in The Sun newspaper, SAS veteran and author Andy McNab suggested the weapons might have been part of an IRA cache.
The nearby Royal Ordinance Factory at Puriton used the King’s Sedgemoor Drain as a back-up water supply, but it was known primarily for producing explosives.
The majority of the guns were pulled from the river last Saturday, with the pair returning on Sunday for more.
James, who is still in school, said: “I was really shocked. We have never found anything like this before. There were a few whole ones but not many.
“There were a lot of machine guns and maybe six to 10 revolvers. There was this one massive machine gun on a stand.”
The pair had been driven to the popular fishing spot by one of their mothers. They began fishing from the river bank but soon moved on top of the bridge once they realised what was below.
James, from Street, Somerset, added: “There was a fisherman there and he was getting quite angry because we were disturbing the water. But when he saw what we pulled out he came over and helped.
“One of the guns was so heavy it took all three of us to pull it out.” We struggled to pull it out. His mum picked us up from on the day. She didn’t care about the guns.
“They put them all in the car boot. Some of them didn’t fit so we threw them back into the river.
“We knew we were going to find more. On the last throw we could hear the clicking so we knew more were there.”
James and his friend have gone magnet fishing almost every weekend for the last six months. They use a 15ft piece of rope with a magnet on the end which is capable of lifting 160kg. It is the fist time they had tried fishing in Greylake, having tried a different location every time. They normally find simple bike parts or little pieces of metal which James’ friend sells on.
He threw most of the guns back into the water, but he took one of the guns – thought to be a 1930s Smith & Wesson .38 - home as a trophy.
However, when his mother Katherine discovered he had the weapon, she called 999 and armed police arrived minutes later.
The married mother-of-four-said: “I have a rule that nothing illegal is allowed in the house.
“He said to me that there wasn’t a trigger but at the end of the day, they are dangerous. You never know if it is loaded or anything like that.
“There are four kids in this house. I was definitely worried.”
Most of the guns they found were in pieces, but in relatively good condition and could be easily put back together.
Katherine, 37, who works in telesales, called the police as soon as she noticed the gun, with armed police arriving at the property five minutes later.
A spokesman from Avon and Somerset Police said: “We received a call on Tuesday, February 17 from a woman who said her son and a friend had been magnet fishing last weekend and discovered what appeared to be firearms from the Greylake at the Kingweston Sluice, near Street in Somerset.
Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, 'Operation Gladio' reveals 'Gladio', the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe. This BBC series is abou...
"The foreign units of the SS were really the precursors of the NATO army." - Paul Hausser, SS Veterans' Association chief & former SS Panzer Corps General - NATO's Secret Armies Check out...
At the close of WWII, US allies created secret, "stay-behind" armies, designed to protect ...
published:28 Mar 2015
Operation Gladio: The Secret War
Operation Gladio: The Secret War
At the close of WWII, US allies created secret, "stay-behind" armies, designed to protect the population in the event of a Communist invasion. So why are they linked with terrorist groups? What were these secret armies actually doing, and - perhaps more importantly - did they ever stop?
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published:28 Mar 2015
NATO's Secret Armies (2009)
In 1990, alarming evidence of NATO-sponsored terrorist attacks came to light. This is the ...
In 1990, alarming evidence of NATO-sponsored terrorist attacks came to light. This is the shocking story of Operation Gladio; a tale of espionage, conspiracy...
Operation Gladio: NATO Sponsored Terror from Cold War to Today
Operation Gladio: NATO Sponsored Terror from Cold War to Today
Abby Martin speaks with James Corbett, independent journalist and host of the Corbett Report, about the decades long clandestine NATO operation called 'Gladi...
FOR LATEST BREAKING NEWS, CONSPIRACIES & GLOBAL TRENDS, CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE, THANK YOU http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=bigeyenews 'Bigger ...
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=12947
‘Operation Gladio B’--the c...
published:02 Dec 2014
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=12947
‘Operation Gladio B’--the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program--covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes. Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.
published:02 Dec 2014
Catholic Prophecies Complete. Gladio: CIA & The Vatican Usurpation!
Riveting program! This is going to upset a LOT of people. The prophecies of Our Lady of ...
published:27 Mar 2015
Catholic Prophecies Complete. Gladio: CIA & The Vatican Usurpation!
Catholic Prophecies Complete. Gladio: CIA & The Vatican Usurpation!
Riveting program! This is going to upset a LOT of people. The prophecies of Our Lady of La Salette and Our Lady of Fatima are almost complete, before our eyes and without us realizing it. Be ready- "THE EVENT," and the horrible repercussions, will occur soon.
published:27 Mar 2015
Gladio Revisited
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6776 As one of the most thoroughly-doc...
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6776 As one of the most thoroughly-documented examples of a decades-long program of officially-sanctioned...
How far would the US government go to prevent the spread of Communism in Cold War Europe? ------------------ Video Endboard Links: - 9/11: Terrorism Insider Trading: http://bit.ly/1lP0bXy...
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hoo...
published:13 Jan 2015
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the terror events through which we suffer are planned and carried out by intelligence agencies and their minions. As the mainstream mockingbird media gleefully parrots the official story in every case, appealing to our emotions instead of our intellect, we ask WHY? THIS is why.
Charlie Hebdo And Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui Bono?
21st Century Wire: Paris Siege: New ‘Anti-Semitic’ and ‘Al-Awlaki’ Narratives Emerge
For REAL News & Information:
Music: "Shores of Avalon", "Drone in D", "Very Low Note", "Peace of Mind" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/"
The content in my videos and on the SGTreport You Tube channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTreport assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
published:13 Jan 2015
Operation Gladio: The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues
"Terror is being used as a weapon to destroy the cherished freedoms of democratic societie...
Operation Gladio: The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues
Operation Gladio: The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues
"Terror is being used as a weapon to destroy the cherished freedoms of democratic societies" The recent attack on Libya laid bare the iron fist behind the ve...
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio GERMAN Dokumentation Deutsch
Von den...
published:19 Dec 2011
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO (Doku) Operation Gladio GERMAN Dokumentation Deutsch
Von den späten 1960er bis in die 1980er-Jahre erschütterte Europa eine Welle brutaler Terroranschläge, darunter auch das Oktoberfestattentat 1980 in München. Hunderte unschuldiger Zivilisten starben. Damals glaubte man, diese Anschläge seien das Werk von Extremisten, doch 30 Jahre später scheint es, als stecke eine andere, noch beunruhigendere Geschichte dahinter: Eine paramilitärische Geheimorganisation der NATO mit dem Decknamen 'Gladio' soll der Auslöser der Anschläge gewesen sein. Mit dem Projekt 'Strategie der Spannung' wollte man einen politischen Linksruck Europas verhindern.
nato doku gladio dokumentation deutsch terror oktoberfestattentat anschlag attentat von bologna unter falscher flagge inside job false flag 11 september 9-11 terrorismus geheime armeen geheimdienst bnd
Audio MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6758 In this ground-breaking interview, famed FBI whistleblower and Boiling Frogs Post founder Sibel Edmonds lays ...
Charlie Hebdo terror attacks a NATO 'Operation Gladio' PsyOp? Pippa Jones, Tony Gosling
Paris Charlie Hebdo attack has at least 3 NATO Gladio Op. signatures
Webster Tarpley
published:10 Jan 2015
Charlie Hebdo terror attacks a NATO 'Operation Gladio' PsyOp? Pippa Jones, Tony Gosling
Charlie Hebdo terror attacks a NATO 'Operation Gladio' PsyOp? Pippa Jones, Tony Gosling
Paris Charlie Hebdo attack has at least 3 NATO Gladio Op. signatures
Webster Tarpley
7 Jan
Charlie Hebdo 2 days after Hollande talked end of Russia sanctions
Even more obvious: Hollande had started to talk about the need to end sanctions vs Russia 2 days ago-and he was under pressure to deliver that amphibious assault ship.
Like Breivik when Norway wanted to stop bombing Libya.
Paris Charlie Hebdo attack has at least NATO Operation Gladio signatures
Also of course on the question of free speech vs. hate crimes - would we be happy for Charlie Hebdo to lampoon Jewish people and gypsies as the Nazis did?
The whole point of satire it sees to me is to ring down the powerful - not the product of NATO's Operation Cyclone and those Syrian and Libyan 'rebels' indoctrinated by Saudi Arabian Wahabi cash and trained by NATO special forces
Most obviously these 2 or 3 attackers have been given the top military training - possibly even by NATO special forces in Turkey or Jordan
These attackers most likely European trained fascist Gladio soldiers or French speaking, NATO trained, ISIS types
1. As the Daily Telegraph put it: "The attackers displayed a degree of skill and calmness that comes only from advanced military training."
2. Then there's the political aspect here with much of the sensible French military and political class who are against French involvement in NATO operations against ISIS in Syria and the countering of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean. Effectively joining in a war that could turn nuclear
The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and its fleet will be deployed to the Gulf to support operations against the Islamic State (ISIS), Mer et Marine news site reported yesterday.
3. Finally the political shock effect of killing police officers. Armed anti terror police were notable by their absence. Instead poor unarmed gendarmes were sent to tackle the gunmen.
As happened in Vielsalm in Belgium in the successful attempt to stop the Belgian government voting to remove US cruise missiles from Belgium.
Most of the police service, as in the Gladio attacks on Belgian police, don't understand the way these special ops work: Secretly signed off at the highest levels of National intelligence services and Prime Ministers. Then coordinated through 'private' networks of private military companies like Blackwater/XE and retired intelligence officers such as the Swiss based 'Club De Berne'.
cf. today with Operation Gladio in Belgium
'Their language skills were not much use: the objective was the police station in the sleepy southern Belgian town of Vielsalm and none of the Marines spoke French. If they had, they could have saved one man's life and another man's eye.
The object of the exercise had been twofold: to jolt the local Belgian police into a higher state of alert and, no less important, to give the impression to the population at large that the comfortable and well-fed Kingdom of Belgium was on the brink of red revolution. Guns used in the operation were later planted by a shadowy Belgian intelligence outfit in the Brussels squat used by a Communist splinter group.
If this is the case today's gunmen would either have been French fascist ex or serving special forces or ISIS fighters trained by them in Turkey or Jordan.'
On the April 29,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with Sibel Edmonds of boilingfrogspost.com about the CIA Gladio connections ...
Het derde deel van een drie-delige BBC-documentaire over Gladio. Uitgezonden op BBC2 in 1992. Deze documentaire vertelt het verhaal van Gladio, een geheim do...
Het eerste deel van een drie-delige BBC-documentaire over Gladio. Uitgezonden op BBC2 in 1992. Deze documentaire vertelt het verhaal van Gladio, een geheim d...
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO - Operation GLADIO = Terror
Mehr Info: http://der-weg.org/nwo-und-terror.html
Terror im Namen von Regierungen ist f...
published:24 Feb 2011
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO - Operation GLADIO = Terror
Die geheimen Armeen der NATO - Operation GLADIO = Terror
Mehr Info: http://der-weg.org/nwo-und-terror.html
Terror im Namen von Regierungen ist für einen normal denkenden Menschen unglaublich. Mit Stay-behind Organisationen wie Gladio soll sich dieses aber genau seit 1950 in Europa abgespielt haben. Unzählige Untersuchungsausschüsse beschäftigten sich Jahrelang mit diesem Thema, doch leider wurde dort nie wirklich jemand verantwortliches zur Rechenschaft gezogen. Wichtige Zeugen begingen alle Selbstmord und Beweismittel verschwanden oder wurden vernichtet. Ein unglaublicher Skandal, welcher sich in den "demokratischen" Ländern mitten in Europa abspielt(e). Bemerkenswert ist auch die Tatsache, daß abermals in Belgien alle Fäden zusammenlaufen. Eine interessante Dokumentation von Arte gibt einen Einblick in die Geschehnisse um Terror, Anschläge und Vertuschung.
Zuerst einige Worte zu Gladio aus Wikipedia:
Gladio (ital., von lat. gladius „Schwert"), eigentlich Stay-behind-Organisation, war eine paramilitärische Geheimorganisation der NATO, der CIA und des britischen MI6 während des Kalten Krieges. Die Gladio-Mitglieder sollten nach einer sowjetischen Invasion Westeuropas Guerillaoperationen und Sabotage durchführen. Die Organisation existierte von etwa 1950 bis mindestens 1990 und arbeitete in Westeuropa, in Griechenland und in der Türkei. Die Organisation wird mit Terrorakten und Morden in mehreren europäischen Ländern in Verbindung gebracht. Die Europäische Union verurteilte 1990 das Vorgehen der beteiligten Geheimdienste und forderte die Mitgliedsstaaten zur Aufklärung auf. In Belgien, Italien und dem Nicht-EU-Land Schweiz wurden parlamentarische Untersuchungskommissionen dazu eingesetzt.
published:24 Feb 2011
Alternativlos Folge 21 - Regierungsgesteuerter Terror, Operation Gladio, NATO Geheim Armeen, P2, NSU
http://alternativlos.org/ In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um Terrorismus, angefangen mit ...
Alternativlos Folge 21 - Regierungsgesteuerter Terror, Operation Gladio, NATO Geheim Armeen, P2, NSU
Alternativlos Folge 21 - Regierungsgesteuerter Terror, Operation Gladio, NATO Geheim Armeen, P2, NSU
http://alternativlos.org/ In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um Terrorismus, angefangen mit einer Begriffsdefinition und einer geschichtlichen Einordnung, über...
Charlie Hebdo police officer Helric Fredou murdered? NATO Gladio Daniele Ganser
Charlie Hebdo
False Flag - Spectacular Event
Hideous Theatre?
Police officer Helric Fredou...
published:07 Feb 2015
Charlie Hebdo police officer Helric Fredou murdered? NATO Gladio Daniele Ganser
Charlie Hebdo police officer Helric Fredou murdered? NATO Gladio Daniele Ganser
Charlie Hebdo
False Flag - Spectacular Event
Hideous Theatre?
Police officer Helric Fredou murdered?
Daniele Ganser, Dr. Julian Charles, Martin Summers, Tony Gosling
TheMindRenewed.com - Thisweek.org.uk Fri06Feb2015
Dr. Daniele Ganser : NATO's Secret Armies - GLADIO & The Strategy of Tension
AUDIO http://politicsthisweek.wordpress.com/2015/02/06/36004/
PRINCE CHARLES http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=169349#169349
AUDIO http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/79223
Our guest this week is Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser, author of the seminal book NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, who joins us for a fascinating (though at times unsettling) conversation on the subject of Operation GLADIO.
Shortly after WWII a Europe-wide network of secret armies was organised under the aegis of NATO, tasked with providing military and intelligence resistance in the event of a feared Soviet invasion. Modelled on the resistance movements of the war years, many of these "stay behind" units remained faithful to their original mandate. But by the early 1960s - under the pressures of anti-communist politicking and flirtations with the Far Right - some of these groups began to morph into something more sinister, linking up with extreme right-wingers who carried out acts of false-flag terrorism, harassment of left-wing parties and coups d'état.
But was this morphing simply an unforseen consequence of the unaccountability and instability of the network itself? Or was it, at least in part, engineered by the very Anglo-American establishment which gave birth to the project in the first place? And to what extent, therefore, can such acts of terror be seen as manifestations of 'the strategy of tension', carried out by the State against its own citizens for the purposes of control at home and geopolitical gain abroad? (We also discuss: Operation Northwoods, the so-called War on Terror, 9/11 and the recent Charlie Hebdo attacks.)
French intelligence works hand in hand with NATO and other western intelligence agencies, and have been involved in the training of the radical Islamic offshoots of Al Qaeda in attempts to topple Assad, for example. The “Free Syrian Army” has notoriously been armed and funded by Atlanticist power elites since 2012, when the CFR called for more use of Al Qaeda and the FSA, to 2013, when we saw Senator John McCain and others meeting with rebranded Al Qaeda leaders. As we look back on events associated with French and Euro terror, the images converge.
In 1995, Rachid Ramda, a member of radical Islamic organizations predictably titled “Islamic Salvation Front” and the “Armed Islamic Goup”, bombed the French RER subway, killing eight. According to an interview with Liberacion.fr, Ramda described his past involvement with western NGOs and Doctors Without Borders – both classic intelligence covers, casting doubt on the official narrative of Ramda as the typical fundamentalist stage prop of so many mainstream media terror tales. This event recalls the NGO affiliations of the so-called ISIS video victims, as well as Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
In 2004, we saw a similar media fiasco with the agitprop style provocation from the caricatures of Mohammed in Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh’s “Submission: Part I,” which led to van Gogh’s retaliatory death. A violent standoff ensued, with a terror cell in The Hague. Then, from 2005-2010 we saw Danish papers create a soap opera scandal with numerous mockings of Mohammed in the Jyllands-Posten paper. We are also reminded of the dubious association of the “Mohammed” film the western establishment attempted to link to the Benghazi incident that curiously occurred on the anniversary of 9/11 in 2012.....
In summary, we find that Euro terror, and in particular, terror events involving in some tangential way connected to France bear all the same patterns and Atlanticist black op power bloc operations that have been at work since the Cold War and Gladio. As new details emerge, a clearer picture can be painted about the new siege, but I feel confident we can expect all the same villains and cast of characters that come to play in the vaudeville variety show that is the global war on terror. The strategy of tension plan of the neocon establishment has long argued for a “clash of civilizations” between the “Judeo-Christian” nations and Islamic civilization to destabilize and remake the Middle East on the long march to the British Fabian great game of global technocratic government.
published:07 Feb 2015
Teacher Resource--Terrorism in Western Europe: Operation GLADIO in Italy and Belgium
This is a heavily edited version of the 1992 Timewatch program that explored Gladio. It ha...
Teacher Resource--Terrorism in Western Europe: Operation GLADIO in Italy and Belgium
Teacher Resource--Terrorism in Western Europe: Operation GLADIO in Italy and Belgium
This is a heavily edited version of the 1992 Timewatch program that explored Gladio. It has been edited for length and clarity, and is condensed from a 2.5 h...
published:17 May 2015
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the .
published:17 May 2015
All About - Operation Gladio (Extended)
What is Operation Gladio?
A documentary report all about Operation Gladio for the blind a...
published:15 Jun 2015
All About - Operation Gladio (Extended)
All About - Operation Gladio (Extended)
What is Operation Gladio?
A documentary report all about Operation Gladio for the blind and visually impaired or for homework/assignment.
Operation Gladio () is the codename for a clandestine North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) "stay-behind" operation in Italy during the Cold War. Its purpose was to continue armed resistance in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion and conquest. Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organizations, "Operation Gladio" is used as an informal name for all of them. The name Gladio is the Italian form of gladius, a type of Roman shortsword.Stay-behind operations occurred in many NATO and even some neutral countries.
Intro/Outro music:
Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under CC-BY-3.0
Text derived from:
Text to Speech powered by tts-api.com
Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0:
published:09 Jun 2015
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
9/11, WTC, WTC7, controlled demolition, conspiracy, bombings, tv, fake reports, larry silverstein, george w. bush, dick cheney, rumsfeld, bilderberg, new world .
published:09 Jun 2015
Resistance Continues in France and Yugoslavia
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine NATO "stay...
published:08 Jun 2015
Resistance Continues in France and Yugoslavia
Resistance Continues in France and Yugoslavia
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine NATO "stay-behind" operation in Europe during the Cold War. Its purpose was ...
Video about resistance of ravnogorian chetniks in WW2, byproduct created during writting my master degree dissertation :-)
more at Six Yugoslavian diplomatic missions in cities of the US and Canada, including the Yugoslav embassy in Washington, D.C., were ...
Song from Ideal J with english subtitles. ----------LYRICS---------- Hardcore, I live hardcore, you live hardcore We want hardcore until death As soon as I do this ...
Records world-wide war activities. Reel 1 (1941-42), Pearl Harbor is attacked. Pres. Roosevelt signs a mutual aid pact with 26 other nations. Churchill in
Resistance Continues in France and Yugoslavia
Resistance Continues in France and Yugoslavia
published:08 Jun 2015
Download Here: http://tinyurl.com/qf8b7o3
This disturbing exposé desc...
published:08 Jun 2015
Download Here: http://tinyurl.com/qf8b7o3
This disturbing exposé describes a secret alliance forged at the close of World War II by the CIA, the Sicilian and US mafias, and the Vatican to thwart the possibility of a Communist invasion of Europe. Journalist Paul L. Williams presents evidence suggesting the existence of “stay-behind” units in many European countries consisting of five thousand to fifteen thousand military operatives. According to the author’s research, the initial funding for these guerilla armies came from the sale of large stocks of SS morphine that had been smuggled out of Germany and Italy and of bogus British bank notes that had been produced in concentration camps by skilled counterfeiters. As the Cold War intensified, the units were used not only to ward off possible invaders, but also to thwart the rise of left-wing movements in South America and NATO-based countries by terror attacks. Williams argues that Operation Gladio soon gave rise to the toppling of governments, wholesale genocide, the formation of death squads, financial scandals on a grand scale, the creation of the mujahideen, an international narcotics network, and, most recently, the ascendancy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a Jesuit cleric with strong ties to Operation Condor (an outgrowth of Gladio in Argentina) as Pope Francis I.Sure to be controversial, Operation Gladio connects the dots in ways the mainstream media often overlooks.
published:08 Jun 2015
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
Download is available here: http://bit.ly/1GT70CD...
published:06 Jun 2015
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
Download is available here: http://bit.ly/1GT70CD
published:06 Jun 2015
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
DOWNLOAD PDF Ebook HERE : http://bit.ly/1AGgBaZ...
published:26 Mar 2015
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
Download PDF Operation Gladio The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican the CIA and the Mafia
DOWNLOAD PDF Ebook HERE : http://bit.ly/1AGgBaZ
published:26 Mar 2015
Operation Gladio The Secret War
Stuff They Don't Want You To Know
The Duke & ...
published:04 Jun 2015
Operation Gladio The Secret War
Operation Gladio The Secret War
Stuff They Don't Want You To Know
The Duke & Duchess of Windsor were my grandparents. My other grandparents were the descendats of Tsar Nicholas II., Emperor Wilhelm II. & Tutankhamun-Nefertiti-Enochian Titan family.
Children had been created without my consent, approval fromm stolen DNA & have been subjected to gang stalking, electronic harassment, multiple level of abuse as from 2011.
published:04 Jun 2015
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 1
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine North Atla...
published:27 May 2015
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 1
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 1
Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) "stay-behind" operation in Italy during the Cold War. Its purpose was to continue armed resistance in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion and conquest. Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO stay-behind organizations, "Operation Gladio" is used as an informal name for all of them. The name Gladio is the Italian form of gladius, a type of Roman shortsword. Stay-behind operations occurred in many NATO and even some neutral countries.[1]
Gladio was part of a series of national operations first coordinated by the Clandestine Committee of the Western Union (CCWU), founded in 1948. After the creation of NATO in 1949, the CCWU was integrated into the Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC), founded in 1951 and overseen by Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), transferred to Belgium after France's official withdrawal from NATO's Military Committee in 1966 – which was not followed by the dissolution of the French stay-behind paramilitary movements.
The role of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Gladio and the extent of its activities during the Cold War era, and any relationship to terrorist attacks perpetrated in Italy during the "Years of Lead" (late 1960s to early 1980s) is the subject of debate. Switzerland and Belgium have had parliamentary inquiries into the matter.[2]
published:27 May 2015
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 2
published:27 May 2015
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 2
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 2
published:27 May 2015
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 3
published:27 May 2015
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 3
State Sponsored Terrorism Operation Gladio 3
published:27 May 2015
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
published:14 May 2015
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES ‘Operation Gladio B’--the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program--covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes. Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.
published:14 May 2015
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
published:08 May 2015
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker [Full Episode]
Watch Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker Online
Watch Porkins Policy Radio ep. 30 Gladio B Roundtable with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker Full Episode
On this special thirtieth episode of Porkins Policy Radio we welcome back Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker for a roundtable discussion of The Lone Gladio and Operation Gladio B. Tom starts us off by exploring some of the themes brought out in The Lone Gladio with respect to main character Greg McPhearson; will we ever see a "rogue agent" within the CIA take on the agency? How does the oft-used concept of "blow-back" fit in with the murder of Greg's lover Mai? Sibel discusses in detail the problems with blow-back as they exist in popular discourse, and explains how unintended consequences of covert operations are almost always intended by those implementing them. Later we move on to the endgame scenario for Operation Gladio: Sibel explains how the "Pakistanization" of Turkey is in fact a goal of the Gladio Deep State network. Sibel talks about how beneficial it is to the Gladio operators to have a weak and divided Turkey. We discuss the new face of ISIS, Georgian-born jihadi Tarkhan Batirashvili and his striking similarity to one of Sibel's characters in The Lone Gladio, Yousef Mohammad, as well as the real life story of Ayman al Zawahiri. Rounding out the conversation is Sibel's analysis of the current geopolitical situation with Russia and NATO. Sibel goes into detail about the reality of Putin's power, and gives her opinion as to why Russia has not been more confrontational towards the encroaching NATO presence in its own backyard.
For show notes andMp3 download please visit:http://porkinspolicyreview.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/porkins-policy-radio-ep-30-gladio-b-rountable-with-sibel-edmonds-and-tom-secker/
published:08 May 2015
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio e...
published:08 May 2015
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds [Full Episode]
Watch Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds Online
Watch Porkins Policy Radio episode 29 The Lone Gladio with Sibel Edmonds Full Episode
On this week's episode we had the great pleasure of speaking with the one and only Sibel Edmonds of Boiling Frogs Post. Sibel is, of course, a former FBI linguist and whistle-blower who had the draconian State Secrets Privilege enacted against her, essentially classifying her entire life. Sibel joined us to discuss her brand new novel, The Lone Gladio, which elaborates on many subjects discussed in her memoir Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story. This modern spy thriller deals exclusively with the Deep State and the secretive NATO/CIA/MI6/Pentagon program know as "Operation Gladio B." Sibel and I discuss her decision to portray the CIA characters not as James Bond-style heroes, but as the dark, complicated, and often brutal people they truly are. Sibel also goes into detail about the geopolitical aspects of her new novel, which we explore, including how nations such as Georgia (featured prominently in The Lone Gladio) are being used by NATO and Gladio operatives as a launching ground for false-flag terror in Russia and around the globe. We also go into how Gladio B came about in the early 1990's. Sibel explains how language, culture and religion were manipulated in Central Asia and the Caucus region in order to create the very terror groups that we claim to be fighting today. We finish off our conversation by exploring who is at the top of this destructive pyramid of control and terrorism. The Lone Gladio has reinvented the spy thriller as we know it. For anyone interested in the mechanics of the Deep State and its relationship to false flag terror, drug trafficking, media manipulation, blackmail, sex trafficking and more: Please go out and purchase a copy of this book! Honestly, this is one of the most important books to come out in decades.
For show notes and mp3 download please visit:http://porkinspolicyreview.wordpress.com/2014/10/18/porkins-policy-radio-ep-29-the-lone-gladio-with-sibel-edmonds/
published:08 May 2015
Evidence of the truth behind 9/11 from news station RT. Banned from the internet!...
published:08 May 2015
Evidence of the truth behind 9/11 from news station RT. Banned from the internet!
published:08 May 2015
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
Published on Jul 27, 2014 "Obama is treated by the media as someone who is trying to bring...
published:06 May 2015
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
Published on Jul 27, 2014 "Obama is treated by the media as someone who is trying to bring about peace, when in fact everything he is doing is pushing us clo.
From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London to Sandy Hook to Charlie Hebdo and most points in between, a majority of the terror ...
A video about the Paris shootings and (other) false flag events. Mirrored from: Channel: SGTreport.com.
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 ...
Fake Bullets at Paris Kosher Supermarket Siege Tony ...
From: SGTreport.com 25830 Published on Jan 12, 2015 From the CIA-NATO run Operation Gladio, to 9/11 to the 7/7 bombings in London
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc
By Paul RinconScience editor, BBC News website. 8 July 2015. From the section Science & Environment. One of the pairs of stars is a so-called contact binary. Astronomers have discovered a very rare system of five connected stars. The quintuplet consists of a pair of closely linked stars - binaries - one of which has a lone companion; it is the first known system of its kind ... "This is a truly exotic star system ... FollowPaul on Twitter ... ....
Article by WN.com Correspondent DallasDarling. If it was the Cold War Era, the market-driven Western powers would not be putting Greece through "nationalized planned obsolescence." But then in this modern age, in which marketing historically, morally and mentally bankrupts everything standing it its way, nationalized planned obsolescence is a must ...Planned obsolescence is an idea as old as the Industrial Revolution ... (1) Arp, Robert....
NEW YORK (AP) -- All UnitedContinental flights in the U.S. were grounded Wednesday due to computer problems. Just shy of two hours after the problems began, the Federal Aviation Administration lifted the ground stop order. United said it was recovering from a "network connectivity issue" and restoring regular flight operations... ---------- ... ....
A Modern-Day OperationGladio - Inducing Fear, Obedience, and Control... In addition to OperationNorthwoods, the public must also consider NATO’s OperationGladio, and its larger “stay behind” networks established after World War II across Europe and at the center of multiple grisly assassinations, mass shootings, and terrorist ......
And furthermore, here, from (amazingly, a mainstream news source) the BBC in 1992, is a very long but stunning documentary about the history of "OperationGladio," the OSS-CIA operation that started in 1945 and that continues even today, to deceive and manipulate the publics in the U.S ... BBC documentary on OperationGladio was reporting....
In 1990, alarming evidence of NATO-sponsored terrorist attacks came to light. This is the secret story of OperationGladio; a tale of espionage, conspiracy and political violence [47mins] Funded by the US,� trained by Britain and left behind in post… ....
... bastion of freedom and democracy, America's wars are always just responses to perfidious enemy attacks, the rich have made their money by fair and lawful means, the Federal Reserve is an honest agency of the government, OperationGladio style terror attacks are conducted by radicals and lone nuts, voting machines count votes accurately, and so on....
refusing to acknowledge the history of OperationGladio...OperationGladio was the codename for an extensive clandestine NATOoperation in Europe that went undetected for decades ... whereas the various 'Gladio' organisations have at their disposal independent arsenals and military resources which give them an unknown strike potential, thereby ......
Italians had been informed some years previously about government false flag events when their President revealed the truth about secret OperationGladio. OperationGladio was an operation run by the CIA and Italian intelligence during the second half of the 20th century to set off bombs that would kill European women and children in order to blame communists and, thereby, erode support for European communist parties....
The hacked call reveals that a mysterious third force was operating to destabilize the previous Ukrainian government run by PresidentYanukovych by making it appear responsible for the sniper attacks. According to Kurt Nimmo from Infowars.com, the sniper attacks were part of an OperationGladio type operation run by covert operatives designed to create chaos that would promote a pro-European agenda....
Below is RT’s “Truthseeker” “9/11 and OperationGladio” reposted on GlobalResearchTV. ... Searching the exact title of the original “Truthseeker” posting (“9/11 and OperationGladio”) does not yield the original RT post ...Google Video Rankings. On the same search, “9/11 and OperationGladio,” Google Video first listed the “Truthseeker” website page from which the video may also be watched and downloaded (as discussed below)....
ReThink911 is a new 9/11 truth initiative. More on it below. 9/11 is the Big Lie of our time. Truth is its mortal enemy. Revealing it is vitally important. Spreading it lets many others know. Growing numbers of architects, engineers, physicists, pilots, former military and intelligence officers, and other members of the public reject the official 9/11 myth. They do so for good reason. It's a bald-faced lie ... 9/11 and OperationGladio (E23)." ... ....
NEW YORK, Oct ... At the 12th anniversary of 9/11, RT's popular program "The Truthseeker" ran a 13-minute episode, "9/11 and OperationGladio", presenting new historical evidence that began to go viral ... ... Historian Dr. Daniele Ganser of the SwissInstitute for Peace and Energy Research, explained that using a "false flag" operation, a country can bomb itself in order to manufacture public consent to blame and attack another country ... ....