Lumbinī (Sanskrit: लुम्बिनी, "the lovely") is a Buddhist pilgrimage site in the Rupandehi district of Nepal. It is the place where Queen Mayadevi gave birth to Siddhartha Gautama, who as the Buddha Gautama founded the Buddhist tradition. The Buddha lived between roughly 563 and 483 BCE. Lumbini is one of four magnets for pilgrimage that sprang up in places pivotal to the life of the Buddha, the others being at Kushinagar, Bodh Gaya and Sarnath.
Lumbini was where the Buddha lived until the age of 29. Lumbini has a number of temples, including the Mayadevi temple, and others under construction. Also located here is the Puskarini or Holy Pond where the Buddha's mother took the ritual dip prior to his birth and where he, too, had his first bath, as well as the remains of Kapilvastu palace. At other sites near Lumbini, earlier Buddhas were, according to tradition, born, achieved ultimate awakening and finally relinquished earthly form.
In the Buddha's time, Lumbini was situated between Kapilavastu and Devadaha. It was there that the Buddha was born. A pillar now marks the spot of Asoka's visit to Lumbiní. According to an inscription on the pillar, it was placed there by the people then in charge of the park to commemorate Asoka's visit and gifts. The park was previously known as Rummindei, two miles north of Bhagavanpura.
Lumbini birthplace of the Buddha
Lumbini - The Birth Place of Gautam Buddha
Lumbini, Birthplace of Gautam Buddha, Nepal
Episode 215: Development of Lumbini
Lumbini Documentary in Nepali
Towards a sustainable Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha
Nepal Tour 2014, Nepal Lumbini tour, Birth Place of Lord Buddha Tour, Welcome Nepal, visit Lumbini
Pharrel Williams - We're Happy From LUMBINI
Visit Lumbini 2014
A Tour of Buddhist Shrines - Lumbini (Nepal), Kushinagar (India)
Gautam Buddha International Airport in Lumbini, Nepal. गौतम बुद्ध अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल।
Lumbini Medical College Resham Filili Jaalma
Kathmandu Chitwan Tansend Lumbini Pokhara tour, Birth place for Buddha, guided Nepal tour
Lumbini birthplace of the Buddha
Lumbini - The Birth Place of Gautam Buddha
Lumbini, Birthplace of Gautam Buddha, Nepal
Episode 215: Development of Lumbini
Lumbini Documentary in Nepali
Towards a sustainable Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha
Nepal Tour 2014, Nepal Lumbini tour, Birth Place of Lord Buddha Tour, Welcome Nepal, visit Lumbini
Pharrel Williams - We're Happy From LUMBINI
Visit Lumbini 2014
A Tour of Buddhist Shrines - Lumbini (Nepal), Kushinagar (India)
Gautam Buddha International Airport in Lumbini, Nepal. गौतम बुद्ध अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल।
Lumbini Medical College Resham Filili Jaalma
Kathmandu Chitwan Tansend Lumbini Pokhara tour, Birth place for Buddha, guided Nepal tour
Duplicate Lumbini in India
Sound and Laser Show at Hyderabad Lumbini Park,(Jai Ho) 720p HD
Lumbini, Nepal, The Birth Place of Lord Buddha-Part- 1
Hyderabad Laser Show - Lumbini Park - 2012-10-21-383.mp4
Exact birthplace of Lord Buddha (Lumbini Mayadevi Temple, Nepal)
Weekendlist-Taman Alam Lumbini Brastagi
Bollywood Actor Amir Khan Visited Buddha Born Place Lumbini, Nepal 08 October 2014
Lumbini Park Hyderabad AP
Lumbini - Birth place of the Budha - Nepal Travel Guide
Lumbini, Nepal: Birthplace of the Buddha
Tour of a Buddhist monastery in Lumbini, Nepal
Nepal-Lumbini,Maya Devi Temple - Trip to Nepal,Tibet,India part 21 - Travel video HD
Nepal Lumbini Rupandehi Lumbini Buddha Garden Nepal Hotels Travel Ecotourism Travel To Care
Our Nepali friend and guide in Lumbini Nepal
Lumbini, Nepal, The Birth Place of Lord Buddha-Part-4
THE POWER OF ONE - BUDDHA's birthplace - Lumbini, NEPAL by MARILIZA
Lumbini, Birthplace of Lord Buddha - Part 1
Sopaka Bhante jyu Buddha Lumbini Travel upload by Manoj & Sati Rana Butwal,Nepal.
"Lumbini: Peaceful Entry - Swift Escape" Markkacik's photos around Lumbini, Nepal (travel pics)
Buddha Maya Gardens - Lumbini, Nepal
Amazing Beautiful Nepal,Lumbini,Everest 8848 Once Visit is not enough,Please welcome to Nepal 2014
Lumbini Nepal - Buddha Birthplace
Demandez ? l'homme au piano,
Au piano, au piano,
De frapper ? coups de marteau,
Coups de marteau, coups de marteau.
Qu'il frappe ? tire larigot,
Larigot, juste ou faux.
J'sais qu'ses doigts ne sont pas en bois,
Mais, quand il les cassera,
On les fera remplacer...
Le principal, c'est qu'il joue
Comme une machine ? sous,
Jusqu'au bout, sans arr?t...
P't'?tre que ton c?ur entendra
Un peu de tout ce fracas
Et qu'alors tu comprendras
Que le piano joue pour toi.
Je dois chasser comme je peux
Le fant?me silencieux.
Si le bonhomme fait du bruit,
C'est que moi je lui crie
De frapper comme un sourd.
?a ne sonnera jamais plus faux
Que la chanson des mots
Qui parlaient de notre amour...
Demandez ? l'homme au piano,
Au piano, au piano,
De frapper ? coups de marteau,
Coups de marteau, coups de marteau
Pour casser dans mon cerveau
Mon amour en morceaux.
M?me s'il ne lui reste plus qu'un doigt,
Qu'il tape avec les bras,
Apr?s tout, moi j' m'en fous :
Le principal, c'est qu'il joue,
Comme une machine ? sous,
Jusqu'au bout, jusqu'au bout...
Demandez ? l'homme au piano
Au piano, au piano...
Tudod, ilyen az ujmódi rendszer,
Ebben a korban hõs a gengszter,
És az éjjel is nappal,
Az élet nagy torta habbal,
De az ize savanyu,
A sorsod üres és iszonyu.
Itt zenék szólnak és fegyverek,
Itt mindenki mindig mas lehet,
A fiuk is lanyok, az aldas is atok,
De nem tûnik fel senkinek,
És aki elvagja a torkodat,
Az lesz a hirekben az aldozat.
Mar nem az, ami volt,
Én elhagyom e kort,
Varnak egy szebb vilagban
Mar nem az, ami volt,
Most elhagyom e kort,
De Te csak élj a maban.
A tévét nézed, de õ is néz Téged,
Ha az adas végetér, aznap Neked is véged,
Nem élsz kétszer,
De meghalsz ujra meg ujra
Fogyasztói sorsodat
Egy reklamember irja
Nekem jöhet a bor, nem kell a bor,
Se a lab, amely eltipor,
Se a halas utókor,
Mûemlék, marvanyszobor
De latni szeretném, hogy hogyan kapsz észbe,
Amikor késõ lesz a megrendülésre.
Mar nem az, ami volt,
Én elhagyom e kort,
Varnak egy szebb vilagban
Mar nem az, ami volt,
Most elhagyom e kort,
Procedure shows that the ginger would
Can you hold her and the passed down mud
She is bowing in wind
A row of miles of to Brooklyn again
Limpin' out of the womb
Bent and blowin' home soon
Acid still is on your teeth
Active care is all of me
On sulfur pain grew zeros
E hey Lambano e hey Lambano e hey lambano
Creators RAP
See I’ve never known suffering all of my life cuz on the matter receiving be the number one thing sure,
Favour is mine anything I get uhn, si voler, Private Jet!,
Faveur est le mien ce que je veux -je obtenir , Je Obtenir,
Faveur est le mien ce que je veux je obtenir , Je Obtenir,
See I’m ridin around and I’m taking it, the grace that I rock is infinite,
What a sweet propaganda, I’m never going under, Lambano everyday look at me I’m a wonder!
Do you really really want it, LAMBANO
Do you really really need it, LAMBANO
Do you really really want it, LAMBANO
You want it, (lalalalambano) Take it,
Do you really really want it, (ahan) LAMBANO
Do you really really need it,(ahan) LAMBANO
Do you really really want it, (onana hey) LAMBANO
You want it, (lalalambano) so Everybody
LAMBANO (lambano) oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
LAMBANO (lambano) oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
LAMBANO (lambano) oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
LAMBANO (lambano) oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
LAMBANO (lambano) oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
LAMBANO (lambano) oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
2nd Verse
Right Now, I bet you know the truth of the matter so far,
Right Now, the set time is here ma people get ready,
Right Here, plenty liberty’s here take all over,
Everybody you should know that right here.
It doesn’t really matter , whatever you need you lambano,
Say no to failure we taking all that we need,
It doesn’t really matter , whatever you need you lambano,
Say no to failure we taking all that we need, Chinekeme!
Repeat refrain and chorus
Third Verse
Too Much money yeah I got that,
Could it be the whole world, yeah I own that,
Money aint a problem anything I want, I get, I’m on track yeah I run that,
I’m on that, Paste me anywhere , I would flourish,
Though I aint a shoe but I polish , I accomplish, my set time, Greenwich.
Do you really really want it, do you really really need it, need it, need it ,
need it, need it , nenenenenenenenenenenenenene
Lambano lalalalambano Lambano lalalalambano Lambano (ahan) lalalalambano
(ahan) Onana Hey, SO Everybody
Repeat Chorus
Jive Angels on the Mic o, oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah yeah yeah