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Hour long complete version of "The New History of Humanity " by Deek Jackson Extract - Hunting 2 MA Until recently the oldest, unc...
From Genghis Khan's massacres to devastating pandemics, we take a look at the 10 deadliest events in human history.
No, we really really did not evolve from monkeys. John and Hank Green explain this and lots of other things related to human evolution. Website: Facebook: Twitter:
In which John Green and Hank Green teach you about how human primates moved out of Africa and turned Earth into a real-life Planet of the Apes. And the apes are people! John and Hank teach you about how humans evolved, and the sort of tricks they picked up along the way like complex tool use, big brains, and fighting. Our ancestors adapted to the grasslands of Africa, and went through several iterations including Australopithecus, Homo Habilis, and Homo Ergaster/Erectus. Our ancestors tamed fire, made pressure flake tools, and eventually smartphones. Learn more:
I made video abit slower as per requests from other people :) Enjoy All credit goes to - please subscribe to his channel!
SUBSCRIBE US for More Information: (FOLLOW US ): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- original "more info": License: Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Today we ...
human extinction - neanderthals (documentary). thanks for watching. history life discovery science technology tech learning education national nature geographic earth planet channel universe...
Tweet this video! - While archaeology may not seem like the most exciting profession in the world, it certainly has its moments...
14 July 1994. Former member Webster Tarpley gives a class on 2000 years of rule by Oligarchy, both its headquarters, which has existed within the empires of...
Unslave Humanity Tactical Media: ~credits video-edit: ~John Kuhles ExomatrixTV Tactical Media N...
The human race did not start to evolve 10,000 years ago. They started to recover, not to evolve. The history you've learnt in school is just a story which deliberately underestimates the human race.
Spirit Science 10 ~ The Human History Movie 2015 NEW [HD] Our history is not what we think! Over the past few thousand years, we have warped our own history. Our versions of the past has been mistranslated, changed, altered, and skewed to fit our understanding of reality, and completely left our many things that we cannot explain. Today, we are going to look at an alternate version of our history, a version that was recorded across many ancient tablets and artifacts throughout time, which have only recently been uncovered. This story may be a little cosmic, it may not even be true, but you will have to decide that for yourself.
A 3 part sumed up version of the documentary "Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey" which traces back the evolution of human racial groups as well as human migration out of Africa.
Neanderthal: Episode 1 - Evolution History Documentary Discovery Channel presents Neanderthal, a two-part, two-hour production documenting the experiences of...
In which John Green teaches you about war! Specifically, John talks about whether humanity is naturally warlike, hard-wired to kill, or if perhaps war is a c...
Calls to protect Iraq's ancient sites are growing. This comes after fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant were shown destroying a priceless collection of artifacts in Mosul's museum. And this is not the first time. The group's fighters have also destroyed Islamic sites and attacked churches and other shrines in parts of Syria and Iraq under their control. But why is ISIL targeting history? Does that serve its goals? Presenter: Martine Dennis Guests: Carool Kersten - Senior lecturer in the Study of Islam and the Muslim World at King's College London. Paul Collins - Curator of Ancient New East at the Ashmolean Museum at the University of Oxford. Ahmed Rushdi - Director of the House of Iraqi Expertise Foundation. More on our website: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to our channel: Find us on Facebook:
Unslave Humanity Tactical Media: ~sub: ~credits video-edit: T...
Michael Cremo is interviewed about his archeological discoveries and the cover up of the scientific community.Cremo gives several examples of archeological e...
Subscribe now to ScienceNET! Apologies for the bad quality. It's a tremendous documentary so I still wanted to post it. Couldn't find a better version. Follo...
More evidence of an advanced civilization, long before the Egyptians, Sumerians, or Mayans. It's time we start changing our views of how long advanced humans... 01 - Planet Number 12 (138 BPM) 0:00 02 - Human History (141 BPM) 6:54 03 - Annunaki (141 BPM) 14:...
The history of the world (or world history) is the history of humanity, beginning with the Paleolithic Era. Distinct from the history of the Earth (which includes early geologic history and prehuman biological eras), world history comprises the study of archaeological and written records, from ancient times on. Ancient recorded history begins with the invention of writing. However, the roots of civilization reach back to the period before the invention of writing. Prehistory begins in the Paleolithic Era, or "Early Stone Age," which is followed by the Neolithic Era, or New Stone Age, and the Agricultural Revolution (between 8000 and 5000 BCE) in the Fertile Crescent. The Agricultural Revolution marked a change in human history, as humans began the systematic husbandry of plants and animals. Agriculture advanced, and most humans transitioned from a nomadic to a settled lifestyle as farmers in permanent settlements. Nomadism continued in some locations, especially in isolated regions with few domesticable plant species; but the relative security and increased productivity provided by farming allowed human communities to expand into increasingly larger units, fostered by advances in transportation.
On the December 24, 2014 edtion of "Nature Of Reality Radio" I welcome Dr. Sasha Lessin and his wife Janet Kira Lessin. Sasha Lessin Ph.D. (U.C.L.A. Anthropology, Ph.D.), author of Anunnaki: Gods No More and producer of the hugely popular web site,, studied with the late Zecharia Sitchin, for many years. Mr. Sitchin asked Lessin to create popular internet, book and college-level courses to revise ancient anthropology. Sitchin asked Dr. Lessin to help disseminate written, graphic and traditional stories of ETs, hithertofore considered mythic “gods” on Earth from 450,000 – 300 BCE as well as the latest findings in astronomy that relate to the planet Nibiru from which the ETs came to Earth for gold. Janet Kira Lessin, is a lifelong scholar, an experiencer of Extraterrestrial and interdimensional contacts, and a student of Sitchin. She immersed herself in studies of Ninmah the Anunnaki and receives direct downloads from Ninmah, the geneticist from whose womb we all received our mitochondrial DNA. Janet expresses Ninmah Consciousness: peace, longevity, respect for consciousness, justice for women Earth, and membership in galactic society. Sasha & Janet's site:
An amazing updated chat with Michael Cremo about Extreme Human Antiquity. Michael will also be joining us this summer on the Modern Knowledge Tour and will be presenting some incredible evidence which points to a much different, and far older origin of the human race than what is currently presented through the well funded mainstream Darwinian model. Over the past two centuries, archaeologists have found bones, footprints, and artifacts showing that people like ourselves have existed on earth for many millions of years. But many scientists have forgotten or ignored these remarkable facts. Why? “In connection with the California gold mine discoveries we find not only evidence for extreme human antiquity but also evidence illuminating the processes by which dominant groups in science exclude controversial facts from scientific discussion and public attention. These processes, which I collectively refer to as the “knowledge filter,” are a powerful factor in removing certain kinds of evidence from scientific discourse and research. Because of the very effective knowledge filtering efforts of Holmes, Sinclair, and other scientists in the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, the California gold mine discoveries from Table Mountain are hardly known today.” – Michael Cremo The Nineteenth Century California Gold Mine Discoveries: Archeology, Darwinism, and Evidence for Extreme Human Antiquity. website: - Event information:
Unslave Humanity Tactical Media: - DOWNLOAD FREE PDF: ~credits video: http://youtube.c...
American Experience 2015 The Forgotten Plague Let's keep in touch: Facebook Page: Tumblr: By the dawn of the 19th century, the deadliest killer in human history, tuberculosis, had killed one in seven of all the people who had ever lived. The disease struck America with a vengeance, ravaging communities and touching the lives of almost every family. The battle against the deadly bacteria had a profound and lasting impact on the country. It shaped medical and scientific pursuits, social habits, economic development, western expansion, and government policy. Yet both the disease and its impact are poorly understood: in the words of one writer, tuberculosis is our "forgotten plague."
Imagine cameras have been around since the creation of Earth to record every major event. Take a photographic journey thorough time from the violent birth of...
Kryon (Channeled by Lee Carroll) is a "Support" Entity, Expresing positivity in a beautiful ways. For more info visit
All credit goes to - please subscribe to his channel!
Klaus Dona is an Austrian artifacts researcher. Human history as taught in schools is incorrect. Much of ancient history is hidden from the masses. Ancient h...
In this podcast Human Workplace CEO and Founder Liz Ryan explains why recruiters need to stop asking the question "What were you earning before?" or "What do you get paid now?" and how they can learn to be Righteous Recruiters who advocate for their candidates. Follow Human Workplace on Twitter: @humanworkplace
Your humility was unique and admirable Your words from way back in 1037 still inspire people today in the 21st Century Your legacy is still lives in the world written in The Book of Proverbs. Authenticity was what brought you so closed to Yahweh You were blessed by God with wisdom to rule ancient Israel with prudential judgment and love You reigned to create peace and prosperity for all. You inspired the entire nation of Israel to obey God You became King after your dad's commitment to create an everlasting Kingdom to honor God that he was crowned as A Man After God's Own Heart You created a 40 yearreign that has never existed in human history for its success and fairness over everyone You were the only King that judged people fairly and wisely You were promised so much wealth by God to make a difference in the world You were recognized by people with that the wisdom of God was within you. One of your grandest achievements was the Temple you build in honor of Yahweh One of your genuine sign of kindness and generosity is to allow each and every one in Israel to worship God in the Temple One of your hallmark moments is to lead a nation to be the most PROSPEROUS AND PEACEFUL IN HISTORY. It is amazing to know that your humility is what made God anointed you with wisdom It is remarkable to know that each and every one of us in the 21st Century has the same opportunity to ask God if we authentically humble before Him. It is inspiring to know that God is available 247 to give that wisdom to anyone who seeks for Him eagerly. Your humility has inspired me to humble myself before God to ask for wisdom to be a great husband to my future Proverbs 31 Virtuous wife and loving father to my future children to create a lifelong marriage that will last forever in name of Yahweh. In Loving Memory of King Solomon.
Breaking News December 2014 Ukraine escalating crisis Russia has sent in tanks November 2 2014 Breaking News intensive RUSSIAN movement of ... Upload by permission of C documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary histor. June 2014 Breaking News Bible... Chem Trails HAARP Exposed Mind Control Military Weather Manipulation modification NASA Last days final Hour News Prophecy updates 2014 Bible ... Breaking News January 2015 PUTIN new military doctrine NATO expansion key RUSSIAN threat Breaking News December ... December 2014 Dave Hunt biblical prophecy shared in 2003 match it up with today's current events last days final hour news prophecy update 2014 Br 2014 Breaking news Dave Hunt Last days final hour news prophecy update 2014 Breaking news Dave Hunt Last days final hour news prophecy update
Glenn Beck views all of human history as little more than a series of cycles that continuously repeat, seeing it as his responsibility to understand those cy. Fair Use Clause of the US Copyright... Glenn Beck says that he'll be mocked for saying it, but predicts that by next year, everyone will realize that... Glenn Beck - US And Russia Are On The Verge Of World War İ Great Economic Collapse & Currency Meltdown Is Coming Says Financier Robert Kiyosaki . Glenn Beck - US And Russia Are On The . ... More financial? aid.? Are financial? managers required to do overtime? Question about us/global financial? crisis? Financial? aid reinstatement? I need finan... Does gpa affect financial? aid? Financial? analyst question .please help!? Glenn Beck US And Russia Are On The Verge Of World War İ Glenn Beck US And Russia Are On The Verge Of World War İ
Full Documentaries Racism The Worst Human Behavior Vice Documentary documentary national geographic history channel full documentary documentaries bbc documentary discovery channel . Full Documentaries - Racism The Worst Human Behavior - Vice Documentary Related Tags: racism documentary Racism The Worst Human Behavior documentary history . Any written picture is really. Full Documentaries Racism The Worst Human Behavior Vice Documentary [FDC] Full Documentaries - Racism The Worst Human Behavior - Vice Documentary Related Tags: racism documentary .
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The Human Brain full documentary HD [FDC] The Human Brain full documentary HD documentary national geographic history channel full documentary documentaries bbc documentary discovery channel documentary 2014 history documentary . Ocean Journey Whale Shark full documentary HD documentary national geographic history channel full documentary documentaries bbc documentary discovery channe. Neanderthals Decoded full. The Human Brain full documentary HD documentary national geographic history channel full documentary documentaries bbc documentary discovery channel documentary 2014 history documentary .
The Human Brain full documentary HD documentary national geographic history channel full documentary documentaries bbc documentary discovery channel documentary 2014 history documentary . Ocean Journey Whale Shark full documentary HD documentary national geographic history channel full documentary documentaries bbc documentary discovery channe. Neanderthals Decoded full. Discover What is Space full documentary HD [FDC] Discover What is Space full documentary HD [FDC] Unexplained Mysteries of Space - Full Documentary HD documentary national geographic history .
The Human Brain full documentary HD documentary national geographic history channel full documentary documentaries bbc documentary discovery channel documentary 2014 history documentary . Ocean Journey Whale Shark full documentary HD documentary national geographic history channel full documentary documentaries bbc documentary discovery channe. Neanderthals Decoded full. Discover What is Space full documentary HD [FDC] Discover What is Space full documentary HD [FDC] Unexplained Mysteries of Space - Full Documentary HD documentary national geographic history .
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Diamond argues that Eurasian civilization is not so much a product of ingenuity, but of opportunity and necessity. That is, civilization is not created out of superior intelligence, but is
Findings of Unusual Human Remains (Documentary) Findings of Unusual Human Remains (Documentary) 2013 This documentary as well as the rest of these documentaries shown. Findings of Unusual Human Remains (Documentary) Findings of Unusual Human Remains (Documentary) 2013 This documentary as well as the rest of these documentaries shown here relate to . Findings of Unusual Human Remains - Documentary Findings of Unusual Human Remains (Documentary) 2013 This documentary as well as the rest of these documentaries shown here relate to . Findings of Unusual Human Remains | New History Documentary Findings of Unusual Human Remains | New History Documentary Findings of Unusual Human Remains | New History Documentary .
The Human Brain - Documentary science documentary bbc documentary documentary science history channel documentary documentary science science channel national geographic documentary disco. science documentary bbc . Using simple analogies, real-life case studies, and state-of-the-art CGI, this special shows how the brain works, explains the frequent battle between instinct and reason, and unravels the. The Human Brain How does it work Discovery History Science documentary science documentary bbc documentary documentary science history channel documentary documentary science science .
Click here to enjoy more videos: Human Anatomy and Medicine - Documentary Bill Nye takes us through some of the most important discoveries in medicine throughout our history, Like Andreas Vesalias digging up bodies by cover. Human Anatomy and Medicine - Documentary Bill Nye takes us through some of the most important discoveries in medicine throughout our history, Like Andreas Ve.Human Anatomy (Educational . Film for medical anatomy of the human body Private medical students. Click here to enjoy more videos: Human Anatomy and Medicine - Documentary Bill Nye takes us through some of the most important discoveries in medicine .
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India is a land of diverse culture and heritages. One can see the diversity in the sculptures carved by Indian Artists in wood and marbles. The creativity of Indian sculpture artists conveys the different facets of Indian life in a very artistic way. Since time immemorial Indian artist have been carving a wide variety kind of sculptures that portray the astonishing tradition and vibrant culture of India. Incredible Sculptures in Delhi is a showroom for contemporary and neo Lok Kala sculptures carved by well known artist Neeraj Gupta. Neeraj Gupta is an expert and specializes in manufacturing sculptures of Makrana marbles and oil painted wood. He is widely appreciated all over India for his perfect artwork and true craftsmanship that he displays in his works. The sculptures carved by him are hugely demanded and generally used to beautify schools big hotels showrooms art galleries etc. The Sculptures generally exhibit the artist's feelings and his power to present culture tradition and any particular event of history. The sculptor uses his intuition and experiences to show the world various aspect of human lives and achievements gained by man in different phases of the history. He can explain social economic political cultural and environmental progress of human society trough his sculptures. Neeraj Gupta at Incredible sculptures does the same through his contemporary and neo age sculptures. Incredible Sculptures is situated in famous Karol Bagh market of New Delhi. A showcase event is going to be organized by Incredible Sculptures during 14th25th January 2011 at Visual Art Gallery of India Habitat Centre in New Delhi. This exhibition will give you the opportunity to see the contemporary pieces of art as well as neo Lok Kala. While going through the exhibition you will see the creativity of artist Neeraj Gupta who makes pieces of wood and marble to speak.
How Human Brain Works _ SHOCKING Documentary 720 HD National Geographic Documentary HD How Human Brain Works _ SHOCKING Documentary 720 HD National Geographic Documentary HD The human brain has the same general structure as the brains of other mammals, but has a more developed cerebral cortex than any other. Large animals such as whales and elephants have larger brains in absolute terms, but when measured using the encephalization quotient, which compensates for body size, the human brain is almost twice as large as the brain of a bottlenose dolphin, and three times as large as the brain of a chimpanzee. Much of the expansion comes from the cerebral cortex, especially the frontal lobes, which are associated with executive functions such as self-control, planning, reasoning, and abstract thought. The portion of the cerebral cortex devoted to vision, the visual cortex, is also greatly enlarged in humans. The human cerebral cortex is a thick layer of neural tissue that covers most of the brain. This layer is folded in a way that increases the amount of surface that can fit into the volume available. The pattern of folds is similar across individuals, although there are many small variations. The cortex is divided into four "lobes", called the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe. (Some classification systems also include a limbic lobe and treat the insular cortex as a lobe.) Within each lobe are numerous cortical areas, each associated with a particular function, including vision, motor control, and language. The left and right sides of the cortex are broadly similar in shape, and most cortical areas are replicated on both sides. Some areas, though, show strong lateralization, particularly areas that are involved in language. In most people, the left hemisphere is "dominant" for language, with the right hemisphere playing only a minor role. There are other functions, such as spatiotemporal reasoning, for which the right hemisphere is usually dominant. human brain documentary,human brain surgery,human brain and quantum physics,human brain capacity,human brain power,human brain how does it work,human brain system,human brain documentary,human brain and emotions,human brain anatomy model,a real human brain,human brain bbc,human brain bbc documentary,pick up human brain borderlands,human body brain power,brain human body parts,human brain capacity documentary,human brain cells,human brain documentary,human brain diseases,human brain diagram,human brain documentary bbc,human brain documentary 2014,human brain damage,human brain evolution,human brain experiments,human brain electricity,human brain explained,human brain facts,human brain frequency,the human brain full documentary,human brain and growing intelligence,human brain history channel,how the human brain works documentary,human brain lecture,human brain mapping,nat geo human brain,human brain project,human brain power,human brain psychology,human brain parts,human brain system,human brain secrets,human brain transplant,the human brain and how it works,the human brain documentary history channel,the human brain full documentary,human brain video,human brain vs computer,human brain vs supercomputer,brain police human volume,human brain working
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Support PBS! Blu-ray for this show is here: Or donate: Part 1 --------- Where did we come from? What makes us human? An explosion. Becoming Human - First Steps - NOVA (full documentary). Thanks for watching. history life discovery science technology tech learning education national nature geographic earth planet channel. Documental de la productora NOVA. Capítulo 1. Becoming Human First Steps HD What caused us to split from the other great apes.
Her ginormous brreasts have already left her barely able to run, but now the 'human barbie' Lacey Wildd has revealed that she is planning a 13th brreast enlargement. Indeed, the mother-of-six from West Virginia - wants to enhance her chest to a QQQ cup size, and wants to go under the knife for her 37th operation in a bid to transform her appearance. Not only that, the 46-year-old has been on an extreme diet in a bid to slim down to a tiny size zero. Lacey, who this week showed off her curvaceous body in a tiny bikini, said: 'I feel really good but I still think I need to lose more weight. I want to go down to a size 3 or even a 0. 'I want to have the most extreme body in the world, I want to be a walking cartoon character. But I know I have to be careful.' Lacey had previously been turned down for more surgery by a doctor who told her that she would ruin her body if she made her brreasts any larger. However, she vowed to carry on until she found someone who would do the operation for her. Lacey has previously said: 'My world rotates around my b00bs. I don't get high when I have surgery. But I do get a little thrill out of thinking I’m going to wake up looking different.' Lacy originally started off with brreast enhancement surgery but soon moved on to other parts of her body. 'As I got older I got a flatter bu*tt, so I had Brazilian bu*tt lifts to give me more shape. I had three implants at $10,000 a time, so now I've got a $30,000 bu*tt,' she jokes. However her exaggerated curves mean that she finds it difficult to find clothes that actually fit her. Her young daughter Jenaveve is less enthusiastic about her mother's massive embonpoint. 'I can’t go anywhere without people swarming over her,' she complains. As for the b00bs themselves: It's disgusting,' she admits. Lacey - who has been living off a controversial diet of just an apple, lemon juice and water for the past six weeks - has previously spoken out about her desire to look like Barbie. In TLC's My Strange Addiction which filmed about her 36th surgery she said: 'I want to be an adult Barbie, like the extreme Barbie. 'I'm known as one of the most extreme plastic surgery patients in the world and I want to keep pushing the limits.' 'I'm proud to be plastic. I have spent a quarter of a million dollars to build the most extreme plastic body in the world,' she previously said. 'I'm not just obsessed with my b00bs,' she added. 'I'm obsessed with the entire look. I'm looking for the perfect body.' Lacey's 36 previous surgeries include 12 b00b jobs, liposuction, nose and chin augmentation and she's even had her bu*m made bigger. The huge weight of her chest - each brreast currently weight 21 pounds - means that she has to prop pillows underneath her while driving and she only uses the back burners on her stove in case she burns her brreasts while cooking. Music : Severe Tire Damage by Kevin MacLeod Blog : Facebook :
Scariest Drug Ever _ ACTUAL CRUELEST DRUG In Human History - National Geographic Documentary 2015 Krokodil: Russia's Deadliest Drug (NSFW) The World's Deadliest Drug: Inside a Krokodil. Scariest Drug Ever _ ACTUAL CRUELEST DRUG In Human History - National Geographic Documentary 2015 Scariest Drug Ever _ ACTUAL CRUELEST DRUG In Human History - National . Scariest Drug Ever _ ACTUAL CRUELEST DRUG In Human History - National Geographic Documentary 2015 Krokodil: Russia's Deadliest Drug (NSFW) The World's Deadli. I've uploaded this .
Prophecy of Human Extinction Full Documentary documentary national geographic history channel full documentary documentaries bbc documentary discovery channel documentary 2014 history . Proof of Vampires - Paranormal Documentary [FDC] Prophecy of Human Extinction Full Documentary documentary national geographic history channel full documentary documentaries bbc . Prophecy of Human Extinction Full Documentary documentary national geographic history channel full documentary documentaries bbc documentary discovery channe. Proof of Vampires .
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From the land of Khem
Beginning Tuesday, Chesterfield County’s central library will host a traveling exhibit on human ...
Richmond Times Dispatch 2015-03-29With the Epic as the backdrop, we see a multiplicity of paradoxes in world history, for while there ...
Dawn 2015-03-29To say humans are making a mess out of the natural world is a colossal understatement."
Buffalo News 2015-03-29What country deserves more condemnation for violating human rights than any other nation on earth?
Fox News 2015-03-29Many themes and ideologies are presented including, we "as human beings are of earth and not from earth".
The Examiner 2015-03-29At the personal level, memory is the bedrock on which identity forms itself, and on which love and human relations are based.
DNA India 2015-03-29... of high-wattage searchlights slicing through one of the darkest periods of modern human history:
South China Morning Post 2015-03-29McDonald's recently announced that it is committed to stop serving chicken raised with human antibiotics in the US.
The Times of India 2015-03-29... agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness – that form human personality.
The Independent 2015-03-29But this time, no human opinions came into play.
Lexington Herald-Leader 2015-03-29The two Baltimore men, Brown and Ely, were subsequently arrested for human trafficking.
The Inquisitr 2015-03-29And yet, Americans had also created, Lincoln believed, something unprecedented in human history, a ...
Richmond Times Dispatch 2015-03-29... the first candidate to beat an incumbent in Nigeria’s history ... That has a human and material cost."
The Daily Beast 2015-03-29The history of the world or human history is the history of humanity from the earliest times to the present, in all places on Earth, beginning with the Paleolithic Era. World history encompasses the study of written records, from ancient times forward, plus additional knowledge gained from other sources, such as archaeology. Ancient recorded history begins with the invention of writing. However, the roots of civilization reach back to the period before writing—humanity's prehistory in the Paleolithic Era, or "Early Stone Age". Later, during the Neolithic Era, or New Stone Age, came the Agricultural Revolution (between 8000 and 5000 BCE) in the Fertile Crescent, where humans first began the systematic husbandry of plants and animals. Agriculture spread until most humans lived as farmers in permanent settlements. The relative security and increased productivity provided by farming allowed these communities to expand into increasingly larger units in parallel with the evolution of ever more efficient means of transport.
Lloyd Anthony Pye (born 1946) is an American author best known for his promotion of the Starchild skull, which Pye claims is the relic skull of a human-alien hybrid.
His first book That Prosser Kid (1977), a fictional account of college football, was said to have "achieved considerable recognition" by the Continuum Encyclopedia of American Literature, but was called "lively but unoriginal" by the Boston Globe. His 1988 book Mismatch was called a "novel that ought to go on your must read list" by Deseret News.
In addition to authoring books, Pye also gives lectures and has made television appearances in support of his ideas on The Learning Channel, National Geographic Channel, Extra, Animal Planet, and Richard & Judy in the United Kingdom. Pye has stated that he believes Bigfoot exists.
In the late 1990s, Pye obtained a curiously shaped skull from a couple in El Paso, Texas that he believes is an alien-human hybrid and proof that humans are descended from extra-terrestrial beings he calls "terraformers". DNA tests show that the skull is from a human male. American clinical neurologist Steven Novella believes the skull belongs to a child who suffered from hydrocephalus.