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Severo Ochoa - La conquista de un Nobel (capítulo 1)
Severo Ochoa - La conquista de un Nobel (capítulo 2)
CE Severo Ochoa. We will rock you" con flauta dulce
347 Severo Ochoa
Severo Ochoa, homenaje de sus discípulos Santiago Grisolía y Manuel Losada Villasante (1993)
English Day 2013 - IEES Severo Ochoa
English Day 2015 - IEES Severo Ochoa
#StopLeyWert, IEES Severo Ochoa (Tánger)
Severo Ochoa de Murcia
Felicitacón Navideña 2014 del Severo Ochoa
Viaje a Marruecos 2014, IES Severo Ochoa
Reportaje del Coro Severo Ochoa en la TV marroquí.
Lip Dub CEIP Severo Ochoa 2013
Actors Jesús del Val (actor), Adolf Hitler (actor), Imanol Arias (actor), Guillermo Montesinos (actor), Daniel Guzmán (actor), Patricia Vila (miscellaneous crew), Ana Duato (actress), Sergio Cabrera (director), Sergio Cabrera (writer), Gumersindo Andrés (costume designer), Pep Cortés (actor), Emilio Oviedo (producer), Arturo Valls (actor), Juli Cantó (actor), Albert Forner (actor),
Actors Jesús del Val (actor), Adolf Hitler (actor), Imanol Arias (actor), Guillermo Montesinos (actor), Daniel Guzmán (actor), Patricia Vila (miscellaneous crew), Ana Duato (actress), Sergio Cabrera (director), Sergio Cabrera (writer), Gumersindo Andrés (costume designer), Pep Cortés (actor), Emilio Oviedo (producer), Arturo Valls (actor), Juli Cantó (actor), Albert Forner (actor),
El amor de Severo Ochoa por la investigación y la medicina empezó a temprana edad, como su amor por la que después sería su mujer, Carmen García Cobián. Desde su niñez en las playas de Luarca asistimos al periplo del científico asturiano por distintos países del mundo: el trabajo y la vida alegre en Madrid, la proclamación de la Segunda República, la Guerra Civil, el exilio de la pareja a consecuencia de la guerra, sus años en la Alemania nazi, donde Severo presenció dolorosas persecuciones a compañeros judíos, y su llegada a Nueva York, donde finalmente conseguiría el Nobel de Medicina
El amor de Severo Ochoa por la investigación y la medicina empezó a temprana edad, como su amor por la que después sería su mujer, Carmen García Cobián. Desd...
Alumnado de 4º de Educación Primaria
Las proteínas son los robots de la vida, las ejecutoras de las funciones, los sillares de nuestra construcción. Nuestro organismo las fabrica a partir de la información de los genes: los dos principios básicos de la vida. Pero ¿cómo se traduce la información en función?
Fragmentos del programa "Testigos hoy" homenaje a Severo Ochoa por entonces recientemente fallecido (2 de noviembre de 1993). Participan sus discípulos Santi...
Tangier, Morocco. Written and Directed by Ernesto G. Maleno
Los alumnos del Instituto Español Severo Ochoa de Tánger (Marruecos) en defensa de la educación.
Presentación alumnos y alumnas del Centro de Enseñanza Severo Ochoa del programa de intercambio con Dino Schools of Prague.
Video-felicitación Navideña 2014 realizada en el C.E.Pr. Doctor Severo Ochoa de Vélez Rubio (Almería).
Hermanamiento entre el IES Severo Ochoa de Granada y el IES Severo Ochoa de Tánger. Alumnos de 1º Bach. Artes Plásticas y Artes Escénicas. Imagen: José M. Vigueras. Edición: Ángela Marín. Selección musical: Isabel Arias.
En febrero de 2007 las cámaras de 2M vinieron al Instituto Severo Ochoa de Tánger para informar sobre el Coro.
video de evacuación 2009 severo ochoa.
Video-felicitación Navideña 2013 realizada en el C.E.Pr. Doctor Severo Ochoa de Vélez Rubio (Almería).
La relación entre el científico y el Instituto en el que cursó el bachillerato fue muy intensa a lo largo de toda su vida. Este documental profundiza en ella.
Ocho miembros de la plataforma de Hepatitis C se han encerrado en el Hospital Severo Ochoa solicitando el tratamiento de Sovaldi. #EncierroSeveroOchoa
Vídeo elaborado en el C.E.I.P. Severo Ochoa para participar en el concurso Repsol Racing Tour y ser aspirantes al Centro en el que se inicie la gira de Repsol Honda por distintas ciudades de España.
Huelga General 14N ( 14 de Noviembre de 2012 ) y segundo día de encierro en el Hospital Severo Ochoa. Por la defensa de la Sanidad y Educación Pública. Acomp...
Video con el que felicitamos la Navidad 2010 desde el colegio Dr. Severo Ochoa (Vélez Rubio)
Actividades extraescolares organizadas por el IEES "Severo Ochoa" de Tánger (Marruecos). Instituto perteneciente a la red de centros de titularidad del estad...
Partido muy duro e igualado entre dos grandes equipos de la III liga de futbol sala amateur de Murcia que organiza la asociacion triplepenalty
Margarita Salas fue discípula de Severo Ochoa, con quien trabajó en Estados Unidos. Con estos inicios, no es de extrañar que sea una de las científicas más destacadas de nuestro país, a pesar de que se formara en una época en la que las mujeres sufrían discriminación en las aulas y en los laboratorios. Sus investigaciones se centran en el campo de la bioquímica y la biología molecular.
Un año más, el Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, centro mixto UAM+CISC, ha rendido homenaje a su fundador con la 21ª Lección conmemorativa Severo Ochoa. El acto, celebrado el pasado 3 de noviembre en el Aula Ramón Areces CBMSO, ha contado con la participación del científico de prestigio internacional Pietro De Camilli, de la Universidad de Yale, quien ha compartido con los investigadores del centro su trabajo en Biología Molecular, que ha tenido un gran impacto en el tráfico de proteínas intracelulares, un componente vital en el funcionamiento de las células.
El Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa de Leganés, después de casi dos años de implantación, obtiene excelentes resultad...
Chercheuse française installée à Madrid, Bénédicte Desvoyes nous présente son parcours, ses travaux de recherche et les liens qu'elle continue de tisser avec...
Conferencia de Antonio García-Bellido impartida en el CBMSO el 13 de Enero de 2015 bajo el título: "Mis exploraciones científicas"
video recopilacion de los mejores momentos de el benjamin del severo ochoa en su participacion el la XVII edicion de el torneo VILLA Gijon.
Fragmento de entrevista al gran escritor Cubano, Severo Sarduy.
El CFTMAT alberga el Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT), recién galardonado con el galardón de Excelencia Severo Ochoa, y el Instituto de Física Teóri...
Vidéo introductive au Forum Arts et Métiers Entreprises 2011 [11ème édition] 30 & 31 Mars à l'institut espagnol severo ochoa [Tanger]
Bilbao, October 24th 2012 After the official establishment and constitution of the new Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience, an official public presentat...
Dr. Patrick Verstreken - Special Lecture on "Mitochondrial and synaptic disfunction in Parkinson's disease" at the FENS Forum 2014.
Roser, del Instituto Severo Ochoa de Esplugues de Llobregat nos recomienda un libro de Enid Blyton.
Juana Acosta interpreta a Carmen Díez de Rivera, consejera de Adolfo Suárez, en el Biopic dirigido por el cineasta colombiano Sergio Cabrera (La estrategia d...
soirée organisée par le Groupe Abnae Ziryab au Centre Espagnol Severo Ochoa à l'occasion de la fête du Mawlid.
El 26 y 27 de febrero se celebró la octava edición de la conferencia "Aulas Globales" en el Centro de Formación del Profesorado "Las Acacias" de Madrid. Dura...
Federico Mayor Zaragoza obtained a Ph.D. in pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1958. In 1963 he became professor of biochemistry at the Sc...
Dr. Pietro De Camilli will talk about "Cell biology of the neuron: Membrane lipid dynamics in the regulation of synaptic functiong" during FENS Forum 2014.
MADRI+D. Programa de televisión. Fecha de emisión: 23-11-2012 Duración: 03' 36'' Una semana más Madri+D y la UNED nos acercan las últimas noticias relacionad...
Guillermo Ochoa no sólo repetirá como titular este martes contra Estados Unidos sino que también portará el gafete de Capitán.
Part one of David's live interview with Moroccan 2m television about President Obama's historic June 4 speech in Cairo, "A New Beginning"
Setlist: Tierra Indígena La Mentira de Los Cielos Minutemen Tambien Es Nuestra Tierra Perro Mundo Too Punk To Be Blue Light District No a la Guerra No Sabes ...
A funny interview with anastacia xD the quality is not very good, but anas is amazing xDD.
November 2014 he was granted the prestigious Carmen y Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Research Award.
noodls 2015-03-17In the words of the Spanish Nobel Prize-winner Severo Ochoa, who has given his name to the centres ...
noodls 2014-12-16Blanco was granted with the renowned Carmen and Severo Ochoa Prize 2014 by the Carmen and Severo ...
noodls 2014-11-20... Hospital Clínic and the Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Centre (CSIC) also collaborated in the study.
noodls 2014-11-17Since 1989 the Astrophysics Institute of the Canaries (IAC), Centre of Excellence "Severo Ochoa" ...
noodls 2014-11-03Professor Luis Blanco (Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Madrid, Spain), Scientific Advisor ...
noodls 2014-10-03Severo Ochoa. Severo Ochoa was an American biochemist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and ...
noodls 2014-09-16The study has been developed by CIBERNED researchers from the Center for Molecular Biology Severo ...
noodls 2014-07-22The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), a Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence, will continue ...
noodls 2014-07-19(Source: ... ASTRONOMY 2.0 : ... The IAC, a "Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence", must be active within the social networks ... Links: ... http:
noodls 2014-07-01It is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence and a first level member of the European research ...
Business Wire 2014-07-01The relevance of his work has been recognized by many awards, including the Novartis-Drew Award for ...
noodls 2014-06-19In 1959, Severo Ochoa and Arthur Kornberg shared a Nobel Prize for the discovery of enzymes that ...
The Hindu 2014-06-17Severo Ochoa de Albornoz (Luarca, September 24, 1905 – Madrid, November 1, 1993) was a Spanish-American doctor and biochemist, and joint winner of the 1959 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Arthur Kornberg.
Severo Ochoa was born in Luarca (Asturias), Spain. His father was Severo Manuel Ochoa, a lawyer and businessman, and his mother was Carmen de Albornoz. Ochoa was the nephew of Alvaro de Albornoz (President of the Second Spanish Republic in exile, 1947–1951), and a cousin of the poet and literary poet and critic Aurora de Albornoz. His father died when Ochoa was seven, and he and his mother moved to Málaga, where he attended elementary school through high school. His interest in biology was stimulated by the publications of the Spanish neurologist and Nobel laureate Santiago Ramón y Cajal. In 1923, he went to the University of Madrid Medical School, where he hoped to work with Cajal, but Cajal retired. He studied with father Pedro Arrupe, and Juan Negrín was his teacher.
Negrín encouraged Ochoa and another student, José Valdecasas, to isolate creatinine from urine. The two students succeeded and also developed a method to measure small levels of muscle creatinine. Ochoa spent the summer of 1927 in Glasgow working with D. Noel Paton on creatine metabolism improving his English skills. During the summer he refined the assay procedure further and upon returning to Spain he and Valdecasas submitted a paper describing the work to the Journal of Biological Chemistry, where it was rapidly accepted [Ochoa, S., and Valdecasas, J. G. (1929) A micromethod for the estimation of total creatinine in muscle. J. Biol. Chem. 81: 351–357], marking the beginning of Ochoa's biochemistry career.
Virtuous Hatred
Humanity, that comfortable motherf**king lie
I see Seers selling out to it and I know why
With absolute disgust for false alternatives
Armageddon becomes affirmative
Systematic attempts to make desire and hate contrast
Protecting their indoctrinated mindless deformation-cast
Behold the massive "not-out-fault" routine
Focus your rage, in honor of the future we've seen
As hemeralopia haunts your clarity
Percieve the emptiness behind their masks
Our hematophageous existence is f**king verity
Predatory and alien to massive sums
Discard the bile of personal history
Rage against shallow explanations
Grasp the darkness beyond their mysteries
Surprice your modest expectations
Align your mind to the darkened stars
Avange the pure heart you've protected
We are many sharing your scars
By this stagnant world dissected
Alone you are and uniquely expendible
You are not the center of the charade
Thus an extraordinary league of hatred calls you forth
Truth & Consequence
[Text: T.Scorn, Music: I.Hate]
Castigating false connotations, aggrandizing humanity's craven adoration
When offered, denying the true consubstantiation,
As if infatuated with their own deterioration
"Very well, I have strayed and I have swayed, as I have cried and died, wedlocked to invincible eternal darkness, which even their gracious sun must abide!"
Spurious apparitions of asinine approbation
Bedevils today's fledglings into insane theories of unique alienation
Sequestering the advance-guard from it's inavoidable convocation
In a play where faith is heresy and religion lying veneration
Yet this scanty masquerate of splenetic canaille fear
Shall perish on a transcontinental scale when the antediluvians are here
Incarnations of immaculate clairvoyance and literal invincibility
Leviathans and valkyries of bona-fide might and virility
Sirens of the beyond begs the embrace of the traducing
Patrician immortal ancients shanghai coils of their choosing
The superabundance of hosts ensures the total overkill
The point-blank annihilation of a praimte race standing still
The black hand now adjures the Zodiac to it's cataclysmic end
A clarion-call throughout systems only the living dead can comprehend
Dominating an overcrowded plutocracy of plebescites enforced by blindness
I was embraced by the liars in wait themselves as token of pitch-black kindness
To sublimate pristine darkness in this parthenogenesis twice born
To consolidate and announce a catholic perennial dawn
To avow the convocation of these pathetic squandering nations
As an incarnation of imperishable extravagance crushing xenophopic lamentation
So come gorgeous gracious Gothic gorgons wherefore our uxorious breed engender
My zealous work-to-rule shall voraciously all thy forfeit mender
Germane with the yokels of futile hieroglyphic oppugnity
Limelight now carries incontrovertible evidence of our forensic validity
Wanton and lovelorn the whosoever yclept Utanapishtim
Torpid through humanity's zenith my kind now ravishes the Sistine
Ultimately my enemies are all marionettes all scythed and maimed
And regicide the gaunt retort of a red-blooded creature humans tried to tame
Thus the undecieved masses now bewail the ignorance they lost
While undetected allies mainain the withering charade at all costs
Unprecedented world-scenario preconscieved by scornfull sighs
The Legion Of Vengeance
[Text: T.Scorn, Music: I.Hate]
A passed sacrifice unknown to the living - All these kingdoms sacked
Goals justifying means - Vengeance on banners black
Preachers of truth - Teachers of practicality
Representatives of inhumanity - Symbols of moral insanity
Children of lies - Fathering the irrefutable
Children that died - As aliens to the incurable
The most ancient lineage - The clarity of boiling blood
Of all genders and races - Behold the legion rise from the mud
A force unknown yet feared by the living - An intellectual fascist pact
All The Limpid Lies Are Tattered, Let This Betoken A Passed Ordeal
In Bereavement Of Immemorial Falsehood, Our Heinous Breed Is Revealed
Every Feasibility Of Hiding Vanquished, Wheedling And Detraction Exposed
As I Heaved These Shackles Of Mine, Then Cured The Ailment Of All Times
In Chimerical Fraternization, In Lewd Horrendous Crimes
They Ordain The Chronic Miserliness, Shibboleths Of Pure Rhymes
Seen As An Impious Urchin, I Shalt Never Be Lionized
Displaying The Cleavage Of Benignity, Premier In The Ordinal Of Lies
Lingering Immolation
Elucidation Of Complete Void
Arterial Dissimmolation
All In Modesty Foiled
Clandestine Yet Flagrant, Man Locked In Gullability
Earthbound. Universal, The Thought Killed In Conformity
The Preminitions Are Grizzled, In Luscious Hope Forlorn
In Vagrancy Voluminous, All Truth Becomes Torn
Defending The Presbytery Of Devolution, Militating For A Cause
Icebound In Shining Fiction, A Path Of Endless Loss
A Maligner They Made Me, Opprobrious They Remain
Yet I Have Their Jewel Shattered, Hence It Is All The Same
Though Still I Dream...
Lingering Desecration
Upon All I Wish In The End
Genocidal Annihilation
Invinsible Hatred I Beg Thee Not To Let Me Free
I Wish To Lose Myself In Thy Darkness
This Cursed Sorrow Which Lives On In Me
Shall Be Hidden Within Thy Sarcasms
Let Me Walk The Earth And Trample All It's Life
Let Me Be The Last Being Watching All Die
Standing Proud In A Life Of Contradictions
As I Laugh While I Wish To Cry
By My Own Words I Am Forsakened
Sinking In Unbroken Patterns Of Rejection
Circling Down To A State Of Hate
So Pure And True That All Else Fades
No Mistakes Made For I Cannot Regret
Still A Lie It Would Be To Say I Am Content
I Became Truly Evil When All Hope Left
And The Present Condition Makes Rage Suit Me Best
On A Journey Away From Light And Warmth
I Desire To Kill All The Rest
I Show No Weakness And I Have None
Yet I Wonder What I Gain
I Reject The World On Principle
And Let My Nihilism Reign
I Crave None And Give The Same
I Spit On All Which Have A Name
I Blame None But Hate Them All
Convince Me Wrong Then Convince A Wall
For I Have No Soul Or Purpose
Long I Searched What The Claim To See, And The Beauty Derived Thereof
Asking Why I Felt Like A Menace, To Them - Who Everything Solved
My Differences Seemed Racial, Though Ancestors I Then Lacked
Until The Orchard Of Mind Opened, And I Stood Completely Aback
Empty And Enlightened, I Drank Of The Miracles
Torn In The Metaphysical, The Void Became A Creed
As I Lost All The Addictions, And Triumphed In Deterministic Rule
Propounding World Perversion, In The Eyes Of The Herd
No Purity, Except A Tidal Hatred
No Sorrow, Though An Ego Degraded
And Love... I Miss This False Heaven
Let It Embrace, No Meaning Of Life
Never Repent, No Meaning In Lies
Faith Signed With Crossbones
Ecstacy... All Meaning Dies!
Insanity, If I By Thee Could Be Characterized
But My Laugh Is Not That Of A Madman
It Is The Fall Of One To Wise
Darkness, If Thee Were To Be My Palfray
But With Fiction Even Evil Died
Hence I Quashed My Last Hospice
This Is The Creed Trancending All Minds, The End Of Malformed Tales
Wastelands Of Cold, The Deathlike Beauty
Memories Stained By The Tainted Blood
An Urge To There On The Hillside Gather
A Warmass On Our Ancestral Grounds
Then Forge Revenge On Those Who Made The Tale Come True
Cremate Them On Their Own Fires
Judge Them To Fall From This Earth
Under The Weight Of Our Steel
Let The Altar Crumble By The Winternight
And The Icon Burn By Our Hate
Let The Gate Be Crushed And Vengeance Dance
Like The Blood That Shall Cover The Earth
They Came With Words Of Light
Our Reply Sung Out By Axe
Singing Their Pestful Songs
While Life Spills Out Before Them
Ancestral Souls Among Us Gather
Those Who Watched The Lake Before The Cross
Through Mountains And Pinewoods Tales Behold
Of The Sin That Sank The North
Bringing Us Strength To Kill
And Laugh While The Sword Cuts Deep
Their Tears Will Never Quench
The Firefull Hate Beyond Their Grace
For When Sorrow Forces Its Dreadful Stake
Through The Heart Of The Spoiled Soul
The Dead Will Never Find Their Peace
And Souls Again Turn Black
Their Lies Fall From Time
In A Plague With Countless Fallen
Even If They Fear Us With Their Lives
They Sealed Their Own Death
We Rally Our Banner In The Wind
Legioneers To Bring Time To An End
May It Be That We Are The Sin
But Our Call We Shall Follow
The Darkened Blade Through The Heart Of Light
We The Faithless Tyrants
Covenants Of An Eternal War
As I Behold The Most Frozen Landscape And Await The Dusk To Pass
I Call Upon A Second Age Where Death And Winters Last
By Fire By Ice And By Dark Rage We Will The World Into Eternity Cast
By Mountains White Under The Moon By The Valleys Yet Unpassed
I Swear Myself The Emperor Of The Most Dark Of Paths
As I Await The Night To Cloak The World Suddenly I Can Speak The Tongue Of Souls Unheard
There By The Falling Sun I Am Granted Wisdoms Known To None
My Tears Have Made My Armor Impenetrateble They Have Stained
My Path Is Of Darkness In My Sight Pure Hatred Reigns
Dark But Yet Enlightened Evil And Yet Just
Walking The Land Of Lunar Lights Calm I Enter This Violent Might
Convoking Spiritual Oneness With Snow And The Fallen Foe
Above And Before I Stood There Glancing Where Shadows Of Fires To Come Were Dancing
And I Saw Through These Glimmering Views Of Snow And Frozen Stone
A Crack From The Skies To Earth's Foundations Then Opened My Brothers' Gate
The Time Has Come To Rise The Banners The Time Is Now To Charge
I Shall Stand Where I Should Fall I Shall Charge Where I Should Flee
I Shall Laugh Where I Should Cry And Hate Where I Should Love
Prepared And Stout I Now Await The Final Dawn
Releasing All I Have Worn And Gathered Feeding My Own Flames
In The Legion I Shall Come Forth Among Countless Dark Names
A Revenge With No Message A Slaughter Before Unseen
As I Behold The Most Frozen Landscape And Await The Dusk To Pass
I Call Upon A Second Age Where Death And Winters Last
By Fire By Ice And By Dark Rage We Will The World Into Eternity Cast
By Mountains White Under The Moon By The Valleys Yet Unpassed
I Swear Myself The Emperor Of The Most Dark Of Paths
As I Await The Night To Cloak The World Suddenly I Can Speak The Tongue Of Souls Unheard
Above And Before I Stood There Glancing Where Shadows Of Fires To Come Were Dancing
And I Saw Through These Glimmering Views Of Snow And Frozen Stone
A Crack From The Skies To Earth's Foundations Then Opened My Brothers' Gate
When Our Kind Has Returned To The Valleys
When Northern Lights Fill The Skies
When The Domain Of Darkness Rises
Then All Else Shall Die
From The Frozen Realms We Shall Arise
Marching Down From The Permafrost
Turning Our Swords Towards The Shining
Until All Light Is Lost
Barbarians From The Land Of Snow And Ice
Shall Pilage And Prophane The Bright Paradise
Riding Proud On Slaughter
Of Battlehorns Forseen
Unionship Of Zavorash
Universals Of The North
Adverseries Of The Weak Ones
Through Whirling Storms We Roar
The Sons Of Thunders Time Shall Come
A World In Fear Bow For Them
Before Sent To Kingdom Come
We All Their Lifes Condemn
"And Then Came The Blast
Turbulent Destruction Icicled
Oh, How We Laughed
Majestic was This Revelation
Deadly Pact, Funeral Eternal
We Were Swords In This War
We Beheld Death And Shivered With Lust
We Were The Ones Who Turned The World To Dust"
Feel Spiritual Forces
Lurking The Woods Under Eons Of Stars
Breathe The Winds On The Mountains
And Let Thy Visions Fly Far
For Alone They Are Mighty
Together All Else Falls
Enstranged By Dark Fountains
In Which Milleniums Call
For Strong Unswerwing Riders
Glowing Spots In The Night Of Light
And For Swords To Be Unsheated
When The Time Is Right.
During Times To Elderly To Be Thought Of, Thirsting I Was So I Drank The Eons Wine
Instantly Was I Forlorn In Divine Wisdom, My Grave Was Now Made Centuries Ago
Forgotten Was I Now Long Before My Birth, Without Regret I Opened The Gates To Earth
Amongst The Stones And Dust Of Battles Lost, I Hunted And Laughed For God I Now Was
Though Lost Was I Once Before Reality Was Brought Asunder
Dead Was I Once During Times When Lost Were The Poisen Wine
But In Strength I Arose And Devoured The Universe
And Became My Own Precious Lord And Slave
So Rightly I Call Myself The Powered Very Essence
"By Which Their Pestilent Prayers Are Formed
Life Did Once Teach Me The Most Horrid Of Lessons
Though Still, They Fail To Grasp, I Am Not Horned
But As All Gods Should I Be Adorned!"
I Represent The Denied And Dead Universal Error
In Close Parallels I Mock The Worshipped Truth
My Shining Aura Is That Of A Great Emperor
And In My Chronicles There Is No Sign Of Truce
My Names Are Many, Forever I Am Known
An Angel, Savior, Whore Or Ruler
As I Dance Through The Crippled Walls Of Moral
And Damn Only Those Who Speak The Truth
I Am Rationalisms' Very Foundation, Still Insanity Is My God-given Name
Truth Is For Me Monumental, Still Through Illusions I Reign
The Paradox Of My Hybris Is Striking, As I Demand To Be King Of Existence
As I Rape And Torture In Blackest Hate, "Mankind, How I Love Thy Contradictive Faith"
Yet, But A Humble Slave To The Present Word I Am
Yet, I Kneel On The Cold Deaf Stone
Though We All Have Errors, Only Others We Scorn
For I Am I Creature Of Honor
And I Have My Precious Soul
The Future Shalt Reap My Crimes
"Made Real By A Horde Of Ruling Sheep
With Evil In Eye They Arise At Night
Spreading Wings Over Moonshine Skies
When They Ascend With Winds To Flight
Then It Is Time For The Darkened Tide To Arrive
Desecrated Domains Dying Beneath
Delighted They Spread Death To Acheve
A Kingdom Of Bones And Frozen Eyes
Ravished Souls Still Tortured In Ice
The Vision Is Black With Spots Of Red
The Goal Is Death And Sorrow To Dwell
And Fear To Strike The Pethetic Breed
Complete Evil Is What They Acheve
They Will Bring The Divine Sons Head On A Pole
Then Multiply The Nails In His Father
Then In Mystical Rites Cry
And Spread Their Shadows Of Murder
I Great Them Also To Give Me Wings
They Need Not Seek To Take My Heart
Heel To Heel We Will Rise In The Winds
To Fly With Glowing Eyes
And Crush The Foundations Of Light We See
Them As Plague Us As Remedy
We Are Streams Of Bloodlust Coming Down
Soon To Become A River
The Legion Great Them As Allies
The World Great Them As Death
Blessed By Evil Before The Start Of Time
And They Still Rule The Astral Worlds
Devestated Dying Lands Beneath
Is Not Enough To Their Lust Apeace
Thee Might Have Hid In The Light Till Now
Now None Shall Save In The Darkened Tide
Erased Empires Stand Witness
Again Their Offspring Shall Fall
Never The Subject Of Forgivness
So Laughed At By My Horde
Several Melliniums Passed Blindly
Behold Now A Dark Dawn
Where None Shall Save
Mesmerizing Whirling Fires In The Night
Through Which Visions Of Splendid Nature Is Brought To Sight
A World Of Foul Worms Crumbling In Their Filth
Burning Themselves Blindly To The Final Hilt
I Will Always Remember The Time I Understood
That They In Ignorance Spit On Me Would
For As Long As I Still Held On To Myself
Till Death For I Shall Not Break For Anything Else
Feeling The Weakness From Which They Flee
Knowing Their Fears I Know All Their Dreams
A Child Not Grasping The Meaning Of Mortality
Every Being Of Flesh Turns Out To Be
Ruled By Ignorantly Ethical Primates
My Struggle Will Forever Be A Stillmate
Without Pride In A World Not Knowing The Meaning Of The Word
I Am Forever The Bringer Of A Simple Truth Unheard
Mezmerising Stars Eternities Away
Listening To The Silent Symphonies Of The Night
Standing Alone Yet Never Lonely
Longing For Death Still Celebrating Life
Dark I Am In The Eyes Of Others
How Does The Blind Make Differance
Talking Monkeys Scorning All Truth In Fear
I Could Join Them But I Will Never Be Near
Borned And Taught By My Kind
I Learned Their Aims And Goals
Now To Be Scorned And Looked Down On
For Their Lies I Disobeyed
Disrupting Their Garded Patterns
They Fear I Will Break Their Circles
And Disseminate Clearness
The Weak Fear My Mind
So Then Hear My Oath Thou Of My Kind
Of Hatred Scorn And Disrespect
Behold My Affront To Thy Hierarchies
Be Certain I Shall Betray Thee
I Abdicate All Unity
With The Rulers Of This World
For Better Is The Animal
We Ride The Cyclone Of Ages, Me And My Ravenous Breed
Forlorn Shalt Be Our Fathers, When We Have Reaped Our Seed
Captured The Truth In Nothing, Denied The Moral Of Man
Turned To The Meaningless Purity, Where Hatred Is Void We Stand
Denied, Put Down By Billions, Still It Is Fullfilled
These Visions Rule Humanity, Denial Giving Nil
The Final Solutions' Virtue, The Final Gift To All
Behold The Complete Genocide, Undiscriminating And Cold
Scorn, Revered Nihilistic Covenant, Guide Us To Our Reign
Malice, Fullfilled Fascism, Kill In Every Gods Name
Hidden Among Thee, We Hunt The Debris Of Man
And We Behold With Pleasure, Thy Sacred Pillars Turn To Sand
Our Dominions Infested, With Light And Its Pestilent Breed
Though Cleansed Shalt Be This Empire, Freedom Of Loneliness Acheved
Cardinal Hatred, I Am Thine, Cradle Of Atrocities, Thou Art Mine
Blessed With Eternal Nothingness, The Void Is My Guide And Sign
In Odium Veritas, The Circle Of Wisdom Complete
Veritas Odium Parit, And It Grows Still
Isolation Icon & The Blackguard
I unmasked my genesis, this given inbound patricide
While clairvoyance killed the super-ego and this all meaning died.
I beheld a million brainchildren murdered on the illiberal pyre
And an implacable pandemonium of a prodigious wobbling hive
Draped in abounding droning shapes
Gifted a bluebottle fleece
Hymns scribbled in a spidery hand
Caught shifting in the breeze
As a rabis tragedian, accosting this imbecile morale
While impeaching their cerulean innocence my laceration of faith prevailed.
Debonairity instantly gifted,
I now fail to bewail their fall,
as I sneer at their febrile fear and halter their moribound call.
Patron of Misanthropy
Avatar of sanity
A bulwark in heathen lands
Blasted flawless by the sand
Embellished by its drudges and moldering sanctimony survives
Through incessant mystical obese which the samblance of truth denies.
Self-abnegation resounding and abjected to a gallantry-show,
Of needless flimsy threats - This the humans of Earth bestow.
Tracing lines with mounting glee
Flashed a web-cracked smile
Eldritch turns of father time
Concoction of mead and bile
Boundless preternatural wrangling and baspattering
profound, in quile and iconolatry and gormless mass
is bound. Fragmentation of the perceptive and in the
nebulous enwrapped, signing the great necrology - By
odius gibber entrapped.
Widower of a numbing host
Communal vestigial bride
Litaire of immaculate zeal
Reinforce the "I"
In the maelstrom still imploring in coltish laboured
need, the headsmen of heterogeneity are a gasping noxious
breed. Dissimulating the plausible,
nugatory accolade of disillusion,
with eveningsongs of undiluted clemency drabbled in pure confusion.
Patron of misanthropy
Avatar of sanity
A bulwark in heathen lands
Blasted flawless by the sand
Above this quaint opulence,
this risible neurathenia of man,
I cachinate as a blackguard,
travelling these dying lands.
In the ablart of lamentation lupine I walk in knavery,
mordacious with an eerie truth - A rampant obfuscating novelty.
Patron of misanthropy
Avatar of prophanity
The bulwark of these heathen lands
Bluescreen / The Enemy
Life is beautiful, life is fine,
Your goals are worthwhile, so are mine"
Don't worry, there is a God,
Just follow, and always nod.
Good people always come through in the end,
And morality, is our best friend"
Follow your leaders, watch TV,
We'll all one day be free"
And don't listen to angry intellectuals,
They're all latent homosexuals"
And don't be tempted by the beast inside,
This son of the devil you must always hide"
And don't do drugs, they'll make you die,
Only through prayer can you to heaven fly"
Love thy neighbour, turn thy cheek,
For remember that the lonely are weak"
And know that sarcasm comes from fear,
Hiding nothing but frightened tears"
And that everyone who attacks the system are liars,
They're all primitive savages with morbid desires"
If you see someone wearing black with long hair and studs,
You know he's up to no good - ashamed of our divine blood"
And if you see someone defiling our holy word,
You should crusade against him for the sake (of the herd")
(The only happiness lies in fraternity"
World Dominion
[Text: T.Scorn, Music: Nil]
The masses of sleepers fear it in part on account of these historical examples
However in truth they most loath it in vain pride of these societal simples
The awakening is labeled the grinding of the edicational revolution
While those too far ahead now wait in boredom and seclusion
In turn we do possess time in ways unbestowed upon the primate races
We have the system to perfect our visions despite the enemies it faces
We are dead and we are shallow but in this age even their "god" loves us more
As those of the beyond always found this human rabble a total bore
Therefor, childer and wanna-bes, represent our civilization with pride
Now that even those that scorned us knows from whence their power is derived
For darkness stole all the wisdom from those who still cling to lore
Naming itself as craven as a means to win a greater war
"Yet know this humans of each pointless nation, the ancient covenant lies shattered as the deceitful prism before it, and each minute that passses means further withering of my kind's patience.
For upon being reborn we slowly do begin to remember the superior pleasures that truly is our birthright...
We see ourselves reduced to deveitful equality at the gain of lessers who'd hate us even if embraced - in the end merely another reason why this civilization might just be defaced..."
Failing to retort to our appreciate my wasted visions, I left humanity behind.
The Disciple Of David
[Music: Nil, Backing Vocals: I. Hate, Lyrics: Totalscorn]
"How many heroes died today?
One religious insanity after the other..."
And the elite beholds, keeping it's cool (keep your cool)
Waiting for Goliath to stumble more, exposing further fatal wounds
Subversion by diversion, beneath many different masks
Read into these dark storms, understand Our unholy task
Commit yourself to mayhem, fight for our dawn
Sign the covenant of discipline, these repined pigs must not be warned
Let thorns of void guide you, let your immortal blood freeze
Let yourself become as an emperor, never accept this peace
Pay respect to creatures like you, rape and loath the rest
For even radio-played neurotics are building our armies in the west
"The greatest tide since long before the invention of the wheel
Shall arise in secret from these crumbling towers of steel
And at the turn of the next century you will thank these students of lies
For showing us all the essence of what every bible-idiot denies..."
The time is now, the knell is in the air, a David of the future on the rise
Protected by discipline severe, vermin of gods seeking him with bloodshot eyes
We will show you the way, don't be afraid and don't fall prey
We will show you the way, don't be afraid and don't fall prey
The ship is sinking, it's dying time
Don't love her from a distance 'cause it's so fucking bound to fail
Regardless of other victories of vision through pills and
taps and nails
Grasping that one chance that truly never returns
Will save you fro the eternal punishment that inside burns
Do not hesitate to reject friends image nor path
I swear to you she's worth it even if it doesn't last
Do this when the moment sings or do it all in vain
For your love so quickly gets corrupted into insane
This is a message of immaculate relevance
To you wallowing in your youthfull ignorance
This ain't no lyrics but a manual for success
For you to win where I lost but it's not a fucking test
Never play the sign-game 'cause its inventor's want you dead
Don't make her a symbol (of anything) for at this point her
love has fled
Never mess her virtues onto others 'cause you're most likely right
Though when you do stand by her die, live, or fight
This ain't poetry but wisdoms dispensed beyond whims of redemption
This ain't music but a glimpse of the power of nihilistic ascension
Behold and loath my lack of envy and the freedoms and powers of
perpetual death
Still only a fool sacrifice that sort of love for the rest is
but a loveless quest
If you fail, missing your moment, like yours truly once truly did
It won't matter what you do or to what fake dieties you bid
Your life won't be life anymore than my death isn't death
Know, then, there's only one and you'll just use all the rest
Finally, whatever happens
The Conjuration Of The Dead God
[Text:?, Music: I.Hate]
May Nammtar open my eyes that I may see their lies
May Nammtar open my ears that I may hear her call
May Nammtar open my nose that I may sense his approach
May Nammtar open my mouth that my voice will be heard to the far reaches of the Earth
May Nammtar strengthen my right hand that I shall be strong, to keep the dead Zonei under my power, under my very power.
I conjure thee, o ancestor of the gods!
I summon thee, creature of darkness by the works of darkness!
I summon thee, creature of hatred by the words of hatred!
I summon thee, creature of wastes, by the rites of waste!
I summon thee, creature of pain, by the words of pain!
I summon and call thee forth from thy abode in darkness!
I evoke thee from the thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
I summon thine eyes to behold the brightness of my wand which is full of the fire of life!
I conjurse thee, o ancestor of gods!
I summon thee, creature of darkness, by the works of darkness!
I summon thee, creature of hatred by the words of hatred!
I summon thee, creature of wastes, by the rites of waste!
I summon thee, creature of pain, by the words of pain!
By the four square pillars of Earth that support the sky,
May they stand fast against those who desire to harm me!
I evoke thee from thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
I summon thee and thine ears to hear the word that is never spoken, except by they father, the eldest of all who know age
The word that binds and commands is my word!
Ia! Ia! Ia! Nngi banna barra ia! Iarrugishgarragnarab!
I conjure thee, o ancestor of the gods!
I summon thee, creature of darkness by the works of darkness!
I summon thee, creature of hatred by the words of hatred!
I summon thee, creature of wastes, by the rites of waste!
I summon thee, creature of pain, by the words of pain!
I summon and call thee forth from thy abode in darkness!
I evoke thee from the thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
May the dead rise!
[Music: Nil, Backing Vocals: I. Hate, Lyrics: Totalscorn]
The path of final war embarked upon, brother versus brother, love is forlorn,
Life laid waste, all crawling for the swords, commeth storms, times of no remorse,
I am the bearer of true darkness, behold what this sign enshrines,
Prophet of pure genocide, embattled, this age is mine.
Ye have spoken in my ears in fearsome words, oh, ye have threatened and cried in vain,
Thy fate my servant, death my fame, the one voice known to graves,
All calls forlorn and rotten, shredd by my immortal grinn,
Enemies, debris, all to be laid down, foundation's prison shaking, crumbling.
Rules so adored will not keep me still, emperor, within thy madness,
Behold the Everything, dust as I have passed, embrace me, thy brother, as hatred reach for thy heart,
As the world weeps I grow stronger, all this death is my gain,
Every life that goes under, goes under my name.
Falsehood of hope proven, the dark one, the fiction fears thee need,
Hope has failed, these is only me, so eat my wisdom apple, then drink my poison wine,
Get drunk from scornful laughter, still, death comes to all in time,
Saw beyond the void of everything, my reflection greets me there.
Only there none fear me, none, only those I fear,
The thorns in my heart familiar, I drove them in there,
Behold me, for I am thy prophet, fate of life, man's nature,